The Bellingham Bay Reveille
Whatcom, Washington Territory

Extractions by Susan Nahas
Volume 3, No. 15. September 18, 1885 :

A post of the G. A. R. is to be established at Blaine. Fifteen names are promised for the first muster roll.

There are now about twenty Chinese in this city - twenty more than should be permitted within the city limits under any circumstances.

Charles I. ROTH and Miss Lottie I. ROEDER were married at the Episcopal Church by Rev. BIRCHARD, at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening, Sept. 16. Over 200 invitations were issued and the church was crowded at the appointed hour. During the rendition of the wedding march by Miss Clara FOUTS, the bridal procession entered the church, heralded by pages and flower girls, who strewed the aisle with flowers. Leading the party came the groom with the bride's mother leaning upon his arm; next followed the groomsmen and bridesmaids, J. H. STENGER and Miss Olive SMITH, John N. ROEDER and Miss Susie JENKINS, and Victor A. ROEDER and Miss Effie EBEY, bringing up the rear followed the bride, escorted by her father, who gave his daughter away at the altar. The bridal couple stood beneath a large floral bell during the short ceremony. After the ceremony all repaired to the opera house where Mr. and Mrs. ROTH received the congratulations of their many friends. About 100 guests remained and partook of the banquet, after which music and dancing followed. The bride and groom participated until the departure of the steamer Washington, upon which they left for a trip to be gone about ten days. The wedding presents were many and valuable. Both of the young people stand well in the community, the bride being the only daughter of Capt. ROEDER, an old and highly respected pioneer. Mr. ROTH is an energetic young lawyer formerly of Illinois.
(Reprinted in The American Reveille, Sunday, October 13, 1907)

Friday, September 25, 1885:

Two Men Drowned Off Chuckanut
     An unfortunate affair, resulting in the loss of two lives, occurred in the Bay near Chuckanut stone quarries during the gale that prevailed last Saturday. Capt. John WALLER, of Point Roberts, accompanied by a young man whose name cannot be ascertained, left this city Saturday forenoon in a fishing sloop for the purpose of securing a load of stone with which to construct a fire place in Capt. WALLER's residence at Point Roberts. About five o'clock in the evening the men engaged at the quarries observed the sloop beating off a few hundred yards from shore. Shortly afterward a sudden squall struck the boat, immediately capsizing the same. The men on shore heard the calls for help, and within five minutes thereafter the sloop, its contents and the two men had disappeared beneath the surface of the dark, angry waters. Although strict search has been made in the Bay and along the shore line, no trace of the bodies have as yet been found. The occurrence is truly a lamentable one, for the reason that Capt. WALLER leaves a family consisting of wife and four children, who are now probably watching far out over the waters surrounding Point Roberts for the return of the husband and father who had gone to provide supplies for the long winter months that are coming. Information of the sad occurrence will probably reach them tomorrow, via Semiahmoo. Capt. WALLER was well known to the sailors and steam boat men of Puget Sound and the Gulf of Georgia, having been master of several different crafts in these waters. For the past few years he has been engaged in fishing at Point Roberts. Capt. ROEDER of this city has assumed the sad duty of notifying the family, by letter, of the terrible misfortune.
     Wreckmaster SHEFFER informs us that the following article have been recovered from the vicinity in which the sloop sank at the time of the drowning of Capt. WALLER and mate, near Chuckanut last Saturday evening:
One single blanket; two pairs of double blankets; one comforter; one piece of carpot; one pillow and case; one sack Brooklyn Mill flour; one 7 1/4 hat, box of apples, etc. The sloop sank in about twenty fathoms of water and although the vicinity has been thoroughly dragged with grappling irons, the boat has not yet been raised or found.

    The most blood-curdling tragedy that has ever taken place in this country, was enacted in our hitherto quiet town last evening at about 6:30 o'clock. Two shots in rapid succession were heard, followed by such piercing screams from women. Upon investigation it was found that A. C. MAYFIELD had been shot dead and Westley S. MAYFIELD mortally wounded.
    It appears that they had got up from the supper table, Mr. MAYFIELD to get his cow and West went down in the yard to help his sisters bring in their clothes, that had been washed and dried through the day. Inda MAYFIELD says she heard the first shot, and not knowing what had been done, she stepped toward the gate, when a man wearing a stiff hat and long grey coat - who she is positive was John GUILDY - stepped up to the fence and said, "Where is West?" Her brother was just coming with the basket of clothes, and pointing to him she said, "There he is," At the same instant the man fired at West, the shot taking effect near the collar bone directly under his chin. Wild and distracted, she caught up the ax and started through the gate, at the same time calling "Pa" thinking he was still up stairs. In her haste she nearly fell over the lifeless form of her father, who lay prostrate at her feet, shot through the neck.
    When West was shot he said, "Oh, my, I am shot!" dropped the basket and ran behind a pile of shingles to keep from being shot again; then he went back of the store and jumped over the fence, as though he would have gone into the back door of the store, but his strength failed him and he fell to the ground. He was taken up a few moments later and carried up stairs. He couldn't speak until they gave him brandy and other restoratives. Dr. WELSH was called and proceeded to examine the wound where his life blood was oozing out at every breath. At midnight he was able to whisper his wants, and knew everyone around him, and apparently was not suffering much. Judge TAWES took charge of Mr. MAYFIELD's remains. The grief of the family cannot be described. Mrs. B. W. BAILEY and family went down this morning. It was a sad going home to Mrs. BAILEY, to find her father dead and her brother dying.
    The brutal murderer is still at large, but it is only a matter not time, and a short time too, we think, before he will be taken. The citizens of Ferndale will not allow any cost to rest on the county; they are an enraged people and will show no mercy for the wretch when found.
    After shooting our two peaceable citizens he went directly to Tom OXFORD's and having a grudge against him, set fire to his barn and burned it to the ground, with its contents of hay, grain, etc. While Fred VAN DOREN was going to town in the evening he heard two shots fired when he had passed Mr. CHAMBERLAIN's house one-half mile north of town and met a man wearing a "stiff hat and long grey coat." VAN DOREN said, good evening as he passed, but received no answer. He must have turned off the main road and took a trail leading to Mr. OXFORD's place.
Ferndale, September 22d.

   The above reward of $500 will be paid by the County of Whatcom for the apprehension and delivery of the body of John GUILDY, to the authorities of Whatcom county. Following is a description of the fugitive: Height about 5 feet 7 inches; age about 35 years; complexion dark and swarthy, with black hair and moustache; eyes small, black and deep set; nose thin, sharp and straight; small feet, wears not larger than a No. 5 boot; usually wears a handkerchief around the neck; weight about 130 or 135.
   John GUILDY is wanted for the murder of A. C. MAYFIELD, at Ferndale, Washington Territory, on the evening of September 21st, 1885. Look out for him; he is supposed to be in your locality.
   In addition to the above reward, it is presumed that a like amount will be offered by the Governor of the Territory.
       F. W. DE LORIMIER, Sheriff, Whatcom county, W. T.
       By order of:
           Edwin LOPAS
           Rufus STEARNS      County Commissioners
           C. S. KALE
     September 22, 1885.

    This morning at eleven o'clock, John GUILDY, the murderer, was surprised in the woods, two miles north of Ferndale, by a posse of nine armed men. He was sitting beneath a small tree, half a mile from OXFORD's place, whose barn he burned, and had apparently been sleeping. When within fifty yards of the murderer, the posse asked him to surrender. He fired two shots at them without effect, when they all fired, killing him instantly. After the dose of buckshot he never spoke, and is now at Ferndale awaiting the Coroner.
    The names of those who shot him are J. W. MALLOY(?), John WATSON, Arthur ROGERS, W. M. SISSON, J. W. HARDAN(?), Henry CARLS, two MONROE boys and Mr. HOLCOMB. They deserve credit for ridding the country of such a villain.

... It is the general opinion that GUILDY simply killed the father in order that he might shoot the son without detection. At the time of his death A. C. MAYFIELD was fifty-five years old. He was a highly respected citizen, arriving here from Lawrence county, Indiana, in March, 1884, with his estimable family. He was buried at the STEPHENS cemetery, near Ferndale, last Wednesday afternoon.

Friday, October 2, 1885:

Indian Billy BALLOU of Point Roberts was in town Friday looking after his sloop which swamped under heavy ballast and drowned Capt. WALLER and John MATSON, last week at Chuckanut. The boat has been found but the bodies have not yet been recovered. MATSON formerly resided in Seattle.

Friday, October 9, 1885:

Items from Ferndale
-Mr. and Mrs. James BRADON, of Walla Walla, are the guests of their sister Mrs. A. C. MAYFIELD
-The funeral services over the remains of A. C. MAYFIELD took place Wednesday afternoon. There was a goodly attendance notwithstanding the rain. He was not buried in the Stephen burying ground as was at first intended, but was laid to rest not far from the MONROE mansion.
-Had the citizens of Ferndale gone to work at the time Mrs. KELLEY informed them what she would do -- give them the ground if they would clear and fence it -- we might now have an inviting place to lay our dead. Anyone of a refined nature would naturally shrink from laying their loved ones there, among the black logs and underbrush, with no fence around it;; but there is no one so blind as those who won't see, or so deaf as those who won't hear.
-W. W. BAILEY has returned to his ranch after living in Victoria several months, working at his trade -- carpenter.
-W. M. SISSON's daughters are very much pleased with their new Mason & Hamlin organ, a present from their father.

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