
Bellingham Bay Directory 1890

Speirs & Anderson, Publishers
Whatcom, Wash.


Complete Business and General Directory of Whatcom, Sehome, Bellingham and Fairhaven, Washington

Considering the expense and difficulties of publishing a Local Directory of the Bellingham Bay Cities, every effort has been made that was possible to insure accuracy, and being the first work of the kind undertaken on the Bay, the indulgence of business people and residents generally is requested, with the assurance that the next issue will no doubt be an improvement on this one. The price is reasonable, and we trust that it will be acceptable to the citizens.

14th Street, Whatcom, Washington
16th December, 1889

Fairhaven Directory

ABDALE, A., blacksmith, cor Knox and 11th sts.
ALBEE, W. R., lumber, lath and shingles, 9th st.
ALLERTON BROS., tobacco and stationery, Harris st.
ALLERTON, W. C., real estate and insurance (Allerton Bros.), Harris st.
ALLERTON, C. H., civil engineer and surveyor (Allerton Bros.), Harris st.
ALSOP, Jos., butcher (Uhlman & Alsop), cor 10th and Gambier.
ALTA RESTAURANT, cor Knox and 11th sts.
ANDERSON & CO., real estate, Harris st.
ANDERSON, S. S. (Anderson & Co.), Harris st.
ANDERSON, F. H., right-of-way agent (F & S), Douglas st.
ANDERSON, John, livery stable, Harris st.
ANDERSON, Rudolph, carpenter, cor 11th st and McKenzie ave.
AUBREY, T. L., butter merchant, Mill st.

BACON, T. H., real estate (Jennings & Bacon), Harris st.
BAKER, C. H., butcher, cor 10th and Gambier sts.
BANK OF FAIRHAVEN, C. W. Waldron, cashier, Harris st.
BARROW, John, millhand (I. Frankenberger), beach.
BATEMAN, R. P., prop Fairhaven hotel, cor Harris st and Bennett ave.
BAY, I., barber, Harris st.
BEAL, Richard, cook, Fairhaven hotel.
BELDING, C. E., (Pettibone, Belding & Co.), Fairhaven hotel.
BELLEW, P., 2d st.
BELVILLE, W. R., contractor, cor 11th st and McKenzie ave.
BELVILLE, E. R., painter, cor 11th st and McKenzie ave.
BENNINGTON, N. N., logger, Knox st.
BENSON, J. C., barber, 10th st.
BENSON, B. W., real estate (McKinley & Benson), Harris st.
BEVANS, T. F., real estate, Harris st.
BIRD, W. H., auditor Fairhaven Land Co., res Fairhaven hotel.
BLACK, Geo. A., land agent Fairhaven Land Co., res Douglas st.
BLUE FRONT DRUG STORE, (M. N. Hopkins, prop.), Harris st.
BLY, Richard, well digger, 3rd street.
BOSWELL, J. C., Fairhaven hotel.
BRATT, Thomas, wharfinger, Harris st.
BROWN, John, laborer, Harris st.
BURGESON, Andrew, stone mason, 12th street.

CALDAGHAN, T. R. (Monogram Sample Rooms), Harris and Bennett avenue.
CARPENTER & BERINGTON, real estate, Harris street.
CARPENTER, W. C., real estate, Harris street.
CARO, J., Gents' Furnishing Goods, Harris st., bet. 9th and 10th.
CASTNER & PARKINSON, liquor dealers, Harris st.
CASTNER, William (Castner & Parkinson), Harris st.
CASTLE, Joseph, night watch, Fairhaven Land Co., Harris st.
CHARROIN, E. L., tinsmith, Harris st., res. Larabee and 18th.
CHESTNUT, SORELLE & MILLER, real estate, Harris st.
CISSNA, C., sign painter, Harris st., res 2nd st.
CLARK, E. (Tacoma Saloon), Harris st.
COHN, PEYRAN & KEELER, wall paper, paints, &c., McKenzie ave.
COILE, Thos., bartender (Gem Saloon).
COODY, Mike, livery stable, Harris st.
COVEY, George H., tinsmith, Larabee and 12th st.
COWGILL, E. L., Secretary, Fairhaven Land Co., F. & S. R. R. & Skagit Coal and Transportation Co., res. Harris st.
CREIGHTON, Samuel, stone cutter, Bay View hotel.
CUNNINGHAM, Wm., clerk (Fairhaven store), Fairhaven hotel.

DALLEY, Chas., cook (Bay View hotel).
DARLING, J. M., manager, Fairhaven store, Harris st.
DAVEY, Wm. B., architect, 10th and Gambier sts.
DECKER, Frank, laborer, Harris st.
DILL, D. J., contractor, 10th st.
DILL, Mrs. M. E., dressmaker, 10th st.
DONOVAN, J. J., chief engineer, F. & S. R. R., res. McKenzie ave.
DORR BROS., books and stationery, 9th and McKenzie ave.
DORR, George B. (Dorr Bros), 9th and McKenzie ave.
DORR, A. R. (Dorr Bros), 9th and McKenzie avenue.
DOWNS, P. P., Harris st.
DUFFY, Geo., carpenter, Larrabee st, bet 17th and 18th sts.

EDWARDS, J. B., editor Fairhaven Plaindealer, Harris st.
EGAN, D. Daun, real estate (Pomeroy & Egan), Harris st.
ELLING, Wm., clerk (Fairhaven store), res Fairhaven hotel.
EMERSON, A. T., Fairhaven hotel.

FAGAN & CO., gent's furnishings, cor 9th and Harris sts.
FAGAN, D. D., (Fagan & Co.), cor 9th and Harris sts.
FAIRHAVEN HOTEL, (R. P. Bateman, prop.), cor Harris st and Bennett ave.
FAIRHAVEN FURNITURE CO., 14th st bet Harris and Mill sts.
FAIRHAVEN LAND CO., cor Mill and 10th sts.
FERNLEY, John, bookkeeper (Fairhaven Land Co.).
FICK, Herman, carpenter, cor 11th and Harris sts.
FORMAN, D. J., engineer (I. Frankenberger), Douglas ave.
FRASER, John, stone cutter, Harris st.
FRASER, Edwin W., (Gates & Fraser), Harris st.
FRANKENBERGER, I., mill owner, Fairhaven hotel.
FRANCIS, Geo. W., livery stable, Larrabee ave.
FREY, Jos., bartender (Castner & Parkinson), Harris st.
FRYE, A. R., bridge engineer (F & S), res cor 10th and Mill sts.
FULLER, W. H., carpenter, 11th st.

GALLOWAY, John D., draughtsman, cor 17th and Mill sts.
GARLAND, O. E., carpenter, Bay View.
GATES & FRASER, hardware, paints and oils, Harris st bet 11th and 12 sts.
GATES, S. L., (Gates & Fraser), Harris st.
GEM SALOON, (Geo. Goodell, prop), Harris st.
GLEASON, Philip, teamster (H. P. Heacock).
GOODELL, Geo., (Gem Saloon), Harris st.
GOYATT, E. G., teamster, 2d st.
GREEN, H. G., clerk (Fairhaven Land Co), 12th st.

HALL, Eugene, millhand, cor 15th and Mill sts.
HAMIL, J. H., manager Pacific Clothing House, Harris st.
HARDY, W. A., druggist, 11th st.
HARING, Herman, boot and shoe maker, 9th st.
HATHAWAY, J. R., physician and surgeon, Harris st.
HATKE, Henry, carpenter, Harris st.
HAYDEN, John P., grocer and wholesale liquor dealer, McKenzie ave bet 16th and 17th sts.
HEACOCK, H. P., millowner, res cor 15th and Mill sts.
HIGGINSON, R. C., druggist, 11th st.
HILL, O. O., sign painter, Harris st.
HOLBROOK, Edgar H., land department Fairhaven Land Co., res cor 12th and Gambier sts.
HOLMES, J. K., carpenter, Harris st.
HOLMBERG, C. F., merchant, Harris st.
HOPKINS, D. L., railroad foreman, Fairhaven hotel.
HOWARD, C. W., attorney (Sherman & Howard) res 11th st.
HUGGINS, H. T., clerk (Fairhaven store), res Fairhaven hotel.
HUGHES, Frederick, real estate, 11th st near Harris st.
HURLEY, John, stone cutter, Bay View.

JACKSON, Robert, carpenter, Larrabee ave.
JENNINGS & BACON, real estate, Harris st.
JENNINGS, E. R., (Jennings & Bacon), Harris st.
JOHNSON, Robert, cook, Alta Restaurant, 11th st.
JOKI, Michael, cor Lanse nr Michigan
JONES, Morris, 13th st.

KEELER, R. B., (Cohn, Peyran & Keeler).
KEELER, S. H., boots and shoes, Larrabee ave.
KELLY, W. M., clerk (Fairhaven Land Co), 4th st.
KERR, S. J., trainman (F & S), McKenzie ave.
KETCHUM, S. G., journalist, Harris st.
KINGHORN & DAVIS, real estate, Harris st.
KNOX, E. B., bookkeeper (Uhlman & Alsop), cor 10th and Gambier sts.

LARRABEE, C. X., vice president Fairhaven Land Co., F & S R,  and Skagit Coal and Transportation Co., Fairhaven Hotel.
LANGDON, W. A., jeweler, McKenzie ave.
LAWLESS, Jas., trainman (F & S), McKenzie ave.
LEACH, Frank, steamboat man, Harris st.
LEAPER, G. F., business manager Plaindealer, Harris st.
LEES, J. B., (Tacoma saloon), Harris st.
LENT, Alvin, (Fairhaven Furniture Co.) 12th st.
LEONARD, J. B., prop Alta Restaurant, Knox st.
LONGSTAFF, Frank, architect (Fairhaven Land Co), res Fairhaven hotel.
LOOP, Herman, apprentice (Plaindealer office).

MACKAY, W. D., real estate, Harris st, res Fairhaven hotel.
MAHONEY, M., miner, Harris st.
MALLAHAN, P., foreman stone cutters (Fairhaven Land Co).
MARTIN, C. M., gents'  furnishings, 5th st.
MASON, D. P., news stand, Harris st.
MATSON, John, painter and paper hanger, cor 16th and Larrabee.
MCAFEE, J. W., teamster, Harris st.
MCCARTY, D., prop Mc's Restaurant, Harris st.
MCCOY, Samuel, laborer, Harris st.
MCDONALD, A., captain pile driver, Harris st.
MCDOUGELL, F., Fairhaven hotel.
MCDONOUGH, P., blacksmith, (Fairhaven Land Co), McKenzie ave.
MCKINLEY & BENSON, real estate, Harris st.
MCLENNAN & REID, real estate and insurance, 10th st.
MCLENNAN, J. C., (McLennan & Reed), 10th st.
MEANS, J. W., bookkeeper (Fairhaven store), Fairhaven hotel.
MILLER, J. M., attorney (Chesnut, SoRelle & Miller), California st.
MINT, THE, saloon, C. G. Shepard, prop, Harris st.
MOFFAT, J. C., (Riedel & Moffat), Harris st.
MONOGRAM SAMPLE ROOMS, Callahan & Myers, prop, cor Harris st. and Bennett ave.
MURTON, W., carpenter, Harris st.
MYERS, James M., (Monogram), Harris st and Bennett ave.

NEILSON, John, stone cutter, Harris st.
NOYES, Geo. H., chief clerk land department Fairhaven Land Co, Douglas ave.

ODELL, F., teamster, cor Knox and 11th sts.
OLSEN, Henry, restaurant, Harris st.
OSTERHOUT, W. E., Fairhaven hotel.

PACIFIC CLOTHING HOUSE, J. H. Hamil, manager, Harris st.
PARKINSON, B. G., (Castner & Parkinson), Harris st.
PETTIBONE, BELDING & CO., real estate, Harris st.
PETERKIN, ___, printer, Fairhaven hotel.
PLAINDEALER, THE, weekly newspaper, M. Edwards & co, props, Harris st.
POMEROY & EGAN, real estate, Harris st.
POMEROY, J. W., Jr., (Pomeroy & Egan), Harris st.
PROBECK, E. R., civil engineer, Fairhaven Land Co, Knox st.

RANKIN, A., carpenter, cor Knox and 12th st.
REED, T. C., lodging house, cor Mill and 16th sts.
REES, T. D., Fairhaven Furniture Co, res Fairhaven hotel.
REID, R. L., (McLennan & Reid), 10th st.
RICHARDS, D. J., carpenter, McKenzie ave.
RIEDEL & MOFFAT, reat estate, Harris st.
RIEDEL, A., notary public (Riedel & Moffat), Harris st.
RITCHIE, W. E., bartender (Monogram), Harris st.
ROCHE, Wm., shoemaker, 9th st.
ROGERS, Arthur, carpenter, cor Knox and 12th sts.
ROGERS, J. A., brakesman, (F & S), cor Knox and 12th sts.
ROSS, R. R., grocer, Larrabee ave.
RUSSELL, John, stone cutter.
RUTTAN, G. M., tinsmith, Harris st.

SCARSETH, J. M., clerk (C. F. Holmberg), Harris st.
SCHULTZ & CO., liquor dealers, McKenzie ave.
SCHINDLER, A. D., draughtsman, (Fairhaven Land Co.), cor Mill and 10th sts.
SHARROIN, E. L., tinsmith, Harris st.
SHAW, H., carpet layer, Harris st.
SHERIDAN, A., blacksmith, McKenzie ave.
SHERMAN & HOWARD, attorneys, Harris st.
SHERRING, Chas., real estate, (Young & Sherring), Larrabee ave.
SMITH, W. A., real estate and loans, Harris st.
SMITH, D. L., civil engineer, Harris st.
STAIGHT & BUTLER, real estate, 11th, near Harris st.
STRADER, Geo. H., clerk (F & S R), Harris st.

TACOMA SALOON, Clark & Co. props, Harris st.
THOLE, Frank, restaurant, Harris st.
TIDD, Herman, logger, Harris st.
TODD, Hugh, carpenter, Harris st.

ULHMAN & ALSOP, butchers, cor 10th and Gambier sts.
ULHMAN, C. T., (Ulhman & Alsop), cor 10th and Gambier sts.

VAUTHIEAN, Wm., carpenter, 14th st.

WALDRON, C. W., banker, (Bank of Fairhaven) res Harris st.
WALLACE, John, rachet setter (Heacock mill).
WARDROP, Robert, Fairhaven hotel.
WATKINS, R. O., druggist, 5th st.
WEEKS, W. H., carpenter, Harris st.
WHALING, J. H., furniture, Knox st.
WILSON, E. M., Treasurer Fairhaven Land Co, F & S R, and Skagit Coal and Transportation Co., res Bennett ave.
WILSON, M. S., carpenter, Harris st.
WILMOT, J. H., real estate, Harris st.
WIRTH, Henry, clerk (D. P. Mason), Harris st.
WISNER, W. B., teamster, Harris st.
WOODS, W. B., draughtsman, Fairhaven Land Co, res cor 10th and Mill sts.
WOODIN BROS., general merchants, 5th st.
WOODIN, W. A., (Woodin Bros), 5th st.
WOODIN, E. M., (Woodin Bros), 5th st.
WOODIN, Frank, driver (Woodin Bros), 5th st.
WRIGHT, P. B., Fairhaven hotel.

YOUNG & SHERRING, real estate, Harris st.
YOUNG, C. D., (Young & Sherring), Bellingham hotel.

ZIMMON, Ed., teamster (G. W. Francis), Larrabee st.
ZUGELDER, John, stone cutter, Harris st.

Copied by Susan Nahas, November 2000


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