![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ADAMS, Charles | 70 | Co. B, 6th Mass. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham |
72 | Co. A, 18th N. Y. Cav. | Bellingham | ||
AMES, Geo. H. | 71 | Co. C, 2d Minn. | Bellingham | |
AMES, Horace | 83 | Co. A, 4th Minn. Inf. | Blaine | |
AMMONS, A. | 70 | Cos. I and G, 51st O., Inf. | Bellingham | |
BAKER, W. I. | 73 | Co. F, 8th Inf. Cav. | Lynden | |
BARNUM, B. Floyd | 76 | Co. G, 111 U. S. Col. Troops | Bellingham | |
BATEMAN, H. B. | 72 | Co. C, 5th R. I., Art. | Bellingham | |
BECKFORD, Matthew | 75 | Co. G, 8th Mo. Inf. Vol. | Bellingham | |
BIDLCAK?, Wm. | 78 | Co. G, 44th Ind. | Bellingham | |
BIRDSELL, Reuben | 75 | Co. F, 42d Ill. Inf. | Marietta | |
BISHOP, J. L. | 70 | Co. B, 2d Mo. Cav. | Bellingham | |
BUCHANAN, M. M. | 68 | Co. C, 25th N. C. Inf. | Bellingham | |
CAFFES, E. D. | 71 | Co. F, 13th Iowa Inf. | Bellingham | |
CALVER, John F. | 72 | Co. F, 5th Wis. Vol. | Bellingham | |
CANEDY, R. | 78 | Co. C, 7th Pa. Cav. | Acme | |
CARR, James E. | 67 | Co. B, 1st Mich. Art. | Bellingham | |
CASEY, Thomas | 67 | Co C, ?2d Mich. Inf. | Kendall | |
CASWELL, A. D. | 73 | Co. B, 88th Ill. Inf. | Bellingham | |
CAULKINS, J. B. | 67 | Co. G, 50th N. Y. Eng. | Everson | |
CHANDLER, W. D. | 71 | Cos. L and D, 3rd Wis. Cav. | Bellingham | |
CHASE, W. H. | 76 | Co. I, 28th Wis. Inf. | Bellingham | |
CLAYTON, Jas. | 73 | Co. K?, 2d Mo. Cal. | Ferndale | |
COLE, Geo. | 70 | Co. D, 49th Wis. Vols. | So. Bellingham | |
COLE, S. L. | 66 | Co. D, 18th Wis. Inf. | Blaine | |
COLEMAN, E. V. | 76 | Co. D, 31st or 81st Wis. | Lynden | |
COLEMAN, Selden | 77 | Co. A, 3rd Minn. | Bellingham | |
CONDIT, Monroe | 70 | Co. I, 48th Wis. | Bellingham | |
CORDELL, A. | 72 | Co. K, 60th N. C. Inf. | Sumas | |
CRUIKSHANK, Andrew | 73 | Co. A, Bat. Minn. | Bellingham | |
CUMMINGS, J. H. | 68 | Co. K, 11th Ill. Cav. | Bellingham | |
DANIELSON, Andrew | 72 | 2d Minn. Inf. | Bellingham | |
DAWSON, George | 80 | Co. K, 129th Ill. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
DAY, E. M. | 69 | Co. H, 14th Ill. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
DEEDS, James | 72 | Co. H, 91st Ill. Inf. | Bellingham | |
DICKERSON, J. L. | 73 | Co. E, 1st Mich. Cav. | Lynden | |
DILL, Albert | 68? | Co. H, 16th Maine Inf. | Bellingham | |
DUNGAY, H. L. | 68 | Co. L, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. | Bellingham | |
EDENS, John J. | 74 | Co. 10th Mo., Cav. | Bellingham | |
EMBURY, C. | 68 | Co. B, 11th Minn. Inf. | Bellingham | |
FABER, Nicholas | 74 | Co. B, N. Y., Art. | Blaine | |
FERNLEY, John | 70 | Co. B, 23rd Ill. Inf. | Bellingham | |
FOLLETTE, D. | 76 | Co. W, 8th Iowa Inf. | Bellingham | |
FORBENSON, Carl | 72 | Co. C, 15th Wis. Inf. | Bellingham | |
FURNMAN, J. | 78 | Co. B, 2d Minn. Inf. | Bellingham | |
GERARD, Wm | 69 | Co. 1, 9th Mich., Cav. | Bellingham | |
GILLESPIE, Thomas | 77 | Co. F, 11th Maine Vol. | Bellingham | |
GILLETTE, I. W. | 73 | Co. I, ?4th Wis. Inf. and Cav. | So. Bellingham | |
GOODER, Allen | 68 | Co. D, 39th Wis. Inf. | Custer | |
GREEN, H. J. | 68 | Co. E, 37th Iowa Inf. | Bellingham | |
GRIFFIN, Levi N. | 70 | Co. L, 6th N. Y. Heavy Art. | Bellingham | |
GRIFFITH, J. M. | 77 | Co. N, 87th Pa. Inf. | Bellingham | |
GRIGGS, P. H. | 68 | Co. C, 148th N. Y., S. V. | Bellingham | |
GUCKERT, Henry | 70 | Cos. F and E or D, 29 or 39th Ohio V. V. I. I. | Everson | |
HARRINGTON, M. C. | 69 | Co. M, 9th Ohio Cav. | Bellingham | |
HART, A. B. | 75 | Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. | Bellingham | |
HEGELER, John | 79 | Co. I, 25th N. Y. Inf. | Bellingham | |
HESS, Abraham | 76 | Co. H, 24th Iowa Inf. | Blaine | |
HODGES, Thomas J. | 77 | Co. H, 79th Ind. Inf. | Bellingham | |
HOFF, S. V. | 73 | Co. E, 3d N. J. Cav. | Blaine | |
HOPKINS, A. | 80 | Co. ?, 8th Wis. Inf. | Deming | |
HOPKINS, B. L. | 80 | Co. I, 65th Ind. | Bellingham | |
HOPPER, W. H. | 73 | Co. A, 4th Ind., Cav. | Bellingham | |
HOUGAN, O. G. | 75 | Co. B, 19th Wis. Inf. | Bellingham | |
HOWARD, Chas. | 69 | Co. K, 138th Ill. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
HUBBELL, A. N. | 73 | Co. F, 40th N. Y. | Bellingham | |
HUGHES, S. P. | 74 | Co. L, 7th Iowa, Cav. | Blaine | |
HUSTON, W. T. | 73 | Co. G, 92nd Ill. | Bellingham | |
JENKINS, Jacob | 75 | Co. L, 134th Ohio Inf. | Bellingham | |
JONES, E. B. | 70 | Co. A, 20th Conn. Inf. | Lynden | |
KAYLOR, S. G. | 70 | Co. F, 39th Mo. Inf. | Blaine | |
KELLY, Joseph W. | 70 | Co. K, 74th Ind. Inf. | Acme | |
KELLY, M. P. | 76 | U. S. S. Wyoming | Beach | |
KEPLINGER, E. R. | 74 | Co. F, 4th Ver. Inf. | Bellingham | |
KING, James M. | 79 | Co. K, 23d Wis. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
LAMKIN, L. S. | 71 | Co. K, 2d Iowa Cav. | Bellingham | |
LANE, David R. | 72 | Co. K, 17th Maine Inf. | Bellingham | |
LANSING, John | 75 | Co. E, 10th Wis. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
LAUGHLIN, W. B. | 69 | Co. 1, 205th Penn. Vol. | Bellingham | |
LEWIS, J. P. | ? | Co. H, 26th Inf. (no state listed) | Bellingham | |
LINDSAY, Jasper N. | ? | Co. E, 96th Ill. | Blaine | |
LINDSAY, Llewellyn | 71 | Co. E, 45th Ill. Inf. | Bellingham | |
LITTLE, N. C. | 71 | Co. G, 1st Minn. Hvy. Art. | Geneva | |
LOGAN, Wm. | 78 | Co. B, 2d Bat., Mo., Vol. Cav. | Blaine | |
LONG, David | 67 | Co. C, 45th Ill. Inf. | Ferndale | |
LUTES, L. | 69 | Co. M, 5th Mich. Cav. | Marietta | |
MALONIE, W. K. | 70 | Co. E or F, 16th Me. or Mo. Vol. | Bellingham | |
MATSON, Daniel | 74 | Co. G, 24th Iowa Vol. | Bellingham | |
MCDONALD, Andrew | 71 | Co. H, 134th Ohio Vol. Inf. | So. Bellingham | |
MCDONALD, O. D. | 69 | Co. E, 8th Kan., Inf. & Co. A, 7th Kan. Cav. | Bellingham | |
MCKIVEL, James | 76 | Co. 35th Iowa Inf. | Bellingham | |
MCLAIN, Miner | 70 | Co. H, 5th Ky. Vol. Inf. | Ferndale | |
MCMILLAN, Will | 71 | Co. M, 11th N. Y. Cav. | Bellingham | |
MCREA, R. E. | 73 | Co. B, 26th Ala. Inf. | Kendall | |
MEDCALF, W. R. | 72 | Co. H, 25th Ill. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
MEECHAM, Robert B. | 75 | Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. Vol. | Bellingham | |
MILLER, John G. | 71 | Co. E, 2d Wis. Inf. | Bellingham | |
MILLER, Michael | 68 | Co. D, 40th Iowa Inf. | Bellingham | |
MILLER, Thomas W. | 73 | Co. C, 24th Inf. | Bellingham | |
MILLER, W. L. | 68 | 20th Wis. Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
MILLS, Peter | 73 | Co. F, 177th N. Y. Vol. | Bellingham | |
MORLAND, Richard D. | 75 | Co. 39th Iowa Inf. | Bellingham | |
MORSMAN, W. H. | 74 | Co. G, 12th V., Inf. | Mountain View | |
MOUSO, M. | 72 | Co. A, 82nd N. Y. Vol. | Bellingham | |
MURPHEY, Thomas | 73 | Co. H, 15th N. Y. Heavy Art. | Bellingham | |
NEVERMAN, Wm. | 80 | Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. | Bellingham | |
NEWKIRK, I. | 67 | Co. A, 13th U. S. Inf. | Bellingham | |
NICHOLS, Albert | 66 | Co. C, 1st Mich. Cav. | Ferndale | |
NICHOLS, D. B. | ? | Co. M, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. | Bellingham | |
NICHOLS, Samuel | 72 | Co. C, 89th N. Y. Inf. | Bellingham | |
NICHOLSON, W. O. | 72 | Co. G, 2nd New Ham. Inf. | Bellingham | |
ORCHARD, John | ? | Co. 2, Nebraska Cav. | Bellingham | |
OTLY, J. L. | 65 | Co. B, 1st Wis. Cav. | Custer | |
PALMER, James | 69 | Co. M, 1st Me., Art. | Bellingham | |
PALMER, W. W. | 71 | Co. F, 2d Wis., Cav. | Lynden | |
PHILBRICK, Franklin | 86 | Co. K, 12th Wis. Inf. | Bellingham | |
PHILLIPS, Horace | 69 | Co. E, 9th Tenn. Cav. | Bellingham | |
PICKNEY, Wm. L. | 71 | Co. L, 7th Iowa, Vol. Cav. | Blaine | |
POWELL, C. O. | 71 | Co. H, 6th Mich. Cav. | Goshen | |
PRALL, L. | 71 | Co. C, 33d Ind. Vol. Inf. and 28th Mich. Inf. | Bellingham | |
PRICE, T. R. | 72 | Co. K, 18th Wis. Inf. | Lynden | |
PYM, Joe | 77 | Co. F, 9th N. Y. Heavy Art. | Lynden | |
RAIRDON, L. D. | 71 | Co. B, 28th Ky. | Bellingham | |
REED, James K. P. | 69 | Co. I, 102nd Ill. Inf. | Bellingham | |
REEVE, Osa | 73 | Co. B, 51st Ill. Inf. | Bellingham | |
REID, Milton | 73 | Co. B, 4th Iowa Cav. | Lynden | |
RICHARDSON, G. W. | 76 | Co. E, 2nd Ver. Inf. | Bellingham | |
RICKERSON, C. W. | 67 | Co. B, Hatch's Bat. | Bellingham | |
RINEHART, J. K. | 70 | Co. K, 5th Iowa | Lynden | |
ROESSEL, George | 71 | 27th N. Y. Light Bat. | Ferndale | |
ROGERS, A. A. | 77 | Co. I, 140th N. Y. Inf. | Bellingham | |
ROGERS, Eliery | 69 | Co. B, 1st Oregon Inf. | Bellingham | |
ROUSS, A. | 78 | Co. B, 160th N. Y. Vol. | Bellingham | |
RUSCO, A. J. | 76 | Co. C, 19th Wis. Inf. | Lynden | |
RUSSELL, W. E. | 66 | Co. K, 12th Ill. Cav. | Bellingham | |
SCOTT, J. C. | 73 | Co. I, 5th Iowa Cav. | Bellingham | |
SCOTT, J. M. | 67 | Co. H, 49th Ind. | Blaine | |
SIMMONS, James S. | 73 | Co. G, 1st Bat. 17th U. S. Inf. | Kendall | |
SIMPLOT, D. B. | 72 | Co. G, 5th Wis. Vols. | Geneva | |
SHAW, W. W. | 68 | Co. D, 77th Penn. | Bellingham | |
SHEFFER, Matthew | 68 | Co. I, 152d Ind. Inf. | Sumas | |
SHOEMAKER, B. P. | 77 | Co. F, 1st Booden S. C. Co. and 5th Wis. Inf. | Lynden | |
SMITH, C. O. | 78 | Co. C, 6th Mich. Cav. | Bellingham | |
SMITH, G. D. | 68? | Co. B, 4th Iowa Cal. | Sumas | |
SMITH, R. P. | 77 | Co. B, 18th Ia. Vol. | Bellingham | |
SPAULDING, J. C. | 68 | Co. B, 9th Me. Inf. | Lynden | |
SPOHN, Thomas J. | 67 | Co. K, 189th Ohio Vol. Inf. | Blaine | |
STANBAUGH, George | 71 | Co. H, 11th Ind. Vet. Vol. Inf. | Sumas | |
STOCKWELL, Elisha | 67 | Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. | Beach | |
SWAN, I. W. | 74 | Co. K, 13th Wis. | Bellingham | |
SWIGER, Jeremiah | 76 | Co. G, 6th W. Va., Cav. | Bellingham | |
TAPPING, S. P. | 69 | Co. K, 5th Ohio Inf. | Bellingham | |
THALLHEIMER, S. | 75 | Co. K, 2d Iowa Inf. | Sumas | |
THOMPSON, D. H. | 74 | Co. G, 5th Wis. Inf. | Geneva | |
THOMPSON, John N. | 75 | Co. G, 186th Ohio Vol. Inf. | Bellingham | |
TIMMERLEE, Jas. | 64 | Co. F, 46th Wis. Inf. | Everson | |
TREADWAY, W. H. | 78 | 1st Wis. Cav. | Lynden | |
TRUE, Geo. | 70 | Co. B, 4th Iowa Cav. | Lynden | |
VAN BUREN, W. B. | 86? | Co. D, 1st Wash. | Bellingham | |
VAN ELTON, Harlin | 73 | Co. I, 107th N. Y. | Bellingham | |
VAN HORN, William | 76 | Co. G, 8th Penn. Cav. | Bellingham | |
VAUGHN, C. W. | 79 | Co. C, 150th Ohio Inf. | Bellingham | |
WADE, Harvey | 70 | Co. B, 58th Ind. Inf. | Bellingham | |
WAMPLER, A. H. | 72 | Co. D, 99th Ill. Vol. Inf. | Lynden | |
WELLS, C. H. | 70 | Co. B, 106th N. Y. Inf. | Bellingham | |
WELLS, Elva | 76 | Co. D, 13th Wis. Inf. | Blaine | |
WHITFORD, Chas. H. | 85 | Co. H, 14th Wis. Inf. | Blaine | |
WIGHT, C. H. | 68? | Co. D, 6th Mich. Heavy Art. | Bellingham | |
WILCOX, Marcus | 70 | Co. I, 71st N. Y. and 144th N. Y. Inf. | Bellingham | |
WILLIAMS, H. L. | 69 | Co. G, 48th Wis. | Lynden | |
WILLIAMS, J. G.? | 66 | Co. I, 100th N. Y. Inf. | Bellingham | |
WILMOX, L. D. | 75 | Co. G, 47th Ill. Inf. | Blaine | |
WILSON, J. H. | 71 | Co. H, 87th Ind. Inf. | Goshen | |
WILSON, W. W. | 69 | 1st Texas, Battery | Bellingham | |
WOODY, J. F. | 70 | Co. H, 12th Wis. | Bellingham | |
WOOLEY, Jno. P. | 70 | Co. A, 18th Ind. | Bellingham | |
WORDEN, Z. | 71 | Co. F, 45th Penn., Inf. | Bellingham | |
WORTHERN, C. E.or F. | 77 | Co. H, 15th Vt. Vol. | Lynden | |
WRIGHT, Joseph | 75 | Co. K, 20th Ill. Inf | Bellingham | |
YEOMAN, R. J. | 83 | Co. I, 168th Ohio Inf. | Bellingham | |
YOHE, Solomon | 78 | Co. F, 6th W. Va. Cav. and 113th W. Va. Inf. | Ferndale | |
ZELLERS/ZEILERS, J. | 70 | Co. K, 68th Ill. Vol. | Bellingham | |
AKIN, R. L. | 67 | Co. G, 5th Minn. Inf. | Spokane |
ALKIRE, Thomas | 69 | Co. H, 12th Ohio Cav. | Tacoma |
ALLEN, Henry C. | 76 | Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. | Seattle |
ALLISON, N. C. | 67 | Co. K, 150th Ill. Inf. | Everett |
ALVORD, Wm. | 65 | Co. H, 43rd Mo. Inf. | Orting |
ANDERSON, A. | ? | Co. M, 4th Ill. Vol. Cav. | Shelton |
ANDERSON, Michael | 78 | Co. A, 6th Minn. Inf. | Olympia |
ARGES, John | 75 | Co. C, 20th N. Y. Inf. | Anacortes |
ARMSTRONG, H. P. | 70 | Co. B, (nothing more) | Bremerton |
ARMSTRONG, W. E. | 70 | Co. C and H, 15th Ohio Vol. Inf. | Everett |
AUSTIN, George O. | 77 | Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. | Everett |
BABCOCK, O. N. | 68 | Co. C, 141st Ill. Inf. | Mount Vernon |
BADGER, Wm. | 74 | Co. K, 68th Ohio Inf. | North Yakima |
BAKER, Newell | 71 | Co. K, 15th Mich. Inf. | Anacortes |
BALL, R. H. | 70 | Co. D, 83rd or 93rd Ohio Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
BALLINGER, J. I. | 70 | Co. H, 13th U. S. Inf. | North Yakima |
BAMFORD, Geo. | 69 | Co. A, 170th Ohio Inf. | Orting |
BANKS, Lyman | 71 | Co. H, 11th Iowa Inf. | West Sound |
BARLEY, W. A. | 69 | Co. H, 7th Iowa Inf. | Seattle |
BARRETT, C. E. | 75 | Co. E, 75th Minn. Inf. | Seattle |
BARTLETT, Charles M. | 84 | Co. C, 4th Iowa Cav. | Anacortes |
BEARDSLEY, S. D. | 74 | Co. K, 14th Wis. and Co. H, 17th | Seattle |
BEARY, L. D. | 72 | 34th N. Y., Battery | Tacoma |
BERGGNESS, Francis | 74 | Co. C, 4th Minn. | Seattle |
BIRD, J. W. | 74 | Co. B, 154th N. Y. Inf. | Anacortes |
BLAIR, Joseph I. or L. | 80 | 1st Minn. Light Art. | Friday Harbor |
BLAKESLEE, H. N. | 70 | Co. G, 23d Mich. Inf. | Seattle |
BOARDMAN, G. H. | 72 | Co. F, 22nd Me. Inf. | Tacoma |
BORGESON, Bernard | 69 | Co. K, 28th Mich. Inf. | Tacoma |
BOWERS, John | 64 | Co. E, 1st U. S. Cav. | Spokane |
BRADLEY, J. C. | 76 | Co. A, 111th Penn. Inf. | Orting |
BRAYLES, John | 81 | Co. C, 4th Mo. Cav. | Burlington |
BRIDGE, James | 72 | Co. G, 120th Ill. Inf. | Mead |
BRISTOW, Edward | 70 | Co. M, 8th Mo. Cav. | Buckley |
BROOKS, Allen | 77 | 7th Wis., Bat. | Bremerton |
BROOKS, John D. | ? | not given | Orting |
BROWN, Albert | 68 | Co. A, 8th Minn. Vol. Inf. | Anacortes |
BROWN, D. C. | 67 | Co. I, 13th Ind. Cav. | Seattle |
BROWN, Ira | 73 | Co. F, 7th Iowa Inf. | Sedro-Woolley |
BROWN, J. S. | 69 | Co. A, 7th Maine Inf. | Rochester |
BROWN, John | 75 | Co. C, 1st N. Y. Light Art. | Orting |
BROWN, Thomas | 72 | Co. B, 11th Mo. Inf. | Spokane |
BUNDAGE, A. A. | 73 | Co. E, Mich. Heavy Art. | Snohomish |
BURDICK, Henry P. | 65 | Co. E, 1st Minn. Hvy. Art. | Tacoma |
BURGESS, I. F. | 84 | Co. A, 31st Wis. | Orting |
BURNS, Frances | 76 | Co. 1, 26th Ill., Inf. | Orting |
BURTON, E. D. | 7? | Co. D, U. S. Eng. | Burlington |
BUZARD, James | 78 | Co. K, 63d and 105 Pa. Inf. | Seattle |
CALLAHAN, Jas. | 73 | Co. G, 181st Ohio and 7th Ind. | Mount Vernon |
CAMPBELLL, J. P. | 87 | Co. D, 79th Ill. Inf. | Tacoma |
CAROSN, John (CARSON?) | 68 | Co. E, 39th Iowa Inf. | North Yakima |
CARRISH, Allen | 68 | Co. D, 4th Minn. Inf. | Everett |
CARSON, F. D. | 69 | Co. H, 5th Wis. Inf. | Sedro-Woolley |
CARSON, Theodore | 70 | Co. F, 23d Mich. Inf. | Orting |
CARY, Wm. W. | 73 | Co.'s E and F, 23d Wis. Vol. Inf. | Bremerton |
CASE, Alonzo | 69 | Co. A, 7th Maine Inf. | Oak Harbor |
CHAMBERS, Peter | 74 | Co. K, 1st Iowa Cav. | Port Angeles |
CLAGHORN, J. L. | 81 | Commissary, 116th N. Y. Inf. | Seattle |
CLARK, J. O. | 75 | Co. C, 14th Vermont Inf. | Seattle |
COBERLY, J. R. | 65 | Co. F, 12th Mo. Vol. Cav. | Anacortes |
COLEMAN, M. N. | 74 | Co. A, 3d Minn. Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
COLIM, Wm. | ? | Co. C, 32nd Iowa Inf. | North Yakima |
COLMAN, W. M. | 69 | Co. L, 31st? Minn. Inf. | Port Orchard |
COMSTOCK, J. M. | 75 | Co. F, 1st Wis. Cav. | Spokane |
COOK, John A. | 71 | Co. B, 7th Conn. Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
CORNEE, John Lee | 79 | Co. F, 25th Iowa Inf. | Walla Walla |
COUCH, E. B. | 72 | Co. I, 2nd Ill. Inf. | Centralia |
COVILL, W. S. | 71 | Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. | Shelton |
COWEN, Jacob | ? | Co. C, (nothing more) | not given |
CRANE, R. E. | 67 | Co. C, 191st Ohio Inf. | Puyallup |
CRESSY, W. H. | 75 | Co. D, 20th Penn. Inf. | Burlington |
CROCKER, R. | 83 | 3d Minn. Bat. Lt. Art. | Seattle |
CROLESANT?, L.? R. | 66 | Co. C, 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
CURTIS, A. | 77 | 1st Wis. Bat. Light Art. | Snohomish |
DALY, John | 68 | Co. M, 9th N. Y. Cav. | Orting |
DANIELSON, J. F. | 67 | Co. C, 4th Iowa Cav. | Tacoma |
DARDSON, James | 71 | Co. A, 31st Wis. Inf. | Tacoma |
DAVIS, D. J. | 73 | Co. E, 2d Minn. Cav. | Anacortes |
DAVIS, G. F. | 70 | Co. A, 12th N. H. | Ellensburg |
DAVIS, J. C. | 67 | Co. B, 147th Ill. Inf. | Winslow |
DEAN, L. H. | 76 | Co. H, 94th Ohio Vol. Inf. | Prosser |
DE HUFF, J. Q. A. | 87 | Co. D, 3d Iowa Cav. | Tacoma |
DEMMONS, Oliver | 67 | Co. B, 5th Mich. Inf. | Port Orchard |
DILDINE, A. | 69 | Co. C, 38th Wis. Inf. | Port Orchard |
DONOHUE, Michael | 72 | Co. K, 123d N. Y., S. V. | East Sound |
D'OYLEY, Chris | ? | Co. I and F, 2nd and 7th Conn. Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
DRUMMOND, John | 68 | Co. C, 54th Ill. Inf. | Anacortes |
DRUSE, D. L. | 72 | Co. A, 2nd Minn. Inf. | North Yakima |
DUFFEY, Jacob | 71 | Co. A, ?th Mich. Cav. | Orting |
DUNCAN, John C. | 75 | Co. E, 2d(?) Iowa Inf. | Seattle |
EDENS, T. P. | 69 | Co. D, 21st Mo. Inf. | Anacortes |
EATON, A. E. | 74 | Co. E, 9th Minn. Inf. | Bay View |
EATON, Henry | 73 | Co. H, 3rd Minn. Inf. | Bay View |
ECKLEY, E. T. | 77 | Co. F, 20th Iowa Inf. | Colville |
ELY, Jerome | 70 | Co. A, 57th Penn. Inf. | Whidby Island |
EVERS, W. J. | 71 | Co. E, 1st Mich. Cav. | Burlington |
FAIRCHILD, A. | 67 | Co. G, 112th N. Y. | Orting |
FARBES, L. D. | 70 | Co. K, 1st Wis. Cav. | Port Orchard |
FERAING, F. W. | 70 | Co. I, 44th Seattle(?) Inf. | Seattle |
FERRIN, Ira P. | 68 | Co. B, 42d Mass. | Wenatchee |
FINLEY, C. H. | 68 | Co. C, 1st Wis. Heavy Art. | Anacortes |
FISHER, Benj. | ? | Co. K and B, 2nd Ill. Cav. | Edmonds |
FISHER, J. R. | 70 | Co. A, 12th Ill. Cav. | Spokane |
FISKE, S. T. | 73 | Co. M, 1st N. Y. Cav. | Tacoma |
FLEMING, John | 68 | Co. K, 88th Penn. Inf. | Anacortes |
FOSTER, A. J. | 72 | Co. E, 2nd Kan. Bat. Lt. Art. | Orting |
FOSTER, Thomas | 66 | Co. C, Minn. Bat. | Tacoma |
FOX, Wm. | 71 | Co. C, 21st N. Y. Inf. | Seattle |
FRENCH, W. H. | 78 | Co. I, 34th Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
FREREDEUSTEIN, A. | 77 | Co. K, 6th Mo. Vol. Inf. | Tacoma |
FRODENBURGH, A. | 74 | Co. H, 122nd N. Y. | Vancouver |
FULLER, E. A. | 77 | Co. G, 12th Mich. Inf. | Puyallup |
FULLER, I. L. | 70 | Co. D, 81st N. Y. Inf. | Seattle |
FURRY, G. W. | 67 | Co. G, 147th Ill. | Seattle |
GALE, Hiram | 67 | Co. K, 46th Wis. | Bremerton |
GALLEP, P. W. | 71 | Co. C, 77th Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
GANNON(?), John | 78? | Co. F, 14th Ind. Inf. | Orting |
GEMBERLING, G. W. | 77 | Co. D, 23rd Ind. Inf. | Orting |
GIBBONS, Oliver | 66 | 7th Wis. Bat. | Orting |
GODDARD, F. H. | 70 | Co. H, 140th Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
GRADENBURGH, W. H. | ? | Co. I, 15th N. Y. Cav. | Hoquiam |
GREEN, W. G. | 70 | Co. A, 214th Penn. Inf. and Navy | Sequim |
GREENE, W. S. | 73? | Co. K, 10th or 19th Ill. Inf. | Tacoma |
GREGORY, E. S. | 78 | Co. M, 7th Iowa Cav. | Everett |
GREGORY, Solomon | ? | Co. K, 41st Ill. Vol. Inf. | Dayton |
GRIMES, B. F. | 68 | Co. *C, 8th Iowa Vol. | Larson |
HAAS, A. F. | 67 | Co. G, 30th Mich. Inf. | Seattle |
HAGADORN, J. | 78 | 2d Minn. Light Art. | Kent |
HALL, Mahlon | 68 | Co. D, 16th N. Y. Inf. | Port Orchard |
HALLISTER, H. B. | 77 | Co. B, 8th Ill. Cav. | Seattle |
HAMBRIAS, J. J. | ? | 79th Penn. Inf. | Seattle |
HAMMER, Hiram | 64 | Co. I, 138th Ind. Inf. | Sedro-Woolley |
HAMMER, L. C. | 67 | Co. E, 43rd Mo. Inf. | Palouse City |
HAMMERLY, John | 68 | Co. C, 7th Ill. Cav. | Cheney |
HANKS, David A. | 72 | Co. C, 3d Wis. Cav. | Edison |
HANNA, Wm. | 68 | Co. K, 19th Penn. Inf. | Tacoma |
HAPTONSTALL, S. W. | ? | Bat. 5th, 5th U. S. Inf. | not given |
HARDING, R. R. | 81 | 17th Inf. and 102d Inf. Ill. | Port Angeles |
HARDY, F. P. | 72 | Co. A, 6th N. Ham. | Anacortes |
HARMONY, B. D. | 68 | Co. K, 3d Wis. Cav. | Burlington |
HASFORD, A. T. | 66 | Co. H, 17th Wis. Inf. | Centralia |
HASSEY, J. H. | 73 | Co. H, 1st Minn. Cav. and 11th Minn. Inf. | Snohomish |
HASTI_, A. W. | 67 | Co. H, 122d Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
HASTINGS, W. P. | 67 | Co. G, 35th Wis. Inf. | Tacoma |
HAWTHORNE, W. C. | 74 | Co. D, 28th Maine | Seattle |
HAYDEN, P. A. | 68 | Co. I?, 4th Wis. Cav. | Bremerton |
HEALD, J. | 67 | Co. C, 184th N. Y. Inf. | Puyallup |
HEGADORN, J. G. | 70 | Co. A, 17th Ill. Cav. | Seattle |
HENRY, Edward | 73 | Co. I, 37th Ill. Inf. | Port Orchard |
HEUTCHINGS, James M. | 75 | Co. H, 11th Mo. Inf. | Orting |
HILOVER, Eli | 70 | Miss. Navy | Spokane |
HIMBERGER, Wm. | 72 | Co. A, 3rd Ohio and 34th Ken. | Seattle |
HOADLEY, C. B. | 77 | Co. F, 26th Ill. Inf. | Orting |
HOFFMAN, Frederick | 78 | Co. F, 3rd Mass. Inf. | Seattle |
HOFLIN, W. G. | 71 | Co. E, 3rd Mass. Cav. | Tacoma |
HOLLINGSWORTH, Ira | 76 | Co. E, 148th Ind. | Everett |
HOPKINS, J. H. | 72 | 48th O. Vol. Inf. | Okanogan |
HOPKINSON, E. B. | 68 | unassigned, 20th Maine Inf. | Spokane |
HOTENKISS, Chas. | 75 | Co. C, 1st Minn. Inf. | Orting |
HOUGHTON, E. P. | 69 | Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. | Puyallup |
HOWIE, J. L. | 72 | Co. K, 144th Penn. Vol. | Tacoma |
HUDSON, Chas. | 67 | 3d Iowa, Battery | Anacortes |
HUMPHREY, G. S. | 67 | Co. D, 11th Kan. Cav. | Orting |
HURD, F. H. | 70 | Co. G, 14th Conn. Inf. | Seattle |
IRBY, James | 69 | Co. E, 1st Ark. Cav. | Orting |
IVERSON, O. B. | 69 | Co. D, 6th Iowa Cav. | Olympia |
JACK, Alonzo | 82 | Co. C, 8th Mich. Inf. | Ellensburg |
JOHNSON, A. A. | 75 | Co. G, 3rd Col. Cav. | North Yakima |
JOHNSON, A. F. | 70 | Co. F, 4th Wis. Inf. | Tacoma |
JOHNSON, Edward | 72 | Co. D, 88th N. Y. Vol. | Orting |
JOHNSTON, William | 68 | Co. H, 78th Penn. Inf. | Bothell |
JONES, G. S. | 69 | Co. A, 3d Iowa Cav. | Spokane |
JONES, Thomas Capt. | 80 | Navy | Port Townsend |
JORDAN, W. H. | 72 | Co. C, 12th Iowa Inf. | Cashmere |
KEEFE, Timothy | 66 | Gunboat Tawak | Seattle |
KELLOGG, H. E. | 79 | Co. H, 26th Mich. Inf. | Seattle |
KELLY, Robert | ? | Co. H, 11th W. Va. Cav. | Spokane |
KEENE, Isaac V. | 70 | Hospital steward 7th Pa. Inf. | Port Townsend |
KENT, A. M. | 69 | Co. D, 132d Penn., Inf. | Seattle |
KING, Ben | 75 | Co. M, 2nd Iowa Cav. | Seattle |
KINKADE, D. | 71 | Co. B, 78th Ill, Inf. | Ellensburg |
KIRKHAM?, Thomas H. | 76 | Co. G, 1st border sharpshooters | Burlington |
KNAPP, V. J. | 72 | Co. I, 16th Ver. Vol. Inf. | Anacortes |
KNIGHT, A. A. | 79 | Co. E, 35th Col., U. S. C. T. | Tacoma |
KNIGHT, J. H. | 68 | Co. C, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. | Orting |
KOCH, David | 79 | Co. D, 23d Mo. Inf. | Burlington |
LANE, M. D. | 69 | Co. I, 8th Tenn. Cav. | Anacortes |
LARSON, Michael | 78? | Co. F, 15th Wis. Inf. | Port Orchard |
LEMASTER, Theodore | 68 | Co. C, 3rd West Va. Cav. | Sedro-Woolley |
LESTER, John H. | 79 | Co. I, 15th Ohio | Port Orchard |
LIPTON, J. R. | ? | Co. C, 10th Kan. Inf. | not given |
LONG, J. B. | 76 | Co. E, 23rd Mo. Inf. | Orting |
LUCE, B. F. | 90 | Co. A, 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. | Port Orchard |
LUCE, W. W. | 65 | Co. A, 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. | Edmunds |
MAROT, H. L. | 68 | Co. B, 50th Ill. Inf. | Sedro-Woolley |
MARTIN, B. F. | 67 | Co. H, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. | Spokane |
MASON, John O. | 72 | Chicago Mercantile Bat. | Tacoma |
MCALISTER, Amos | 72 | Co. B, 63d Ill. | Granite Falls |
MCCAFFERTY, J. P. | 70 | Co. A, 3rd Iowa | North Yakima |
MCCLEARY, James | 77 | Co. H, 78th Penn. Inf. | Port Orchard |
MCCORMICK, S. H. | 69 | Co. G, 38th Ind. Vol. | Atlanta, Kansas |
MCGRAY, O. C. | 75 | Co. A, 4th Maine Inf. | Port Orchard |
MCGREW, C. M. | 69 | Co's. G and I, 72d and 33d Ill. Inf. | Everett |
MCKEAN, Geo. W. | 71 | Co. D, 51st Ohio Inf. | Orting |
MCKENZIE, C. W. | 70 | Bat. A, Maryland | Port Orchard |
MCMURTRIE, H. | 75 | Co. E, 2d Minn. Cav. | Tacoma |
MCWHINNEY, M. H. C. | 73 | Co. C, 102d Ill. | Bremerton |
MILLER, A. | 74 | Co. F, 10th Ill. Cav. | Mount Vernon |
MILLER, B. R. | 69 | 188th Ind. Vol. | Everett |
MILLER, Cyrus | 70 | Co. C, 128th Ohio Inf. | Seattle |
MILLER, David | 78? | Co. B, 19th U. S. Reg. | Tacoma |
MILLER, G. B. | 69 | Co. A, 92nd Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
MILLS, B. F. | 70 | Co. H, 105th Inf. (no state listed) | Burlington |
MILLS, Charles | 74 | Co. B, 26th Ind. Inf. | Sedro-Woolley |
MITCHELL, D. L. | 72 | Co. C, 104th Ill. Inf. | Port Angeles |
MOEN, George R. | 74 | Co. I, 4th Minn. Inf. | Anacortes |
MOORE, B. F. | 74 | Cos. H and K, 10th and 59th Ill. Inf. | North Yakima |
MOORE, J. A. | 68 | Co. H, 13th N. Y. Heavy Art. | Granite Falls |
MOORE, John W. | 77 | Co. C, 49th Wis. | Bothell |
MOORE, Robt. | 67 | Co. A, 9th Mich. Cav. | Mount Vernon |
MORRIS, P. A. | 70 | Co. G, 45th Kentucky Inf. | Seattle |
MORSELANDER, R. H. | 72 | signal corps, U. S. A. | Tacoma |
MUMFORD, M. E. | 73 | Co. D, 31st Wis. Inf. | Seattle |
MUNCEY, Wm. H. | 71 | Co. D, 23rd Mo. Inf. | Richland |
MUNSKELL, J. W. | 76 | Co. I, 7th Mich. Inf. | Seattle |
MURPHEY, G. F. | 75 | Co. F, 80th Ill. Inf. | North Yakima |
NEELY, John | 68 | Co. E, 37th Iowa Vol. Inf. | Tacoma |
NELSON, E. E. | 70 | Co. D, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters | Port Angeles |
NOLAP, J. G. | 76? | Co. I, 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
NORTH, H. W. | 70 | Co. K, 95th Ill, Inf. | Everett |
OSBORN, E. C. | 74 | Co. A, 1st Me., Heavy Art. | Bay View |
OUSTOT?, B. F. | 72 | Co. A, Mo. Eng. | Asotin |
OWEN, John J. | 71 | Co. C and F, 57th Ill. Inf. | Port Orchard |
OYER, Clark E. | 78 | Co. G, 154th N. Y. Inf. | Orting |
PALMER, John J. | 72 | Co. A, 71st and 135th Ill. Inf. | North Yakima |
PARAMORE, D. Lou | 73 | Co. B, 12th Ind. & 134th Ind. Inf. | Snohomish |
PARR, M. G. | 78 | Co. C, 40th Iowa Inf. | Walla Walla |
PATTERSON, C. T. | 68 | Co. C, 7th Mich. Cav. | Tacoma |
PAUL, J. H. | 66 | Co. G, 15th Iowa Inf. | Walla Walla |
PEACOCK, W. L. | 70 | Co. C, 2nd Maine Cav. | Port Orchard |
PECK, David L. | 72 | Co. E, 12th Penn. Cav. | North Yakima |
PERRIGO, W. W. | 78 | Co. E, 6th Me. Inf. | Pilchuck |
PETERMAN, Edward | 65 | Co. G, 3rd Del. Inf. | Orting |
PETTET, Wm. | 70 | Co. A, 1st Maryland Inf. | Puyallup |
PETTIT, G. H. | 73? | Co. H, 3d N. J. Inf. | Tacoma |
PICKERING, E. | 69 | Co. F, 3rd Wis. Cav. | Sedro-Woolley |
PIER, O. D. | 78 | Co. F, 9th N. Y. Cav. | Granite Falls |
PINNICK, W. D. | 73 | Co. I, 35th? Ind. Vol. | Bastor Springs |
POPE, J. D. | 71 | Co. B, 8th Mo. Inf. | Seattle |
POTTS, E. E. | 69 | Co. E, 149th Ill. | Tacoma |
POWELL, J. W. | 71 | Co. A, 97th Ind. Vol. | Port Orchard |
POWELL, S. J. | 78 | Co. D, 1st Mich., Eng. | Seattle |
PRICE, James | ? | Co. B, 98th N. Y. Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
PROCTOR, J. W. | 69 | 6th Wis. Bat. Lt. Art. | Burlington |
PULLMAN, J. W. | 67 | 3rd Iowa Cav. | Port Orchard |
QUINN, G. D. | 68 | Co. D, 7th or 17th Ill. Cav. | North Yakima |
RANDLE, J. L. | 70 | Co. E, 2nd Tenn. Inf. | Centralia |
RANDOLPH, Joseph F. | 71 | Co. E, 125th Ohio Vol. | Seattle |
RAMAKER, Garrett | 72 | Co. A, 32d Wis. Inf. | Seattle |
REDDICK, Payton | 69 | Co. L, 1st Mo. St. Vol. | East Sound |
REEVES, W. F. | 76 | Co. E, 1st Mich. Cav. | Centralia |
REID, David M. | 69 | Co. G, 118th Ind. Vol. Inf. | Vancouver |
REID, M. | 76 | Co. I, 3rd Iowa Cav. | Seattle |
REYNOLDS, B. R. | 73 | Co. A, 134(?)th, N. Y. Vol. | Bremerton |
RICE, Henry C. | 77 | Co. M, 1st Col. Cav. | Port Orchard |
RIES, Henry | ? | Co. F, 9th Mich. Inf. | Dayton |
RIPPEY, T. Y. | 76 | Co. K, 16th Ill. Vol. Inf. | Bremerton |
RITCHEY, D. E. | 75 | Co. C, 33rd Ill. Inf. | Port Orchard |
ROBERTS, Edward | 72 | Co. F, 22nd Wis. Inf. | Seattle |
ROBERTS, J. H. | 73 | Co. D, 68th Ind. Inf. | Seattle |
ROBERTS, Joseph | 71 | Co. H, 76th Ill. | Port Orchard |
ROBINSON, W. H. | 67 | Co. K, 91st or 81st Ill. | Tacoma |
ROCKWELL, J. O. | 80 | Co. E, 897th N. Y. Inf. | Seattle |
ROLLINS, Dudley A. | 71 | Co. I, 15th Vermont Inf. | North Yakima |
ROLPH, W. D. | 67 | Co. K, 27th Mich. | Anacortes |
ROSE, D. C. | 68 | Co. M, 15th N. Y. Hvy. Art. | LaConner |
ROSEBOOM, Howard | 74 | Co. G, 94th N. Y. | Spokane |
ROUSE, G. M. | 71 | Co. D, 11th Mich. Inf. | Port Angeles |
RUSSELL, J. W. | 71 | Co. F, 1st Wis. Cav. | Snohomish |
SALIE, D. D. | 71 | Navy | Port Angeles |
SCHRECK, Val. | 67 | 27th N. Y. Light Bat. | Everett |
SCOTT, C. L. | 70 | Co. D, 3rd Wis. Cav. | Seattle |
SCOTT, J. R. | 69 | Co. B, 19th Ill. Inf. | Charleston |
SCRAMTON, T. M. | 74 | Co. A, 30th Iowa | Centralia |
SEVILLE, B. B. | 68 | Co. G, 140th Ill. Inf. | Enumclaw |
SHAFFER, D. W. | 71 | Co. J, 8th Minn. Inf. | Orting |
SHEPARD, Geo. | ? | Co. F, 2nd Cav., Minn. | Seattle |
SHIELDS, H. S. | 67 | Co. E and Co. C, 3rd Wis. Cav. | Seattle |
SHORES, E. A. | 69 | Co. I, 20th Ind. Inf. | Tacoma |
SHORETT, L. | 67 | Co. B, 34th Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
SHREVE, C. A. | 69 | Co. E, 39th Iowa | Veteran's Home |
SHULL, Leonard | 69 | Co. D, 113th Ind. & Co. K, 136th Ind. Vol. | Puyallup |
SHUMWAY, F. N. | 72 | Co. H, 96th Mass. Inf. | Anacortes |
SICKLES, W. H. | 64 | Co. D, 7th Wis. Inf. | Orting |
SIMMONS, Wm. | 75 | Co. H, 1st Mich. Cav. | Snohomish |
SIINCERBEAUX, Ira | 70 | Co. K, 9th N. Y. Hvy. Art. | Sedro-Woolley |
SKINNER, L. G. | 68 | Co. A, 31st Ohio Inf. | Spokane |
SLOAN, H. J. | 67 | Co. B, 62d Ill. Inf. | Bremerton |
SMITH, C. C. | 61 | Co. D, 134th N. Y. Inf. | Tacoma |
SMITH, H. A. | 70 | Co. B, 41st Wis. Inf. | Cashmere |
SMITH, John L. | 69 | Co. H, 3rd New Jersey Cav. | Spokane |
SMITH, N. A. | 70 | Co. A, 15th Ohio Inf. | Tacoma |
SMITH, R. F. | 73 | Co. G, 1st Cal. Cav. | Grand Falls |
SMITH, S. B Capt. | 84 | Co. H, 115th N. Y. Inf. | Seattle |
SMOOTS, J. W. | 69 | Co. G, 7th Mo. Cav. | Friday Harbor |
SNETHEN, J. L. | 73 | Co. G, 41st Ohio Inf. | Granite Falls |
SNODGRASS, A. W. | 75 | Co. I, 32d Iowa Inf. | Burlington |
SNUTTLE, Albert | 64 | Co. B, 135th Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
SOMERS, R. R. | 68 | U. S. S. Sacramento | Anacortes |
SPAULDING, A. F. | 75 | Co's D and E, 1st Dist. of Col. Cav. | Seattle |
SPENCER, Richard | 72 | Co. F, 96th Ill. Inf. | Christopher |
STARCK?, George S. | 73 | 16th Iowa Inf. | Port Orchard |
STEVENS, A. A. | 69 | Co. H, 2d Minn. | Wenatchee |
STEVENS, J. S. | 70 | Cos. M and H, 2d Ill. Light Art. | Seattle |
STEWART, J. E. | 70 | Co. C, 127th Ill., Vol. Inf. | Spokane |
STEWART, J. W. | 69 | Co. C, 21st N. Y. Cav. | Everett |
STEWART, Thomas | 72 | Co. H, 3d Ohio Inf. | Cashmere |
STINE. Joseph | 67 | Co. K, 48th Wis. Inf. | Puyallup |
STULTS, F. M. | 65 | Co. B, 3rd Mich. Inf. | Orting |
SUMMERS, H. | 69 | Co. K, 116th Ind. Vol. Inf. | Orting |
SWAN, E. W. | 77 | Co. B, 92d Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
SWANK, A. | 74 | Co. A, 184th Ohio Inf. | Vancouver |
SWIFT, Lee | 66 | Co. K, 1st Ark. Cav. | Orting |
TATE, W. H. | 67 | Co. C, 12th Mo. Cav. | Port Orchard |
TAYLOR, Moit? | 71 | Co. G, 30th Mich. | Pullman |
TEMPLE, J. A. | 72 | 1st Iowa Bat. | Pinehurst |
THACKERY, James | 76 | 5th Co., unattached, Mass. | Orting |
THOMPSON, C. L. | 71 | Navy from Mass. | Seattle |
TIFT, S. B. | 71 | Co. H, 2d Ill. Cav. | Everett |
TOBIN, John | 75 | Co. I, 1st Wis. Inf. | Tacoma |
TOWNSEND, W. W. | 75 | Co. G, 3d Wis. Inf. | Sedro-Woolley |
TUCKER, G. M. | 67 | Co. C, 153rd Ill. | Seattle |
TWILLIGEAR, S. C. H. | 69 | Co. B, 13th Ky. Inf. | Ellensburg |
URBAN?, W. F. | 77 | Co. H, 22nd Wis. Inf. | Seattle |
VANDERHOOF, John | 84 | Co. F, 15th U. S. Inf. | Orting |
VAN DUSSED, Brazil | 74 | Co. K, 128th N. Y. Inf. | Orting |
VOTTIER, A. G. | ? | Co. H, 5th Mass. | Seattle |
WADE, George M. | 75 | Co. E, 6th W. Va. Inf. | Montesano |
WADSWORTH, D. C. | 65 | Co. I, 51st Wis. Inf. | Tacoma |
WALDRIP, I. S. | 64 | Co. B, 5th Inf. Cal. Vols. | East Sound |
WALDRON, W. F. | 67 | Co. E, 29th Iowa & Co. W, 7th Iowa | Walla Walla |
WALKER, Ed. S. | 70 | Co. H, 6th Kansas Cav. | Bremerton |
WALSWORTH, H. E. | 70 | Co. A, 30th Wis. Vol. | Tacoma |
WALTERS, J. W. | 71 | Co. K, 126th Ohio Inf. | North Yakima |
WARD, E. | 75 | Co. F, 33d Ind. Inf. | Seattle |
WARNER, Ed C. | 67 | Co. E, 40th Wis. Inf. | Everett |
WARNER?, R. T. | 72 | Co. A, 19th Wis. Inf. | Everett |
WATERS, W. H. | 74 | Co. A, 3d Mich. Inf. | Anacortes |
WATKINS, J. P. | 72 | Co. E, 1st Oregon Inf. | Port Orchard |
WEAGRAFF, Henry C. | 67 | Co. I, 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. | Seattle |
WEBER, J. W. | ? | Co. E, 1st Mo. Engineers | North Yakima |
WEISER, W. F. | 80 | Co. I, 19th Minn. Inf. | Everett |
WELSH, Henry | 71 | Co. I, 29th Wis. Inf. | Bothel |
WEST, Leonard | 69 | Co. B, 46th N. Y. Inf. | Cashmere |
WEST, Sanford C. | 80 | Co. E, 13th Ill. Inf. | Port Orchard |
WESTACOTT, Wm. | 68 | Co. K, 14th Ill. Cav. | Garfield |
WESTER, Jacob | ? | not given | Orting |
WESTOVER, Alexander | 73 | Co. C, 11th Minn. Vol. Inf. | Anacortes |
WHEELER, J. R. | 64 | Co. H, 9th W. Va. | Wenatchee |
WHEELER, James A. | 72 | Co. F, 46th Iowa Inf. | Tacoma |
WHERLER, Lester | 71 | Co. I, 13th? Mich. | Seattle |
WHITE, Edward K. | 75 | Co. F, 15th Maine Inf. | Sedro-Woolley |
WHITE, Elias | ? | Co. C, 18th? Inf. | Portland, OR |
WHITE, F. A. | 74 | Co. B, 72d Ind. Inf. | Port Orchard |
WICKARD, P. J. | 67? | Co. G, 189th Ohio Inf. | Port Orchard |
WIGHTMAN, C. F. | 78 | Co. C, 26th Ill. Inf. | Spokane |
WILBUR, Egbert | 66 | Co. K, 4th N. Y., H. A. | Sedro-Woolley |
WILCOX, Alred R. | 74 | Co. I, 71st N. Y. Vol. Inf. | Orting |
WILEY, John H. | 73 | Co. E, 102nd Ill. Inf. | North Yakima |
WILHELM, Fred | 72 | Co. E, 2d U. S. Art. | Seattle |
WILHON, F. E. | 68 | 1st Minn. Bat. | Anacortes |
WILKES, A. W. | 66 | Co. C, 156th Ill. Inf. | Puyallup |
WILLIAMS, Fred | 67 | Co. I, 118th N. Y. and Co. C, 96th N. Y. Inf. | Tacoma |
WILSON, Charles | 77 | Co. A, 11th Iowa Inf. | Everett |
WINEBERG, Henry C. | 77 | Co. E, 6th West Va. Inf. | Puyallup |
WITGEN, S. R. | 72 | Co. D, 4th W. Va. Vol. Inf. | Port Orchard |
WOLFE, H. W. | 77 | Co. B, 40th Ill. Inf. | Seattle |
WOOD?, C. L. | 70 | Co. A, 8th Wis. Inf. | Bremerton |
WOOD, M. D. | ? | Co. C, 66th Ill. Cav. | Centralia |
WORLDS, W. G. | 74 | Co. E, 27th Mich. Inf. | Tacoma |
WRIGHT, Brazil B. | 84 | Co. G, 4th Cal., Inf. | Orting |
WRIGHT, Martin | 70 | Co. G, 25th Penn. (Col.) Art. | Orting |
YORK, S. A. | 77 | Co. H, 9th Maine Inf. | Snohomish |
YOUNG, L. J. | 76 | Co. B, 6th Minn. Inf. | Tacoma |
ZIMMERMAN, Chas. | 78 | Co. F, 139th Ind. Inf. | Port Angeles |
*newspaper typo, service was in Co. G
Note: The Washington State Soldier's Home is located at Orting, Pierce,
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