The Weekly Blade
New Whatcom, Washington

Thursday, October 31, 1895:

Frank BLOOM of Lynden accidentally shot himself yesterday morning while trying to swab out a loaded shot gun; the load of bird shot as well as the ramrod went through his right hand mutilating the thumb and the tips of the little and third fingers, necessitating amputation. The hand was otherwise badly torn and cut. Dr. CROSS, assisted by Dr. AXTELL, dressed the injured members, which was a difficult job as the flesh was full of splinters from the ramrod. Mr. BLOOM was obliged to ride to town, a distance of sixteen miles, and was nearly exhausted when he reached here.

Thomas LEWIS, who was injured in the HEACOCK mill explosion Saturday, is recovering rapidly at his home on D and Twentieth streets in this city. His left shoulder and breast are severely cut. LINDLEY is resting comfortably at his home on Harris avenue and Thirteenth street, Fairhaven, and both will recover without permanent injury.

The Blade Publishing Co. has filed articles of incorporation with a capital stock of $10,000, naming as trustees Frank C. TECK, H. M. HUG, W. C. BROWN, Medill CONNELL and S. E. MULLIN. The steadfast intention of the company to make the Blade the leading paper of the northwest is the keystone of the structure, and the hearty co-operation and support of the people already identified with the life of the paper, the liberal recognition and endorsement of Pacific coast newspapers, and the assurance that the public - the critic of all such enterprises is confident that the spirit of rectitude, truth, reliability, fearlessness and progress is uppermost in the evolutions of the Blade, leave no clouds of doubt hovering athwart the horizon of the brightening future.

Miss Nellie JAMESON was married yesterday to Henry W. MILES, at Eldorado, Arkansas. Miss JAMESON is the daughter of Dr. M. L. JAMESON, formerly of this city. A number of the friends of the family in this city have received cards announcing the glad event. Dr. JAMESON and family have resided at Eldorado for several months and the doctor's health is very much improved.

Wayside Notes.
There are few farms in Whatcom county that give as much evidence of steady industry as the Meadowbrook farm, four miles from Laurel. Judge W. H. HARRIS is the present owner and manager of the property which comprises 200 acres of very good land. There are about seventy acres under cultivation, exclusive of about thirty-five acres of pasture. Fifty acres have already been plowed this fall, and fifteen acres more seeded with timothy, which will increase the acreage of hay to thirty next season. Small fruits will be set out this fall and winter on five acres additional, prepared for that purpose, and the orchard will be extended next spring by the addition of ten acres of young trees. Next year Meadowbrook farm will have forty acres of barley, and will produce an unusual supply of vegetables if will and weather permit. The HARRIS fruit dryer is the only one in that portion of Whatcom county. It has a capacity of two tons per day and has dried between thirty and forty tons of fruit this season. This dried fruit finds an eager market here in the city and is pronounced superior to any imported fruit. A hundred empty boxes for dried fruit were taken out to the farm this week to be filled.

D. C. SISSON of Ferndale was in the city yesterday on a business trip.

Hon. Michael ANDERSON of Lawrence has been in the city for a few days on a business visit.

Miss Bertha TAGGART of Belfast came up yesterday to visit Miss Gem KELLOGG for a few days.

Arthur MORTON of Seattle is in the city representing SCHWABACHER Bros.' hardware store.

C. F. EVANS of Blaine is in the city on his way to Everett, where he expects to go into business.

Mrs. S. L. JONES left yesterday for Enterprise, where she will spend a few days visiting her parents.

Arthur BURNS, a large owner of New Whatcom property is in the city from Seattle, where he now resides.

KENNECKER & LEACH are constructing a fish market opposite the Oakland block.

George C. CURTIS of Lynden has been in the city during the week on a shopping expedition.

W. E. SEIGFRED is temporary foreman of the Reveille, Foreman T. W. LOWE having gone to his Jefferson county ranch for a ten days' absence.

Workmen are engaged in clearing the lots on Prospect street opposite the city hall; Edward FISCHER, the owner, is making preparations to erect a brick block on them this coming spring.

Miss Maggie KNOX returned this morning from Seattle where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. BARR, who accompanied Miss KNOX here this morning to return the visit.

Standlish (sic) S. BUNGELOH of Rockford, Ill., and Hannah COOK of Sedro, were married yesterday by Rev. Donald ROSS at the home of the bride's parents at Sedro.

Chas. BORNSTEIN, who is the father of four handsome boys is overcome with joy owing to a change in the program which took place this morning, when his wife presented him with an 8-pound daughter - a queen, Charlies says, to match his four jacks.

The KROEHOFFER residence, corner of Nineteenth and Donovan avenue, Fairhaven, was burned to the ground at 1 o'clock today. The house and contents were destroyed, nothing but a sewing machine was saved. The fire caught from the kitchen stove. There was $450 insurance on the building.

Mrs. Alithia ADAMS has received her commission as postmistress at Laurel, vice M. A. RICHARDSON resigned.

H. T. NULTON, a progressive Texan, has arrived with all his household goods to make his home in Whatcom county.

Thomas J. McVEY has returned from Butte and Anaconda, Montana, where he had been sizing up the situation for several weeks.

C. E. FLINT and family will move tomorrow to their ranch near Blaine where they will remain permanently. Mr. FLINT still retains his interest in the B. B. Commission company in this city.

G. W. NEWKIRK, who was badly scalded and bruised in the HEACOCK mill explosion, is lying in a percarious and critical condition at St. Joseph's hospital. His recovery is very doubtful, although he shows some signs of rallying today.

D. D. EGAN's new story-and-a-half cottage on Garden street is nearing completion. It is a neat S-room affair with veranda, three fire places, electric light and gas fittings are being put in. The lots on which the building stands are being terraced and when work is completed it will be one of the neatest homes in the city.

Wednesday, November 27, 1895:

J. E. PEARSON has moved his furniture out of the upper floor of the Palace restaurant building, and the restaurant is now being moved into the room formerly occupied by the Champion, adjoining the Dock street fire hall. ROGERS, the locksmith, will occupy part of the Champion building, it is understood. The C. P. R. saloon may move to the Roth block, but Mr. McLEOD is undecided between the deMattos and Roth blocks. The DeCHAMPLAIN Drug company expects to occupy the room in the Holly block, vacated yesterday by JOHNSON the boot dealer.

It is expected that both the J. H. PARKER shingle mill at Lawrence and the PARKER Bros'. shingle mill at Deming will continue constant operation throughout the winter.

R. H. WATERMAN has built an addition to his woodworking and cabinet making establishment on D street, doubling the size of the institution.

Rev. Andrew BARD of the German Lutheran church is arranging for a grand musical concert for the near future.

Chas. SWIGLESON, a wealthy wagon manufacturer of Hamilton, Ill., accompanied by his wife, is visiting on the bay.

John LIKINS is moving his grocery store to the Lawrence block where he will have more commodious quarters.

The OWENS shingle mill on the Northeast Diagonal road has plenty of orders and is running steadily.

H. E. LOOP of Mount Vernon accompanied by G. A. LOOP of Spokane, are in the city visiting relatives.

Miss Josie E. GAWLEY, who is teaching school at Rome, spent Sunday in the city visiting relatives.

T. W. LANE has returned from a visit to his old home near Indianapolis, Indiana.

Mrs. M. F. KNIGHT has been elected assistant teacher of the high school.

The family of Peter HALBERG has returned to Goshen to live.

C. O. TYSON of Lehigh, Iowa, arrived in the city yesterday.

Fred SMITH was in the city from Rome Sunday.

Hugh JAMESON is in town today from Clearbrook.

G. H. CANDEE and wife of Lowell, Mass., are in the city.

Thomas J. GLENN of Fairhaven and Miss Mary ROCHE of New Whatcom were married Sunday morning at 7 o'clock at the Church of the Assumption. Rev. Father BOULET performed the marriage ceremony which was largely attended by the many friends of the happy pair. Mr. and Mrs. GLENN left on the noon train on a short bridal tour to the up-sound cities.

Constable COLLEY of Lynden was in the city on business yesterday.

Captain R. E. MYERS has gone to San Francisco to spend the winter.

W. F. GOLDEN was agreeably surprised at his home on Fourteenth street last evening, the occasion being his fortieth birthday. Fifteen young people, prepared for the event, met in the evening at BRONSON's drug store and then proceeded in a body to the GOLDEN residence where they caught their victim completely by surprise. The surprisers took immediate possession of the premises and proceeded to enjoy themselves with music, games and refreshments, which they kept up till a late hour.

Frederick NOLTE of Seattle and Mrs. Bessie SHOWERS of Lynden were married in Seattle Sunday and will reside in the Queen city. Both bride and groom are well known and popular throughout Whatcom county and their many friends here unite in wishing them long life and much happiness.

W. L. PARKS is laid up with a "cedar poisoned" left hand. he ran a tiny cedar sliver under a callus in the palm of the hand in front of the third finger knuckle. The affected parts continue to swell and the inflammation is extending rapidly over the hand and wrist.

Wm. COX, the architect, met with a painful though not serious accident yesterday morning. He was leading a horse to the blacksmith shop when the animal began to jump about and reared up, striking Mr. COX on the chin with one of its front hoofs, cutting a deep gash. Dr. BIRNEY sewed up the wound.

F. J. HUGUENIN returned last evening from California where he has been for six months in search of health. Mr. HUGUENIN's trouble is catarrh of the throat, and the dry climate of California it was thought would benefit him.

Electric lights - incandescents - are to be added to the attractions of the steamer Lydia Thompson. The dynamo and apparatus are now enroute from the east and the engine is already prepared for the innovation.

Mrs. LENT of Fairhaven expects to leave for Missoula, Montana, the latter part of this week. She will visit friends in Seattle for a few days.

P. A. HAMMER has received his commission as postmaster at Marietta, vice Albert MOHRMAN, resigned and removed to Tacoma.

Mr. and Mrs. L. S. WRIGHT of Lynden left for Maple Plain, Minnesota, where they will visit friends and relatives.

Mrs. Geo. W. LYSLE, wife of ex-County Commissioner LYSLE, has arrived from San Bernardino, Cal., on a visit to her husband who has been in ill health for some months past. Mr. LYSLE while in California was stricken with inflammatory rheumatism and about four months ago he came back here in the hope that the change would prove beneficial to his health. The change of climate has not yet materially changed his condition for the better and he is still quite ill at the home of his mother in this city.

Carl REQUA has returned from Portland, where he has been employed for the past two months as clerk for one of the leading physicians of that city.

Mrs. T. G. NICKLIN expects to leave in a few days for a two week's visit with her mother, Mrs. M. C. AXTON of Laurel.

H. C. HOFF, one of the prominent figures of the Lawrence neighborhood, is in the city attending court as a juror.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. N. MILLS, a daughter, on Wednesday, November 20.

Miss Mabel BYRNE has accepted a situation as stenographer in the law office of BLACK & LEAMING.

C. A. BEAVERS and Miss Emma SKINNER of Lynden have procured Auditor DILLON's permission to wed.

M. J. LANNON has returned from the east, where he has been sojourning the past two years.

Olaf UDNESS will sing with the Oratorio club at Chickering hall, Tacoma, next Saturday.

Frank WRIGHT of Point Roberts was in town yesterday.

C. W. VANHORN of Marietta is in the city on a short visit.

J. E. RYUS is making preparations to establish a fruit evaporating plant on the water front of the north side. The board of trade's factories and sites committee is assisting him in securing a suitable location for the industry.

Henry L. WALCOTT sent a 14-pound steelhead salmon to his father in Ripon, Wis., today. He has instructed his father to dispense with turkey and try a Puget Sound salmon on Thanksgiving day.

S. E. BARRETT and family, who have been residing on G and Twenty-fourth streets during the summer, moved to Ferndale yesterday.

H. CHRISTIANSON left yesterday via the C. P. R. for his old home in Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will spend the winter.

M. F. JUKES, son of Rev. JUKES, has gone to Waterbury, Connecticut, where he will attend school.

Hilda LOBE, the four-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. LOBE, was severely burned yesterday morning. She was playing near the fire in the kitchen and in some manner her clothing caught fire. Her little cousin who was playing with her, ran into the front room and told Mrs. LOBE who ran out and threw a blanket about the child, smothering the fire which had all but consumed the outer clothing. The child's hands and face were badly burnt but not seriously. Heavy flannel underclothing protected her body otherwise the accident might have proven fatal. Mrs. LOBE's clothing caught fire while she was trying to save her child and she also had a narrow escape. Little Hilda's dress which was calico, was burned to shreds while on her body. Mr. LOBE was in Seattle on business at the time, but arrived home this morning. The little child is resting easy and will soon be as well as ever.

Vivian R. RANDALL died at 3 o'clock this morning at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Frank BOUCHER, on Washington street, aged 8 years. He was a son of Jed J. RANDALL, an old soldier who died in Seattle five years ago. Funeral at the residence on Washington street between Utter and Williams streets at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

E. HURLBUT, who is visiting his son-in-law, W. W. WYATT, sent a fine steelhead salmon the other day to his uncle, Homer GOODHUE, Westminster, Windom county, Vermont. Mr. GOODHUE is about eighty-six years old and his nephew, Mr. HURLBUT, is seventy-one.

James MARTIN of Blaine had all the fingers of his right hand sawed off while at work on a knee bolter saw in the International shingle mill at Blaine Thursday.

Hugo KRICK has returned from Vancouver, B. C., where he spent the summer and fall working for the B. C. G. company.

J. W. ROGERS and family have moved into L. U. STENGER cottage on Sixteenth street between I and H.

P. BENTZEN, one of Lynden's pioneer agriculturists, was in the city on a short business visit yesterday.

The old Champion printing outfit was moved to Fairhaven today by order of Mrs. W. V. WILMARTH.

P. J. LYNCH of Wickersham is in the city. Barney LYNCH has also been in the city during the week.

M. J. BROWN, the Wickersham shingle manufacturer, was in the city on business yesterday.

Chris SEMON returned from Seattle this morning accompanied by his mother, who came from Jackson, Michigan, to spend the winter here. J. S. SEMON, who formerly resided here, is married and doing business in Minneapolis. W. H. SEMON, also an ex-Whatcomite, is in the hotel business at St. Paul.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. TITUS have taken rooms in the building occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SANDERSON, corner of Bay and Holly streets.

E. C. CLARK and wife of Hoodsport, Wash., are late arrivals on the bay.

Albert E. JONES was initiated into the A. O. U. W. lodge this week.

Miss Cora GIBSON has gone to Lawrence to spend the winter.

F. E. PROUTY of Goshen was in the city today.

Ferndale News.
-Mr. McNAIR is fitting up a shop for the manufacture of pumps.
-Henry CLARK and family are about to return to Whatcom. Since their sojourn here they have made many warm friends who regret their departure. Mr. CLARK contemplates organizing a company to erect a shingle mill in the near future - location as yet undecided.

Wednesday, December 4, 1895:

W. A. HARDY, formerly a Fairhaven druggist but now a resident of Seattle, is in the city representing the STEWART & HOLMES Drug company.

The DAVID shingle mill on California creek has resumed operation under the management of J. H. TUPPER, employing twenty-two men.

M. W. BARNES of Custer was in the city Saturday and Sunday with his jolly crew of shingle manufacturers.

John McGRATH and Mrs. Anna BARTSCH of Blaine have procured Auditor DILLON's permission to wed.

A. D. AND E. P. ROGERS of the Ferndale Clipper were in the city yesterday on a short business visit.

George A. DUNHAM of Seattle is in the city visiting his friend, Auditor Asahel DILLON.

Prof. J. W. TANNER commenced teaching the Excelsior precinct school yesterday.

Col. H. A. MOORE was in the city yesterday from Rocky Ridge, Lake Whatcom.

Chas. VANCE, postmaster at Burlington, was a visitor in this city yesterday.

Mr. EBEY and J. K. ROBINSON of Lynden visited the city Saturday.

J. W. LAW of Wiser was in the city yesterday.

Interest in local military affairs has become reanimated. Captain J. J. WEISENBURGER has been promoted to be major of the First regiment; W. C. GREGORY is captain of Company F and D. M. BEARD is 1st lieutenant.

C. H. WOOLDRIDGE, the well known lumber and shingle manufactuer (sic) of Custer, was in the city yesterday. He says there is considerable local demand for lumber and he will keep his mill running throughout the winter.

The Fairhaven Land company is about to move the old Colony wharf building to the Ocean dock at Fairhaven where it will be converted into a grain house.

J. A. CHARLES of Blaine and Miss Nellie ELDRIDGE of Lummi were granted a marriage license by Auditor DILLON last Saturday.

John MORROW of Goshen was in the city yesterday on his way to Seattle where he has business before the land office.

     These are moving days in New Whatcom. The vicinity of the Holly and Dock streets corner has the unmistakable appearance of a wild west boom. A small army of men is at work tearing out the wooden buildings covering the ground upon which the Fischer brick block is to be erected as soon as possible.
     About 9 o'clock yesterday morning a band of men entered the W. H. COLE building opposite the Blade office and before night not an upright board or post remained; during the forenoon another crew of men commenced tearing out the front of the Palace restaurant building adjoining the Cole structure, and at the present printing the Palace has been entirely obliterated. The Palace restaurant and the gun shop are now ensconced in the Champion building.
     John F. WOOD yesterday morning tore out the front of his building adjoining the Senate saloon in order to persuade Charles THIEL, the restaurant man, to vacate the premises. The front was torn out about 10 o'clock a. m. and the rear windows and doors were also removed, admitting a very uncongenial draft through the apartment; but Charlie served dinner to a number of his customers nevertheless. This morning he evacuated the building and Lon GREENWOOD, the barber, and A. C. STENKER, the cigar maker, moved into the apartment from the building adjoining the Owl pharmacy on the north. The Queen chop house moved across the street today into the Holly block, the store recently occupied by JOHNSON, the shoeman. The building heretofore occupied by the Queen chop house, GREENWOOD and SENKER is now being torn down, and the Owl pharmacy building adjoining will be moved twenty-five feet further north in order to clear the ground for the new block. The C. P. R. saloon stock is being moved into the deMattos block today, and work will probably be commenced tomorrow moving the building to the northwest corner of Dock and Chestnut streets.
     It is difficult to guess intelligently where the postoffice will go. The Lighthouse, Roth and deMattos blocks are bidding for the institution, and the Roth bid offering free rent for five years, a fire proof vault and $1,000 for furniture, seems to be the most elaborate and the most tempting.

Nelson SMITH was arrested yesterday morning by Constable WHITE on a warrant sworn out in Judge HARDIN's court by Geo. C. BLAKESLY, charging SMITH with having assaulted Walter BLAKESLY. The offense is also said to have been committed Sunday afternoon. He was brought before Judge HARDIN where he entered a plea of not guilty and moved for a change of venue, which was granted and the case transferred to ANDERSON's court for trial.

D. J. SLATTERY, formerly a prominent stone mason of Fairhaven but now a prosperous rancher of Doe Bay, Orcas island, is in the city today on business. Mr. SLATTERY says he will spend the winter here if he can secure a position as stone cutter on the state normal building or Fischer block.

Duncan McDOUGALL and Mrs. Wiebke C. SELIG both of West Ferndale, were granted a marriage license by Auditor DILLON the morning.

WURTEMBURG still leads in the billiard tournament. Walt HENDERSON holds second place. John STANGROOM is on top with the highest score. The players are well matched and some of the games create considerable excitement.

Howard HITCHCOCK and Miss Cordelia May TRIMBLE, both of Blaine, were granted license to wed by Auditor DILLON last Thursday. They were married at Blaine on the same day by Rev. C. T. WHITTLESEY.

Samuel CALDWELL, one of the oldest residents of Whatcom county, residing near Everson, will celebrate his 89th birthday anniversary next Tuesday. He was born December 3, 1806, in New Hampshire; moved to Vermont at the age of 21, and served in the Vermont legislature in 1841-2, during Governor PAYNE's administration. He and and president Franklin PIERCE, the fourteenth president of the United States, were playmates together, PIERCE being two years older. His mother died at 98, his grandmother lacked just twenty days of being 100 years old. He is still a bachelor, was engaged to a young lady who died shortly before the marriage was to have taken place. He was well acquainted with John Quincy ADAMS and other prominent historical characters of the New England state. He owned and operated a fine farm near Everson for many years, but four years ago he converted all his property into cash, which he has loaned out, and is living on the income. He is still full of health and strength and bid fair to vote at a few more presidential elections. He is a life-long democrat; his first vote was cast for Andrew JACKSON and his latest for Grover CLEVELAND. Mr. CALDWELL is full of reminiscences and his frequent visits to New Whatcom and to his attorney, Jere NETERER, with whom he is very intimate, are rendered memorable because of the peculiar charm of his conversation and the intense interest of his autobiographical commentaries wresting vivid recollections of stirring history from the mists of far-off years.

James H. VAN ZANDT, formerly of this city, who for the past two years has been employed as traveling solicitor for Nicoll, the tailor, has been promoted to the position of manager of a branch house lately established in Spokane by his employer. J. H. has many warm friends in this city who will be pleased to learn of his success.

Ferndale News.
-Mr. Charles BRYCE and Miss Lizzie BATSTONE were united in marriage by the Rev. O. S. HAINES on Thanksgiving Day at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Jas. BATSTONE.
-Miss Winnie McMILLIN and Miss Blanche GETCHELL spent Thanksgiving in Ferndale. They returned to their schools on Sunday.
-Mell COLLINS will leave this week with his family for Arlington, Wash., where they expect to make their future home. Their many friends here wish them success.

About a dozen ladies held a meeting Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. R. CRITES on Garden street and organized a literary circle which they christened the "Aftermath." Meeting are to be held every two weeks and the object of the organization is to discuss current topics. The next meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 9, at the home of Mrs. AXTELL on Garden street, where Mrs. Cheney MOULTON will read a paper on literacy life in Boston, and Mrs. S. B. IRISH will furnish an epitome of current events.

F. RORBACKER, employed at the Whatcom Falls mill, fell off a log into the water a short distance from the log schute Tuesday afternoon. Instead of assisting the man out of the water, a workman who saw his fellow fall in the water, ran to the office and told Mr. KNIGHT, one of the proprietors, who ran out and jumped into the water and pulled the drowning man out. The man was entirely exhausted and would have drowned but for the timely rescue.

Henry CLARK and family of Ferndale have moved into the city and now reside on Utter street.

E. E. COLEMAN has returned from the wilderness of the upper Nooksack.

Mrs. MILES and sister are visiting their aunt, Mrs. CLARK, at Marietta.

Whatcom lodge No. 19, A.O.U.W., initiated Charles H. TITUS at the meeting of the lodge Tuesday night. This lodge is growing rapidly and now has seventy-five members. This lodge alone is carrying $150,000 life insurance.

Work on the Lake Samish road connection with the city of Fairhaven is progressing rapidly. A. H. CONLIN, the contractor, says that if the weather permits he will complete the work by next Wednesday, December 4.

Mr. and Mrs. P. J. HENNELLY have moved from the Byron house to the Oakland block, where they have an elegant suite of rooms fronting on the bay.

Dr. and Mrs. Winston APPLEBY are thankful today over the arrival of their first-born yesterday - a daughter as pretty as a doll.

Edwin S. DAY of Fairhaven and Miss Anna MILLER of this city will be united in marriage at the home of the bride on North Elk street at 5 o'clock this evening, Rev. Mark JUKES of St. Paul's Episcopal church officiating. Invitations have been sent to a few intimate friends of the bride and groom, and after the ceremony a light wedding lunch will be served, shortly after which the benedictioned pair wills ail over to Fairhaven on the golden wings of a consummated courtship and enter the domicile of connubial reality near the corner of Harris avenue and Tenth street, where the future home is comfortably prepared for the happy prospect. John MILLER, eldest brother of the bride, will act as "best man" and Miss Madge DAY, sister of the groom, will be the bridesmaid. Miss MILLER is the well known daughter of J. H. MILLER, the brickmaker and shingle manufacturer. Mr. DAY is the only son of E. M. DAY, editor of the Imperial City News. Mr. DAY is a corporal of Company F, N. G. W., and is very popular among "the boys."

The celebrated rent case of Mary LIBERTY vs. John ZETTLER was settled by a jury in the superior court yesterday afternoon. Mary occupied John's building on D street for about two years. Finally about six or eight months ago Mary decided to move; John attached the household furniture for his rental fee. Mary sued to replevin the goods and Judge HARDIN decided that John was right. The case was appealed and although John declared that he never for a moment dreamed that Mary LIBERTY was running anything other than a respectable house, jury decided that the said house had been run in the style of a libertine and that therefore John could recover no rental fee under the laws of the state. The goods, including a loquacious parrot whose chastity was never in doubt, have been in the possession of Constable WHITE since the first action.

Ed CHICHESTER, well known in the bay cities, died Tuesday morning at his home at Mountain View. He had been will with typhoid fever for several weeks. The remains were interred at Ferndale yesterday.

Clayton GUINUP [GWINNIP], who has been suffering with hemorrhage of the lungs for some time past, is reported improving rapidly.

Frederick PETTIBONE, cashier of the Fairhaven National bank, was attending to business here yesterday.

Miss Carrie KALLOCH, who has been in Boston for the past year, has returned to the city.

W. Finley HALL and wife leave tonight for Seattle where they will reside in the future.

Miss Kate DUFNER has just completed a successful term as teacher of the Anatole school.

Harold OSGOOD of New York is in the city visiting his brother, G. C. OSGOOD, the brickmaker, of Fort Bellingham. He arrived just in time to eat Thanksgiving dinner with his brother whom he had not seen for thirty-four years. He will spend some time looking over the Sound country before returning to his home in New York. G. C. OSGOOD is figuring on furnishing the brick for the state normal school. He is at present furnishing an order for the Pacific Coast Milling company.

D. M. GEIGHER (sic), father of Mrs. C. L. ANDERSON of New Whatcom, died at his home in Bishop, California, last Monday from injuries received by being thrown from a horse. Mr. GEIGER was one of the most prominent men of that portion of the state. He emigrated to California in 1852. Mr. GEIGER was at one time very wealthy. He leaves a widow, a son and three daughters to mourn his absence. He was seventy-four years old at the time of his death.

C. P. LEAVITT and wife have returned from Seattle where they have been residing for several months. Mr. LEAVITT has been in poor health of late and has come here for medical treatment.

Louis PFISTER expects to leave for Tacoma tomorrow to engage in the retail liquor traffic in cahoots with John ZETTLER, who is now running a restaurant and saloon in the City of Destiny.

R. C. VANDERFORD has returned from Trail creek, B. C., where he spent the summer. He reports the mining industry active in that locality.

J. A. BARKER has moved his stock of confectionery and tobacco to Fairhaven where he will add a billiard and pool parlor to the outfit.

W. H. CLINTON of Friday Harbor expects to move to New Whatcom in about two weeks to engage in the newspaper business.

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. CUTHBERTSON of York addition are the proud parents of a young son who arrived on the 20th of this month.

Simon KILDALL had his right shoulder joint dislocated at Friday Harbor Thursday afternoon, while loading some cattle on the Island Belle. No doctor was present so the joint was pulled into place by the men aboard the vessel, and they did a good job too. Mr. KILDALL's shoulder was dislocated once before, about two months ago.

The case of the state vs. C. H. HARRISON, charged with cow stealing, is on trial before the jury today. May witnesses from Sumas and Everson have been called to testify for both sides of the case.

T. C. BURNETT of Sumas is attending court as a witness in the case of the state vs. HARRISON.

Wednesday, December 11, 1895:

That is to be the Name of C. G. LININGTON's New Bank IN THE LIGHTHOUSE BLOCK
Like the Phoenix of Heliopolis a New Champion of Finance Rises from the Ashes of the Columbia National--Capital $60,000.
        The following from the Tacoma Ledger is self explanatory; Mr. LININGTON is to start the Bank of New Whatcom here with an original capital stock of $60,000; the institution will occupy the old rooms of the Columbia National Bank in the Lighthouse block on the corner of Dock and Holly streets:
        "Mr. C. G. LININGTON, the Chicago capitalist, an interview with whom was printed in yesterday's Ledger, will go to Whatcom within a few days with the intention of starting a new bank there. He will be accompanied by Mr. W. H. CUSHMAN of this city, who yesterday accepted an offer to become cashier of the bank which will probably be called the Bank of New Whatcom. The details of the enterprise will not be decided upon until after they go to Whatcom, talk with the people there and ascertain the needs and desires of the community. Mr. LININGTON is president of the Lassen County bank at Lassen, California, and was formerly president of the First National bank at Union, Oregon. His family now at Oakland, California, will soon come to this state to reside.
        "Mr. CUSHMAN's family will remain in Tacoma for the present, and he hopes to eventually return here to live."

Wednesday, December 18, 1895:

Funeral services over the remains of C. P. LEAVITT took place in the parlors of the Sehome hotel Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m. Rev. C. C. COOK pastor of the First M. E. church conducted the ceremony. The service was solemn but brief and was attended only by relatives and intimate friends of the family. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery under direction of Undertaker WARRINER. Mrs. LEAVITT bore the shock bravely notwithstanding the fact that it was the third ordeal of the kind through which she has passed during the past two years. Her mother was the first to answer the summons, and but four months ago her only son, the late Fred HAMBURG, was crushed to death at the coal bunkers; and now she has, after long weeks of patient devotion to her sick husband, been called upon to mourn his loss also. Mr. LEAVITT was kind and loving husband and a good citizen. He had many warm friends in this city by whom he will long be lamented. Twenty years ago he was a wealthy and influential citizen of Boston, being considered worth over $100,000; he lost heavily in mining speculations in the Black Hills and drifted about afterwards till he located in this city seven years ago. He was born in Maine fifty-six years ago.

Col. C. P. LEAVITT, aged 50 years, died at the Sehome hotel at noon [Saturday, December 14] of Bright's disease. He served with distinction in the late rebellion with the rank of colonel. Mr. LEAVITT formerly conducted the Russell house on Elk street and also operated the Whatcom steam laundry six years ago. He leaves a widow, mother of Mrs. J. B. NATION of Tacoma, Mrs. Ed EDSON of Lynden and of the late Fred HAMBURG. Funeral Sunday at 1 o'clock from the Sehome hotel.

E. L. GAUDETTE's logging camp at Lake Whatcom has closed down for the holidays. The camp will resume operations after January 1.

J. C. TRUETLE, locomotive engineer on the B. B. & B. C. railway, is back at his post again having recovered from a severe attack of la grippe which has kept him confined to his home for several weeks.

Saturday evening John P. HAYES and Mrs. Flora WAGNER were united in marriage at the residence of Rev. M. C. COLE of the First Baptist church, that popular divine performing the ceremony. Both the bride and groom are well known and popular in the city. Mr. HAYES is one of our pioneer business men and his genial fellowship is to blame for the hosts of good friends who now join in congratulating him. After the ceremony the happy couple was serenaded by a number of their young friends at Mr. HAYES' residence on the corner of E and Sixteenth streets.

Harold, the eight-year-old son of Daniel LOWERY, met with a serious and painful accident this morning. While coasting on Maple street hill, near the W. Finley HALL residence, his sled glided into a post, throwing the little fellow off; his head struck the post and several cuts were inflicted, one in particular being so deep and large as to necessitate stitching. He was unconscious for some time, but is now all right again, barring the wounds.

State Organizer P. T. BAKER instituted a lodge of the Mystic Chain in Goshen Saturday. This lodge starts with sixteen applicants, with a favorable prospect of securing a few more in the near future. The success the Mystic Chain is achieving certainly deserves more than a mere notice. It is a home institution and with its present rate of success it will be one of the important institutions of our city.

Sheriff BELL left for Walla Walla Sunday afternoon having in custody Matthew CASEY, sentenced to five years' imprisonment for burglary, Joe PETE, sentenced to four years for horse stealing and Charles HARRISON, sentenced to eighteen months for stealing cattle in the Nooksack valley. The sheriff expects to return Thursday or Friday morning.

The work of excavation on the basement of the normal school building is about completed and work on the stone foundation would have been begun by this time but for the recent bad weather. Contractor DAVEY goes to Seattle today to make arrangements for procuring pressed brick for the building.

Edmund S. HINCKS, the draughtsman, has gone to San Francisco to spend the winter. He has resigned the presidency of the B. B. Athletic club.

F. W. VAILLE, superintendent of the mail service, went to Ferndale today to arrange for a more satisfactory service for that populous neighborhood.

WILLIS & GILL have moved their barber shop from the Lighthouse block to the Palmtag building near the corner of Canoe and Holly streets.

Mrs. R. W. BATTERSBY returned yesterday from a two months' visit with her parents at Rock Island, Illinois.

Mrs. A. LENT of Fairhaven left yesterday for Missoula, Mont., where she will spend the winter visiting relatives and friends.

LINDSEY Bros. of Blaine are preparing to open a logging camp on the Mike ANDERSON property at Lake Whatcom.

Rev. F. C. CHAMBERLAIN formerly of Fairhaven, now located at Lynden, is in the city on a visit for a few days.

Miss Annie Lee FITCH arrived from Everett yesterday. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. DICKINSON.

E. W. EMMONS, late clerk of the BRONSON Bros' drug store, has gone to Blaine for a short vacation.

Chas. EHREID and W. L. JACOBS of the U. S. S. Philadelphia are registered at the Sehome.

G. E. SCHUMACHER, manager of the Little Cigar store, has gone to Seattle on business.

Captain COCHRAN of the flagship Philadelphia's marines was in the city yesterday on a leave of absence. He improved the opportunity to round up the balance of the Philadelphia's crew here, twelve men altogether, and put them aboard the train yesterday afternoon bound for San Francisco.

George and John GRAHAM have changed the course of the headwaters of Anderson creek by tunnelling not more than sixty feet into Olsen creek giving a volume of water sufficient to float shingle bolts, and possibly logs, down into Lake Whatcom near Woodlawn.

The ladies of the G. A. R. have elected officers as follows: Mrs. Emma MILLER, P; Mrs. Lou BROYLES, S. V. P.; Mrs. M. HUGHES, J. V. P.; Mrs. Emma REID, Chaplain; Miss Myrtle BATEMAN, Treas.; Mrs. Georgia WEAVER, Com.

Superintendent HITT returned yesterday from a visit to the schools at Everson, Goshen and Nooksack. The new school building at Nooksack is completed and is now being occupied. Miss Susie JOHNSON has charge of the first two grades and Miss Nellie ABBOTT has charge of the other five. The school is in a prosperous condition.

Mrs. Fred K. HUGHES leaves tomorrow for Lewiston, Idaho, to join her husband who is in the real estate business there.

M. C. McKEE and E. McDONALD of Vancouver, B. C., are among the late arrivals on the bay.

Mike ANDERSON has started a new logging camp on his property at Lake Whatcom.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2004


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