Friday, February 18, 1910

The Acme Prospector was one of Whatcom County's early community newspapers providing its readers with the latest on local events and people. Established in 1908, the Acme Prospector was published and edited by Joseph W. Kelly. Kelly sold the paper about 1919, yet it was published three more years, until 1921. It is believed the name changed to the Deming Prospector at this point. The following items of interest were extracted from a privately owned edition of the 18 Feb 1910 Acme Prospector.

Local Nuggets

- Mrs. Christina FRISK will continue to read the Prospector.

- Louis FLICK was transacting business in Bellingham Wednesday.

- W. H. H. GORDON transacted business in Sedro Woolley Wednesday.

- Fred ROTHENBUHLER of Clipper has our thanks for recent cash favors on subscription.

- Judge GALBRAITH was transacting business in the county seat Tuesday and Wednesday.

- Mrs. STERLING of Lawrence visited her sister, Mrs. Otto MULLINS, last Friday and Saturday.

- Mrs. John PLACE and daughter, Miss Addie, were pleasant callers at the Otto MULLINS home last Saturday.

- The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. Fred ZOBRIST Wednesday afternoon.

- The time of your life at the Washington Birthday dance in the Acme Woodmen Hall Saturday night., February 19.

- Comrade R. CANEDY and wife left for Seattle Wednesday for a few day's visit with their sons, and their families residing in that city.

- Dr. F. J. VANKIRK, Specialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses accurately fitted. Clover Block, Bellingham, Wash.

- Last Sunday was one of the days that it rained some. The previous night as well as the following night there was a very heavy fall of snow in the hills.

- ANDERSON and SMITH are pushing the repair and clean up work in and about their shingle mill preparatory to an early resumption of shingle cutting.

- The friends of John MORAN will be pleased to know that he is improving rapidly under the treatment and care received in the N. P. Hospital at Tacoma.

- One of the best plays yet presented by home talent in Acme will be that which you are invited to attend in the Woodman Hall Saturday night, March 5, 1910. Do not miss it. Popular prices.

- J. W. CLEMMER has moved his family from the Standard mill to Acme, occupying the rooms north of the Miller cook house. He will work for the Balcom-Vanderhoof Co., in building their railroad.

- J. GOODRICH of South Bend, Wash. has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. William COLLYER and family for some days past. He is on his way to Idaho and ran in here for a visit and to await better weather.

- Acme's big shingle mill having been thoroughly overhauled, a new boiler put in and the same supplied with a Dutch oven, will commence the seasons cut of shingles Monday morning February 21. Listen for the big whistle that morning.

- We understand that the Balcom-Vanderhoof Logging Co., has purchased the ROBINSON tract of timber just a mile or two east of Acme. By this purchase that company now controls one of the finest bodies of timber in Washington. Their holding here now amounts to near 300,000,000 feet of the choicest fir and cedar to be found anywhere on the Pacific Coast.

- D. A. McDONALD has the contract for erecting the new saw mill at the Balcom-Vanderhoof camp which is to be used in furnishing material for the erection of additional buildings at the camp sawying ties and furnishing the timbers and lumber for the G.W. MILLER's new shingle mill. With a good corps of men Dan commenced work last Monday morning and will soon have the mill ready for business, the machinery now being here.

- Otto ULRICH came down from his Middle Fork ranch a few days ago looking hale and hearty and reports health generally good and an abundance of snow in the hills. He states that on Friday of last week himself and another party were on the ridge above Canyon Lake setting traps and found eleven feet of snow up there. Should that snow come down with a sudden chinook wind and a rain there would be something doing in the valleys but it is not apt to come down that way.

- Arthur R. MATZ, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. MATZ formerly residents of Acme but now of Centralia, Washington, aged eighteen years, died the night of February 9,1910, at the home of his parents. The cause of his death is attributed to an injury received some two years ago in a "cane rush" between the ninth and tenth grades in the Centralia High School. His parents, brothers and sister have the sympathy of their many old Acme friends and neighbors in their sad bereavement.

- On Monday evening, February 14, 1910, the Epworth League gave a Valentine social at the PLACE home, and between thirty-five and forty people were present. After a short program a "heart piercing" contest furnished amusement for some time, in which Ed. SCHILDS carried off the first prize and W.R. STEPHENS received the consolation prize. Valentines were then made and some very original styles were displayed. After other games had been played the young people found their partners for supper by means of hearts and arrows on which were written truly valentine sentiments.

- Wednesday afternoon snow commenced falling in this part of the country and it fell rapidly until near five o'clock when there was about two inches covered the ground. A little fell during the night - possibly an inch - but about six o'clock Thursday morning it again began to fall copiously and kept up its lick until near five o'clock in the evening when mother earth lay under an eight inch blanket of the be-u-tiful - the deepest snow that has fallen in this part of the country in many years. It was just cold enough to snow nicely. This morning the sky is practically clear with even, indication of short shrift to our blanket white.

- Ed E. MARSHALL of Deming, manager of the Farmer's telephone in the upper Nooksack country, was here Tuesday in the interest of that company. From him we learn that there are too many switch boards in the upper country and now that more wire has been put up the "central" here will be eliminated and better service than ever given. We hope this change will prove beneficial for the service heretofore does not seem to have been satisfactory.

Deming News

- Walter CURE went to Seattle on business Tuesday.

- Mrs. H. D. INNIS is visiting with relatives at Glacier this week.

- Bert OWEN came up from Tacoma Monday for a visit with relatives here.

- Miss Annie KENNEY of BeIlingham has been visiting relatives here for some days past.

- Mrs. George SCOBY has moved to Maple Falls, where she takes charge of the Silver Lake Hotel.

- Mr. and Mrs. D.R. KLINGMAN were Bellingham visitors Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

- The Union church people held a Valentine social and supper at their church last Saturday night.

- Emerson KENNEY is improving the appearance of his home by the building of a new picket fence.

- Whooping cough has made its appearance in Deming several cases having been reported among the little ones here.

- Mrs. C.G. THOMPSON came up from Goshen and visited friends and relatives in Deming and vicinity during the past week.

- Mrs. E.L. GRIFFEN left last Friday for a two weeks visit with friends at Portland, Oregon. During her absence Mrs. W. P. MORRISON is in charge of the Hotel Regina.

- After the regular business of Deming Lodge No. 155, K. P., was completed last Tuesday night, the members present partook of a feast of nicely cooked clams, a donation from D.A. GRIFFEN.

- Mrs. Aara RUSCO of Lynden, accompanied by her two daughters, Irlma and Jessie, were visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. D.R. KLINGMAN and her brother , W. H. HEATON, a few days this week.

- The dance given at the Forester's Hall last Saturday night was a most enjoyable affair. Prizes for the best waltzers were given by the business men of Deming, Lee HATTON and Miss Rosa CURE securing the first-a dainty box of delicious candy-and Jerry DANIELS and Mrs. PINKEY the second-a box of choice cigars.

- Dr. S.J. TORNEY, Specialist in diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Glasses properly fitted. Alaska Building, Bellingham, Wash.

Special Notices

- Taken up: By Frank RADONSKI, at Clipper, Wash., one brown bull, coming one year old. Owner can get same by paying cost and keep.

- For Sale Cheap: - One Hand Hay Baling Machine-good as new and ready for use. Will be sold very cheap. Call on Charles STEPHENS, Acme, Washington.

- For Sale Cheap:- Choice cleared lots in Acme, and at right prices. These are large and handsomely located lots. Call on or address, The Prospector, Acme, Washington.

- Wanted At Once: - 250 million feet of timber conveniently located for logging. In large tractor several small ones. Must be as nearly bunched as possible. Acme Realty Company, Acme, Washington.

- Lost: -Three eight month old calves. 1 dark brown heifer; 2 little bull calves, one black and the other black and white. Will pay for information leading to their recovery. Address, John ZAREMBA Clipper, Wash.

Additional Local

- That fool ground hog evidently saw his shadow February 2, because, with the exception of two or three days, we have still got the same old winter weather with us and if anything a little more of it in the hills, which at no time since the first of December have been so thoroughly white as during the past week.

- G. N. GORRIE of Mosquito Lake has recently placed at the head of his bunch of cattle a thoroughbred registered Ayershire bull, one of the finest animals of the kind that has yet been brought to this part of the county. We shall have something further to say about this fine animal when we get particulars: in the meantime we congratulate Mr. GORRIE on his enterprise.

- Mr. CHAMBERS, a gentleman who has been at work for some months past at the Standard mill and at the Balcom-Vanderhoof camp left for Mexico Thursday morning of this week. He is interested in a machine recently invented by which placer gold is washed from the sand and gravel without the use of water. He goes to Mexico for the purpose of locating desert placer claims for his company we are told.

- What has become of the Sumas News? We have not seen a copy of that publication for six weeks.

- Next Tuesday is Washington's birthday hence a legal holiday especially for those who do not have to dig seven days each week in order to live in these days of Cannonism and Aldrichized trust-busting high prices.

- Everything in toilet goods at the Red Cross Pharmacy, Bellingham.

Real Estate

- Two lots containing large barn, suitable for livery stable. Price $500.

- 40 acres; 5 under cultivation, 20 slashed; 2 fresh cows, 100 cords shingle bolts, 50 fruit trees, berries, rhubarb, etc.; potatoes to last it until new ones arrive, 2 room house, barn, woodshed, well, good pump. Daily mail 6 miles from town; only 2-1 /2 miles from school. Price $800 if taken soon.

For a complete list of farm lands and descriptive literature address-H.F. KLUGE, Secretary, Acme Realty Co.

Presbyterian Services

Rev. John REID, Minister.

- Acme: 10:30 a.m. Sunday school-no evening services.

- Deming: 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. Rev. F. G. STRANGE of SedroWoolley will preach in the Deming Presbyterian Sunday evening at 7:30. He will specially have something on work for the young people.

U.S. Land Office at Seattle, Washington, January 25,1910
Notice is hereby given that Charles E. SCHWAB of Deming, Wash., who on January 24, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 0384, for Lot 4, Section 25, and Lots 6 and 7, Section 26, Township 38 North, Range 6 East, Williamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five Year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U.S. Land Office, at Seattle, Wash., on the 8th day of March, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Nicholas J. BAKER, Elbert N. STEWART, George M. BOWMAN and Otto ULRICH, all of Welcome, Wash.   J. Henry SMITH, Register.

Submitted by Margaret Hellyer.

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