The Weekly Blade
New Whatcom, Washington

Tuesday, April 14, 1897:

Report of Secretary of Old Settlers' Association
    Meeting at Birch Bay, August 8, 1896, was called to order by the president and secretary. The temporary organization was made permanent by the election of the following officers for the ensuing year: Byron KINGSLEY, president; John MATZ, vice president; J. L. LIKINS, secretary; Frank BRONSON, treasurer. Directors: F. M. SEVIER, R. L. KLINE, P. D. HARKNESS, S. C. TRACEY.
    The following resolutions were adopted:
1st. That the association be incorporated under the name of the Old Settlers' Association of Whatcom County.
2nd. That all persons having resided in the county for 10 years and over be entitled to membership on the payment of 50 cents to the treasurer of the association.
3rd. That the dues be fixed at 50 cents per annum and the membership fee paid at the first meeting be all the dues required for one year from August 8, 1896 to August 8, 1897.
    The following named persons contributed to the association and all those having resided in the county in the required time are entitled to membership:
Byron KINGSLEY - 50c
John MATZ - 50c
J. L. LIKINS - 50c
S. C. TRACEY - 50c
Frank BRONSON - 50c
F. M. SEVIER - 50c
P. D. HARKNESS - 50c
N. W. PRATT - 50c
M. T. GEE - 50c
J. N. LINDSEY - 50c
M. H. UPSON - 50c
J. H. STENGER - 50c
R. B. ROBERTS - 50c
C. S. KOLE - 50c
E. H. BRUNS - 50c
Harrison COWDEN - 50c
Robt. KNOX - 50c
J. E. LOVEALL - 50c
G. C. BROWN - 50c
F. E. SELANE - 50c
A. E. MEAD - 50c
A. C. BUSWELL - 50c
S. P. HUGHES - 50c
P. C. JAMES - 50c
M. DUKES - 50c
H. P. WYNN - 50c
L. HICKS - 50c
J. Y. COLLINS - 50c
P. R. WOODWARD - 50c
J. F. TARTE - 50c
C. T. MOORE - 50c
Alex VAN WYCK - 50c
Mr. EDDY - 50c
J. H. SARGENT - 50c
Sam BARRETT - 50c
Robt. SHIELDS - 50c
H. A. SMITH - 50c
Jas. MILHOLLIN - 50c
T. G. NICKLIN - 50c
C. M. LOGSDON - 50c
F. H. RICHARDS - 50c
Thos. H. EDWARDS - 50c
H. SHIELDS - 50c
J. SLATER - 50c
G. O. McHEFFY - 50c
H. J. REMETZ - 50c
J. H. KNITER - 25c
C. W. MATTHEWS - 50c
Geo. W. FAIRHURST - 50c
Jay PIERCEY - 50c
W. F. ROEHL - 50c
C. F. NOLTE - 50c
A. Y. SEELEY - 50c
Geo. HUNT - $1.00
Jacob MATZ - 50c
Thos. H. WHITE - 50c
S. H. HORTON - 50c
J. C. EVANS - 50c
F. A. BRUNS - 50c
J. B. WILSON - 50c
W. J. MALLOY - 50c
    Total $31.60. Amount collected from persons not named and not entitled to membership, $6.15; amount collected from platform, dancing and lunch stands, $47.35; clams sold to STENGER, $1.00; amount paid for membership fees, $31.60; total $86.10.

Ferndale News
-Born - March 29, to Mr. and Mrs. KRATZENBERG, a daughter.
-Mrs. ROLAND left Tuesday with her children for Edmonds, where her husband is at work. The family will reside there.


Tuesday, May 11, 1897:

Capt. W. L. MATTHEWS, who has been a resident of this county for the past 11 years, died at the home of M. A. PUARIEA at Licking last Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Deceased had been suffering from jaundice for some weeks and finally succumbed at the age of 67 years. The remains were brought to this city and placed in charge of Undertaker BRACKETT from whose place the funeral was held this afternoon at 2:30, under the auspices of J. B. Steadman post, G. A. R., of which the deceased was a member. He was a war veteran and served in Company E of the 120th Indiana volunteer infantry for three years; he also served for a time with and Indiana battery of artillery. Those who knew him best claim that he was also a soldier in the Mexican war. He leaves a widow and three daughters residing in California. When he first came to this county he built and operated for a time two steamboats, the Nooksack and the Mabel. The Nooksack sank shortly after she was built, and later on he sold the Mabel to Capt. SWIFT. He owned property in Oregon and California, and also at Marietta in this county.

Mrs. A. E. BUTLER of Vancouver, daughter of Mrs. Ella FOLSOM of this city, arrived here on a visit to her mother last Friday noon. At five o'clock of the same day that she arrived a little daughter was born to her. The little lady tips the scales at 8 pounds and is a lively little bit of femininity.

Miss Anna BURTON, who has been the efficient clerk of the city schools for the past year, is a candidate for re-election to that office. Miss BURTON has given the best of satisfaction to the school board, the teachers and the patrons of the schools and will undoubtedly be re-elected - and she should be.

The funeral of E. H. BRANIN, who died from tubercular peritonitis at the home of his brother last Saturday evening, took place yesterday from the residence on Williams street under the auspices of the Royal Arcanum of which the deceased was a member in good standing, holding a policy of $3,000. Rev. Mark JUKES conducted the service, assisted by a choir composed of the following persons: Miss Marion MOORE, Mrs. W. A. F. GREENE, Cecil BACON, Walter KELLOGG and Fred JUKES. F. W. GRAHAM, A. W. CLOTHIER, D. Daun EGAN, A. MANSFIELD, J. M. EDSON and S. B. IRISH, members of the Royal Arcanum, were the pall bearers. The casket was covered with floral designs of all descriptions, the gifts of loving friends. The remains followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives was taken by street railway to Bay View cemetery for interment. The B. B. I. Co.'s office was closed to allow the employees to attend the funeral. Friends from all points in the county came in to pay their last respects to the dead, who in life was beloved by all. E. H. BRANIN was born in Benton county, Iowa, 39 years ago. He resided in this city for some time and was Great Northern agent here and at Custer and later he engaged in the mercantile business at Custer. He leaves a widow and two children and brother, A. BRANIN, assistant superintendent of the B. B. & B. C. railroad.

Tuesday, May 18, 1897:

Fred CUDWORTH, the 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. CUDWORTH, died Sunday night at 8 o'clock from pachymenengitis, from which he has been suffering for the past three weeks. The funeral services were held at 2 o'clock today. Fred was a powerful boy, very vigorous, active and proficient in athletic sports. He was very popular among the young folks of the city and his death will be sincerely mourned by hosts of friends.

S. A. WALKER died Sunday night, at the home of his sister on Lummi island, of complication of intestinal disorders from which he has suffered for the past four years. He came to Lummi only last February from Fairmount, Minnesota. Mr. WALKER was a firm believer in Christian science, and refused to consult a physician even when growing worse and worse under the Christian scientist's treatment. He was buried at 2 o'clock today.

The little daughter of X. C. PETERSON died at the home of her parents Sunday evening of tubercular meningitis. She had been sick for the past two weeks and no hope had ever been entertained by the physicians for her recovery, as the disease always proves fatal. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock today.


Tuesday, June 2, 1897:

Jasper NESSELROAD is steadily improving. The physicians still refuse to allow any one to see him. Nurse Annie GRAHAM was asked whether or not he had passed the danger line, but she would not answer directly, although it is generally understood that his recovery is assured.

Mrs. M. F. LYSLE left on the George E. Starr last evening for Seattle in response to a telegram announcing that her cousin, Miss Belle McELWAINE, is dying at her home at 220 Marion street, Seattle.

John FRYBERG, residing on North Elk street, an employe of the Cornwall mill, had two fingers of his left hand pinched off yesterday by heavy timbers. Dr. AXTELL dressed the wound.

Jacob CROW, employed as log loader at the Blue Canyon bunkers at the lake, had two fingers of his left hand pinched off this morning while coupling cars.

Mrs. T. B. SWEARINGEN and daughter, Mabel, left Sunday for Turro, Iowa, where they will visit relatives, Mrs. SWEARINGEN's two sons.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2003


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