
New Whatcom Directory 1890

Speirs & Anderson, Publishers
Whatcom, Wash.

New Whatcom, formerly Sehome, in Whatcom county, settled in 1858, incorporated as a city in 1888. It contains a bank, the Bellingham Bay National with a capital of $60,000, three churches, Catholic, Lutheran and Presbyterian, one daily newspaper, the Gazette.


ABBOTT, Albert, lab, res Gladstone cor Meikle.
ABBOTT, Henry, engineer B B & B C R R, res Meikle nrGladstone.
ABERG, Frederick, driver, bds Maple bet Elk and Forest.
ACKERMAN, Frederick, barber s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe, res same.
ADAMS, Frank, lab, bds National Hotel.
ADAMS, Warren G,lab, res Forest bet Laurel and Rose.
AKING, G, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
ALBERS, Frederick, lab B B & B C R R.
ALBRIGHT, C W, teacher, rms Forest 3 n of Chestnut.
ALBION HOUSE, Walsh Bros proprs, w s Elk 3 s of Laurel.
ALEXANDER, H, helper B B & B C R R.
ALLEN, Alice, milliner Mrs M N Swift.
ALLEN, John, driver Bellingham Bay Co, rms Elk nr Chestnut.
ALLEN, John C, clk, bds Forest n e cor Rose.
ALLIE, Charles, rms Grand View Hotel.
ALLISON, A C, waiter, bds Albion House.
ALMETER, John, carp R C Jordan, res James nr Alabama.
ALMETER, Lewis, painter Elk nr Kansas, bds James nr Alabama.
ALSOP & UHLMAN, meat market, Wm A Reeve mngr Elk 3 n of Myrtle.
ALTON, John W (Jenkins & Alton), agt U P R R, Holly s w cor Dock.
ALTON, Julia, domestic n s Caroline 1 w of Elk.
ALTSHULER, Sam, clothing s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad, res same.
AMBROSE, John, carp, res Elk 1 s of Carolina.
AMMERMAN, Alva B, cook, bds Maple 1 e of Elk.
AMUNDSON, Rev Ole (Lutheran), rms Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
ANDERSON, Alexander, mill hand, rms Plymouth Hotel.
ANDERSON, Andrew, furnished rooms e s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
ANDERSON, Andrew, real estate, bds n s Maple 1 e of Elk.
ANDERSON, Annie, dressmkr R K Gilson.
ANDERSON, August, lab B B & B C R R.
ANDERSON, Bell, dressmkr R K Gilson.
ANDERSON, Carl, lab, res York add.
ANDERSON, Charles, lab, rms e s Forest 2 n of Rose.
ANDERSON, Clara, domestic Garden s e cor Maple.
ANDERSON, Emil, carp, rms Hotel du Nord.
ANDERSON, Frederick, printer Gazette, rms Lynden House.
ANDERSON, Gustavus, lab Globe Mill Co, res Forest 2 n of Rose.
ANDERSON, Herman, carp R C Jordan.
ANDERSON, Jens, lab, rms Lars Anderson.
ANDERSON, Lars, plasterer, res Meikle bet Potter and Gladstone.
ANDERSON, Peter B(Anderson & Forell), res D cor 13th.
ANDERSON, Robert J (R J Anderson & Son), res Forest bet Maple and Chestnut.
ANDERSON, R J & Son (Robert J and Winfield S), real estate w s Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
ANDERSON, Winfield S (R J Anderson & Son), bds Forest bet Maple and Chestnut.
ANDERSON & FORELL (Peter B Anderson, Fred A Forell), real estate w s Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
ANNEBERG, John,baker,rms Forest 3 n of Chestnut.
ANNEBERG, Wm, baker, rms Forest 3 n of Chestnut.
APRIL, Frederick, lab B B & B C R R.
ARKER, W, lab B B & B C R R.
ARMSTRONG, Wm F carp, res Harrison n w cor Lake.
ARONSON, Morris (Marcus & Aronson), rms Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
ARMSTRONG, Wm P, real estate, res Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
ASBITT, Jacque, lab, rms Forest 1 n of Laurel.
ATCHESON, Ella, chambermaid Hotel Sehome.
ATHERTON, E S, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
ATWOOD, John C, civil engineer B B & B C R R, res Forest cor Rose.
ATWOOD, Weston, clk B Baum, rms Laurel bet Myrtle and High.


BABCOCK, Horatio H, furniture Elk bet Holly and Magnolia, res same.
BACON, Gertie, dressmaker R K Gilson.
BAFKLA, Charles, painter, res Chestnut and Holly.
BAGLEY, L C, engineer B B & B C R R.
BAILEY, D C, carp B B & B C R R.
BAILEY, Henry L, musician Casino Theatre.
BAILEY, John W, teamster, res Laurel cor Railroad ave.
BAKER, J E (Baker & Dunn), res e s Broadway bet 13th and 14th.
BAKER, L, chainman B B & B C R R.
BAKER, Peter, tinner, rms Grand View Hotel.
BAKER, S, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
BAKER, Wm C, carp, res Railroad 3 s of Pine.
BAKER & DUNN (J E Baker, W Ellis Dunn), Real Estate, Loans and Insurance s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
BALDING, Robert (Pacific Clothing Co), res Whatcom.
BAR, Willard, driver, bds Maple 1 e of Elk.
BARLOW, Thomas, plumber, bds National Hotel.
BARNES, Ambrose, res Meikle nr Gladstone.
BARNES, Charles, messngr P P Tel Co, bds York add.
BARNES, Charles, musician, rms Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
BARNES, Ettie, dressmaker R K Gilson.
BARNES, Mrs Julia, dressmaker, res Meikle 1 e of Gladstone.
BARNETT, Henry, mngr F G Maresch, res Laurel bet Elk and Forest.
BARTHOLOMEW, J G, lab, bds National Hotel.
BARTRUFF, David, carp, bds Laurel 1 w of Garden.
BASS, Samuel, land agt B B & B C R R Co w s Elk e cor Humboldt, res Holly blk.
BAUM, Bernard, grocer w s Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel, bds Hotel Sehome.
BAY CITY LIME CO, Fred C Pettibone pres, J W Morgan vice-pres, Charles P Wheeler sec Elk n e cor Chestnut.
BEARD, Dexter, carp B B & B C R R.
BEATTY, James J (Beatty & Kearney), res Forest bet Laurel and Maple.
BEATTY & KEARNEY (James Beatty, Patrick Kearney), Plumbers and Tinsmiths Maple bet Forest and Elk.
BEAUMONT, Charles, lab, bds National Hotel.
BECK, Wm, lab, bds Maple bet Elk and Forest.
BELGIE, L, lab R C Jordan.
BELGIN, James, lab, bds Elk bet Willow and York.
BELL, John, lab, bds Albion House.
BELL, Lutie (wid Wm), res Elk 1 n of Holly.
BELL, Peter, rms Holly cor Canoe.
BELLINGHAM BAY CO (Isaac S Rosenbaum, Lee Jacobs, David Wurtenberg), Wholesale Liquors Holly n e cor Bay.
BELLINGHAM BAY LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO, A P Cooper Pres, W E Collins Sec, George A Cooper Treas, W D McLeod Vice Pres, Lumber Mnfrs foot Laurel.
BELLINGHAM BAY NATL BANK, F M Wade pres, J W Morgan cashier, Edward Eldridge vice pres, Elk n e cor Chestnut.
BELLINGHAM BAY STEAM FERRY LINE, Jenkins & Alton Proprs, Dock cor Holly.
BELLINGHAM BAY WATER CO, Edward Fischer sec, Forest n w cor Rose.
BELLINGHAM BAY & BRITISH COLUMBIA RAIL ROAD, Marc L Stangroom Genl Supt, Chief Engr and Agt, Forest n w cor Rose.
BENNETT, Frank, painter Lewis Almeter, bds National Hotel.
BENNETT, G, lab B B & B C R R.
BENSON, Carl W, plasterer, res Government bet Potter and Gladstone.
BENSON, Fred, packer Bellingham Bay Co.
BENSON, Miss Mary, clk Griffin & Calhoon, bds C W Benson.
BENSON, Ole, lab, bds Maple bet Elk and Forest.
BERG, O E, trimmer B B & B C R R.
BERGAN, Joseph, lab B B Water Co.
BERGMAN, John, lab B B & B C R R.
BERGSTRESSER, Harry, clk Grand View Hotel.
BERGSTROM, B, lab B B & B C R R.
BERHAW, Eugene, contractor, res York add.
BERMAN, Fred, lab, res alley bet Elk and Chestnut and Holly and Forest.
BERNARD, John, barber J Jansen, rms American Hotel.
BERRY, Thomas H, Mngr P P Tel Co and Sunset Telegraph & Telephone Co s s Holly 2 w of Elk, res Elk n e cor Magnolia.
BERTHELSKJOLD, John, Propr Hotel du Nord, Real Estate and Employment n s Maple 2 e of Elk, res same.
BINGHAM, George, stone mason R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
BINGHAM, Adelbert, rms Elk s e cor Maple.
BINGHAM, Rena, domestic s s Maple bet Elk and Railroad ave.
BINGMAN, Dennis M, carp, res Elk bet Chestnut and Holly.
BINGMAN, Mrs Hattie, furnished rooms Elk bet Chestnut and Holly.
BIRCH, John, property man Casino Theatre, rms Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
BIRD, H, carp B B & B C R R.
BIRKS, Sidney S, cook Hotel Sehome.
BIRKS, Mrs Sidney S, cook Hotel Sehome.
BIRNEY, Homer J (Birney & Goodheart), res Whatcom.
BIRNEY & GOODHEART (Homer J Birney, John W Goodheart), physicians Elk s w cor Holly.
BLACK, Archie, lab, res Magnolia 1 w of Elk.
BLACK, John, lab, bds National Hotel.
BLACKBURN, Hannah (wid James), res Indian nr Myrtle.
BLACKMORE, Frank, carp, rms Elk s e cor Laurrel.
BLAIR, Adam J, printer Gazette, rms Grand View Hotel.
BLAKE, John, lab, bds National Hotel.
BLANKENTON, Emma, laundress, rms Elk 2 s of Ivy.
BLONDON, Lasmus, res Meikle bet Potter and Gladstone.
BOARDMAN, Charles (Gallaher & Boardman), res Elk bet Laurel and Myrtle.
BOCK, Charles, axman B B & B C R R.
BODLEY, David H, carp, res rear e s Forest 2 s of Holly.
BOGGS, A J, axman B B & B C R R.
BOHN, P V, lab B B & B C R R.
BOHNERT, Charles (Nef & Bohnert), res e s Elk bet Berry and Ivy.
BOLDES, Fred W, clk Pacific Clothing Co, bds n s Laurel 1 w of Garden.
BOHSE, Charles, lab B B & B C R R.
BOLINGER, Walter (Wilson & Bolinger), res Plymouth Hotel.
BOLSTER, Eldon M, sawyer, res Holly blk.
BOLSTER, James F, plasterer, res Dock bet Holly and Chestnut.
BONE, John, yardman Hotel Sehome.
BOOKER, S Edgar, contractor High bet Myrtle and Chestnut, res same.
BORGESON BROS (Charles O and Frank R), Proprs The Mint and Lodging House s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
BORGESON, Charles O (Borgeson Bros), res s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
BORGESON, Frank R (Borgeson Bros), rms Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
BOSTOCK, Ezekiel, lab, bds Elk 1 s of Ohio.
BOULET, Rev. Father John B, Pastor Church of the Assumption, res e s Elk bet Pine and Cedar.
BOWEN, George W, furnished rooms n s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
BOWLER, John, lab B B & B C R R.
BOWMAN, E, lab B B & B C R R.
BOYD, George W, drugs Elk cor Laurel, res Forest bet Laurel and Maple.
BOYER, Jerome J, axman, res w s Elk nr North.
BOYES, Robert, lab B B & B C R R.
BOYLE, A, lab B B & B C R R.
BOYLE, Henry, lab, bds National Hotel.
BRACKETT, W H, undertaker, rms Byron House.
BRADY, P, lab B B & B C R R.
BRAMBOW, M, lab B B & B C R R.
BRAMHALL, John, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
BRANDENBURG, J, lab Globe Mill Co.
BRANDS, Charles, helper J J Beatty, rms Byron House.
BRECKENRIDGE, John, R R contractor, bds National Hotel.
BREVICK, C A, lab B B & B C R R.
BRIDGE, Matthew, city editor Morning Gazette.
BRIGGS, Burton, teamster, bds Garden 3 n of Maple.
BRIGGS, Frank, teamster, bds Garden 3 n of Maple.
BRIGGS, P H, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
BRINNON, Charles, stone cutter, rms Star Lodging House.
BRITTON, G E, bds St. Elmo House.
BRITTON, R E, bds St. Elmo House.
BROWN, M, lab R C Jordan.
BROWNELL, George W, hackman, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
BROWNING, Luke, plasterer, res Forest 2 s of Holly.
BRUMETT, Frank M, salesman, rms Garden cor Chestnut.
BRUNNER, Albert, jeweler w s Elk bet Maple and Laurel,res same.
BRYANT, Ellen E (wid Henry C), propr Commercial House s s Maple bet Elk and Forest.
BUBY, George, lab B B & B C R R.
BUCHANAN, Wm, caulker B B Water Co.
BUCHALTZ, Annie (wid John), rms Elk cor Maple.
BUCKLEY, Asa, boom man B B & B C R R.
BUCKLEY, Timothy J, rms w s Dock bet Holly and Chestnut.
BUCKNER, H, lab B B & B C R R.
BUHMAN, J, lab B B Water Co.
BULGAR, J A, carp, rms Eureka House.
BUOL, Antone, lab, res Elk cor Rose.
BURCHET, T, lab B B & B C R R.
BURDICK, Martin, engineer pile driver B B & B C R R, res Garden 3 n of Ivy.
BURGESON, G, lab B B & B C R R.
BURGESS, Samuel, carp, bds Railroad 2 n of Oak.
BURKE, J, cementer B B Water Co.
BURKHART, Lycurgus (Pacific Clothing Co), res e s Garden nr Myrtle.
BURMUDA, Edward, lab, bds National Hotel.
BURNETT, Henry, mngr F G Maresch, rms Forest cor Laurel.
BURNS, Arthur, real estate, bds e s Elk bet Oak and Pine.
BURNS, Charles W, musician Casino Theatre.
BURNS, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
BURNS, Mathew, lab, bds National Hotel.
BURNS, Wm, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
BUSBEY, George, lab, bds James 1 s of Alabama.
BUSH, Charles, carp, res Garden bet Myrtle and Ivy.
BUSHBY, George, lab B B & B C R R.
BUTTERS, George H (J M Butters & Son), rms Eldorado House.
BUTTERS, James M (J M Butters & Son), rms Eldorado House.
BUTTERS, J M & SON (James M, George H), real estate s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad.
BUTTERWORTH, Henry, mach B B & B C R R.
BYGWALD, P E, lab R C Jordan.
BYRD, J R, lab, bds St Elmo House.
BYRON HOUSE, Wm G McKnight Propr, Dock n e cor Chestnut.


CADE, Thomas E (Morrison & Cade), res Garden bet Myrtle and Ivy.
CALHOON, Alfred F (Griffin & Calhoon), rms Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
CALLIFLOWER, John, lab B B & B C R R.
CALLIGAN, Reuben, lab, bds National Hotel.
CALLON, J, powder man B B & B C R R.
CAMPBELL, Alexander R, Civil Engineer and Surveyor w s Elk bet Maple and Laurel, res Garden nr Holly.
CAMPBELL, George, bds e s Elk bet Chestnut and Holly.
CAMPBELL, George W, foreman McCaskill & Singleton.
CANADIAN PACIFIC R R, Wm A Stewart agt e s Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
CANFIELD, Chauncey T, abstractor, res Whatcom.
CANFIELD, Robert H, mngr Fawcett Bros, res Canoe 2 s of Holly.
CARDWAY, August, carp B B & B C R R.
CARLSON, Alexander, lab, rms Hotel du Nord.
CARLSON, John, bartndr, rms n s Holly bet Canoe and Bay.
CARLSON, Lavine, bartndr, rms n s Holly bet Canoe and Bay.
CARLYON, Edward F G (Jones & Carlyon), res Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
CARMACK, Sadie, res foot Bay.
CARMODY, T, stonecutter R C Jordan.
CARPENTER, __, carp, rms s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
CARR, Thomas, lab B B & B C R R.
CARROLL, George, lab B B & B C R R.
CARSTON, Barney, painter, rms e s Forest 3 n of Chestnut.
CARTER, Clarence W, rea estate w s Elk opp Rose, res Forest bet Oak and Pine.
CARTER, Frank B, asst tallyman B B & B C R R Co's Mill, res Whatcom.
CARTERSON, Peter, moulder Early Bros, bds Ohio s e cor Lincoln.
CASEY, F, axman B B & B C R R.
CASGRAN, J A, painter, rms Star Lodging House.
CASINO THEATRE, John W Roscoe Sole Mngr n s Holly cor Bay.
CASSAIRT, Samuel, lab, bds St Elmo House.
CASSIDY, James J, electrician B B & B C R R, rms Elk bet Berry and Ivy.
CASSON, Joseph, blacksmith, bds National Hotel.
CENTRAL HOTEL CO, Reginald Jones pres, N D Chetham sec, office with Jones & Carlyon.
CHAFFIN, M F, lab B B & B C R R.
CHAFFIN, T, lab B B & B C R R.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Will D Jenkins sec, Jenkins blk.
CHAPINS, Frank, lab, bds St Elmo House.
CHAPMAN, George, carp, rms Plymouth Hotel.
CHARLOT, George F, policeman, res Railroad ave nr Pine.
CHETHAM, Norman D, clk Jone & carlyon, rms Slade blk.
CHILBERG, A, lab B B & B C R R.
CHISHOLM, Archie, carp B B & B C R R.
CHISHOLM, C H, millwright B B & B C R R, bds e s Elk bet Oak and Pine.
CHRISTIAN, Wm A, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
CHRISTLE, Jordan R, turner, res Laurel cor Railroad.
CHRISTMAN, Ferd (F & M E Christman), res Holly cor Railroad.
CHRISTMAN, F & M E (Ferd, Minnie E), proprs Vienna Bakery Holly n e cor Railroad.
CHRISTMAN, Minnie E (F & M E Christman), res Holly cor Railroad.
CHURCH of the ASSUMPTION, Rev Father John B Boulet Pastor, e s Elk bet Pine and Cedar.
CITY JAIL, Chestnut n e cor Railroad ave.
CITY LAUNDRY, Perry, Clayton & Koon proprs Elk cor Oak.
CLARK, Asa S, logger, rms w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
CLARK, Dolphin M, city hack line Holly bet Dock and Canoe, res 14th s w cor F.
CLARK, Elmer, lab, rms w s Dock 1 s of Holly.
CLARK, F Eugene, clk R C Higginson, rms Holly s w cor Railroad ave.
CLARK, George E, carp B B & B C R R.
CLARK, J D, lab B B & B C R R, bds St Elmo House.
CLARK, J E, millwright B B & B C R R, rms Eureka House.
CLARK, Leslie, lab, rms w s Dock 1 s of Holly.
CLARK, Sherman, lab, rms w s Dock 1 s of Holly.
CLARK, Thomas, lab, bds National Hotel.
CLARK, W, foreman B B & B C R R.
CLARK, W H, speculator, rms s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
CLAYTON, James M (Perry, Clayton & Koon), rms w s Elk foot Rose.
CLEAVER, Wm, Saw Mill, res bet Chestnut and Holly.
CLEVELAND, Cora, milliner, bds Elk bet Magnolia and Holly.
CLEVELAND, Frank, carp, rms Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
CLEVELAND, Harry, teamster Wilson & Bolinger, rms Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
CLEVELAND, W H, carp B B & B C R R.
CLIFFORD, Michael, lab, bds National Hotel.
CLOUD, Charles, lab, res Forest bet Laurel and Maple.
CLOUD, Stella, waitress Commercial House.
COCHRAN, John, lab, bds National Hotel.
COLEMAN, Daniel, stone cutter R C Jordan.
COLEMAN, John, bartender Martin Siersdorfer.
COLLENSWORTH, Silas F, Propr Eureka House Chestnut s e cor Railroad ave.
COLLEY, Frank, cook Grand View Hotel.
COLLINS, George, driver Roehle Bros, rms Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
COLLINS, O J, lab, rms e s Forest 2 n of Rose.
COLLINS, Walter E, sec B B Lumber & Mnfg Co, res Garden bet Pine and Oak.
COMMERCIAL HOUSE, Mrs E E Bryant propr, Maple bet Elk and Forest.
CONNELL, Medill, Publisher Morning Gazette, res Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
CONNIFF, L, brickmason B B & B C R R.
CONNOR, D, bds St Elmo House.
CONOVER, Herman, lab, res e s Elk 1 n of Laurel.
CONROY, J, lab B B & B C R R.
CONSTABLE, Wm, waiter National Hotel.>
COOK, F W, transit man B B & B C R R.
COOK, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
COOK, P G, leveler B B & B C R R.
COOK, Samuel L (Cook & Daw), res Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
COOK & DAW (Samuel L Cook, Charles E Daw), confectionery w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
COOMER, Wm, lab Globe Mill Co.
COOPER, Alexander P, pres B B Lumber & Mnfg Co, res e s Garden nr Ivy.
COOPER, D, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
COOPER, George A, treas B B L & M Co, res Garden bet Pine and Oak.
CORBETT, Wm, lab B B & B C R R.
CORDWAY, Augustus A, carp B B & B C Co's Mill, res Whatcom.
COSGROVE, Edward, mayor, res High nr Pine.
COSTELLO, C, caulker B B Water Co.
COUGHLAN, Jeremiah, lab, bds National Hotel.
COULOMB, Charles, carp, res Railraod 2 n of Oak.
COUTTS, A T, printer, rms View Hotel.
COWLEY, Albert, rms w s High bet Maple and Chestnut.
COWLEY, Edward, lab, rms High bet Maple and Chestnut.
COWLEY, John, lab, rms High bet Maple and Chestnut.
COWLEY, Peter (Cowley & Mudd), Supt B B Water Works, res High bet Maple and Chestnut.
COWLEY & MUDD (Peter Cowley, E C Mudd), Sewer Pipe Laying and Water Works Contractors Forest cor Rose.
COX, David, real estate, res Holly bet Bay and Army.
COX, Frederick, quarryman, bds Forest 2 s of Holly.
COX, Wm (Pepper, Cox & Wilkinson), res Elk nr Kansas.
CREAK, H M, helper B B & B C R R.
CREED, Frederick A, lab B B & B C R R, rms Star Lodging House.
CREEGAN, P, lab B B Water Co.
CROFT, Edwin R (Croft & Irish), res Elk bet Oak and Ivy.
CROFT & IRISH (Edwin R Croft, S B Irish), Proprs Sehome Livery Stable w s Elk bet Oak and Ivy.
CROOKS, Wm, furniture Elk n e cor Maple, res same.
CROW, Peter, bds St Elmo House.
CROWE, Ernest, clk H T Crowe, res Railroad nr Holly.
CROWE, Hattie T, confectionery w s Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave, res Railroad nr Holly.
CROWE, Mrs T M, res Railroad ave nr Holly.
CROWELL, Rose, laundress Grand View Hotel.
CROWLEY, Daniel, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
CRUMP, Wm H, cook Gould & Watson, bds James 1 n of Alabama.
CULBERTSON, C M, carp B B & B C R R.
CULLEN, Thomas, musician, rms Elk bet Chestnut and Holly.
CUNNINGHAM, C J, slab piler B B & B C R R.
CURRIE, Randolph, clk B Baum, rms Garden cor Holly.
CUSTER, Albert W, clothing Holly n w cor Railroad, res same.
CWASCHK, Lena, domestic e s Elk bet Rose and Berry.


DAHL, Constance, ironer Pacific Steam Laundry.
DAHL, Halver, lab, bds National Hotel.
DAHLGREN, August, lab, res Garden nr Laurel.
DAHLQUIST, HALBERG & CO (T S Dahlquist, Peter Halberg, Talmer Tharaldson), groceries Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
DAHLQUIST, Thomas S (Dahlquist, Halberg & Co), rms Russell House.
DAILY, John, plasterer, bds National Hotel.
DALL, Nicholas, painter, rms s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
DALY, Joseph, lab R C Jordan.
DANEL, Wm W, Dentist e s Elk bet Maple and Laurel, res same.
DARNELL, Thomas C, carp, rms Byron House.
DAUGHERTY, John, lab, bds National Hotel.
DAVIDSON, Joseph, bds St Elmo House.
DAVIDSON, M, millwright B B & B C R R.
DAVIES, John W, ins agt Holly cor Bay, res Walnut nr 19th.
DAVIS, George, lab, bds Maple 1 e of Elk.
DAVIS, Joseph, stonecutter, rms Elk 1 n of Oak.
DAVIS, Nicholas, lab Globe Lumber Co., rms Elk nr Chestnut.
DAVIS, Wm, bds St Elmo House.
DAW, Charles E (Cook & Daw), rms Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
DAY, E P Y (Day & Ward), rms Holly blk.
DAY & WARD (E P Y Day, Charles E. Ward), Real Estate and Insurance Slade Blk.
DEARLE, Edward, carp R C Jordan, res Fairhaven.
DEATHE, Robert G (Deathe & Hanford), res Holly 1 e of Bridge.
DEATHE & HANFORD (R G Deathe, H C Hanford), bankers Holly 1 e of Bridge.
DECHAMPLAIN, Louis (DeChamplain & Thomas), res Whatcom.
DECHAMPLAIN & THOMAS (Louis DeChamplain, John L Thomas), Real Estate and Insurance Holly s w cor Dock.
DEHAVEN, T H, rodman B B & B C R R.
DEMATTOS BLOCK, Elk n w cor Holly.
DEPPE, Charles (Charles Deppe & Co), res Magnolia nr Railroad.
DEPPE, CHARLES & CO (Charles Deppe), saloon w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
DEWITT, Jabez B, carp, bds Railroad 2 s of Pine.
DIERECKS, Madaline, cook Nef & Bohnert.
DION, Louis, carp, bds Railroad 2 n of Oak.
DOBBINS, L, carp B B & B C R R.
DOBBLER, Wm, dishwasher, rms Forest 1 n of Laurel.
DOBBS, Beverly B (Dobbs & Fleming.)
DOBBS & FLEMING (B B Dobbs, F F Fleming), photographers Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
DONAHUE, D, foreman B B & B C R R.
DONAHUE, Mrs M S, res Plymouth Hotel.
DOOLIN, Wm J, res Rome.
DOOLITTLE, Otis O, clk W D Wylie jr & Co, res Holly cor Canoe.
DORR, Charles W (Dorr & Finch), res High nr Maple.
DORR & FINCH (Charles W Dorr, Edward D Finch), Lawyers w s Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
DOUGLAS, F M, millwright B B & B C R R.
DOUGLASS, George, carp, res Garden cor Ivy.
DOUGLASS, John W, engineer str Brick, res Garden nr Ivy.
DRACKERT, Anna B (wid Christian), bds Forest nr Oak.
DRAKE, David, lab, rms Elk bet Holly and Magnolia.
DRAKE, Freeman H, carp, res Elk nr Holly.
DRAKE, Lewis D (L D Drake & Son), Elk cor Berry.
DRAKE, L D & Son (Lewis D, Robert A), proprs Hotel Sehome Elk cor Berry.
DRAKE, Robert A (L D Drake & Son), res Elk cor Berry.
DUGGAN, John, bkkpr Casino Theatre, rms J W Roscoe.
DUNCAN, H, teamster B B & B C R R.
DUNDEES, Wm, sawyer, bds Albion House.
DUNN, Lavina, waitress Plymouth Hotel.
DUNN, W Ellis (Baker & Dunn), res 13th bet I and J.
DWYER, C, lab B B & B C R R.
DWYER, James, carp, rms Elk s e cor Laurel.
DWYER, John, lab B B & B C R R.
DWYER, O, lab B B & B C R R.
DWYER, Rodger, lab, bds National Hotel.
DYKES, W, axman B B & B C R R.


EAGLE, Mrs Sarah (Eagle & McMullen), res Dock nr Holly.
EAGLE, Wm, with Eagle & McMullen, res Dock nr Holly.
EAGLE & MCMULLEN (Mrs Sarah Eagle, John McMullen), restaurant Dock nr Holly.
EARLY BROS (Wm and Charles), brickyard Ohio cor Lincoln.
EARLY, Charles (Early Bros), res Sprague, Wash.
EARLY, Peter, lab Early Bros bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
EARLY, Wm (Early Bros), res Ohio cor Lincoln.
EBERSOLE, Mayme, abstractor Jones & Carlyou, rms Slade blk.
ECKSTRUM, John, lab, res Nelson nr Potter.
EDEL, John, bricklayer R C Jordan.
EDMAN, Louis, boarding house Forest cor Laurel.
EDMON, Edward, polisher Pacific Steam Laundry.
EDSON, John M, Job Printer Railroad ave nr Holly, res Garden bet Maple and Ivy.
EDSON, Obed, confectioner Elk bet Laurel and Maple, res same.
EGGERTH, Adolph, waiter National Hotel.
EHRHARDT, Max, bartender, res Magnolia nr Railroad.
EICHNER, George, meat market Laurel cor Railroad, res same.
EKSTRUM, A, lab, bds National Hotel.
ELDORADO HOUSE, N Malson propr Elk 2 n of Myrtle.
ELDRIDGE BLOCK, Holly n e cor Railroad.
ELDRIDGE, Edward, vice pres B B National Bank, res Whatcom.
ELK STREET CHOP HOUSE, Mauvais Bros proprs Elk nr Chestnut.
ELLIOTT, Maggie (wid Charles), boarding house Maple 1 e of Elk.
ELLIOTT, T, lab B B & B C R R.
ELLIS, Charles, agt Singer Sewing Mach, Holly nr Railroad, rms same.
ELLIS, W C, carp, bds Humboldt nr Gladstone.
ENGDAHL, Ole, painter, rms Holly nr Dock.
ENGLUND, A, lab B B & B C R R.
EPPERSON, E J, lather, rms Grand View Hotel.
ERHOLM, Charles (Udness & Erholm), res Elk 1 s of Kansas.
ERICKSON, C, lab B B & B C R R.
ERICKSON, Erick, lab, rms Hotel Du Nord.
ERICKSON, M, lab B B & B C R R.
ERICKSON, Nels, carp, res Elk cor Kentucky.
ESPLEN, Adam, lab, bds Maple 1 e of Elk.
ESTABROOK, Henry A, bkkpr Columbia Natl Bank, res Holly cor Canoe.
EUREKA HOUSE, S F Collensworth Propr, Chestnut s e cor Railroad ave.
EVANS, Aaron, blacksmith B B & B C R R, res H nr 21st.
EVANS, John, watchman B B & B C R R.
EVANS, W D, teamster B B & B C R R.


FAHEY, M, lab B B & B C R R.
FAIRHURST, George W (Fairhurst & Kilpatrick) rms Railroad nr Holly.
FAIRHURST & KILPATRICK (G W Fairhurst, R B Kilpatrick), blacksmiths Railroad nr Holly.
FALENDRIZ, E, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
FARNHAM, Edward H, lawyer Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel, res same.
FARRELL, Patrick, saloon Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel, res same.
FARRELL, Robert E, bartender Patrick Farrell, rms same.
FARRELL, Thomas L, lab, rms Grand View Hotel.
FAULKNER, Henry, blacksmith Elk bet Ivy and Oak, res same.
FAWCETT Bros, R H Canfield mngr farm machinery Holly nr Dock.
FENTON, Richard, Real Estate, res Garden 2 n of Chestnut.
FERGUSON, John C, civil engineer Elk nr Maple, res Elk cor Ivy.
FILBY, John, plumber Beatty & Kearney, rms Pacific House.
FINCH, Edward D (Dorr & Finch), res w s Railroad nr Oak.
FINNITY, Frank, lab, bds National Hotel.
FIRE HALL, Chestnut n e cor Railroad.
FISCHER, Edward, Sec B B Water Co Forest n w cor Rose, and Agent B B & B C R R, res Chestnut nr Garden.
FISH, F F, lab B B & B C R R.
FISHER, George W, lather, rms Grand View Hotel.
FITZGERALD, Thomas, lab, res Gladstone 1 n of Meikle.
FLEMING, Fred (Dobbs & Fleming), res Holly nr Dock.
FLEMING, May, rms Holly nr Dock.
FLEMING, Wm G, carp, bds National Hotel.
FLICK, Edward D, bds St Elmo House.
FLIEGENBAUER, Michael, lab, res Railroad nr California.
FLIEGENBAUER, Mrs Theresa, midwife, res Railroad nr Carolina.
FLINT, Frank, clk R I Morse, rms Garden nr Maple.
FORD, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
FORELL, Fred A (Anderson & Forell), res I bet 14th and 15th.
FORTAIN, J O, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
FOSTER, Edward, livery Elk nr Holly, res same.
FOSTER, Frank, brtndr Otto Fuhrmann, rms Elk nr Ivy.
FOSTER, Wm, teamster, bds Laurel 1 w of Garden.
FOUNTAIN, Reuben, farmer, rms Eureka House.
FOUNTAIN, Wm, planer, res Garden nr Oak.
FOWLKES, Aurelius M, engr B B & B C R R, rms Grand View Hotel.
FRAKES, D V, lab B B & B C R R.
FRANK & CHARLES (Frank Lingang, Charles Roehle), saloon Holly nr Dock.
FRANKLAND, John, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
FRASER, John, clk Canadian Pacific R R, bds Whatcom.
FRASER, Wm H, res Garden 2 s of Chestnut.
FRAYNE, Howard I, printer J M Edson, bds Elk nr Chestnut.
FRAYNE, Richard I, stonecutter, res Elk nr Chestnut.
FRAYNE, Robert E, stonecutter, bds Elk nr Chestnut.
FRAZIER, R A, carp R C Jordan.
FREDERICKSEN, N, lab B B Water Co.
FREEMAN, Robert, carp, bds National Hotel.
FRENCH, Alexander, watchman, rms Harrison cor Potter.
FRENCH, Samuel, sawyer, res Harrison cor Potter.
FRILAND, Richard, lab, bds Maple between Elk and Forest.
FRIZELL, John M, clk Wm Frizell, rms Holly nr Dock.
FRIZELL, Wm M, hardware Holly bet Dock and Canoe, res same.
FUHRMAN, Mrs Lizette, lodging house Forest 1 n of Laurel.
FUHRMANN, Otto, saloon Elk nr Ivy, res e s Forest 1 n of Laurel.
FULLER, Enos H (Fuller & Kagay), res e s Garden nr Maple.
FULLER, George A, drygoods w s Elk opp Rose, res Elk bet Holly and Magnolia.
FULLER & KAGAY (E H Fuller, C E Kagay), Wallpaper, Window Shades and Pictures w s Elk 1 n of Myrtle.


GABY, Mollie(wid Wm P), bds Elk 1 n of Holly.
GALLAGHER, Thomas, carp, rms Holly nr Elk.
GALLAHER, Edward D (Gallaher & Boardman), constable, res High bet Chestnut and Maple.
GALLAHER, Phillip, lawyer and justice of the peace Elk bet Laurel and Maple, res Railroad nr Pine.
GALLAHER, Thomas, lab B B & B C R R.
GALLAHER & BOARDMAN (E D Gallaher, Charles Boardman) Real Estate Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
GALLUP, Watson D, plumber, res n s Magnolia 1 e of Elk.
GAMBLE, Wm M, clk A W Custer.
GARDEL, Benjamin, lab, rms Elk s e cor Laurel.
GARLAND, Orrin, jeweler, res Garden s w cor Berry.
GARRETT, Samuel R (McClure & Garrett), res National Hotel.
GARVIN, T, lab B B & B C R R.
GASSER, Adam, driver Gould & Watson, bds James nr Alabama.
GAYDON, David, cook, rms Railroad cor Ivy.
GAZETTE THE, M Connell Publisher and Propr w s Elk 7 s of Chestnut.
GEHRIG, C L, pipe fitter B B & B C R R.
GEORGE, Henry (George & Morgan), res Elk 2 s of Ivy.
GEORGE & MORGAN (Henry George, Jenkin Morgan), groceries Elk 2 s of Ivy.
GEPHARD, Minnie, clk Marcuse & Kleinberg.
GERDRUM, Embret, carp, res King nr Kentucky.
GEYER, John, lab B B & B C R R, res Dock cor Laurel.
GIBB, Henry, foreman Morning Gazette, rms Slade blk.
GIBBONS, Wm, watchman, rms Elk s e cor Maple.
GIBSON, E T, caulker B B Water Co.
GIBSON, Jennie, bds alley rear Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
GIBSON, John, teamster, bds alley s of Maple bet Elk and Forest.
GIDDINGS, Frank A, bkkpr B B Lumber & Mnfg Co, res Elk nr Holly.
GILBERT, Edward H, barber Charles Waldman, rms Eldorado Hotel.
GILBERTSON, H E, brakeman B B & B C R R.
GILBREATH, Isaac, lab, res Eldridge and Bartlett's add.
GILES, Andrew J, printer Gazette, rms Lynden House.
GILSHERMAN, Ed, lab R C Jordan.
GILSON, Rufus K, drygoods Holly bet Army and Bay, res same.
GIRARD, Wm G, moulder Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
GLOBE MILL CO, H B Glover pres, W B Martin sec and treas, lumber mnfrs end wharf Canoe cor Maple.
GODFREY, John W, rancher, rms Elk nr Maple.
GOLDBERG, Lena, domestic Rose s w cor Forest.
GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR, Leon Lobe Propr w s Elk bet Laurel and Myrtle.
GOLDEN, Wm, rms Holly blk.
GOODHEART, John W (Birney & Goodheart), rms Elk cor Holly.
GOODING, Edward, driver, bds n s Laurel bet Elk and Forest.
GOODING, Harvey S, res e s alley n of Laurel bet Elk and Forest.
GOULD, Charles, plasterer, res e s Elk 1 n of Laurel.
GOULD, Edward, milkman Gould & Watson, bds James nr Alabama.
GOULD, Harry (Gould & Watson), res James nr Alabama.
GOULD & WATSON (Harry Gould, C R Watson), dairy James 1 n of Alabama.
GRADY, John, lumberman, rms Grand View Hotel.
GRADY, Patrick, lab B B & B C R R.
GRAND VIEW HOTEL, W H McGillivray Propr Holly n e cor Dock.
GRAHAM, Charles, carp, res n s Alabama nr Elk.
GRAND VIEW RESTARUANT, H T Hendricks Propr Holly cor Dock.
GRAVE, Andrew, lab, res Carolina 2 w of James.
GRAVE, Peter, starcher Pacific Steam Laundry.
GRAVES, Frank D, real estate, rms n s Maple 1 e of Elk.
GRAY, Hattie, actress Casino Theatre, rms Holly nr Casino.
GREEN, Harry, asst wharfinger B B & B C R R, bds Garden nr Holly.
GREEN, James M, res Garden 1 s of Holly.
GREEN, John B, cook National Hotel.
GREEN, Joseph W, clk Mason & Co, res Garden nr Holly.
GREEN, N W, lab B B Water Co.
GREENBERG, Charles, clothing Holly bet Dock and Canoe, rms same.
GREENE, Charles H, lawyer, bds alley n of Laurel bet Elk and Forest.
GREENLAND, Edward, carp, res High nr Myrtle.
GREENLAND, J W, painter, bds Laurel 1 w of Garden.
GREENLAND, Wm, painter, bds High nr Myrtle.
GREENLAW, Eben F, lab, res Gladstone cor Meikle.
GREGORY, C, carp, rms Eureka House.
GREGORY, John, hostler, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
GRIDLEY, J H, carp, rms Plymouth Hotel.
GRIFFIN, John F (Griffin & Calhoun), res Blaine.
GRIFFIN, J, lab, B B & B C R R.
GRIFFIN & CALHOON (John F Griffin, Alfred F Calhoon), Music, Pianos, Organs, etc s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
GRIFFITHS, Wm, bds St. Elmo House.
GRIPMAN, G, lab B B & B C R R.
GROSSMAN, Joseph, farmer, bds Elk East nr Forest.
GROSSMAN, Jospeh, saloon Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel, res same.
GROSSMAN, Wm, rms Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
GULCHER, Joseph, lab, B B & B C R R.
GUNDERSON, Gus, carp, res w s York add.
GUNNASON, Gustave, cook N M Peterson.
GUPTILL, Levi C, mach B B & B C R R, res Garden nr Chestnut.


HAAS, Edward, teamster, bds alley s of Maple nr Elk.
HAAS, Jacob, trav agt Bellingham Bay Co.
HACKNEY, John M, carp, bds Albion House.
HADEN, J M, bds St Elmo House.
HADLEY, Hiram E (Slade & Hadley), res Garden s of Maple.
HAGERTY, John, lab, bds Albion House.
HAHN, Charles, driver, rms Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
HALBERG, Peter (Dahlquist, Halberg & Co), res Elk nr Iowa.
HALGER, Henry, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
HALL, W Finley, Banker and Real Estate Maple bet Elk and Forest, res Garden cor Maple.
HALLERT, Wm, carp, res Elk nr Holly.
HALVERSON, Ole, carp, bds Maple bet Elk and Forest.
HAMER, Lulu, clk G A Fuller.
HAMILTON, Wm W, mngr abstract dept Jones & Carlyon, res Whatcom.
HAMMEL, George F, bds National Hotel.
HANDS, Wm, teamster, res Lake nr Harrison.
HANFORD, Harry C (Deathe & Hanford), res Holly 1 e of Bridge.
HANK, A, lab, rms Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
HANNASKA, L, lab B B & B C R R.
HANNON, Joseph, lab R C Jordan.
HANSON, Charles, stone cutter, bds Maple bet Elk and Forest.
HANSON, Christ, lab, bds National Hotel.
HANSON, E, truckman B B & B C R R.
HANSON, Fred, lather, rms Grand View Hotel.
HANSON, Henry, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
HARDING, Ellsworth H, cook, rms Railroad cor Ivy.
HARKNESS, J, axman B B & B C R R.
HARRIS, C L, lab B B & B C R R.
HARRIS, Wm, lab B B & B C R R.
HASCO, O R, lab B B & B C R R.
HASTIE, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
HASTINGS, Robert, foreman B B & B C R R.
HATCH, George, teamster E Foster, res Elk nr Holly.
HAVERCROFT, Ethel, domestic C W Dorr.
HAVERCROFT, Henry F (Havercroft & Manuel), bds Garden nr Maple.
HAVERCROFT, Miss Mary, seamstress, bds Garden 3 n of Maple.
HAVERCROFT, Thomas, lab, res Garden 3 n of Maple.
HAVERCROFT & MANUEL (H F Havercroft, J W Manuel), books, draughting w s Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
HAVERHAW, P H, bds St Elmo House.
HAYDEN, W, lab B B & B C R R.
HAYES, John, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
HAYES, T, lab B B & B C R R.
HAYMAN, Henry, rms Chestnut cor Forest.
HAYNES, Rufus I, engineer, rms Plymouth Hotel.
HAYWARD, Helen, cook n s Laurel 1 w of Garden.
HEAD, Frederick G, real est, res e s Garden bet Myrtle and Ivy.
HEADRICK, Minnie, dressmkr High bet Myrtle and Chestnut, rms same.
HEAPY, Wm, lab, bds National Hotel.
HEGG, Eric A, Photographer w s Elk 2 s of Holly, res same.
HEGG, Peter L, photog E A Hegg, bds Elk 2 s of Holly.
HENAUSKE, Louis, lab, res Railroad 3 n of Oak.
HENDERSON, Albert W, barber, res Elk nr Maple.
HENDERSON, Erskine H, painter, rms Elk nr Laurel.
HENDERSON, Wm F, lawyer Holly bet Railroad and Dock, res same.
HENDRICKS, Herman T, Propr Grand View Restaurant Holly cor Dock, res same.
HENDRICKS, Nathan B, cashr U P R R, res Fairhaven.
HENDRICKSON, Andrew, engineer Globe Mill Co.
HENRY, Alexander, lab, bds National Hotel.
HENSON, Frank, lab B B & M Co's Mill.
HENSON, George W, boarding house Laurel nr Garden.
HENSERY, L W, clk R I Morse.
HERON, John L, clk Underwood & Minturn, res Elk nr Oak.
HERON, M, lab B B & B C R R.
HERON, Robert B, timekpr R C Jordan, bds Elk nr Oak.
HEWETT, James H, farmer, res Meikle nr Potter.
HICKMAN, A C, real estate, rms Grand View Hotel.
HIGBY, George W, clk, res Forest 2 s of Holly.
HIGBY, Wallace E, quarryman, bds Forest 2 s of Holly.
HIGGINSON, Russell C, druggist Elk opp Rose, res same.
HIGHTMAN, August, carp, rms Elk nr Chestnut.
HILLCOT, M, lab B B & B C R R.
HIMMER, John, baker F & M E Christman.
HINES, J, lab B B & B C R R.
HINES, R, axman B B & B C R R.
HOAG, Linley M, drugs Holly 1 w of Dock, res Forest nr Maple.
HODCHE, Jorje, Japanese goods Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
HODGES, Wm L, blksmith B B & B C R R.
HODGINS, John, lab, bds National Hotel.
HOERBERG, Emma, waitress N M Peterson.
HOFERCAMP, Edward, printer J M Edson, res Forest nr Chestnut.
HOFERCAMP, Frank, clk postoffice, bds Forest nr Maple.
HOFERCAMP, Herman, Postmaster s s Laurel bet Elk and Forest, res Forest bet Maple and Chestnut.
HOFFMAN, Charles, lab, bds National Hotel.
HOFFMAN, Winston H, bkkpr R I Morse, rms Garden nr Maple.
HOLDEN, B, farmer, rms Grand View Hotel.
HOLDEN, Wm V, lab, res Army nr Holly.
HOLDSWORTH, Samuel B, furnished rooms Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
HOLLAND, Clarence, clk Mason & Co, bds Whatcom.
HOLLOWS, John, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
HOLLY BLOCK, n s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
HOLM, Jens, lab, rms Hotel du Nord.
HOLMES, Morris C, real estate, rms Elk cor Laurel.
HOMER, Ison, baker, rms Holly blk.
HOOD, Annie, res foot Bay.
HOOK, Wm, lab, res Railroad nr Kansas.
HOOVER, Simeon E, bkkpr Globe Mill Co, res rear Elk nr Berry.
HOPKINS, Melvin M, druggist, res Garden 1 n of Maple.
HORST, Charles A, mngr Pac Harness Co, bds Edward Linse.
HORTON, H, lab B B & B C R R.
HOSKINSON, Frank, butcher Alsop & Uhlman, rms Elk nr Myrtle.
HOSTETTER, J W, rigger B B & B C R R.
HOTEL DU NORD, John Berthelskjold Propr n s Maple 2 e of Elk.
HOTEL SEHOME, L D Drake & Son proprs Elk cor Berry.
HOUSE, James, carp, bds n s Maple 1 e Elk.
HOVERCAMP, Edward H, appr Gazette, bds Garden nr Chestnut.
HOWARD, Clarence, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
HOWARD, John M, cashr Columbia Natl Bank, rms Holly cor Canoe.
HOWARD, Jordan, lab, bds National Hotel.
HOWLAND, Clarence S, clk George W Boyd, rms Forest nr Laurel.
HOWLAND, Wm T, plasterer J I Bolster, bds Dock nr Holly.
HOYER, Carl, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
HOYT, Henry, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
HUBER, Albert, lab, res Maple nr Church.
HUDSON, George H, blksmith F V Kilpatrick, bds Whatcom.
HUDSON, John, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
HUGHES, Albert, engr stmr Mikado, res Fairhaven.
HUGHES, J, lab B B & B C R R.
HUGHES, Ludlow M, Real Estate Elk n w cor Ivy, res Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
HUGUENIN, Robert L, propr Keystone Hotel Elk cor Laurel.
HULLOWS, John, lab B B & B C R R.
HUME, Daniel A, propr Star Lodging House Elk bet Chestnut and Maple, res same.
HUMMEL, Lauritz W, carp, res Gladstone nr Nelson.
HUNSUCKER, J, rms Byron House.
HUNTER, G, carp B B & B C R R.
HUNTER, Grace, actress Casino Theatre.
HUNTER, Robert, bds St. Elmo House.
HUSCHART, Francis, carp, res Kentucky 3 e of Elk.
HUSTON, Miss Ettie, opr Sunset T & T Co.
HUTCHIN, Alfred, rms Grand View Hotel.
HUTCHINSON, W, lab Globe Mill Co, rms Elk cor Laurel.
HUTTON, Andrew (Weaver & Hutton), res Elk nr Ivy.
HYATT, Glenn, copyist Auditor's office, bds Forest nr Oak.


IRISH, Frank F, surveyor B B & B C R R, res Railroad ave cor Pine.
IRISH, S B (Croft & Irish), res Railroad cor Pine.
IVERSON, O B (O B Iverson & Co), res York add.
IVERSON, O B & Co (O B Iverson, A A Rogers), real estate Elk bet Maple and Laurel.


JACKSON, G L, tinner R I Morse, bds Forest nr Holly.
JACOBS, David C, Mngr Bellingham Bay Co, res Forest cor Rose.
JACOBS, Lee (Bellingham Bay Co), res Holly cor Bay.
JAMES, Herbert R, clk R C Higginson, rms Garden cor Chestnut.
JAMES, Samuel H, lab B B & B C R R, bds St Elmo House.
JAMES, W, lab B B & B C R R.
JAMESON, Marcus L (Jameson & MacPherson), res Garden cor Chestnut.
JAMESON & MACPHERSON (M L Jameson, Wm A MacPherson), physicians Slade blk.
JANIKULA, L, lab B B & B C R R.
JANSEN, Joseph, barber Elk 3 n of Ivy, res same.
JENKINS BLOCK, Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
JENKINS, George A (Jenkins & Alton), mngr Bellingham Bay Steam Ferry Line, rms Fairhaven.
JENKINS, Leslie A, purser stmr Mikado, rms Fairhaven.
JENKINS, Will D, see Chamber of Commerce Jenkins blk, res Forest cor Holly.
JENKINS & ALTON (George A Jenkins, J W Alton), Proprs Bellingham Bay Steam Ferry Line Dock cor Holly.
JENSEN, Hans, lab, res Government nr Potter.
JENSEN, Jens P, bricklayer, res Potter, York add.
JERALD, Andrew H, porter Hotel Sehome.
JEROME, F H, lab B B & B C R R.
JIPSON, Nils H, lab, res Elk East nr Forest.
JOHNSON, Andrew, brtndr M Johnson, rms Holly nr Canoe.
JOHNSON, Charles, brtndr, rms Holly nr Dock.
JOHNSON, Edward, lab Globe Mill Co.
JOHNSON, Erick, washer Pacific Steam Laundry.
JOHNSON, Frank, stone cutter, rms Star Lodging House.
JOHNSON, Frank R (W P Johnson & Son), bds Elk nr Magnolia.
JOHNSON, Fred, millwright Globe Mill Co.
JOHNSON, Gus, lab res Nelson nr Gladstone.
JOHNSON, G H, butcher, rms Elk cor Laurel.
JOHNSON, Henry, carp, rms Elk cor Laurel.
JOHNSON, Herman, lab, res Nelson nr Gladstone.
JOHNSON, H, lab, bds National Hotel.
JOHNSON, James B, lab B B & B C R R.
JOHNSON, John A, driver, res alley s of Maple nr Elk.
JOHNSON, Lena, ironer Pacific Steam Laundry.
JOHNSON, Louis, carp, res Shack w s York add.
JOHNSON, Magnes, lab B B & B C R R.
JOHNSON, M, saloon n s Holly nr Canoe, res same.
JOHNSON, N C, lab B B & B C R R.
JOHNSON, Ole, lab, rms Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
JOHNSON, P L, carp, rms Holly nr Elk.
JOHNSON, P T, lab, bds Albion House.
JOHNSON, Samuel, stone mason, rms Grand View Hotel.
JOHNSON, Swan, lab Globe Mill Co.
JOHNSON, Wm, brtndr Casino Theatre, rms Eureka Lodging House.
JOHNSON, Wm, blksmith Globe Mill Co.
JOHNSON, Wm A, blk The Red Front, res Elk nr Magnolia.
JOHNSON, Wm P (W P Johnson & Son), res Elk bet Holly and Magnolia.
JOHNSON, W P & SON (Wm P and Frank R), Boots and Shoes w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
JOKI, Michael, Lanse nr Michigan.
JONES, Benjamin, capitalist, bds Hotel Sehome.
JONES, Harry, lab B B & B C R R.
JONES, Miss M, rms Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
JONES, N S, speculator, rms Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
JONES, Reginald (Jones & Carlyon), res Elk cor Holly.
JONES, Wm, waiter National Hotel.
JONES, Wm C (Moore & Jones), rms Grand View Hotel.
JONES & CARLYON (Reginald Jones, Edward F G Carlyon), Real Estate, Abstractors and Insurance Elk s w cor Holly.
JORDAN, P, lab B B & B C R R.
JORDAN, R C, contractor Holly nr Elk, bds Byron House.
JUDGE, Wm, lab, bds National Hotel.


KAGAY, C E, (Fuller & Kagay), w s Elk 1 n of Myrtle.
KAGAY, Edward, rms Garden nr Maple.
KALLOCH, Mrs Caroline (wid I S), bds Maple nr Elk.
KANEKO, Henry, restaurant Holly n e cor Canoe.
KASSIN, Joseph, blksmith B B & B C R R, rms National Hotel.
KASTNER, John, blksmith Daniel McKinnon.
KATON, W H, carp B B & B C R R.
KATZ, Albert J (Katz & Strauss), rms Byron House.
KATZ, Joseph, rms Byron House.
KATZ & STRAUSS (Albert J. Katz, Jacob Strauss), Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
KEARNEY, P W (Beatty & Kearney), rms Albion Hotel.
KEEFE, D, lineman, rms Plymouth Hotel.
KEITH, Charles, collector B B Water Co, res Whatcom.
KEITH, Herbert B, bkkpr B B & B C R R, res Whatcom.
KELLER, Archie W, brtndr Casino Theatre, rms J W Roscoe.
KELLNER, Louisa, domestic Garden nr Myrtle.
KELLY, John, lab, bds National Hotel.
KELLY, S N, physician, Elk bet Maple and Laurel, res same.
KENNEDY, Thomas, rms Elk cor Laurel.
KENT, Wm, driver, bds St Elmo House.
KENZEY, Thomas, teamster, res Elk bet Pine and Oak.
KEPHART, H, teamster B B & B C R R.
KEYSTONE HOTEL, R L Huguenin propr Elk cor Laurel.
KIEFER, John, barber, res Holly cor Canoe.
KIEKENAPP, Henry, lather, bds Humboldt nr Gladstone.
KIEKENAPP, Wm, carpenter, res Humboldt nr Gladstone.
KIERULFF, N, land agt B B & B C R R, bds Hotel Sehome.
KILPATRICK, Robert B (Fairhurst & Kilpatrick), rms Railroad ave nr Chestnut.
KING, Charles, lab, res James near Alabama.
KING, Charles H, brtndr, rms Elk nr Myrtle.
KING, Joseph, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
KING, Patrick, lab, bds National Hotel.
KIMMOND, Simon, restaurant Railroad s e cor Ivy.
KINNON, Raymond, bds St Elmo House.
KINSMAN, Ray, lab Globe Mill Co.
KIPHART, Henry, bds St Elmo House.
KIRCHNER, Edward, mach hand, res Harrison nr Potter.
KIRKPATRICK, Wm, bds St Elmo House.
KIRKWOOD, Wm, bds St Elmo House.
KJELBERG, Hans J, lab, res w s York add.
KLEINBERG, Wm (Marcuse & Kleinberg), rms Holly nr Dock.
KLUTE, John, lab, bds Garden 2 n of Maple.
KNAPNAS, Joseph, lab, bds National Hotel.
KNIGHT, Hilles J, engr B B & B C R R, rms Byron House.
KNIGHT, W S, engr B B & B C R R, rms Byron House.
KNOLL, Joseph, waiter Hotel Sehome.
KNOLL, Susan, pantrywoman Hotel Sehome.
KNUDSON, H, lab B B & B C R R.
KNUTH, John, lab, bds Garden nr Maple.
KOHEN, C, lab B B & B C R R.
KOHLER, Frank M, wagonmaker Railroad nr Holly.
KONKLE, Champion, bricklayer, bds National Hotel.
KOON, DeForrest (Perry, Clayton & Koon), res Elk cor Oak.
KRATZIG, Robert, meat market Elk 2 s of Laurel, rms same.
KROCK, Mary, domestic Thomas Slade.


LAGESSHULTY, Henry, brtndr C R Wilson, rms Elk nr Laurel.
LAKE, Joseph L, carp, bds rear e s Forest nr Holly.
LAKIN, James, lab, bds Forest 1 s of Maple.
LAKIN, Wm L, teamster, res Forest 1 s of Maple.
LALLY, L, lab, bds National Hotel.
LAMB, Charles, lab, bds Railroad ave nr Maple.
LAMBERT, Thomas, clk G A Watson, rms Elk nr Holly.
LANDO, Israel, grocer Elk bet Maple and Laurel, res same.
LANGDON, John W, clk B B Natl Bank.
LARKIN, J M, lab B B & B C R R.
LARSON, Bertha M, dressmaker, rms Champion nr Holly.
LARSON, John J, teamster B B & B C R R.
LARSON, Lars, lab, rms Hotel du Nord.
LARSON, Louis, lab, res center blk bet Elk, Chestnut, Holly and Railroad.
LARSON, L C, carp R C Jordan.
LARSON, Martin, fireman B B & B C R R, res Champion nr Holly.
LARSON, Nels, lab B B & B C R R.
LASH, Wm, lab Globe Mill Co.
LAWLOR, Mary M, furnished rooms Holly cor Bay.
LAWRENCE, Joseph M, physician Slade blk, res Eldridge-McDaniel bldg.
LAWRENCE, Colonel, carp, rms Dock 1 s of Holly.
LAWSON, John, lab B B & B C R R.
LAYNG, Grace, actress Casino Theatre.
LEANDER, C W, cook B B & B C R R.
LEAPER, George F, printer Gazette, rms Grand View Hotel.
LEE, Howard, bkkpr Dahlquist, Halberg & Co, rms Elk nr Holly.
LEE, Wm F, lab, res Texas n w cor James.
LEEF, Robert, lab, res Garden bet Laurel and Maple.
LEEMAN, Hattie, bkkpr, bds Garden 1 n of Maple.
LEEMAN, Lulu, clk Jones & Carlyon, bds Garden 1 n of Maple.
LEEMAN, Ray, lab B B & M Co's Mill.
LEEMAN, Wm, carp, res Garden 1 n of Maple.
LEITCH, W B, rms Chestnut n e cor Forest.
LENDBAK, P, lab B B Water Co.
LEWIS, D, watchman B B & B C R R.
LEWIS, Henry, tinner, res alley n of Laurel nr Elk.
LEWIS, Ray, waitress (sic) Byron House.
LEWIS, Venone, foreman, bds St Elmo House.
LINCOLN, Charles, bricklayer B B & B C R R.
LINDBERG, Gus, rms Star Lodging House.
LINDHART, C, lab B B & B C R R.
LINDON, Charles N, waiter, rms Railroad s e cor Ivy.
LINGANG, Frank (Frank & Charles), res s s Holly nr Dock.
LINGO, B A, lab B B & M Co's Mill.
LINSE, Edward, propr Pacific Harness Co, res Chestnut nr Elk.
LLEWELLYN, Mrs Ann E, General Merchandise w s Elk 10 s of Maple, res same.
LLOYD, Warren C, cigarmkr C H Shaeffer, rms Railroad nr Laurel.
LOBE, Leon, Propr Golden Rule Bazaar w s Elk 6 s of Laurel, res Chestnut nr Dock.
LOCKE, Wm F, well borer, res Kentucky 1 e of James.
LOFGREN, A, lab B B & B C R R.
LOGAN, O B, clk R I Morse.
LOLHERY, Robert, bds St Elmo house.
LOMKER, Wm, lab, bds Maple bet Elk and Forest.
LONG, Louis J, shoemkr Elk 2 n of Myrtle, rms same.
LONGSTREAM, Charles, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
LORANE, I M, lab, rms Holly blk.
LORENZ, John, tailor A G Wickman, rms Grand View Hotel.
LOSEY, Taulman J, cigars and tobacco Holly nr Dock, res Forest nr Railroad.
LOVE, Alexander, plumber, res Forest bet Ivy and Oak.
LOWE, Charles, lab, rms Holly nr Railroad.
LOWE, J Milton, lab, res Holly nr Railroad.
LOWERY, Daniel (Lowery & Nobles), res Forest nr Maple.
LOWERY & NOBLES (Daniel Lowery, Edward Nobles), clothing Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
LUBBEY, E H, painter, rms Grand View Hotel.
LUNDE, Annie, ironer Pacific Steam Laundry.
LYNCH, E E, carp, rms Elk cor Laurel.s
LYNCH, John, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
LYNCH, Wm, rodman B B & B C R R.
LYNCH, W A, car builder B B & B C R R.
LYONS, John, lab, rms Star Lodging House.


MCALLISTER, James, lab, res Humboldt cor Kentucky.
MCANDREW, Bridget (wid Patrick), bds Carolina nr James.
MCARTHUR, Donald J (D J McArthur & Son), res Elk bet Oak and Pine.
MCARTHUR, D H, carp, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
MCARTHUR, D J & SON (Donald J, Hyland D), Real Estate and Insurance w s Elk bet Laurel and Maple.
MCARTHUR, Ella, milliner Mrs M N Swift.
MCARTHUR, Hyland D (D J McArthur & Son), res Elk bet Oak and Pine.
MCARTHUR, Nelson, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
MCATEE, Frank, bds Elk bet Chestnut and Holly.
MCATEE, James D, physician w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple, res same.
MCCANE, Thomas, lab, bds National Hotel.
MCCARTHY, Callahan, drayman, res Elk bet Iowa and Ohio.
MCCARTY BLOCK, Holly n w cor Railroad.
MCCASKILL, Malcom, saloon Holly nr Railroad, res same.
MCCLAINE, Alvin L, clk B B National Bank, rms Holly nr Bay.
MCCLAM, M, carp B B & B C R R.
MCCLOUD, E A, rodman B B & B C R R.
MCCLURE, Richard (McClure & Garrett), res National Hotel.
MCCLURE & GARRETT, (Richard McClure, S R Garrett), proprs National Hotel w s Elk 1 n of Oak.
MCCOY, M, lab B B & B C R R.
MCCOY, R, lab B B & B C R R.
MCCREA, Sabrina, nurse w s Forest 3 n of Laurel.
MCCULAH, George, lab, res Elk bet Willow and York.
MCCULLY, Harman, lab, bds n s Maple 1 e of Elk.
MCDONALD, G, axman B B & B C R R.
MCDONALD, John, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
MCDONALD, J, carp B B & B C R R.
MCDONALD, M, axman B B & B C R R.
MCDONALD, R, lab, bds National Hotel.
MCDONALD, T, bds St Elmo House.
MCDOUGAL, Cornelius, carp, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
MCDOUGALL, G, lab B B Water Co.
MCELMON, Rev Beveridge K, pastor Presbyterian Church, res Garden nr Chestnut.
MCEWEN, Hugh, carp, res Forest cor Elk East.
MCGILLIS, Angus, lab B B & B C R R.
MCGILLIVRAY, Wm H, Propr Grand View Hotel Holly n e cor Dock.
MCGINNIS, Ralph, bds St Elmo House.
MCGREGER, John G, bds St Elmo House.
MCGUIRE, Frank, electrician P P Tel Co, rms Byron House.
MCGUIRE, Martin, lab, bds Albion House.
MCGUNTY, J, mach, rms Byron House.
MCHENRY, John, lab B B & B C R R.
MCINNIS, G, carp B B & B C R R.
MCINTOSH, Ben W (Taylor & McIntosh), res Railroad ave bet Pine and Cedar.
MCINTOSH, J F, carp R C Jordan, bds Grand View Hotel.
MCINTYRE, Mary, domestic H S Gooding.
MCISAACS, N, lab B B & B C R R.
MCKAY, K M, chainman B B & B C R R.
MCKAY, W D, engineer B B & B C R R.
MCKEE, Wm A, real estate, res Garden s w cor Chestnut.
MCKELLAR, Colin, mach B B & B C R R.
MCKELLAR, Daniel, bds e s Garden 1 s of Holly.
MCKELLAR, Randolph D, res e s Garden 1 s of Holly.
MCKENNA, Felix, waiter Hotel Sehome.
MCKENTY, John, plasterer, res rear w s Elk nr Chestnut.
MCKENZIE, George, lab, bds Garden 3 n of Maple.
MCKILLOP, Archie, carp, res Magnolia nr Elk.
MCKINNON, Daniel, blksmith Chestnut cor Railroad, res York add.
MCKINNON, Wm, carriagemkr Daniel McKinnon, bds same.
MCKISSOCK, W, lab B B & B C R R.
MCKNIGHT, George E, teamster, res Elk bet Holly and Magnolia.
MCKNIGHT, Wm G, Propr Byron House.
MCKULLOCK, G, lab B B & B C R R.
MCLAIN, Michael, carp, res Carolina 1 e of James.
MCLAIN, Minor, shooting gallery Holly nr Bay, res same.
MCLAIN, Minor E, clk M McLain, rms same.
MCLANE, David, foreman, rms Elk bet Laurel and Maple.
MCLAUGHLAN, Daniel, lab, rms Harrison cor Potter.
MCLAUGHLIN, Zenos, draughtsman B B & B C R R, res Railroad ave nr Oak.
MCLEAN, Archie, lab, bds alley s of Maple bet Elk and Forest.
MCLEAN, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
MCLEOD, Calvin, with B B Lumber & Mnfg Co's Mill.
MCLEOD, Daniel, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
MCLEOD, N S, lab R C Jordan.
MCLEOD, W D, vice pres B B Lumber & Mnfg Co, res Whatcom.
MCMILLAN, Alpin, res Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
MCMULLEN, John M (Eagle & McMullen), rms Dock bet Holly and Chestnut.
MCNALLY, Thomas, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
MCPHERSON, Hugh, bds St Elmo House.
MCPHERSON, J, lab B B & B C R R.
MCREA, R, carp, bds Railroad s of Pine.
MCREA, Sabrina (wid Andrew), bds Iowa cor Elk.
MCTAGGART, Daniel, circulator Morning Gazette, res Railroad ave nr Maple.


MACE, George W, carp, res Holly blk.
MACKRETH, Wm, carp, bds Railroad 2 n of Oak.
MACPHERSON, Charles H, clk Collins & Co, rms Slade blk.
MACPHERSON, Wm A (Jameson & MacPherson), rms Slade blk.
MAGGISI, Bernardo D, lab, bds National Hotel.
MAGUIRE, Wm, waiter Jacob Schuey, rms Elk nr Maple.
MAHONEY, C B, lab B B & B C R R.
MAIN, W, lab B B & B C R R.
MAIER, Wm M, tailor A G Wickman, rms Grand View Hotel.
MALCUSAN, Otto, expressman, res Elk nr Maple.
MALONEY, Daniel, lab, bds National Hotel.
MALSON, Nathaniel, propr Eldorado House Elk 2 n of Myrtle.
MANN, W, fireman B B & B C R R.
MANUEL, John W (Havercroft & Manuel), res Byron House.
MANUEL, Wm J, teamster, rms Elk cor Laurel.
MARCH, Lillie, dressmaker R K Gilson.
MARCUS & ARONSON (J Marcus, Morris Aronson), dry goods Holly nr Dock.
MARCUSE, Jacob (Marcuse & Kleinberg), rms n s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
MARCUSE & KLEINBERG (Jacob Marcuse, Wm Kleinberg), dry goods n s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
MARESCH, Ferdinand G, furniture Forest cor Laurel, res Whatcom.
MARMONT, Thomas, capt stmr Saranac, res Elk 3 s of Ivy.
MARSH, M J, carp B B & B C R R.
MARSHALL, Robert, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
MARTENS, Carl, tailor, bds Elk East bet Forest and Government.
MARTIN, H, lab, bds National Hotel.
MARTIN, Philip, lab, bds National Hotel.
MARTIN, Warren, lab B B & B C R R.
MARTIN, Wm B, sec and treas Globe Mill Co, bds Byron House.
MARZ, Augusta, bds Railroad n e cor Oak.
MASON, Daniel P, Real Estate and Agent N P R R Co Holly s w cor Bay, res n s Carolina nr Elk.
MASON, James, lab B B Water Co.
MASON, Joseph H (Mason & Co), rms Holly nr Elk.
MASON, Joseph R (Mason & Co), res Whatcom.
MASON, Wm, lab, bds National Hotel.
MASON & CO (Joseph R and Joseph H Mason), Grocers s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
MATSON, Christ, lab B B & B C R R, bds St. Elmo House.
MATTHEWS, Henry L M, rms Byron House.
MATTHEWS, Mrs M A, bds Byron House.
MATTHEWS, W, lab B B & B C R R.
MAURESON, M L, lab B B & B C R R.
MAUVAIS BROS (Romeo and Ernest), proprs Elk St Chop House Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
MAUVAIS, Ernest (Mauvais Bros), res w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
MAUVAIS, Romeo (Mauvais Bros), res w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
MAYER, Conrad, bartender Frank & Charles, res High nr Maple.
MEIKLE, George, mach, bds Forest 2 n of Laurel.
MELANDER, E, dogger B B & B C R R.
MERRICK, Antone, caulker B B Water Co.
MERSCH, P, lab B B & B C R R.
MEYER, Joseph, clk C Greenberg, rms Holly nr Dock.
MILBERY, G S, rms Elk cor Laurel.
MILES, Thomas, mach B B & B C R R, rms Elk nr Chestnut.
MILES, Wm B, mason, bds Dock nr Holly.
MILES, Wm J, doorkpr Casino Theatre, rms Holly nr Bay.
MILES, Wm J, mason, res Dock nr Holly.
MILLER, Andrew, contractor, rms Holly nr Elk.
MILLER, Andrew jr, contractor, rms Holly nr Elk.
MILLER, Mrs Debbie, dressmaker, res Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
MILLER, Mrs Effie, dressmaker R K Gilson.
MILLER, James C, cook, res Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
MILLER, J, sawyer B B & B C R R.
MILLER, Philip, lab B B & B C R R.
MILLER, Theresa, dressmaker, rms Elk 2 n of Holly.
MILLER, Wm, brtndr, rms Railroad 2 n of Oak.
MILLHART, F, lab B B & B C R R.
MILLS, Abner F, clk G A Watson, bds George A Watson.
MILLS, John O, mach B B & B C R R.
MINT, THE, Borgeson Bros Proprs s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
MINTURN, Wm L (Underwood & Minturn), res Elk cor Chestnut.
MITCHELL, J M, contractor, rms Byron House.
MOELLER, Frederick M, yard foreman B B & B c Co's Mill, res Rose cor Forest.
MOEN, Thomas, lab B B Water Co.
MONAHAN, Michael, bricklayer B B & B C R R.
MONROE, George, lab, bds National Hotel.
MONROE, John S, axman, res Ohio bet James and King.
MONROE, Nathan, lab, res Elk bet Willow and York.
MOORE, Charles (Moore & Jones), rms Grand View Hotel.
MOORE, George W, clk, bds Laurel 1 w of Garden.
MOORE & JONES (Charles Moore, Wm C Jones), lunch counter Casino Theatre.
MORAN, J, lab B B & B C R R.
MORGAN, Everett R, teller B B National Bank, res Holly bet Canoe and Bay.
MORGAN, George, lab Globe Mill Co.
MORGAN, James W, cashr B B National Bank, res Whatcom.
MORGAN, Jenkin (George & Morgan), res Elk 2 s of Ivy.
MORGAN, Joseph P, blksmith B B & B C R R, bds Plymouth Hotel.
MORIARTY, John, cook James Williamson, rms The Mint.
MORNING GAZETTE, Medill Connell Publisher n s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
MORRIS, T, bds St Elmo House.
MORRISON, Arthur H (Morrison & Cade), res Garden nr Chestnut.
MORRISON, Jennie, waitress Byron House.
MORRISON & CADE (Arthur H Morrison, Thomas Cade), Lawyers e s Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
MORSE, Robert I, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Mill Machinery, Belting, Paints, Oils, Glass, Doors and Sash, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters Supplies w s Elk 4 s of Maple, res Garden bet Maple and Laurel.
MORSE, Wm, property man Casino Theatre.
MORTIMER, Wm, carp, res Forest 1 n of Maple.
MOSHER, Wilson, baker F & M E Christman.
MOSS, Maggie, tailoress, rms Railroad 2 s of Laurel.
MOULTON, Charles E, carp, res alley bet Myrtle and Laurel, Elk and Railroad.
MUDD, Elijah C (Cowley & Mudd), Foreman B B Water Works, res w s Railroad ave 4 n of Alder.
MULLER, Wm E (Thomas & Muller), res Elk bet Holly and Magnolia.
MULSTEAD, A, lab B B & B C R R.
MUNN, Elmer, dishwasher National Hotel.
MUNSON, F, bds St Elmo House.
MUNSON, S W, rms Forest 2 n of Rose.
MURCHY, Alexander D, carp, bds Kentucky 1 e of James.
MURPHY, Charles L, drayman, res Iowa s e cor Elk.
MURPHY, Clarence L, carp, bds National Hotel.
MURPHY, Michael, helper B B & B C R R, res Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
MURRAY, Frank, rms Grand View Hotel.
MUSGRAVE, Jesse C, carp, rms Garden 2 s of Maple.
MUSGRAVE, Joel L, carp, rms Garden 2 s of Maple.
MYERS, Wm, lab B B & B C R R.


NASH, James S, mngr Mrs. Martha Nash, res Elk 1 n of Laurel.
NASH, Mrs. Martha, Groceries e s Elk 1 n of Laurel, res same.
NATIONAL HOTEL, McClure & Garrett proprs, w s Elk 1 n of Oak.
NAWN, Thomas J, actor Casino Theatre.
NEDRY, George D, jeweler w s Elk 2 s Laurel, res same.
NEF, Charles (Nef & Bohnert), res e s Elk bet Berry and Ivy.
NEF & BOHNERT (Charles Nef, Charles Bohnert), Bakery e s Elk bet Berry and Ivy.
NEHER, John, carp, bds n s Kentucky 2 e of Elk.
NEHER, Lorenz, carp, res n s Kentucky 2 e of Elk.
NEHER, Martin, carp, bds n s Kentucky 2 e of Elk.
NELSON, Alfred, blksmith, res Garden bet Laurel and Maple.
NELSON, Alfred, carp, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
NELSON, F, shoemaker, rms Elk cor Holly.
NELSON, George, agt B B & B C R R Co, rms foot Dock.
NELSON, Jacob (Schysler & Nelson), res Elk 1 n of Maple.
NELSON, John, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
NELSON, Nels, lab B B & B C R R.
NELSON, Otto, lab, bds Maple bet Elk and Forest.
NELSON, Peter, lab B B & B C R R.
NELSON, Thomas, lab, bds National Hotel.
NEQUIST, John, lab B B & B C R R.
NEW WHATCOM OPERA HOUSE, B B & B C R R proprs, Forest cor Laurel.
NEWHOUSE, Henry, lab, bds National Hotel.
NEWSTREAM, J, lab B B & B C R R.
NICHOLS, L F, painter, rms Plymouth Hotel.
NICHOLS, R, lab Globe Mill Co.
NICHOLSON, Jane (wid Peter), nurse, bds Elk 1 s of Virginia.
NICHOLSON, Mrs Kate, cook Plymouth Hotel.
NIGHTINGALE, Charles, plumber, bds Thomas Miles.
NOACK, Gus R, barber F Ackerman.
NOBLE, Allen, carp, bds cor 15th and F.
NOBLE, Joseph, stonecutter R C Jordan.
NOBLE, Wm, bartender, rms Grand View Hotel.
NOBLES, Edward (Lowery & Nobles), rms Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
NORD, Peter, lab, bds National Hotel.
NORTHWESTERN EXPRESS CO, Wm R Syberd agt w s Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
NOTT, Mrs Cecelia, bds Garden cor Maple.
NOVOCK, John, millman B B & B C R R.
NYRSE, Ole, carp, rms Holly bet Dock and Canoe.


OBERG, Frederick, driver Dahlquist, Halberg & Co, rms Hotel du Nord.
OBERLATZ, Charles, tailor A G Wickman.
OBERLETE, F, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
OERTLI, Henry, carp, res Champion 3 e of Holly.
OFFERMAN, Frederick, druggist, res Garden bet Myrtle and Ivy.
OGDEN, Parton G, timber agt B B & B C R R, res Dock cor Maple.
O'HARE, Peter, plumber, bds Albion House.
OHLMEYER, Charles, fruits Elk bet Maple and Laurel, res same.
OKE, John, carp Pepper, Cox & Wilkinson, bds Byron House.
O'KEEFE, Thomas, plasterer, bds Albion House.
OLIVER, Samuel H, blacksmith, bds National Hotel.
OLSEN, G, lab B B Water Co.
OLSEN, Nels, lab, res n s York add.
OLSON, Benjamin (Pearson & Olson), rms s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
OLSON, Herman M, lab B B & B C R R.
OLSON, Ole, lab, bds National Hotel.
OLSON, Oliver, clk R I Morse, res Oak nr Garden.
ORSOLINI, John, stone cutter R C Jordan.
OVERLAND, Henry W, carp, res n s York add.
OWENS, A, pile-driver foreman B B & B C R R.
OWENS, John, lab B B & B C R R.


PACIFIC CLOTHING CO, Burkhart & Baldwin proprs, Elk cor Laurel.
PACIFIC HARNESS CO, Edward Linse propr, Charles A Horst mngr, harness mnfrs Chestnut bet Elk and Railroad ave.
PACIFIC POSTAL TELEGRAPH CO, T H Berry mngr Holly 2 w of Elk.
PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY, Udness & Erholm Proprs e s Elk 1 s of Kansas.
PAETZOLD, Max, rms Chestnut cor Forest.
PAKER, Solomon, second hand goods Holly bet Dock and Canoe, res same.
PALLAS, H, bds St Elmo House.
PALMER, A C, carp B B & B C R R, rms Eureka House.
PALMQUIST, Otto L, carp, res Gladstone cor Meikle.
PANGBURN, Thomas, lab, res n s York add.
PARIS, George, truckman, bds St Elmo House.
PARKER, Wm, plasterer, res Elk 1 s of Virginia.
PARMLEE, Amariah, engineer, bds Elk bet Oak and Pine.
PARRISH, Frederick C, opr Pac Postal Tel Co, rms Chestnut cor Forest.
PEARDON, D, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
PEARSON, Eva, domestic Garden cor Chestnut.
PEARSON, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
PEARSON, John E (Pearson & Olson), res Holly nr Elk.
PEARSON, Oliver, lab B B & B C R R.
PEARSON & OLSON (John E Pearson, Benjamin Olson), restaurant s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
PEASE, Frank, painter, res Orleans 2 n of Carolina.
PECK, Lester H, teamster R I Morse, res James cor Alabama.
PECK, Mrs Nettie, res James cor Alabama.
PEPPER, COX & WILKINSON (Thomas Pepper, Wm Cox, Robert Wilkinson), builders and architects e s Elk nr Kansas.
PEPPER, Thomas (Pepper, Cox & Wilkinson), res e s Elk nr Kansas.
PERRY, CLAYTON & KOON (G W Perry, James M Clayton, De Forrest Koon), proprs City Laundry Elk n w cor Oak.
PERRY, George, carp, rms Railroad 2 n of Oak.
PERRY, George W (Perry, Clayton & Koon), rms Elk ft Rose.
PETERS, Wm, sec Scandinavian Real Estate Exchange.
PETERSON, Albert, lab B B & B C R R.
PETERSON, Carrie, ironer Pacific Steam Laundry.
PETERSON, Frederick, lab B B Water Co.
PETERSON, Isaac, lab, bds National Hotel.
PETERSON, John, lab B B & B C R R.
PETERSON, Louis, lab, res Garden bet Laurel and Maple.
PETERSON, Matthew, lab, res Meikle bet Potter and Gladstone.
PETERSON, Nels, lab B B & B C R R.
PETERSON, Nels M, restaurant Maple bet Elk and Forest, res same.
PETERSON, Peter, lab, res n s York add.
PETERSON, Sophia, cook Forest cor Laurel.
PETERSON, Stephen, lab, bds National Hotel.
PETTIJOHN, Jennie, milliner, rms Meikle 1 e of Gladstone.
PICKEN, Muir, civil engineer, res Forest 2 n of Laurel.
PIERCE, F, stonecutter R C Jordan.
PIKER, F P, bartender, rms Grand View Hotel.
PITTS, L, lab, bds National Hotel.
PLYMOUTH HOTEL, Luther Sutherland Propr, w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
POATES, Wm,. bartender Casino Theatre, rms J W Roscoe.
POMEROY, C E, truckman B B & B C R R.
PORTIS, Wm, fireman Globe Mill Co.
POST OFFICE, Herman Hofercamp Postmaster s s Laurel bet Elk and Forest.
POTTER, Frederick, blksmith Henry Faulkner.
POWELL, Charles H, carp, res Elk nr Chestnut.
POWELL, Wm, lab B B & B C R R.
PREESTLY, George, lab, bds National Hotel.
PRICE, A, lab B B & B C R R.
PRICE, R C, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
PROUDFOOT, James, lab B B & B C R R, rms Elk nr Chestnut.
PURDY, E W, real estate, bds Hotel Sehome.
PURSER, James, rigger, bds St Elmo House.


QUACKENBUSH, J L, (J L Quackenbush & Co), rms Dock bet Holly and Magnolia.
QUACKENBUSH, J L & Co ( J L and Louis B Quackenbush), real estate Dock bet Holly and Magnolia.
QUACKENBUSH, Louis B (J L Quackenbush & Co), rms Dock bet Holly and Magnolia.


RACE, Frank, waiter James Williamson.
RAFTRY, Thomas, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
RAMSAY, Jessie, domestic Elk bet Rose and Berry.
RAMSDEN, George W, tailor A G Wickman, rms Grand View Hotel.
RASMUS, J, lab B B Water Co.
RATHBONE, M R W, Brick Mnfr Lincoln s e cor Ohio, res s s Holly 1 e of Railroad ave.
RAUCH, John, carp, res Government bet Potter and Gladstone.
RED FRONT THE, Sam Altshuler propr Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave.
REDDERBJELKE, Adolph, book agt, res Garden bet Myrtle and Laurel.
REED, Dennis, lab B B & B C R R.
REED, Fremont, carp, bds Forest 2 s of Holly.
REED, J, lab B B & B C R R.
REESE, James, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
REEVE, Wm A, mngr Alsop & Uhlman, rms Elk 3 n of Myrtle.
REID, Robert B, tinner, res James s e cor Alabama.
REMBAUGH, Wm S, logger, res Maple 1 e of Elk.
REQUA, Charles G, health officer, res Elk nr Oak.
REVSBECH, Andrew H, brtndr, rms Railroad cor Ivy.
REW, G H, carp B B & B C R R.
REYNOLDS, Thomas, lab B B & B C R R.
REYNOLDS, Wm R, real estate, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
RICE, Frank, stage mngr Casino Theatre, rms Holly cor Bay.
RICE, Waldron, hack driver, rms Elk nr Chestnut.
RICH, Charles, conductor, rms Holly nr Dock.
RICHARDSON, E T, carp B B & B C R R.
RICHARDSON, James, engr, rms Eureka House.
RICHARDSON, John, yardman B B & B C R R.
RILEY, Wm, carp, res Railroad 2 s of Pine.
RING, L, lab B B & B C R R.
RIPLEY, Wm C, miner, rms Elk s e cor Laure.
RISELAND, J M, carp R C Jordan.
ROBERTS, Charles W, Real Estate and Insurance w s Elk 2 s of Chestnut, res Elk nr Carolina.
ROBERTS, F E, chainman B B & B C R R.
ROBERTS, G, lab B B & B C R R.
ROBERTS, Capt J S, steamboat captain, res Elk nr Carolina.
ROBIN, T, tailor Holly bet Dock and Canoe, rms Holly cor Canoe.
ROBINSON, A G, axman B B & B C R R.
ROBINSON, O E, flagman B B & B C R R.
ROBINSON, W, flagman B B & B C R R.
ROCHON, Joseph, carp, bds Railroad 2 n of Oak.
RODGERS, R, lab bds National Hotel.
ROE, Albert E, master mach B B & B C R R, res Garden bet Myrtle and Ivy.
ROEDER, Albert J, driver, res Elk 1 n of Kansas.
ROEDER, Joseph H, cook, rms Elk 1 n of Kansas.
ROEHLE BROS (Wm and Fred C), wholesale liquors Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
ROEHLE, Fred C (Roehle Bros), res Forest nr Chestnut.
ROEHLE, Wm (Roehle Bros), res Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
ROESSEL, George jr, restraurant Holly cor Canoe, rms same.
ROESSEL, Henry, cook G Roessel jr, rms same.
ROGERS, A A (O B Iverson & Co), res Whatcom.
ROGERS, Ellrey, dept Co clk, res e s Forest 3 n of Chestnut.
ROHELE, Charles (Frank & Charles), res Holly nr Dock.
ROHN, Wm, lab B B & B C R R.
ROLLINS, Enoch, carp B B & B C R R.
ROLLINS, John F, millinery Elk bet Chestnut and Maple, res same.
RONES, A, lab B B & B C R R.
RONEY, Charles, foreman B B Water Co.
ROOK, J C, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
ROONEY, James, stonecutter, rms Grand View Hotel.
ROONEY, Patrick, lab B B & B C R R.
ROSCOE, Mrs. Elizabeth, res Dock nr Holly.
ROSCOE, John W, Propr Casino Theatre, res Dock bet Holly and Chestnut.
ROSENBAUM, Henry, clk, bds Forest cor Rose.
ROSENBAUM, Isaac S (Bellingham Bay Co), res San Francisco, Cal.
ROSITER, Charles, dishwasher, bds St Elmo House.
ROSS, John, steward Russell House.
ROSS, Norman, cook Grand View Hotel.
ROSSE, Louis, bds St Elmo House.
ROTHWELL, A E, contractor, rms Byron House.
ROTHWELL, John, plasterer, rms Byron House.
ROWLER, Edward, teamster Edward Foster, rms Elk bet Holly and Magnolia.
RUDD, C, lab B B & B C R R.
RUDOLPH, Henry, rms Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
RUDDY, C, lab B B & B C R R.
RUDDY, T, lab B B & B C R R.
RUNGE, John E, yardman B B L & Mnfg Co, res Garden nr Maple.
RUSSELL, Arthur M, bakery Laurel cor Railroad, rms same.
RUSSELL HOUSE, Thomas Russell Propr, w s Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
RUSSELL, John J, carp, res e s Elk 2 s of Virginia.
RUSSELL, Thomas, Propr Russell House w s Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
RUTHRUFF, Curt, carp Pepper, Cox & Wilkinson, bds Byron House.
RYAN, John, pipe fitter Underwood & Minturn, rms Elk cor Chestnut.


SAASET, Christ, engineer Pacific Steam Laundry.
SADDLER, P, lab B B & B C R R.
SAGEN, A, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
ST ELMO HOUSE, Thomas Wilson propr, Elk bet Oak and Ivy.
ST LAWRENCE, Henry, painter, bds Railroad 2 n of Oak.
SAMUELSON, A, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
SANDBERG, N, lab B B Water Co.
SANDLE, Andrew, lab B B & B C R R Co, rms ft Dock.
SANFORD, Israel C, Real Estate Holly nr Dock, res Garden bet Holly and Chestnut.
SANFORD, Lester, clk Grant R Wells, bds Elk bet Ivy and Myrtle.
SANFORD, Wm H, Real Estate s s Holly bet Dock and Canoe, res York add.
SARDEE, J, lab B B & B C R R.
SARGENT, S, lab, bds National Hotel.
SATTERLEE, A, lab B B & B C R R.
SAXON, Mrs Elizabeth Lyle, rms Holly blk.
SAXON, Lyle, rms Holly blk.
SCANDINAVIAN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, A G Wickman pres, T S Dahlquist treas, Wm Peters sec, P B Anderson mngr Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel.
SCAWB, John, bds St Elmo House.
SCHAEFER, Charles H, lab, rms Champion 3 e of Holly.
SCHAEFFER, Vance, dishwasher Mauvais Bros, rms Elk nr Chestnut.
SCHANK, J, lab B B & B C R R.
SCHERER, J, lab B B & B C R R.
SCHERER, S, lab B B & B C R R.
SCHOOL HOUSE, High cor Laurel.
SCHROEDER, Al, doorkpr Casino Theatre, rms Holly nr Dock.
SCHROLL, Wm, lab, bds St Elmo House.
SCHUEY, Jacob, restaurant Elk bet Maple and Laurel, res same.
SCHUMANN, J, carp R C Jordan.
SCHUSLER, John, bricklayer, bds Laurel 1 w of Garden.
SCHYSLER, Charles (Schysler & Nelson), res Elk 1 n of Maple.
SCHYSLER & NELSON (Charles Schysler, Jacob Nelson), saloon c s Elk 1 n of Maple.
SCOTT, Thomas, lab Globe Mill Co, bds National Hotel.
SCOTT, W J, teamster, rms Elk bet Ivy and Oak.
SEAL, Louis A, painter, rms Forest 3 n of Chestnut.
SEAMAN, Wm, sawyer, rms Eureka House.
SEARS, Mrs. L A, bds Jacob Swank
SEELEY, Linus or Linns E, carp B B Water Co, rms National Hotel.
SEHOME BRICK YARD, M R W Rathbone Propr, Lincoln s e cor Ohio.
SEHOME LIVERY STABLE, Croft & Irish Proprs, w s Elk 3 n of Pine.
SEIVE, Christ, dairy Elk bet Pine and Oak, res same.
SEILMAN, E, piler B B & B C R R.
SEVERSON, Louis, lab, res York add.
SEVIER, Francis M, city marshal, res Holly cor Bay.
SHAEFFER, Charles H, cigarmnfr Elk bet Myrtle and Laurel, res same.
SHAMEL, James A, mach hand, res Harrison cor Potter.
SHAMEL, Robert, lab, rms Harrison cor Potter.
SHANK, J, lab b B & B C R R.
SHANLY, G N, rms Plymouth Hotel.
SHANNON, George D (G W Shannon & Co), rms Holly bet Elk and Railroad.
SHANNON, George H, res Holly bet Elk and Railroad.
SHANNON, George W (G W Shannon & Co), rms Holly bet Elk and Railroad.
SHANNON, G W & Co (George W, Thomas B and George D Shannon), Hardware, Stores and Tinware n s Holly bet Elk and Railroad.
SHANNON, Thomas B (G W Shannon & Co), rms n s Holly bet Elk and Railroad.
SHARP, George, lab, bds National Hotel.
SHAW, John, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
SHAWL, Frederick, millwright B B & B C R R.
SHEA, C, stakeman B B & B C R R.
SHEA, D, lab, bds National Hotel.
SHEEDY, Michael, lab, res Texas nr Railroad.
SHELTON, Decil, dressmkr Mrs M N Swift.
SHELTON, Minnie, dressmkr Mrs M N Swift.
SHEPHARD, George A, lab, res James 1 s of Kentucky.
SHEPHERD, John W, mach, res w s Elk 1 s of Ohio.
SHIDLER, James F, res Elk bet. Ivy and Oak.
SHORT, A, lab B B & B C R R.
SHORT, W H, bds St Elmo House.
SIERSDORFER, Martin, Saloon and Mason Contractor e s Elk 1 n of Oak, res same.
SIEVE, Antone, butcher, res Railroad cor Oak.
SIGVALD, Peter, carp, res Chestnut 2 e of Forest.
SIMPSON, George E, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
SIMPSON, G W, carp B B & B C R R.
SINDLAND, S, carp R C Jordan.
SISERWAITH, Isaac, lab, bds National Hotel.
SKINNER, W L, teamster B B & B C R R.
SKORSET, Louis, cook Elk St Restaurant.
SLADE Blk, Elk n e cor Chestnut.
SLADE, Gilbert L (Slade & Smith), rms Slade blk.
SLADE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., Thomas Slade propr Slade blk.
SLADE, Thomas (Slade & Hadley), rms Slade blk.
SLADE & HADLEY (Thomas Slade, H. E. Hadley) Lawyers Slade blk.
SLADE & SMITH (Gilbert L. Slade, Ethelbert T. Smith), sash doors and blinds w s Railroad ave bet Holly and Chestnut.
SLATTERY, J, lab B B & B C R R.
SLY, John, lab, res rear Elk nr Chestnut.
SMABY, Peter, carp, rms Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
SMITH, Buth, speculator, rms Holly nr Dock.
SMITH, C, lab B B & B C R R.
SMITH, Daniel D, lab, res Railroad ave nr Maple.
SMITH, Edward, porter, Byron House.
SMITH, Ethelbert T (Slade & Smith), rms Slade blk.
SMITH, Frederick R, res Garden 3 s of Maple.
SMITH, Henry, driver Pacific Steam Laundry.
SMITH, Henry, lab, bds St. Elmo House.
SMITH, John, lab, bds Commercial House.
SMITH, John, lab, bds National Hotel.
SMITH, John O, blksmith, bds Albion House.
SMITH, Nelson, policeman, res Holly nr Elk.
SMITH, O H, rms Elk bet Chestnut and Holly.
SMITH, S D, foreman B B & B C R R.
SMITH, Thomas, lab B B & B C R R.
SMITH, Vernon C, painter, res Garden 3 s of Maple.
SMITH, Wm A, real estate, rms Grand View Hotel.
SOLOMON, Fred, watchman, res Harrison nr Potter.
SPAFFORD, E, carp R C Jordan, res Whatcom.
SPAULDING, Charles, sawyer Globe Mill Co, res Garden nr Myrtle.
SPAULDING, Joseph, bds Charles Spaulding.
SPAULDING, Walter H, carp, res Elk nr Pine.
SPAWN, Benjamin H, lather, rms Grand View Hotel.
SPELLMAN, S J, lab B B L & Mnfg Co.
SPENGER, Adam, carp, res Kentucky 1 e of Elk.
SPETTEL, George, lab B B & B C R R.
SPIELMANN, Stonewall, lab, rms Harrison cor Potter.
SPROULE, Robert E, real estate, res Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
STACHLMAN, Orin U, lab, bds Garden 2 n of Ivy.
STANGROOM, John S, Cashier B B & B C R R, bds e s Elk bet Rose and Berry.
STANGROOM, Marc L, Gen'l Supt, Chief Engineer and Agent B B & B C R R Forest n w cor Rose, res e s Elk bet Rose and Berry.
STANOR, J, lab, bds National Hotel.
STANTON, Thomas, cook Byron House.
STAR LODGING HOUSE, D A Hume propr, Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
STARRY, Bert, messenger P P Tel Co, res Prospect nr 17th.
STECKLEN, John, teamster, res Texas nr Railroad.
STEFFINS, James, rms Elk 2 s of Ivy.
STEFFINS, Otto, polisher City Laundry, rms Elk opp Rose.
STELBERG, John, carp, bds Laurel 1 w of Garden.
STEPPE, John, lab, bds Railroad nr Carolina.
STEVENS, J I, printer, rms Eureka House.
STEVENS, S A, rms Elk nr Ivy.
STEVENSON, Robert, lab, B B Water Co.
STEWART, George, helper B B & B C R R, res rear Elk nr Holly.
STEWART, James, sawyer, rms Plymouth Hotel.
STEWART, T C, lab, bds St Elmo House.
STEWART, Wm A, Agt Canadain Pacific R R, res e s Elk nr Magnolia.
STICKLAN, John, teamster B B & B C R R.
STOCKLEIN BROS (Henry J and Charles), dry goods Elk 1 s of Laurel.
STOCKLEIN, Charles (Stocklein Bros), res Elk 1 s of Laurel.
STOCKLEIN, Henry J (Stocklein Bros), res Elk 1 s of Laurel.
STOCKTON, Emily (wid Lemuel) res Garden nr Laurel.
STOLTZ, Charles, stone cutter, rms Eureka House.
STONE, Charles, logger, bds Maple 1 e of Elk.
STONE, Mrs Elizabeth, furnished rooms Elk cor Maple.
STONE, Richard A, waiter National Hotel.
STOSTED, Edward, lab Globe Mill Co.
STOWERS, Charles H, res Garden 1 s of Holly.
STRADER, John J, bkkpr B B National Bank, rms Slade blk.
STRAND, H B, Agricultural Implements, Real Estate, Sewing Machines, Carriages, Harness, Mill Machinery Etc Elk 3 e of Maple, res same.
STRAND, John, tailor, rms Johnson's Lodging House.
STRAND, Lewis, clk H B Strand, res Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
STRATTON, G J, lab B B & B C R R.
STRAUSS, Jacob (Katz & Strauss), res Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
STRAUSS, Philip, clk Katz & Strauss, rms Holly bet Bay and Canoe.
STRAVUSS, J, lab B B Water Co.
STROUS, A, lab, bds Albion House.
STRUM, Charles, lab, res Elk cor Kentucky.
STUBBS, Annie, waiter Grand View Hotel.
STURGEON, Annie, clk Stocklein Bros, bds Eli Sturgeon.
STURGEON, Eli, real estate, res e s Garden 3 s of Maple.
SUMMERVILLE, Wm, carp, rms Eureka House.
SUNSET TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH, T H Berry mngr Holly 2 n of Elk.
SUSET, Knute, lab, res Carolina 3 w of James.
SUTHERLAND, Alexander, carp, bds National Hotel.
SUTHERLAND, Luther, Propr Plymouth Hotel, res same.
SUTHERLAND, Oscar, bds St Elmo House.
SWADLEY, Jennie, clk G A Fuller, bds Chestnut cor Forest.
SWADLEY, Martha (wid David), furnished rooms Chestnut cor Forest.
SWANK, Jacob, blksmith B B & B C R R, res rear R R shops.
SWANSON, Hilda, waitress N M Peterson.
SWAVSKY, P, lab B B & B C R R.
SWEENY, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
SWEENY, Morris, pressman, rms Railroad 2 s of Laurel.
SWENSON, Ole, lab, res Central blk bet Elk, Chestnut, Holly and Railroad.
SWIFT, Martha N, millinery Holly bet Railroad and Dock, res same.
SYBERD, Wm R, agt Northwestern Ex Co and insurance w s Elk bet Maple and Laurel, res Garden bet Laurel and Myrtle.
SYMINGTON, R Wm, stone mason R C Jordan, bds National Hotel.


TARTE, James W, capt stmr Brick, res Railroad 1 n of Pine.
TAYLOR, Frances (wid James), bds Garden bet Myrtle and Ivy.
TAYLOR, George N, architect, res Garden 3 s of Chestnut.
TAYLOR, John R (Taylor & McIntosh), res Chestnut nr Railroad.
TAYLOR, Thomas B, speculator, rms Chestnut cor Forest.
TAYLOR, Wm L, carp B B & B C R R, res Whatcom.
TAYLOR & MCINTOSH (J R Taylor, B W McIntosh), real estate and insurance Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
TELSTADT, Leonard, tailor A G Wickman, rms Grand View Hotel.
THARALDSON, Deitliff, res Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
THARALDSON, Talmer (Dahlquist, Halberg & Co), res Elk bet Maple and Laurel.
THEISEN, Peter, lab, rms Champion 3 e of Holly.
THIBOULT, Joseph, carp, bds Railroad 2 n of Oak.
THOMAS, John H (Thomas & Muller), res Elk bet Laurel and Myrtle.
THOMAS, J W, carp, rms Eureka House.
THOMAS & MULLER (J H Thomas, W E Muller), real estate and insurance Elk n w cor Maple.
THOMPSON, Annie (wid Griffin), bds Elk 1 s of Virginia.
THOMPSON, Francis M, res King cor Kentucky.
THOMPSON, Henry, physician, res Government cor Elk East.
THOMPSON, J A, lab B B L & M Co's Mill.
THOMPSON, Nels, lab B B & B C R R.
THOMPSON, Rudolf M, printer, res Gladstone cor Humboldt.
THOMPSON, S W, lab, bds National Hotel.
THOMPSON, Wesley, millman B B & B C R R.
THORNTON, John M, lawyer Holly bet Railroad and Dock, res Holly blk.
TIBBS, Henry, plumber J J Beatty, rms Pacific Hotel.
TIERNEY, J E, blksmith, bds National Hotel.
TILLMAN, W, lab B B & B C R R.
TINKER, G, lab B B Water Works.
TITCOM, H, pipe fitter B B & B C R R.
TOLTON, Henry, lab, bds National Hotel.
TOWEY, A W, bricklayer B B & B C R R.
TRAVERS, L M, trav agt R I Morse, res Bellingham Hotel.
TREADWELL, Wm P, Cashr W Finley Hall and Notary Public n s Maple bet Elk and Forest, rms same.
TREUTER, John C, engineer B B & B C R R.
TRIGG, Wm E, clk Byron House, rms same.
TRIPP, John, lab Early Bros, bds Ohio cor Lincoln.
TROKOSITZ, M, lab B B & B C R R.
TROY, J, lab, bds National Hotel.
TRUELSON, Julius F, carp, res Harrison nr Gladstone.
TUBBY, Everett H, painter, rms Grand View Hotel.
TURNBULL, James, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
TURNBULL, R, lab, bds National Hotel.
TURNER, John, lab, rms Plymouth Hotel.
TWADDLE, James, stone cutter, rms Plymouth Hotel.


UDNESS, Mrs Augusta, clk Pacific Steam Laundry.
UDNESS, Olaf (Udness & Erholm), rms e s Elk nr Chestnut.
UDNESS & ERHOLM (Olaf Udness, Charles Erholm), Proprs Pacific Steam Laundry e s Elk 1 s of Kansas.
UNDERWOOD, Frank G (Underwood & Minturn), res Forest nr Chestnut.
UNDERWOOD & MINTURN (Frank G Underwood, Wm L Minturn), Hardware, Stoves, Etc Elk s w cor Chestnut.
 UNION PACIFIC R R, John W Alton agt Holly cor Dock.
U S CLOTHING CO, Katz & Strauss Proprs, Holly nr Dock.
UTZ, Thomas, watchman B B B & C R R.


VANSKE, E D, bds St Elmo House.
VAN SLYCK, E A, setter B B & B C R R.
VAN WYCK, Alexander, asst supt B B & B C R R, res s s Maple bet Elk and Railroad ave.
VERCHOT, Mrs Eugene, domestic High nr Pine.
VEYGARO, George, bds St Elmo House.
VIENNA BAKERY, F & M E Christman proprs, Holly cor Railroad.
VINNULSKY, J, lab B B & B C R R.


WADE, Florance M, pres B B Natl Bank, res Tacoma.
WAGGONER, Vanie, dressmaker Holly 3 e of Dock, rms same.
WAGNER, Wm, clk, bds Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
WAITY, Henry E, Real Estate and Justice of the Peace w s Elk 7 s of Maple, res Maple nr Garden.
WALDMAN, Charles, barber w s Elk bet Chestnut and Maple, rms same.
WALDMAN, Maria, tailoress A G Wickman, res Elk nr Maple.
WALLACE, James, lab, bds National Hotel.
WALLACE, Thomas, lab, res Harrison nr Potter.
WALLACE, Walter, lab, res Holly cor Railroad.
WALSH BROS (Frank, Wm and Charles), proprs Albion House w s Elk 3 s of Laurel.
WALSH, Charles (Walsh Bros), res Albion House.
WALSH, Frank (Walsh Bros), res Albion House.
WALSH, Wm (Walsh Bros), res Albion House.
WALTER, Wm, lab, rms Forest 1 n of Laurel.
WALTERS, Frank, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
WALTON, Joseph S, bkkpr B B & B C R R, res Elk nr Texas.
WANLEEN, S, lab B B & BC R R.
WARD, Charles E (Day & Ward), rms Holly blk.
WARDROP, John, foreman mach B B & B C R R, res alley rear Elk nr Holly.
WARMOUTH, Benjamin R, stock dealer, res Holly nr Railroad.
WARNER, Sylvester, lab, res Elk bet Willow and Magnolia.
WARREN, Charles, rms Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
WARREN, Jasper N, res Government nr Gladstone.
WARRIER, Edson, clk Griffin & Calhoon, rms Holly nr Elk.
WASHT, John, carp R C Jordan.
WATKINS, Horace, lab, res James cor Alabama.
WATSON, Charles R (Gould & Watson), res James 1 n of Alabama.
WATSON, George A, boots & shoes Elk bet Holly and Chestnut, res Garden nr Myrtle.
WATSON, Wm A, furnished rms Holly bet Elk and Railroad Ave.
WEAVER, Edmond C (Weaver & Hutton), res Elk bet Ivy and Myrtle.
WEAVER, Isaiah, lab, res Hill cor Gladstone.
WEAVER & HUTTON (E C Weaver, Andrew Hutton), cigars and tobacco Elk bet Ivy and Myrtle.
WEBBER, George A, plumber, res Magnolia 1 e of Elk.
WEBEL, David, mach B B & B C R R.
WEBER, George, tinner Underwood & Minturn, res Elk cor Chestnut.
WEBER, James, mach, rms Elk cor Maple.
WEBSTER, Maud, housekeeper Grand View Hotel.
WEHRY, John, lab B B & B C R R.
WEIHE, Robert, baker Nef & Bohnert, bds same.
WEIS, E M, brakeman B B & B C R R.
WELCH, Robert, bartender M McCaskill.
WELCOME, Charles, blksmith, res Eldridge & Bartlett's add.
WELCOME, Joseph C, harnessmkr Pacific Harness Co, res Forest nr Chestnut.
WELCOME, Lovy (wid Joseph E), res Forest 2 n of Maple.
WELLS, Grant R, confectionery Elk bet Laurel and Maple, res Indian nr Ivy.
WELLS, Hamilton C, foreman B B & B C R R, res Indian nr Myrtle.
WELTON, Charles, helper B B & B C R R.
WERNER, Gustave, lab B B & B B R R.
WERNER, Richard, butcher, res King nr Texas.
WEST, Enda V (wid Rollin A), res Elk 2 n of Holly.
WESTLUND, Erick, bds James n e cor Virginia.
WESTLUND, Erick E, carp, res James n e cor Virginia.
WEYBRIGHT, Martin, painter, rms Holly bet Railroad and Dock.
WHALEN,  Patrick J, teamster, res Nelson 1 e of Gladstone.
WHEELER, Bradford, asst engineer B B & B C R R.
WHEELER, Charles P, bkkpr B B National Bank, res Whatcom.
WHEELER, H, lab B B & B C R R.
WHEELER, James, lab, bds James 1 s of Kentucky.
WHEELER, Louis, millwright B B & B C R R, res Garden cor Berry.
WHEELER, Morgan, teamster, res James 1 s of Kentucky.
WHITE, Bert, cook Elk St Chop House, rms Elk nr Chestnut.
WHITING, Pliny F, rms Garden 2 s of Holly.
WHITTACKER, Abraham, brickmaker, res Elk bet Oak and Pine.
WHITTACKER, Edith, tailoress, bds Elk bet Oak and Pine.
WHITTACKER, Gertrude, tailoress, bds Elk bet Oak and Pine.
WICKMAN, Anders G, Merchant Tailor s s Holly bet Elk and Railroad ave, res same.
WIEL, Peter, lab, bds National Hotel.
WIER, Thomas, saloon Railroad cor Ivy, rms same.
WILDER, Henry, lab, bds National Hotel.
WILKINSON, Robert (Pepper, Cox & Wilkinson), res Elk nr Kansas.
WILKINSON, Walter, carp Pepper, Cox & Wilkinson, bds Byron House.
WILLIAMS, J N, carp, rms Holly nr Elk.
WILLIAMS, Wm, lab B B & B C R R.
WILLIAMSON, James, lunch counter The Mint Saloon, rms same.
WILLIS, A, lab B B & B C R R.
WILCOX, Wm C, furnished rooms Holly bet Dock and Canoe.
WILLRICH, F, rms Plymouth Hotel.
WILLS, W, cook B B & B C R R.
WILSON, A, lab B B & B C R R.
WILSON, Anthony S (Wilson & Bolinger), rms Plymouth Hotel.
WILSON, Clarence R, saloon Elk bet Laurel and Maple, res Railroad ave nr Laurel.
WILSON, John, lab, rms Star Lodging House.
WILSON, O L, lab B B & B C R R.
WILSON, S B, sawyer B B & B C R R.
WILSON, Thomas, propr St Elmo House Elk bet Oak and Ivy.
WILSON & BOLINGER (A S Wilson, Walter Bolinger), grocers Elk bet Chestnut and Maple.
WILT, Jesse, bds St Elmo House.
WILTSIE, A, millwright B B & B C R R.
WINTERS, James, millwright, rms Eureka House.
WISEMAN, David, axman, bds Elk nr Willow.
WOLAVER, Alonzo M, real estate, res Lake nr Government.
WOLF, Charles, lab B B & B C R R.
WOOD, H, lab B B & B C R R.
WOODS, J, fireman B B & B C R R.
WOODS, Patrick, millman B B & B C R R.
WOODSON, A W, lab B B & B C R R.
WOODSON, T L, bds St Elmo House.
WOOLARD, Alfred E, Real Estate and Insurance w s Elk 3 s of Chestnut, res e s Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
WOOLARD, George W, real estate, w s Elk 3 s of Chestnut, res Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
WOOLARD, Mrs. Sophie, furnished rooms e s Elk bet Holly and Chestnut.
WURTENBERG, David (Bellingham Bay Co), rms Holly cor Bay.
WYLIE, W D jr & Co (Wm D Wylie jr), grocers Holly cor Canoe, res same.
WYLY, Robert P, bartender Byron House, rms same.
WYMAN, Samuel D, vice pres Globe Mill Co, bds Charles Spaulding.


YOUNG, P E, carp B B & B C R R.
YOUNG, Wm, lab, bds National Hotel.


ZELLER, L, lab B B & B C R R.
ZICHELL, E, bricklayer R C Jordan.
ZIMMERS, Peter, teamster, rms Laurel bet Forest and Garden.
ZOBRIST, John, barber Elk 4 s of Laurel, rms same.

Copied by Susan Nahas


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