R. L. Polk & Co.

WHATCOM: The county seat of Whatcom county. It has one of the finest harbors on the Sound capable of accommodating ships of the largest tonnage. It contains two banks: The First National with a capital of $50,000 and the Puget Sound Loan, Trust & Banking Co., with a capital of $125,000. Three newspapers, the Bulletin (Ind), daily; the Reveille (Rep), weekly and the Bellingham Bay Express, tri-weekly; four churches, Baptist Congregational, Episcopal and Methodist; a good graded school.


KALLER, Gretchen, waitress G W Diamond, rms Wisconsin House.
KANTZ, A H, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
KARRIGAN, John, rms rear e s I 1 n of 15th.
KASS, Anthony, carp, res 25th n w cor I.
KATZER, Charles, lab, bds e s C 2 n of 19th.
KATZER, Frank, lab, bds e s C 2 n of 19th.
KAY, Ernest C, night clk Bellingham Hotel.
KEARNEY, F W, lab Heller & McGregor
KEELER, Charles, painter, bds Walnut s e cor Monroe.
KEELER, Richard B, paper dealer, res Walnut cor Monroe.
KEESLING, Calvin F, res Front n w cor West.
KEIDLE, Charles, bds Utter s w cor Jefferson.
KEIDLE, Frank, carp, bds Utter cor Jefferson.
KEIDLE, Wesley, teamster, bds Utter cor Jefferson.
KEITH, Charles, res w s Walnut 1 s of Washington.
KEITH, Herbert, clk B B & B C Railway Co, bds Walnut 1 s of Washington.
KELLOGG, Arthur J, printer, bds Madison n w cor Henry.
KELLOGG, Mary J (wid Charles), res Madison n w cor Henry.
KELLY, T, lab Heller & McGregor.
KEMPH, Joseph, lab, res Lafayette 2 n of Front.
KENNEDY, J, lab Heller & McGregor.
KENNY, Wm P, barbor (sic) Russell & Webb, rms New Whatcom.
KENT, Arthur, gardener w s Elm bet Monroe and Jefferson.
KERRIGAN, John, carp Skinner, Thurston & Wahl.
KESTNER, Henry, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill.
KETTLE, Harry, plasterer, rms The Palace.
KETTLE, Thomas, plasterer, rms The Palace.
KEY, Edward J, agt Pacific Postal Tel Co, Northwestern Express Co and N P Ex Co and ticket agt P S & A S S Co, and N P R R w s D bet 13th and 14th, rms 22d cor E.
KIDDER, George, painter, rms w s H 1 n of 14th.
KIMBALL, Charles F, shooting gallery, res C n w cor 15th.
KINDERVATTER, Charles ( Fauth & Co), rms Bellingham Hotel.
KING, Francis E, civil engr, rms The Quiet Home.
KING, George A, carp, res 8th n w cor H.
KING, Harry, porter The Sapp, rms Empire House.
KING, Hubert E, painter, bds D 2 s of 23d.
KINYON, Amasa B, res I s e cor 18th.
KINYON, Miles, lumberman, bds I s e cor 18th.
KIRKLAND, Wm J, cook H I Dawson, rms w s C bet 14th and 15th.
KNOLL, Albert, lab Habig & Fisher, bds 17th s e cor I.
KNOX BLOCK, 13th n e cor E.
KNOX, Robert, real estate, bds H n e cor 13th.
KNUEHMANN, Joseph, tailor 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and Front, bds Peter Fritz.
KOENECKER, Wm, painter, res C bet 10th and 11th.
KOSANKE, Albert, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
KRICK, Hugo, student, bds C bet 24th and 25th.
KRICK, Joseph, rancher, res C bet 24th and 25th.
KRICK, Joseph M, rancher, bds C bet 24th and 25th.
KRICK, Otto, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res C bet 24th and 25th.
KRIENKE, Emil A, carp, res e part Central Whatcom.
KRIER, Michael, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
KUSHAW, Timothy, lawyer, bds Pacific House.


LAMBERT, Edward S, brickmaker Lambert & Co.
LAMBERT, Frank W (Lambert & Co), rms 13th cor Broadway.
LAMBERT & CO (F W Lambert, Barney Esterbrook), brick yard 13th s w cor Broadway.
LAMKIN, Albert M, bds Park 2 n of Broadway.
LAMKIN, Albert W, sawyer, res Elizabeth 2 n of Madison.
LAMKIN, Leroy S, lab, res Madison s w cor Park.
LAMKIN, Thomas, lab, bds Madison s w cor Park.
LAND, John, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
LANDERS, John, lab, bds Pacific House.
LAPOLICE, Edward, carp, rms Paris Hotel.
LARSON, Edward C, carp R C Jordan, res I cor 21st.
LARSON, Lars C, carp, bds I s w cor 21st.
LARSON, Louis, barber n s 13th bet C and D, res 21st cor K.
LASWELL, Newton, policeman, rms Bellingham Hotel.
LATHBRIDGE, Harry, mason, rms The Palace.
LATTA, Marion C, carp, res w s Broadway 1 n of Front.
LAWRENCE, Andrew J, city marshal City Hall, rms 14th cor D.
LAWRENCE, Frank C, mnfg jewler and optician Union blk, res head of Park.
LAWSON, John, lab, res e s C bet 24th and 25th.
LEACH, Wm M (Miller, Leach & Co), res E bet 16th and 17th.
LEAVITT, Charles P, Propr Pacific House, n s 3d 1 w of F.
LEE, Alfred, architect 3 Bank blk, rms same.
LEE, Frederick, trav agt Pratt Hardware Co, res 13th bet H and I.
LEEDY, Charles H, bkkpr Likens & Co, rms 14th bet D and E.
LEEMAN, Lulu, abstractor Jones & Carlyon, res New Whatcom.
LEEN, Samuel O, carp, res 25th s e cor J.
LEGOE, Frederick, appr Wm Legoe, rms 14th s e cor G.
LEGOE, Wm, Carriage Painter, Wagon Maker and Blacksmith 14th s e cor G, res same.
LEITCH, Samuel B, teamster W T Co, res 14th cor C.
LEITCH, Wm B (Leitch & Wood), rms New Whatcom.
LEITCH & WOOD (Wm B Leitch, John Wood), Real Estate n s 13th bet D and E.
LEMBES, Jene, fruits 13th cor C, rms C bet 13th and 14th.
LEMM, Wm, res n s Front w of West.
LEROY, O N, lab Heller & McGregor.
LESEUEAR, Antoine, lab, res F s e cor 17th.
LESEUEAR, Paul, stone cutter Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
LESLIE, George E, abstractor F C Pettibone & Co, res New Whatcom.
LESOURD, Rev David G, pastor First M E Church, res e s I 2 s of 16th.
LEVGREN, Andrew, lab, bds M nr 20th.
LEWELLEN, John T, carp, res w s D 1 n of 19th.
LEWIS, John W, carp, res Jefferson n w cor Henry.
LEWIS, Joseph U, lab, bds Jefferson n w cor Henry.
LEWIS, Miss M L, subscription solicitor The Evening Bulletin, res 13th bet I and J.
LEWIS, Philip W, bkkpr, res Houser n w cor Monroe.
LEWIS, Wm, teamster, bds Jefferson n w cor Henry.
LIBERTY, Joe (Girault & Liberty), res Paris Hotel.
LIKINS, Calvin T (Likins & Co), Lawyer and Real Estate n s 14th 2 w of D, res D cor 16th.
LIKINS, Elizabeth (wid Leonard), res D s w cor 16th.
LIKINS, John L (Likins & Co), res 16th cor D.
LIKINS-STENGER Block, 14th n e cor D.
LIKINS, Wm, dept sheriff, bds D s w cor 16th.
LIKINS & CO (Calvin T and John L Likins), groceries and feed 14th n e cor D.
LINDBERY, Albert (A Lindbery & Son), res Henry cor Monroe.
LINDBERY, Alexander F (A Lindbery & Son), res Henry cor Monroe.
LINDBERY, A & SON (Albert and Alexander F), tailors n s 13th bet C and D.
LINDSAY, James, lab Heller & McGregor.
LINHARDT, Conrad, lab, res Linden bet Washington and Monroe.
LIPKE, John, ship carp, res Lafayette 2 n of Front.
LITTLEFIELD, Frank, propr The Quiet Home w s F bet 13th and 14th.
LITTLEFIELD, Mrs. Frank, millinery F bet 13th and 14th, res same.
LLOYD, F Percy, bkkpr First National Bank, res J cor 13th.
LLOYD, Gilbert, lab, bds D n w cor 16th.
LODGE, Walter, clk billiard room Stenger Hotel, bds same.
LOGAN, Peter, res Jefferson n e cor Walnut.
LOINS, E, lab Heller & McGregor.
LOINS, Peter, lab Heller & McGregor.
LONG, David, carp, res Washington w of West.
LOW, Charles, driver C G Cole, res New Whatcom.
LOWE, Harry, lab Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, rms Grand View Hotel.
LUND, Frederick A, res J s e cor 14th.
LUNDIN, Ole, planer Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res 13th nr I.
LUSBY, Charles, driver John Bradley, bds w end Front.
LUSK, David, carp, res w s E bet 17th and 18th.
LUSK, Mrs. Margaret, propr The Raymond C n e cor 15th.
LUTZ, Albert, carp, res Walnut 1 n of Monroe.
LUTZ, Charles, carp, res Walnut n w cor Monroe.
LUTZ, Charles B, lab, bds Walnut n w cor Monroe.
LUTZ, John L, lab Whatcom S D & Bldg Co, res Walnut cor Monroe.
LYNCH, Maria, waitress Delmonico Restaurant.
LYNCH, Michael, surveyor, bds Pacific House.
LYNCH, Patrick, rms J n w cor 13th.
LYSLE, John W, real estate, bds e s Walnut 1 s of Madison.
LYSLE, Mary F (wid John W), res e s Walnut 1 s of Madison.
LYSSITT, John, brtndr C L Warner & Co, rms Bank blk.


MCANDREWS,James, carp, bds H bet 15th and 16th.
MCANDREWS, John F, carp, res H bet 15th and 16th.
MCBRIDE, David, bridgeman Zirngibl & Sherman, rms tent Whatcom Wharf.
MCCABE, A F, carp Heller & McGregor.
MCCANN, T, lab Heller & McGregor.
MCCARTY, Morris, city and county treas w s E bet 13th and 14th, res I cor 13th.
MCCASKILL, Alexander, grader, res n s 22d 1 e of E.
MCCLANNAHAN, Nora, domestic 13th n e cor I.
MCCOMBER, Mrs. Cora, laundry s s 13th bet G and H.
MCCONNELL, Charles R, carp, res C n e cor 20th.
MCCONNELL, James, carp, res e s J 1 n of 13th.
MCDONALD, Daniel, bridgeman Zirngibl & Sherman, rms tent Whatcom Wharf.
MCDONALD, Hugh, rms n s 22d 1 e of E.
MCDONALD, John, carp, res n s Monroe 2 w of West.
MCDONALD, John, carp, res 22d nr L.
MCDONALD, Malcolm, grader, rms 22nd n e cor E.
MCGEE, Charles, rms Whatcom House.
MCGINNESS, John, foreman J H Hodges, rms 13th bet I and J.
MCGREGOR, Alexander, bds Terminus Hotel.
MCGREGOR, Harry J (Heller & McGregor), rms Union blk.
MCINTOSH, Jewett F, formn R C Jordan, rms Grand View Hotel.
MCINTOSH, Robert, bridge builder, res e s D bet 15th and 16th.
MCKENDRY, J C, lab, bds 22d nr L.
MCKENZIE, Laughlin, rms The Palace.
MCKENZIE, Wm C, lather, rms 13th bet G and H.
MCKEOWN, James, expressman, res 22d n e cor D.
MCKINLEY, John R (McKinley, Staight & Butler), res Fairhaven.
MCKINLEY, Levina E (wid Amon), bds I s w cor 16th.
MCKINLEY, STAIGHT & BUTLER (John R McKinley, Milton R Staight, Hampton M Butler), real estate, loans, insurance Union blk.
MCKINNON, David, foreman, bds Terminus Hotel
MCKINNON, Laughlan, carp, res G nr 24th.
MCLEAN, John, lab Heller & McGregor.
MCLEOD, Alexander, lab, res Madison nr Walnut.
MCLEOD, Alexander M, res s s 17th 1 e of J.
MCLEOD, Duncan, lab John Bradley, bds w end Front.
MCLEOD, John, carp, rms s s 17th 1 e of J.
MCLEOD, Malcom A (Casey & McLeod), rms s s 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and Front.
MCLEOD, Simon (Vautier & McLeod), rms The Palace.
MCLEOD, Wm, rms Empire House.
MCLEOD, Wm C, sash and door maker, res E n e cor 19th.
MCMILLAN, John, turner Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
MCNIELLY, Isaac, carp, rms Empire House.
MCQUESTION, Sarah, dressmaker, rms Ohio House.
MCRAE, Alexander, lab, res Madison nr Walnut.
MCRAE, Daniel, teamster, res J n e cor 15th.
MCRAE, Norman, lab, res Madison nr Walnut.
MCTAGGETT, Mrs. Mary, rms The Quiet Home.
MCWILLIAMS, Elsie B, painter, bds Walnut s e cor Monroe.


MADDEN, John, foreman carp Heller & McGregor.
MAN, Joseph, cabinet maker, rms w s K bet 21st and 22d.
MANGOLD, Walter C, carp, bds D 2 s of 23d.
MANNEMAN, Frank, bartender Bellingham Hotel, rms same.
MANNING, Dennis, stonecutter Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th n e cor H.
MARBLE, Harrison, carp, res Prospect nr 17th.
MARBLE, Henry (Young & Marble), res 17th cor K.
MARBLE, Willard, chainman Young & Marble, bds 17th cor K.
MARCY BLOCK, 14th s w cor D.
MARCY, Edgar H, res H s e cor 15th.
MARCY, Lee W, insurance 10 Union blk, res 15th cor H.
MARCY, Roy O, student, bds H s e cor 15th.
MARESCH BLOCK, 13th s w cor J.
MARESCH, Ferdinand G, propr Whatcom Furniture Co, 13th s w cor J, res same.
MARINGER, John, butcher F E Curtis, rms 14th bet D and E.
MARINGER, Michael, butcher F E Curtis, rms 14th bet D and E.
MARSHALL, Robert, painter, res Prospect nr Lottie.
MARSTON, Amos C, res s s Front w of West.
MARTIN, Felix, carp, res alley n of 15th bet C and D.
MARTIN, Lloyd, grocer 14th s w cor D, res Washington cor Utter.
MARTIN, Mrs Nora, seamstress Mrs Frank Littlefield.
MARTIN, Wm H, baker, res w s C bet 15th and 16th, res same.
MARTIN, Zalmon S, carp, res w s Champion, Central Whatcom.
MASON, Joseph H, bds C s w cor 18th.
MASON, Joseph R, res C s w cor 18th.
MATTHEWS, Isaiah, carp, rms The Palace.
MATTHEWS, Joseph, brtndr Chris Semon, rms n s 13th bet C and D.
MAUDSLEY, John, stone mason Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th n e cor H.
MAUREY, Walter, carp bds e s C 2 n of 19th.
MAXWELL, James, painter F M Packer, bds New Whatcom.
MAY, George, bottler J H Hodges, res Fairhaven.
MAYHEW, Alonzo, ship carp, res Front s w cor West.
MAYHEW, Lewis, tinner A F Allen, res Front cor West.
MELSON, John W, painter, res D n e cor 18th.
MENDELSOHN, Isaac, rm C bet 14th and 15th.
MENDELSOHN, Morris, rm C bet 14th and 15th.
MENDENHALL, Carry, teamster, res Elizabeth 4 n of Jefferson.
MENZIES, Wm R, magnetic healer, rms I n w cor 16th.
MERRIAM, George W (Hayes & Merriam), res Prospect nr Lottie.
MERRIAM, James C, bds 16th n w cor E.
MERRITT, Carl A, carp Skinner, Thurston & Wahl.
MESSICK, Charles, driver, res w s I 2 n of 16th.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, w s I bet 15th and 16th.
MEYER, Christ, cabinet mkr, rms K bet 21st and 22d.
MICHAELS, Katie, domestic Utter s w cor Madison.
MILEAPOLISSE, Joseph, carp, rms Paris Hotel.
MILES, George F, physician, res w s D 2 n of 20th.
MILLER, Andrew C, res Central Whatcom.
MILLER, August H, mngr Puget Sound Cigar Co, res Williams nr Monroe.
MILLER, Charles E, bds e s D 2 n of 22d.
MILLER, Edward, carp, res e s E bet 21st and 22d.
MILLER, George W, lab, bds e s Houser nr Monroe.
MILLER, Henry E, lab, res e s Meridian nr Monroe.
MILLER, Herman, lab, bds alley n of 15th bet C and D.
MILLER, Herman A, cook Delmonico Restaurant, rms Chico House.
MILLER, James B, plasterer, bds e s D 2 n of 22d.
MILLER, James D, lab, bds e s Houser nr Monroe.
MILLER, John F, lab, bds e s Houser nr Monroe.
MILLER, John H, brick mnfr, res e s Houser nr Monroe.
MILLER, LEACH & CO (W L Miller, W M Leach), Real Estate Brokers Union Block.
MILLER, Lewis, carp, res Linden bet Washington and Monroe.
MILLER, Martin E, abstractor F C Pettibone & Co, res New Whatcom.
MILLER, Nora, domestic Stenger Hotel.
MILLER, S, rms Chico House.
MILLER, Thomas W, rancher, res e s D 2 n of 22d.
MILLER, Wm L (Barney & Miller; Miller Leach & Co) Union blk.
MILLS, George P, confectionery C bet 13th and 14th, res same.
MILLS, Peter, contractor, res J n e cor 20th.
MILNE, George, lab, res D bet 15th and 16th.
MILNE, Wm, lab Heller & McGregor.
MITCHELL, Asa, teamster, bds e s G 2 s of 17th.
MITCHELL, John E, clk, res e s G 2 s of 17th.
MODEL RESTAURANT, Bower & Stockwell props 14th s e cor D.
MONSON, Samuel, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
MOODY, Wm L, carp Skinner, Thurston & Wahl.
MOORE, A J, mngr Whatcom Loggers Boom Co.
MOORE, George H, clk Likins & Co, res New Whatcom.
MOORE, Wm, bds w s D 2 s of 21st.
MOORE, Wm H, axman, res Central Whatcom.
MORAN, John, lab, res F bet 13th and 14th.
MORAN, Mary, domestic e s I 1 s of 14th.
MORAN, N, lab Heller & McGregor.
MORGAN, George W, printer, res Walnut 2 s of Monroe.
MORGAN, James M, banker, res I n w cor 15th.
MORRIS, George A, city editor The Evening Bulletin, rms Stenger Hotel.
MORSE, David C., 224 Forest Lane.
MOSS, George H, lab Whatcom Sash Door & Bldg Co, res F bet 15th and 16th.
MULLINS, Jerry M, teamster, res Broadway cor 17th.
MUNDHENKE, Frederick, res Champion cor 13th.
MUNRO, John, printer George Speirs, res D cor 20th.
MURDOCK, Eliza H (wid Malachie), bds s I 1 s of 15th.
MURPHY, James, bridgeman Zirngibl & Herman, rms tent Whatcom Wharf.
MURPHY, John, bridgeman Zirngibl & Herman, rms tent Whatcom Wharf.
MUSSER, Benjamin, ice dealer, res H n e cor 13th.
MYERS, Dean, clk Stenger's Hotel, res same.
MYERS, John, carp, rms 17th n e cor F.
MYERS, Solomon, lab, res Utter 2 n of Monroe.


NEAL, Nellvernon, dep sexton with W H Brackett, res Elizabeth cor Washington.
NELSON, Andrew, lab, bds e s H bet 16th and 17th.
NELSON, Thomas, res Terminus Hotel.
NEQUIST, John, lab, rms M nr 20th.
NEWLEN, C A, lab, bds Pacific House.
NEWMAN, Helena, domestic I n w cor 15th.
NICKLIN, Thomas G, real estate, res C s e cor 18th.
NOBLE, Allen, carp, bds 15th n e cor F.
NON, Thomas, stage mngr Casino Theatre, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
NOOKSACK RIVER BOOM & LUMBER CO, W L Miller Pres, F N Barney Sec, Alfred Black Treas n s 13th bet C and D, mills at Lumi. (sic)
NOON, Wm L, lab, bds 15th s w cor F.
NORDSTRUM, John, axman, res H bet 15th and 16th.
NORLING, Andrew, sawyer, bds C s e cor 19th.
NORSTROM, John E, sawmill foot I, res C cor 19th.
NORTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS CO, E J Key agt D bet 13th and 14th.
NORTHWESTERN EXPRESS CO, E J Key agt D bet 13th and 14th.


OACH, Wm J, rancher, bds C 2 n of 19th.
OBERLETZ, Charles, tailor, res e part Central Whatcom.


PETTIBONE, Fred C & Co (Fred C and W R Pettibone), Abstractors and Real Estate n s Whatcom Viaduct.
PHILLEY, Charles A, asst wharfinger Fairhaven Land Co Whatcom Wharf.
PHILLIPS, Charles, lab, bds Pacific House.
PHILLIPS, Herman, porter Early & Inks, res D nr 15th.
PHILLIPS, Wm H H, stonecutter, bds D bet 16th and 17th.
PICKERD, Joseph S, painter, res Linden nr Monroe.
PINNELL, Samuel, lab Lambert & Co.
PIONEER LIVERY STABLE, Halsted & Isensee Proprs, F s of 13th.
PITSCH, Frank, engr D H DeCan, res 13th nr H.
PIXLEY, Theron, bds Henry nr Jefferson.
PLACE, H D, painter, rms D n w cor 19th.
PLANTZ, Frank C, sawyer, bds Monroe w of West.
POST OFFICE, Knox blk, 13th bet D and E.
POTSHINKY, Anton E, tailor A Lindbery & Son, rms Whatcom House.
POTTER, Alvey M, plasterer, bds I s e cor 25th.
POTTER, Frank M, plasterer, res s s 17th bet G and H.
POTTER, Sidney, plasterer, res I s e cor 25th.
POWELL, Charles, lab, res n s 25th nr J.
POWELL, Wm (Collins & Powell), res 13th bet H and I.
POWER, Michael C, carp, res D s w cor 20th.
POWER, Thomas, cabinetmkr, rms K bet 21st and 22d.
PRATT, Cuthbert, clk Pratt Hardware Co, bds F cor 17th.
PRATT HARDWARE CO, Wm J Pratt pres and treas, W H Harris sec hardware, stoves, etc, 13th n w cor E.
PRATT, Wm J, pres Pratt Hardware Co, res F cor 17th.
PRESNELL, John C, sawyer, res s s 18th 1 w of E.
PRICE, C E, foreman pile driver Heller & McGregor.
PRICE, George, rms C bet 13th and 14th.
PRICE, Robert, carp, bds C 2 n of 19th.
PROPES, Wm H, carp, res Park s w cor North.
PROVENCHER, Fred, lab, rms Paris Hotel.
PUGET SOUND CIGAR CO, August H Miller mngr e s C bet 13th and 14th.
PUGET SOUND LOAN TRUST & BANKING CO, Fred C Pettibone Pres, W L Patch Cashr, Whatcom Viaduct.
PURDY, Alexander, physician s s 13th bet C and D, res G cor 17th.
PURDY, Joseph, woodsman, rms The Palace.
PURDY OPERA HOUSE, E W Purdy propr Bank blk.


RACY, Charles, carp, res D n w cor 16th.
RAMEY, J W, carp, Skinner, Thurston & Wahl.
RAMSEY, Thomas A, stickerman Fairhaven Land Co's mill, res Prospect nr 17th.
RANDALL, George, lab, res 17th n e cor G.
RANDALL, Martin, lab, res 17th n e cor G.
RANKIN, John D, sawyer Fairhaven Land Co's mill, res rear mill.
RAPELJE, Charles O, clk Pacific Clothing Co, res Walnut nr Washington.
RAUCH, Elmer, carp, bds I bet 23rd and 24th.
RAWSON, Alonzo jr, lawyer H A Fairchild, bds New Whatcom.
RAY, Nellie, bds e s D nr 16th.
RAYMOND THE, Mrs Margaret Lusk propr C n e cor 15th.
RAZEY, George W, carp Skinner, Thurston & Wahl.
REA, John K, propr Oaklahoma Saloon C bet 13th and 14th, res 22d cor E.
REIFSNYDER, John, engineer pile driver Avalanche.
REISKER, R, lab Heller & McGregor.
RELMAN, Emil, lab, rms Chico House.
RENDLEMAN, Edward, lab, bds Park s w cor North.
RENDLEMAN, Frederick, lab, bds Park s w cor North.
RENDLEMAN, Isaac, lab, res Park s w cor North.
RENDLEMAN, Wren, clk H B Corwin, res Park cor North.
RESTINE, Charles F, carp, rms Empire House.
REYNOLDS, Clara, bds e s D nr 16th.
REYNOLDS, James F (Reynolds & Battersby Bros), res s s 13th bet D and E.
REYNOLDS, John, driver, rms D n w cor 19th.
REYNOLDS, Wm N, clerk Reynolds & Battersby Bros, rms s s 13th bet D and E.
REYNOLDS & BATTERSBY BROS (James F. Reynolds, Robert W. and Peter S. Battersby), genl merchandise s  s 13th bet D and E.
RHONE, Wm R (Slattery & Rhone), rms F bet 12th and 13th.
RICE, Lewis, teamster W T Co, rms at barn.
RICE, Waldon, hack driver W T Co, rms New Whatcom.
RICH, Charles (C L Warren & Co), rms New Whatcom.
RICHARDSON, A, farmer, rms Chicago House.
RICHENDORFER, Joseph, carp, res Broadway cor Front.
RIDDLE, Jasper M, jointer, res Myers add.
RINGLEIP, Frederick, stone mason Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
RISELAND, Andrew, carp, bds I s w cor 21st.
RISELAND, Anna (wid Lars T), bds I s w cor 21st.
RISELAND, John, carp, bds I s w cor 21st.
RISELAND, Reinert, carp, bds I s w cor 21st.
RITCHIE, Willis A (W A Ritchie & Co.), res Seattle, Wash.
RITCHIE, W A & Co (Willis A Ritchie, Thomas H Cole), architects 1 and 3 Union blk.
RIVARA, Bernardo, waiter J Orteig, rms s s 13th bet D and E.
ROACH, Thomas, woodsman, rms The Palace.
ROBBINS, James, carp, res 13th n w cor H.
ROBERSON, Arthur, teamster, res D bet 23d and 24th.
ROBERTS, Charles P (Roberts & Fisher), res Walnut 2 n of Washington.
ROBERTS, Willis H, carp C cor 17th, res same.
ROBERTS & FISHER (Charles P Roberts, George W. Fisher), dry goods Knox blk.
ROBERTSHAW, Harry, bkkpr, res Houser 3 n of Monroe.
ROBERTSON, Henry, stonecutter Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
ROBINSON, Harry T, confectionery, public telephone 13th bet C and D, res Madison cor Williams.
ROBINSON, Roy, pressman B B Reveille, res C cor 17th.
ROEDER, Henry, capitalist s s 13th on Whatcom Viaduct, res w s Elm bet Monroe and Jackson.
ROGERS, Ambrose A, real estate, res w s E nr 27th.S
ROGERS, John W, tinsmith Hutchinson & Hill, res Unity nr Central ave.
ROGERS, John W, gunsmith and tinner with Hutchinson & Hill n s 13th bet D and E.
ROHBACHER, George J, teamster, bds Pacific House.
ROLLINS, Cyrus, bds C s e cor 20th.
ROLLINS, James R, res C s e cor 20th.
RONALD, John H, baggageman W T Co, rms Stenger Hotel.
ROSBERG, Flori, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
ROSNER, John H, blacksmith, rms Wisconsin House.
ROSS, Alexander, res D n w cor 18th.
ROSS, Daniel, lab Heller & McGregor.
ROSS, George H, painter, rms Whatcom House.
ROTH, Charles I, mgr Chuckanut Stone Quarry, res Elm cor Jefferson.
ROWE, Herman, cashr Nicholas Eiermann, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
ROWLAND, David A, driver, res D bet 16th and 17th.
ROWLAND, O Oscar, engineer, rms F n w cor 16th.
ROWLAND, Theodore D, draughtsman, rms F n w cor 16th.
ROWLAND, Theodore W, civil engineer and draughtsman Bank blk, res C bet 16th and 17th.
ROZE, Louis, stone mason, rms Wisconsin House.
RUDY, Elizabeth, domestic Houser 2 n of Monroe.
RUDY, George, lab, rms s s 13th bet H and I.
RUNCH, J G, carp, rms Chicago House.
RUSSELL, Joseph, lab, bds Broadway 1 n of 14th.
RUSSELL, Mid S (Russell & Webb), rms 13th s w cor D.
RUSSELL & WEBB (M S Russell, N A Webb), barbers 13th s w cor D.
RUTTAN, George, tinner, bds w s C bet 14th and 15th.
RYAN, John A, propr Empire House w s C bet 13th and 14th, res same.
RYAN, John A jr, clk Empire House, res same.


ST PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rev P Edward Hyland rector, e s Walnut 1 n of Front.
SALIN, Mary, domestic Terminus Hotel.
SAMSSON, Sam, waiter G W Diamond.
SAPP, THE, Brittan & Weimer Proprs, w s C bet 14th and 15th.
SAXON, Lyle, clk post office, res Lynden House.
SCHANKS, John, lab, res s s 13th bet H and I.
SCHANZ, Otto A (Zettler & Schanz), rms 17th n w cor H.
SCHENCK, Wm S, carp, res e s J 2 n of 20th.
SCHENECKER, George A, clk T J Smith & Co, res 17th cor F.
SCHERTLING, Frank, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
SCHMIDT, A R, real estate, bds e s C 2 n of 19th.
SCHOLES, Herman, lab Habig & Fisher, bds California House.
SCHOLES, Thomas, stonecutter Zettler & Schanz, rms 17th cor H.
SCHOTTMILLER, Edward, bartender Wisconsin House, rms same.
SCHREADER, Victor, lab, res Prospect nr 17th.
SCHROEDER, Henry, teamster Pratt Hardware Co, res F nr 17th.
SCHROEDER, Jesse, teamster, bds Washington cor Williams.
SCHULTZ, David, carp, rms The Quiet Home.
SCHULTZ, Wm H, carp, rms The Quiet Home.
SCHUMANN, Jacob F, carp R C Jordan, res New Whatcom.
SCOTT, Glenn, clk F R Holmes, res 13th cor Walnut.
SCOTT, H T, bds Pacific House.
SCOTT, James C, res w s D bet 25th and 26th.
SCOTT, Maggie H (wid Myron W), res Walnut 1 n of Front.
SEANOR, Annie, domestic Elm bet Monroe and Jefferson.
SEIGFRED, Wm E, printer, res n s 21st bet D and E.
SEINER, Wm, contractor, rms Whatcom House.
SEMON, Christian, saloon n s 13th bet C and D, res same.
SHAFER, Peter, carp, res 1 n w cor 14th.
SHATTUCK, Lewis, plumber, bds Front s w cor West.
SHAW, James W, carp, rms I n w cor 16th.
SHEFFER, Mrs Barbara, laundress, res C n w cor 15th.
SHEFFER, Marion V, lab, bds C n w cor 15th.
SHELTON, Joseph L, logger, bds Walnut 2 s of North.
SHELTON, Joseph M, farmer, res Walnut 2 s of North.
SHERMAN, Henry (Zirngibl & Sherman), res Palouse City.
SHEWEY, Allen, carp, res e s E 1 n of 21st.
SHROEDER, Fred, lab, rms Empire House.
SHYLEEN, Minnie, milliner Mrs N P Shyleen, res 14th bet D and E.
SHYLEEN, Mrs N P, milliner s s 14th bet D and E, res same.
SHYLEEN, Nels P, carp, res s s 14th bet D and E.
SICLEY, Conrad, carp, bds 17th n e cor F.
SICKO, John, millhand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res 14th cor G.
SILEY, E S, surveyor, bds Pacific House.
SIMMONS Bros (Lemuel and Charles H), sewing machines 13th st Union blk.
SIMMONS, Charles H (Simmons Bros), rms Union blk.
SIMMONS, Charles S, lab, res e s E 1 n of 22d.
SIMMONS, John A, teamster W T Co, rms at barn.
SIMMONS, Lemuel (Simmons Bros), rms Union blk.
SIMONS, Wm J, res Champion nr Sylvan.
SIMPSON, Charles, lab, bds Pacific House.
SIMPSON, Lewis, bds 14th n w cor H.
SINGLETON, George H, grader, res 22d n e cor E.
SINLAND, Samuel, carp, res I s w cor 21st.
SINLIN, Jacob, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res Jefferson cor Peabody.
SKINNER, George (Skinner, Thurston & Wahl), res H bet 15th and 16th.
SKINNER, Wm L, teamster, res 20th nr L.
SKINNER, THURSTON & WAHL (George Skinner, Frank Thurston, George Wahl). Contractors Builders and Proprs Whatcom S D & Bldg Co, Whatcom Wharf cor 12th.
SLATTERY, David L (Slattery & Rhone), rms e s F bet 12th and 13th.
SLATTERY & RHONE (David L Slattery, Wm R Rhone), livery e s F bet 12th and 13th.
SMALLEY, Jesse P, drayman, res e s H bet 14th and 15th.
SMITH, Charles A, lab, bds Pacific House.
SMITH, Charles M, bds w s E 1 n of 15th.
SMITH, Charles O, carp, res w s E 1 n of 15th.
SMITH, Clara, teacher, bds w s E 1 n of 15th.
SMITH, Eveline (wid James), bds I bet 24th and 25th.
SMITH, Harry A, clk, bds 15th n w cor D.
SMITH, Harry A, (T J Smith & Co), res 15th cor D.
SMITH, Ira P, genl mngr Blanchard Logging Co, rms Bellingham Hotel.
SMITH, James, stone mason Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
SMITH, James, stone mason, rms Wisconsin House.
SMITH, John, logger, rms Empire House.
SMITH, J V, bds Linden bet Monroe and Jefferson.
SMITH, Mary, domestic n s 15th 1 w of E.
SMITH, Max, stonemason, bds C 2 n of 19th.
SMITH, Samuel D, lab, res I n w cor 24th.
SMITH, Susan (wid Bernard), bds D n w cor 19th.
SMITH, Thomas J (T J Smith & Co), res 15th cor D.
SMITH, T J & Co (Thomas J and Harry A Smith), Hardware, Stoves, Etc C n e cor 15th.
SMITH, Wm R, res D n w cor 19th.
SMOTO, Spero, fish market 13th bet Front and Whatcom wharf, rms same.
SNYDER, Frank, lab Lambert & Co.
SOLIN, Peter O, carp J E Norstrom.
SOLOMON, Fred, watchman Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res New Whatcom.
SOPER, Wm W, carp, res H nr 18th.
SOUDERS, Levi, grader, res F n w cor 17th.
SPOFFORD, Urvin, carp R C Jordan, bds C nr 19th.
SPANGELBURGER, Addison, bartender Hayes & Merriam.
SPEARS, Alexander, painter, bds Pacific House.
SPEDDEN, John, lab, res Linden s w cor North.
SPEIRS, George, Printer n s 14th bet C and Whatcom Wharf, res 13th cor J.
SPEIRS, Mrs, domestic Whatcom House.
SPIES, Eva (wid Wm), bds w s D bet 16th and 17th.
STAFFORD, Norris, painter, bds I n e cor 18th.
STAIGHT, Milton R (McKinley, Staight & Butler), res Fairhaven.
STALEY, M M, stonecutter Zettler & Schanz, res Fairhaven.
STANNARD, Albert L, civil engineer, res Williams 1 s of Washington.
STAPLETON, Edgar, teamster, bds 20th n e cor I.
STAPLETON, Frederick, bds 20th n e cor I.
STAPLETON, Joshua, teamster, res 20th n e cor I.
STAPLETON, Robert, teamster, bds 20th n e cor I.
STARK, Sargent, yardman Pacific House.
STARRY, Harriet, domestic J n w cor 15th.
STENGER BROS (Leonard U and Lewis), Proprs Whatcom Transfer Co. w s Whatcom Wharf bet 13th and 14th.
STENGER HOTEL, Lewis Stenger propr, n s 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and C.
STENGER, John H, Propr Bellingham Hotel, res same.
STENGER, Leonard, res 19th n e cor D.
STENGER, Leonard U (Stenger Bros), res D n e cor 15th.
STENGER, Lewis (Stenger Bros), Propr Stenger Hotel, res Stenger Hotel.
STEPHENSON, George, carp, res 17th 1 e of J.
STEPHENSON, Oakley V O, waiter, rms s s 17th 1 e of J.
STEWART, Abraham, teamster, rms J s e cor 14th.
STEWART, Carl, rancher, bds Broadway s e cor 16th.
STEWART, Daniel, teamster, res Madison nr Walnut.
STOCK, Joseph, bartender Jacob Beck.
STOCKWELL, Frank (Bower & Stockwell), rms 14th s e cor D.
STOLBRAND, Charles, lab, rms s s 17th 1 e of J.
STRANGE, Vivian, rodman H W Horne, res Williams cor Madison.
STRATTON, George J, lab, res L n e cor 22d.
STROBRAND, Charles, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
STRONG, John E, bkkpr F C Pettibone & Co, rms The Raymond.
STROTHER, Hattie, dressmaker, bds 15th 1 w of E.
STROTHER, Robert F, tailor A Lindbery & Son, res 15th nr E.
STROTHER, Willie, dressmaker, bds 15th 1 w of E.
STULL, Wm C, jeweler 13th bet D and E, rms Marcy blk.
SULLIVAN, Wm R, bkkpr, res F 3 s of 17th.
SUNDBERG, Andrew, yardman J E Norstrom.
SUTHERLAND, E, lab Hiller & McGregor.
SWAN, James (Swan & Ensign), rms C bet 14th and 15th.
SWAN & ENSIGN (James Swan, Harry Ensign), restaurant C bet 14th and 15th.
SWEENY, Edward, lab, bds I n e cor 21st.
SWEENY, Gustavus (Sweeny & Co), res I n e cor 21st.
SWEENY & CO. (Gustavus Sweeny), Bottlers Basement Hotel Bellingham.
SWENSON, Leonard, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry n s 13th bet E and F, res same.


TAIT, John R, Propr Cold Tea Saloon Union Block, rms Stenger Hotel.
TANER, Wm, res E bet 25th and 26th.
TARNOW, Harry, mngr Louis Jaffe & Co, rms C bet 13th and 14th.
TATE, Wm, plasterer, rms 17th s e cor G.
TAYLOR, George, pressman B B Reveille, rms Terminus Hotel.
TAYLOR, Wm L, mach, res J s e cor 19th.
TECKLENBURG, Byron, lab, res s s 18th 1 e of F.
TECKLENBURG, John, lab, bds s s 18th 1 e of F.
TERMINUS HOTEL, Johansen & Toren Props w s C bet 15th and 16th.
TERRELL, Frederick, real estate, rms e s I 1 s of 15th.
THE QUIET HOME, Frank Littlefield Propr w s F bet 13th and 14th.
THOMAS, Joseph H, carp, res Lafayette 3 n of Front.
THOMAS, Nancy (wid Andrew), bds J n w cor 16th.
THOMPSON, Peter, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res I cor 22d.
THURSTON, Frank (Skinner, Thurston & Wahl), res H bet 15th and 16th.
TOD, Wm W, carp, res Jefferson 1 e of Elm.
TOMLINSON, Wm H, printer The Evening Bulletin, rms Front nr West.
TOOMBES, Miss Charlotte, artist, bds J s e cor 14th.
TOREN, Andrew (Johansen & Toren), res Terminus Hotel.
TORREY, Orin, res e s H 2 s of 14th.
TRASK, Warren, carp, bds alley n of 15th bet C and D.
TRIMBLE, Edward T, abstractor Butler & McCarty, rms Marcy blk.
TRONTIN, John, stone cutter Zettler & Schanz, rms I nr 18th.
TURNBULL, Robert, logger, rms Empire House.
TURNER, Michael J, brtndr The Occidental, rms Grand View Hotel.
TYNDALL, Edward, shinglemkr, bds 15th n e cor F.


UNION BLOCK, 13th n e cor C.
UTKKE, Julius, lab Habig & Fisher, res New Whatcom.
UTTER, Wm A, Propr Whatcom Iron Works 12th cor G, res 20th cor G.
UTTEY, Michael, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.


VAN HORN, Charles W., carp, bds 18th bet E and F.
VAN HORN, Wm., lab, res 18th bet E and F.
VAN ZANDT, Mrs. Bettie, res n s 17th 3 e of C.
VAN ZANDT, Euclid, physician Bank blk, res same.
VAN ZANDT, James, bkkpr Fairhave Land Co's Mill, rms Byron House.
VAN ZANDT, Spencer, rancher, bds n s 17th 3 e of C.
VAUTIER, George (Vautier & McLeod), rms The Palace.
VAUTIER & MCLEOD (George Vautier, Simon McLeod), Proprs Palace Saloon and Logging House 13th n w cor D.
VERHAEST, Victor (Coursey & Verhaest), rms s s 13th bet C and D.
VERNON, Joseph S., carp, res E s w cor 15th.
VILLENEUVE, Wm. A., draughtsman W A Ritchie & Co, rms Union blk.
VOLK, Frederick, carp, res Lafayette nr Monroe.


WADSWORTH, Isaac C, brick mason, res w s H 1 n of 14th.
WAGNER, Miss F Z, rms Bellingham Hotel.
WAHL, George (Skinner, Thurston & Wahl), res K bet 21st and 22d.
WAHL, John, carp, res w s D 1 n of 20th.
WAITY, Harland, printer George Speirs, res New Whatcom.
WALKER, Benjamin F, bricklayer, bds Utter 3 n of Monroe.
WALKER, James, axman, bds Linden bet Monroe and Jefferson.
WALLS, Lester, driver W T Co, rms at barn.
WARD, Francis J, res C bet 15th and 16th.
WARNER, Clarence L (C L Warner & Co), rms New Whatcom.
WARNER, C L & Co (Clarence L Warner, Charles Rich), Proprs Occidental Saloon Bank Block.
WARREN, Thomas, plumber, bds Prospect nr Lottie.
WASHK, John, carp R C Jordan, res New Whatcom.
WATKINS, Benjamin, bootblack C cor 13th, rms 13th bet C and D.
WATKINS, Henry, meat market C bet 13th and 14th, res same.
WATKINS, Opal, clk Joseph Duquette, res C bet 14th and 15th.
WATKINS, Wm H, res Williams 2 n of Madison.
WATSON, Charles F, printer The Evening Bulletin, res Jaeger nr Front.
WATSON, Frank, carp, res H nr 17th.
WATSON, Hattie, printer The Evening Bulletin, res Jaeger nr Front.
WATSON, Thomas, carp, res Jaeger cor Jefferson.
WEBB, Newton A (Russell & Webb), rms 13th s w cor D.
WEIMER, Daniel W (Brittan & Weimer), res Eldridge's add.
WEIR, James T, surveyor, bds Pacific House.
WEISENBERG, Wm, sawyer D H DeCan.
WEISENBURGER, John J, lawyer 22 and 24 Union Block, res 14th cor J.
WEISS, Elizabeth (wid Stephen), bds C s w cor 21st.
WEISS, Hannah (wid Francis), res C s w cor 21st.
WELLS, Theodore S, bartender Bellingham Hotel, res same.
WENNERSTEN, Samuel M, shoemaker H M Blomquist, rms w s C bet 14th and 15th.
WERDEN, Mrs M M, milliner C cor 14th, res Werden & McDaniel blk.
WERDEN, Wm A, dentist w s C bet 14th and 15th, res same.
WERDEN & MCDANIEL BLOCK, w s C bet 14th and 15th.
WESTMAN, George F, carp Whatcom S D & Bld'g Co, res C bet 14th and 15th.
WHATCOM COUNTY ABSTRACT and TITLE SECURITY Co, J P de Mattos pres, Joseph B Dawson sec Bank blk.
WHATCOM IRON WORKS, Wm A Utter Propr, Iron and Brass Castings, Machine Work and Steam Fitting 12th cor G.
WHATCOM LOGGERS BOOM Co, A J Moore mngr, Bank blk.
WHATCOM PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Prof G B Johnston prin. grounds bet I and J, 17th and 18th.
WHATCOM REVEILLE, Adams & Evans Publrs and Proprs, Knox blk.
WHATCOM SASH & BUILDING Co, Skinner, Thurston & Wahl Proprs, Mnfrs Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc, Whatcom Wharf cor 12th.
WHATCOM SODA WORKS, J H Hodges Propr, D s e cor 14th.
WHATCOM TRANSFER Co, Stenger Bros proprs, w s Whatcom Wharf bet 13th and 14th.
WHEELER, Charles P, banker, res I bet 15th and 16th.
WHITAKER, Albert H, carp, bds Houser 2 n of Monroe.
WHITE, Arthur, lab Heller & McGregor.
WHITE, C D, lab Heller & McGregor.
WHITE, Frank, carp, res e s Prospect nr Central ave.
WHITE, Frank H, shinglepacker, res e s C 1 s of 25th.S
WHITE, Henry A, drugs 14th bet D and E, res 18th cor K.
WHITE, Silas, plasterer, res I bet 23d and 24th.
WHITE, Wm G, painter, bds D bet 16th and 17th.
WHITLEY, Harry, clk H D Woods, rms The Palace.
WHITMORE, Alfred, painter, bds Unity nr Central ave.
WHITNEY, Reuben H, drayman, res e s Prospect nr 17th.
WHITSTRUCK, Edward, tinner Pratt Hardware Co, rms 13th n w cor E.
WIEPERT, Augustus J, clk auditor's office, res Williams nr Front.
WIKANDER, Frederick, carp, res s s 23d 1 w of D.
WILEY, M W, clk, rms D s w cor 17th.
WILLARD, Harry, chairman Young & Marble, bds 17th cor K.
WILLEKE, John, painter, rms w s H 1 n of 14th.
WILLEKE, John U, painter, res I s w cor 15th.
WILLIAMS, Mrs Anna, laundress, res H nr 24th.
WILLIAMS, Hamline B, pres Bulletin Pub Co., justice of the peace, U S commr City Hall, res New Whatcom.S
WILLIAMS, John H, sec Bulletin Pub Co, res Prospect nr Champion.
WILLIAMS, Wm, sawyer, res C n w cor 15th.
WILSON, Calvin, waiter Nicholas Eiermann, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
WILSON, Clara, teacher, bds w s D 2 s of 21st.
WILSON, Mrs Edna, rms Marcy blk.
WILSON, Harrison, res w s D 2 s of 21st.
WILSON, Richard, stone cutter, res w s D bet 16th and 17th.
WILSON, Walter W, teamster W T Co.
WIMMAR, Wm, lab Habig & Fisher, bds California House.
WINANS, Frank B, brtndr Stenger Hotel, res same.
WINN, J R, judge Superior Court, rms The Raymond.
WISCONSIN HOUSE, Nik Dufner propr e s D bet 13th and 14th.
WISWELL, Gregg W, res Park 2 s of Monroe.
WOOD, Harry D, fruits 13th s w cor D, res same.
WOOD, John (Leitch & Wood), res New Whatcom.
WOODARD, Omer, pressman The Evening Bulletin, bds E nr 16th.
WOODARD, Omer E, dep city clk, res E bet 16th and 17th.
WOODS, Albert S, rms Bellingham Hotel.
WOODS, Joseph N, res s s 14th 1 e of I.
WORSHAM, George, waiter Swan & Ensign, rms Wisconsin Hotel.
WRIGHT, Miss May, res e s D nr 16th.


YAPLE, Samuel J, wharfinger Fairhaven Land Co Whatcom Wharf, bds Pacific House.
YOUNG, Peter, carp, rms s s 13th bet H and G.
YOUNG, Thomas, (Young & Marble), res 20th nr L.
YOUNG & MARBLE (Thomas Young, Henry Marble), civil engrs C st rear Bank blk.
YOUNKIN, Moses, lab, res 15th s w cor F.
YOUNKIN, Moses jr, clk, bds 15th s w cor F.
YOUNT, Hulda (wid Joseph W), bds s s Front nr Henry.


ZELL,Herman, lab (Zettler & Schanz), bds 18th cor H.
ZETTLER, John (Zettler & Schanz), res 18th cor H.
ZETTLER & SCHANZ (John Zettler, Otto A Schanz), stone contractors 18th n e cor H.
ZIRNGIBL, George (Zirngibl & Sherman), rms Pacific House.
ZIRNGIBL & SHERMAN (George Zirngibl, Henry Sherman), contractors tent Whatcom Wharf.

Copied by Susan Nahas, December, 2000 - July 2001


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