The Weekly Blade
Whatcom, Washington

Wednesday, January 7, 1903:

I. A. GILMORE & Son, the well-known boat builders, have about completed a fine gasoline launch for Mail Carrier W. F. LOCKE and Fred W. PROUTY, city editor of the Evening Herald. It has been christened the "Dauntless" and will be launched in a few days. The launch is 36 feet long, seven-foot beam, 3 1/2 feet deep and cost about $2,000. Its engine is 16 horsepower and is capable of propelling the craft at the rate of 12 miles an hour on the average. The Dauntless is a pleasure boat and will accommodate 40 persons. The boat may be placed on the Whatcom-Anacortes route during the coming season of 1903, and will probably make about three round trips daily between the two cities, carrying passengers and light freight.

At a recent meeting of the school board of district No. 1, three more instructors were added, Miss May GILLIGAN and Miss Essie CADE and Fred O. PETERS. All the new teachers are graduates of the Whatcom High school and Miss GILLIGAN a graduate of the Normal. Miss CADE and Miss GILLIGAN will be employed as assistants in the Sehome school. Mr. PETERS will assist in the business department of the High school.

A telegram from Waco, Texas, on Monday announced the death of Mrs. Eugenia BELL, who was on a visit to her parents, in that city, leaving here about five weeks ago. Her husband, C. E. BELL, is a traveling representative of the MORSE Hardware company.

The funeral of S. D. WYMAN, who died on December 27, was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from NOICE's undertaking parlors. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Col. E. P. NICHOLSON is seriously ill at his home near Marietta and fears are entertained for his recovery. He was stricken last Friday. His sickness is attributed to old age.

W. H. PENFIELD has been appointed as janitor of the High school buildings to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Wm. SHELL.

Monday morning, January 5, at 6 o'clock, the barn of H. SEBERT and contents was destroyed by fire, caused by the explosion of a lantern. The loss is about $3,500, which was insured for $200 and the contents $200. A large quantity of hay and grain and farm implements were consumed. All the live stock was saved.

Mr. and Mrs. E. SCRIMSHER are fitting up the Iowa house on C street for a rooming house.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank CALL, former residents of this county but lately of California, returned last week to make this city their future home.

Robert SHIELDS has sold his shingle mill on Bertrand creek near Blaine to A. E. CLARK of Whatcom for $27,000, including a section of timber land.

Contractor S. E. BOOKER has secured the contract for the erection of Charles STANBRA's new brick and stone building to be erected on Railroad avenue.

KOENECKER & KITTREDGE have disposed of their interests in the Washington fish market on the viaduct to N. V. DAVIS. Messrs. KOENECKER and KITTREDGE will engage in the wholesale fish business.

On Wednesday, December 31, at high noon, James HUTTON of Anacortes and Miss Dorothea VINUP of Lynden were united in marriage at the Episcopal church in this city, Rev. A. W. CHEATHAM officiating. After the ceremony the wedding party went to the Sehome hotel, where a wedding breakfast had been prepared. Miss Bertha FERGUSON was bridesmaid and D. W. FURGUSON groomsman. The newly married couple left on the evening boat for Anacortes, where they will reside.

F. W. DeLORIMIER was transacting business in the city last Friday. Mr. DeLORIMER has resigned his position as state timber cruiser and has moved to his ranch near Ten Mile, where he will engage in the poultry business.

John B. SLY, a well-known logger formerly of Lake Whatcom, was in the city last week renewing acquaintances. He is now located at Jarvis Inlet, B. C., where he has charge of J. S. EMERSON's logging camp at that place.

Miss Ella BARNEY, a former resident of this city, died on Thursday, December 31, at the asylum for the insane at Steilacoom. Undertaker W. H. MOCK left for the place Wednesday evening to bring the remains here for burial and arrived on Friday morning. The funeral was held in the afternoon from the MOCK funeral parlors on Elk street. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

C. BOYLE of Vancouver, B. C., and Miss HAMLIN of Sumas were married by Rev. W. A. MACKEY at the parsonage on Garden street Wednesday evening December 31. Mr. and Mrs. BOYLE left on Thursday for Vancouver, where they will reside.

Thomas RAMSEY and Miss Hattie RICE were married January 1 at the home of the bride's parents on Fourteenth and C streets, Rev. W. R. COX officiating. After a wedding tour of up-sound cities they will return to Whatcom to reside.

GOODING Bros. are building a new shingle mill on the Northeast Diagonal road about two miles from this city and expect to commence operations by January 15. The mill will have a capacity of 30,000 shingles daily and will employ 15 men. The plant will be equipped with one Dunbar upright shingle machine and a 30 horsepower engine.

Wm. SHELL of 2531 Elm street died Monday, December 29, 1902, of paralysis after being confined to his bed about three weeks. Mr. SHELL was 59 years of age at the time of his death and has resided her for a number of years. He was a highly-respected citizen and was a member of J. B. STEADMAN post G. A. R., under whose auspices the funeral was held on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. J. W. FRESCOLN officiating. Mr. SHELL leaves a daughter, Mrs. E. N. HASKELL, of this city, and a son, Sherman, who resides at Govan, Washington, and many warm friends to mourn his death.

At the home of the bride's parents January 1, Mr. and Mrs. George SPEIRS on Bay street, was the scene of the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Euphemia Stirling SPEIRS, who was united to Mr. John GRAHAM, jr., of the city, Rev. W. R. COX of the United Presbyterian church being the officiating clergyman. A large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties were present to witness the marriage ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. GRAHAM departed on a wedding tour and upon their return will be at home to their friends at 1211 Canoe street after Feb. 1.

Wednesday, January 14, 1903:

Accidently Killed at the B. B. I. Co.'s Mill Last Thursday Evening.
     Michael McLEAN, a well-known and respected citizen of this community, met a tragic death last Thursday evening a few minutes before 6 o'clock in the mill of the B. B. Improvement company, where he had been employed for the past month in the capacity of a carpenter. Mr. McLEAN was engaged in repairing a sawdust conveyor, some of the buckets having worked loose. The machinery was stopped for this purpose and an inspection and adjustment was made when one of the workmen said he would go up stairs and start up the machinery, telling Mr. McLEAN to get out of the conveyor. Mr. McLEAN seemed so interested in his work as to have forgotten the warning and the man at the lever up stairs thinking that every thing was all right turned on the steam, which started the conveyor, in the trough of which Mr. McLEAN was standing. The unfortunate man soon realized his danger and called for assistance to a fellow workman who tried to extricate but it was to no avail, as one foot became entangled in the conveyor chain which carried him about 25 feet. Before the machinery could be stopped he was badly mangled and death was almost instantaneous. His lower limbs were crushed into pulp and his body was otherwise bruised and crushed and his face was badly disfigured, having received several cuts. He met a horrible death, and suffered but little, as it was all done in such a short time. Dr. AXTELL was immediately summoned, but was unable to be of any assistance when he arrived.
     Mr. McLEAN had been a resident of this city and county about 12 years, having owned considerable property here during that time. He was in the employ of the Blue Canyon Coal Mining company for several years and was outside foreman of the mine previous to his removal to Whatcom in 1900, when he was appointed jailer by Sheriff BRISBIN, which position he held for about a year, resigning to become a car builder and repairer for the Bellingham Bay & Eastern Railroad company at the shops in this city, where he remained till the N. P. purchased that road, when he was appointed train inspector until about two months ago. He expected to work at the B. B. I. mill only a few weeks.
     Mr. McLEAN was a man who enjoyed a wide acquaintance and who was universally respected by all who knew him, being honest, truthful, kind, genial, patient, always ready to lend assistance to his fellow man who was in need of help, was a faithful and considerate husband, a loving and an indulgent father, and leaves many sincere and warm friends to mourn his loss, beside a father, mother and sister in Pennsylvania, two bright little children, Helen and Joseph, aged 9 and 13 years respectively, who are in the care of the Dominican sisters of charity at Tacoma, a brother-in-law at Walla Walla, John F. McAndrew. His wife died about two years ago.
     Michael McLEAN was born in County Mayo, Ireland, about 39 years ago, moved to America with his parents when a boy, settling in Pennsylvania for several years and later coming west, where he has since resided.
     He was a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Pythias. He carried fraternal insurance to the amount of $3,000 - $1,000 in the Catholic Order of Foresters and $2,000 in the Modern Woodmen - and receives a funeral benefit of $50 from both the Hibernians and K. of P.'s.
     The funeral was held at the Church of the Assumption on Monday morning at 9 o'clock, where a requiem mass was celebrated by Rev. Father BOULET for the repose of his soul. The services were held under the auspices of the Hibernians and Catholic Order of Foresters and was attended by the members of the M. W. A. and K. of P. lodges and a large number of friends. The remains were conveyed to their last resting place in Mount Calvary cemetery, where interment was made. The only relatives present at the funeral were his two children, who came up from Tacoma on Saturday morning accompanied by two Dominican sisters.
     The pallbearers were Thomas MURRAY, Patrick W. JESSUP, Michael BYRNE, Frank J. PICKEL, Mr. FARRELL, W. C. BROWN, Michael KELLY and M. J. MARSH. Undertaker MOCK prepared the body for burial and conducted the funeral.

C. P. HOUSE, the well known tonsorial artist, has leased one of the basement rooms in the Hannah block and will conduct a Turkish bath house.

On Wednesday afternoon, January 7 Arthur E. HYATT of Clearbrook and Miss Agnes KRATSENBERGER of Sumas were united in marriage by Rev. N. EVANS at the Trinity M. E. parsonage on Garden street. Mr. and Mrs. HYATT will reside at Clearbrook.

John BELFORD of Mountain View was in the city yesterday arranging for a public sale of his household goods, farm implements, stock, etc. to be held Thursday, January 22, 1903, at his farm two miles west of Mountain View.

The postoffice at Wiser will be discontinued after tomorrow, January 15. Since the establishment of the rural free delivery and the Whatcom-Lynden star route the patronage of the office does not justify its maintenance.

Lloyd HILDEBRAND suffered the loss of the second finger of the right hand while at work at the B. B. I. mill last Thursday morning by contact with a cog wheel. The member was so badly lacerated that Dr. KELLY deemed it advisable to amputate it.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. BLACK returned Sunday from an extended tour of the eastern and southern states and Cuba.

John L. LIKINS has commenced the improvement of C street from Holly to Seventeenth street by replanking the same.

Miss Mae DELLINGER left last Wednesday for California where she will resume her studies in the preparatory school of Stanford university. Miss DELLINGER had been spending the Christmas and New Year holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. DELLINGER.

Samuel A. STRANGE and wife of Kendall precinct were visitors in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mr. STRANGE is the newly-elected road supervisor in his district.

Mrs. St. John DIX is in the city visiting her husband. H. St. John DIX, the noted ex-banker who has been a guest at the court house for the past year, occupying comfortable quarters inside the bars on the ground floor.

The Trocadero theater in Fairhaven was sold last Friday by Sheriff BRISBIN to satisfy a claim of the CLAUSSEN Brewing company of Seattle and was bid in by them for $750. The theater has been opened under new management and is now the Casino.

C. P. HOUSE, Dave BROWN and John JENSEN have purchased the MARTIN barber shop in the basement of the Hannah block on Holly street, which will be known as "The Prominent." They will add three more barber chairs and otherwise improve the shop and propose to have it first class in every particular.

Last Wednesday at high noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. FARQUHARSON, 2414 Cherry street, Clarence CHRISTOPHER and Miss Durie FARQUHARSON, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. J. N. SMITH of the First Christian church being the officiating clergyman. The bride is a well-known and popular young lady, having resided here for many years, is also a member of the First Christian church and is also a member of the choir. Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTOPHER took their departure in the evening for North Yakima, where they will reside.

Wednesday, January 21, 1903:

Mrs. Inga LEWIS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold HELGESON of this city, aged 22 years, died Monday morning at 6 o'clock after a long and painful illness of two years. Mrs. LEWIS leaves a father and mother, a baby daughter of two years and a husband and many sincere friends to mourn her death. She was of a sunny and pleasant disposition was universally loved and respected by all who knew her and has resided here since childhood. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Gifford undertaking parlors in Fairhaven. The remains were laid to rest in Bay View cemetery.

John GREULICH pleaded guilty last Saturday to the charge of selling intoxicating liquors without a license.

John Y. ROE has brought suit against the Morrison Mill company for $5,000, alleging that he lost three fingers and part of his hand while employed by the company due to defective machinery.

John SLOAN, aged about 60 years, committed suicide last Wednesday evening at Geneva by putting a dynamite cartridge in his mouth and exploding it, blowing his head completely off his body. The only means of identification were the clothes he wore. It seems that in some manner the cabin where SLOAN made his home caught fire and burned to the ground while he was absent, and upon his return to his home finding that it had been destroyed he may have become despondent on account of his ill luck and took his own life. Mr. SLOAN had been in the employ of R. WATKINS for some time doing chores around his place. A few days before the unfortunate occurrence the man drew $20 which he had earned and came to Whatcom, where he purchased some supplies and it is presumed that he also bought some intoxicants, which he is said to have used to excess at times. He is said to have been on a spree prior to his death. The coroner was notified and went to the scene and took charge of the remains and prepared them for burial. The deceased has no known relatives in this part of the country.

M. M. CONNOR and Miss Isabella HUGUENIN were married last Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Church of the Assumption by Rev. Father BOULET. Only relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the marriage ceremony, after which the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. HUGENIN, on Garden street, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast had been prepared. The newly-wedded couple were the recipients of several useful and beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. CONNOR departed on the afternoon train for British Columbia cities on a wedding tour. After their return they will make their home in this city at the Sehome hotel. Mr. CONNOR is one [of] Whatcom's business men, being a member of the Great Northern Furniture company. Mrs. CONNOR is one of Whatcom's most estimable young ladies, and has been a resident of this city from childhood. Mr. and Mrs. CONNOR have numerous friends in this city who congratulate them and wish them a happy and prosperous wedded life.

Last Tuesday morning at about 10 o'clock Ed LARSON lost his life at one of the Lake Whatcom Logging company's camps while making a coupling on a loaded logging train. He was coupling two cars of logs, the logs being longer than the cars. When the cars came together LARSON was between the two cars and evidently did not notice the logs projecting out beyond the length of the cars and was caught in this position and crushed to death. Another brakeman who saw the accident signaled the engineer to stop. The unfortunate man was picked up but soon died from the injuries. the coroner took charge of the remains and prepared the body for burial. It was shipped to Ballard for interment where his uncle resides, the only relative he has in this country. He had been in the employ of L.W.L. company about a month. His parents reside in Sweden.

Robert ARMGARDT of Licking was transacting business in the city Saturday.

C. O. SWANSON, of Nooksack, aged 20 years, died last Thursday night at Sumas of pneumonia. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SWANSON of the later place. Funeral services were held at Sumas last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

On Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock M. O. BREVICK and Miss Marie JOHNSON were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's sister on Indian street, Rev. E. A. ERICKSON officiating. Mr. and Mrs. BREVIK will reside at 1408 Iron street.

Jacob LEARNSBERRY, who conducts the Thistle restaurant on West Holly and D streets, has rented the entire three story building at the corner of West Holly and G streets, opposite the Roth block and will conduct a hotel and restaurant therein after February 1.

G. E. FISHER and Miss Florence CHANDLER, both of this city, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. CHANDLER, 2313 G street, last Thursday evening, Rev. M. C. COLE officiating. Those present were only the relatives and intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs. FISHER.

John RANKIN, the stalwart republican of Laurel precinct, was a city visitor Saturday.

Rev. N. EVANS, pastor of the Trinity M. E. church on Garden street, has accepted a call to the Asbury M. E. church in Seattle. Rev. EVANS will commence work in his new field about February 1. Rev. C. E. TODD of Baker City, Oregon, will probably be Rev. EVAN's successor at Trinity church.

Eldred GOURLEY of Seattle arrived in the city Monday and will make his home here in the future.

C. M. SMITH, who has been a resident of Anacortes the past two years, has returned and will reside here.

Miss Mayme EVERSOLE, a former resident of Whatcom but now of Alaska, where she has resided several years, is making an extended visit on Bellingham Bay.

The following bonds of road supervisors were endorsed, approved, viz:
A. F. BAATZ, district 56; Henry SINGER, district 32; D. J. KLINE, district 41; M. J. MORRIS, district 51; Bradford SLACK, district 89; P. FRACK, district 10; C. W. SMITH, district 8; F. W. HANDY, district 35; S. MYRDAL, district 55; W. S. LEWIS, district 19; Louis KEITH, district 20.
The following official bonds were examined and approved, viz:
F. F. HANDSCHY, county treasurer;
Herbert S. NOICE, county coroner
E. M. ADAMS, justice of peace, Fairhaven precinct;
Marion KEYES, justice of peace, Ferndale precinct;
S. D. WELCH, constable, Ferndale precinct;
B. BEEBLESON, Point Roberts precinct;
G. H. WATERS, justice of peace, Point Roberts precinct;
A. A. GALBRAITH, justice of peace, Saxon precinct;
B. N. KINGSLEY, constable, Blaine precinct;
Samuel C. SMITH, wreckmaster;
J. G. BROWN, constable, Fairhaven precinct;
L. A. THOMAS, county sheriff;
H. B. WILLIAMS, justice of peace, Whatcom precinct;
A. M. DAWSON, justice of peace, Sumas precinct;
E. I. THOMPSON, justice of peace, Nooksack precinct;
T. J. ELDER, justice of peace, Clearbrook precinct;
Joseph BAYES, constable, Nooksack precinct
W. D. HURLBUT, justice of peace, Fairhaven precinct;
Jerry DANIELS, constable, Whatcom precinct;
Harry GRIFFIN, justice of peace, Deming precinct;
W. R. PARKINS, justice of peace, Birch Bay precinct;
James ELDER, county assessor;
H. A. SMITH, justice of peace, Mountain View precinct;
E. VAN ZANDT, county physician.

Miss Angela GEORGE returned to Seattle yesterday to resume her studies in the Academy of Holy Names after a visit of several weeks at the home of her parents on Garden street.

Miss Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. JENKINS, sr., of Eldridge avenue, who has been in Chicago the past two years attending a hospital training school, recently graduated from that institution with high honors. She is expected to return home about the first of February.

The following are the names of citizens composing the jury list for 1903:
Whatcom - First ward
Thomas E. SMITH
Second ward
Frank LEES
William BROWN
Third ward
Fourth ward
Fifth ward
John F. WOOD
Oliver O'REE
Thomas SLADE
Sixth ward
Fairhaven - First ward
Second ward
Third ward
George W. QUIMBY
Fourth ward
Fifth ward
Sixth ward
Robt. A. REID
Michael KELLY

Baker precinct
Clinton BREWER

Blaine - First ward
Second ward
Third ward

Birch Bay precinct
David T. LONG

Chuckanut precinct

Crescent precinct

Custer precinct

Clearbrook precinct
Malcolm LOREEN

Columbia precinct

Cedar precinct

Delta precinct
Martin BURKE
August NYMAN

Deming precinct
Lmery (sic) BELL

Excelsior precinct

Eldridge precinct

Eliza Island precinct

Ferndale precinct
James OAKS
Harry WYNN

Ferry precinct

Goshen precinct

Harrison precinct

Island precinct

Kendall precinct

Laurel precinct

Lake precinct

Licking precinct

Lynden precinct
Joseph O'NEIL

Marietta precinct
George GIBBS

Meridian precinct
George ERZ

Maple precinct
Michael BARRON

Mountain View precinct
J. Norman PRATT
Henry CARL

Nooksack precinct

Park precinct

Prairie precinct

Point Roberts precinct
Frank E. PIKE

Roeder precinct

Rome precinct

Saxon precinct
Albert MOCK

Semiahmoo precinct

Sumas precinct
Charles C. BARBO

Ten Mile precinct

Woodland precinct

Wednesday, January 28, 1903:

Miss Luella GLASGOW, aged 23 years, died yesterday morning at 1:30 o'clock of dropsy and heart trouble at her home on H and West Holly streets after a lingering illness. Miss GLASGOW leaves a father and mother, one sister and a brother to mourn her death. She had resided in this city the past three or four years and had many friends who sympathize with the bereaved family. She was until recently employed in The Fair department store in the capacity of a clerk. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence under the direction of R. N. GIFFORD. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. GARRETT of Seattle have taken charge of the upper floors of the Roth block, where they will conduct a rooming and boarding house.

Last Thursday night Ernest HANSON, an employe of the CLARK shingle mill at Ferndale, suffered the loss of a portion of two fingers on the left hand by contact with a jointer.

Saturday morning, Richard ROWE, a shingle sawyer at the Silver Beach shingle mill, came near losing his life. While putting on his working jacket he stood near the saw, which caught the garment, pulling Mr. ROWE on to the saw. He was cut severely on the head and neck and his right arm was lacerated. Mr. ROWE was brought to the city for medical treatment.

Charles A. ARCHER, a Washington pioneer and a highly respected citizen of Whatcom, aged 64 years, died last Thursday at his home, 2209 B street, of pneumonia. Mr. ARCHER leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Alonzo GREENWOOD, to mourn his death. He was a member of J. B. STEADMAN post, G. A. R., who attended the funeral in a body, which was held at the MOCK undertaking parlors last Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Martin WANLICH of Marietta returned last week from the North Fork country, where he had been for several days cruising timber lands. Mr. WANLICH reports heavy snows at the foot of the Sister mountains.

L. C. AXTON and Will D. JENKINS, jr., are erecting a new sawmill near Laurel, which will have a daily capacity of 30,000 feet of lumber. The machinery for the new mill has been ordered and everything will be in readiness for operation about March 1. The firm owns a large tract of timber land near Laurel and will work up the timber with their own mill. They will give special attention to the manufacturing of fine finishing lumber.

The Bay City Furniture company has sold its factory in this city located on Railroad avenue to W. E. WALSH of Everett, James PARKS of Kansas and E. CASSIDY of Victor, Colorado. It is the intention of the new company to enlarge by the addition of another two-story building adjoining the one on Railroad avenue. The company has also ordered new machinery for the plant and will operate a sash and door factory in connection. They will manufacture furniture on a large scale for the wholesale trade.

Commencing February 15, 1903, the Great Northern railway will resume the sale of one-way settlers tickets from St. Paul and all points tributary to St. Paul to all North Pacific coast points at a rate of $25; from Chicago, $8 higher.

William MOORE met with a serious accident at the Treutle shingle mill last Tuesday, which necessitated the amputation of his left arm. Mr. MOORE was engaged at work on an upright shingle machine when his sleeve was caught in the head block, drawing his arm in contact with the saw and as a consequence the bone of his arm was so badly sawed and the flesh so badly lacerated that it was deemed advisable to bring him to the hospital in Whatcom, the doctors deciding to amputate the member. Mr. MOORE is still in a very weak condition, but has prospects of recovering.

Last Friday morning about 8 o'clock fire broke out in the lodging house near the corner of Eleventh street and Knox avenue, Fairhaven, which did considerable damage before the fire department got the fire under control. The fire was caused by a defective flue. The building was occupied by Mrs. SKAAR, who conducts a boarding and rooming house therein. There was no one in the part of the building where the fire started, and it had gained such headway by the time it was discovered that the building and much of the contents were almost totally destroyed. Mrs. SKAAR estimates her loss at $800, with about $300 insurance. The building was owned by J. E. TIERNEY and insured for $750.

City Council - The resignation of A. W. WALKER as patrolman was accepted. Councilman MULLIN moved that Warren HEDGES be elected to take WALKER's place; carried.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. CONNOR returned Sunday evening from their ten days' wedding tour of British Columbia and up-sound cities. They have taken up their residence at the Sehome hotel.

The death of Mrs. Rachel M. STITES occurred at the home of her daughter, near Nooksack, January 20, 1903. She was 77 years, 1 month and 20 days old at the time of her death. Mrs. STITES had been a sufferer with dropsy, which disease ultimately caused her death. Interment was made in the Nooksack cemetery and services were conducted by Mrs. M. E. BUCKBEE.

-In honor of their births having occurred on the same day of the month, J. W. BELL and the Misses Effie HERRICK, Effie KALE and Gladis MACINTOSH dined together at the doctor's home last Monday, January 19. Each was the recipient of handsome presents. The doctor was 72 years of age, Effie HERRICK 14, Effie KALE 11 and Gladis MACINTOSH 9.
At night the doctor was very agreeably surprised by a number of his friends gathering at his home, among whom were the following:
Mesdames C. S. KALE, C. K. MOSLEY, J. R. SIMONSON, C. BRADSHAW, A. HARKNESS, J. A. WALKER and J. W. BELL; Misses Effie HERRICK, Effie KALE, Ollie KALE and Darline HARKNESS; Messrs. A. HARKNESS, C. BRADSHAW, C. K. MOSLEY and J. R. SIMONSON; Masters Vera JOYCE, Francis SIMONSON, Walter JOYCE, Fay MOSLEY and James WALKER.

Wednesday, February 4, 1903:

A camp of the Modern Woodmen of America was organized at Maple Falls Saturday night. The degree team and several officers of Whatcom lodge went up from here for the purpose of instituting a lodge at that place on Saturday, among whom were Venerable Counsel F. E. DANIELS, Worthy Accountant Walter K. PIXLEY, Clerk A. E. JONES and the degree team, numbering in all 14. The Maple Falls camp starts out with 64 charter members, and bids fair to become one of the largest camps in Whatcom county.

Mrs. Henrietta BELANGER [BELLANGER] of Silver Beach died Sunday morning at her home of consumption, aged 55 years. Funeral services were held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the Church of the Assumption, Rev. Father BOULET officiating. She leaves a husband, four sons and four daughters to mourn her death. The remains were laid to rest in Bay View cemetery.

John Y. COLLINS, the naturalist and pioneer citizen of Whatcom, died January 30, 1903, at the asylum at Steilacoom. Mr. COLLINS was a most respected citizen and a man of considerable ability. He was born in Grundy county, Illinois, November, 1834. His remains were interred at Steilacoom.

Sunday was a quiet day in the Bay cities, both towns observing the Sunday law. All places of business, except drug stores, restaurants and hotels were closed. The only wares that could be purchased in the former were drugs. Not even a cigar nor periodical was on sale.

Simon KILDALL will open his bank at Lynden tomorrow, Thursday, February 5.

Mrs. Charles MAGEE, through Councilman MULLIN, offered the old Fort Bellingham flag pole to the city if it were placed in Walnut street park; the street commissioner was instructed to get the pole and so place it in position.

A meeting of the Y. M. C. A. committee was held last week in the Slade block to devise ways and means of reviving the local organization in Whatcom. Dr. E. T. MATHES, R. I. MORSE, J. W. WHALEY, W. E. McCADDEN and George W. MOCK were appointed as a committee to advertise and keep the matter before the public. Assistant State Secretary J. W. WILCOX addressed the meeting and stated that he believed the Bay cities could furnish the material to establish and maintain a flourishing organization here.

In the justice court last week in the case of J. E. CLARK vs. Jacob BECK, the plaintiff was awarded damages in the sum of $82.50 Plaintiff alleges that he was rooming at the Grand View hotel; that during his absence the room was entered and articles stolen belonging to the plaintiff valued to the value of $82.50. Judge WILLIAMS held that the proprietor of the hotel was responsible and rendered judgment accordingly.

D. H. DeCAN has purchased 200 angora goats, with which he will stock his 160 acre farm on the Ferndale road and will raise them for the purpose of enhancing the value of the land as well as for their fleece, which sells at wholesale at from 25 to 50 cents per pound. A goat will yield from three to four pounds of fleece each year, which when woven into cloth, is known as mohair.

The case of GOHEEN vs. the city last week in the superior court was decided in favor of the defendant. Mr. GOHEEN brought suit against the city in the sum of $210 damages for the loss of a horse. About a year ago West Holly street was being repaired. The horse ran away and jumped into an opening in said street on the the tide flats and was killed, hence the suit.

Councilman William POWELL had the misfortune to fall on the steps leading up to his home one day last week, striking his knee and causing a severe fracture, crippling him temporarily, making it necessary for him to take to his bed, where he has been confined most of the time since. Mr. POWELL is now improving and hopes to be out in a few days.

E. T. LOGSDON and Mrs. Hannah JENSEN were united in marriage Monday morning, Judge NETERER officiating. Mr. LOGSDON is a brother of Chief of Police LOGSDON of this city. Mr. and Mrs. LOGSDON will reside on Magnolia street.

Chas. COLBY of Lynden died Saturday morning at his home of catarrhal consumption, leaving a wife and one child to mourn his death.

Hon. Martin J. MALONEY of Marquis, Stevens county, Washington, a member of the eighth Washington legislature and a former resident of Whatcom, came up from Olympia Saturday to renew acquaintances and visit friends over Sunday, returning to the capital city Sunday night.

Born - January 29, to the wife of P. C. SMITH, of the Leader Dry Goods company, at 1910 H street, a baby boy.

Matt RYAN has purchased property on Forest street from W. L. EATON and will erect two story flats thereon at a cost of about $3,000.

Charles ANDERSON, an incorrigible youth, was committed to the reform school by Judge NETERER last week and was taken there by Deputy Sheriff PARBERRY.

Attorney C. C. ROGERS, a former resident of Whatcom but late of Tennessee, has returned to make his permanent home here. He left here about two years ago.

Rev. N. EVANS of Trinity M. E. church left last Thursday, accompanied by his family, for Seattle, where they will reside permanently, Rev. EVANS having accepted a call to the pastorate of Asbury M. C. church in that city.

V. W. TAYLOR, who until recently conducted a jewelry and pawn brokerage business on West Holly street, has taken his departure for greener fields and pastures newer. Rumor has it that TAYLOR is in old Mexico. The store and stock of goods are now in charge of the U. S. bankruptcy court, on application of Mrs. TAYLOR, who owns the stock. A hearing will be accorded the creditors next Tuesday, February 10. Attorney PARROTT of SLENTZ & PARROTT is the local referee. The assets are about $3,500 and the liabilities $5,000.

LONG Bros. have moved their stock of hardware from the storeroom at the corner of Bay and Holly streets to the room adjoining, lately vacated by the Northwest Grocery company. GREGORY & OTT will occupy the corner with a saloon after February 15.

John A. KELLOGG, a well-known attorney of Northport, Washington, has been visiting his mother and sister in Fairhaven. Mr. KELLOGG will go to Olympia, where he has a case before the supreme court, after which he will return to Northport, accompanied by his mother and sister, Mrs. George A. KELLOGG and Miss Harriet KELLOGG.

Virgil F., aged 7 years, the youngest son of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. FRESCOLN, I street, died of inflammatory rheumatism last Thursday. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the First M. E. church, Rev. Spencer S. SULLIGER officiating. The funeral was under the direction of Undertaker W. H. MOCK. The remains were interred in Bay View cemetery.

Married - At the home of City Treasurer and Mrs. WILSON, 1434 Humboldt street, last Wednesday evening, Miss Ellen WILSON and Willis S. LISTON, Rev. N. EVANS officiating. Franklin WILSON and Miss Gertrude WHITAKER acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. Only intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the marriage ceremony, after which a delectable wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. LISTON took their departure for Lenare, Idaho, where they will reside.

-Sam SEVIER is building a new picket fence in front of his house; he is also building a new barn on his place and making other improvements.
-R. A. PARR is building a line fence on the north end of his place to join with Mr. ARNIE on the old STOLTENBERG place.
-Mr. BROWN's shingle mill at Kickerville will soon be running the same as usual.
-Mr. WILCOX was busy painting the school house Saturday.
-Merrick TRACY went to Whatcom Saturday.
-Roy McHEFFEY has been visiting his old home and friends around Birch Bay the last few days.

Wednesday, February 11, 1903:

Miss Margaret COSGROVE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund COSGROVE, and Mr. Frank Leonard WILKINS were married at the residence of the bride's parents, 212 Fifteenth avenue north, Wednesday morning, February 4. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. A. WOODS. Miss Margaret WHEALEN was the bridesmaid. W. W. DUNN acted as best man. The wedding was a very quiet one, only very intimate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. WILKINS left on the 8:30 train for Portland [and] points south, where they will remain about a month, after which they will make Seattle their future home. -Seattle Times.
Mrs. WILKINS was a resident of Whatcom for several years prior to her removal with her parents to Seattle. She has a number of relatives and friends here who wish her joy and happiness.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HERMSEN rejoice over the arrival at their home in the Roth block a baby daughter, who was born on Monday, February 9.

P. S. SWINLAND pleaded guilty Monday in the superior court to the charge of robbing the Carlisle Packing company's fish trap and was fined $25 and costs.

Elizabeth KELLY, wife of the noted smuggler, Larry KELLY, was granted a divorce from her husband by Judge NETERER on Monday.

M. R. SORENSON of Fairhaven and Miss Myrtle ELLIS of Ferndale were married last Wednesday by Justice WILLIAMS.

The county commissioners granted M. S. FITE a liquor license Saturday. FITE will open a saloon at Everson. Residents of that village protested long and loud to the commissioners against the establishment at that place.

The Whatcom lodge of Eagles has called for bids for the erection of a new fraternal hall to be erected on Holly street, between Elk and Forest street on the property adjoining the L. D. PIKE block. The building will cost about $4,000 when completed.

The Kulshan Lumber company is the name of a new industrial concern recently organized by ALLEN & RORAY and D. Daun EGAN. They have purchased a block of tide land from V. A. ROEDER near the inshore line of the Great Northern railroad upon which the company will erect a mill in the near future. The plans of the company have not all been arranged yet.

The total enrollment at the Normal school is 384 students.

A. J. SUNDBERG of Welcome was transacting business in the city last week.

Frank BARBARIS was committed to the asylum for the insane last week by Judge NETERER.

Plans are being prepared by Architect COX for remodeling and improving the Lighthouse block, which was purchased by ROEHL Bros. a few months ago. Among other improvements will be a steam heating plant which will soon be installed.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred WENDT, who have resided near Wiser lake the past 20 years, left yesterday for San Jose, California, where they will visit relatives and reside for the next year or more in the hope of regaining their health. Mr. WENDT has leased his farm of 400 acres to G. P. DEAN, who purchased all his farming implements, work stock, etc. Mr. WENDT has one of the finest and best improved farms in Whatcom county. When he came here 20 years ago there were no roads in this county and supplies had to be carried on settlers' backs to their ranches.

Miss FULLER of Springhill, Nova Scotia, is the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. FULLER, on Ellis street. Mr. and Mrs. FULLER expect to leave soon for Wenatchee, Wash., where Mr. FULLER may engage in the dry goods business.

Articles of incorporation of the Whatcom Eagles' Home association have been filed in County Auditor SYBERT's office. Miller G. SCOUTEN, Frank R. BORGESON, Olaf GLAD, J. H. LONG, L. H. DARWIN and Gustav S. BETTMAN are the incorporators.

Mrs. Edward SEARS has filed suit for damages against the B. B. & B. C. Railroad company for the killing of her husband, Edward SEARS, on Kentucky street several months ago. She asks damages in the sum of $25,000.

Last Wednesday morning at about 9:30 o'clock William C. VAWTER committed suicide in the city jail by hanging himself. VAWTER met Chief LOGSDON on the street the evening before and asked to be locked up for the night, as he had been on a big spree and was unwell and wanted to sleep it off. The man tore strips from off a blanket and made a rope of it, tied it around his neck and made it fast to the upper part of his cell. He was about 40 years of age and claimed to be a bartender and was supposed to be unmarried. VAWTER's body was taken charge of by Coroner NOICE, who prepared it for shipment to Indiana, where a brother and sister reside.

Wallace E. DEMENT of Blaine has obtained a valuable patent for improvements in a can salting machine.

Rev. Charles E. TODD has succeeded Rev. Nathan EVANS to the pastorate of Trinity M. E. church on Garden street. He delivered his first sermon Sunday.

Rev. F. B. JONES of San Francisco has accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Congregational church of this city. Rev. JONES bears the reputation of being one of the most eloquent divines on the Pacific coast.

Gordon CASTON of Deming and Miss Alice LAW of this city were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Spencer S. SULLIGER, 1127 Dock street. Mr. and Mrs. CASTON will reside permanently at Licking.

Wednesday, February 18, 1903:

The school board of district No. 1 (Whatcom) met last week and adopted the plans submitted by Architect LEE for the new High school building which it is proposed to erect this year. The plans of the building is simple and provision is made for every necessity. The building will be 123 feet 6 inches in length and 92 feet 6 inches wide. The basement will have six entrances and will be arranged for lunch rooms, play rooms and toilet rooms. The first floor will have one broad front entrance nearly arched and two rear entrances. It will have six large class rooms a superintendent's office and a library room. A broad staircase will lead centrally to the second floor. In the 20x123 1/2 foot hall of the first floor two cloak cages built of perforated wire will be provided for each class room. This is a new idea. The toilet rooms for the teachers will be under the stairway landing. In the second story, which is intended only for High school pupils, there will be an assembly room 32x64 feet in size. Leading from this room will be four recitation rooms. There will be but one class room on this floor. There will be a laboratory, an apparatus room and a parlor. The floor is so arranged that when required it can be turned into class rooms as below, with very little expense. All the doors leading from the assembly room will be placed to provide for this contingency. The heating of the building will be done by the fan system. Twenty-two conduits will lead from the furnaces in the center of the basement to the floors above. The valves on the pipes will be automatically regulated by the temperature. The sites for the two new buildings, one of which will be located in eureka addition, have not yet been selected.

E. CHAMBERS of Rome swore out a warrant in Justice WILLIAMS' court last week against Wm. ROY for assault and battery. Trouble has been brewing in that neighborhood for some time past. A shot was fired through the window of CHAMBERS' house and his barn was burned some time ago. ROY is accused by CHAMBERS of committing these acts, out of which trouble grew. ROY filed a counter charge of assault against CHAMBERS on Saturday. ROY was fined $16.35 Monday for assault on CHAMBERS. The charge against CHAMBERS for assault on ROY was dismissed.

The city council of Lynden has passed an ordinance providing for the issuance of a saloon license, despite the opposition of a number of citizens in a petition to the council protesting against any action of this kind. The petition was signed by 86 citizens, 75 of whom are voters. The council's acts are not endorsed by a great many of Lynden's citizens and has caused considerable comment by the opposition.

Mrs. Florence B. REDDY of Ellensburg, Wash., who has been the guest of Mrs. A. B. JEWETT and Mrs. S. E. MULLIN for the past two weeks, returned to her home Monday. Miss Gertrude PRIGMORE of Ellensburg, who has been here attending the Normal school, accompanied her on a short visit to her parents.

George HEMMI is building a new shingle mill at Wahl, where he has purchased a sufficient amount of timber to keep the mill in operation a number of years. Mr. HEMMI is an old experienced mill man and was formerly with the Geneva Lumber company.

F. W. VAN BROCKLIN and Miss Ethel LEAVITT, both of Kendall, were granted a marriage license Monday.

Mrs. C. W. HOWARD has been called to her home in Kentucky by a telegram announcing the serious illness of her father.

KAUFMAN Bros. will open a dry goods store on West Holly street about March 10 in the building lately occupied by GREENBERG Bros.

Mr. and Mrs. ERICSON's little girl, Mabel, of Delta, was in Whatcom recently and had an operation performed on one of her feet.

Harry BARRON of Delta was in the city on business last Thursday.

Mrs. J. W. PATTERSON, wife of Rev. J. W. PATTERSON of East Sound, received the sad intelligence of the death of her mother in Ontario last week. The news was all the more sad for the reason that Mrs. PATTERSON, who had not seen her mother for ten years, was making preparations to go on a visit to her old home.

A. B. CLARK of The Fair department store is in Portland confined there with an attack of pneumonia. He had been to San Francisco on a business trip and was on his way home.

Rev. J. W. SAVAGE, formerly a minister of the First Congregational church of this city, died Saturday morning at Hemet, California. He leaves a wife to mourn his death. he was about 50 years of age.

Strandell will have a new sawmill. S. McILVANIE and E. McELHOE will erect a mill at that place which will have a capacity of about 20,000 feet of lumber daily. The mill will be ready for operation about April 1.

Thomas MANUAN, formerly foreman of construction work on the Chuckanut cut off of the Great Northern, has gone to Richmond Beach, on the G. N. coast line, where he is employed in a like capacity by the same company.

Miss Dorothy E. WISDOM arrived in the city last Thursday and has established a shorthand and typewriting school in the Hannah block on East Holly street. Miss WISDOM is a resident of Lincoln, Nebraska, and is touring the world in the interest of the Leslie syndicate. She will remain in this section until June, when she will go to Alaska. She was W. J. BRYAN's private secretary during his presidential campaign of '96. Miss WISDOM has traveled extensively in Europe, where she represented Hearst's Chicago American. She was educated in Washington, D. C.

-Chas. LANKTREE is very low. He is not expected to stay with us much longer.
-The son-in-law of Mr. FAIR has moved into the Birch Bay neighborhood with his family. He has built a blacksmith shop on the M. F. TRACY place, where he will be able to accommodate the neighbors with all kinds of work.
February 16, 1903.

Wednesday, February 25, 1903:

Peter HANAN will soon commence the erection of a new $900 residence on his property on J street.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed E. HARDIN of Eureka addition are happy, caused by the arrival of a baby girl at their home on February 18.

Miss Mollie BROWN is teaching a term of school near Lynden in the Fairview district.

Lyman SEELYE has secured a building permit from the city clerk for an $800 residence at 2517 Kulshan avenue.

County Commissioner and Mrs. J. L. EASTON returned to their home in Fairhaven last week after spending most of the winter in Southern California.

The Bay City livery stable has been moved from the G street wharf to the corner of G and West Holly streets. Charles E. LIND is remodeling the building and will use it for his teams and vehicles.

One Man Almost Cut in Two by Falling on a Saw
Last Thursday morning at an early hour, M. H. OLMSTEAD, a shingle sawyer at the Hastings mill near Wahl, was instantly killed while at work sawing shingles on an upright shingle machine. There were no eyewitnesses to the awful accident, but it is supposed that Mr. OLMSTEAD leaned forward to push the shingles down into a chute, when in some manner his clothing was caught in the set screw on the shafting, pulling his body on to the saw, almost cutting it in twain just below the chest. Coroner NOICE, upon notification of the accident, left for the mill and brought the remains to the city and prepared them for shipment to Michigan for interment. Mr. OLMSTEAD was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. He was a member of the Maccabees.

Henry FRERICKS, an employe of the Alger Oil & Mineral company, was killed by a Great Northern freight train last Thursday afternoon about 4 o'clock near Alger, on the Great Northern, about 15 miles south of Fairhaven. FRERICKS was loading a car on the sidetrack with brick when the accident happened. Some cars were being switched in on the spur, which struck the one on which FRERICKS was at work, knocking him backward off the car and under the wheels, death resulting almost instantly. His body was badly mangled. He was about 30 years of age and unmarried. The Skagit county coroner was summoned, but did not think it necessary to hold an inquest.

J. P. NELSON, Wm. FRIZELL, Samuel ALSOP, S. J. CRAFT and other local citizens have arranged for the purchase of the Washington salmon cannery in Fairhaven. It is the intention of these parties to form a company and engage in the canning of traps.

Mrs. Martha WESTLUND died last Saturday at her home on Grant street of cancer of the stomach, aged 49 years. The funeral services were held at the Swedish Baptist church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Miss Kathleen COOPER, aged 14 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. COOPER, died at her home on Eldridge avenue last Thursday morning at 8 o'clock from an attack of appendicitis. The funeral services were held at the family residence Saturday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. W. A. MACKEY officiating. The funeral was largely attended, requiring three cars to convey the funeral cortege to Bay View cemetery, where interment was made.

The new GAMWELL electric fire alarm system for Whatcom will soon be ready for installation, as most of the material arrived last week. The system provides for 12 alarm boxes which will be located in different parts of the city, from which an alarm of fire can be turned in to any one of the fire stations in almost less than no time.

J. E. FLETCHER of the Oxford saloon on Holly street was arrested last week and fined $30 and costs, amounting in all to $34.45, for violating the Sunday law by having the back door of the saloon open and selling liquor. He was tried before Justice WILLIAMS, paid his fine and was released. H. M. WHITE, city attorney, and Chief of Police LOGSDON filed complaints against FLETCHER.

Wednesday, March 4, 1903:

Numerous homeseekers from the east are en route to Whatcom county to locate permanently. A large number have recently arrived, taking advantage of the $25 rate from St. Paul and Missouri river points to the Sound. The following persons from Newton, Illinois, who destination is Whatcom, have purchased tickets over the Great Northern and will arrive here in a few days: Daniel PRITCHARD and family, Mrs. CRALL? and Wiley HONEY.

Maple Falls was visited on Saturday night by the fire demon, destroying the dry kiln of McRae & Hardeman's shingle mill, the residences of G. A. KING and R. B. SHATTUCK. The fire started in the dry kiln. The mill was saved by the efforts of volunteer firemen. The total loss is estimated at $2,000, partly covered by insurance.

The Whatcom Rod and Gun club's boat house near the street car trestle on Lake Whatcom was destroyed by fire Monday afternoon, entailing a loss of building and boats to the extent of $600.


Mr. and Mrs. John HULL left on Monday for New York city, where they will reside for some time in the hope that Mrs. HULL may be benefited under the care of specialists. Mrs. HULL has been in poor health for some time and it was deemed advisable for her to go east for medical treatment.

Mrs. E. E. KIPPS, mother of Mr. Henry R. GEORGE, died at the family residence, 920 Garden street, last Friday afternoon. Mrs. KIPPS was stricken with paralysis two weeks ago, from which she was unable to rally. Her sudden summons is deeply felt by Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE, who had hoped and planned for many days with her. She was a pioneer of California, having lived in San Francisco for 48 years. She was a woman of noble character and high literary ability. Her demise will be deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. Mrs. KIPPS had made her home with Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE since last November, her husband having died in San Francisco in that month. She was 78 years old at the time of her death. The funeral was held at the family residence Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. W. CHEATHAM of the Episcopal church.

Mrs. W. J. SIMONDS and son left Friday night on a visit to McMinnville, Oregon.

Charles W. GOODING and Miss Ada WILSON, both of Whatcom, were united in marriage last Thursday by Justice WILLIAMS.

H. HERBERT of Bow, Skagit county, and Miss Ethel L. HALEY of Nooksack City were united in marriage last week by Judge NETERER at the court house. They will reside in Skagit county.

Judge NETERER has appointed Bernard MONTAGUE of the firm of MONTAGUE & McHUGH as administrator of the estate of Michael McLEAN, who was killed in a sawdust conveyor at the B. B. I. company's mill January 8 while making necessary repairs to the machinery.

Marietta will have another shingle mill, which will be constructed and operated by John MORRISON, who has bought the machinery for the plant. The mill will have a daily capacity of 75,000 shingles and will employ 15 men. There is sufficient timber in the vicinity to supply the mill a number of years.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCADDEN of Eighteenth and G streets are the happy parents of a baby boy, who came to their home last Friday.

R. L. BARR purchased the Frank FLINT residence on Garden street last week, consideration $3,000. B. H. SILVER sold the property.

F. M. BLOOM, a mill man of Northwood and vice-president of the Lone Star Mining company, was transacting business in the city Saturday.

Miss Inger ANDERSON, who has been residing in Seattle and Tacoma for several years, has returned to Whatcom and has accepted the position of stenographer in the office of the local street railway company.

The special school election held in Fairhaven on Saturday for the purpose of voting $35,000 in bonds for the erection of a High school building carried by an overwhelming majority. The total vote cast was 687 - 606 for bonds and 81 against.

W. W. JOHNSON and family formerly of this city, have moved to the Nooksack valley, where they intend to reside in the future.

Vice-President W. H. NORTON of the Great Excelsior Mining company came down from the mine on Thursday. He states that operations on the company's property are progressing very favorably.

Edna May, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. JAMIESON of 2128 North Elk street, died last Friday afternoon at the home of her parents, after an illness of two months. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. C. E. TODD officiating. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

A sad accident occurred at 921 Elk street Thursday afternoon, when the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant SHAW fell from a porch, a distance of eight feet on to a plank walk in the yard below, breaking her neck. The porch on which she stood had no railing around it, and it is supposed that she was leaning forward watching her grandfather, who was working in the yard and leaned too far forward losing her balance, falling off the porch, which cost her her life. Mr. PHILLIPS, her grandfather, picked her up and summoned Dr. CROSS, who made an examination of the child, finding that her neck had been broken by the fall on the plank walk. Efforts were made to revive her, but without success, as death was almost instantaneous. Mrs. SHAW and two children are recent arrivals from Kansas. Mr. SHAW, who is now in the east, was communicated with by telegraph.

-Mrs. S. W. HARDAN called on the dentist last Thursday to have a number of teeth pulled.
-Mr. and Mrs. RAE (colored) of Seattle arrived here on Saturday and will assist in holding services in the Methodist church for a short time.
-The mill of Mr. WOOLRIDGE will soon be ready for business again, as the engine arrived Saturday and the teams took part of the machinery out to the mill. The remainder of the machinery will be placed this week.

Wednesday, March 11, 1903:

    One of the most disastrous fires ever occurring on Bellingham Bay broke out in the MURCHISON mill, Fairhaven, Friday morning, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, destroying property to the amount of $150,000, in the manufacturing portion of the city. The fire completely destroyed the mill plant of the Bellingham Lumber & Shingle company, better known as the MURCHISON mill, the HILL-WELBON wharf and three vestibuled passenger coaches of the Northern Pacific railway, which were on the sidetrack near where the fire originated. A high wind was blowing at the time, and as the weather had been dry for some weeks, the fire soon gained headway, spreading over a territory of 550 feet along the water front, completely burning up everything with which it came in contact. The Great Northern Railway company is loser to the extent of $5,000. The burned portion of the water front extends from the middle of Douglas street to the north side of Taylor street, a distance of 550 feet.
    The losses to the different companies and persons are as follows: Bellingham Lumber & Shingle company, plant and stock, $100,00; C. X. LARRABEE, HILL-WELBON docks and ware houses, $15,000; Northern Pacific Railway company, $30,000; Great Northern Railway company, $5,000. The Bellingham Lumber & Shingle company carried $30,000 insurance. This company employed 105 men and had a monthly pay roll of $4,500. The shingle mill had a capacity of 160,000 shingles daily, the saw mill 45,000 feet. The mill of the above company was practically new, as it was built last summer. The trestles of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern were burned for a distance of several hundred feet, besides two loaded freight cars.
    It will never be known just how the fire originated. The night crew was at lunch when the flames were discovered. After two hours of hard work the fire was brought under control, which at one time seemed to be a hopeless case. All the industries on the Fairhaven water front from Taylor street to Deadman's point were threatened with destruction. ...

City Council - F. F. GIRARD and W. A. WOODS were granted a license for an employment agency. T. A. THOMPSON was appointed as a police officer to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Warren HEDGES.

James F. SWEENEY of Everett and Miss Ella M. STOUT of Blaine were granted a marriage license by the county auditor Monday.

Callie DAVIS of Sumas was committed to the county jail on Monday, as he attempted to beat a board bill which he owed a hotel at that place.

Anton NELSON of Lawrence was adjudged insane Monday and was committed to the asylum. Deputy Sheriff PARBERRY took him to Steilacoom yesterday.

Edward STUBLEY, a native of England, who has recently been in the employ of the street car company as conductor, was arrested Monday by Detective JESSUP and will be held to answer to the charge of larceny. STUBLEY was formerly an attache of the Reveille. He has been suspected for some time of taking things that didn't belong to him. A search warrant was issued and his room at 903 West Holly street was searched by Officers JESSUP and NUGENT, where he had stowed away several suits of clothes, five overcoats, numerous neckties and handkerchiefs, several suits of underwear, a gold watch and gold stickpins. Some of the articles have been identified by their owners. In his pocket was found a certificate of deposit for $800 on the Home Security Savings bank. He also has a $1,400 account with a Seattle bank. STUBLEY is said to be an ex-convict and to have "done time" in a British Columbia penitentiary.

The Woodmen of the World are making arrangements for the construction of a new hall, which will be the permanent home of this progressive organization. A site for the new building, which will be of brick and stone, has been purchased at the corner of Canoe and Champion streets. The building will be two stories high. The lower story will be arranged for storerooms. The upper story will be planned for a lodge room, reading room, parlor, gymnasium and other conveniences, which will make it a first-class lodge room in every particular. A stock company has been organized for the purpose of carrying forward the work. Work of constructing the new building will commence within 30 days. The directors are C. GRAINGER, John BARIL, W. E. BUFFAM, Perry B. NEWKIRK, H. W. PARROTT, D. M. BEARD, Emrys B. MORGAN, J. F. MAGUIRE and E. T. TRIMBLE.

The new bridge which was recently built by the county over the slough at Marietta is now ready for traffic.

Deputy Sheriff PARBERRY arrested August JOHNSON Friday, who is in charge of the Silver Beach hotel bar, for selling liquor without a license. JOHNSON appeared before Justice WILLIAMS and pleaded not guilty.

The sawmill plant of the OLESON Lumber company, about three miles from Whatcom on the Northeast Diagonal road, was destroyed by fire early Saturday morning. Loss, $15,000, which was covered by insurance.

James McDONALD and James PETERSON have sold their sawmill at Acme to the Lobe-Cutter Mill company for a consideration of $50,000. The sale includes 25,000,000 feet of fir timber. Messrs. McDONALD & PETERSON retain their interests in the shingle mill and will continue it operation.

Deputy County Treasurer C. W. ROBERTS has resigned his position in the treasurer's office and will engage in the real estate business. Treasurer HANDSCHY has appointed Miss Nellie ROGERS as Mr. ROBERTS' successor. Miss ROGERS has been for a number of years head clerk in the treasurer's office.

The fire of last Friday morning, resulting in the destruction of the MURCHISON lumber mill on the Fairhaven water front and the accompanying menace to other property, emphasizes very strongly the necessity for a paid fire department on the Bay and also the necessity of a fireboat. ....

Mrs. C. C. HIXSON of Everett, a former resident of Whatcom is in the city the guest of Mrs. J. K. LOVE on West Holly street.

Engineer CRYDERMAN and party left Sunday via the Great Northern for Brewster, Eastern Washington, to resume surveying for the B. B. & B. C. railroad.

Miss Gertrude JENKINS, who has been in Chicago the past two years, where she took a course in a hospital training school, arrived home last week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. JENKINS, sr., on Eldridge avenue.

The Lynden Mill & Light company has been organized by Ed EDSON, W. H. WAPLES and other citizens of that locality. The company will furnish electric lights for the Gem city and erect a shingle mill with a daily capacity of 60,000 shingles.

The residence of A. E. McMILLIN, near Laurel, was totally destroyed by fire last week with all its contents; no insurance. Mr. and Mrs. TABOR were residing on the premises at the time, but the fire had gained such headway before it was discovered that they were unable to removed anything from the burning building. Mr. McMILLIN was at work a distance from the house and saw smoke issuing from the roof, but arrived too late to render any assistance.

There are now 62 teachers employed in the Whatcom city schools.

Mrs. SMITH wife of P. C. SMITH of "The Leader," is seriously ill with pneumonia at her home on Walnut street.

J. H. DOWD, one of the well-known printers of Bellingham Bay, at one time one of the proprietors of the Ballard News, has returned from Portland and will make his future home in Fairhaven. Mr. Dowd was until recently foreman of the Portland Journal.

J. HENESS, an employee of John GREULICH operating a saloon at the corner of C and Holly streets, was before Justice WILLIAMS Thursday afternoon on a charge of violating the Sunday law by selling liquor on that day. He plead guilty and was fined $30 for each offense.

Miss Anna GEORGE returned to Seattle last week to attend the Academy of Holy Names in that city.

Mrs. Harvey J. CROCKETT of Seattle is in the city on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel BELFORD.

Mrs. S. P. RAYMOND of Port Angeles, mother of Mrs. George W. MOCK, died at her home in that city March 2. Undertaker W. H. MOCK went to Port Angeles to conduct the funeral.

James R. STARK died this morning at 1:30 o'clock at his home in Lynden. Funeral services will be held at the M. E. church Friday at 1:30 p.m. Mr. STARK was one of the pioneers of this section. His widow and a number of children survive him. -Pacific Pilot, March 5.

Mrs. A. J. CAIN, who had been sick for some months past, died Tuesday night, March 3, at the family residence at Laurel. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon under the direction of H. S. NOICE. Mrs. CAIN leaves a husband and one daughter to mourn her loss. Interment was made in Woodland cemetery.

The residence of Joseph CHESTER on D street was destroyed by fire last Tuesday. The inadequacy of the water system was demonstrated, as the firemen were unable to throw water as high as the roof, the water pressure being so low. A strong north wind was blowing at the time, and for a few minutes the residence of L. G. JENKINS, adjoining, was threatened.

Frederick NOLTE, father of George and Charles F. NOLTE, died at his residence at Columbia, a suburb of Seattle, last Friday afternoon, aged 64 years. Mr. NOLTE was well known, both in this city and Seattle, having been in the butcher business in both cities, lately in Seattle. He leaves a wife, two sons, and a daughter who resides in Okanogan county, to mourn his death. The funeral services were held Monday.

-Can anyone tell what is the matter with Thomas SANDS, as he has a smile on his face almost as wide as the plank _ad? It must be the arrival of that brand new boy on Sunday, March 1. Mother and child doing well. Also Mr. GROUT, the corner grocery man, seems to be very happy over the arrival of a young son on the same date.
-Married - Mr. Ed LONG and Miss Phoebe OTLEY were married at Everett Wednesday, March 4, and arrived at their home in this place on Friday, the 6th, where they will reside in the future. Mr. LONG is one of our rising young farmers and an old settler in this neighborhood, having been raised here. Mrs. LONG is a niece of John OTLEY of Custer and is well and favorable known here, as she has resided with her uncle for a number of years. Their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous life.
March 9, 1903.

Wednesday, March 18, 1903:

Last Saturday, March 14, the old Whatcom county brick court house located on E street, between Fourteenth and West Holly street, was sold by the county commissioners to the Woman's Relief Corps for $812. This is one of the oldest brick buildings in the state of Washington and was built in 1859 by HYATT & RICHARDS. For several years past the building has been used for lodge purposes, having been leased by the local Woman's Relief corps and G. A. R. posts. The building will be improved and remodeled to some extent by the purchasers, who will use it as a lodge hall as heretofore. The old court house was used as a supply store during the early days of Whatcom when the Fraser river and Cariboo gold excitement was at its height, and was afterward purchased by the county and used as a court house until 1890, when the building of a new court house was begun and completed.

F. W. TRACY has filed suit for damages against the B. B. & B. C. Railroad company for $185.95 for baggage lost while in the company's warehouse.

CRAWFORD Bros. of Mountain View will erect a large shingle mill on the Whatcom water front if a suitable site can be obtained. They will be joined in the enterprise by Henry LOPAS. The firm has asked the assistance of the Commercial club in securing a site, when work of building the new mill will commence immediately.

Mrs. Julia SMITH, who resided with her family at 2510 Elizabeth street, was found dead in bed at her home last Friday morning. Mrs. SMITH was sleeping with her daughter, who awoke at 7 o'clock and called to her mother to get up; receiving no response. Upon investigation Mr. SMITH was found to be dead, having expired during the night. Heart failure is assigned as the cause of her death. She leaves a husband, Albert E. Smith, who was out of the city at the time of the sad occurrence, two daughters, one of whom resides on Orcas island, to mourn her loss. The remains were shipped to Orcas island Saturday for interment. Undertaker NOICE having charge of the funeral arrangements.

J. D. LEADBETTER will establish a ship yard on Central avenue, having arranged all the details for the new enterprise. Mr. LEDBETTER has secured from the city clerk a building permit for the construction of buildings and docks, and will commence work immediately. This means that a large number of skilled mechanics will be employed, adding greatly to the already large payroll of the city.

COX Bros., the well-known livery stablemen, have ordered a street sprinkler which will arrive here in about 30 days. The new sprinkler will come from Chicago. This is a convenience Whatcom has needed for some years, as during the dry weather when the wind blows the dust is unbearable at times. The merchants of the city have agreed to contribute toward the support of the sprinkler.

TARTE & JENKINS have established a tugboat agency and brokerage office on the Sehome dock.

President H. C. BYRON of the Bellingham Bay Retail Grocers' association returned from Everett Thursday, where he attended a banquet given by the retail grocers of that city Wednesday night.

The postoffice department will establish an office at Shuksan in the Mount Baker district which will be known as Herman instead of Shuksan. Judge BROYLES will probably be the postmaster. The snow is now five feet deep at Shuksan.

C. F. PERRY will build a new sawmill at Ferndale, which will cost $7,000 when completed and will be equipped with the most modern machinery.

The Northern Pacific Railroad company has commenced the rebuilding of the trestle recently burned in the big Fairhaven fire on the water front.

F. D. MERRILL of Blaine, who was arrested some time ago on a charge of seduction and was dismissed in the superior court of this county for lack of evidence, and who was later re-arrested in Skagit county on the same charge, was found guilty last week and sentenced to 18 months in the penitentiary.

E. STUBLEY, charged with burglary, appeared before Justice WILLIAMS Friday to answer the charge filed against him. STUBLEY made no defense and was bound over in the sum of $1,000 to appear before the superior court.

Wednesday, March 25, 1903:

Minor P. KIRKPATRICK, the photographer, and Miss Maude A. WEES were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony Monday morning at 10:30 in the B. b. & b. c. hotel parlors, Rev. W. A. MACKEY officiating. Only immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present. After partaking of a sumptuous wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. KIRKPATRICK departed on the noon train on a bridal tour of up-sound cities. After their return they will reside in this city. Mr. KIRKPATRICK is well and favorably known here and is one of the leading photographers of Bellingham Bay. The bride is prominent in musical circles and has numerous friends who join in wishing them happiness and contentment during their married life.

The grand opening of KAUFMAN Bros. new dry goods store on Holly street Monday night was a most brilliant success in every particular. It is estimated that fully 5,000 persons were present. The store presented a most gorgeous appearance with its fine stock of bright, new goods, draperies, decorations, color schemes, etc. A feature of the opening was the excellent orchestra which had been engaged for the occasion, rendering "The Greater Bellingham March," composed by A. G. KAUFMAN, a member of the firm, who resides in New York city. This firm has a magnificent store and have engaged the services of 18 experienced salesmen and sales ladies to handle the business. KAUFMAN Bros. bid fair to become one of the many solid business institutions of the Bay cities and have backed their faith in the future of Whatcom by fitting up one of the finest stores and the installation of one of the largest stocks of goods to be found anywhere in the Northwest.

The street railway company is putting in a switch at the corner of Holly and Bay streets and will extend the track down the latter street, where the freight depot is now located. After the completion of this work the street car service will be improved and the cars for Lake Whatcom will leave from the corner of Holly and Bay streets instead of from Holly and Dock streets as at present.

J. B. EDWARDS, a former newspaperman of Bellingham Bay, who published the first newspaper in Fairhaven, The Plaindealer, during the palmy days of 1889-91, returned on Saturday from Southeastern Alaska. He is not favorably impressed with that country and says it no place for a poor man. Mr. EDWARDS will make Seattle his future home, where he will go into business.

The First Congregational church of this city has placed an order with the Kimball Manufacturing company for a modern pipe organ which will cost $3,500. The instrument will have over 600 pipes and will be operated with a water motor. It will be three months before the organ will be in use.

Work is progressing favorably at the oil well in Happy Valley and the showing made by the drillers is very satisfactory. A depth of about 1,500 feet has been reached.

Wm. GROSSMAN, aged 32 years, died at his home on James street last week of consumption. Mr. GROSSMAN contracted the disease by working in a shingle mill, where he inhaled cedar dust, affecting his lungs. Deceased was a member of the Foresters of America, under whose auspices the funeral was held Thursday morning. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Charles P. WHEELER, a former prominent citizen of Whatcom but now of Three Rivers, Michigan, is visiting friends in the city.

T. C. McHUGH of Wrangel, Alaska, is in the city on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. McHUGH is a merchant of that place.

The Woodmen of the World Hall association has filed articles of incorporation in the office of the county auditor. The capital stock of the association is $200,000.

John PADDEN has resigned as night clerk in the Whatcom postoffice and has been succeeded by Arthur D. STEARNS. Mr. PADDEN has gone to Maple Falls, where he will remain for some time.

An aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles was organized at Blaine Sunday with 65 members.

Mrs. E. M. DAY of Fairhaven is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Percy GEDDES, in Vancouver, B. C.

Sheriff THOMAS and Chief of Police LOGSDON took Wm. RITTENBERG to the penentiary at Walla Walla Monday.

Wm. GILLIES, J. SIMPSON, P. E. SEABORG and Wm. HUNT have filed a quartz claim on Sumas mountain known as "The Lone Tree."

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. CALLVERT and Mrs. T. E. CALDWELL of Olympia have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. BERENS the past few days.

W. G. TURNBULL of Darrington, Wash., and Miss Ollie M. KNIGHT of Enumclaw, Wash., were granted a marriage license Friday by County Auditor SYBERT.

Last Friday the house of Clifton FOGG at BRATT & LEE's shingle mill at Birch Bay was burned to the ground. A spark from the mill lodged on the building and it ignited. Mrs. FOGG was washing by the side of the house and did not notice the fire till the building was well aflame. Then she had only time to rush in and rescue her infant child, who was asleep at the time. The building and contents were all lost. Mr. FOGG had no insurance and is a poor man without property. --Blaine Journal.

The painters of Whatcom formed a union last week. The Bellingham Bay teamsters will do likewise in a few days.

Mrs. J. B. HARDEMAN, who has been confined to her home at Maple Falls the past three weeks with a severe attack of la grippe, is improving rapidly and is able to be up again.

Funeral services of the remains of Mrs. William FRASER, mother of Mrs. William MORRISON, were held Saturday at the Morrison residence of East Holly street, Rev. W. A. MACKEY officiating. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

W. H. HEFTY, a brakeman employed by the Lake Whatcom Logging company, was killed Saturday while unloading logs from a car near Blue Canyon. He was engaged in knocking blocks from under the logs and did not get out of the way of the load which slipped from the car before he expected it to and one of the logs pinned him against the piling of the rollway, causing almost instant death. Coroner NOICE investigated the case, but found that the cause of the death was the man's own apparent carelessness.

Captain George A. JENKINS has negotiated for the swift and commodious steamer Elsinore, which has been in commission on Lake Washington the past two years and which was formerly owned by Albert HANSEN, the Seattle jeweler, who had the steamer built in New York. The craft is modern in every respect, being equipped with double compound fore and aft 56-horse-power engines of the Herreshoff type, oak hull and electric lighted, finely upholstered and finished in cherry wood, and will accommodate 80 passengers and will make 14 miles per hour. Her original cost was $10,000. the steamer will be put on Lake Whatcom. The JENKINS Bros., George and Lester, will operate the boat on the lake, and will make a specialty of excursions during the summer months. It is the plan of these gentlemen to improve two ideal places on the lake where picnics can be held. One will probably be a Geneva and another at Langtry point. The Elsinore will arrive here the last of the week under her own steam, in charge of Captain George A. JENKINS, who will bring her up from Seattle. The steamer will be loaded onto a car and taken to the lake, after which she will soon be placed in commission. JENKINS Bros. are experienced steam boat men, having been engaged in the business the past 14 years.

A. F. KNOX, the Holly street confectioner, was arrested last week on a charge of violating the Sunday law by keeping his place of business open on Sunday. The case came up before Justice WILLIAMS on Tuesday. The jury was composed of John ELWOOD, J. H. STENGER, W. E. TAIT, C. W. HORST and G. R. WELLS, who returned a verdict after being out three minutes of not guilty, as it was proven that the defendant was selling goods of his own manufacture. H. A. FAIRCHILD represented Mr. KNOX.

The school board of district No. 1 met last week and accepted the proposition of Mrs. Teresa ELDRIDGE for the purchase of lot 6 in Eureka addition, upon which the new Eureka school building will be erected. The clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for clearing and grading of the school grounds and the erection of the building. Mrs. ELDRIDGE values the land at $800. The plans and specifications for the new High school building as submitted by Architect LEE were approved.

Messrs. DONNELLY and FARLEY, prominent merchants of Spokane, have been in the city the past week looking over the field with a view to establishing a large wholesale feed business here. They have purchased from the B. B. I. company a lot on Railroad avenue with a 55 foot frontage, where they will erect a two-story building. The price paid for the lot is $3,200.

Ex-Assessor John S. SMITH is now employed by the state of Washington as timber cruiser.

Paul GOODING, formerly on the reportorial staff of the Reveille, has accepted a position with the Great Excelsior Mining company.

William RITTENBERG pleaded guilty last Wednesday in the superior court to the charge of purloining $140 about a year ago from his father-in-law and was sentenced to six months in the penitentiary.

W. J. SIMONDS left Friday on a visit to relatives at McMinnville, Oregon, where Mrs. SIMONDS and son, Ralph, have been visiting for several weeks. They will accompany Mr. SIMONDS upon his return home.

An Indian named Louie KELLY, while intoxicated last Wednesday night, cut and stabbed James JACK, another Indian, during a fight at their camps north of Lynden. KELLY was abusing his wife and mother-in-law, and his father-in-law, James JACK, would not allow it, and interfered. At this junction KELLY drew a knife and badly slashed JACK about the head and face. He was brought to Lynden Thursday morning, where Dr. WILBUR dressed his wounds. He is in a bad condition. KELLY is wanted in British Columbia, where he had trouble about a year ago. Justice SWIM has issued a warrant for his arrest, but KELLY immediately disappeared after the fight. The squaw wife is a girl of about 14 years, and has been married to KELLY less than a year.

-Mr. GROUT received a large shipment of feed last week for his grocery store on the corner.
-E. NIXON, the Birch Bay road overseer, has a gang of men at work laying the plank road from the corner near the school house running west as far as the hall?, a much-needed improvement on that muddy road.
-Mr. HORTON has an engine at work on his farm on California creek pulling stumps and piling them up and improving the looks of his place 20 per cent.
-The dance at the hall Friday night given by the band boys was a decided success, both socially and financially, and the music furnished by George MARKWOOD and Al WHITE was first class.
-Joe OTTO of Blaine and Miss Annie LEE of Birch Bay were calling on Mr. and Mrs. George PARR Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. WILCOX, the school teacher, was around among his friends the past week as lively as a cricket and just as happy.
-Ole LEE and Miss Zena LEE were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George PARR last Sunday.

Wednesday, April 1, 1903:

Mrs. Rebecca TARTE, the mother of Capt. James W. TARTE of this city, died at the home of her son-in-law, William SMITH, in Anacortes Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from senile decay, aged 73 years and four months, leaving a husband, three sons and two daughters to mourn her death. The death of Mrs. TARTE removed another pioneer land who has resided in this section the past 40 years and who was highly respected and universally loved by all who knew her, and leaves many friends in Whatcom county who regret her death. She was born at West Bromwich, England, in November, 1829, where she grew to womanhood and resided there with her father, Major James McKNIGHT, until 40 years ago, when she removed to the Pacific coast. All of her children and grandchildren were at her bedside during the last hours, when she passed away peacefully. The remains were brought from Anacortes to the residence of Capt. TARTE in this city on Monday morning, from where they were shipped to Custer Monday afternoon for interment in Enterprise cemetery. The bereaved relatives and friends of the deceased have the sympathy of the entire community in this their hour of sadness. Mrs. TARTE was a pioneer of Blaine and Semiahmoo, where she and her husband settled many years ago when there were but few white settlers in the Pacific Northwest.

Move to Erect One On the Bay
A meeting of the prominent citizens of Whatcom and Fairhaven was held last Wednesday night at I. O. O. F. hall on Canoe street to devise ways and means for the permanent establishment of a Y. M. C. A. on Bellingham Bay and the erection of a $25,000 brick and stone building as a home for this organization. H. C. BYRON was elected chairman and W. C. WILCOX secretary. The following citizens of the Bay cities will take the matter in hand and endeavor to secure the financial assistance necessary for the upbuilding of the institution:
A plan was submitted and agreed upon for securing the amount of money required for the building. About $25,000 will be needed, which is considered sufficient to secure a building with furnishings which will be adequate for years to come. The building will be so arranged as to allow for a club house, night school and a gymnasium. Subscriptions will be received payable in two years in installments. The obligations are not to be binding until $15,000 have been subscribed, when the first installment will be payable at that time.

Frank L. WHITE and Miss Ruth CARLSON were united in marriage last Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CARLSON, Twenty-first and C streets, Rev. J. N. Smith of the First Christian church officiating. Harry CARLSON, brother of the bride, was groomsman, and Miss Beulah KERN was bridesmaid. Thirty-five guests were present. After the wedding ceremony a sumptuous wedding supper was partaken of by those present. Mr. and Mrs. WHITE were the recipients of many useful and beautiful gifts. Mr. WHITE is well and favorably known in this city and is in the employ of THEIL & WELTER. Mrs. WHITE is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CARLSON and has numerous friends in Whatcom who extend [con]gratulations. They will reside on Twenty-second and C streets.

Mrs. Grace M. DURLSY?, aged 26 years, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. BEARD, Holly and C streets, Saturday night. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at the NOICEA undertaking parlors at 2:30. She leaves a husband and an infant son to mourn her loss.

A check for $2,000 from the M. W. A. in payment of the death claim of M. McLEAN, who met death by accident at the B. B. I. mill January 8, was sent the the guardian fo the McLEAN estate last Wednesday.

E. H. HATCH, of the firm of HATCH & DICKEY, the Holly street clothiers, and Miss Georgia YOUNG of this city were married at Port Angeles on Monday.

H. G. CONOVER, a shingle sawyer employed at the NEHER-ROSS mill on Willow street, was the victim of a serious accident Monday morning at about 7 o'clock. He was oiling the machinery while it was in motion and in some manner his clothing was caught in a belt or pulley, throwing him forward, when he put up his left arm to protect himself. As he did so his left hand came in contact with the jointer, severing it from his body just above the wrist. Mr. CONOVER was otherwise hurt and most of his clothing was torn off. He was taken to St. Luke's hospital, where he was cared for and had his woulns dressed by Drs. A. MacRae SMITH and HENDERSON.

Proprietor Wm. THOMPSON of the Casino theater, Fairhaven, was arrested last week on a warrant sworn out by May MATTERSON, an actress, charging THOMPSON with violating the Sunday law by keeping the theater open on Sunday. His case came up in the justice court and a fine of $50 and costs was imposed. Miss MATTERSON was the principal witness against THOMPSON. The case will be appealed to the superior court.

Miss Effie WHEELER is recovering from an attack of scarlet fever.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. SIMONDS and son, Ralph returned Sunday from McMinnville, Oregon. This was Mr. SIMMONDS' first visit to his old home in 14 years.

JENKINS Bros. arrived in the harbor Saturday night from Seattle with their new steamer, the Elsinore, making the trip from Seattle to Whatcom in 11 hours and four minutes. The steamer will be taken to Lake Whatcom the latter part of this week.

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Harriet KELLOGG of Fairhaven to Thomas Leslie SAVAGE of Northport, Wash. The marriage will occur after Easter. Miss KELLOGG has been a resident of Fairhaven for a number of years and was principal of the Northport High school several terms.

Thos. MILES, B. K. McELMON and Chas. LAUBE have concluded to erect brick buildings on their property on the east side of Elk street between Holly and Chestnut streets, near the SLADE block. The parties above named have agreed on a party wall, whereby the expense will be shared equally. The buildings will be three stories high and have a frontage of 110 feet on Elk street.

G. A. PENCE and Guernsey NEWKIRK will establish a weekly paper in Ferndale in about two weeks to be known as the Ferndale Record. Mr. NEWKIRK will edit the new paper and Mr. PENCE will preside over the mechanical department. Messrs. NEWKIRK and PENCE are well known young men, the latter having resided in this city since his boyhood days and worked on the Blade for a number of years.

G. W. MARKLE, piano tuner and repairer, No. 305 1/2 Holly street.

Mrs. E. L. NICHOLSON has returned from San Diego, California, where she spent the winter.

DESNOYER Bros. and George GREEN will erect a shingle mill at Goshen with a daily capacity of 30,000.

R. W. RIDINGS and family have moved to Blaine, where Mr. RIDINGS will devote his time to the teaching of music and will organize an orchestra.

Dr. O. C. GILBERT of the Modern Dental Parlors, who has been confined in the hospital with an attack of appendicitis for several weeks, is rapidly recovering and is able to attend to his duties in his office.

Fred ANDERSON went to Fairhaven the first of the week to install the machinery in Henry CAYOU's new steamer, "Mary C.," built by REED & CAYOU at Decatur island, and which steamboat men say will be one of the finest tugs on the Sound. She is 85 feet long and will be equipped with a modern 300-horsepower engine. The boiler, which was built by the REID Boiler Works of Fairhaven is ten feet long and ten feet high, the largest boiler ever built on the Sound, outside of the MORAN works at Seattle. When completed the vessel will have cost about $22,000. Mr. ANDERSON is to be engineer. It is expected that the Mary C. will be in commission in about six weeks and that she will be employed either in the fisheries or by a lumber company. --Islander.

T. D. OWINGS of Ferndale was transacting business in the city Saturday and was a pleasant caller at this office.

S. S. TABOR and T. L. RICHARDSON of Tacoma have purchased F. G. PERONTEAN's two-thirds interest in the Geneva mill for a consideration of $20,000. The shingle department of the mill has a daily capacity of 150,000.

Martin SCHERER of Lynden was arrested last week on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon upon E. J. KOLKOW. He was bound over to appear before the superior court in the sum of $1,000. He gave bonds and was released.

George MOON, a stone cutter, was arrested last week on a charge of assault upon O. P. CALLAHAN, a fellow workman, who alleged that MOON struck him with a chisel. MOON was tried in Justice WILLIAM's court, found guilty and fined $50 and costs.

The hall association of the Woodmen of the World of Whatcom have decided to commence work of construction on their new brick and stone building on the triangular lot recently acquired by the organization. The building will be three stories high and will cost $2,000. It will be located on Magnolia, Canoe and Champion streets.

Jack CHISHOLD was arrested by Detective JESSUP Thursday afternoon for stealing blacksmith's tools from O LARSON of Everson valued at $15. He brought the tools to Whatcom and sold them for $2.50. CHISHOLD pleaded guilty in the justice court and claimed that he was irresponsible, as he was intoxicated and did not know what he was doing at the time.

The school board of district No. 1 has closed the deal for block 203, bounded by D, E, Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets, upon which the new 14 room High school will be erected. LIKINS and WYATT made the sale. The plans and specifications for the new building have been completed and the board has called for bids for the construction, which will be brick and stone.

Charles HUGHES, a minor, by his guardian, C. B. HUGHES, has brought suit in the superior court against the B. B. I. company for the loss of a foot while in the employ of the defendant during the last year and asks for $50,000 damages. Jesse A. FRYE and P. D. J. HEALY are attorneys for HUGHES, NEWMAN & HOWARD for the company.

Wm. JONES, colored, was arrested last week on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon upon Edward FISH, proprietor of the Depot restaurant on West Holly street near C. JONES came into the restaurant and ordered his breakfast. He did not like the way in which it had been cooked and engaged in a dispute with the proprietor and went from bad to worse, when the coon pulled a knife and stabbed FISH in the region of the heart, cutting a gash four inches in length, laying the flesh open to the ribs. FISH also received a bad cut near the muscle on his right arm. The case came up in Justice WILLIAMS' court last Wednesday, where a number of witnesses, both white and black, were called. JONES was bound over to the superior court in the sum of $500.

Wednesday, April 8, 1903:

The members of the faculty of the Whatcom State Normal school have been notified by the board of trustees that their salaries have been increased for the period ending September 1, 1904: Principal, E. T. MATHES, $2,750; Prof. J. T. FORREST, mathematics, $1,500; Miss H. J. TROMANHAUSER, supervisor of training department, $1,500; Prof. Washington WILSON, pedagogy, $1,400; Prof. F. W. EPLY, physical sciences, $1,400; Prof. A. P. ROMINE, biology sciences, $1,400; Miss MYERS, English, $1,150; Prof. BOWMAN, history and German, $1,150; Prof. STONE, Latin, $1,050; Miss HAYES, oral expression and physical culture, $1,050; Miss BAKER, English and mathematics, $950; Miss COLEMAN, vocal music, $950; Misses MONTGOMERY and BRATTON, critic teachers, $900; Miss EARHART, critic teacher, $900; Miss HOGLE, manuel (sic) training, $850. The salary of the librarian, Miss WILSON, remains the same - $50 per month.

The jury term of the superior court will convene May 12. The jury, which was drawn Saturday, is as follows:
Frank W. LEES, D. E. FOLLETT, Thomas E. SMITH, Whatcom;
George W. WORTHEN, B. W. LORING, Lynden;
Charles KALLENDER, Nooksack;
C. C. BARBO, Sumas;
Fred VAN DOREN, Ferndale;
W. TINKER, W. F. PLUNKETT, Maple Falls;
Albert MOCK, Saxon;
J. L. ODELL, Eliza island;
Frank E. PIKE, Point Roberts;
J. L. SPENCER, Woodland.

Rev. and Mrs. Spencer S. SULLIGER left Sunday for Philadelphia, where Mr. SULLIGER will attend a meeting of the national board of control of the Epworth League of which he is a member. They will visit their old home in Ohio before their return.

The hall association of the Woodmen of the World have awarded the contract for the excavation of their new building to LIKINS & Co. The basement will be 12 feet deep.

The steamer Regie, owned by J. T. BRANIAN of Blue Canyon, was burned to the water's edge last Thursday night near South Bay on Lake Whatcom. The fire started near the boiler. The Regie was one of the oldest boats on the lake and has plied between Silver Beach and Park for a number of years. The vessel was insured for $2,000.

Mrs. Irene NUGENT, aged 43 years, died at her home at Beach, Lummi island, Sunday. The funeral was held yesterday morning at the family residence and brought to Whatcom for interment in Bay View cemetery. Mrs. NUGENT was a member of the Rathbone Sisters of Fairhaven.

At a meeting of the Whatcom school board Monday evening bids were opened for the erection of the new High school building. Only two bids were presented. Martin SIERSDORFER offered to do the work for $48,000; BOOKER & CAMPBELL, $45,599.35. BOOKER & CAMPBELL being the lowest bidders, they were awarded the contract.

A deal was consummated last week whereby B. C. FERGUSON sold his interest in the Blaine Journal to Donald D. MONTFORT, brother of George D. MONTFORT, the present editor. The new firm of MONTFORT Bros. took possession immediately and will continue to run the paper along the same line as heretofore followed. Mr. FERGUSON will have charge of the mechanical department as usual.

The Bellingham Bay & British Columbia railway let a contract to Tony BENOIT and Jerry HAYES this week for the slashing and burning of the brush and trees on the land owned by the company in Sumas, in all about 30 acres. This will be a great improvement of the company's property as well as the appearance of the town. The company will also soon start work on the new sidetrack which they propose to add to their trackage here. --Sumas News.

Mrs. Will D. JENKINS of San Francisco, secretary of the Washington-California Oil company, arrived in the city last week. She is here in the interest of her company and visiting relatives.

Mrs. RAMPE [RAMPH] died at her home in Marietta last Wednesday at an advanced age. The funeral was held at the Salvation Army barracks Friday afternoon. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Attorney A. E. MEAD has opened a law office in rooms 16 17 Clover block, Whatcom, Wash.

The new sawmill of JENKINS & AXTON near Laurel will furnish the lumber for the improvement of Eldridge avenue. Contractor Chas. E. LIND has placed an order with the firm for 582,000 feet of street plank.

Andrew CARNEGIE has offered $12,500 to the city of Fairhaven for a public library building on condition that the citizens will provide a site for the erection of a building to be used only for library purposes and maintenance of the same by the city. C. X. LARRABEE has offered a choice of two sites, one on Twelfth near Mill street and another on Thirteenth street. It is very probable that the conditions of Mr. CARNEGIE's offer will be complied with, which assures Fairhaven of a public library.

Donald ROSS of Delta went hunting last Sunday afternoon while somewhat intoxicated and accidently shot himself with a 32-caliber rifle. While climbing over a log the gun was discharged, the bullet entering the left breast and passing clear through ROSS' body, coming out near the back of his neck and missing his heart by a narrow margin. His physician reported him as resting easy Monday might and that his chances of recovery were fair.

L. D. PIKE was granted permission to build a cement sidewalk in front of the Pike block.

The application of W. H. BRAND for the position of scavenger was acted favorably on.

W. T. HUSTON, a well known carpenter who resides on Park street, met with a serious accident Saturday while at work on the Ryan flats on Forest street. While moving about the building he took hold of an upright timber which he supposed would hold his weight, the supports having been removed unknown to Mr. HUSTON, precipitating him to the ground, a distance of 17 feet, breaking the small bone in his right limb above the ankle. As he fell he came in contact with a picket fence, causing him to be bruised about the face and body quite severely. He was removed to his home, where he will be confined for several weeks.

The county auditor issued marriage licenses Thursday to Charles E. BLOMQUIST and Miss Minnie JOHNSON, both of Wickersham; J. W. MacRae SMITH and Miss Edith PERCY, both of this city.

-George PARR went to Blaine Tuesday with a load of seed peas.
-L. F. DAHL, wife and family and the three youngest children of W. R. TARTE went to Blaine Tuesday.
-Harry BARBRICK of Kickerville went to Blaine Sunday and from there to Whatcom on Tuesday, returning home today.
-Mr. GROUT, the corner grocery man, received another carload of groceries and feed the past week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PARR and Mrs. L. DAHL went to Whatcom last week to have their eyes examined and transact other business.
-Fred TARTE of Custer acted as umpire at a game of baseball between the Enterprise and the Custer boys. He decided in favor of the Custer boys and the Enterprise boys were going to give him a licking for it, but finally let it stop.
-Misses Zena and Annie LEE were visiting with Mrs. George PARR Saturday and Sunday.
-Miss Dora WILDER was home from Kickerville Sunday.

Wednesday, April 15, 1903:

The Salvation Army has moved its headquarters from C street to the Victor (K. of P. hall) block on the viaduct.

Mrs. BOYER of Clearbrook died last Thursday at her home of consumption. The funeral services were held Friday.

Allen GIDEON, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. GIDEON of Blue Canyon, died of pnuemonia last Tuesday. The funeral services were held at the residence Thursday afternoon. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

The Lynden city council at its last meeting granted a liquor license to Walter COX of Whatcom. The license fee has been fixed at $1,000 per year. This is the first saloon ever established in Lynden and many of the citizens are much opposed to a saloon being granted a license in the Gem city.

The Whatcom school board has chosen Prof. E. E. WHITE's successor as city superintendent of schools. James McINNIS of Oak Harbor, Ohio, has been agreed upon as the next superintendent of the Whatcom schools. Mr. McINNIS is a graduate of the Boston Latin school and a post graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mr. WHITE's resignation will be effective at the end of the school year, after which he will practice law. Prof. McINNIS will commence his labors at the beginning of the next school term in September.

Mrs. C. L. WIERS died at the home of her daughter in Fairhaven last Thursday morning. Mrs. WIERS had been a helpless invalid for years, and death came as a relief. She leaves three sons and two daughters to mourn her death.

Katie LENHARDT, aged 10 years, niece of Conrad LENHARDT, died at her home on Utter street Thursday night of diphtheria. The funeral was held at the family residence Saturday afternoon. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

In the case of the State vs. Guelfs KONRAD, charged with assault and battery upon Frank MUENSCHER, a resident of Ten Mile, the testimony showed that a line fence was responsible for all the trouble. Both parties were bound over in the sum of $300 to keep the peace. The costs f the case were assessed to the defendant.

Mrs. B. MULVANEY died at St. Joseph's hospital Monday night, April 6. The remains were embalmed and shipped to Oakland, California, for interment last Wednesday. She leaves a husband to mourn her death. She was about 22 years of age and had resided here about 15 months.

J. E. RYUS, a former resident of Whatcom but now a druggist of Ketchikan, Alaska, is in the city on a visit. Mr. RYUS reports business conditions in that section as being very satisfactory and says that Ketchikan has a bright future, as it is surrounded by a rich mining country. The town now has a population of over 600.

E. R. HOPKINS, a former resident of Sumas and who was a candidate for the office of sheriff of Whatcom county on the fusion ticket in 1896, has removed with his family to LaCombe, Alberta, N. W. T., where he will engage in farming and make his future home.

Mrs. Lora CROCKETT, wife of Rev. Walter S. CROCKETT, the former pastor of the First Christian church of this city, died in Seattle last Wednesday morning, leaving a husband and three children to mourn her loss. Mrs. CROCKETT was formerly Miss Lora BLANKENSHIP and resided in Whatcom a number of years, where she taught in the city schools.

Mrs. Orissa HENRY has purchases the Waldron building at the corner of Railroad avenue and Holly street, consideration $7,000. C. W. WALDRON leased the ground from Mr. HENRY five years ago and erected a building, which is said to have yielded Mr. WALDRON about 15,000 in rents. The lease has expired and Mrs. HENRY becomes the owner of the building.

The Globe mill on the Whatcom waterfront was in operation last Thursday for the first time in ten years. This mill has been thoroughly overhauled and remodeled, new machinery added, etc., at a cost of several thousand dollars. David FERGUSON has succeeded in getting everything pertaining to the plant in first-class condition after several months of hard work. The Globe mill was built in 1890 by Capt. S. D. WYMAN, who operated it about a year, since which time it has lain idle. The is another industrial enterprise which will add materially to Whatcom's prosperity because of the large payroll and the number of men employed in the mill and logging camps of the company. One hundred men will be steadily employed. Mr. FERGUSON has sold a two-thirds interest to CRAWFORD Bros., experienced mill men of Ferndale, for a consideration of $18,000. The shipping facilities of this mill are the best and most convenient of any on Bellingham Bay, as the Great Northern and the B. B. & B. C. have built to the mill, enabling the company to load cars quickly and economically. A shingle plant, box factory, planing mills and dry kilns will soon be added.

The funeral services over the remains of J. HANSON, who died of cancer of the stomach at the Sister's hospital Friday night, were held at NOICE's funeral parlors Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment in Bay View.

Jack PARKER, the well-known logger, was seriously injured last Friday at MOORE's logging camp by being caught between two logs. He was brought to this city and is reported improving.

The Advent Christian church, corner Fourteenth and I streets, narrowly escaped destruction by fire Saturday night between the hours and 7 and 8 o'clock. Preparations were being made for the Easter services on Sunday, when in some manner the decorations came in contact with the gas light in the front part of the church. The flames had gained considerable headway before the firemen brought them under control. The cupalo and the front part of the building were severely scorched.

Isaac GOGG, the well-known stone mason who was employed on the Beck opera house last year, returned yesterday from a visit to his old home in Nashua, Iowa. He was accompanied by five other Iowans, who come to make their home here. Mr. GOGG was surprised at the growth of the city since he left here last fall. He reports many who contemplate coming here in the near future.

Wednesday, April 22, 1903:

Raymond Arthur KEIDEL, the six-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. KEIDEL, died at the home of his parents Eighteenth and D streets, Thursday morning of typhoid fever. The funeral services were held Saturday morning at 10:30, Rev. W. A. MACKEY officiating. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Petrus NELSON has purchased the Margaret C. JONES property on Chestnut street between Elk street and Railroad avenue, occupied by the G. K. restaurant, consideration $4,500. Mr. NELSON will make extensive improvements on the property and occupy it as a hotel and restaurant.

Thomas TYLER was arrested last week on a warrant sworn out by J. W. HAWKINS charging TYLER with carrying concealed weapons. He appeared before Justice WILLIAMS, who fined him $20 and costs, amounting in all to $25.30.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil KICKHOFER, 1609 I street, died Wednesday at the home of his parents. The funeral services were held at the residence Thursday afternoon. The remains were interred in Bay View cemetery.

There is trouble brewing in Fairhaven saloon circles The State Anti Saloon League has filed sworn complaints with the county attorney charging 11 saloon men with having violated the Sunday law by keeping their places of business open on Sunday.

Between the hours of 3:30 and 4 o'clock yesterday morning an alarm of fire was turned in by Officer NUGENT, who discovered flames issuing from STRATHIE & BUSSARD's blacksmith shop at the corner of Dock and Maple streets. The fire soon spread to the WALLING Iron Works adjoining the blacksmith shop and later to the STADELMAN Boiler Works. The two former buildings were entirely consumed and the machinery damaged by the intense heat. Neither firm carried any insurance and their buildings are a total loss, which will amount to about $7,000. The STADELMAN Boiler Works didn't suffer to the extent of the other two shops, as the flames were brought under control before much damage was done, aside from scorching one side of the building and burning a portion of the roof.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. OAKS of Forest street, a son, April 14.

L. L. BERENS has installed a plating plant in his jewelry and optical store on Holly street. Mr. BERENS will do plating of all kinds.

All bids submitted for the new school building at Fairhaven have been rejected and the board has issued a new call, as the bids were in excess of the amount of money provided for. The bidders were BOOKER & CAMPBELL, S. McNEIL, MARTIN SIERSDORFER, LaPOINTE, LITTLE & Co.

A. E. WOOLARD's new gasoline launch, the "Sea Gull," recently built by I. A. GILMORE & Son, was launched Wednesday at the foot of E street. The boat is 36 feet in length, eight feet beam, and is equipped with a 15-horsepower Union gasoline engine. The launch will make 10 miles an hour. Mr. WOOLARD will use the launch in looking after his fishing trap locations.

W. A. F. GREENE will move his billiard parlor from its present location on Holly street to the new Irwin block on Dock street opposite the Beck opera house. W. R. GOURLEY will occupy the room now occupied by the billiard parlor with his Unique theatre.

Mrs. Katherine GENUNG, mother of Mrs. W. P. FOWLE, died Friday morning at the home of her daughter on Elk street of bronchitis, after an illness of only a few days. Mr. GENUNG had recently arrived here from her home in California. She was a sister of Mrs. Alvinza HAYWARD. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the FOWLE residence.

Cement sidewalks are being laid around the Pike block, corner Elk and Holly streets.

The county commissioners held a special session last Thursday to consider the franchise for an electric railway to Marietta, Ferndale, Birch Bay, Blaine and Lynden, asked for by Charles F. NOLTE, George NOLTE and W. J. MALLOY. After making some amendments the franchise was granted.

Mrs. John GRAHAM, wife of John Graham, the implement and vehicle merchant of Dock street, died Sunday night at 11:45 o'clock at the family home on Canoe street of apoplexy after an illness of three weeks. Mrs. GRAHAM had suffered four shocks during her illness, the last one resulting fatally. She was 58 years of age and had resided in Whatcom the past 13 years, coming here from Michigan. Mrs. GRAHAM leaves a husband and four sons to mourn her death: Fred W., traveling freight agent of the Great Northern railway, who resides in Seattle; Charles R., of the drug firm of DeCHAMPLAIN & GRAHAM; Harry, wharfinger at the Sehome dock; John A., salesman in his father's implement and vehicle emporium, the latter three residing in this city. All the family were present at Mrs. GRAHAM's bedside during her last hours. The death of this estimable lady removes from our midst a kind and affectionate wife, a loving and devoted mother, a good neighbor and a true, sincere friend, who was loved and highly respected by all who knew her. The family have the sympathy of the whole community in their sad loss. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family home on Canoe street, Rev. W. A. MACKEY officiating. The remains will be conveyed to Bay View cemetery, where they will be laid to rest.

Last Tuesday morning, April 14, Adam SPENGER of the Hub saloon on Holly street found a man lying dead in a toilet room in the rear of the saloon. Dr. Jacob SMITH was called and made an examination of the man and found that death was caused by acute alcoholism. Coroner NOICE was called and identified the man as F. C. MURRAY. The man was a blacksmith by trade and had been in the employ of the B. B. L. company at the mill for some time. MURRAY drew his money on Saturday and started out to have a "good time," which ended in his death. The deceased had no intimate friends or relatives here.

On Friday last A. L. HUBER was sentenced to do a term in the county jail. About 10 days ago HUBER went to the premises of R. L. HUGUENIN in York addition and deliberately dug up 30 of Mr. HUGUENIN's fine fruit trees and employed an expressman to haul the trees away, unknown to Mr. HUGUENIN and without any authority. It is supposed HUBER is demented and his is now in jail, having been convicted of damaging the plaintiff.

Miss Jessie CALLVERT of Olympia and Nathaniel M. SINGLETON of Portland, Oregon, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony last Wednesday in Olympia at the home of the bride's parents, Judge and Mrs. S. A. CALLVERT, Rev. R. M. HAYES of the Olympia Presbyterian church officiating. Mrs. SINGLETON is well and favorably known in the Bay cities, having resided here a number of years, where she was a teacher in the city schools.

Wednesday, April 29, 1903:

    If plans prevail as proposed by Mayor BENNETT at the regular Monday night meeting of the city council - and he insists they shall - Whatcom can well be considered the most moral city on the Pacific coast. The mayor furnished evidence of the commencement of a crusade against fallen women. The movement has the support of the council without an exception. This was demonstrated when an order to Marshal LOGSDON for the closing of every resort in the city was approved without a dissenting vote. There was no discussion of the matter, leading to the conclusion that advance consideration of the crusade had resulted in formulating complete plans for cleaning the city of its undesirable element.
    Courtesans must shake the dust of Whatcom from their feet say the mayor's friends and intimates. There is nothing offered as to how constantly the order closing the resorts is to be made; but informed persons tell it is a movement to purge Whatcom, and is to be permanent. Mayor BENNETT has had the matter under consideration for several weeks.

CRAWFORD Bros. have purchased the interest of D. FERGUSON in the Globe mill. The Globe Lumber company has been disincorporated and the mill in the future will be operated by the CRAWFORD Lumber company. The consideration was $39,000. Mr. FERGUSON will continue the operation of his logging camp near Blaine.

Whatcom is putting on metropolitan airs of the most substantial nature. We now have a street sweeper, a street sprinkler and a fire alarm system. (The latter, however, is incomplete and its efficiency very much modified by the refusal of the city council to supply a team of horses and hose truck.) Improvements of sidewalks by laying cement and parking, improvement of the water system and the laying of sewer pipes are other signs of a real city.

City Council - SOLDIER'S RELIEF FUND: Mrs. E. A. PARKER, funeral expense, E. PARKER, $35.

Capt. Wm. H. HILDEBRAND of Company M, N.G.W., has asked the assistance of the Commercial club in an effort to secure a cannon for the local militia company. The matter has been presented to Congressman CUSHMAN for his support in trying to secure from some of the various army posts a gun which is not in use, which the company hopes to become the permanent possessor of.

COX Bros. received their new street sprinkler last week. The sprinkler has a capacity of 450 gallons of water and will be used by this firm to sprinkle the business streets of the city during the summer.

John BERG, an athlete claiming Whatcom for his home, bested Chris PERSON, a lower Sound champion, at wrestling in Tacoma last week. BERG how poses ready to defend the title of champion of the northwest.

Ownership of the Bay City Furniture company's Whatcom house has been changed. The new proprietors are C. W. CONNOR, president; W. E. WALSH, vice-president and general manager, and C. A. KEPLINGER, secretary and treasurer.

The tribute of Bellingham Bay residents to President ROOSEVELT on the occasion of his visit to Puget Sound will be one of generous welcome if the assistance of transportation companies can be of aid. Agent C. E. CLINE of the Pacific Coast Steamship company received word that excursion boats would be run to Everett during the president's stay there. Agent CLINE announces the Sehome and State of Washington for the trip. The former will leave Whatcom and Fairhaven on the evening preceding the presidential visit, and the State of Washington at 8 o'clock on the morning of May 22.

S. E. BOOKER will construct the Fairhaven High school building. The board of trustees met on Friday evening and after opening a large number of bids for the work found that presented by Mr. BOOKER to be the lowest and most desirable. The BOOKER bid calls for $41,247; S. McNEIL, for $42,215, next lowest.

Officer WOODY arrested Ed LAMBERT last week on a charge of being drunk and disorderly on the street. He was placed in the city jail. LAMBERT confessed to Chief LOGSDON and Officer WOODY of having stolen a watch and chain from Warren HEDGES about 18 months ago. He told where he had disposed of the property. An investigation was made by the officers who found that LAMBERT had pawned the goods for $1.50. He will be held for trial in the superior court on the charge of grand larceny. LAMBERT is an ex convict.

Without an intimation to family or friend that the end was near, Carl GERECKE, for several years a brick layer and respected citizen of Fairhaven, died alone in his room from heart disease during the early hours of Friday morning. His body was found by a member of the family who became fearful of some possible trouble, as the old gentleman did not appear with customary regularity for his breakfast. Coroner H. S. NOICE inspected the body and decided no inquest was necessary, as trouble with the fatal malady had been experienced for some months. The funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon from the family residence, Rev. W. A. MACKEY officiating. A wife and three children are the immediate surviving relatives.

C. ANDERSON, a lumber camp laborer of the Maple Falls section, will have cause to remember the rest of his life the foolish practice of displaying wealth among strangers. As a result of such circumstances he is the loser of $52, and for several hours of last Monday evening was subjected to the aboriginal barbarity of being bound to a tree in the forest after being robbed. It is possible he would have perished were it not for careless fastenings made by the robbers, who were probably under the influence of liquor. The story goes that ANDERSON spent some hours drinking at a Maple Falls saloon Monday of last week. Among the whilem friends who joined him and witnessed a display of wealth made was a German and a Swede. Both were covetous, and later followed ANDERSON to his lonely cabin home. There they overpowered him with revolvers and effected the theft. Besides $2 in cash that was secured there was a check for $50 drawn by the Hastings Shingle company. This they succeeded in having cashed at the J. A. LIVINGSTON & Co. general store after deducting $5 for a small purchase. News of the robbery reaching Whatcom a reward of $100 was promptly authorized by Superintendent J. J. DONOVAN of the B. B. & B. C. Railway company, and prompt pursuit started by Sheriff THOMAS and his force of deputies.

John ENG, confined at the county jail awaiting trial for an offense alleged to have been committed at Maple Falls, died suddenly in his cell Sunday night. He had seriously suffered the effects of a heavy spree while in jail, and acute alcohlism is accredited to have been the cause of his death.

Mrs. Elizabeth H. JENKINS, the wife of D. S. JENKINS, died Saturday, aged 45 years. Mrs. JENKINS had been in bad health for many months. Interment of the remains occurred yesterday, Rev. C. E. TODD of Trinity M. E. church officiating.

Elizabeth HEFFRON, aged 15 years, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HEFFRON, Donovan avenue and Tenth street, Fairhaven, died from pulmonary hemorrhage on Saturday. Funeral services were conducted at the Catholic church yesterday, Rev. Father BOULET officiating.

Consumption of several years' standing caused the death of John ADASS, an Indian, which occurred near Deming Saturday.

Judge NETERER heard pleas of "not guilty" from nine of the eleven Fairhaven saloonkeepers charged with disobedience of the Sunday closing law, on Friday. The defendants, L. A. HILL, H. J. JUDD, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, LINN & LANE, Nick PECORICH, GERI Bros., Louis GAMER, Samuel SWANSON and Swan PEARSON, posted bail of $250 each and were released from custody pending trial. Evidence of a strong fight for the men comes with the declaration that counsel in the persons of NEWMAN & HOWARD and FAIRCHILD & BRUCE and S. D. SLENTZ has been retained to spare no effort in protecting the interests of their clients. L. FELHAUER and Charles THOMPSON, the remaining two saloon men complained against by the Anti-Saloon League, were arraigned Saturday, encountering like treatment as had their comrades.

Fire broke out in the establishment of the THOMPSON Fish company located at the foot of McKenzie avenue in Fairhaven on the waterfront last Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, destroying the building and its contents. The damage is estimated at $2,000; insurance, $600.

The residence of Henry FULLER on Mill street between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets in Fairhaven, occupied by the family of Felix ROGERS, a painter, sustained slight damage by an early evening fire Friday. So far as learned the loss, which was largely confined to the second story of the structure by prompt and efficient work of the fire department, will be complete to Mr. FULLER as he had but recently permitted an insurance policy to lapse.

Wednesday, May 6, 1903:

Robert SHIELDS purchased the David GLASS block last week, located at the corner of D and West Holly streets, consideration, $5,500.

Miss Florence PENNINGTON sustained the loss of a finger on Wednesday as the result of an accident while at work in the sheet metal works at Fairhaven.

ALSOP Bros. contemplate the erection of a modern business block on their property at the corner of Elk and Holly streets. Fulfillment of their plans is dependent upon the construction of a like structure by P. B. CORNWALL on property across Elk street.

A new Holland Reform church was dedicated at Lynden on Saturday, appropriate services being conducted at which Rev. ROO preached in the native language of his parish, and Rev. COX of the United Presbyterian church, Whatcom, preached in English. The new church is a handsome edifice, erected at a cost of $2,500.

The Normal graduating class this year numbers 38.

LOGGIE Bros. have vacated the Whatcom Falls mill property, which will at once be occupied by workings of the Pacific American Tar company.

The Bay City Fishing & Trading company has filed articles of incorporation with the county auditor. W. F. LOCKE, J. J. STANFORD and F. W. PROUTY are the incorporators.

Seibert/Selbert LEE, a Maple Falls barkeeper employed at N. F. MADSON's "Seattle" saloon, died suddenly Friday afternoon. Physicians pronounced the cause as alcoholism following a protracted spree.

Mr. McINNIS, one of the oldest and best known residents of Wickersham, is reported so dangerously ill that little hope of saving his life is entertained.

-Mrs. M. J. McHEFFEY arrived home from Nova Scotia last Thursday and is now living at Birch Bay.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank BRUNSON had a fine wedding reception last Tuesday night. An oyster supper was the order of the evening, with cake, oranges and cigars, and lots of fun. To help out, the Pleasant Valley band was in attendance to furnish music for the occasion. All of Mr. BRUNSON's friends joined in wishing the newly-married couple a long and happy life. Among those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. PIERCY, Mr. and Mrs. WIFLER, Mr. and Mrs. Ed LONG, Mr. and Mrs. Ed BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HAM, Mr. and Mrs. James BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle HICKS, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. TYNER, Mr. and Mrs. George BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. EVERETT, P. C. KEY, J. S. GROUT, Mrs. SEVIER, Miss RITTER, Miss Annie EVERETT, S. E. GREGORY, Fred WHITMAN, Harry BARBRIC, Myrtle BROWN, Amy BEHME, Cora BROWN, Ethel BUCHANAN, Mrs. Belle HUNT, Laura SHELL, Ralph BROWN, Cora REYNOLDS, Roy BROWN, Belle HICKS, A. BOLDON, Ernest W. BOLDON, Frank WIFLER, Nora WIFLER, Clyde CREEK, Lydia RUSSELL, Ernest WILDER, Roland HAM, Eva BROWN, Bitbal HICKS, Mrs. A. BEHME, Wm. GROUT, Earl GROUT, Linde HANSEN, Walter LONG, Chester HANSEN, Louie HANSEN, Francis HOLTZHEIMER, Miss WIFLER, Fred TARTE, Ralph BRUNSON, Frank BRUNSON, Loyd BRUNSON, Pansy BRUNSON, Nannie BROWNSON, Charles LONG, George LONG, Elmer LONG. .....

Ft. Bellingham Staff Transplanted
Re-dedication Exercises
    In the presence of a large assemblage of people, last Thursday afternoon, the historic flagpole that had done service at Fort Bellingham over forty years ago was erected in the Walnut street park in this city. The Ladies' Co-operative society had arranged a program for this event, which was carried through without a hitch.
    Some years since, the old block house, or fort, erected by Captain PICKETT in 1856 was destroyed by fire, and it was not until recently that the pole which had graced the top of the block house was discovered lying buried in the ruins of that building in a good state of preservation. The matter of further preserving this relic and placing it where it would be of some usefulness was canvassed by the Ladies' Co-operataive society with the result of the exercises last Thursday, and to Mrs. Charles MAGEE, secretary of the society and Mrs. DAWSON, the president, as well as other ladies, much credit is due for their perseverance and energy. .....
    The raising of the flag pole was the event creating the most enthusiasm, and when it was known that the man who unfurled the flag was the man who performed such work 47 years ago, the interest became keener. William JARMIN, or "Blanket Bill" as he is called, although 84 years of age, stood with the furled flag in one hand and the rope in the other, erect and not looking a day older than 60, proud of his part in the work. As the flag unfurled at the top of the pole a squad of men from company M, N. G. W., under command of Captain HILDEBRAND, saluted that emblem of freedom with present arms and bugle notes. The band the played "The Star Spangled Banner." ....

Wednesday, May 13, 1903:

Mrs. Wallace B. JESSUP and children of Missoula, Montana, arrived in this city last Friday and will make Whatcom their future home. They were met in Seattle by Mr. JESSUP.

T. E. CADE was re-elected school director in district No. 1 (Whatcom) Saturday, receiving 235 votes and Jacob STRAUSS, his opponent, receiving 145 votes.

Cora HARRIGAN has brought suit in the superior court for divorce against her husband, Wm. HARRIGAN.

Hon. J. P. deMATTOS has recently removed from Denver, Colorado, to Douglas, Arizona, where he is engaged in the practice of law.

Mrs. Elnora DETWILER, aged 30 years, died Sunday of consumption at her home, 1810 Elk street. Interment was made in Lynden cemetery.

P. F. FULLER, the advertising man of KAUFMAN Bros.; large furnishing store on Holly street, was called suddenly to Yakima Monday by a telegram announcing the drowning of his brother near there on Sunday.

LIKINS & Co. have been awarded the contract for the excavation of the basement of the W. O. W. hall building at the corner of Champion and Magnolia streets. The hall association has definitely decided to go ahead with the work of construction, and as soon as the work of excavation is completed the building will be rushed to completion.

A. E. COLBURN of Trinidad, Colorado, has arrived in the city and is arranging for the establishment of a new jewelry store in the Grand View block on Holly street in the room formerly occupied by the Ideal clothing store. Mr. COLBURN will employ several persons and will manufacture jewelry of all kinds. The new store will be ready for business about the first of June.

Wm. THOMPSON and Miss Fannie HARTOON, both of Whatcom, were granted a marriage license Monday.

Charles CISSNA is now the possessor of a fine 12 horsepower automobile, which he received a short time ago from Toledo, Ohio.

Attorney A. E. MEAD has opened a law office in rooms 16-17 Clover block, Whatcom, Wash.

E. W. PURDY of this city and T. W. GILLETTE of Fairhaven have been appointed as members of the board of directors of the Whatcom County Railway & Light company.

The Hastings Shingle company of Silver Beach suffered the loss by fire of their dry kiln and loading shed Saturday night, entailing a loss of $10,000. The dry kiln contained four million shingles. The fire was first discovered soon after 7 o'clock.

H. D. McARTHUR, one of Whatcom county's deputy assessors, had an unpleasant experience last Saturday while calling at a business man's office on Holly street in an official capacity. Emery McGINNIS ordered Mr. McARTHUR out of his place of business. At this juncture McGINNIS clinched McARTHUR and attempted to eject the d. a. by main force. Mr. McARTHUR swore out a warrant for the arrest of McGINNIS on a charge of assault and battery. The case will come up for hearing before Judge WILLIAMS the latter part of the week.

Miss Orpha ANDREWS and Archibald CHANDLER, two well-known young people of this city, were married in Seattle on Monday.

--James WILDER of Blaine had an old stove standing in his barn and thought it was a safe place to store some dynamite, blasting. A man bought the stove and started with it for his ranch beyond Lynden. He had been gone some time before Dan WILDER remembered the dynamite stored in the oven. He thought he would prevent trouble by overtaking the man and telling him of the dynamite. He then recollected that the "bike" was in the repair shop. He seized an old wheel and tried to get to the "phone" in Blaine, since that was the only thing he could do under the circumstances. The wheel gave out and he walked until the "phone" office was reached. Word was sent to Lynden and a merchant replied that the man with the stove had just left his store for the country, but he said he would send a messenger immediately to the man. The dynamite being in the oven the fire would have been kindled and everything around would have been blown up.
--Miss McGILL closed a four months' term of school last Monday in the Excelsior district.
--Miss Nellie ROGERS is attending her sister, Mrs. E. M. THAYER, who is ill at her home in Whatcom.
--John MARR, while riding home with a neighbor to Haynie, fell from the buggy, striking his head on the wheel or other hard object and injured his spine so that he is paralyzed and totally unconscious. He is the man who was nearly killed about two years ago by a tree falling and crushing in his skull, while in camp near Wooldridge's mill. Later - He died at Blaine and was buried at Haynie cemetery on Tuesday last. ---May 8, 1903.

Last Wednesday evening Louie GILMORE was walking eastward on the Guide Meridian bridge, and when near the end fell through quite a large hole in the planking. The accident occurred about 10 o'clock, when it was too dark to see, Mr. GILMORE was quite badly injured, his back suffering the most damage. He managed to reach Wallace PALMER's place where he was cared for that night and was then removed to J. H. SEGER's place in this city, where he is now. At the present time he is recuperating quite rapidly, and yet it will be some time before he will be able to work. --Pacific Pilot.

Louis DeCHAMPLAIN of DeCHAMPLAIN & GRAHAM has purchased the DeVOE property on Eldridge avenue near Wm. LEMM's store, and also an acre of the Eldridge addition, which he will plat and put on the market for residence purposes. There are 24 lots in the tract, which is bounded on the north by Jefferson street, on the east by Cherry, on the south by Eldridge avenue, on the west by Lafayette street. The consideration was $5,800.

Thos. W. MARTIN of Fairhaven, aged 58 years, died last Friday morning at St. Joseph's hospital after an illness of several months. He had been a resident of Fairhaven for the past four years and was highly respected. He leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his death - A. B. and R. L. MARTIN, residents of Fairhaven.

Wednesday, May 20, 1903:

A liquor license was ordered granted to John BIRK.

Through the efforts of Captain Wm. H. HILDEBRAND, commanding Company M, N.G.W., this city is to have a 24-pound cannon. Mayor BENNETT has been advised by Brigadier General CROZIER, chief of ordinance of the war department, that a 24-pound cannon would be at the disposal of the city of Whatcom. The gun will be mounted on the high bluff in the rear of the city hall and will be in charge of Company M.

George E. BRAND has purchased from Charles CISSNA a residence on the corner of Twentieth and H streets.

Mesdames Ed LAUE and Adolph LAUE left last week for Alma, Wisconsin, on a month's visit to relatives.

SAVAGE & SCOFIELD, the bridge contractors, have completed the B. B. & B. C. railroad bridge over the Nooksack river at Steiner's. This is one of the largest bridges on the road, having an 120 foot Howe truss span and 600 feet of approaches.

The blacksmith shop of the B. B. & B. C. Railway company on Railroad avenue was entirely destroyed by fire Friday night at about 9:30 o'clock. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss is estimated about $800, partially covered by insurance.

J. J. DONOVAN has been promoted to the position of general manager of the B. B. Improvement company. Mr. DONOVAN has heretofore been general superintendent of the B. B. & B. C. railway and now has charge of the affairs of both these corporations as general manager. W. P. FOWLE has been elected vice-president of the B. B. I. company and is manager of the company's big mill on the waterfront.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ALLEN left last week for Bay City, Michigan, and will spend the summer there visiting friends and relatives.

William G. BROWN of Kingwood, West Virginia, arrived in the city last week on a visit to friends and will spend the summer here.

Edward STUBLEY was convicted of burglary in the superior court last Thursday. Some time ago he entered a room in the Griffen lodging house on West Holly street and helped himself to several articles. The goods which he took were found in his room at the time of his arrest and identified by the owners. When STUBLEY took the stand he testified that he knew nothing about the goods in question. He said that he had resided in British Columbia three years prior to his coming here and that he had served two years in a British Columbia penitentiary. The jury was out two hours and brought in a verdict of guilty.

J. E. RYUS and family left last week for Ketchikan, Alaska, where they will reside permanently. Mr. RYUS being in the drug business there.

In the case of the State vs. Adolph JOHNSON, charged with violating the Sunday law by keeping his saloon open on Sunday and selling intoxicating liquors, a verdict of not guilty was returned by the jury. The case was delivered over to the jury Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, they remaining out till 1:30 Saturday afternoon before an agreement could be reached.

Sunday night at about 10 o'clock at the Chuckanut stone quarry a stabbing affray occurred in which M. ROMERO, and Italian, was stabbed to death by Thomas McNAMARA, an Irishman. The two men had been employed at the quarry as laborers the past two years and it seems that bad blood had existed between them previous to the occurrence of Sunday night. Both men are said to have been addicted to the drink habit and were intoxicated on Sunday and had engaged in a quarrel. The tragedy occurred in the bunk house where the workmen sleep. ROMERO and McNAMARA engaged in a hand-to-hand encounter, ROMERO getting the best of his opponent, when it is supposed that McNAMARA drew a knife and stabbed the man, piercing the heart, death resulting almost instantaneously. The sheriff, deputy sheriff and county coroner were immediately notified and hastened to the scene of the murder. As the officers neared Chuckanut they met Foreman KNIGHT and McNAMARA coming toward the city. McNAMARA gave himself up and was at the time considerably under the influence of liquor. Coronor NOICE went to the scene of the tragedy and upon investigation decided that an inquest was unnecessary. An autopsy was held on the body of the murdered man by Drs. MARKLEY and KELLY who state that the knife had nearly severed the sixth rib and pierced the heart. ROMERO was about 40 years of age, belonged to the Woodmen of the World and carried insurance in that order for $1,000, made payable to his sister, who resides in Italy. McNAMARA is now in jail.

A man named MILES, employed in the CANEDY shingle bolt camp near Deming, committed a murderous assault upon Duncan GRANT, a fellow workman, last Wednesday morning. While at work cutting bolts with a number of other men, MILES picked up a double-bitted ax and started for one of the workmen. The first man he tried to attack eluded him, when he attacked GRANT and tried to cut him on the head. GRANT saw the man coming and attempted to ward off the blow by throwing up his arm, MILES striking GRANT with the ax near the latter's shoulder, lacerating the victim in a fearful manner. It is not known what prompted MILES in his deadly attempt to take life, as no one has ever had any trouble with him. The injured man was brought to the city and taken to St. Joseph's hospital, where Drs. KELLY and SMITH dressed his wounds. Deputy Sheriff PARBERRY went out the Deming to arrest MILES, who stongly objected to being taken charge of by an officer of the law. Mr. PARBERRY arrested the man and brought him to the city and locked him up to await trial. MILES is thought to be insane.

Frank HARRISON, an employee of the Northern Pacific railway, while making some repairs at the Blue Canyon coal bunkers last Saturday afternoon between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, fell from the top of the structure, a distance of about 50 feet, and was killed almost instantly. Mr. HARRISON had been spiking down some heavy timbers near the edge of the bunkers with a sledge and it is presumed that he missed his stroke which, with the weight of the sledge, caused him to lose his balance, which sent him to his death. HARRISON's head struck some timbers before he came in contact with the water, crushing his skull in a frightful manner. He was about 25 years of age and was an Odd Fellow. He leaves a mother to mourn his death, who resides in Seattle.

Work on the inshore line of the Great Northern railway is progressing rapidly. The steel has been laid from Squalicum creek to E street and the construction train is hauling steel and other materials for distribution along the line. The round house near Squalicum is nearly completed, and the locomotives will be housed, repaired and cleaned there in the near future instead of Happy Valley, where the round house has been located for a number of years. It is not definitely known yet where the new passenger depot will be located, but it would seem that there is a strong probability of its erection some where between C street and Broadway, as the company has petitioned the city council to vacate most of the streets between these two points.

Captain Wm. H. HILDEBRAND of Company M received orders Monday from Adjutant General DRAIN for Company M to report to Olympia Friday morning at 7 o'clock. The boys go in honor of President ROOSEVELT and will leave here tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock on a steamer which has been chartered for the express purpose of transporting the company direct to Olympia. The company will accompany the presidential party to Tacoma, Seattle and Everett and will return Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Wednesday, May 27, 1903:

Prof. and Mrs. F. W. EPLY are the parents of a baby boy, who was born Friday, May 22.

MILES, the man who made the vicious attack upon Duncan GRANT with double-bitted ax at the CANEDY bolt camp near Deming about two weeks ago, was adjudged insane in the superior court last week and committed to the asylum at Stellacoom.

E. E. BEARD of Blaine has been awarded the contract for carrying the mail between Blaine and Point Roberts three times each week, for a yearly compensation of $1,500. Mr. BEARD will purchase a staunch boat for this purpose and will enter upon his contract July 1.

The funeral of Michael ROMERO, who was stabbed by Thomas McNAMARA at Chuckanut Sunday, May 17, was held under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World, of which the deceased was a member, last Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

John STRAND has been appointed postmaster at Birch Bay, Whatcom county, vice Mrs. George McHEFFEY resigned.

Mrs. B. B. DOBBS has accepted a position in the Boyd photo studio in Seattle, and left last week to enter upon her new duties.

D. M. HIGBY and daughter of Smith Center, Kansas, arrived in the city last week on a visit to Mr. HIGBY's brother, George HIGBY, of the Morse Hardware company.

Frank DEAN returned last week from Los Angeles, California, where he had been in attendance at a dental college during the past winter. Mr. DEAN will spend his summer vacation here.

Miss Mary M. LENHARDT, aged 26 years, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad LENHARDT, on Kulshan avenue last Thursday morning. The funeral services were held on Sunday. The remains were interred in Bay View cemetery. Miss LENHARDT had been a invalid since early childhood.

John J. GASSMAN, age 37 years, died at his home on C street Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. GASSMAN had been suffering from brain trouble for some months past, which caused his death. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. The remains were shipped to St. Paul for interment. Mr. GASSMAN was a member of the Woodmen of the World.

David FERGUSON has purchased from the COLEMAN Bros. - Wallace, Elmer, James W., A. E. and F. P. CRUIKSHANK - 40,000,000 feet of standing fir and cedar timber near Maple Falls, located on the B. B. & B. C. extension, paying $26,000 for the tract. Mr. FERGUSON will immediately commence to log off the timber and will establish two logging camps. About 100 men will be employed.

J. C. PARKER, the bookbinder, has sold his property on Railroad avenue, including the new three-story brick building, to E. R. CROFT, consideration $17,000. The basement and first two floors have been leased for a term of years by the Washington Wholesale Grocery company. Mr. PARKER will occupy the third floor, which he will use for his job printing and binding establishment. The building is nearly finished and will be ready for occupancy in about three weeks.

Mrs. Winifred E. CAMPBELL, wife of John CAMPBELL of Sumas, aged 20 years, died at St. Joseph's hospital Monday morning. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Mock undertaking parlors on Elk street, Rev. BARNLEY officiating. The remains were interred in Bay View cemetery.

John CISSNA, formerly a merchant of Whatcom but now of Everett, is in the city on a visit to friends and relatives and may decide to remove from Everett to make this his future and permanent home.

The election held in Ferndale Saturday for the incorporation of that village resulted in 21 votes being cast in favor of incorporating and 75 against.

City Council - The acceptance of the franchise granting to C. T. LIKINS, C. W. WYATT and George H. BUTTERS the right to use certain streets for an electric railroad was received and placed on file.

Mr. Fred MATTESON and Mrs. Maggie McHEFFEY, both of Birch Bay, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony in the parlors of the Washington hotel on Dock street last Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock, Rev. W. R. COX of the United Presbyterian church officiating. Only a few friends, including Mrs. GEISHER of Birch Bay, being present. Mrs. MATTESON is an old resident of Birch Bay, having resided there the past 22 years. Mr. MATTESON is also a resident of Birch Bay and conducts a general merchandise store at that place, where they are now at home to their friends. The Blade joins their numerous friends in wishing them a long and prosperous wedded life.

W. H. EATON of Lynden and Miss Tyneth WARMOTH were united in marriage last Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. WARMOTH on Elk street, Rev. S. A. ABBOTT of Tacoma officiating. Only immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties were in attendance at the marriage ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. EATON departed for upsound cities on a wedding tour. Mrs. EATON was one of Whatcom's charming and accomplished young ladies. Mr. EATON is a business man of Lynden and has resided there a number of years. The newly-wedded couple will make their home in Lynden.

Wednesday, June 3, 1903:

The petition of KINSEY and SHINN to run a hokey-pokey wagon was granted.

Richard FENTON has returned from California, where he spent the winter and will remain here permanently.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant J. DAY of Everett are visiting Mr. DAY's parents, Col. and Mrs. E. M. DAY of Fairhaven.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. WAPLES of Lynden rejoice over the arrival of a daughter, who made her appearance at the WAPLES home on May 25.

James G. LEE of this city was committed to the asylum for the insane last week. He imagined it was his mission to protect President ROOSEVELT.

The commencement exercises of the Fairhaven High school were held last night in the pavilion. There were eight members in the graduating class this year.

Mr. Charles MUSGRAVE of Honolulu, H. I., arrived in the city last week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. DELLINGER, and will spend the summer here. Mrs. MUSGRAVE will be followed in a few weeks by her husband, who is a locomotive engineer on a Hawaiian railway.

Dr. and Mrs. J. C. MINTON have returned from a visit to Texas. While absent from Whatcom Dr. and Mrs. MINTON spent a short time in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

A recital given by the pupils of Charles A. ROHRBACHER at I. O. O. F. hall, Saturday afternoon, was a very enjoyable affair and showed that the young ladies participating had considerable talent and had been trained conscientiously.

Rick BURROWS left Monday for Sacrament, California, where he goes to accept a position with a business directory and gazetteer house of that city. Mr. BURROWS has been advertising solicitor for the past two years on the Evening Herald, Fairhaven, in which work he has shown good ability.

Superintendent J. W. RIDDLE of the county poor farm was arrested last week on a charge of assault and battery, preferred by an inmate of that institution by the name of JOHNSON. RIDDLE appeared before Justice WILLIAMS, who imposed a fine of $20 and costs, making a total of $36.35. JOHNSON was confined at the poor farm, being unable to work and support himself. RIDDLE is charged with pulling JOHNSON out of bed by the hair and knocking him down and kicking him. The superintendent charges JOHNSON with being unruly and disobedient and leaving the premises without permission. The court informed RIDDLE that he had a right to enforce the rules as long as he kept within the bounds of reason.

Sunday, May 31, Lewis MAYHEW lost his life by drowning, under the most distressing circumstances. Mr. MAYHEW was taking a party of friends and his wife for a ride on the Bay in his gasoline launch, and when off Deadman's point fell overboard, sinking before help could reach him. Mr. MAYHEW was one of Whatcom's prominent young business men, having lived here for the past 23 years. He was an active and industrious man and enjoyed the esteem and respect of his neighbors and business associates. The body has not yet been recovered.

The erection of a new Catholic church on Bellingham Bay, which was contemplated, has been given up for the time being, and it has been decided to build an addition to the present church to accommodate the rapidly growing congregation.

Wednesday, June 10, 1903:

   O. B. BARBO died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sophia A. BARBO, at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. BARBO has figured prominently in political life in Whatcom county, affiliating with the democratic party, having been chairman of the county central committee and a candidate on the legislative ticket. He also took high rank in the legal profession. Up to three years ago Mr. BARBO resided in Whatcom, but for the past three years has resided in Arizona, where he went in the hope he would regain his health, he suffered with kidney trouble. He arrived at his home in Whatcom last Thursday, a shadow of his former self.
   O. B. BARBO was born in Norway 41 years ago. In 1872 he settled with his parents in Wisconsin and came to Whatcom 13 years ago. Funeral services were held yesterday at the residence under the auspices of the I. O. O. F., Rev. MACKEY preaching the funeral sermon.

L. D. DeCHAMPLAIN purchased Saturday 27 1/2 feet on Dock street, south of the Byron hotel.

The formal opening of the new armory take place tonight.

The Whatcom County Humane Society, last week elected the following officers:
President: Miss Edith WELLMAN
Vice-presidents: C. E. LOMLER, Mr. BYERS, J. L. EASTON, W. J. MATLOY
Secretary: Miss M. TRESIZE
Treasurer: R. L. KLINE
Committee on investigation: Miss TRESIZE, Mrs. J. L. QUACKENBUSH, Mrs. M. G. WRIGHT, C. E. LOMLER

Attorney A. E. MEAD has opened a law office in rooms 16-17 Clover block, Whatcom, Wash.

The Pacific Pilot (Lynden)
--While slashing on the George WORTHEN place, some five miles west of Lynden, Herman PEN met with an accident which came near ending his life. In some manner his ax struck him on the right side of his head and face, cutting a gash some five or six inches long and severing an artery and several veins. John MEYER was employed at the some work a short distance away, and upon hearing PEN's cry for help ran at once to him. Mr. MEYER secured help and a team and the injured man was brought to the office of Dr. RAMEY in Lynden where Drs. RAMEY and WILBUR dressed the wound.
--The contract for the construction of the KILDALL Mercantile Company's big warehouse was awarded last week to D. R. SCHUYLER, who has a crew at work on the job. The building will join the main store building on the north and is to be 60x45 feet in size and two stories high.
---A. L. SWIM is making preparations for the erection of an office building on Front street just east of HANDY Sisters Millinery store. The building will be _x24, of modern architecture and will add considerable to the appearance of the street.

Ferndale Record
--Frank STORES, a 15-year-old boy living near the Paradise school house, received a very serious cut in his back last Saturday while working in the woods. As near as can be learned, he was grubbing stumps and his brother was using the ax just above him. Frank called to him to throw it down, which he did, aiming to throw it to one side. The handle struck a projecting limb, causing the ax to glance, striking Frank in the back and cutting through the point of the shoulder blade and severing three ribs close to the spine. A doctor from Ferndale was summonded and over thirty stitches were taken in the cut. Frank was taken to Whatcom to the hospital.
--Charles W. WHITMAN, a resident of this town for the past nine years, died of consumption at his home, Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock, aged 50 years.
--Antone SLOBBY, a well known resident of Paradise, died at the home of Mr. RITTERS on Monday, June 1, age 58 years. Interment was made Wednesday in Paradise cemetery.
--Mrs. S. H. ROGERS, who lived near the poor farm and had many friends in Ferndale, died at her home Monday, June 1, and was buried in Paradise cemetery.
--John CARLSON, a resident of this place for a number of years, left this week for California. He goes to take charge of an estate of 400 acres of land and other valuable property to which he has fallen heir. The property came to him by the death of his brother.

Sumas News
--At a meeting of the school board Tuesday evening it was decided to fit up another room in the Central building for the ninth and tenth grades and employ a fifth teacher, and thus give the children a high school training. It is also contemplated in the near future to put a new foundation under the building and perhaps add a wing, as it is only a matter of months until the school rooms will be crowded beyond their capacity. The following named teachers were elected for the coming year: Miss Jessie SCOTT and Miss Gertrude WALRATH. The balance will be elected at a future meeting.
--Sherman JONES is erecting a hotel building at Glacier creek.
--Andrew ECKLUND, foreman at the POST-LAMBERT mine was in town on business Monday.

Wednesday, June 17, 1903:

O. N. JOHNS of Chehalis, Wash., is negotiating for a site at Sumas for a creamery.

Work on the excavation for the foundation of the addition to the Church of the Assumption has begun. The addition will add 25 feet of room to the present structure.

The cement sidewalk on Garden street has added much to the beauty of that street, and when the parking along the sides is completed the name Garden will indeed be appropriate.

The roundhouse of the Great Northern railroad at Squalicum is completed and the night crews stop over in Whatcom now, the engines putting up in the new roundhouse. Saturday night four crews stopped in Whatcom.

The new Eagle hall in the J. J. Larson block will be dedicated Friday evening, June 19. Elaborate preparations for a big time has been made. The large hall has been modeled into a perfect lodge apartment, and there is no finer in the state. The inside woodwork is of native fir, oiled and varnished, presenting a beautiful effect. The furniture is black walnut and upholstered with black leather. The decorations are harmonious. The Elks and other lodges will probably hold their meetings here also. In connection with the lodge rooms there is a large assembly room.

At the meeting of the Whatcom county W.C.T.U., held in Sumas last week, the following officers were elected: Mrs. GRAVES of Fairhaven, president; Mrs. VAN LIEN of Whatcom, corresponding secretary; Mrs. BUSHLY of Everson, recording secretary. Mrs. VAN VALKENBURG of Sumas was elected delegate at large to the state convention to be held in Whatcom in September.

The Whatcom County Phone Co., (I. J. RAGAN, president; O. F. RAGAN, treasurer and O. F. RAY, secretary), is the name of a new company that is putting in a rural telephone system in Whatcom county. The scene of operations is the northwestern part of the county, in and around Pleasant Valley and Custer. The line will be extended to Blaine and Ferndale. Ultimately the company will make Whatcom the central point, branching out from here to other parts of the county, until the entire county is covered.

The following Whatcom county teachers who took the examination in May have been awarded certificates:

Mollie B. BUCK
Teresa G. CAREW
Emily DODD
Mabel HANN
Helen HESS
Joshua H. JONES
Florence E. LEES
Blanche MILLER
Nellie J. McBRIDE
Carrie L. PRICE
Elsie E. WYATT

Wednesday, June 24 and July 1, 1903:

The Blade Publishing Company has been reorganized, Medill CONNELL getting control of the large majority of the stock. No credit will be given for monies paid unless paid to the said Medill CONNELL or to an authorized agent. H. M. HUG has retired from the paper. Mark GRIGGS is the authorized collector ........

While at work moving old plank on Orleans street, last week, Charles HANSON had the misfortune to run a rusty nail through the palm of his hand, inflicting a painful and serious injury.

-A crew of men work excavating the site for the detention house this week. The house is expected to be completed by the middle of August.

-The Odd Fellows of Custer are trying to organize a lodge there.
-The sawmill at Kickerville had to be shut down Saturday afternoon for the want of logs. The planing mill kept running just the same.
-Mr. ARNIE is having some more slashing done on his place.
-The new telephone line will soon be ready for business, as they are putting up the wire as fast as they can.

For sale - Shinglemill. Address IMHOFF & COFFMAN, Custer, Wash.

While playing around a well in the yard of a fish trap camp on Lopez island last Thursday, the little two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HAMDON fell in and before he could be rescued was drowned. Mr. HAMDON is the cook at the camp. The body was taken to Mountain View Friday for interment.

Effie AKLEY was granted a writ of execution against Charles THOMPSON Friday for money owing her by said THOMPSON.

Lewis B. KOENIG has been granted a decree of divorce from his wife, Clara KOENIG.

The following marriage licenses have been issued by County Auditor SYBERT:
James P. NELSON of Acme and Mrs. Helen BLANIER of Provo, Utah.
Fred EGGERT and Miss Annie HOFFMAN, both of Whatcom.
T. C. BALCH of Seattle and Miss Cordelia BRADLEY of Whatcom.

Judge NETERER Saturday pronounced sentence on prisoners in the county jail as follows:
Edward C. STUBLEY, three years in the penitentiary for burglary;
John C. DAIVS, larceny from the person, eight months in the penitentiary;
"Red" WORTHINGTON, larceny from the person, $50 fine.

After spending 18 months in the county jail, convicted of embezzlement, H. St. John DIX was on Saturday morning allowed to walk out on a bond of $5,000. Mrs. St. John has been indefatigable in her work to release her husband and has worked under the most trying circumstances, circumstances that would have made any woman who did not believe in her husband's innocence give up the fight. It is reported that St. John will furnish some startling evidence to prove that he was not as guilty as he seems to be and that he will convict others engaged in the late Scandinavian bank.
The bondsmen are:
T. W. GILLETTE, $500; Charles E. BELL, $500; Charles E. LIND, $500; Thomas S. DAHLQUIST and A. G. DAHLQUIST, his wife, $500; Mrs. Freda STRANDELL, $500; Michael EARLES, $250; A. G. WICKMAN, $250; Wm. COX, $250; Simon McLEOD, $250; George SPEIRS, $250; P. L. HEGG, $250; Wm. COX, $200; D. H. DeCAN, $200; E. A. BERENS, $100; W. D. KIRKPATRICK, $100; Agnes Barnes ONFLROY, $100; Charles S. WALLACE, $100; A. B. McKINNON, $100.

At 7 o'clock last Thursday evening, Thomas H. MURRAY and Mrs. Laura LEACH were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. WOODARD, Humboldt street.

George MEADE, a pioneer resident of Ferndale, died Thursday, and was buried Saturday.

Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock Miss Elma CHARLOT and Elmer CAMPBELL were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George CHARLOT, Iron street, Rev. C. E. TODD performing the ceremony.

Attorneys S. D. SLENTZ and H. W. PARROT are entertaining two schoolmates, J. J. NOETH and H. J. LAFFERTY.

Mrs. Ed. LAUE and little son, who have been visiting in Alma, Wisconsin, for two months, have returned home.

A new lodge of Odd Fellows was instituted at Custer last Wednesday by Special Deputy Charles OWENS, the Whatcom degree team conferring the initiatcry and third degrees upon 12 candidates. About 200 Odd Fellows from Everson, Ferndale, Lynden, Blaine, Fairhaven and Whatcom were in attendance. A most delectable supper was partaken of at the end of the exercises. The lodge will be known as Custer lodge 204, I. O. O. F. The officers elected were: A. W. THOMAS, noble grand; E. GYILENSPETZ, vice grand; J. L. JOHNSTON, recording secretary; J. W. WIFLER, treasurer.

Albert J. CLODE of Deming, who was a visitor in Whatcom yesterday, is an interesting gentleman. His career has been varied. Mr. CLODE learned the printing trade in Australia and has worked at the business in all branches. Seven years of his life was spent in Japan, where he ran a newspaper awhile and then worked in Yokohama. He has not worked at the business for 20 years, however. He came to Deming about a year ago and is now farming. He says sometimes he's broke and sometimes has plenty of money, but is always happy, and he looks it. He is satisfied with Whatcom county and his farm life.

Citizens from the county seen in Whatcom the past week were: W. R. CHAMBERS, Everson; C. W. LITTON, Blaine; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff STEWART, Rome; A. KIRKMAN, Clearbrook; J. A. RANKIN, Laurel; L. C. AXTON, Ten Mile, J. M. LOCHHEAD, Everson; G. I. JACKSON, Enterprise; O. D. LAMOREAUX, Forest Grove.

Wednesday, July 8, 1903:

Bert DeHAVEN has gone to Hampton to superintend the fencing in of the right-of-way of the B. B. & B. C. extension to Lynden.

Chuckanut stone is being used in the foundation for the new High school building at Fairhaven. Contractor BOOKER now has a force of men at work on the building.

D. FERGUSON is in Maple Falls locating switches to run from the B. B. & B. C. railroad to his camp near Maple Falls. He will commence logging in about two weeks. He will have four donkey engines in operating at this camp.

Born, to Daniel and Mrs. McCUSH, Saturday, July 4, a daughter.

Judge Jeremiah NETERER will leave Monday for a visit to his parents in Indiana.

Mrs. A. M. CLARK is visiting her daughter, Mrs. CUTHBERTSON, in Vancouver, B. C.

Lars BARBO and Rev. W. A. WRIGHT, Sumas; S. H. HORTON, Blaine, were city visitors yesterday.

Born, July 4, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. S. G. BANGS, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. INGIMANDSON, a daughter.

Harry CARLSON is taking a two weeks' vacation and is visiting in Seattle. Harry is a popular clerk in the Whatcom postoffice.

Will CALVERT and wife and visiting in the city. Mr. CALVERT is now a resident of Seattle, where he is engaged in mining enterprises.

County visitors to Whatcom last week were: S. H. BRADLEY, Lynden; A. BEHME, Custer; George RITHFUS, Goshen; L. H. SHAFFNER, C. T. MOORE, W. VON HAGEN, W. B. WHITCOMB, Blaine.

W. G. BROWN and wife arrived in the city from West Virginia last week. Mr. BROWN has come here to sub for L. P. WHITE in the Bank of Whatcom while to latter is away recuperating and getting back his health.

C. W. CHRISTENSON, who has been running the boarding house at the Chuckanut cannery for the past year dropped dead Monday night at 10 o'clock. The cause of his death was hemorrhage of the lungs. Mr. CHRISTENSON, with his wife and two children, moved to Chuckanut from Astoria, Oregon, which latter city his body will probably be taken for interment. He was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge of Astoria. Coroner Noice was called, but after an investigation he concluded that an inquest was unnecessary.

S. E. SCHUSMAN, Clifford BANGS, Miss Pearl HANNIBAL and Miss Fay SIVITS, while returning from Birch Bay on the Fourth, were thrown from their buggy, but fortunately escaped injury.

Perry BAKER, clerk in the state fish commissioner's office, met with a painful accident Sunday, that sprained and badly bruised his left leg and also bruised the left side of his face over the eye. Mr. BAKER and S. A. STRANGE were out walking, Mr. BAKER explaining the advantages of Whatcom to Mr. STRANGE and showing his the natural sewerage advantages. During the course of this walk they got on the trestle at the corner of seventeenth and Prospect streets and Mr. BAKER noticing a car coming called to Mr. STRANGE that they had better get out of that and turned to leave the trestle. He had taken about three steps when he slipped, his leg going through between the ties, throwing him forward, his head striking a rail. Mr. BAKER congratulates himself that his accident was no worse, although he thought at the time that he had knocked out his eye. Mr. BAKER walks with a crutch now and has a badly swollen face, but nothing serious is anticipated from his accident.

-A. NITTENBERG has bought the 50x100 foot business lot of James McDONALD, between the Greenwood hotel and the depot, and expects to erect a business house covering the entire fifty feet frontage. The is one of the very choicest business locations in Maple Falls.

-At the home of Mrs. YOUNG, on Seventh avenue, New Westminster, Miss May Grace JOHNSON of Hall's Prairie, B. C., and Mr. Philip WATERS were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. Miss JOHNSON is a great favorite in the community where she formerly resided. The groom is known throughout the northwest part of Whatcom county and the city as one of Blaine's most capable and upright business men. Mr. and Mrs. WATERS are now residing in their home on E street in this city. The journal joins the rest of the people of Blaine in wishing Mr. and Mrs. WATERS unbounded happiness and prosperity.

-At a meeting of the school board of this district one evening last week, Miss Lucy SCRIMGER was elected principal for the coming school year. She comes very highly recommended and will no doubt fill the position well. Miss Grace GOODELL, who taught the primary department the past year successfully, has been secured for the next year. The board has not decided upon the others.

   A very beautiful home wedding took place on July 4, at 10:30 a. m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WILCOX, 1503 G street, when their daughter, Inez M., was married to Mr. Henry O. WAMPLER. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Spencer S. SULLIGER, presiding elder of Whatcom district, and the full ritual ring service of the Methodist Episcopal church was used. Mr. A. V. BOYD and Miss Libbie READ, and Mr. Howard VROMAN and Miss Lillian SMITH supported the couple. The wedding march was played by Miss Pearl SMITH. After the ceremony the invited guests partook of a delightful wedding breakfast in charge of Mrs. L. FOLLETT. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Marcus WILCOX, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PLACOCH and son Lewis; Mrs. Arthur BOWEN, Mrs. Eliza C. SULLIGER, Mrs. A. R. SATTERTHWAITE, Mrs. G. D. REED, Mrs. L. FOLLETT, Misses Pearl and Lillian SMITH, Miss Libbie READ, Miss Grace WILCOX, Messrs. E. R. RADEKER, Howard VROMAN, J. W. HERITAGE, A. V. BOYD, Harry JACKSON and the officiating clergyman.
   The decorations were roses and ocean spray. A number of very nice presents of silver and glassware were tastefully arranged in the waiting room.
   The married couple left on the 12:25 Great Northern south-bound train for a short wedding trip. They will reside in Whatcom.

Oliver WHEELER and Miss Lizzie KINGSLEY, both of Lawrence, were married Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Silas WHITE, G street, Rev. Spencer S. SULLIGER officiating.

Wednesday, July 15, 1903:

The county commissioners have made an appropriation for the Silver Lake road, between Goshen and Ten Mile and have awarded the free scholarship in the agricultural college at Pullman to J. R. EVERETT of Custer.

Last week was a busy one in the superior court in divorce cases, three or four unhappy couples seeking the law to release them from their bonds. The case of Margaret SMITH, suing for divorce from W. E. SMITH, was continued. The suit of Lena STEGNIK vs. Edward STEGNIK was taken under advisement; and Stella DENNIS was granted a divorce from J. C. DENNIS.

Justice WILLIAMS' court has been busy this past week. Two Chinamen, Lin FOO and Go HAWK, were up before his honor for being illegally within the United States, Go HAWK was ordered deported.

--W. H. ROESSEL gave his friends a pleasant surprise last Friday by arriving unexpectedly from Dawson where he has been for the past three years looking after his mining interests. The cause of his unexpected return was that of an injured knee which has been causing him severe pain and much trouble for some time. He will remain here long enough to allow the injury to heal. He then intends returning to the Yukon territory.
--Frank SEVIER, one of Custer's leading farmers, received a kick from one of his horses last Saturday evening. As near as can be learned Mr. SEVIER had put the horses away for the night, together with strange ones. During the evening on hearing a commotion he returned to the barn and found that they were quarreling. He then commenced to straighten them out. It being dark one of them mistook him for one of the horses and kicked at him, striking him in the pit of the stomach with such terrific force as to render him in a helpless condition. He was taken to the house and medical aid was immediately summoned. At last reports he was fairly on the road to recovery, but still very weak from the effects of the blow. **Additional details below under "Pleasant Valley"
--A very aged and time-worn account book was shown to us this week by "Jack" COWDEN, one of Ferndale's popular citizens. The book belonged to Mr. COWDEN's grandfather, Hebor COWDEN, and bear dates and accounts almost 150 years old. It is a very ancient piece of leather and paper and is a demonstration of the differences of the manner in which our forefathers kept their accounts and the way they are kept the present day. Also the comparison in prices of produce and labor is brought to one's mind while casting their eye over the time-stained entries that were made a hundred years before we were born. The book is strongly bound with leather, and has a peculiar old-fashioned clasp. The pages are unruled and the writing done with pen and ink still preserve their original plainness. Mr. COWDEN has taken the utmost care of this relic and has received some handsome offers from the World's Fair association for it, which he has refused as he expects it to remain in the family for years to come.

Carpenters are at work this week doing necessary improvements in the school building. The cloak room in the upper hall is being enlarged and will be used for a reception room. The south end of the hall will be divided into two rooms, a cloak room and a laboratory. Eighty-four new seats have been ordered and will be divided among the four rooms. The blackboard space will also be enlarged by 390 square feet. Some needed improvements in the basement will also be made.

--Mrs. L. F. DAHL of Blaine is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PARR of this place.
--F. M. SEVIER's statement is as follows: Unharnessed the horses and turned them out and as they did not seem to care about going he tried to hurry them a little, when one of them kicked him in the pit of the stomach. When he came to himself he tried to get to the barn door and being dizzy from the blow, he could not walk straight and fell against the buggy. He tried again and staggered a short distance and fell to the floor unconscious, and Percy BEHME, who was passing the place, heard him groan, whereupon he called to Mr. SERVIER's son-in-law, telling him that some one was hurt in the barn, running at the same time to see what was the matter. Upon reaching the barn Mr. SEVIER was found on the floor unconscious. He was carried to the house and a doctor sent for and a messenger sent for his son, who was at Birch Bay. He is now able to be out again, although he feels sore from the hurt yet.
--Miss Maggie DAVIDSON of New Westminster is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PARR, of this place.
--Amile SELINE has been putting a new roof on William PARR's houses the past week.

Graduates of 1903 -- Business course: Mabel E. THOMPSON, Jessie K. SIMPSON, Lucile L. BANGLE, Annie A. BRECKENRIDGE, Beulah E. WALKER, Frank SEBERT.
Board of Education -- Robert THOMPSON, J. W. BELL, J. M. LOCKHEAD.
Clerk of district -- Edith E. WHITEMARSH.
Principal of schools -- J. R. SIMONSON.

Wednesday, July 22, 1903:

Twenty years ago, in 1883, the first shovel full of dirt was turned on the roadbed of the B. B. & B. C. railroad by the late Mrs. Herman HOFERCAMP of this city. That year the roadbed was graded as far as Whatcom creek, a distance of about three-quarters of a mile. Work was stopped though and nothing more was done until 1888, when work was again commenced and continued until the road was finished to Sumas. It has been one of the best paying roads in the state of Washington, ever since its operation.

   The following account of the sad accident and death of Miss May LINDERMAN, near Enterprise, is taken from the Ferndale Record: "J. L. JOHNSON, Miss May LINDERMAN and Miss Iva BROWN, while out riding yesterday afternoon in Mr. JOHNSON's automobile, met with an accident at 2 o'clock which caused the death of miss LINDERMAN of Whatcom and seriously injuring Iva BROWN of Custer. Mr. JOHNSON escaped uninjured with the exception of a few scratches and bruises.
   The accident happened directly in front of the Enterprise school house. The party was coming down a steep grade on a side road and was just approaching the Ferndale-Blaine plank road when the steering gears of the machine got out of order and refused to work. Instead of making the turn went straight on and plunged over an embankment of about 30 feet over logs and stumps, turning completely over and landing on end in the ravine below.
   The unfortunate girl was about 13 years of age. Her home is in Whatcom but was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed BROWN of Custer at the time of the accident.

While at work in the woods near Hilltop, Monday, Wilfred J. TOZIER, of the firm of TOZIER & GRAHAM, met with an accident that caused his death. A donkey engine is used in hauling logs and Mr. TOZIER gave a signal to the engineer which was misunderstood and the engine started at the wrong time, causing two logs to roll together, catching Mr. TOZIER between them and mangled his left leg. He was brought to the hospital in this city, but nothing could be done to save his live.

A new ordinance regulating houses of ill fame, wiping out the limits established by the last ordinance, was introduced. This ordinance provides for the fining of those who keep houses, inmates of houses, landlords or agents who rent houses for that purpose. It was read the second time and passed over a week for consideration.

The school board has elected J. K. M. BERRY, A. M. of Golden, Col., to the position of principal of the Whatcom high school, vice John A. LEE, resigned. Mr. BERRY is at present teacher of Latin and chemistry in the Golden high school, and has strong recommendations as a teacher and as a man of character.

Mr. Orin POST, while suffering with a severe cold Wednesday night, got up from his bed for a dose of cough remedy but in the dark got a bottle of carbolic acid, and took a small swallow. He did not detect the smell on account of the cold, and only discovered the mistake by taste, which was pretty late. He called his roommate, Herbert THOMAS, and the prompt assistance in giving antidotes save the patient. It was rather a close call.

-The five-year-old son of Albert THEEL was quite badly cut by a mower Tuesday. He was standing in front of the machine when the horses started and the sickle struck him near the ankles. He was brought to town and Dr. GANSON attended to his injuries. At present writing he is doing nicely.
-Gladys SLADE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry SLADE, of this city, died Wednesday afternoon, July 15th. She had been seriously ill for about three weeks with an abscess on the brain. The little one was four years old on the 12th of last month and was their only daughter. She was a great favorite with all who knew her. Two older brothers and the parents are left to mourn the loss of baby Gladys. The funeral was held from the Mission church this afternoon, the Rev. Pearl M. STOREY officiating and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery west of the city.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank MOSIER met with a painful accident Tuesday while endeavoring to ride a horse without the aid of a saddle or bridle. It seems that the unfortunate little fellow, while playing with companions near where some horses were running at large, became possessed of a desire to take a ride and in spirit of playfulness climbed on the back of one of the horses. It not being in the habit of being ridden about in that manner without the restraining influence of the bridle immediately began to show his utter disregard for his careless rider. After making several artistic curves and a few plunges in the air succeeded in unseating the rider, throwing him violently to the ground. He fell in such a manner as to break his left arm. Although the injury is very painful it is not thought it will leave the arm crippled in any manner.

-Conductor Bert BRANIN had the misfortune of cutting an ugly gash in his foot a few evenings ago necessitating the taking a several stitches. Bert hasn't been married long enough to become thoroughly conversant with the art of splitting wood or he would have known the difference between a stick of cordwood and a common every-day soup-bone.
-Roadmaster McCOY of the B. B. & B. C. has just completed a 400 foot spur leading from the main track near the depot to the B. B. Shingle company's mill. This spur was built for the accommodation of the mill company who will hereafter get their bolts from near Eckhart. The new spur will also give the mill company a more convenient way of loading their product direct from the kiln.

Wednesday, July 29, 1903:

T. A. THOMPSON tendered his resignation as a member of the police force and J. R. SHELLY, a former member of the force under Chief LAND, was appointed by the mayor to fill the vacancy.

L. P. JOHNSON was appointed special policeman, without pay, to look after the BECK theater.

Oscar HENDERSON employed at the B. B. I. mill, was almost instantly killed last Wednesday afternoon while working on a log carriage. A log was being sawed which contained a small stone imbedded in the wood, the saw striking the missile causing the teeth to become detached, one of which struck HENDERSON in the breast, causing his death 20 minutes later. Medical aid was summoned, but was of no avail. He was about 25 years of age and unmarried and leaves a brother who resides on Elk street. Mr. Henderson was a native of Sweden and had resided here only a short time.

While at work on the cutoff saw at N. JERNS' shingle mill at Silver Beach last Thursday afternoon, Wm. B. RUMBAUGH met with a serious accident. He was sawing a shingle bolt which had a large knot in it requiring all his strength to push the bolt on to the saw when suddenly the saw emerged from the knot entering softer wood, throwing Mr. RUMBAUGH forward, his arm striking the saw, cutting the muscular part of his forearm very severely two inches below the elbow. He was brought to the city and taken to the offices of Drs. AXTELL and SMITH, where the injured member was dressed.

J. C. TREUTLE has sold his Terra Alta shingle mill and other holdings to the McCUSH Bros. and J. B. BALDY.

R. H. WATERMAN will establish a planing mill on Broadway, and has purchased a portion of the machinery for the plant.

The machinery for the HACKETT cold storage plant has arrived and as soon as plans for the building are completed bids will be called for.

EDSON & IRISH were granted permission (by City Council) to build a corrugated iron addition to their printing office building on Railroad avenue.

G. W. ELLIOTT aged 81 years, died last Wednesday morning of brain trouble at the home of his son-in-law, J. H. CAMPBELL, on the DeCan ranch near the county farm. Funeral services were held at the family residence Thursday afternoon. Interment was made in Paradise cemetery. Mr. ELLIOTT was a recent arrival in this county.

J. C. HOHMAN of Van Wyck was a city visitor yesterday.

J. M. LOCKHEAD of Everson was transacting business in the city last week.

George MILLER of Hilltop spent several days visiting the city the past week.

City Auditor SYBERT has issued marriage licenses during the past week to Clyde JENNING and Florence HUMPHREY, both of Blaine; Alva BARGER and Della BROKS, both of Fairhaven; S. T. MAXWELL of Hope, Idaho, and Minnie C. EHLE of Goshen.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. PICKEL died last Thursday morning. Funeral services were held Friday morning. Rev. Father BOULET officiated. Interment was made in Mt. Calvary cemetery.

Arthur B. JEWETT  has resigned as manager of the BECK opera house and will be succeeded by A. C. SENKER.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. PECK returned last week from Nome, Alaska, where they have been the past year.

William and Edward WALPOLE, Fred and Alma STAPLETON left last week for Fort Wayne, Indiana, to join their parents and make their permanent home.

E. D. BEATTIE, formerly a painter on Bellingham Bay, is now manager of the Tamalpais Sanitorium at Kentfield, California. Mr. BEATTIE also holds the position of secretary of the company.

Frank SHERWOOD, a former well-known printer of this city who is now located at Danville, Ferry county, Wash., where he is employed in the U. S. customs service, was in the city last week renewing acquaintences during his 15 days' vacation. Mr. SHERWOOD has been absent from this city about 14 months.

Michael LAWRENCE left today for New York from whence he will go on a visit to his old home in county Tipperary, Ireland. He will remain about a year.

Mr. J. E. NORSTROM of Millerton was the recipient of a very pleasant surprise July 21, it being the fifty-ninth anniversary of his birth. The blowing of the mill whistle at 12 o'clock at noon was the signal for the army of ladies to close in on Mr. NORSTROM, which they did armed with baskets laden with delicious eatables. A long table was arranged and happiness and enjoyment were paramount for about one hour. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. KALE, Mr. and Mrs. BEIHLE, Mr. and Mrs. A. SWANSON, Mr. and Mrs. F. ROBINSON, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. TODD, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. NORSTOM, Mr. and Mrs. Will REAMS, Mrs. J. MEAD, Misses Verna, Ressie and Jessie KALE, Viola REAMS, Bessie, Dollie and Goldie TODD, Ella SWANSON, Ella BIEHLE, Messrs. Aben, Clarence and Frank MEAD, Arthur and Paul HUGLIN, Otto and Hanmas BIEHLE, Ed and Clarence ROBINSON, Will and Horace THOMPSON, Chas. TODD, Jay and Guy KALE, Wilson and James JONES, Grandpa ROBINSON, Mr. TODD, Gus NORSTROM, Miss Faith DAILY, Miss Louisa NORSTRUM, John NORLING and Andrew NORLING.

John PRATT and Miss LARSON of Whatcom were in town the first of the week looking over the prospects for a laundry. They were well pleased with the situation and after looking over the ground and talking with some of the business men decided to locate here. Before returning to Whatcom they purchased a lot on corner of First street and Railroad avenue where a laundry building will be erected. The building is to be completed in about two weeks. John PRATT went to Seattle the first of the week to secure machinery for the plant.

Wednesday, August 5, 1903:

Mrs. F. P. O'BRIEN of Port Townsend, nee Miss Gem KELLOGG, is in the city on a visit to her mother, Mrs. M. J. KELLOGG, on Eldridge avenue.

----City Council----
D. C. JENKINS tendered his resignation as city auditor to take effect on Sept. 1st. In connection with this mayor BENNETT appointed S. C. BOND as Mr. JENKIN's successor and the appointment was confirmed by the council.

Wednesday morning a telegram was received in Blaine conveying the shocking news that Earl BLAKE, the eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. C. J. BLAKE was dead. The young gentleman had gone to the Monarch mill logging camp on the north side of Vancouver island on a hunting trip. He was a skilled sportsman and a remarkable shot yet through some unfortunate accident discharged his gun so that he received a mortal wound. The launch Royal was at once dispatched to bring home the remains.

-Lou CHICHESTER met with a sad accident last Wednesday, while working in the LOPAS shingle mill at Mountain View, in which he came very near losing his hand. He was working at the kneebolter and at the time was endeavoring to split a block when it suddenly gave a jerk, taking his had with it, striking the saw just above the hand and almost severing it from the arm. The saw buried its teeth in the flesh and cut the bone to such an extent that had it gone a particle farther it would have been impossible to save the hand. The injured limb will be useless for perhaps months although it is not thought that the cut will leave the arm crippled in any manner. Mr. CHICHESTER was not the regular knee-bolter but he was only working in his brother's place who had fared a similar accident a few days before. He had escaped with only lacerating two of his fingers in such a manner as to lay him off for a few days.

-John PAULSON had an accident last Saturday evening which came very near ending seriously. Had it not been for the timely aid of his friends Mr. PAULSON would now be occupying a watery grave in the bottom of the Nooksack. For the past few weeks John has been acting as night watchman for the confectionery stand, situate on the edge of the river. Friday night the atmosphere became a little too warm for comfort inside of the tent and wishing to find a cooler and more pleasant place to rest, he went outside and in the darkness stepped over the bank, which at that place is very steep and much to his surprise and consternation he soon found himself floundering in the cold waters of the river. He made heroic efforts to make his way out, but it being very dark and in the suddenness of his descent, he got somewhat turned around instead of getting to the bank he got farther away. After swimming around for sometime he found that it was useless to struggle alone and began to call loudly for help. His cries were heard by Wm. KEENER of the Ferndale Bar, who immediately went to his assistance. A fishing party was soon formed and a life line was thrown out which John lost no time in getting hold of. After some struggling on his part and hard pulling on the part of his rescuers he was safely landed.

Wednesday, August 12, 1903:

  An accident occurred Saturday night in Fairhaven which caused the death of Elmer MEE. The unfortunate young man was run over by a street car. The time of the accident was 10 o'clock and the place Front street, near Fourteenth. The circumstances of the death are cited by the Sunday Reveille as follows:
According to information given by Motorman GRIFFITH, who had charge of the car, the man was lying on the track as if stunned by a fall from his wheel, which was lying a few feet in front of him. The car had just turned the corner, south of the Wood mill and was running on the up grade toward Whatcom. A. E. PITMAN, another motorman, who was standing on the platform with Mr. GRIFFITH, suddenly exclaimed, "My God, there's a man!" He was lying on the track less than a hundred feet ahead of the car, and in the shadow of a dwelling across the street, and although the power was reversed, the car could not be stopped before it had struck the man and dragged him several feet under the wheels. The car was finally stopped, and the man extricated. Coroner NOICE was summoned and hastened to the spot. He made as thorough an investigation as possible at the time, and has not yet decided whether to hold an inquest. The body was removed to NOICE's morgue, where it now lies.
  A doctor who was summoned expresses the opinion that the body having bled very little goes to show that the man may have been dead before the car struck him. The most likely theory is, that MEE was riding along the street car track at a pretty rapid rate and in some way was thrown from his wheel and stunned by the fall so that he lay motionless on the track. When the car approached he did not utter a sound, but lay still until struck.
  Elmer's father is George H. MEE, of Fairhaven, an old railroad man. The young man was employed as a brakeman on the B. B. & B. C. He was known as a sober man, of steady reliable habits, so that he could not have been intoxicated at the time. His father was informed of the accident and was almost overcome by the shock.

  Fire destroyed the shingle mill and dry kiln of the SIEMONS Mill Co. Friday evening last. The plant was located on the water front near the mouth of Squalicum creek. The loss is estimated at $20,000. No insurance was carried. The mill was one of the busiest places in Whatcom and was operated by S. H. SIEMONS and sons, H. J., R. H. and J. C. The output of the mill was 150,000 shingles a day, giving employment to about 20 men. The building was erected and equipped eleven years ago and has been in constant operation ever since.
  The SIEMONS, father and sons, are thrifty business men and will erect a new mill. The real cause of the fire is not known, but it is presumed that it started in the engine room. The owners of the destroyed plant stand high in the business community and have the sympathy of contemporaries and other business men and the best wishes for their future.

W. H. MORRISON, of the MORRISON Mill Co., went to Seattle last Friday to sign up the contract recently made for clearing the log jam out of the mouth of the Nooksack river. He went to meet Major MILLIS who acted for the U. S. government. The contract was signed and work has commenced on the removal of the logs.

-C. M. SHERMAN petitioned the council to look into the matter of violation of the bicycle ordinance. He stated that bicyclists were continually coasting down Garden street to the danger of pedestrians. The matter was referred to the police committee.
-The saloon license of Chas. OTTO, was transferred to OTTO & BETTMAN.
-A petition was read to the granting of a license of a saloon at 128 West Holly street in the building formerly occupied by the California Chop House. In the connection the clerk stated that there was an application pending. The protest was referred to the license committee.

Peter NELSON of Saxon was transacting business in the city today.

Wm. PARR, a pioneer citizen of Whatcom county, residing near Custer, was a city visitor yesterday and today.

   There is one enterprise that will be exploited in the near future on Bellingham Bay that will be of lasting benefit to every citizen. We refer to the opening of the Rocky Ridge coal mine.
   At the rate at which the sound country is growing there will soon come a time when the demand for coal will be greater than the supply if more mines are not opened. At the present time a great deal of the coal used on Puget sound comes from British Columbia. If a mine can be opened that will supply the needs of coal burners for fuel, then the locality in which the mine is located will be the biggest kind of a winner. This is especially true where both rail and water shipments can be made, as at Whatcom.
   The Rocky Ridge coal is located on the shore of Lake Whatcom, about two miles from the mouth of the lake on the south side. The coal is a lignite and has been analyzed by R. B. SYMINGTON of San Francisco. Mr. SYMINGTON is the expert who has been working on the B. B. I. Co. properties for the past ten years. The result of the analysis is as follows:
It is a red ash vein and this is valued for house coal as it is heavy and does not make such a dust with any back draft as the lighter ash does; moisture, 5.4 per cent; volatile hydro-carbons, 33.6 per cent; fixed carbon, 50.9 per cent; sulphur, 0.2 per cent; ash (red), 9.9 per cent.
   Col. H. A. MOORE took up this property some fifteen years ago and did enough development work on it to convince him that the quantity was there. Through misfortune he has been unable to do anything with the mine until the present, but his faith in it never wavered and he has hung on with a grip that could not be loosened.
   There has been incorporated The National Coal & Iron Co. to develop this mine, and from information received we are assured that coal will be shipped from the mine by January 1, 1904. Mr. MOORE will soon return here to reside and will bring with him machinery for sinking a shaft and other necessary machinery.
   The operation of a mine on Lake Whatcom would mean a payroll of two hundred men who would spend their money on the Bay; it would mean cheaper coal, and it would give the Bay another big advertisement to the outside world. Another fact, the more men we have on the payrolls in and around the Bay cities the more money there is spent here. This would create a demand for more breadstuffs and would help in getting flouring and other mills. The Blade wishes Mr. MOORE and his company all the success possible and has faith in the project. The coal is there, time will tell how much, but we are satisfied that the quantity will not be lacking when the test is made.

-Geo. PRKINSON started a crew of men to work on a new store building Tuesday. The building is being erected between Mrs. PARKINSON's millinery store and Mr. SCHUMACHER's store on Front street. The building will be 22x50 feet, one story high. It will be used by Mrs. PARKINSON for the line of ladies' furnishing goods which she proposes to put in. This is the first of a number of buildings that Mr. Parkinson proposes to build in the near future.
-A. SCHUMACHER has decided to move his store building to his lot on cherry street and has engaged O. H. EYERLY to do the work. Mr. EYERLY will start work on it as soon as he gets through moving a small building for Mr. ROSS. Mr. SCHUMACHER's old store was built on Cherry street, but later was moved to Front street. Two years ago, when building his new store, he built it on foundations so that it could be moved easily at any time.
-M. S. KENYON has given ROSS & WIDDES an order for lumber for a new house and barn to be built on the ranch east of town. The house will be twenty-six feet and two stories high. The barn will be 60x100 feet, including sheds on two sides. The main part of the building will be twenty feet from foundation to eaves.
-Mrs. WHITNEY is having a cottage erected on her property on Shotbolt avenue near her other property. The cottage will be 26x26 feet, one story.
-Mr. McKENZIE, who recently purchased the Luke TURELL (TYRELL?) place, is at work building a new house.
-Wm. CAMPBELL has plans out for a new, large, two story hotel building to be erected at Abbottsford, B. C. The building is to be completed by the 20th day of September.
-Work of moving the M. E. church to the new location on Third street will begin shortly.
-Work has been started on the SLEASMAN drainage ditch east of town. The work is being done under the supervision of Wm. SLEASMAN. A number of sub-contracts have been let. The ditch is nearly three miles long and drains one of the most valuable sections of agriculture land in this part of the county.
-J. R. SMITH returned from the Baker Lake country Friday where he has been at work building a pony trail from the Mt. Baker district. He left for Shuksan Monday to again take up his duties as forest ranger.
-The ROSS & WIDDES Lumber mill was started up last week and is sawing lumber full blast. The mill has a capacity of 25,000 feet per day. The mill building is 140 feet in length and 36 feet wide. Besides this the engine room is 30x36. The mill is fitted up throughout with new machinery to turn out both rough and dressed lumber. A large dam has been built across the Sumas river to a pond for their logs. A crew of 25 men will be employed around the mill and in the woods. The company have secured several million feet of fir timber along Sumas creek, which will be floated down the river to the dam. The company are composed of first-class business men who will undoubtedly make money for themselves and give the town a much needed business institution.

L. E. MURPHY of Maple Falls and associates have what may prove to be the best piece of mining property in the Mount Baker district, says the Northwest Industrial. They have discovered an immense ledge of ore carrying gold, silver and copper. The property is located eight miles west of the Excelsior. Two assays made from the croppings gave the following results: The first, which is a gold iron sulphuret (of which there is over six feet) assayed $5.15 gold, 36 cents silver and $5.51 copper. The second, a different character of ore, and of which they have an immense vein, assayed $6.41 gold; 33 cents silver, no test for copper but the ore will certainly carry a small percentage. The property is well located on one of the most imposing mountains in the district and the vein can be cut at an immense depth by driving a short tunnel. Being located less than a mile from the railroad makes it very accessible. The owners will at once commence active development. A trail will be built, cabins and blacksmith shop erected so as to be able to continue development through the winter. The men associated with Mr. MURPHY are Fred STARKE, Joe GRAY, Jas. KENNEDY, M. DWYER.

Wednesday, August 26, 1903:

O. H. SCHWICHTENBERG and wife are spending vacation in Whatcom, visiting Rev. A. SCHOENBERG.

A brick yard has been opened at Van Buren by Mr. BALDWIN, who is now busy at work making brick. He has now ready enough for the first kiln, about 50,000. The clay at Van Buren is especially adapted for brick making. --Sumas News.

---City Council Notes---
-A saloon license was granted Chas. MATHESON.
-On motion the salary of Charles MESSICK was raised to 30 cents an hour, as foreman of the water construction gang.

-Miss Annie LEE is looking after the culinary department at the Birch Bay shingle mill while the regular cook is away.
-Mr. SMITH, brother of Mrs. John TARTE, has been visiting his sister the past week.
-Mrs. R. A. PARR and daughter and son, Roy, are visiting relatives in Fairhaven.
-It is reported around the bay that Fred HENSPETER is married. A good example for a few more of the boys to follow.
-Len HANSEN went to Olympia last Tuesday to see old friends. He is expected home again next week.
-Rev. Harry YOUNG and wife have been in the neighborhood the past week.
-L. F. DAHL and Thomas KING, with their families, were visiting at Birch Bay on Sunday.
-Harry BARBRICK of Kickerville is soon to leave for Blaine, where he has accepted a position in the Monarch mill.

Wednesday, September 2, 1903:

Articles of incorporation have been filed as follows in the county auditor's office:
--Mogul Logging Co., capital stock, #3,000, George NOLTE, Lee N. BYLES, Charles F. NOLTE, incorporators.
--Whatcom Realty Co., capital stock, $12,000; D. H. McCAN, A. M. MUIR, W. R. SYBERT, John L. THOMAS, Wm. G. BROWN, W. J. HUGHES, A. McRAE SMOTH [SMITH?], N. N. HINSDALE, D. E. LAIN, A. R. CAMPBELL, incorporators.

The pupils of Ferndale will again assemble at the school house on September 7 to take up their studies and prepare themselves for lives of usefulness. The directors have been very successful in securing the following competent instructors to assist them in their task: Principal, L. P. BENNETT of Custer; Miss Marie PHILLIPS of Whatcom, Miss Helen TAYLOR of Seattle and Miss Leoni VAN OSTRAND of this place. The East Ferndale school this year will be taught by L. D. BROWN.

Wednesday, September 9, 1903:

Jessie KOONTZ, the affable and excellent caterer of the popular Whatcom Cafe, is enjoying the pleasure of a visit of his sister, Mrs. L. K. NORMAN of Washington, D. C.

-Major S. C. WALKER, who has been on duty here as immigrant inspector for about a year at Blaine, left Sunday for San Francisco where he has been assigned to duty. Maj. WALKER stated to the Journal reporter that he was very much pleased by the transfer. He said he was attached to this district and had many friends in the state, but that as San Francisco is the ranking station of the coast, he considered the change a decided promotion.
-B. N. CHISHOLM has the contract for the erection of the B. B. brewery's cold storage plant on the E street wharf. The company purchased the site some weeks ago. The building will be at the point where the railroad spur joins the dock. The dock for the warehouse will be 30x58 feet, and the building 16x26 feet. The frame of the building is already up.

The school board has decided to open the schools of this city September 14.  The following are the probable teachers: Principal, A. N. KEELER, of Scottsville, Kan.; assistant principal, Miss Delia KEELER. The other teachers are: Misses Tina WALL, Blanche K. JUDKINS, Bessie O. GRIGGS, Mary E. COOK, Alice SMITH, Dora HAWKINS and Maud McGILL. Probably another teacher will be engaged before the arrangements are completed. The board has purchased $100 worth of blackboard and built an additional room during the vacation. The new room is added to the south school house. Professor KEELER, the new principal, comes highly recommended from his former schools. The teachers will be assigned to their respective grades by the principal.

After several months necessary delay which it requires the patent office to overtake accumulated claims, the claim of Walter HARLING for a patent on an adjustable strap for an eccentric strap has been granted and Mr. HARLING has received his formal certificate of patent. Under the present method the eccentric strap is all one piece and has to be attached to the eccentric by babbiting. The process is slow at best and bound in time to become loose and is  (if?) not discovered cause accidents. Mr. HARLING's device is made in sections and fastened together by arms and an adjustment screw with a wedge for locking in position.
Walter HARLING has lived in Blaine a large part of his life being the son of Chief Engineer HARLING at the Monarch mill. He has received many flattering offers for the patent but expects to keep control of it himself.

-  Mrs. J. W. DAVIS and son Charles, had an unfortunate turnover Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock, while on their way to Whatcom. The accident happened just as they were crossing the railroad track on the east side of the river. One of the wheels of the buggy collapsed, throwing the occupants to the ground, severely injuring Mrs. DAVIS, who (was) struck in such a manner as to render her unconscious. Help was soon at hand and she was carefully conveyed to her home. Medical aid was immediately summoned and it was found that no bones were broken. She remained in an unconscious state until 1 o'clock Wednesday morning, after which she rallied and has been gradually improving ever since. Her friends hope to see her around in a short time.
  Charles also received several injuries but not of a serious nature.

 - The marriage of Mr. Thomas MARCH of Guemes, Skagit county, and Miss Laura SMITH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. SMITH of Mountain View, took place at the home of the bride, Wednesday, September 2, 1903, at 12 o'clock. Rev. W. M. MORSE of the Congregational church officiated. The house was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and cut flowers. The bride was attired in white etamine and the groom in conventional black.
  Miss Carrie SMITH as bridesmaid was attired in pink lawn. Albert MARCH, brother of the groom was best man. As the bridal party entered Miss Alice SMITH played the wedding march.
  After congratulations the following guests were seated at the wedding breakfast: Mr. and Mrs. Henry EDENS, Albert MARCH, Orval MARCH, Miss Nina SUTTON of Guemes, Miss Molly EDENS of Anacortes, Mr. and Mrs. George BROWN and Mrs. H. V. McCOMB, of Seattle; J. J. EDENS, Miss Olive EDENS, Miss Maude EDENS, John STARCK, Charlie SMITH and Harry MONROE of Whatcom; A. GRANGER of Lummi island; R. H. SMITH, of Blaine; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. SMITH, Miss Alice SMITH, Miss Lizzie SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. SMITH, Bert SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. MORSE and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MARCH. Mr. and Mrs. MARCH will make their home at Guemes.

-The CLARKSON Bros. have a crew of men at work on the construction of a new dry kiln to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. The timbers are all on the grounds and they expect to be running again in a short time.

-Leonard BROWN of Enterprise met with an accident in a mill last week. In some manner he slipped and fell, striking his leg on the saw and cutting his foot quite severely. He is now able to be out again with the aid of crutches.

Wednesday, September 16, 1903:

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. BUTLER, of San Francisco, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. E. M. JONES of this city, for the past week, left yesterday afternoon over the Canadian Pacific for Chicago. Mr. BUTLER will join Prof. FLINT, the hypnotist, and will be associated with him next season.

F. M. LEWIS came down on Sunday night from the First Chance mine, in the Excelsior district, owned by himself and T. A. RAYCRAFT of this city, and remained over Monday on business. He will return Monday.

Wednesday, September 22, 1903:

   Another substantial business block is assured to Whatcom. L. C. COUNTRYMAN has let to LIKINS & Company the contract for the excavation of the basement of a new brick building which he will immediately commence to erect on his lot on Bay street, where the "merry-go-round" has heretofore been stationed on holiday occasions. The plans for the building are being prepared by Architect C. F. BURNS. It will have a 55 foot frontage on Bay street, will be 125 feet deep and one story high, with a 16 foot ceiling and a basement under the entire structure, form the street to the alley. The walls will be sufficiently strong to admit of the erection of two additional stories at any time in the future, should it be desired. Party-wall agreements have been made with the owners of the property on both sides of the site of the proposed building; and other structures will doubtless be erected in that vicinity in the near future, as the property is valuable for business purposes. An elevator will be installed in the rear to convey merchandise from the basement to the gallery of the first story.
   A partition will be run through the center of the building, dividing it into tow large storerooms. One of these will be occupied by Mr. Countryman with an up-to-date department store, which he will strengthen and enlarge until it is one of the biggest in the city. The other room will be occupied by another large firm of this community.

The establishment of a silk manufacturing plant on the Bay is now assured. John T. SMETHURST, one of the gentlemen who has been working on this project, leaves for the east today to purchase a loom for that purpose. The loom will be shipped to the Bay at once, and placed in operation as soon thereafter as possible. A site has been donated by the Fairhaven Land Company, and Messrs. BUTTERWORTH and SMETHURST propose to commence work without delay. They will have novelties in silk goods of their manufacture on the Christmas market.

-The bid of PALMER & SMITH to make improvements to the band stand in the city park was accepted, work to cost $125. The stand will be raised, and a room built underneath it for protection of property. It is likely that the room may also be used as a polling place.
-The liquor bonds of CASEBOLT & GREGORY, FOLLIS & McKEE Bros., and POWERS & MESMER were approved, and the liquor bond of L. W. WOODS denied because of protests of residents.

---Court News---
-The case of E. M. WILSON and Charles SCHERING versus August DUNKER has been assigned for trial on October 7.
-In the suit brought by Andrew AXELSON against Juliana AXELSON for the custody of a child, Judge NETERER ruled that the child remain at the home of a neighbor where it has been for some time, that the expenses be borne by the plaintiff and that the child be kept in school until further order from the court.
-William MUSCETT and Mary CLARK, both of Fairhaven; O. D. POST and Carrie S. FRY, both of Sumas; Eli GILBERT of Nooksack and Mrs. Mahata BYRAM of Denver, Colorado, were granted marriage licenses yesterday by the county auditor.
-Daniel O'KEEFE filed with the auditor the locations of the Tonapah claim on Burnt Mountain and the Goat Horn claim on the top of Goat Mountain.

The old and vicious custom of scorching down Garden street was the cause of what might have been a fatal occurrence. Yesterday Walter SHERMAN, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. SHERMAN, was run over by a bicycle ridden by a boy and knocked down, resulting in injury to his left leg and the left side of his head. It was found that he was unable to walk, but after resting for a time recovered the use of his limbs. As far as known, no internal injuries have resulted. So great was the force with which he was struck that his rubbers were knocked from his shoes and hurled into the middle of the street.

E. MCKIBBEN, an employee of the Mt. Baker Shingle Company at Deming, met with a serious though not dangerous accident while at work at the mill yesterday afternoon about four o'clock. A pickaroon was accidentally stuck into his knee by a fellow workman, tearing away a splinter of the bone and making an ugly wound. He was brought to the city and placed in the Sisters' hospital for treatment. He will be laid up for several weeks, and may possibly have a stiff knee.

The Bellingham Bay Oyster Company is now making the first sales of its products from its oyster beds on Samish flats, and the reports are that they are giving satisfaction. Fred P. OFFERMAN, treasurer of the company, stated yesterday that the company will be able to supply oysters from now on and that very soon shipments will be made to other cities on the sound. A large amount of oysters are available for marketing, says Mr. OFFERMAN. This will be increased by the product from the eastern oyster beds, on which are growing some of the finest of Chesapeake oysters and which will be ready for the market in about a month. The Japanese oysters planted early last summer will not be propagated in sufficient quantities to allow marketing this year. The company first planted oysters in May, 1903. Its grounds comprise 700 acres of fine oyster lands. The officers are: H. A. WHITE, president; Geo. SPEIRS, vice-president; J. W. ROMAINE, secretary; Fred P. OFFERMAN, treasurer.

   The schools opened Monday with all the seats full and more needed, says the Blaine Journal. This is true in spite of the fact that one additional room has been fitted up by the board during the vacation. The assignment of teachers is as follows: High school work, Professor KEELER and Miss KEELER; Sixth grade, Miss JUDKINS; Fifth grade, Miss JUDKINS; Fourth grade, Misses Tina and Nora WAHL; Third grade in the south building, Miss GRIGGS; First grade in the south building, Miss SMITH; First grade in H street building, Miss McGILL. Miss JUDKINS has eighty scholars under with some of the other rooms nearly as bad. To explain how the Blaine schools came to be in such inadequate buildings requires a glance at history.
   The history of the Blaine schools has been varied enough to establish the theory of "The Rise and Fall of Empires." During a period in the history of Blaine, known to all as boom times, by the expenditure of a fabulous sum of money, a very beautiful and roomy building was built on a nice large plot of ground now occupied by the monument known as the "old school house." As the shadows of Blaine's glory began to lengthen, the free schools sought humbler quarters. Two houses of three rooms each were built in the north and the south parts of town and the large building was given to the Episcopal church. While in their possession it burned and the house now standing was built. In some way, with the particulars of which the writer is not familiar, the property reverted to the school district in whose possession it has since remained.
   After the boom came the hard times, scarcity of work, population and money, and with everything else the schools suffered. However, the schools never stopped, but their continuance is due to the heroic work of a home dramatic club. This club donated the proceeds of its entertainments to the schools and thereby kept them running until they could get the state apportionment. During this time (2 years) two teachers taught the school, the principal getting $50 a month and paying his assistant out of this.
   From this state of affairs the present conditions have grown. There has been a gradual increase in attendance and likewise in the teaching force. At the present time the state apportionment is more than sufficient to pay teachers wages and the warrants of the district have to run only a short time. During the hard times buyers had to be sought to sell the warrants at 50 per cent and now they are in demand at par.
   The increase in attendance during the last three years has been very marked. In term of 1900 and 1901 the total enrollment was 315; in 1901 and 1902, 345; in 1902 and 1903, 395, and will very likely reach 400 before the year is gone. This increase in attendance has demanded a like increase in seating capacity which has been met. A large room with seating capacity of 70 was added during the 1902 vacation and the hall in the north building was turned into recitation rooms. During the 1903 vacation a spacious annex has been built at the south school. There is not a vacant seat in school and doubtless before another year is begun another additional room will have to be built.
   It seems that the most urgent demand at present is to lengthen the high school from a two-year course to a four-year course. This will doubtless be done under the present board. The condition of the schools in general is above the average. The present board of education is J. W. G. MERRITT, E. L. PINE and J. W. HUNTER.

Wednesday, September 30, 1903:

The funeral of J. S. MARTIN was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the First Baptist church. The services conducted by Rev. Geo. R. VARNEY, were attended by a great number of friends of the deceased and the bereaved family. Many beautiful floral tokens served in a way to express the affection and respect which was felt for the departed. The local typographical union of which the deceased was a life-long member, and the Knights of Pythias, of which he was also an honored member, and the Rathbone Sisters, attended in a body. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.

Elections Ratified (by City Council)
The election by the fire department of E. E. SHERWOOD as its chief, Cliff UNDERWOOD as his assistant, and J. A. SLY as janitor of the fire halls, were approved.

Wednesday, October 7, 1903:


  Mr. T. M. BARLOW, son of F. J. BARLOW of this city, and Miss Helen HUNTOON and sister of B. W. HUNTOON of Fairhaven, were married at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Cyrus Gates, yesterday morning at 11:30 in the presence of the relatives and a company of friends of the contracting parties. Rev. James A. LAURIE of the First Presbyterian church of Fairhaven performed the ceremony which made the happy couple man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. BARLOW left on the 12:30 train for Portland, where Mr. BARLOW will complete his studies in the dental college. Both bride and groom are well known on Bellingham Bay, having resided here for several years, and both are graduates of the University of Washington.

  Mr. Walter ARMSTRONG and Miss Mabel T. LAUBE, both of this city, were married yesterday in Tacoma. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. F. LOOMIS. Miss LAUBE is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LAUBE of this city. Mr. ARMSTRONG is employed as cook at the Byron hotel. Both are popular in this city.

-Misses Louise and Anna HANNIBAL of Morehead, Minnesota have entered the senior class.
-Miss Jessie SHOCKEY, who has just returned from the east, visited the Normal Friday morning.
-Miss Mabel MOORE of Iron, Michigan, has been elected instructor in music. She is expected on the 12th of October.
-Miss Beryl SHAHAN of Olympia has returned and entered the senior class. Miss SHAHAN has been teaching during the past summer.
-Miss Blanche JONES and Miss Grace DICKINSON of Charleston, entered the Normal school yesterday and took up review work.
-Miss Isabelle HOLT of Whatcom, a recent arrival from Iowa, has enrolled as a member of the third-year class.
-Miss Minnie POST of Tacoma has returned to enter school after teaching for more than a year.
-Mr. Wadsworth HARRIS, of the JAMES and WARDE company, gave a recital of selections from Shakespeare before the Normal school on Monday morning. Mr. HARRIS is a polished speaker and his work was greatly appreciated by the faculty and students.
-The new course in general methods under the direction of Miss TROMANHAUSER will take the place of observation and give special preparation for practical work.
-The appropriation for the gymnasium has been expended under the direction of Miss GOMPERTZ for some of the most up-to-date pieces of apparatus. Among them are the quarter circle for round shoulders and back, ordinary chest weights and overhead weights, neck machines, chest developer, and the anthropometric apparatus for measuring and testing each individual, with the view of prescribing special work for each one. Basketball and indoor baseball, under the special supervision of the instructor will be encouraged.
Music Teacher Selected
Miss Mabel M. MOORE of Ironwood, Michigan, has been selected to take charge of the music work in the Normal school. Miss MOORE received her general education in the schools of Ironwood, and at St. Mary's Institute at Prairie du Chien, Wis., and her musical training in Detroit and Boston. For the past six years she has been supervisor of music in the public schools of Steven's Point, Wisconsin, and Menominee, Mich. The public schools of the latter place are considered among the best in the middle west and the work in music under Miss MOORE was considered one of the attractive features of the Menominee school system. Miss MOORE brings to her work the endorsement of many prominent educators in Michigan. In addition to her ability as a supervisor of music Miss MOORE is recommended as a successful soloist. She will arrive in Whatcom during the latter part of the week and begin her work next Monday morning.

Wednesday, October 14, 1903:

The trustees of the Bellingham Bay Library Association held a meeting on Tuesday night and appointed a committee with power to meet the city council and make all necessary arrangements for the transfer of the public library to the city. The committee will meet the council some day this week. It is hoped to have everything arranged so that the matter may be presented at the regular session of the council Monday, October 19.

    HADLEY & GRIFFITH, who for several years conducted the Byron House, being the immediate predecessors of the present management, yesterday secured from Charles LAUBE a five-year lease on his entire building now being constructed on Elk street, between Holly and Chestnut.
    The leases will make of the building a first-class hotel, with dining room. There are forty-eight rooms, and these will be fitted up as in all high-class houses. The lower floor space will be converted into an office and dining room. The rooms are about 87x27 feet in area, so that the dining room will be one of the largest in the city. Messrs. HADLEY & GRIFFITH will take control of the building as soon as it is finished, which will be a matter of a few weeks. The lease does not include any part of the McELMON building adjoining, the upper floors of which have already been leased.

Robbers Got a Big Haul
Robbers, presumably two, broke into the Oxford saloon in Lynden Sunday morning at about 1 o'clock and carried off the cash register, containing $1.25. Access to the saloon was obtained by prying up the back window and breaking the catches. The robbers carried the register to a point about 400 years from the saloon, in a thick growth of trees, where it was found at about 11 a. m. yesterday by some boys. It seems that the robbers could not open the register, as the money had not been taken out. Walter COX and Elmer ROBINSON, proprietors of the Oxford, state that they are on the track of the thieves. This is the first robbery which has happened in Lynden since early in 1903.

   E. STURGEON, timekeeper for the B. B. I Company at their big mill here, came about as near to losing his life by electrocution yesterday morning as any one now in the land of the living has ever done.
   The accident happened about 10:30 o'clock. Mr. STURGEON, with Superintendent FOWLE and Master Mechanic NEVINS of the mill, was standing in the hallway of the office when the bell of the mill private telephone was heard to ring. On being informed by Mr. NEVINS that his phone bell had just rung, Mr. STURGEON expressed surprise as it had not rung for several weeks before, owing to the phone's being out of order. However, he turned to answer it and Mr. FOWLE and Mr. NEVINS left the building. Mr. STURGEON took hold of the receiver and in an infinitesimal fraction of a second the strong current - about 500 volts - had passed through his body, and he was thrown to the floor, where he lay prostrate, unable to more or to free his hand from the receiver, all the time with that powerful current going through him. Had he been left alone, he would probably have been killed within ten minutes. Fortunately Mr. NEVINS was attracted back to the scene by hearing the noise when Mr. STURGEON fell to the floor. Accompanied by Mr. FOWLE he made his way back, and attempted to cut the wire with his knife, but the floor where he stood was damp, and he was unable to endure the severe current to which he was being subjected. Mr. FOWLE, however, was wearing rubber overshoes and was thus more or less safe from the current, and he succeeded in cutting the wife, getting three of his fingers severely burned in doing so.
   It was several minutes before the stricken man recovered consciousness and he has not yet fully gotten over the shock. His heels are badly blistered, where the nails of his shoes touched them, and his fingers are also badly burned. It was hours before Mr. STURGEON's head and heart resumed their normal action. He expects, however, to be able to resume his duties tomorrow.
   The wire from which the current came is the one that feeds the "hog," or slab-grinder, under the mill, and this power is furnished by the street railway company.

Fairhaven Commercial Club Selects Officers for Ensuing Year.
   The Fairhaven Commercial Club held its annual meeting on Tuesday night and elected officers for the ensuing year. The officers elected were:
President, A. L. BLACK
First vice-president, J. A. KIRKPATRICK
Second vice-president, A. J. CRAVEN
Corresponding secretary, R. G. GAMWELL
Recording secretary, A. B. CULMER
Treasurer, G. B. BURKE
E. M. WILSON and Daniel CAMPBELL were re-elected trustees for two years. The newly-elected officers and trustees, together with trustees E. L. COWGILL, T. W. GILLETTE and Cyrus GATES, constitute the governing board for the coming year.
   The club reduced the annual membership dues from $15 to $12. The meeting was enthusiastic, and a number of speeches on subjects of importance to Bellingham Bay were made. A project was started at the meeting to fit up a room with baths and athletic apparatus for the use of the members of the club. The matter was referred.

In Blaine on Friday night the Eagles of that place held an installation of new members at which over 100 persons were present. The occasion was one of the most noteworthy social events of Blaine during the past year. Two of the newly installed, J. J. JONES and H. R. BARNES, made appropriate speeches. A general good time was had by those in attendance. Those initiated were: H. F. BARNES, Lewis KEEN, James FRANKLIN, J. W. JOHNSON, J. J. JONES, M. THORDORSON, S. CHRISTJOHNSON, T. H. GISLOSON, M. JOHNSON.

Whatcom-Skagit Interurban Co. Holds Business Meeting.
A meeting of the board of trustees of the Whatcom-Skagit Interurban Railway Company was held Saturday and an election of officers and a board of trustees for the ensuing year occurred. The following officers, constituting the first management of the company, were re-elected: E. M. DAY, president and general manager; B. F. SCHAFFER, first vice-president; Thomas TYLER, second vice-president; A. H. WRIGHT, secretary; Geo. J. SHELTON, treasurer. The same officers were also elected to the board of trustees. The trustees were authorized to call a meeting of the stockholders, to be held in about eight weeks, to vote on the question of increasing the capital stock of the company to $3,000,000.

Wednesday, October 21, 1903:

   The Monarch Mill company of Blaine has filed papers giving notice to increase its capital stock to $250,000. The additional capitalization is for the purpose of doubling the capacity of the lumber mill to enable the company to ship by water and to be in readiness for the company's ever-increasing trade. Heretofore shipments have been made principally by rail to the disadvantage of the company, for when lumber has bee in greatest demand it has been impossible to secure cars. The company expects to load four or five vessels before the close of 1903. One of these vessels arrived in Blaine Saturday morning. The present capacity of the lumber mill is 100,000 feet per day and between 400,000 and 5000,000 shingles daily.
   The Monarch mill was erected largely through the efforts of Lester W. DAVID, president and manager of the Monarch Mill company, and has been in operation about eighteen months. From 150 to 200 men are employed.

Taylor & Wylie of North Yakima Enter Tea Business Here.
   The firm of Taylor & Wylie, who have been conducting a large tea store in North Yakima, have bought out the Cumming Tea Company of this city, and the store will hereafter be under the management of E. P. TAYLOR, while Mr. WYLIE will continue the business in Yakima.
   The new owners took possession on Monday morning, and the store is being remodeled on the inside and a number of other changes are to be made. The entire stock will be renovated and a new line of crockery, coffee, tea and other articles will be placed in the store, while everything will be conducted in the most up-to-date style.

O. P. BROWN and P. D. McKELLAR yesterday sold to David S. SMITH, through THOMAS & SIMPSON, the lost at the northwest corner of Elk and Laurel streets. The consideration was $7,000. The lot is sixty feet square, and is considered one of the finest pieces of property on the street. There are now some wooden buildings on the property, but it is the intention of the new owner to erect thereon a brick building next year.

R. J. CALLAHAN, of Van Zandt, told the police department a tale of robbery and doping of which he claims to have been the victim on Saturday night. CALLAHAN was found Sunday morning at about 5 o'clock on Holly street by officers and taken to police headquarters, where he related his trouble. He said that on Saturday night at about 9 o'clock he started from Whatcom in a buggy. About two hours later he came up with a man who was walking and he asked him to get in and ride. The man did so, and when they had gone a short distance the stranger pulled out a bottle and asked CALLAHAN to have a drink. CALLAHAN accepted; and from that moment says Mr. CALLAHAN, he lost all account of his surroundings, and, as he related it, also $17 in silver a check for $23.65, and another check for $10, which, he believed, the stranger appropriated. The horse and buggy were taken to LARSON's livery some time during the night, but by whom the stable boy in charge is unable to say. CALLAHAN told the officers that he would know the man who rode with him if he should see him. On Sunday night CALLAHAN telephoned from Van Zandt to the police station, stating that after he arrived home he found the $10 check in the buggy, but had not found the rest of the money.

Death of David Halstead
David Halstead died at the St. Joseph's hospital yesterday morning at 11 o'clock after several weeks' illness caused by general debility. Deceased was a pioneer of Whatcom and an old soldier, having served as a private in the civil war, in company B, Seventeenth infantry Indiana volunteers. He was 56 years, six months old at the time of his death and leaves a widow and three children to mourn his loss. Funeral services will be held today at 1:30 o'clock at Mock & Sons's funeral parlors, Rev. M. C. Cole officiating.

Wednesday, October 28, 1903:

Consolidation has carried in both cities, and by enormous majorities. The total vote in both places was 2759; and of these, all were for consolidation but 596. It was a most overwhelming victory for a proposition that certainly [whole in paper]. The promised opposition in old Whatcom failed to materialize, and not a single ward in the city was carried against consolidation. In Fairhaven, too, the opposition failed to develop and the majority was far larger than the strongest champions of consolidation had dared to anticipate.

A feature of the election was the commendable tendency of the voters to cast their ballots early in the day. In the morning over 50 per cent of the votes in both places had been cast.

The day was marked by no disburbances; and the customary excitement incident to elections was conspicuously absent. There was no useless challenging, no wrangling and little electioneering, even in Fairhaven, where a hard contest had been expected. There was no organized opposition in Whatcom; in fact, the total anti-consolidation vote of the city would not nearly have carried the sixth ward. The vote here was practically unanimous. In Fairhaven the anti-consolidation leaders lost confidence early, and along about 5 o'clock in the afternoon conceded their defeat.

The news of the result spread like wildfire all over the Bay. Everyone was anxious to know what the result had been - whether the people had decided for progress or for stagnation. From the earliest counts the result in both places was evident. The first few votes showed a majority, and the majority, as the later returns were announced, constantly grew in an increasing ratio. The news was received with great joy by everyone, and informal celebrations were held in various places. Red fire was burned in both towns as a expression of the feeling of the people over the result. An army of citizens of the Fairhaven end of Bellingham marched down to Commerical point, where on the roof of the HACKET cold-storage warehouse, an impromptu celebration was held. Speeches were made in a happy vein by Messrs. J. J. DONOVAN, T. G. NEWMAN and T. W. GILLETTE, the latter acting as master of ceremonies. Old soldiers, members of both the grand army and Confederate veterans, were present in large numbers, and under their direction a large American flag, bearing a streamer with the name of the new city, Bellingham, inscribed thereon, was hoisted to the head of the flagstaff and unfurled to the breeze to proclaim to those entering the harbor for the first time that there is but one city on this Bellingham Bay, and that is greater Bellingham. There was a great demonstration of enthusiasm by all present, and the speeches made with reference to the victory won for progress and the accomplishment of the manifest destiny of Bellingham Bay were cheered to the echo. All over town the news was received with the same degree of enthusiasm.

Bellingham, our new city, is fourth in size in the state, with a population of 26,000. Progress is the watchword. There is to be no more stagnation - no more petty jealousies, bickering and working at cross purposes; but enterprise and mutual co-operation in the building of one of the largest cities of the northwest on the shores of Bellingham bay.

The following is the result by wards:

First ward, 1st precinct  174  29
First ward, 2d precinct   48   7
Second ward  158  92
Third ward  220  76
Fourth ward  130  12
Fifth ward  462  21
Sixth ward  391  15
TOTAL 1583 252
Fairhaven, For 580; Against 344 ; Majority 236; Total 924
Total vote both cities 2759

Legal Procedure Now Necessary
Next Monday the councils of the two cities will meet at the Whatcom city hall and canvass the votes. The two city clerks will make an abstract of the same showing the entire number of votes cast both for and against consolidation. This abstract will be sent to the secretary of state, who will file the same, and six months thereafter an election will be held to choose officers for the consolidated city. Under the law passed in 1893 consolidated cities could elect officers immediately after election, but in 1903 an amendment to this was made fixing the time of election six months after consolidation. At same time with the election of officers of the consolidated city fifteen of its citizens will be appointed to draw up a charter to be submitted to the people to vote upon.

Wednesday, November 4, 1903:

    Fairhaven, Oct. 28. - Fairhaven gave a majority of 236 for consolidation in the election yesterday. There were 912 votes cast, or about 90 per cent of the total registration. Although the fight was rather sharp, there is general rejoicing that the agitation for the consolidation of Whatcom has ended, after a struggle of fourteen years. Whatcom went for consolidation about six to one.
    The people of Fairhaven last night built bonfires, raised flags and marched behind brass bands, pledging themselves to the most strenuous effort for the growth and upbuilding of the new Bellingham bay city, which starts with a population of 26,000. The actual consolidation will not take place until after a joint meeting of the two councils of the two municipalities.

Consolidation Delayed
    According to City Attorney H. M WHITE we can not consolidate for six months. It seems that the enrolling clerk in transcribing the bill passed at the last session of the legislature governing the consolidation of cities omitted the word "within," making the law read that when the vote had been canvassed by the councils of the cities voting to unite the new city election shall be held "six months thereafter." The law in force until last spring provided for an election within six months.

Whatcom and Fairhaven have wisely decided to consolidate and will henceforth be known as Bellingham. The growth of these towns has been rapid and substantial. In 1900 the total population of both cities was about 11,000. A reliable estimate of the present population of Whatcom and Fairhaven places the number of inhabitants at 26,000. Bellingham becomes the fourth city of the state in population and is certain to continue its growth and become an important city and port. The people of Bellingham are to be congratulated upon the result of yesterday's election. -Tacoma Ledger.

R. H. CANFIELD is preparing for the erection of a $15,000 two-story brick in Whatcom.

Fred WEWETZER of Ferndale is erecting a four story frame building on Elk street, $5,000.

L. McKENZIE is building a modern rooming house and saloon on Elk street to be called The Diamond.

A. F. CALHOUN has accepted a position with the Briggs Piano Co. Mr. CALHOUN was a member of the firm of Griffin & Calhoun, who were in business here five years ago. He is an accomplished musician and a very able salesman.

Mrs. John L. THOMAS returned on Monday from Blakely Island where she has been spending the summer.

Only six arrests were made by the police of Fairhaven during the month of October. how is that for law and order.

Wednesday, November 11, 1903:

The control and ownership of the Holly Press printing establishment has passed into the hands of W. B. JESSUP and Chas. D. WHITE. Messrs. JESSUP and WHITE promise a number of improvements to the property.

Fairhaven real estate is booming since the election and outsiders are seeking locations there. Several important sales of real estate have been consumated as well as residence property. Mayor GRIFFIN is fast disposing of his property and and has only one more business place.

John OWENS of Everson, a well known resident of Whatcom county, died at Phoenix, Arizona where he had gone in hope of benefitting his health. He was an old pioneer having come here from Louisville, Ky. He served during the late civil war [and?] in the employ of the B. B & B. Co. for several years. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.

Wednesday, November 18, 1903:

The Blade is the only Democratic paper north of Seattle.

On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. L. BARR celebrated their eleventh wedding anniversary by entertaining the following guests at dinner in their home on Garden street: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. BERENS, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. NOBLES, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. Asa CLARK, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. SILVER and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. BARR. The table decorations were yellow and white chrysanthemums.

Wednesday, November 25, 1903:

Early on Friday morning a fire was discovered in the Whatcom bakery on D street, and had it not been for the promptness of the fire department the building would have been destroyed. The bakery was owned by William SHOENBERR and the building by Mrs. Anna BIRK. Both were covered by insurance.

Mrs. Susan MILLER has had plans drawn for a $450 residence on Russel street.

S. A. STRATTON will erect a $300 residence on James street.

Miss PERRY and Mr. Reginald NESTOS were united in marriage on Thursday afternoon at St. Paul's church, Rev. CHEATHAM officiating. The bridal pair with a few friends partook of a wedding supper at the Byron Hotel.

Funeral services of Mrs. Emma MATTHES were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the undertaking parlors of A. R. MAULSBY, Rev. W. A. MACKEY officiated. Interment was made at Bay View cemetery.

Wednesday, December 2, 1903:

J. R. JENKINS, a pioneer resident of Whatcom county, expired at his home on Fourteenth and E streets on Tuesday morning at 6:30 o'clock after a long siege of asthma. Mr. JENKINS was 70 years old and had lived in this county for over thirty years residing continuously in this city. Mrs. JENKINS has been dead a number of years. Two sons and a daughter survive. Funeral arrangements have not been announced at this time.

Jacob MASON of Fairhaven, was accidently killed yesterday while at work at Lake Samish. His life was crushed out by a log rolling over him. He was about fifty years of age and had been a resident of Fairhaven several years. A wife, daughter and son survive him. The daughter is married and resides in the east.

MARRIED - At St. Paul's church, Whatcom, Rev. CHEATHAM officiating, on Thursday, November 19, Mr. Reginold NESTOS and Miss Fanny PERRY, both of Maple Falls. The wedding was a very quiet one with only a few friends present. The wedded couple took a trip to the sound cities, and will return to Maple Falls to make their home. Mr. NESTOS is of the firm of NESTOS & McDONALD, freighters from Cornell to the mines, and one of the solid, energetic young men of that rustling community. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Dr. GRAFFIN, a young woman as handsome as she is accomplished and charming in manner. The Sentinel extends to them the best of wishes for a long life of happiness and prosperity. --The Sumas Sentinel.

Wednesday, December 9, 1903:

Miss Lottie CREWS is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. THORPE, in Mt. Vernon.

Miss Dorothy WALLACE, of Custer, has been visiting her sister Mrs. S. E. BARRETT and Miss Maude WALLACE.

An Old Resident Dies
Francis G. SCHUTT, a well-known Fairhaven resident, died last Sunday at his residence after a long illness adduced by a cancerous formation of the stomach. He was 52 years of age and leaves a wife and one daughter, Miss Kate SCHUTT, who is a teacher in Whatcom high school. Funeral services were held at the residence 2208 Henry street and the order of Ben Hur conducted the services at the grave. Rev. FRESCOLN of the First M. E. church officiated. Interment took place at Bay View cemetery.

Old Land Mark Gone
The old military bridge built by the government in the early days has been demolished in the general cleaning up process of the city's property on Whatcom creek. The spiles were in good condition and it is said the bridge was thirty years old.

Wednesday, December 16, 1903:

SUMAS - Miss Ellen SWEET has taken the position as teacher at Sumas, in the place made vacant by Miss WALRATH, latter resigning on account of her father's illness.

Master Leonard, the ten-months-old son of Peter OSTERON [OSTROM], who died Thursday morning at his home, 914 Indian street, was buried Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Bay View cemetery.

Gustave OTTOVERE, of Marietta, was arrested a few days ago by Game Warden ADAMS, charged with the killing of pheasants and selling them in Bellingham. He was tried before Judge WILLIAMS on saturday, who fined him $100 and costs.

Mr. L. HIGGINS and family of Providence, Rhode Island, are visiting Mr. HIGGIN's uncle, A. H. PRATT of this city.

Mrs. Alice L. KERSEY, of 1302 Fourteenth street, died on Wednesday, Dec. 8, was buried Friday from the residence at 11 o'clock in the morning. She was 41 years of age and leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss. Mrs. KERSEY was a member of the Christian science faith and was regarded as a true christian character. She had been a sufferer for three years with a complication of diseases.

Deputy Sheriff PARBERRY went to Lynden last Friday after 19 year old John WHEELER, who is accused of horse stealing. About ten days ago WHEELER stole a horse belonging to Frank FINLAY of Deming and succeeded in getting away with it, hiding till Friday. WHEELER has had previous training in crime, having served a term in the state reform school, a classmate of Charlie ANDERSON, another juvenile criminal.

J. B. RAMAGE and George D. JENKINS has formed a partnership and gone into the real estate business, having opened an office in the rooms previously occupied by the Great Northern Express company on Dock street. Mr. JENKINS is a former banker of North Dakota and Mr. RAMAGE until recently kept books for the Reveille.

Another Passes Away.
      Captain John N. FRY, who had resided at East Sound since 1878, and whose strawberries were known not only to campers and sojourners on the island, but to Whatcom and Seattle buyers, died at his residence Saturday, December 12, 1903, at 1 p. m., at the age of 74 years. Funeral services were held yesterday and interment made in the East Sound cemetery.
      Captain FRY was born near Johnstown, N. Y., October 31, 1829. He was married August 21, 1853, to Sarah J. SCOFIELD at Hannibal, N. Y. In 1855 he and his wife moved to Iowa, and from 1857 to 1869 operated steamers on the Mississippi river. In 1869 he moved to Laramie, Wyoming, where he remained until November 19, 1878, when he removed with his family to Orcas island, where he resided until the time of his death. His was the fourth white family to locate on Orcas island.
     Captain FRY's first venture after arriving at Orcas island was to build to schooner Rustler, which he operated on the sound until the vessel was wrecked in Cadberry bay, Vancouver island, B. C., in 1883. He built the first lime kiln at Roche Harbor, making the beginning of the present prosperous enterprise. The captain also helped to build the first starch factory in Oswego, N. Y. Two years of the time he lived in Wyoming, 1874-5, he spent in the Black Hills.
     Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. FRY, seven of whom are now living, Mrs. Gus BETTMAN of this city and Mrs. LOAVELL of Alger, Wash., being two of them.
      Captain FRY was a fine specimen of manhood, tall and broad, and was of a genial nature, no one who ever visited his home but was courteously and generously received, and his experiences were worth much to listen to.

Wednesday, December 23, 1903:

Fred McELMON of Whatcom has been elected captain of the University of Washington football team for 1904.

John EVERSON's little boy Roy, living with his father near Licking, died on Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. The funeral services were held at 10 a. m. at the residence.

Pitt SMITH, one of our local mail carriers, went to Seattle Tuesday morning to meet Miss Dorothy MARTIN of San Francisco, his intended wife. They were quietly married the same day and came to Bellingham in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are both well known in this city, where they are highly respected.

Frank E. McGINNIS, the 11-year-old son of Emery McGINNIS, died Wednesday at 12 o'clock at his father's residence, 2642 F street. The deceased has been a sufferer for seven years with a spinal trouble, taking a serious turn about five weeks ago, causing the boy's death. He was buried this afternoon in Bay View cemetery.

Ginasuki YAMAMOTO, a Japanese, who conducts a restaurant on Canoe street, was married Tuesday to Miss Sadie HENSLEY, a white girl, by Judge WILLIAMS. After the ceremony the couple departed in opposite directions, the Jap taking a car for town and his newly wedded wife going with a white escort, who was in waiting.

The infant child of A. BONDEN, residing near Lake Whatcom, who died Wednesday was buried yesterday in Paradise cemetery.

Old Veteran Dies
Mr. James [Morris?] W. TAYLOR, a veteran of the Grand Army, died last night at his home 2412 Walnut street after suffering a severe illness of paralysis of the bowels. He came here last spring from Hood Lake, Minn. A wife and three grown children survive him in the city. He will be buried tomorrow.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2002-2004


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