
New Whatcom Directory 1891

Speirs & Whittier, Publishers


Being a Complete Business and General Directory of New Whatcom,Washington


The publishers have pleasure in presenting this, their second Annual Directory, and would say that no pains have been spared to make it complete and reliable in every particular; but in a city of such phenomenal growth as New Whatcom, it has been rather a difficult task. When the streets and lots are named and numbered, a more complete Directory will be issued.

New Whatcom
12th March, 1891

New Whatcom is a consolidation of the thriving towns of Whatcom and Sehome, and is the county seat of Whatcom County.

A - J

AASE, Ole, carpenter, cor. Willow and R. R. avenue
ABBOTT, Harry, engineer, Garden street bet. Holly and Magnolia
ABUG, G., laborer, (Electric Light works)
ADAMS, F. H., editor Reveille, res. cor. D and 19th streets
ADAMS, Mrs. D. R., dressmaker, 14th bet. G and H streets
ADAMS, D. R., bartender, 14th bet. G and H streets
ADAMS, W. J., laundry, Forrest st. bet. Maple and Laurel
ADAMS & EVANS, Publishers B. B. Reveille, Knox block, 13th st.
ADAMS, C., civil engineer, Bank block, 13th street
ADLEY, N. C., quarry man
AFFLECK, Frank, manager (F. L. Co's sawmill)
AGER, John, clerk, (H. B. Corwin), C street
ALBION HOUSE, Walsh Bros., Elk and Laurel streets
ALEXANDER, S. H., carpenter, cor. C and 22nd streets
ALEXANDER, M. K., carpenter, Ohio street bet. Elk and Forrest
ALEXANDER, H., fireman, (Electric Light Works)
ALEXANDER, E. E., laborer, (B. B. Improvement Co.)
ALLAN, Mrs. M. J., cor. 16th and I streets
ALLAN, J. C., Whatcom Transfer Co., res. cor. F and 14th sts.
ALLARD, Bert, meat market, Elk street near Chestnut
ALLEN, J. W., manager (Iron Foundry), cor. Land and Holly streets, York Addition
ALLEN, A. F., plumber, 13th st. near G
ALLSOP, Sam, butcher, Maple street bet. Forrest and Elk
ALLSOP, Robt., Maple street bet. Forrest and Elk
ALMETER, Lewis, painter, cor. Dock and Willow streets
ALT, Nic, Saloon, Whatcom House
ALTON, J. W., agent Union Pacific, cor. Dock and Holly streets
ALTSHULER, Samuel, prop. Red Front, Holly street
ALWOOD, leveler, B. B. Improvement Co.
AMBROSE, John, D street bet. 24th and 25th
AMES, Mrs. H. J., cor. H and 16th streets
AMUDSON, Rev. Ol, (Norwegian Luth.), Meikle st., York Addition
ANASAPH, C. H., laborer, cor. Elk street east and Government st.
ANDERSON, G., plasterer, G street bet. 22nd and 23rd
ANDERSON, H. T., laborer, E street bet. 24th and 25th
ANDERSON, (Anderson & Woodward), candy factory, 13th street
ANDERSON, Hon. M., res. cor. E and 18th streets
ANDERSON, Miss Isabella, dressmaker, cor. E and 18th streets
ANDERSON, Miss A., milliner, cor. E and 18th streets
ANDERSON, Martin, carpenter, Carlin street bet. Forrest and Elk
ANDERSON, Hugh, stone cutter, cor. Champion and Canoe sts.
ANDERSON, C., carpenter, Central ave. near Lottie street
ANDERSON, R. J., real estate, Meikle street, York Addition
ANDERSON, Wm. real estate, Meikle street, York Addition
ANDERSON, W. S., real estate, Meikle street, York Addition
ANDERSON, Louis, plasterer, Meikle street, York Addition
ANDERSON, Chas., laborer, Humboldt street, York Addition
ANDERSON, Alex., laborer, High street, near Maple
ANDERSON, A. J., laborer, High street, near Maple
ANDERSON, S., talyman, Globe mill
ANDERSON, A., laborer, Globe mill
ANDERSON, G., setter, Globe mill
ANDERSON, G. B., carriageman, Globe mill
ANDERSON, P. B., (Burrows & Anderson), shoe store, 13th street
ANDERSON, C., laborer, res. Russell House, Elk street
ANDERSON, G., teamster, Croft's Livery Stable, Elk street
ANDERSON, A., laborer, Elk street, near Chestnut
ANDREWS, F. J., Sawmill man, 13th street bet. H and I
ARMSTRONG, W. S., carpenter, Henry st. bet. Munroe and Jefferson
ARMSTRONG, Chas., waiter, Henry st. bet. Munroe and Jefferson
ARMSTRONG, E. J., engineer, cor. G and 17th streets
ARMSTRONG, W. F., carpenter, cor. Holly and Lake, York Addition
ARMSTRONG, C. W., teamster, cor. Forrest and Laurel streets
ARMSTRONG, E. D., Cooper's mill
ARMSTRONG, ___, teamster, B. B. Improvement Co.
ARMSTRONG, James, Queen Chop House, 13th street
ARNOLD, Frank, bartender, Elk street
ARNOTT, A., hostler, Lew Jenkins' stable, G street, near 13th
ARONSON, M., dry goods, cor. Dock and Holly streets
ARTS & MANEMANN, grocers, Elk street, near Holly
ASHER, W. L., res. Knox block, 13th street
ASHER & BENNETT, abstractors, Knox block, 13th street
ASPELT, H., laborer, Electric Light
ATHERTON, E. S., carpenter, Elk street, near Holly
ATKINS, C. H., builder and contractor, H street bet. 25th and 26th
ATKINS, Wm. V., builder and contractor, cor. H street and 25th
ATKINS, C. M., pres. First National Bank, res. cor. 14th and J
ATWOOD, B. W., bookkeeper, H. J. McGregor, Ford block, Elk st.
AUSTIN, Henry, cor. Park and Washington streets
AUSTIN, Banning, civil engineer, cor. Park and Washington sts.
AUSTIN, Harry, plasterer, cor. Park and Washington sts.
AUSTIN, Thomas, reporter, Reveille  res. Jaeger st. near Munroe
AUSTIN, Wm. C., plasterer, (Austin & Tait), cor. 17th and G sts.
AUSTIN, John L., farm loans, Oakland block, Holly street
AVERY, J. T., laborer, cor. Texas and Government streets
AXLE, Frank, carpenter, Garden st. bet. Holly and Magnolia

B. B. BAKERY, cor. Elk and Maple streets
B. B. & B.C. R.R., general office, Front street, near Rose
B. B. EXPRESS, DeTiere & Munro, props., 13th street
B. B. FURNITURE CO., Bellingham block, 13th street
B.B. IMPROVEMENT CO., C. F. While, mgr, lumber department
B.B. IRON WORKS, R. R. avenue near Maple
B. B. NATIONAL BANK, cor. Elk and Chestnut streets
BABCOCK, H. H., secondhand store, Elk street, near Holly
BACCHUS, Isaac, farmer, res. Virginia and Forrest sts.
BACON, Mrs. E. H., res. Front street, near William
BACON & ELLLS, farm loans, 13th and F streets
BACON, G. H., (Bacon & Ells)
BACON, C. H., clerk, Bacon & Ells
BACON, Miss H. J., res. Front street near William
BACON, L. C., teamster, Lynden and Munroe streets
BACON, T. H., broker, 13th street bet. E and F
BACON, Chas., waiter, res. 13th and E streets
BAER, C., laborer, B B I Co's mill
BAGLEY, L. G., engineer, 21st and F streets
BAGLEY, L. C., locomotive engineer, B B I Co.
BAILEY, J. W., mechanic, res. cor. Laurel and R. R. ave.
BAILEY, D. C., millwright, B B I Co.
BAKER, S., secondhand store, Holly and Canoe streets
BAKER, Miss Elsie, hair store, Holly street
BAKER, Mrs. D. E., Holly block, Holly street
BAKER, J., carpenter, Water works
BAKER & DUNN, real estate, Holly street
BAKER, L., roadman, B B I Co.
BAKER, S. W., carpenter, Prospect street
BAKER, J. E., (Baker & Dunn), 15th and Elm streets
BAKER, W. T., carpenter, R. R. ave. bet. Oak and Ivy sts.
BAKER, W. C., sawyer, Cooper's mill
BALDING, Robt., clothing, res. E bet. 15th and 16th
BALLARD, Al, carpenter, cor. H and 23rd streets
BALLARD, A. J., laborer, Globe mill
BALLEI, Frank J., Garden street, near 13th
BALLER, Frank J., gardiner, cor. 13th and J streets
BANDY, Forrest, teamster, D street, bet. 22nd and 23rd
BANERLAIN, John, turner, Nevada street
BANG, M., laborer, Maple and Virginia st., York Addition
BARBER, J., teamster, Broadway and Park streets
BARLEY, D. E., millwright, B B I Co.
BARTMAS, L., millwright, B B I Co.
BARNARD, H., clerk, Chamber of Commerce, Holly street
BARNETT, Henry, clerk, Laurel street bet. Elk and Forrest
BARNES, A., painter, res. Meikle street, York Addition
BARNEY, F. N., real estate, res. G street bet. 14th and 15th
BARNEY & MILLER, real estate, 13th street, near C
BARRON, Mrs. M. J., G street bet. 14th and 15th
BARTEMIUS, L., millwright, B B I Co.
BARTHOLOMEW, John, laborer, B B I Co.
BARTON, T. S., clerk, cor. 13th and 14th streets
BARTRUFF, David, contractor, res. Laurel and Garden streets
BARTRUFF, John, carpenter, Laurel and Garden streets
BARY, A., laborer, Maple street bet. Elk and Forrest
BASHAN, Eugene, contractor, Garden street, near Magnolia
BASS, Samuel, capt., Holly block, Holly street
BATES, E. D., bookkeeper, res. Meridian and Broadway sts.
BATES, E. D., bookkeeper, J. F. Reynolds, 13th street
BATTERSBY BROS., dry goods, 13th street
BATTERSBY, Robt. W., res. F street bet. 16th and 17th
BATTERSBY, P. S., dry goods, 13th street
BAUM, Phil., grocer, Holly st. res. Garden street, near Chestnut
BAXTER, John H., foreman, B B I Co's mill
BEALLE, Miss Lizzie, compostor Reveille
BEAMUS, George F., clerk, W. C. Stull's
BEARD BROS., notions, 13th and D streets
BEARD, Daniel, West street, bet. North and Jefferson
BEARD, Orace, millwright, cor. Jaeger and North streets
BEARD, D. M., 13th and D streets
BEARD, C., 13th and D streets
BEARD, Dexter, millwright, cor. F and 21st streets
BEARD, G., carpenter, cor. F and 21st streets
BECK, I., Henry street, near Front
BECK, Jacob, saloon, Pacific house, C street
BECKMAN, D. C., cor. C and 19th streets
BECKER, Peter, A. G. Wickman, Holly street
BEEBE, C. H., carpenter, Meridian street, near North
BEEBE, Lewis, carpenter, Meridian street, near North
BEEBE, J. G., carpenter, Meridian street, near North
BEEHMAN, John, laborer, Gladstone street, York Addition
BELFORD HOUSE, cor. E and 16th streets
BELFORD, Robt., meat market, 13th and F streets
BELFORD, Samuel, G street bet. 23rd and 24th
BELKLE, John, painter, Forrest, bet. Holly and Chestnut streets
BELKLE, Herman, painter, Forrest, bet. Holly and Chestnut streets
BELKLE, Miss Kate, dressmaker, Holly and Chestnut streets
BELL, Mrs., Elk street bet. Holly and Magnolia
BELL, Henry, C and 14th streets
BELL, J. J., Holly street, near Dock
BELL, Miss Edith, dressmaker, Dock street, near Holly
BELL, J. M., civil engineer, Bellingham Hotel, 13th street
BELL, H. C., grocer, C and 24th streets
BELL, Dan., painter, Holly st. bet. Gladstone and Virginia
BELLEU, P., supt., F L Co.
BELLINGHAM HOTEL, J. H. Stenger, proprietor
BELVILLE, Everett, porter, Casino
BEMIS, Geo., jeweler, D street bet. 19th and 20th
BENNETT, Dora, saleslady, Woodward's, 13th street
BENNETT, Frank, painter, L street, near 21st
BENSON, Ole, laborer, DuNord hotel, Maple street
BENSON, B. W., real estate, res. Walnut and Madison streets
BENSON, Henry, barber, Holly street
BENTON, A. P., real estate, Holly street, near R. R. avenue
BENTON, Hattie S., milliner, Holly street, near R. R. avenue
BEREMAN, John, laborer, R R ave. near Cedar street
BERG, Mrs. O. E., Unity street, near Central avenue
BERGSTROM, E., laborer, D street, bet. 14th and 15th
BERRY, F., laborer, B B I Co.
BERRY, Thomas, H., manager Telegraph company
BERRY, Ben, painter, cor. Lake and Government streets
BESS, Albee, bartender, Otto Fuhrman's, Elk street
BEYER, Julius, grocer, C and I streets
BEYERS, J., Yager and Washington streets
BICKFORD, E. L., assistant cashier Whatcom County Bank
BICKNELL, O. M., brickmaker, Kentucky, bet. Elk and Forrest sts.
BIGGS, R. S., physician, office Winchester block, 13th street
BINSWANGER, Adolph, agent Claussen-Sweeney, res. B. B. Hotel
BINZ, William, cooper, res. Peabody street, bet. North and Jefferson streets
BIRD, Thomas, plumber, Maple, near Elk street
BIRD, John, machinist, Maple, near Elk street
BIRD, H., millwright, B B I Co
BIRK, John, Whatcom Bakery, D, bet. 13th and 14th streets
BIRNEY, H. J., physician, Lighthouse block
BISHOFF, Phil, Cooper's mill
BISHOP, James H., clerk, 13th street and Broadway res. Laurel st.
BJWRAM, Fred, sawmill, res. G and 23rd streets
BLACK, A. L., lawyer, res. Utter street, bet. Jefferson and Monroe
BLACK, A. M., laborer, R. R. avenue and Iowa street
BLACKFORD, Miss Emma, res. Chestnut and Forrest streets
BLACKFORD, R. H., plumber, res. Elk street, between Holly and Chestnut
BLACKUN, Mrs. A., cor. Indiana and Ivy streets
BLAKE, W., millwright, B B I Co's mill
BLALOCK, J. A., gunsmith, 13th and G streets
BLANKENSHIP, H. A., res. cor. Monroe and Yager streets
BLANKENSHIP, F., clerk, res. cor. Monroe and Yager streets
BLANKENSHIP, J. A., mechanic, res. West and Monroe streets
BLANKENSHIP, Phillip, res. cor. Front and Henry streets
BLAZER, George, engineer, Pacific House, 13th street
BLISS, E. M., pastor First Baptist Church, res. Broadway, between Meridian and Lynden streets
BLONDEN, R. O., laborer, res. Meikle street, between Gladstone and Potter, York Addition
BLOOMQUIST, John, sign writer, C, bet. 14th and 15th streets
BLOOMQUIST, N. F., bootmaker, res. Broadway and Peabody streets
BLOSS, George, blacksmith
BOARDMAN, Charles, constable, res. lower Elk street
BODLEY, D. H., carpenter, Lafayette street
BOHN, Frank, laborer, res. National Hotel, Elk street
BOHNERT, Charles, proprietor B. B. Bakery, Elk street
BOHSE, Charles, laborer, Commercial Hotel, Maple street
BOLINGER, W. A., grocer, Elk street, Strand block
BOLSTER, J. F., plasterer, res. Dock and Holly streets
BONE, John, porter, Sehome Hotel
BOOKER, S. E., contractor, Stocks & Co., res. Garden street
BORCHERS, John S., carpenter, Lafayette street
BORGESON BROS., The Mint, Holly street
BORGESON, C. D., The Mint, Holly street
BORGESON, F. R., The Mint, Holly street
BORNE, M., engineer, res. Humboldt street, between Potter and Lake
BOSTOCK, L., laborer, R. R. avenue and Willow street
BOSTON, G., laborer, B B I Co
BOTH, G., teamster, res. cor. Walnut and Monroe streets
BOULET, Father I. B., priest, Church of the Assumption, cor. Elk
BOWER, Frank, teamster, Elk and Iowa streets
BOWERS, Miss D. J., res. Mrs. Gardner, G and 13th streets
BOWLER, John, real estate, res. Forrest street, near Chestnut
BOWMAN, E. G., laborer, B B I Co
BOYD, G. W., laborer, B B I Co
BOYD, G. W., drugs, Elk and Laurel streets
BOYD, John, driver, Pioneer Livery stable
BOYD, A. W., real estate, D street, between 19th and 20th
BOYD, Doc, bartender, Occidental saloon
BOYER, Jerome, driver, W T Co
BOYLE, Harry, driver, Claussen-Sweeney, 13th street
BRACKETT, W. H., undertaker, C and 15th streets, res. C and 18th
BRADLEY, M. J., Garden street bet. Maple and Chestnut
BRADLEY, John, drayman, cor. Elk and North streets
BRADLEY, Matthew, drayman, cor. Elk and North streets
BRAGG, R. S., physician, Donovan block, 13th street
BRANHAM, Mrs. H., Lafayette street
BRANIN, A., asst. supt. B B & B C R R
BRAUCHT, H. S., collector, Glass block, res. William street
BRECKENBRIDGE, John, contractor, Sehome Hotel
BREEN, W. P., clerk, J. F. Reynolds, 13th street
BREIKENSTIEN, F. W., contrator, F and 17th streets
BRENEMAN, Mrs. B., boarding house, 16th and I streets
BRENEMAN, J. T., physician, Lawrence block
BRENGLE, BRENEMAN & WEST, physicians, office Lawrence block
BRENGLE, Wm. B., physician, Lawrence block
BRESLIN, James, merchant, Garden, between Oak and Pine
BRICE, Jacob, butcher, A. Alsop, res. Fairhaven
BRICKBILL, ___, brick manufacturer, H street, between 14th and 15th
BRIDDLE, J. P., sawyer
BRIDDLE, J. S., sawyer, B B I Co
BRIDGE, Matthew, clerk, county treasurer, res. Prospect street
BRIDGE, Mrs. Mattie A., res. Prospect street
BRILEY, Robt., laborer, 16th and I streets
BRIGGS, Frank, clerk, R. I Morse's, Elk street
BRISBINE, W. J., clerk, R. I Morse's
BRITTAIN, James, real estate, Holly street, res. Garden street
BROKAN, H. B., carpenter, res. Lynden and Jefferson streets
BRONSON BROS., druggists, 13th street
BRONSON, Frank N., (Bronson Bros.), res. 16th and I streets
BRONSON, Joseph S., lawyer, Elk street, near Carroll
BRONSON, F. C., (Bronson Bros.)
BROWN, W., yard man, B B & B C R R
BROWN, Miss Ellen, I street bet. 15th and 16th
BROWN, Hugh, contractor, G street bet. 24th and 25thS
BROWN, O. B., lawyer, Bank block, 13th street, 17th and J
BROWN, Wm., I street bet. 15th and 16th
BROWN, W. B., compositor, Reveille, res. I street bet. 15th and 16th
BROWN, E. A., carpenter, R. R. ave. and Willow st.
BROWN, Reub, prop., The Monarch, D and 13th streets
BROWN, John, bartender, Monarch Saloon
BROWN, Hugh, The Monarch
BROWN, Chas., The Model, D and 14th streets
BROWN, Mrs. L. C., Lynden street bet. Munroe and Jefferson
BROWN, Joe G., candy maker, Viaduct
BROYLES, John, police justice, res. F street, between 15th and 16th
BROYLES, James, engineer, res. F street, between 15th and 16th
BRUCE, Walter, clerk, Meikle street, near Potter
BRUCE, Marshall E., Meikle street, near Potter, York Addition
BRUCE, S. M., lawyer, Bank block, 13th street
BRUCE, C., B B I Co.
BRUES, F. R., Mint Saloon, Holly street
BRUMMETT, Frank S., restaurant, Elk and Laurel streets
BRUNNER, Albert, jeweler, Elk street, near Maple
BRUNNER, D. C., manager Stenger Harness store, 13th street
BUCHANAN, Charles F., res. I street, between 20th and 21st
BUCKLAIN, W., foreman job room Reveille
BUCKLEY, A., Albion House, Elk street
BUCKLEY, A., boomman F L Co.
BUCKLEY, Charles, rodman, B B I Co
BULTER, H. M., real estate, 13th street
BUNNING, A., contractor, R. R. avenue and Laurel street, res. Garden street bet. Ivy and Oak
BUOL, R., laborer, R. R. avenue, near Broadway
BURDICK, M. H., engineer, Garden street
BURG, E., clerk, res. D and 14th streets
BURG, O. E., electrician, Bellingham Hotel
BURGMAN, D. M., confectionery, Elk and Laurel streets
BURKHART, L., Gage Clothing Co., res. Garden and Holly streets
BURLINGAME, J. A., teamster, Elk and Iowa streets
BURNLEY, Charles, proprietor Troy laundry, Viaduct
BURNS, Arthur, real estate, res. Elk street, between Oak and Pine
BURNS, Michael, laborer, Elk street, between Alabama and North
BURNS, Ben, laborer, Elk street, between Alabama and North
BURROWS & ANDERSON, boots and shoes, 13th and C streets
BURROWS, J. S., boots and shoes, res. Mrs. Martin's, Front street
BUSBEE, G., laborer, B B I Co
BUSBY, George, laborer, Humboldt and Alabama streets
BUSH, J., teamster, Albion House
BUSH, C. B., carpenter, Elk street, near Virginia
BUSSE, Henry, bartender, res. Prospect street and Central avenue
BUTTERWORTH, Henry, merchant, res. R. R. avenue, between Cedar and Pine streets
BUTLER, Minnie, chambermaid, Byron House
BUTLER & MCCARTY, abstractors, C and 13th streets
BUTLER, H. F., res. G and 24th streets
BUTLER, S. L., abstractor, res. F and 16th streets
BUTTERS, J. M., barber, Elk and Laurel streets
BUTTLER, Andy, clerk, P. Baum
BYERS, Henry, Henry street, between Jefferson and North
BYRON, Josh B., C and 24th streets
BYRON HOUSE, Dock street, near Holly, W. G. McKnight, prop'r
BYRON, Captain, res. Chestnut and Forrest streets
BYWATER, W. B., engineer, res. Elk and Oak streets

C. P. R. R., W. A. Stewart, agent, Elk street
CADE, Thomas E., lawyer, (Morris & Cade), DeMattos' block, res. Garden street bet. Ivy and Myrtle
CAIN, Richard, clerk, Wilson & Bolanger, Elk street
CALDWELL, Andrew, news depot, Elk street, near Maple
CALHOON, A. F., music dealer, Oakland block
CALHOON, Vin. B., Salesman, Griffin & Calhoon
CALIFORNIA HOUSE, D street, between 13th and 14th, John A. Johnson, proprietor
CALIGON, Owen, miner, National Hotel, Elk street
CALVERT, S. A., lawyer, Pine and Holly streets
CALVERT & NETERER, lawyers, cor. Canoe and Holly streets
CAMOVER, ___, yardman, B B I Co
CAMPBELL, G. W., policeman, res. Grand View
CAMPBELL, A. R., civil engineer, Elk street, near Maple
CAMPBELL, D. B., mason, Dock street, near Holly
CAMPBELL, Will C., stenographer, J street bet. 13th and 14th
CANFIELD, R. H., manager, Fawcett Bros., res. Canoe street
CANFIELD, C. T., abstractors, Front street
CANFIELD, Eugene, president, Canfield Investment Company, office C and 12th streets
CANFIELD, Robt., clerk, C and 12th streets
CANNEY, Rev. A. J., Westminster Pres. Church, cor. G and 24th
CANNON, Mrs. R. J., boarding house, near Chamber of Commerce
CAPITAL BATH ROOMS, opposite Sehome Hotel
CAREN, Miss Rose, teacher Washington school, res. Mrs. Gardiner
CARLSON, L., laborer, DuNord Hotel, Maple street
CARLSON, C., laborer, F L Co
CARPENTER, W. H., clerk, Gage Clothing Company, res. Garden street, near Chestnut
CARSON, ___, painter, Forrest street, between Holly and Chestnut
CARTER, F., wharfinger, R. R. avenue, between Pine and Cedar sts.
CARTER, C. W., real estate, Forrest street between Oak and Pine
CASGRAM, J., painter
CASSIDY, J. J., manager electric light, Elk street, between Ivy and Oak streets
CASTERAN, P., proprietor Europe Hotel, cor. C and 12th streets
CASTLE, C. E., searcher of records, West and Jefferson streets
CASTLE, E., laborer, B B I Co
CAULKINS, Eli, farmer, I street, between 21st and 22nd
CHAMBER of COMMERCE, Will D. Jenkins, secretary, Holly street
CHANDLER, Frank, bus driver Lincoln street, York Addition
CHANDLER, J. M., carpenter, cor. Elizabeth and Monroe streets
CHAPIN, W. W., cor. Potter and Michael streets, York Addition
CHASE, E. T., National Hotel, Elk street
CHELBERG, H., laborer, cor. Government and Ohio streets
CHESTNUT, Dr. M. F., cor. William and Madison street
CHICAGO LODGING HOUSE, J. L. Pixley, proprietor
CHICO HOUSE, J. Gleason, proprietor, 13th street
CHILDERS, H., contractor and brickmaker, cor. 14th and F streets
CHILDS, A. J., Berlin Cloak House, Holly street
CHISHOLM, Miss Susan D., Garden street, bet. Maple and Chestnut
CHRISTENSON, Ant., carpenter, D and 15th streets
CHRISTIAN, W. A., teamster, Early Bro's brickyard, Ohio street
CHRISTLE, Jordan, woodturner, cor. 18th and C streets
CHRISTMAN, F., proprietor Vienna bakery, Holly street
CHRISTMAN, M. E., proprietor Vienna bakery, Holly street
CHRISTOFFERSON, James, laborer, Nelson street, York Addition
CITY ASSESSOR, L. W. Marcy, cor. C and 13th streets
CITY LAUNDRY, Elk street
CITY MARSHAL, A. J. Lawrence
CITY MEAT MARKET, 13th and F streets
CLARE, R., millwright, B B I Co
CLARK, D. M., carpenter, Park street, bet. Washington and Monroe
CLARK, F. C., J street, between 14th and 15th
CLARK, Charles, engineer, K street, between 22nd and 23rd
CLARK, H., grocer, cor. Texas and Government streets
CLARK, J. W., carpenter, corner Texas and Government streets
CLARK, J. C., millwright, B B I Co
CLARK, F. E., clerk, Higginson drug store, Holly street
CLARK, W. M., electrician, res. Bellingham Hotel, 13th street
CLARK, Al., Lynn street between Monroe and Washington
CLARK, Will, clerk Whatcom Stationery Company, 13th street
CLARK & BELL, 13th street
CLARKE, P. A., laborer, cor. Forrest and Elk streets
CLARKE, P. S., laborer, B B I Co
CLARKE, G. E., laborer, B B I Co
CLAY, Robert, National Hotel, Elk streetS
CLAYTON, James, City Laundry, Elk street
CLEVELAND, A., carpenter, B B I Co
CLEVELAND, F. A., lawyer, Oakland block, Holly street
CLINE, W. H., restaurant, C street, between 14th and 15th
CLIXBY, Charles, carpenter, cor. J and 25th streets
CLOUD, Charles, laborer, High street, between Chestnut and Maple
CLOUS, P., carpenter, D and 17th streets
CLOUSER, Perry, contractor, cor. gladstone and Hill streets
CLYCE, Miss K. A., DuNord Hotel, Maple street
COBERLY, John B., harness maker, Government street
COHN, M., clothier, 13th street, near E
COLE, C. B., Park street, between Jefferson and North
COLE, C. G., furniture store, Holly street, Holly block, res. corner Utter and Madison
COLE, W. H., real estate agent, Dock street, near Holly
COLE & ROMANE, lawyers, Bank block, 13th street
COLE, Albert S., lawyer, Bank block, 13th street
COLEMAN, W. M., gent's furnisher, 13th street
COLEMAN, P. H., plasterer, G street, between 22nd and 23rd
COLEMAN, And., bartender, The Mint, Holly street
COLLIER, E. L., county auditor, cor. E and 22nd streets
COLLINS, J. Y., (Collins & Powell,) Front street
COLLINS, John, tallyman, Globe mill
COLLINS, L. D., druggist, Slade block, Elk street
COLLINS, John, driver, Roehl Bro's, Elk street
COLLINS & POWELL, real estate, Bank block, 13th street
COLLINSWORTH, S. F., proprietor Eureka House, R. R. avenue
COLLOUR, G. W., salesman, B B Furniture Co., 13th street
COLLY, Frank, bartender, The Terminus, Elk street
COLMAN, C. J., harness maker, C street, between 14th and 15th
COLMAN, James, clerk, gent's furnishings, 13th street
COLMAN, Selden, gardener, Front street
COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK, Elk and Holly streets
COMMERCIAL BANK, cor. C and 13th street
COMSTOCK, L. G., civil engineer, Forrest street
CONNELL, Medill, Elk street
CONNELLY, P., laborer, B B I Co
CONNOR, James, laborer, opposite Sehome Hotel
CONNORS, Peter, laborer, res. Elk street, near Ivy
CONRAD, C. W., woodcutter, cor. Broadway and 17th street
COOK, P. G., assistant engineer, B B I Co
COOK, Frank, miner, Forrest street, between Holly and Chestnut
COOMER, W. J., driver, Whatcom Transfer Company
COONTZ, William, boot and shoe store, 13th street
COOPE, A. P., laborer, Globe mill
COOPE, A. G., laborer, Globe mill
COOPER & CREWS, barbers, Holly street
COOPER, Del, glazer, Cooper's mill
COOPER, A. P., sash and door factory, Garden street
COOPER, A. P. jr., glazer, Garden street
COOPER, G. A., sash and door factory, Garden street
COOPER, C. E., barber, D street, between 15th and 16th
COOPER, J. E., barber, Holly block, Holly street
CORCORAN, Thomas, clerk, Haley Glenn Company, 13th street
CORDWAY, A., carpenter, Henry street, bet. Jefferson and North
CORDWAY, Mrs. A., dressmaker, Henry street, near North
CORNETT, A. W., clerk, Elizabeth street, bet. Jefferson and North
CORWIN, H. B., grocer, C street, between 14th and 15th
COSGROVE, Ed., corner Pine and Garden streets
COSS, S. B., barber
COSSAIRT, G. B., laborer, Forrest street
COTTERELL, J. L., chainman, Ohio street
COUPE, William, clerk, cor. E and 18th streets
COUNTRYMAN, L. C., clerk, cor. J and 20th streets
COUNTRYMAN, Mrs. M., corner J and 20th streets
COURSEY, J. E., barber and baths, 13th street
COUTTS, Peter, farmer, Lincoln street, York Addition
COWLEY, P. J., superintendent Water Works, res. High street between Chestnut and Maple
COWLEY, E. E., Water Works, res. High street, near Chestnut
COX, J. W., woodturner, Henry street, bet. Jefferson and North
COX, J. F., teamster, Hill street, York Addition
COX, William, architect and superintendent, office Elk street
COYL, W. M., bartender, Tivoli, Elk street
CRANDALL, Hiram, real estate agent, Forrest street
CRICKET, P., contractor and builder, Garden street
CRITES, J. R., lawyer, Union block
CROFT, E. R., Sehome Livery Stables, Elk street
CROOKS, William, furniture store, Elk and Maple streets
CROSS, J. F., physician, office Slade block, Elk street
CROWE, Thomas M., carpenter and builder, Ohio street
CROWE, E., clerk, Ohio street
CROWE, David, Ohio street
CROWE, Miss H. T., Ohio street
CRUIKSHANK, Miss Jennie, seamstress, Mrs. Littlefields, F street
CRYDAAN, John, civil engineer, office 12th street
CRYSTAL CHOP HOUSE, D street, between 13th and 14th
CRYSTAL, J. R., Cooper's mill
CUDWORTH, C. L., engineer, E street, between 22nd and 23rd
CULLUM, J., roller, F L Co
CUNNINGHAM, C., laborer, B B I Co
CUPPLES, A. E., carpenter, D street, between 25th and 26th
CURRY, John A., carpenter, Humboldt street, York Addition
CURTIS, George C., 13th street
CURTISS, F. E., butcher, res. Henry street, near Jefferson
CUSTER, A. W., cor. R. R. avenue and Holly street

DAHLE, Magnus, carpenter, cor. Railroad ave. and Willow
DAHLQUIST & HALBERG, grocers, Elk street, near Maple
DAHLQUIST, Thos. S., res. Maple and Elk street
DAHLMER, Jacob, carpenter, Lafayette street
DAILEY, T., blacksmith, Pacific House, 13th street
DALLEY, Mrs., Maple and Elk streets
DANIELS, W. W., dentist, Holly block, Holly street
DANIELS, T. J., carpenter, R. R. avenue and Willow
DANS, Nic, Globe mill
DARWIN & BUTLER, real estate, cor. 13th and C streets
DARWIN, Samuel, Fire Ins. agent, F street bet. 17th and 18th
DAUPHIN, Al, cor. James and Texas streets
DAVIDSON, Daniel, Whatcom Transfer Co., 13th street
DAVIS, W. D., night clerk, Bellingham Hotel, 13th street
DAVIS, Will, night cook, D and 14th streets
DAVIS, J. M., machinist, B B I Co., Mansfield block
DAVIS, M. E., cor. F and 18th streets
DAVIS, Wm. J., farmer, Prospect street, near Lottie
DAVIS, Eli, house painter, Lincoln street, near North
DAWSON, Joseph, lawyer, cor. Chestnut and Forrest streets
DAWSON & MCKEE, real estate, Holly and Dock streets
DAWSON, J. B., real estate, Holly street, near Dock
DAWSON, A. H., Belford House, E street
DAWSON, C., teamster, F L Co
DAWSON, T. M., mason
DAY, E. P., lawyer, Slade building, Elk street
DAY, Chas., restaurant, cor. B and 13th streets
DEADLIN, And., bartender, D and 14th street
DEATH, R. G., cashier, Whatcom County Bank, Holly st.
DECAN, Dan, shingle maker, Mrs. Marston's Front street
DECHAMPLAIN, L., Lafayette and Front streets
DECHAMPLAIN & THOMAS, real estate, Dock and Holly streets
DEHAVEN, I., cor. William and Front streets
DEHAVEN, L., surveyor, cor. William and Front streets
DEHAVEN, Bert., surveyor, Nash and Lynn streets
DEHAVEN, Jessie, abstractor, cor. William and Front streets
DEITLIEN, A., saloon keeper, 21st street bet. D and E
DEITUCH, T., planer, F L Co.
DELLINGER, P. N., millwright, cor. 22nd and J streets
DELMONICO RESTAURANT, Bellingham block, 13th street
DELORIMER, F. W., sheriff, North and Valette streets
DEMATTOS, J. P., lawyer, DeMattos' block, Holly street
DENEEN, B., engineer, Lincoln street, York Addition
DENEHIE, Frank, cor. 17th and G streets
DEPP, Chas., Magnolia street, near Dock
DERNINZ, Maud, cor. 18th and I streets
DESAUTLAS, R. G., prop. French Laundry, C street
DETIERE & MUNRO, props. B. B. Express, 13th street
DETIERE, Col. John, editor B. B. Express, Glass block, 14th street
DEUCH, Wm., laborer, R. R. avenue and Willow
DEWAR, E. A., engineer, High street, near Maple
DEWITT, J. D., carpenter, Forrest street, near Chestnut
DIBBLE, Carmi, corner Maple and Forrest street
DICKENSON, P. E., cor. H and 15th street
DICKENSON, J. L., sawyer, Pacific House, 13th st.
DICKEY, A. E., harness shop, D street, res. cor. 18th and I
DIEHL, J. H., carpenter, C and 15th street
DILLON, Rev. Isaac, minister M. E. church
DIMON, Rev. J. V., Congregational pastor, Walnut street
DIMON, G. W., proprietor Crystal Chophouse
DIX, H. A., teamster, Broadway and Park
DIXON, C. L., agent, B B & B C R R
DOBBINS, Levi, millwright, Forrest street, bet. Maple and Chestnut
DOBBS & FLEMING, photographer, Holly street, near Canoe
DOBBS, D. B., photographer, Holly street, near Canoe
DOBBS, Mrs., Front and Utter street
DODD, Miss I., private rooms, cor. E and 22nd streets
DOLEN, F., foreman street car line, Elk street, near Ivy
DOMANEG, George, carpenter, James street, York Addition
DONJKOURSKI, Alex., mason, corner L and 21st streets
DONOVAN, Charles, capitalist, 16th street, between D and E
DOOLEY & FARNHAM, lawyers, Oakland block, Holly street
DOOLEY, J., lawyer, Oakland block, Holly street
DORR & FINCH, lawyers, Holly street
DORR, C. W., lawyer, res. Garden street, between Oak and Pine
DORUM, H., tailor, Dock and Holly streets
DORWARD, W. W., carpenter, Laurel street
DORWARD, J., porter, Baum's grocery, Holly street
DORWARD, J. A., laborer, Laurel street
DOTY, Zeno, F street, between 15th and 16th
DOUD, W., carpenter, I street, between 25th and 26th
DOUD, C. C., carpenter, E street, between 21st and 22nd
DOUGLAS, George, carpenter, Garden street
DOUGLAS, Al., farmer, Forrest street, near Maple
DOWNIE, Frank E., real estate, cor F and 24th streets
DOYLE, Charles, carpenter, Empire House
DRAKE, F. H., carpenter, F street, between 14th and 15th
DRAKE, L. D., Elk and Laurel streets
DRAKE, Bob, Elk and Laurel streets
DRAKE, David, mailcarrier, Elk and Magnolia streets
DRAPER, H. H., corner 17th and I streets
DRAYOR, J., laborer, B B I Co
DRESSER, A. M., boomaker, G. A. Watson's store, Holly street
DREW, H., laborer, B B I Co
DUBLIN, E., laborer, B B I Co.
DUFNER, Nic., saloon, D and 14th street
DUFRUSE, Fred, barber, Seyer & Benson's
DUNN, Andrew, carpenter, Albion House, Elk street
DUNN, Thomas, gasworks, Maple street near Elk
DUNN, W. E., real estate, Canoe and Holly streets, res. 13th and J
DURGAN, Ed., woodcutter, North street, near Elk
DUYGAN, J., bartender, Casino theatre

EAGLE, William, cook, S. Kinmond's, Elk street
EARLY BROTHERS, brick manufacturers, Ohio street, York Addition
EARLY, T. G., barber, (Inks & Early), 13th street
EBY, William, butcher, Nolte Bro's, D street
EBY, Noah, carpenter, Meikle street, near Gladstone
EDER, Lewis, clerk, Sehome Hotel, Elk street
EDMAN, Ed., Pacific Steam Laundry
EDMUNDS, N., contractor, Oakland block, Holly street
EDMUNDS, Leula, chambermaid, Sehome Hotel, Elk street
EDSON & IRISH, job printers, R. R. avenue, near Holly street
EDSON, J. M., job printer, R. R. avenue
EDWARDS, W. I., clerk, Hayes & Merriam's, E street
EDWARDS, Marion, clerk Postoffice
EHLE, Frank, laborer, Gladstone street, between 13th and 14th
EHRHARDT, Max, The Sideboard, Elk and Holly streets, residence Magnolia street, near R. R. avenue
EHRMAN, Fred, farmer, Nevada, near Texas street
EHRMAN, George, farmer, Nevada, near Texas street
EICHNER, Fred, meat market, Elk street, near Laurel
EICHNER, George, meat market, Elk street, near Laurel
EICHNER, John, meat market, Elk street, near Laurel
EISENBURG, F., tailor, D and 13th streets
EKSTROM, John, laborer, James street, near Potter
ELDRIDGE, Edward, capitalist and banker, Elk street
ELDRIDGE, Hugh, capitalist, Eldridge donation claim
ELECTRIC RAILWAY, office, R. R. avenue and Willow street
ELLIOTT, Mrs. M. E., boarding house, Maple street, near Elk
ELLIS, W. C., carpenter, King street, York Addition
ELLIS, C. G., Temple House, Holly street
ELLIS, Frank, agent, E street, between 13th and 14th
ELLIS, H. H., farm loans, 13th street, near F
ELLITHROPE, P. W., teamster, Broadway and Madison street
ELLWOOD, T. R., laborer, Lynden street, near North
ELVIAGE, R. T., contractor, Dock street, near Holly
EMERSON, W. H., Monroe and Maple streets
EMMES, R. B., barber, 13th street
EMPIRE HOUSE, C and 13th streets
EPSTINE & LEVY, pawnbrokers, Holly street
ERERMANN, Nic., coffee house, C street, between 14th and 15th
ERHOLM, Charles, Pacific Steam Laundry
ERHOLM, Hugo, Pacific Steam Laundry
ERIKSON, Nils, laborer, Globe mill
ERUST, W., laborer, DuNord Hotel, Maple street
ESPY, Harry, laborer, James street, York Addition
ESTABROOKE, A. B., deputy sheriff, C street, between 17th and 18th
ESTABROOKE, W. W., blacksmith, 14th street, between G and H
ESTABROOKE, H. A., bookkeeper, Columbia National Bank
EUROPE HOTEL, C and 12th streets
EUTROPPE, Phillip, saloon, Holly street, near Elk
EVANS, John C., business manager Reveille
EVANS, R. A., collector Reveille
EVANS, Aaron, clerk, H street, between 21st and 22nd
EVANS, J., laborer, B B I Co
EVANS, William, teamster, Elk street, near Knox
EVERSON, Christ., contractor, corner Monroe street and Broadway
EYDAN, F., carpenter, Jefferson street, Eldridge Addition

FAILEY, Mrs. L., dressmaker, Forrest street
FAIR, Rev. John C., St. Paul's Rectory, Walnut street
FAIRCHILD, H. A., lawyer, D and 14th, res. cor. 18th and J sts.
FAIRHURST & LOVELAND, blacksmiths, R. R. ave. near Holly
FAIRHURST, G. W., blacksmith, R. R. avenue, near Holly
FALK, Chas., laborer, R. R. avenue and Willow
FANCHER, H., clerk, J street
FANCY, S. E., carpenter, cor. I and 15th streets
FARGUSON, W., laborer, High street
FARLEY, D. A., Forrest street, near Chestnut
FARNHAM, E. H., lawyer, Meikle street, York Addition
FARNUNG, John P., carpenter, Humbolt street, York Addition
FARRELL, Pat, saloon, Elk street
FARRELL, R. E., bartender, Elk street
FAR WEST SALOON, Hayes & Merriam, cor. 13th and E streets
FAUNTLEROY, R. T., abstractor, E street, bet. 22nd and 23rd
FAUSKI, Oliver, laborer, cor. R. R. avenue and Willow street
FAUSKI, H., laborer, Globe mill
FAWCETT BROTHERS, farm machinery, Holly street
FAYLEY, Dan, teamster, Forrest street, bet. Holly and Chestnut
FEELEY, James, laborer, Forrest street, bet. Pine and Oak
FEILDS, Thomas, Holly and Bay streets
FELDMANN, Harry C., real estate, Holly street
FELKER, J. W., abstractor, G street, bet. 16th and 17th
FELKER, G. W., clerk, Viaduct
FELT, J. W., electric light, Elk street
FELTON, W. H., agent, Viaduct
FENTON, Rich., real estate, Holly street
FENTON & BRITTON, real estate, Holly street
FERGUSSON, J. S., civil engineer, Oakland block, Holly street
FINCH, E. D., lawyer, Holly street
FINLAY, J. L., agent F L Co's wharf
FISCHER, Charles, hardware, opposite Sehome Hotel, Elk street
FISCHER & SKANSEN, hardware, opp. Sehome Hotel, Elk street
FISCHER, Ed., land agent B B I Co., res. Chestnut and Garden sts.
FISH, F. F., yardman, Sehome Hotel
FISH, Charles, laborer, B B I Co
FISHER, George M., dry goods, Knox block, 13th street
FISHER, George, painter, G street, bet. 15th and 16th
FISHER, M. E., cor. J and 15th street
FISHER, Herbert, merchant, cor. J and 15th streets
FISHER, Charles E., clerk, cor. J and 15th streets
FISK, William, driver, Baum's grocery, Holly street
FISK, A., assistant wharfinger, B B I Co
FLATCH, Eli, woodchopper, Henry street
FLEMING, F. T., photographer, Holly street
FLEMING, W. G., manager Gurney Cab Co., Holly street
FLETCHER, B., laborer, B B I Co
FLIEGPOWER, Mike, laborer, R. R. avenue
FLIGENBAUER, Mike, laborer, Nevada street
FLINT, Frank, Ford building, Elk street
FLINT, Mrs. L. A., Meikle street, York Addition
FLITCROFT, J. E., plumber, Forrest street
FLITCROFT, Ed., plumber, Forrest street
FLODIN, Gust., Pacific Steam Laundry, Elk street
FOBES, O. B., clerk, J street
FOLEY, P., wagonmaker, Garden street
FOLGER, John, cigar maker, 13th street
FOOS, Lucia, cook, Europe Hotel, C street
FORELL, Fred, real estate, Elk and Maple streets
FOSTER, E. E., feed store, Elk and Magnolia streets
FOSTER, Charles, bartender, Byron House
FOSTER, E. L., clerk, Nolte Bro's, D street
FOSTER, J. R., Garden street, bet. Ivy and Myrtle
FOUNTAIN, William, laborer, Garden street
FOUTS, W. H., merchant, D and 14th streets
FOWLER, W. P., foreman, B B I Co
FOX, J., laborer, B B I Co
FOX, J. F., restaurant, 14th street between D and E
FRANCIS, F. L., farmer, James street
FRANKLAND, J. G., carpenter, Front street
FRANKLIN, George, cor. Elizabeth and Jefferson streets
FRASER, J. L., carpenter, 23rd street, bet. I and J
FRASER, J. R., carpenter, B B I Co
FRAYNE, H. I., printer, Elk street
FRAYNE, R. E., stonecutter, Elk street
FRAZER, Mrs., corner Madison and William streets
FREE READING ROOM, Elk, near Laurel street
FREINER, Emil, saloon, Feldman's building, Holly street
FREEMAN, B., clerk, Liken & Co., E street
FREEMAN, D. W., clerk, Morrison & Cade, Holly street
FRENCH, Sam, sawyer, Harrison street
FRENCH LAUNDRY, C and 11th street
FRENCH, Alex., engineer, Harrison street
FRIEDRICH, L., Ford block, Elk street
FRIER, W. B., bookkeeper, B. B. National Bank, Elk street
FRIZELL, W. M., hardware, Dock and Holly streets
FRIZZELL, J. M., hardware, Dock and Holly streets
FUHRMANN, Otto, saloon, Elk street
FULLER, E. H., art emporium, Holly block, res. Forrest street
FULLER, G. A., dry goods, Holly street, res. Garden street
FYSH, R., bookkeeper, F L Co

GAAR, B. F., expressman, Utter street
GAAR, Ed., carpenter, Utter street
GABY, Mrs. M., Svea House, Forrest street
GAGE, Geo. E., (Gage Clothing Co.), Holly street near Elk
GALLAHER, T., fireman, Electric Light Co.
GALLAHER, Phil., lawyer, Lighthouse block, Holly street
GALLOWAY, J. L., B B Iron Works, res. Garden street
GALLUP, W. D., plumber, Dock street, near Holly
GAMBA, J., Roehl Bros., Elk street
GAMBLE, W. A., clerk, Holly street
GANNON, M. H., special police, G street bet. 14th and 15th
GARDEL, B., laborer, B B I Co.
GARDEN, James, laborer, King street, York Addition
GARDNER, Mrs., boarding house, cor. 13th and I streets
GARDNER, W., Water Works
GASSMANN, John, carpenter, cor. Prospect and Canoe streets
GATES, Theo, teamster, William street
GAUETT, Samuel, cor. F and 17th streets
GAWLEY, Mrs. Josephine, Utter street
GEEBIG, G. F., feed store, Elk street
GEER, Isaac, cor. 17th and I streets
GENERO, Oscar, foreman F L Co
GEORGE, Harry, bartender, G street
GEORGE & MORGAN, grocers, Elk street
GEORGE, H., grocer, Elk street
GEPHART, Lewis, carpenter, Prospect street
GEPHART, Chas., laborer, Prospect street
GERBIG, G. F., paperhanger, High street
GERDMAN, A. E., carpenter, King street
GERMAN, J., millwright, F L Co
GETZ, E., expressman, cor. 26th and F streets
GEYER, John, laborer, Elk street
GIBSON, W. P., & Co., oysters, Viaduct
GIBSON, E. T., Water Works, Commercial Hotel
GIDDINGS, F. A., bookkeeper, B. B. Liquor Co., Holly street
GIFFS, M. H., painter, D street bet. 21st and 22nd
GILES, A. J., compositor, Speirs, the Printer
GILLISPIE, Chas., Park and Monroe streets
GILSE, Otta, carpenter, 22nd street
GINTHER, J. A., engineer, Peabody street
GLEASON, James, prop. Chico House, 13th street
GLOSTER, James, policeman, 22nd street, near F
GLOSTER, C., 22nd street, near F
GLOVER, H. W., bookkeeper, Glove mill
GOCAKE, Anton, carpenter, Maple and Jefferson streets
GODFREY, John, Albion House, Elk street
GOHEEN, H., farmer, James street
GOHEEN, M., farmer, James street
GOHEEN, I. W., farmer, James street
GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, Oakland block, Holly street
GOLDEN, W. F., prop. Pacific Transfer Co., 14th street
GOLDEN, Lewis, broker, H and 16th streetsS
GOLTEE, Mrs. M., I street, near 13th
GOODHEART, J. W., physician, Lighthouse block, Holly street
GOODING, Harvey, soda works, Laurel street
GOODING, M., F L Co's mill
GOODWIN, Wm. J., F street, near 24th
GOSSARD, Sherman, teamster, cor. G and 21st streets
GOULD, Harry, dairyman, Laurel street
GRADY, P., laborer, F L Co
GRAFTEN, Frank, driver, Northern Pacific Express
GRAHAM, E. J., clerk, Holly street
GRAHAM, Mrs. M. F., nurse, cor. C and 19th streets
GRAHAM, Miss A., school teacher, 14th and J streets
GRAHAM, Robert, contractor, cor. D and 23rd
GRAND VIEW HOTEL, Dock and Holly streets
GRANT, G. G., contractor, Humbolt and Texas streets
GRAPER, H. C., engine driver, Peabody street
GRASETTEY, E. Y., laborer, F L Co
GRAVE, Peter, Pacific Steam Laundry
GRAVE, Andrew, Pacific Steam Laundry
GRAVES, F. D., Forrest street
GRAVES, F. B., Forrest street
GRAYSON, Joseph, real estate, Prospect street
GRAZER, George, hostler, Elk street, bet. Oak and Pine
GREEN, J. W., clerk, Holly street
GREEN, Frank, cor. 17th and F streets
GREEN, James M., Garden street
GREEN, Joseph W., Garden street
GREEN, Harry, night clerk G street wharf
GREENBERG, Bros., clothing, Viaduct
GREENBERG, Chas., clothing, Viaduct
GREENBERG, Abe., clothing, Viaduct
GREENBERG, Harry, clothing, Viaduct
GREGORY, J., pattern maker, B B I Co
GRIEB, G., merchant tailor, Elk street
GRIFFIN & CALHOON, music dealers, Oakland block, Holly st.
GRIFFIN, J. W., Oakland block, Holly street
GRIFFIN, Alf., carpenter, 17th street, near G
GRIFFINS, J. A., laborer, Willow and Dock streets
GROOMS, Charles, laborer, Empire House, C street
GROPPER, M., proprietor Sehome Hotel, Elk street
GROSSMAN, Joseph, saloon, Elk and Laurel streets
GROSSMAN, John, bartender, Elk and Laurel streets
GUILE, C. W., bookkeeper, 13th street
GUNDERSON, Gessler, carpenter, Harrison street
GUND_UM, Fred, bartender, Stenger Hotel, 13th street
GUPTILL, Levi C., cor. North and Iowa streets
GURNEY CAB Co., Elk and Holly streets
GUST, J., laborer, Latta street
GWINNUP, P. B., capitalist, D street, between 22nd and 23rd

HADLEY, Frank, assistant cashier First National Bank, residence cor. I and 15th streets
HADLEY, L. H., lawyer, Slade block, Elk street, res. cor. North and Elizabeth streets
HADLEY, H. E., lawyer, Slade block, Elk street
HADLEY, N. C., quarryman, C street, bet. 19th and 20th
HAGEN, Ed., bartender, Canoe and Holly streets
HAGGETZ, F., laborer, Albion House, Elk street
HALBERG, P. O., grocer, Garden street
HALEY, GLEN CO., wholesale grocers, Stenger block, 13th street
HALEY& ENTROPPE, saloon, Holly and Elk streets
HALEY, Hugh, Holly and Elk streets
HALEY, T. E., driver, Whatcom Steam Laundry
HALGENSON, Harold, clerk, W. H. Brackett
HALL, W. Finlay, broker, Maple street
HALL, B. A., compositor, D street, Speirs, printer, 14th
HALL, Alex., teamster, Elk street, bet. Oak and Pine
HALL, William, wood cutter, Elk street
HALLART, J., carpenter, Elk street
HALLIN, Fred, grocer, 13th street, bet. F and G
HALSTEAD, D., Broadway and Park street
HAMER, Ernest, carpenter, Kentucky and King streets
HAMER, Charles, farmer, H street, between 21st and 22nd
HAMER, John, farmer, H street, between 21st and 22nd
HAMILTON, T. S., manager B. B. Furniture Company
HAMILTON, William W., abstractor, cor. Park and Jefferson streets
HAMLIN, C., tailor, 14th street, between C and D
HAMMONS, Henry, farmer, James street, York Addition
HAMMONS, Frank, driver, Gurney Cab Company
HAMMONS, Charles, Foster's Livery, Elk street
HANDS, William, teamster, Lake street
HANDSCHY, F., clerk, treasurer's office, cor. D and 19th streets
HANDSCHY, F. F., bookkeeper, Butler & McCarty, 13th street
HANFORD, H. E., banker, cor. Broadway and 15th street
HANNAGAN, J. D., clerk, Hannagan block, 13th street
HANNAGAN, T. P., clerk, Hannagan block, 13th street
HANNAGAN, W. J., Hannagan block, 13th street
HANNAN, Peter, Lynden street
HANRAHAN, J. B., sign painter, R. R. avenue and Holly street
HANRAHEN, P. H., bartender, Holly street
HANSEN, Rev. A., (German Methodist) D and 21st streets
HANSEN, Charles, mill hand, R. R. avenue and Willow street
HANSEN, John, laborer, Forrest street
HANSON, C., laborer, Maple street
HANSON, H., laborer, Maple street
HANSON, C. T., laborer Maple street
HANSON, Martin, Maple street
HANSON, W. A., clerk, J. C. Hill, 13th street
HARACIET, Cal., Alabama street, York Addition
HARBURG, Ole, laborer, Globe mill
HARDER, M., butcher, Lynn street
HARDIN, Ed., lawyer, Elizabeth street
HARKNESS, G., laborer, Elm street
HARLOW, E. H., brickmason, H street, bet. 14th and 15th
HARLOW, G. W., carpenter, Elk street
HARLOW, Hunter, carpenter, Elk street
HARMAN, S. E., contractor, cor. 15th and I streets
HARMAN, Robert, carpenter, cor. 15th and I streets
HARPER, M. V., Laurel street
HARPER, Winfield, Laurel street
HARPER, L., Laurel street
HARRIS, C. H., B B I Co., cor. 14th and H streets
HARRIS, Judge, lawyer, Utter and Madison streets
HARRIS, BLACK & LEAMING, lawyers, 14th street, bet. C and D
HARRIS, Enoch, sawyer, B B I Co
HARRIS, S., oyster house, Viaduct
HARRISON, Robert, cook
HART, S. C., wood dealer, Nelson street, York Addition
HART, J. J., lawyer, Holly street, near Dock
HART & WATSON, Star job printers, D and 14th streets
HART, C. E., printer, Utter and Madison streets
HARTLAUB, Frank, stationery, Harrison street
HARTMAN, George, laborer, Peabody street, near North
HARTUP, B. T., 13th and E streets
HARVEY, Ed., surveyor's assistant, Gladstone street
HASKELL, E. M., plumber, Elk and Maple streets
HASS, Plummer, Elk and Maple streets
HATCH, George, laborer, Ivy street, near Carolina
HATON, H., laborer, B B I Co
HAUT, Joseph, bartender, C street
HAVIG, A. J., contractor, F street, between 26th and 27th
HAVIG, O. F., contractor, cor. F and 27th streets
HAWKINS, B. A., laborer, F L Co
HAWKINS, M. H., bookkeeper, W. J. Pratt, 13th street
HAWKINS, Peter, laborer, cor. Park and Jefferson streets
HAY, A. L., laborer, Magnolia street
HAYES, Harry, clerk, First National Bank, res. I and 15th sts.
HAYES & MERRIAM, dry goods, cor. E and 14th streets
HAYES, John, cor. E and 16th streets
HAYMAN, G., laborer, opposite Sehome hotel, Elk street
HAYWOOD, Chas., carpenter, D and 14th streets
HEADRICH, Miss Minnie, dressmaker, Viaduct
HEADY, George, policeman, cor. H and 17th streets
HEATLY, Jas., carpenter, D street, bet. 21st and 22nd
HEDGES, W., millwright, B B I Co
HEENS, John, bartender, R. R. avenue
HEGG, E. A., photographer, Elk street
HEGG, P. L., photographer, Elk street
HEIGOT, M., planer, F L Co
HEINEMANN, H., laborer, Carolina street
HEISS, G. T., violinist, Champion and Bay streets
HELM, C. A., stonemason, cor. Walnut and Monroe
HELMS, R., millwright, B B I Co
HEMRICH, Wm., Bay View Brewing Company, Laurel street
HENDERSON, James, farmer, cor. Carolina and Forrest streets
HENDERSON, W. G., Stenger livery stable, Utter street
HENDERSON, Dr. H. E., Union block, residence cor. Prospect and Champion streets
HENDRICKS, J. D., composition, Reveille, C street near 13th
HENDRICKS, H., millwright, Elk street
HENRY, W. J., contractor, cor. Texas and Government streets
HENSON, G. W., Laurel street
HEPBURN, Frank, musician, Casino theatre
HERMON, O., laborer, B B I Co
HERON, J. L., clerk, Elk street, bet. Oak and Pine
HERON, R. V., Elk street, between Oak and Pine
HESS, Henry, contractor and builder, E and 21st streets
HEWITT, J. H., Meikle street, York Addition
HEWITT, H. J., laborer, Government street, York Addition
HIATT, J. M., laborer, B B I Co
HIATT, Dr., Walnut street
HICKMAN, A. C., Oakland block, Holly street
HICKS, S. D., carpenter, cor. I and 20th streets
HIGBY, G. W., clerk, Forrest street
HIGGINSON, R. C., druggist, Elk street
HIGLEY, H. A., farmer, Prospect street, near Lottie
HILL, J. C., hardware, 13th street, bet. D and E., res. corner 17th and F streets
HILL, Judge, cor. D and 19th streets
HILL, D. E., painter, Meikle street, York Addition
HILL, E. J., lawyer, Donovan block, 13th street
HILL, F. T., musician, D and 14th streets
HILLSON, A. W., contractor, cor. J and 15th streets
HILLSON, W. W., contractor, cor. J and 15th streets
HILLSON, R. A., carpenter, B B I Co
HINCKS, Edmund S., draughtsman, Knox block, 13th street
HINDMAN, M., Globe mill
HINSDALE, N. N., Henry street, bet. North and Jefferson
HINSDALE, N. N., tinner, W. J. Pratt, 13th street
HINTZ, Fred, contractor, cor. 20th and K street
HINZ, Wm., carpenter, L street, bet. 21st and 22nd
HITT, Prof. J. M., teacher, Garden street
HIXSON, Mrs., Walnut street, between Washington and Monroe
HIXSON, Ole, clerk, Walnut street
HIXSON, C. C., county clerk, William street
HJERALD, S. H., Sehome Hotel, Elk street
HOAG, L. N., drugs, Dock and Holly streets
HODGES, J. H., soda works, 13th street
HOFERCAMP, H., postmaster, Forrest street
HOFFMAN, Mrs. J., R. R. avenue, near Holly street
HOFFMAN, C. L., clerk, auditor's office
HOFFMAN, Miss Ida, dressmaker, R. R. avenue
HOLDEN, W. V., laborer, Front street
HOLEN, Haas, clerk, Government street, York Addition
HOLM, O., saloon, 13th street
HOLMES, F. R., boots and shoes, 13th street
HOLT, A. M., filer, Garden street
HOLT, Frank, teamster, Meikle street
HOOK, W., laborer, Willow street, near Elk
HOOKER, H., helper, B B I Co
HOOPER, W. P., real estate, Holly street
HOOVER, S. E., bookkeeper, Globe mill
HOPKINS, C. G., real estate, cor. G and 13th streets
HORNE, H. W., surveyor, Bank block, 13th street
HORST, C. A., proprietor Pacific House, R. R. avenue
HORTON, H., blacksmith, R. R. avenue, bet. Oak and Ivy
HOSIER, Allen, hostler, G street
HOSTETTER, J., laborer, B B I Co
HOUCH, Joseph, F L Co
HOUKS, Joseph, William street, bet. 24th and 25th
HOUSER, A., grocer, Washington street
HOUSER, A., Utter street, near Washington
HOWARD, John, cashier Columbia National Bank, cor. Holly and Elk streets
HOWARD, Harry, proprietor Model restaurant, 14th street
HOWE, Henry, contractor, Forrest street
HOWE, G. W., clerk, Captain Roeder, Elm street
HOWLAND, W. T., Dock street, near Holly
HUBBARD, W. B., carpenter, cor. James and Kentucky streets
HUBBARD, H. W., broker, E street, bet. 15th and 16th
HUBER, Albert, teamster, Maple street, near High
HUDEN, H., blacksmith, F L Co
HUDEN, H., Albion house, Elk street
HUG, H. M., bookkeeper, Holly street
HUGHES, J. A., nurseryman, G street, between 25th and 26th
HUGHES, L. M., real estate, Garden street
HUGHES, James, laborer, R. R. avenue, near Cedar street
HUGHES, W. T., machinist, B. B. Car shops
HUGHES, Thomas, laborer, F L Co
HUGHES, Mick, milkman, Hill street
HUGUENIN, R. L., proprietor Keystone hotel, Elk street
HUKILL, R. S., lodging house, Elk street, near Laurel
HUMBLEU, A., cor. F and 18th streets
HUMEL, Mrs. M. A., Forrest street
HUMMEL, L., laborer, Harrison street, York Addition
HUNTER, Thomas, contractor, Hill street, York Addition
HUNTER, Cic., porter, Casino, cor. Virginia and Elk street
HUNTER, G. H., millwright, B B I Co
HURBLETT, G., abstractor, I street, between 14th and 15th
HUSCHART, F. S., carpenter, 24th street, bet. C and K
HUSHFIELD, A., stableman, Gurney Cab Company
HUSTON, T. S., clerk, B B & B C R R office
HUSTON, W. T., carpenter, Central avenue
HUSTON, ___, telephone operator, Holly street
HUTCHINSON, J. H., cor, I and 18th streets
HUVER, J., carpenter, Albion house, Elk street
HYATT, G. C., clerk, auditor's office

IMHOFF, Chas., carpenter, cor. Elizabeth and Monroe streets
INGHAM, Ed., sign wrighter, C street
INGHRAM, H. D., clerk, Griffin & Calhoon, Holly street
INGRAM, J. L., confectioner, Elk street, near Chestnut
INKS & EARLY, barbers, Union block, 13th street
INKS, J. C., barber, Henry street, near Jefferson
IRELAND & PANCOST, grocers, Knox block, 13th street
IRELAND, D., grocer, Knox block, 13th street
IRELAND, C., clerk, Ireland & Pancost, 13th street
IRELAND, W., waiter, the Model, 14th street
IRISH, S. B., (Edson & Irish), R. R. avenue and Holly
IRISH, F., rodman, Pine and Cedar streets
ISENSEE, P. M., city treasurer, cor. E and 18th streets
IVERSON, O. B., surveyor, Gladstone street, York Addition
IVERSON, F. A., asst. surveyor, Gladstone street
IVEY & RITTENHOUSE, lawyers, 13th street
IVEY, J. W., lawyer, D street bet. 25th and 26th

JACKSON, G. J., James street, near Virginia
JACKSON, G. L., tinsmith, Garden street, near Maple
JACKSON, O. P., clerk, Bellingham Hotel, 13th street
JACKSON, G. J., James street, bet. Carroll and Virginia
JACOBS, D. C., Forrest and Rose streets
JACOBSON, Jacob, Ohio street, bet. Forrest and Humbolt
JAMES, H., millwright, B B I Co
JANSEN, Peter, laborer, Hill street, bet. Potter and Gladstone
JANSEN, Alf., laborer, Maple street, near Elk
JEANSEN, A., laborer, Elk street, bet. Oak and Pine
JEFFS, G. W., printer, Speirs, printer, res. E and 18th streets
JENKINS, D. C., postmaster, Front and William street
JENKINS, S. L., clerk, postoffice, Front street
JENKINS, Captain Geo. A., Victor and Washington streets
JENKINS, Miss Gertrude, clerk, postoffice, Front street
JENKINS, O. M., real estate, 21st street, bet. D and E
JENKINS, Will D., Mayor, and Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Holly street
JENKINS, J. R., Whatcom House, 14th street
JENKINS, Lew, proprietor Bay View stables, G street
JENNINGS, Ed., real estate, 13th street
JENSEN, J. P., clerk, Meikle and Potter streets
JENSEN, Joe., Capital Bath rooms, Elk street
JENSEN, Charles C., cook, Tivoli, Elk street
JEPPERSON, Jacob, laborer, J and 25th streets
JOHNSON & MILLER, boots and shoes, Elk and Chestnut streets
JOHNSON, C. V., carpenter, 13th street
JOHNSON, Fred, bartender, The Mint, Holly street
JOHNSON, E. W., blacksmith, Dock street, near Holly
JOHNSON, G. H., B. B. Meat market, Holly street
JOHNSON, William, clerk, Red Front, Holly street
JOHNSON, Thomas, clerk, Fred Hallin, Elk street
JOHNSON, F. R., Elk street, near Magnolia
JOHNSON, W. P., (Johnson & Miller), Elk street
JOHNSON & ARMSTRONG, Queen Chop house, 13th and D street
JOHNSON, F. C., Queen Chop house, D street
JOHNSON, John A., prop. California house, D street
JOHNSON, Maggie, ironer, French Laundry, C street
JOHNSON, Leno, ironer, City Laundry
JOHNSON, Marsena, mill machinery, Elk street
JOHNSON, O. N., prop. Hotel Stockholm, Elk street
JOHNSON, Augustus R., flour and feed, Elk street
JOHNSON, H., carpenter, Keystone house, Elk street
JOHNSON, J. O., 14th and F streets
JOHNSON, P. O., carpenter, F street, near 15th
JOHNSON, James, cor. 19th and C streets
JOHNSON, Peter, 19th and C streets
JOHNSON, A. R., Kentucky street
JOHNSON, P. A., carpenter, Caroline and Ivy streets
JOHNSON, Albert, laborer, R. R. avenue and Willow street
JOHNSON, August, stone cutter, Humbolt street
JOHNSON, Ed., laborer, Nelson street
JOHNSON, H., millwright, B B I Co
JOHNSON, F., chainman, Globe mill
JOHNSON, E., laborer, Globe mill
JOHNSON, N., machine hand, F L Co
JOHNSON, L. P., lath manufacturer, F L Co
JOHNSON, J., brakeman, B B & BC R R
JOHNSON, T. W., teamster, B B I Co
JOHNSON, H., water works
JOHNSON, M., machinist, Government street, near Potter
JOHNSON, Anthany, cook, Forrest street, near Maple
JOHNSON, F. O., laborer, Maple street, near Oak
JOHNSTON, Theo, carpenter, cor. Park and Jefferson streets
JOHNSTON, G. B., supt. public schools, Walnut street
JOHNSTON, Ira, I street, near 18th
JOHNSTON, L., carpenter, cor. 25th and F streets
JOHNSTON, C. J., engineer, Meridian street, near 21st
JOHNSTON, J. G., Meridian street, near 21st
JOHNSTON, T. W., teamster, cor. James and Laurel streets
JONES, Clarence, musician, Casino theatre
JONES, Reginald, real estate, Holly street
JONES, A. E., architect, 13th street, near H, res. 24th and F
JONES, T. L., bookkeeper, Garden street, near Myrtle
JONES, W. B., miner, Jones block, Elk street
JONES, H. T., laborer, Ohio street, bet. Forrest and Humbolt
JONES, H. C., laborer, B B I Co
JONES, William B., waiter, 13th street
JONES, Ed., butcher, Nolte Brothers, D street
JOKI, Michael, Lanse nr Michigan
JULIAN, Jennie, waitress, Sehome hotel, Elk street
JULIAN, Victor, printer, D street, near 16th

Copied by Susan Nahas, 2001


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