The Bellingham Bay Reveille

Extractions by Susan Nahas
Friday, January 4, 1889:

First Brick Building
The Court House in Whatcom was the first brick building erected in Washington Territory. It was 25x40 feet, two stories high, plastered, has iron shutters, tin roof, and was built in 1858. It was a very fortunate thing for the early settlers that this building was constructed of brick, and that iron shutters were put over the windows and doors, for during an Indian outbreak in 1862 the handful of people sought refuge in this building, and the savages made a fierce onslaught, during which bullets ere rained against the walls, and one ball penetrated an iron door shutter. Several persons were killed in front of the door.

-Mr. W. J. REID got his leg and ankle injured recently by bark falling on him.
-J. E. MITCHELL made a sale of real estate Saturday. Consideration being $500.
-Miss Rosa ROBINSON and William KING were made one Christmas eve. Mr. BAKER officiating. Some of the boys gave them a serenade. May peace attend them.

-Many new buildings are waiting for finishing lumber.
-The new school house is completed and will open as soon as possible.
-R. E. HAWLEY will run his saws night and day if he can obtain the necessary workmen.
-The two new bakeries are progressing finely. They will be ready for business in a few days.
-The Lynden cornet band gave a lively entertainment at Nooksack Crossing New Year's eve. The minstrel show was rich and interspersed with splendid singing of comic songs by Mr. SCHOFF and others.
-There was a free dance given in Bartlett's hall New Year's eve for the benefit of those who could not go to the Crossing. The MURPHY brothers and R. E. HAWLEY furnished the music. Supper at R. E. HAWLEY's.
-The PARKER brothers have bought the old mill site from SHANK & ROBINSON just as it stands. They expect to be cutting lumber in 60 days, and will put in additional machinery as trade will justify.
-SMITH, McKEE & SMITH have rented power from R. E. HAWLEY and will run their shingle mill nights at his mill until they get their machinery set up. After cutting a few hundred thousand for Lynden they will probably go to Tuxedo and do the same, after which they will return to Lynden.

-The dance at John SHUTTLER's on New Year's eve was well attended. All had a gay time.
-Mr. Charles KRUGER and Miss GATES, of Whatcom, were married on New Year's day. Mr. KRUGER brought his bride home to his ranch on the same day where they have gone into housekeeping.
-Johnny MICHAELS, from the Normal school at Lynden, has been visiting his numerous friends at Ten Mile during the holidays. He speaks in the highest terms of the methods of instruction employed by Prof. BRADLEY and his assistants.
-The literary society was presided over by James McLEOD. Recitations by Homer MYERS, Jennie McLEOD, Truman PROUTY. Song by Daisy KENOYER. The question, resolved, that steamboats have been of more benefit to mankind than railroads, was debated by Arthur CLOTHEIR, Byrd KING, James McLEOD and Geo. M. BROWN in the negative and Fred PROUTY, Truman PROUTY and C. S. REINHART in the affirmative. Decision in favor of the negative.

MARTIN the Baker is having his business house raised to the C street grade.

Mr. Chas. KRUGER and Mary C. GATES of this county started the new year by getting a license to wed.

The harness shop has been removed to the old photograph gallery, and Miss Maud DURNING is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. DICKEY.

Capt. JANSEN, of Ten Mile, says the LOVEALL Bros. and himself are building additions to their homes on Silver Lake road; that the country is improving generally.

There are now three pile drivers engaged on the water front, two operated by steam - one at Sehome, one repairing the Whatcom wharf and the third at work on Mr. NOSTROM's new saw mill foundation.

The professional card of Walter A. WELCH, civil engineer, appears in this paper. He is thoroughly proficient.

A fine large new burglar and fire proof time lock safe has been placed in position in the first Bank of Whatcom.

Mr. IVERSON reports the north-east Diagonal road completed ready for travel from Whatcom to the river.

H. A. MOORE reports a good coal find not far from Lake Whatcom.

W. C. AUSTIN is plastering the MALLOY building upstairs.

Twin boys were born to Mrs. SMALLEY in Whatcom last Sunday and died the same day.

H. B. WILLIAMS is here from Glenwood, Iowa, and will probably make his home with us soon.

Mr. J. GEIS has been here on a visit from Port Townsend where he is building for Joe KUHN. He will soon return to his first love.

Mr. W. C. PETTIBONE is here from the east, the guest of the family of his brother, A. W. PETTIBONE. He is astonished at the size of our boom.

Rev. WOLFE married two couples New Year's day, the contracting couples being Chas. KRUGER and Mary C. GATES, of Ten Mile, and Wm. KEEN and Rose ROBINSON of Ferndale.

Mr. O. B. IVERSON, who is well acquainted with the Nooksack country, says the West Coast railroad will be compelled by the lay of the land to cross the river about the Forks; that the river is navigable that far up, and that a city will be built there.

Mr. A. GILLIS of Nooksack Crossing returned from Seattle Saturday where he sold five tons of hops at 17c per pound.

Mr. T. M. SMITH, of Lummi, dropped in to get $2 worth of Reveilles yesterday. He says Mr. HENRY is building a dwelling near CLARKE's place, and LEONARD & MILLER have secured some water front to build their shingle mill on near the city of Lummi, which is becoming quite an industrial town.

Mr. Ed. T. TRIMBLE, of Bremin, Ohio, who has been in the city for a week, a guest of W. C. STULL, has concluded this is the place for a man of grit and energy and is going to stay. He is stenographer for HARRIS & PETTIBONE.

-A sidewalk is to be constructed from here to Fairhaven.
-HOFERCAMP, INKS & Co. have opened a new barber shop at Sehome.
W. R.? WARMOUTH has sold his meat market in Whatcom and located here.
-A number of new cottages have sprung up on the York addition and on the Whatcom road.
-Mrs. PECK? is agent for a full line of musical instruments. For a woman she is a business rustler.
-Mr. John THOMAS refused $100 per front foot for his corner south of the Strand building, this week.
-A dozen men and five yoke of oxen are employed in the WOODIN camp cutting piles for the new saw mill.
-Mr. OLSEN, an artistic draughtman, is now in the employ of the railroad company. His work in unexcelled.
-The line of pretty cottages which overlook the Sehome wharf might properly be called Captain's row. Captains TARTE, ANDERSON, TUSSLE and wharfinger WATSON occupy them.
-There is a question whether the ten mill school tax voted last week can be collected. This is unfortunate, because Sehome needs a school house. A few are always ready to kick against taxes.
-A great many bright young men are coming to this country from the eastern states. Mr. IRISH of the livery firm recently arrived from New York where for years he did service in the newspaper business. Mr. GILSON of the Bazaar is from Minneapolis, as are also Mr. SEMON and MILLER Bros. of Whatcom.

-Mr. TIEDJE will soon return from Tacoma to live here again.
-The real estate boom has fixed quite a number of deserving ranchers who have stood by the county through hard times. Mr. C. V. DYER who sold his 90 acres for $5,000 has gone to his old home in California to enjoy the cash and his old age.
-Mr. Chas. SCHERING a few days ago paid Harry OSIER [OSER] $8000 in gold coin for 16 acres of land back of Bellingham. This seems like a high figure, but shows the value of real estate on Bellingham Bay. Harry lugged the coin home in a sack. The above land is now clear and is pasture and persons who wish to buy lots ready to plant a garden should call on Mr. SCHERING at once.
-Mr. LUCE?, of Wisconsin, is building a $1500 cottage.
-Mr. DALTON is building a similar one.
-Mr. CUNNINGHAM, of Bellingham, is going to build a $500 house as soon as he can have the lumber hauled.
-Mr. FRANKLIN is building a $500 cottage.
-All the above in in WOODIN's addition near CONNELLY's residence.
-Mr. FRANCIS, of Fairhaven, is building a stable 28x28, 16 feet high, 12 stalls. Mr. SMITH, of Bellingham, has the letting of the contract for FRANCIS.
-John DeFRIES sold lot 6 in block 28 to Charles O'DONNELL for $600.


Friday, February 15, 1889:

Notice is hereby given to all persons having deceased relatives or friends buried in the lots or streets, in the city of Whatcom, to remove such bodies to the city cemetery within two weeks from this date, or the same will be done by authority of the City. Improvement of private property and streets necessitates this action on the part of the city.
Dated, Jan. 24, 1889.
W. M. LEACH, City Clerk.


Friday, March 8, 1889:

-Charley SMITH has the mumps. Still they linger in this corner of the county.
-Dick PARR has got his house moved a little west of where it used to stand onto higher ground, and will move into it soon.
-The logs on the road from B. W. EVERETT's place north to the Dakota creek neighborhood are all cut. This will be the best road to Blaine when completed.
-Charles LONG's youngest son, about 4 years old, broke his left leg above the knee, while playing with another boy of the same age. He is getting along as well as could be expected.


Friday, March 15, 1889:

-S. D. REINHART has been at work the last week or two on his trees, pruning and washing them with lye to destroy moss and borers.
-Mose ELMORE has moved onto Joe SCRIMSHER's place.
-Sunday school was held at the school house last Sunday; 37 scholars in attendance. With E. W. ADAMS at the helm it will prove a success.
-Alex McLEOD has bought another farm here, paying $1,200 for it. All are pleased as Alex is a good neighbor.
-Tommy MORRIS, who has been absent for a year, returned home last week. He expressed much surprise at the many improvements during his absence.
-E. S. PROUTY, one of our enterprising merchants, has just got on a fine stock of new goods. He has built up a considerable trade here.

-Geo. FRANCIS says his new livery barn is now ready for business.
-Eleven feet is to be cut off the high point at Fairhaven, and the earth will be used to full up the low ground.
-The BENNETT Company are piling in a large space on the water front in which to anchor logs.

-Mr. TARWATER is having a good deal of work done on his ranch this spring.
-Mr. NIMS sold eighty acres of land last week. Consideration, $800. The man that bought it got a bargain.
-Mr. Thomas BULMER is building himself quite a nice residence. He will have it ready to move into the latter part of this week.
-Two families came into our neighborhood last Saturday direct from Kansas. They are relations of Mr. THALHEIMER. We understand that they intend to locate here.
On Thursday morning of last week Mr. J. A. HALL lost his house and contents by fire. Mr. HALL left home early in the morning leaving his two little boys in charge of the house. The youngest child was still in bed when the fire broke out, and he narrowly escaped being burned to death. The neighbors saw the fire about 9 o'clock, but before help could arrive the fire was under such headway that they could do nothing but stand by and see it burn. Mr. HALL's loss will foot up to about $500. It comes very hard upon Mr. HALL, as it would on any of us, for the Sound is not blessed with any millionaire's yet. Lumber enough to rebuild the house has been generously donated, J. R. SMITH contributing 1,000 feet, Dan'l TARWATER 1,000 feet and the Tuxedo mill the balance.

-John HARDIK [HARDAN] moved David FOLLETT and family to their new home on the North Fork last week.
-Wm. KEENE is quite sick with typhoid fever.
-The new townsite of Kingsboro is now being surveyed, and as soon as done, building will be pushed as rapidly a lumber can be procured.
-H. ROESSEL, Sr. launched his new boat here on Tuesday. She has about twenty feet keel and five and a half feet beam and will sail Wednesday for Whatcom, loaded with potatoes.
-Mrs. Ida ROBINSON, an experienced dressmaker, has established a business at the residence of John D. WHEELER.

-Chas. CARLSON is erecting a house on his claim.
-J. W. RIDDLE had a barn raising a few days ago.
-Robt. BELL has gone to Iowa to dispose of his property in that State.
-Dr. DUANE has come up to his ranch to put in his annual spud crop.
-R. L. KLINE's better half presented him with a ten pound girl on inauguration day, March 4.
-The dance at Mr. Ed SPEESE's on last Saturday night was a complete success. This being the first pale-face dance ever held on the North Fork, shows that we are now on the high road to civilization, and we hereby extend a cordial invitation to ministers of the Gospel to pay us a visit.

-Born to the wife of Mr. FOSTER, late from North Carolina, a daughter.
-Mrs. Rebecca LANNING, after a two week's visit at White River, returned home.
-Mr. John BOTTA, after an absence of six months, returned to Lynden last Friday, accompanied by his wife. They come from Europe.
-Mr. Harry WELLMAN returned from Seattle to our little burg on Saturday last and is now busy surveying town lots for L. R. HAWLEY.
-The LANNING hotel is nearly completed, and will be the best building in Lynden. It is said it will be opened for guests by first of April.

ELDER - At Nooksack, March 7, the daughter of Mr. James ELDER, aged 12 years and 15 days. She was born at Nooksack crossing, where she died.

March 15, 1889 Supplement

Messrs. LEWIS & MAGILL have opened a saloon on 13th street.

T. J. SMITH is building a large new hardware store on the site of the old stand on C street.

Mr. J. F. SEFTON of the new postoffice at Deming, on the North Fork, reports a find of iron ore in that vicinity.

Messrs. H. A. SMITH and James DEEDS of Ferndale, attending court, endorse our convention idea for the purpose of adopting some uniform system of making roads in this country.

Mr. D. ?. COWAN is studying law with H. A. FAIRCHILD.

The MILLER Bros. will soon open a wholesale cigar store in Whatcom.

Alex McLEOD had removed from Yager to Whatcom, to look after his town property.

WEIRS & ANDERSON is the name of a new real estate firm established in Whatcom and Bellingham.

Mr. Ed. HART, for four years an employee in the Reveille office, has taken a vacation and will visit relatives in Detroit, Michigan.

During the past week Auditor ELDRIDGE has issued marriage licenses to the following named persons: Robert B. BURNS to Sevena J. McELMON, of Nooksack; Theordore M. ANDERSON to Miss Ida May PUARIEA of Lynden.

John QUINN of Tuxedo Dies from the Effects of a Spree.
John QUINN, a bachelor rancher of Tuxedo came to Whatcom the early part of this week on land business and wound up on a spree. On Tuesday he and some friends went toward home as far as KING's place, on the telegraph road. There they stopped over night. QUINN did not get up in the morning, nor answer to call, and an investigation found him dead in bed. All the surroundings indicated that he had died without a struggle. John QUINN was a bachelor about 4_ years of age, and not a bad fellow when sober, but of late he has been hitting the bowl too frequently. He is the same man who less than a year ago threatened the lives of Messrs. KEESLING and MAYHEW, while off one of his sprees in this city. His neighbors all speak well of him as a neighbor and a man, and his only fault was the use of liquor. The Coroner's jury, M. M. CLOTHIER foreman, found that death had ensued from exhaustion and exposure caused by the excessive use of alcoholic liquors.

The following persons were granted first citizen papers at the session of Court recently adjourned:
August F. BAATZ
Theodore O. BAATZ
Robert B. BURNS
James CLAYTON jr
Timothy CRIMIN
Richard HOWARD
Charles KRUGER
Charles LONG
Chrisitan MADSEN
Ludwig REISE
Christian SEEMILLER?
James P. SMITH
J. F. TARTE jr
Christian M. TOBIASSEN
George WAHL
Mrs. Guri DANIELSON, a widow, residing on the South Fork, walked all the way to town to get out her citizen papers in order to prove up on land.

-MOORE & Co. have their new mill running.
-Johnnie HATCH has his new store nicely arranged.
-J. E. MITCHELL, our live real estate man, has accepted a position in Whatcom.
-John HARDAN has gone to the North Fork with household goods. He will remove his family there soon; also will his father-in-law D. E. FOLLETT.
-Two of our young books, known as Quincy TAWES and Jack BIZER, attacked a bear the other day, got the best of it, and returned with its hide on their back.

Prof. A. F. CALHOON is now located in Whatcom and is engaged in teaching the Knights of Pythias band, and will give private lessons on the violin, Guitar and banjo. Will also handle the Fischer, Shubert, Ivers & Pond and the New England pianos, and the Western Cottage and Weaver organs and all kinds of musical merchandise.


Friday, September 13, 1889:

Death of Judge C. M. KELLOGG.
Hon. Charles M. KELLOGG, who died Tuesday, of diabetes, had just returned from the republican convention at Walla Walla, where he had received a nomination for the superior judgeship, which was conceded to be equivalent to an election, as the three counties Whatcom, Skagit and Snohomish are strongly republican. He was born in Ashtabula, Ohio, May 21st, 1841, and was 48 years of age. He was the son of a wagon maker, and reached an enviable position, politically and socially, through his own exertions. He was emphatically a self made man. In early life he learned the trade of his father, but his taste for law soon led him away from this shop and in 1867 he was admitted to the bar. He practiced law for some time in Ohio, and removed to Clay Center, Kansas, in 1868. He was the pioneer lawyer of the section and was honored by the office of county attorney, state senator and representative from his county, repeatedly. Ill-health brought him to Whatcom in 1887, and he immediately took a leading position at the bar. In the interim between his majority and his admission to the bar Mr. KELLOGG entered the Union Army, and made an enviable record as a soldier. His record and ability made him at once, upon its organization, the commander of the G. A. R. post of this county, and no commander was ever better like or more respected. He leaves a devoted wife and three children. Telegrams of condolence have been received by his family from the Snohomish county bar, Judge DENNY and others. His funeral was held Thursday at _ p. m. and he was buried with the honors of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Mr. Leonard STENGER has gone to Oregon for a brief visit. Mrs. S. lived many years at Canyonville.

A. B. HART has returned to Bellingham from Riverside, Cal., and will go into blacksmithing.

George GRIMMETT, of Birch Bay, was in the city on Tuesday and made the Reveille a pleasant call. Mr. GRIMMETT is an old newspaper man having served a term on years on the Cincinnatti Enquirer.

J. G. FRITZ left on Wednesday for his old home in Gordon, Nebraska, being called there by telegram on account of the illness of his daughter.

M. R. MICHAELS, sheriff of Griggs county, Dakota, and an old firend of the Reveille publishers, is in Whatcom for the benefit of his health. Since coming to the sound country he has gained 22 pounds and he thinks strongly of locating here.

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