R. L. Polk & Co.

WHATCOM: The county seat of Whatcom county. It has one of the finest harbors on the Sound capable of accommodating ships of the largest tonnage. It contains two banks: The First National with a capital of $50,000 and the Puget Sound Loan, Trust & Banking Co., with a capital of $125,000. Three newspapers, the Bulletin (Ind), daily; the Reveille (Rep), weekly and the Bellingham Bay Express, tri-weekly; four churches, Baptist Congregational, Episcopal and Methodist; a good graded school.


ACKERMAN, W G, foreman B B Reveille.
ADAMS, Frederick H (Adams & Evans), res 19th cor D.
ADAMS & EVANS (F H Adams, John C Evans), Publishers Bellingham Bay Reveille Knox Block.
AFFLECK, Frank, cashr and office mngr Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res 14th nr C.
ALBERS, Frederick, lab, rms s s 13th bet H and I.
ALBRINGER, Otto, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
ALEXANDER, Dennis, lab, res L nr 20th.
ALEXANDER, Sylvanus H, undertaker W H Brackett, rms 14th cor D.
ALLEN, Archie F, plumber 13th bet G and H, res 14th cor H.
ALLEN, Mrs Mary J, res I n w cor 16th.
ALTON, Jess W (Jenkins & Alton), General Agt U P Ry. 13th n e cor C, res Williams cor Madison.
ALVORD, Harry A, carp, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
ANDERSON, Albert, lab, bds Madison cor Park.
ANDERSON, Alexander, printer, rms 18th n w cor K.
ANDERSON, Andrew D, capitalist, rms Chico House.
ANDERSON, Anna S, milliner, res E s w cor 18th.
ANDERSON, Ella, domestic Bellingham Hotel.
ANDERSON, Herman, carp, res e part Central Whatcom.
ANDERSON, Homer G, butcher, res E bet 24th and 25th.
ANDERSON, Hugh, carp, rms e s J 2 s of 14th.
ANDERSON, Hugh, stone mason Zettler & Schanz, res 18th n e cor H.
ANDERSON, Isabella, dressmkr, res E s w cor 18th.
ANDERSON, Jane (wid Samuel), bds Park cor Jefferson.
ANDERSON, Maggie, domestic 14th n e cor J.
ANDERSON, Martin, carp, res Prospect nr Central ave.
ANDERSON, Michael, merchant, res E s w cor 18th.
ANDERSON, Peter B (Burrows & Anderson), rms Chico House.
ANDREAS, Francis, res Park n e cor Jefferson.
ANFINSON, Anfin, carp, res D bet 15th and 16th.
ARLINGTON, Belle, res 13th cor D.
ARMSTRONG, Charles, lab, bds Henry nr Monroe.
ARMSTRONG, James, lab John Bradley, bds w end Front.
ARMSTRONG, Walter S, carp, res Henry bet Monroe and Jefferson.
ARNOLD, Orion, clk Reynolds & Battersby Bros, rms 13th bet D and E.
ARNOTT, Alexander, bds Pacific House.
ASHER, Wm L, teamster, res 7 Knox blk.
ASKEW, James L, painter, res Linder bet Monroe and Jefferson.
ATHERTON, Edward S, carp, res e part Central Whatcom.
ATKINS, Charles M, cashr First National Bank of Whatcom, res J cor 14th.
AULT, Nicholas, bartender Jacob Beck, bds Pacific House.
AUSTIN, Banning, bds Washington cor Park.
AUSTIN, Gladys, stenogr, bds Washington cor Park.
AUSTIN, Harry, street commissioner, res Washington cor Park.
AUSTIN, Harry R, plasterer, bds Washington cor Park.
AUSTIN, Luella, teacher, bds Washington cor Park.
AUSTIN, Thomas C, res Henry 2 n of Front.
AUSTIN, Wm C, plasterer, res 17th s e cor G.


BACON, Cecil H, clk Bacon & Ells, res Front nr Guemas.
BACON, Ellen H (wid Jonathan), res Front nr Guemas.
BACON, Frederick H, painter, rms Linden nr Monroe.
BACON, George H (Bacon & Ells), res Front nr Guemas.
BACON, Theodore H, civil engineer, bds Front nr Guemas.
BACON & ELLS (George H Bacon, Harry H Ells), Real Estate and Loans 13th n e cor F.
BACUS, Harrison, logger, rms Walnut 2 s of Monroe.
BACUS, James, teamster, bds 15th n e cor F.
BAGLEY, Lester G, newsdealer Postoffice, res 17th cor D.
BAILEY, Charles, tinsmith Hutchinson & Hill, res New Whatcom.
BAILEY, Mrs Mary H, dressmkr res e s Prospect nr 17th.
BAKER, Barney, lab, bds Madison nr Monroe.
BAKER, Frank, driver N P Exp Co, rms D bet 13th and 14th.
BAKER, Henry, lab, bds Utter 3 n of Monroe.
BAKER, Joshua E, real est, res Broadway cor 13th.
BAKER, R A, solicitor, rms 17th n w cor G.
BAKER, Samuel W, bds I 1 s of 15th.
BALDING, Robert (Balding & Burkhart), res E cor 16th.
BALDING & BURKHART (Robert Balding, Lycurgus Burkhart), Proprs Pacific Clothing Co C n w cor 13th.
BANDY, Forest, teamster, res D 1 s of 23d.
BANK BLOCK, 13th s e cor C.
BARBER, Jeremiah, teamster, res 16th nr cor J.
BARBER, Jesse, capitalist, rms Chico House.
BARGER, John E, res 15th n w cor E.
BARLOW, Wallace S, mngr S E Dickey.
BARNEY, Frank N (Barney & Miller), rms Bellingham Hotel.
BARNEY & MILLER (Frank N Barney, Wm L Miller), Real Estate n s 13th bet C and D.
BARNHART, Henry N, abstractor Fairhaven Abstract Co, rms F cor 16th.
BARR, N S, teamster, bds Pacific House.
BARRON, Mary J (wid Hiram), bds G nw cor 15th.
BATEMAN, Samuel S, carp, res Utter cor Jefferson.
BATES, Edward, res Utter 1 s of Jefferson.
BATTERSBY, Benjamin F, clk Reynolds & Battersby Bros), res 13th bet D and E.
BATTERSBY, Peter S (Reynolds & Battersby Bros), res 13th bet D and E.
BATTERSBY, Robert W (Reynolds & Battersby Bros), res 13th bet D and E.
BAY CITY BOTTLING WORKS, Hiatt & Huden proprs, under Bellingham Block.
BEAN, Carl, lab D H DeCan, bds J M Riddle.
BEAR, C Noel, journalist, rms Whatcom House.
BEARD BROS (Daniel M and Charles Beard), bazaar s s 13th 1 e of D.
BEARD, Charles (Beard Bros), res F cor 21st.
BEARD, Daniel M (Beard Bros) res F cor 21st.
BEARD, Dexter, logger, res F n w cor 21st.
BEARD, Orace, axman, res Keesling's add.
BEATTIE, Edward B, printer George Speirs, res D bet 20th and 21st.
BECK, Jacob, saloon 13th n w cor F, res Henry nr Madison.
BECKER, Peter, tailor A Lindberg & Son, rms Grand View Hotel.
BEEBE, Charles H, carp, res Meridian n of North.
BELFORD, Samuel, grader, res n s 16th bet D and E.
BELL, Henry C, grader, bds e s C 2 n of 19th.
BELL, Robert C, lab, res 16th s e cor J.
BELL, Mrs, rms Bellingham Hotel.
BELLEW, Percy, supt Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res nr Whatcom Mill.
BELLINGHAM BAY EXPRESS, John deTiere pubr, 13th bet D and E.
B B FURNITURE CO, George W. Collom Mngr, Furniture, Carpents, Etc, Bellingham Hotel Block.
BELLINGHAM BAY RY & NAVIGATION CO, Eugene Canfield Pres, H W Williiams Vice-pres Robert Canfield Sec, J H McGraw Treas, C s e cor 12th.
BELLINGHAM BAY REVEILLE, Adams & Evans Publrs, Knox Block.
BELLINGHAM BAY STEAM FERRY LINE, Jenkins & Alton Proprs, 13th n e cor C.
BELLINGHAM BLOCK, s s 13th bet B and C.
BELLINGHAM HOTEL, See Hotel Bellingham.
BELMON, E, sticker Whatcom Sash, Door and Bldg Co.
BENNETT, Frank, painter, res 20th nrL.
BENNETT, Jane (wid Wm), bds 20th nr L.
BENSON, Bertil W, real estate, res Walnut 2 s of Washington.
BENSON, Fred A, clk Canfield Invest & Trust Co, bds Walnut nr Jefferson.
BENSON, Mary H, clk, bds Walnut 2 s of Washington.
BENSON, Wm, clk, bds Walnut 2 s of Washington.
BENTON, A, lab Heller & McGregor.
BENTON, Hattie S, teacher public school, bds J nr 13th.
BERG, Andrew, lab, res H bet 16th and 17th.
BERG, Ole, electrician, res Central ave nr Unity.
BERGMAN, John, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
BERGSTROM, Annie, domestic California House.
BERKMAN, James H, cook Pacific House.
BESCH, W, planer Fairhaven Land Co's Mill.
BEYER, Julius, carp, res Jaeger 1 n of Washington.
BIGGS, D E, physician 2 Bank blk, rms same.
BIRK, John, baker D bet 13th and 14th, res same.
BIRMINGHAM, D, lab Heller & McGregor.
BIRNEY, Homer J, physician, res Monroe cor West.
BISHOP, James H, clk Whatcom Furniture Co, rms 13th bet C and D.
BLACK, Alfred L (Harris  & Black), res Washington cor Lynn.
BLACKBURN, Robert, lab Heller & McGregor.
BLAIR, Herbert, lab, bds Utter 3 n of Monroe.
BLANC, Joe, washer Paris Laundry, rms C cor 13th.
BLAND, Edward, bartender Stenger Hotel, bds same.
BLANKENSHIP, Joseph A, res Monroe cor West.
BLANKENSHIP, Philip H, res s s Front nr Henry.
BLANKENSHIP, Quincy A, res Jaeger cor Monroe.
BLANKENSHIP, Thomas J, clk Ireland & Pancoast, bds Jaeger cor Monroe.
BLISS, Rev Ebeneza M, pastor First Baptist Church, rms I n e cor 18th.
BLODG, H, lab, rms Chicago House.
BLOMBERG, John, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res 13th nr E.
BLOMQUIST, Henry M, Propr Chicago Boot and Shoe House w s C bet 14th and 15th, res Peabody nr Broadway.
BLOMQUIST, John A, sign painter C bet 14th and 15th, res Peabody nr Broadway.
BLOMQUIST, Nelson F, res w s Peabody nr Broadway.
BLOSE, Lewis, carp, bds I s e cor 15th.
BOHN, Peter, lab, res w s D 1 n of 19th.
BOLEN, Andrew, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
BORCHERS, John, carp, res Lafayette nr Monroe.
BOTH, George W, teamster, bds Walnut cor Monroe.
BOTH, John, teamster, bds Walnut cor Monroe.
BOTTON, Emma, domestic Utter 1 n of Madison.
BOWER, James R (Bower & Stockwell), rms 14th s e cor D.
BOWER & STOCKWELL (J R Bower, Frank Stockwell), proprs Model Restaurant 14th s e cor D.
BOWMAN, Abram C, saw mill 20th nr Upper Falls Whatcom creek, res same.
BOWMAN, Alexander W, upholsterer Whatcom Furniture Co, res beach nr J.
BOWMAN, James L, bds Stenger Hotel.
BOWMAN, John B, cabinet maker Whatcom Furniture Co, res beach nr J.
BOWMAN, Orion, driver A C Bowman, bds same.
BOYD, Arthur W, express E cor 13th, res 17th cor H.
BOYD, James, painter D H DeCan, rms ft F.
BOYD, John, hostler W T Co, rms at barn.
BOYD, Seigle, bartender Cold Tea Saloon, rms Bellingham Hotel.
BOYES, Richard J, lab, res Central Whatcom.
BRACKETT, Wm H, undertaker C s e cor 15th, rms Byron House.
BRADLEY, John, dairy w end Front, res same.
BRADLEY, Nathan, driver John Bradley, bds w end Front.
BRAGG, Ralph S, physician 4 Bank blk, res C bet 19th and 20th.
BRAKE, Alvin H, polisher Paris Laundry, rms C cor 13th.
BRAMHALL, Columbus, lab, bds D bet 16th and 17th.
BRANHAM, Harriett (wid Samuel), bds Lafayette 3 n of Front.
BRENEMAN, Belle (wid Augustus), boarding house I 1 s of 14th, res same.
BRENGLE, Wm B, physician 16 Union blk, res same.
BRIDE, Arthur, teamster, res H nr 17th.
BRIDGE, Mattie A (wid Samuel I), res e s Prospect nr Lottie.
BRIDGE, Matthew, reporter, bds e s Prospect nr Lottie.
BRIGHAM, Frank H, draughtsman, rms Stenger Hotel.
BRISBIN, Mrs. Ella E, music teacher, bds E 1 n of 15th.
BRISBIN, Wm J, res E 1 n of 15th.
BRITTAN, Harry B (Brittan & Weimer), res D nr 16th.
BRITTAN & WEIMER (Harry B Brittan, Daniel W Weimer), Proprs The Sapp Saloon w s C bet 14th and 15th.
BROKAW, Henry V, carp, res I bet 24th and 25th.
BRONSON BROS (Fred N Bronson), Drugs n s 13th bet C and D.
BRONSON, Fred N (Bronson Bros), res I cor 16th.
BROWN, Miss Alice, tailoress, bds 15th n e cor F.
BROWN, John, cook J Orteig.
BROWN, Oliver, tinner Pratt Hardware Co, res D nr 24th.
BROWN, Oscar, cook Pacific House.
BROWN, Reuben, saloon D bet 13th and 14th, res same.
BROWN, Wm C, printer George Speirs, res F cor 15th.
BROWN, Wm M, res 15th n e cor F.
BROWNE, Louisa (wid John), res D 2 s of 23d.
BROWNE, Louis O, tinner, bds D 2 s of 23d.
BROYLES, James, engineer, rms e s C bet 13th and 14th.
BROYLES, John, justice of the peace City Hall, res C bet 13th and 14th.
BROYLES, Mrs L J, grocer 13th bet C and D furnished rooms C bet 13th and 14th, res same.
BRUCE, Marshall, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill.
BRUCE, Samuel M, lawyer 8 Bank blk, res New Whatcom.
BRUCE, Walter S, stenogr S M Bruce, bds New Whatcom.
BRUNDINE, John, lab, rms M nr 20th.
BRUNE, John, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
BRUNER, Clinton, surveyor, bds Williams cor Front.
BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO, H B Williams Pres and Sec, J H Williams Bus Mngr, Publrs The Evening Bulletin E bet 12th and 13th.
BULLETING THE EVENING, Bulletin Publishing Co Publrs, E bet 12th and 13th.
BURG, Emile, clk B B Furniture Co, res Marcy blk.
BURG, Oscar, clk B B Furniture Co, bds March blk.
BURGESS, Thomas, stone mason, rms Wisconsin House.
BURI, Ernest, mach Whatcom Iron Works, res Lynn nr Washington.
BURKE, T J, foreman, bds 15th n e cor F.
BURKHART, Lycurgus (Balding & Burkhart), res New Whatcom.
BURNELL, Harry, brickmkr Lambert & Co.
BURNLEY, Charles, laundry Front cor 12th, res same.
BURNS, Nellie, furnished rooms 13th bet Front and Whatcom Wharf.
BURROWS, Charles E, painter, res I n e cor 18th.
BURROWS, James H (Burrows & Anderson), res Front nr city limits.
BURROWS & ANDERSON (James H Burrows, Peter B Anderson), boots and shoes 13th s e cor D.
BURTON, Wm, dish washer Model Restaruant, rms 14th s e cor D.
BUTLER, Hampton M (McKinley, Staight & Butler), res I bet 20th and 21st.
BUTLER, Sanders L (Butler & McCarty), res F cor 16th.
BUTLER & MCCARTY (S L Butler, Morris McCarty), abstracts of titles Court House.
BYERS, E Henry, watchman The Whatcom Sash Door & Bldg Co, res D nr 25th.
BYGWEL, Peter, lab, bds I s w cor 21st.
BYTHER, Harry S, carp Whatcom Sash Door & Bldg Co, bds H nr 15th.


CAIN, Clark E, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, rms rear mill.
CAIN, Henry, rms Empire House.
CALDWELL, Ellis, res Walnut s e cor North.
CALIFORNIA HOUSE, J A Johnson propr D bet 13th and 14th.
CAMPBELL, Charles, carp, res D bet 15th and 16th.
CAMPBELL, James, foreman pile driver Avalanche.
CAMPBELL, Wm H, stenogr Harris & Black, rms New Whatcom.
CANFIELD, Celia (wid Benjamin), bds I cor 16th.
CANFIELD, Chauncey T, abstractor, res Front w of West.
CANFIELD, Eugene, pres Canfield Investment & Trust Co, res C cor 12th.
CANFIELD INVESTMENT & TRUST CO, Eugene Canfield pres and treas, Robert Canfield sec C or 12th.
CANFIELD, Robert, Canfield Investment & Trust Co, res C cor 12th.
CANTWELL, Joseph, stonecutter, Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
CARDER, Thomas, lab, bds Walnut cor Monroe.
CARLSON, Carl, setter J E Norstrom, res beach nr I.
CARLSON, Levin, bartender Oscar Holm, rms Chico House.
CARNETT, Alexander, cabinetmkr C G Cole.
CARROLL, George, lab, bds Pacific House.
CARTER, Frank B, accountant, res J s e cor 14th.
CARTER, Wm L, restaurant D bet 12th and 13th, res same.
CARTER, Mrs W L, mngr Bath House D bet 12th and 13th, res same.
CASEY, Joseph J (Casey & McLeod), rms New Whatcom.
CASEY & MCLEOD (J J Casey, M A McLeod), saloon 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and Front.
CAUFIELD, Robert F, jeweler, res e s H 2 s of 14th.
CELENE, Arthur, land clearer, bds D bet 16th and 17th.
CELENE, Mrs Elizabeth, res D bet 16th and 17th.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Jenkins blk, New Whatcom.
CHANDLER, James M, carp, res Elizabeth nr Washington.
CHAPMAN, Bert, teamster W T Co.
CHAPPELL, Burton B, teamster, rms 17th 1 e of J.
CHESTNUT, Martin F, real estate, res Williams cor Madison.
CHICAGO HOUSE, Z T Fowler propr, C bet 13th and 14th.
CHICHESTER, Edward S, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res Broadway cor 17th.
CHICHESTER, Harry, lab, bds Broadway cor 17th.
CHICHESTER, James E, lab, res Broadway cor 17th.
CHICHESTER, Lewis, axman, bds Broadway cor 17th.
CHICO HOUSE, James Gleason propr, 13th s e cor D.
CHIOTES, K, fruit stand Whatcom Wharf cor 13th.
CHOWEN, F W, painter, rms Whatcom House.
CHOWN, George, lab Heller & McGregor.
CIRCLE, Wm J, rms The Occidental.
CITY HALL, s s 13th bet E and F.
CLARK, Albert W, bds Broadway cor 13th.
CLARK, Dauphin M, driver, ress F s w cor 14th.
CLARK, E, pondman Fairhaven Land Co's Mill.
CLARK, George, bds Pacific House.
CLARK, Mrs. Phoebe, seamstress, res J 1 n of 15th.
CLARK, Richard W, bds Broadway cor 13th.
CLARK, Samuel, teamster, rms J cor 14th.
CLARK, Theron E, res J 1 n of 15th.
CLIXBY, Charles C, carp, res 25th cor I.
CLOUSER, Perry, res 17th cor D.
CLOUSER, Wm, carp, rms 17th cor D.
COBAIN, Thomas, appr A F Allen, res beach ft 13th.
COLD TEA SALOON, John R. Tait Propr, Mortimer D Flint Mngr Union Block.
COLE, Albert S, lawyer and master in chancery U S Court Bank blk, res H cor 14th.
COLE, Converse G, Furniture and Undertaker C n w cor 15th, res e s Utter 1 n of Madison.
COLE, Cyrrill B, res Park 2 s of North.
COLE, Edward T, shoemaker 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and Front, res same.
COLE, Miss Marion, bkkpr C G Cole, bds same.
COLE, Thomas H (W A Ritchie & Co), rms Union blk.
COLEMAN, Albert L, mngr Wilbur M Coleman, rms 13th bet C and D.
COLEMAN, Elmer, teamster, bds Lynn cor Jefferson.
COLEMAN, James, clk, bds Lynn cor Jefferson.
COLEMAN, Selden, rancher, res Lynn cor Jefferson.
COLEMAN, Wallace, clk, bds Lynn cor Jefferson.
COLEMAN, Wilbur M, Albert M Coleman mngr, clothing 13th bet C and D.
COLLIER, Edward L, dep assessor court house, rms D cor 22d.
COLLINS, John Y (Collins & Powell), res F bet 15th and 16th.
COLLINS & POWELL (John Y Collins, Wm Powell), real estate Bank blk.
COLLOM, George W, Mngr B B Furniture Co, res New Whatcom.
COMMERCIAL BLOCK, C s e cor 15th.
COMREFF, Louis, stone mason, bds Pacific House.
CONARY, Otis, lab Whatcom Sash Door & Bldg Co, rms Chicago House.
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, e s F bet 14th and 15th.
CONLIN, Joseph, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
CONRAD, Charles W, lab, res Park 2 n of Broadway.
COOK, Christian, lab, res 18th cor F.
COOK, P G, civil engineer, rms The Palace.
CORDWAY, Augustus, carp, res Henry nr Jefferson.
CORDWAY, Mrs. Mary, milliner, res Henry nr Jefferson.
CORNELL, Sarah, carpet weaver 13th bet H and G.
CORNETT, Alexander W, clk, res Elizabeth 3 n of Jefferson.
CORWIN, Henry B, grocer C bet 14th and 15th, res same.
COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, E bet 13th and 14th.
COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, E bet 13th and 14th.
COUPE, Wm T, res C n w cor 18th.
COURSEY, John E (Coursey & Verhaest), res C cor 14th.
COURSEY & VERHAEST (J E Coursey, Victor Verhaest), employment agents 13th bet C and D.
COURT HOUSE, 17th n e cor C.
CONSE, Ernest J, blacksmith Wm Legoe, rms 13th bet D and E.
COUTTS, Andrew T, foreman The Evening Bulletin, rms Grand View Hotel.
COX, Dewey G, carp, res I s w cor 23d.
COX, John, lab, res Jefferson nr Henry.
COX, Maria J (wid Mahlon), res I cor 23d.
CRAWFORD, Milton T, clk auditor's office, rms F cor 16th.
CROGAN, ___, carp, rms Charles Burnley.
CROKEN, Maggie, domestic n s 17th 2 e of C.
CRUIKSHANK, Jennie, seamstress Mrs. Frank Littlefield.
CRUTEN, Maria, domestic Walnut 1 s of Washington.
CUDWORTH, Charles, res e s E nr 23d.
CUNNINGHAM, Benjamin, lab Lambert & Co.
CUNNINGHAM, James, lab Lambert & Co.
CUNNINGHAM, Wm, lab, bds Pacific House.
CUPPLES, Eugene E, carp, res D bet 25th and 26th.
CURRIE, J, carp Skinner, Thurston & Wahl.
CURTIS, George C, sheriff Knox blk, res 14th cor E.
CURTISS, Frank E, Propr Our Market 14th 1 w of D, res E s e cor 14th.
CUTLER, John, bds J s e cor 17th.


DAHLMER, Jacob, carp, res Lafayette nr Monroe.
DAILEY, Thomas, blacksmith Wm Legoe, rms George Merriam.
DAVIDSON, Joseph, stonecutter Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
DAVIS, Georgie, dressmaker, res 14th bet E and F.
DAVIS, Joseph, rms Empire House.
DAVIS, Peter, hostler W T Co, rms at barn.
DAVIS, Reuben L, clk auditor's office, rms Raymond House.
DAVIS, Samuel, lab, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
DAWSON, Amanda, dressmaker Minnie Dawson, res C bet 14th and 15th.
DAWSON, Charles, lab pile driver Drastic.
DAWSON, George, res e s F 2 s of 17th.
DAWSON, Hannah I, restaurant C bet 14th and 15th, res same.
DAWSON, Joseph B, sec Whatcom County Abstract & Title Security Co, res New Whatcom.
DAWSON, Miss Minnie, dressmaker C bet 14th and 15th.
DAY, Minnie, bds e s D nr 16th.
DECAN, Daniel H, shingle mnfr ft of F, res Front w of West.
DECHAMPLAIN, Louis, real estate, res Lafayette cor Front.
DEHAVEN, Isaac, farmer, res Williams cor Front.
DEHAVEN, Jessie, clk, res Front cor Williams.
DEHAVEN, Louis R, surveyor, bds Williams cor Front.
DEHAVEN, Mary J, clk, bds Williams cor Front.
DEHAVEN, Thomas H, surveyor, bds Williams cor Front.
DEITRICH, Fred, planer Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res Oates' Boarding House.
DELLINGER, Perry N, res J s w cor 22d.
DE MATTOS, James P, vice-pres First Natl Bank, lawyer and pres Whatcom Co Abstract & Title Security Co Bank blk, rms Pacific House.
DEMING, Pearl, res 13th s w cor D.
DENEHI, Frank, lab, res 17th n e cor G.
DENEHI, Maland, lab, res 17th n e cor G.
DENNISON, Albert, planer, bds D s w cor 15th.
DENT, George, dentist Wm A Werden, rms Marcy blk.
DESAUTELS, Wm, propr Paris Laundry C cor 11th, res same.
DE TIERE, John, publisher Bellingham Bay Express.
DIAMOND, George W, Restaurant w s D bet 12th and 13th, res w s D bet 13th and 14th.
DICKEY, S E, saddlery and harness D bet 13th and 14th.
DICKINSON, John L, sawyer D H DeCan, bds Pacific House.
DICKINSON, Philip E, pres First National Bank, res H cor 15th.
DIEHL, John H, carp, res Walnut 2 s of North.
DIMON, Rev Jacob V, pastor Congregational Church, res Utter cor Monroe.
DIX, Herbert A, teamster, res Park 1 n of Broadway.
DOAK, Edward W, carp, res 23d 1 w of D.
DOAN, Jasper S, cook Swan & Ensign, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
DOBBS, Beverly, photogr, bds Front cor Utter.
DOBBS, Mary (wid John W), res Front cor Utter.
DOBBS, Rose E, teacher public school, bds Front cor Utter.
DOLAND, J, painter, rms Chico House.
DONOHUE, John, lab Heller & McGregor.
DONOVAN, Charles, abstractor, res s s 16th 1 w of D.
DOOR, John, woodsman, rms The Palace.
DOOR, Robert, woodsman, rms The Palace.
DORME_CT, D, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
DOUGLAS, C J, surveyor, bds Pacific House.
DOUGLAS, Wm, teamster, res w s H 1 n of 13th.
DOUGLASS, Albert, carp, bds w s E nr 27th.
DOVE, Robert, lab Heller & McGregor.
DOWD, Chester C, carp, res J n w cor 15th.
DOWD, Wm, carp, bds J n w cor 15th.
DOWNIE, Adelina, Kindergarten Monroe w of West, bds same.
DOWNIE, Frank E, rancher, res F cor 24th.
DOYLE, Charles, carp, rms Empire House.
DUFNER, Nicholas, propr Wisconsin House D bet 13th and 14th, res same.
DUNGAY, H L, farmer, rms Whatcom House.
DUNHAM, Booth B, lab, res e part Central Whatcom.
DUNNE, Ellis, real estate, rms 13th n e cor J.
DUQUETTE, Joseph, restaurant C bet 14th and 15th, res same.
DURKI, Benjamin, bridge man Zirngivl & Sherman, rms tent Whatcom Wharf.


EARLY, Thomas G (Early & Inks), rms Union blk.
EARLY & INKS (T G Early, J C Inks), barbers Union blk.
ECERESKEY, Frank, carp, bds Pacific House.
EDDY, Alvin J, lab, res e s I 2 s of 18th.
EDDY, James, bds e s I 2 s of 18th.
EDSON, Edward, clk H A White, bds 18th cor K.
EDSON, Mary (wid Martin), bds 18th cor K.
EDWARDS, Stanley, stenogr Harris & Black, bds W H Harris.
EHLE, Frank, lab, res G bet 13th and 14th.
EHRMAN, Frederick, lab Habig & Fisher, res 17th cor H.
EIERMANN, Nicholas, restaurant C bet 14th and 15th, res same.
ELDRIDGE, Hugh, County Auditor Court House, res Eldridge Donation Claim.
ELLIOTT, Wm J, lumber surveyor Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res 17th nr K.
ELLIS, George, lab, bds Pacific House.
ELLIS, Thomas, farmer, rms Whatcom House.
ELLS, Harry H (Bacon & Ells), res 13th cor J.
ELWOOD, John, real estate, rms D cor 19th.
ELWOOD, Thomas, lab, res Linden 1 n of Jefferson.
ELWOOD, Wm, bds Linden 1 n of Jefferson.
EMERSON, Wm H, saloon, res Monroe w of West.
EMMES, Rollin B, barber Louis Larson, res Elizabeth cor Madison.
EMPIRE HOUSE, J A Ryan propr, C bet 13th and 14th.
ENOS, Nellie, domestic I 1 n of 13th.
ENSIGN, Harry (Swan & Ensign), rms C bet 14th and 15th.
ERICKSON, Louis, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
ERICKSON, Martin, lab, res H nr 17th.
ERNEST, Wm A, carp, rms C bet 14th and 15th.
ESTERGREEN, Ander E, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res New Whatcom.
ESTERBROOK, Barney A (Lambert & Co), res C cor 17th.
EVANS, Aaron, lab, res H bet 21st and 22d.
EVANS, John C (Adams & Evans), res 19th cor D.
EVANS, Robert A, reporter Bellingham Bay Reveille, res 19th cor D.
EVENING BULLETIN THE, Austin & Williams publrs and proprs, E cor 13th.
EVERSON, Christian, carp, res Monroe cor Broadway.
EYDAN, Ferdinand, carp, res Myers add.
EYTEL, Julius W, butcher, res Houser 2 n of Monroe.


FAIRCHILD, Harry A, lawyer Likens-Stenger blk, res 18th cor J.
FAIRHAVEN LAND CO of Fairhaven, Frank Affleck Office Mngr, Lumber Mnfrs 14th nr C.
FAIRHAVEN LAND CO WHARF, J. Yaple Wharfinger end of wharf.
FALKSTRUM, Maria (wid Erick), res H nr 16th.
FANCHER, Henry, carp, res e s J 2 s of 14th.
FANNING, James H, carp, rms 17th n w cor G.
FARR, Miss Anna, teacher, bds Monroe s e cor West.
FAUKENHEIMER, Michael, lab, res H nr 24th.
FAUTH, John J (Fauth & Co), bds C 2 n of 19th.
FAUTH & CO (John J Fauth, Charles Kindewatter), proprs Delmonico Restaurant under Bellingham Hotel.
FELKER, George W, mngr abstract office F C Pettibone & Co, res G bet 16th and 17th.
FERGUSON, Charles, engineer The Evening Bulletin.
FERGUSON, John S, clk Bronson Bros, rms 13th bet C and D.
FERRIS, David, lab, res Broadway cor Elm.
FIELD, Martin, lab Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res Peabody cor Jefferson.
FIELDS, Thomas M, teamster, bds Pacific House.
FINNEY, Carrie, domestic e s I 2 s of 16th.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, w s I bet 13th and 14th.
FIRST M E CHURCH, I s e cor 16th.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, P E Dickinson pres, C M Atkins cashr, J P de Mattos vice pres, 13th s e cor C.
FISHER, Charles (Habig & Fisher), res 17th s e cor I.
FISHER, George W (Roberts & Fisher), rms Knox blk.
FISHER, Wm, teamster, bds H 1 n of 13th.
FLATCH, Eli, axman, res Henry nr North.
FLEMMING, Bert, turner Whatcom Sash, Door & Bldg Co, res D nr 20th.
FLINT, Mortimer D, Mngr Cold Tea Saloon, rms Hotel Bellingham.
FLODIN, Gustav, doorman Whatcom S D & Bldg Co.
FOBES, Ozro B, clk Pratt Hardware Co, res J nr 15th.
FOLENDORF, Ernest, carp, res e part Central Whatcom.
FOLGER, John, Cigars and Tobacco 13th n e cor D, res same.
FOLWAY, John, plumber, bds Pacific House.
FORELL, Frederick, bkkpr Barney & Miller, rms Pacific House.
FORTAIN, Julian O, carp, res C s w cor 21st.
FOUTS, Wm H, dry goods 14th n w cor D, res same.
FOWLER, Zach T, propr Chicago House C bet 13th and 14th, res same.
FRANCKE, Frederick, dishwasher Nicholas Eiermann, res Henry cor Jefferson.
FRANKLIN, George, res Elizabeth cor Jefferson.
FRANKLIN, John C, carp, res Front w of West.
FRASER, Allen, clk, bds Williams cor Madison.
FRASER, G F (wid James), res Williams cor Madison.
FRASER, John, carp, res J s e cor 23d.
FRASER, John, clk, bds Williams cor Madison.
FRASER, Peter, clk H T Robinson, rms Madison cor Williams.
FRAZIER, Andrew, lab, res Madison nr Walnut.
FREEMAN, Burnham, driver Likens & Co, res 17th cor F.
FREY, Andrew, harness maker, bds Pacific House.
FRITZ, Michael, rancher, rms The Quiet Home.
FRITZ, Peter, blacksmith Wm Legoe, res Bayshore.
FULTON, John, farmer, bds Stenger Hotel.


GAAR, Edwin F, carp, res Utter 2 s of Jefferson.
GALLAGHER, Daniel, lab Heller & McGregor.
GANNON, James, bartender Oklahoma Saloon, res C cor 19th.
GANNON, Michael, res G n w cor 15th.
GANNON, Mrs. M, clk Hayes & Merriam, res G cor 15th.
GANNON, Michael H, mngr Oklahoma Saloon, res E bet 13th and 14th.
GARDNER, Cora M ( wid Wm), res J n w cor 13th.
GARSTER, Charles, waiter Model Restaurant, rms 14th cor D.
GATES, James M, solicitor, rms F cor 16th.
GATES, Samuel T, teamster, res Jefferson cor Henry.
GAUDETTE, Edward, axman, res C cor 19th.
GAWLEY, Josephine (wid Robert), boarding house Utter 3 n of Monroe.
GEER, A M, rms Whatcom House.
GEER, Jonas, res 17th s w cor I.
GEORGE, Harry, bartender Reuben Brown, res 17th cor G.
GEPHART, Charles, plasterer, bds Prospect nr 17th.
GEPHART, John, lather, bds Prospect nr 17th.
GEPHART, Lewis, carp, res Prospect nr Lottie.
GEPHART, Miss Minnie, clk, bds Prospect nr 17th.
GERMAIN, John, millwright Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, rms Whatcom House.
GETZ, Ernest, teamster, res F bet 25th and 26th.
GIBBS, Morris H, painter, bds 23d 1 w of D.
GIBSON, Wm P, confectionery 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and Front, res same.
GIESE, Otto, carp, res Champion, Central Whatcom.
GILBERT, E P, lab Heller & McGregor.
GILLESPIE, Charles, res Park s w cor Monroe.
GILLIS, John D, woodsman, rms The Palace.
GILMOUR, Matthew, lab, bds e s C 2 n of 19th.
GIRAULT, Eugene (Girault & Liberty), res Paris Hotel.
GIRAULT & LIBERTY (Eugene Girault, Joe Liberty), proprs Paris Hotel C s w cor 12th.
GLEASON, James, propr Chico House 13th s e cor D.
GLOSTER, James, policeman, res C cor 18th.
GOETTER, Joseph, stone mason Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
GOLDEN, Louis, res Prospect nr Central ave.
GOLDEN, Wm F, express, res 14th bet C and D.
GOODWIN, S A, mason, rms Whatcom House.
GOSSARD, Wm, res Utter 3 s of Jefferson.
GOTEE, Maria (wid James), res I 1 n of 13th.
GRADY, P, lab Heller & McGregor.
GRAPER, Herman, band sawyer Whatcom Sash, Door & Bldg Co, res Walnut nr Washington.
GREEN, Frank, res 17th n e cor F.
GREENBERG, Abraham (Greenberg Bros), rms 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and Front.
GREENBERG BROS (Charles and Abraham), clothing 13th bet Whatcom Wharf and Front.
GREENBERG, Charles (Greenberg Bros), res New Whatcom.
GREER, Thomas W, teamster, res Central Whatcom.
GREGORY, Wm C, lawyer 22 Union blk, rms Union blk.
GRIDLEY, Charles, wrestler, rms The Palace.
GRIFFIN, James, lab Heller & McGregor.
GROVE, Olaf, lab, res H bet 15th and 16th.
GUEST, John F, res Henry 1 n of Washington.
GUNDRUM, Fred, brtndr Stenger Hotel, bds same.
GUNDRUM, Mrs May, furnished rooms e s C bet 14th and 15th.


HABIG, Caspar (Habig & Fisher), res 17th s e cor I.
HABIG & FISHER (Caspar Habig, Charles Fisher), Brick Yard and Pottery Works 17th s e cor I.
HADLEY, Frank S, teller First National Bank, res J cor 13th.
HADLUND, Albert, stone mason Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
HALL, Byron A, printer B B Reveille, res McLeod blk.
HALL, Robert, lab Heller & McGregor.
HALSTED, David L (Halsted & Isensee), Proprs Lake Whatcom Stage Line, res Broadway s e cor 16th.
HALSTED & ISENSEE (D L Halsted, P M Isensee), Proprs Pioneer Livery Stable F s of 13th.
HAMBERG, Mary, waitress Pacific House.
HAMER, Lulu, clk, bds e s J 2 s of 14th.
HAMILTON, Talifero S, bkkpr B B Furniture Co, rms Bellingham blk.
HAMILTON, Wm W, abstractor Jones & Carlyon, res Park cor Jefferson.
HANNON, Edward, lab, bds Terminus Hotel.
HANEL, E, carp Whatcom S D & Bldg Co.
HANSON, Charles, cook, rms Whatcom House.
HAPTONSTALL, Louis N, lather, rms 13th bet G and H.
HARKLEROAD, Wm E, carp, res C bet 15th and 16th.
HARKNESS, George, lab, res Elm 1 s of North.
HARMAN, Sidney E, carp, res I s e cor 15th.
HARMON, Ollie, bds e s D nr 16th.
HARRIS, Charles L, sawyer, res 14th n w cor H.
HARRIS, Joseph, bds Utter cor Madison.
HARRIS, Wm H (Harris & Black), res Utter cor Madison.
HARRIS & BLACK (Wm H Harris, Alfred L Black), lawyers n s 14th between C and D.
HART, Charles E, printer B B Reveille, res Madison cor Utter.
HART, Mary, clk probate court, res Madison cor Utter.
HARTUP, Benjamin, waiter Model Restaurant, rms 14th cor D.
HASTINGS, Benjamin, foreman Zettler & Schanz, rms 17th cor G.
HAUSER, Frederick F, bds Front n w cor West.
HAVIG, Andrew, carp, bds 25th s e cor J.
HAVIG, Ole F, carp, res w s D bet 14th and 15th.
HAWKINS, Arthur, lab, res Lafayette 2 n of Front.
HAWKINS, Morling H, bkkpr Pratt Hardware Co, res 13th cor J.
HAWKINSON, Peter, lab, res Park cor Jefferson.
HAYES, Harry G, genl bkkpr First National Bank, rms J cor 13th.
HAYES, John P (Hayes & Merriam), res 16th cor E.
HAYES, Rufus, engineer Heller & McGregor.
HAYES, Thomas, boomman Heller & McGregor.
HAYES & MERRIAM (John P Hayes, George W Merriam), dry goods w s e bet 13th and 14th.
HAYES & MERRIAM (John P Hayes, George W Merriam), saloon C s e cor 14th.
HAYNES, Charles E, bds Lafayette n w cor Front.
HAYWARD, Wm, lab Lambert & Co, rms C nr 14th.
HEADY, George H, policeman, res s s 17th nr H.
HEATHERS, Frank, lab, bds Lafayette nr Monroe.
HEATHERS, George, teamster, bds Lafayette nr Monroe.
HEATHERS, Wm, lab, res Lafayette nr Monroe.
HEATLEY, James, mach Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res K cor 20th.
HEATLEY, Wm, mach Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res D bet 21st and 22d.
HEATWOLE, A D, carp Skinner, Thurston & Wahl.
HEBER, John, teamster, bds 20th nr L.
HEDDY, Thomas, hack driver W T Co, rms Pacific Hotel.
HEDGE, Wm, res J s e cor 17th.
HEDLUNG, Andrew, stone mason, rms s s 17th 1 e of J.
HEDRICK, Albert T, lab, bds Pacific House.
HEINZ, Wm, lab Zettler & Schanz, bds 18th cor H.
HELLER, Henry (Heller & McGregor), rms Union blk.
HELLER & MCGREGOR (Henry Heller, H J McGregor), Highway and Railroad Bridge Contractors and Wharf, Viaduct and Pile Driving Contraction 13 and 15 Union Block.
HELM, Adelbert, carp, bds Walnut n w cor Monroe.
HENDERSON, Howard E, physician Bank blk, res 19th cor D.
HENDERSON, Walter G, foreman barn W T Co, res D bet 14th and 15th.
HENDRICKSON, Matilda, domestic Front s e cor Guemas.
HERMAN, Ole, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res M nr 20th.
HERRINGTON, A J, rms C bet 13th and 14th.
HIATT, Charles (Hiatt & Huden), res Prospect nr Lottie.
HIATT, James M, edgerman Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, bds Prospect nr Lottie.
HIATT, Oliver C, dentist 1 Bank blk, res Williams nr Washington.
HIATT & HUDEN (Charles Hiatt, Henry Huden), proprs Bay City Bottling Works under Bellingham Hotel.
HIGLEY, Florence, seamstress Mrs. Frank Littlefield.
HIGLEY, Hulbert A, axman, res Prospect nr 17th.
HILDERBRAND, Wm, chainman H W Horne, res D cor 17th.
HILL, James C (Hutchinson & Hill), res 17th cor F.
HILLJE, John, teamster, bds Pacific House.
HINCKS, Edmund S, draughtsman 13th cor F, res 22d bet D and E.
HINDMAN, Mary (wid Francis), furnished rooms e s I 1 s of 15th.
HINTZ, Frederick, carp, res K n e cor 20th.
HINZ, Wm, bench hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, rms Wisconsin House.
HIRSCHI, John, wagonmkr Wm Legoe, rms 14th cor G.
HITTINGER, Peter, carp Whatcom Sash Door & Bldg Co.
HIXSON, Burch M, real estate, bds Park 1 n of Monroe.
HIXSON, Cary C, county clerk e s E bet 13th and 14th, res Park 1 n of Monroe.
HIXSON, Daniel A, farmer, bds Park 1 n of Monroe.
HIXSON, David, res Park 1 n of Monroe.
HIXSON, May, clk county clerk's office, bds Park nr Monroe.
HIXSON, Oliver T, farmer, bds Park 1 n of Monroe.
HOAR, J C, lab Heller & McGregor.
HODGES, John H, Propr Whatcom Soda Works s s 13th bet I and J, res same.
HOLBROCK, Alexander, lab, bds Pacific House.
HOLDEN, Wm N, mill hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res Champion nr Holly.
HOLLEN, James C, clk, bds 17th s w cor E.
HOLM, Ole, Propr Svea Saloon s s 13th 2 w of D.
HOLMES, Francis R, boots and shoes 13th bet C and D, res E cor 17th.
HOLMES, Horace, lab, bds D n w cor 16th.
HOPKINS, Charles G, real estate, res 13th n e cor G.
HOPSON, John H, carp, bds D 2 s of 23d.
HORNE, Hermon W, city engineer Bank blk, res Williams cor Madison.
HOTEL BELLINGHAM, J H Stenger Propr, 13th cor Wharf.
HOUCH, Joseph, bench hand Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res 16th bet C and D.
HOUSER, Andrew, Grocer Washington ave bet Utter and Williams, res Utter 1 s of Washington ave.
HOUSER, Mary M (wid Perry), bds Park cor North.
HOUSER, Millard, lab, res Park cor North.
HOWARD, Harry, barber Early & Inks, rms The Raymond.
HOWARD, John, cashier, bds Monroe n w cor West.
HOWE, George W, mngr Henry Roeder, bds Elm nr Jackson.
HUDEN, Henry (Hiatt & Huden), res C cor 15th.
HUDSON, George H, lab, bds Utter 3 n of Monroe.
HUMMER, Anthony C, butcher, res Beach bet H and I.
HUNSICKER, John E, solicitor Evening Bulletin, rms Byron House.
HURLEY, John, stonecutter, bds 18th n e cor H.
HUSTON, Joseph H, clk Bellingham Hotel, res same.
HUSTON, Miss Lettie, tel opr, bds D s w cor 17th.
HUSTON, Wm T, carp, res D s w cor 17th.
HUTCHINSON, John H (Hutchinson & Hill), rms 13th bet D and E.
HUTCHINSON & HILL (John H Hutchinson, James C Hill), Hardware, Stoves, Loggers' Supplies, Etc n s 13th bet D and E.
HUTTER, August, baker John Birk, rms D bet 13th and 14th.
HYATT, Glenn C, clk auditor's office, res New Whatcom.
HYATT, Joseph, carp, res W Park cor Jefferson.
HYATT, Mrs. Mary, seamstress Mrs. Frank Littlefield, res Park cor Jefferson.
HYLAND, Rev P Edward, rector St Paul's Episcopal Church, res Walnut 2 n of Front.


IMHOFF, Charles, carp, res Elizabeth bet Washington and Monroe.
INKS, James C (Early & Inks), res Henry nr Monroe.
IRELAND, Cornelius, clk Ireland & Pancoast, bds 14th cor D.
IRELAND, David (Ireland & Pancoast), res 14th cor D.
IRELAND & PANCOAST (David Ireland, Albert Pancoast), grocers Knox blk.
IRVING, Wm J, mngr Stenger Bros Harness Store, rms Pacific House.
ISENSEE, Kate, teacher public school, bds E n e cor 18th.
ISENSEE, Phillip M (Halsted & Isensee), res E n e cor 18th.


JACKSON, Frank, house mover, res D s e cor 18th.
JACKSON, John, plasterer, res w s Park 1 n of Monroe.
JACKSON, Kirk, lab, res D bet 24th and 25th.
JACOBS, Miss Rena, dressmkr 14th bet D and E, res same.
JACQUES, L C, carp, rms D s w cor 17th.
JAEGER, Charles, clk, bds Front s e cor Guemas.
JAEGER, Ernest L, real estate, bds Front s e cor Guemas.
JAFFE, Louis (L Jaffe & Co), res Seattle, Wash.
JAFFE, L & Co (Louis Jaffe), wholesale liquors C bet 13th and 14th.
JAMES, Robert C, lab, res West 2 n of Monroe.
JAMESON, David, printer George Speirs, res 17th nr C.
JEFFERSON, Jacob, lab, res J s w cor 25th.
JEFFREY, Wm, harnessmkr S E Dickey, rms Wisconsin House.
JENKINS, David C, postmaster 13th nr E, res Front cor Guemas.
JENKINS, George A (Jenkins & Alton), res Front cor Guemas.
JENKINS, Gertie E, clk post office, bds Front cor Guemas.
JENKINS, John R, propr Whatcom House E s w cor 14th, res same.
JENKINS, Leslie A, purser stmr Mikado, bds Front cor Guemas.
JENKINS, Louis, bartender Whatcom House, rms same.
JENKINS, Sheridan L, money order clk post office, bds Front cor Guemas.
JENKINS, Thomas, janitor St Paul's Episcopal Church, res D cor 14th.
JENKINS, Will D, Supervisor U S Census Western Dist of Washington Rm 6 Knox Block, res n s 17th 2 e of C.
JENKINS & ALTON (George A Jenkins, J W Alton), Proprs Whatcom & Fairhaven Ferry 13th n e cor C.
JENNESKE, Henry, lab Heller & McGregor.
JENNINGS, Edward R, bds Front 2 w of Guemas.
JENNINGS, Wm, rms Chicago House.
JENRO, Oscar S, foreman Fairhaven Land Co's Mill, res C cor 17th.
JERRETT, Arthur, printer B B Reveille, res Madison cor Henry.
JOACKE, Antone, carp, res n s Front n of West.
JOB, Nicholas, stone mason, rms Wisconsin House.
JOHANSEN, Antone (Johansen & Toren), res Terminus Hotel.
JOHANSEN & TOREN (Antone Johansen, Andrew Toren), Proprs Terminus Hotel C bet 15th and 16th.
JOHNSON, Anna S, domestic Lynn cor Washington.
JOHNSON, Charles, carp, bds s s 23d 1 w of D.
JOHNSON, Charles, lab, res K nr 20th.
JOHNSON, Feronia, teacher public schools, bds I nr 18th.
JOHNSON, Frank, sawyer J E Norstrom, bds California House.
JOHNSON, Gustave, lab, res K nr 20th.
JOHNSON, Ira T Y, res e s I 1 n of 18th.
JOHNSON, John, lab, bds Pacific House.
JOHNSON, John A, propr California House D bet 13th and 14th.
JOHNSON, John A, lab, bds Elm s w cor North.
JOHNSON, Lois (wid Alfred), res D 2 n of 18th.
JOHNSON, Mane, lab, res 20th nr K.
JOHNSON, Sarah, waitress Pacific House.
JOHNSON, Swan, engineer J E Norstrom, res Beach nr G.
JOHNSON, Tovard, lab, bds M nr 20th.
JOHNSON, Wm, carp J E Norstrom, res Beach nr I.
JOHNSTON, Prof George B, prin Whatcom public schools n s 17th bet I and J, res Walnut nr North.
JONAK, John A, harnessmaker S E Dickey, rms Wisconsin House.
JONES, Abel E, architect, res 13th cor H.
JONES, George A M, carp and builder D bet 15th and 16th, res same.
JONES, Jacob, lab Heller & McGregor.
JONES, Wm F, stonecutter, res s s 17th 1 e of J.

Copied by Susan Nahas, July - November 2001


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