Many of Bellingham's leading business men are identified with various branches of the automotive industry, and among the most successful is numbered Alfred Benson, the owner of a fine garage. He was born May 17, 1875, and is a native of Sweden. His parents were B. P. and Albertina (Carlson) Benson, the latter of whom died in that country. In 1885 the father settled in Iowa, where he spent the remainder of his life.
Alfred Benson received a public school education and in 1892, when seventeen years of age, located in South Dakota. He followed the occupation of farming for some time and then opened a livery stable in Uniontown, South Dakota. In 1905 he chose Seattle, Washington, as the scene of his activities, and he was also connected with the livery business in San Francisco, California. He came to Bellingham in 1918 and established an automobile laundry on Railroad avenue. In 1919 he moved to a building fifty by one hundred and ten feet in dimensions and has since conducted the business at Nos. 111-113 East Magnolia street. Owing to the rapid increase in his trade he was forced to erect a two-story addition fifty-five by one hundred feet in size and completed the building in 1925. He now has ample accommodations for the storage of cars, and his garage is the largest in the city. He has an up-to-date automobile laundry and is rapidly forging to the front in the line in which he specializes, conducting a business of substantial proportions. Mr. Benson casts his ballot for the candidates of the republican party, and the Chamber of Commerce is the only organization with which he is connected. He reserves all of his energies for the conduct of his business and his industry, ability and honesty insure his continuous progress.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 717-718.
Although Holland has not sent as many people to Whatcom county as some of the other nations of Europe, yet those who have honored us with their citizenship have become conspicuous in view of the fact that they have been enterprising and progressive in their methods and valued citizens in every respect, having, while advancing their individual interests, not been neglectful of the general good. John Bossenbrook (sic), one of the successful and public-spirited residents of Ferndale township, was born in the Netherlands on the 19th of May, 1866, and is a son of John and Della Bossenbrook, both of whom spent their entire lives in Holland. The father was a mason and contractor by occupation and commanded the respect of all who knew him.
John Bossenbrook secured his education in his native country and in 1893 came to the United States, locating first at Paterson, New Jersey, where he lived about a year. He then went to Waupun, Wisconsin, and engaged in farming, which pursuit engaged his attention for about thirteen years. In 1905 he sold his interest there and came to Whatcom county, buying forty acres of stump and brush land in Ferndale township, to the clearing and improvement of which he devoted himself with such energy that he was soon enabled to start the plow. He now has thirty acres cleared and in cultivation, raising all the crops usually planted in this locality. He also keeps seven cows, two horses and one hundred chickens. All of the improvements on the place are modern and complete in every respect, including the comfortable and attractive residence and good barns and chicken houses. He also has a good bearing orchard. He is methodical and businesslike in everything that he undertakes and carries his work forward with energy and persistence that always bring good results. In 1898 Mr. Bossenbrook was married to Miss Kate VanLoo, who was born in Wisconsin in 1872, a daughter of Gerritt and Mary Van Loo, natives of Holland, who came to this country and located in Wisconsin, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Bossenbrook died October 10, 1902, and Mr. Bossenbrook has not married again. To them were born the following children: Gerrit, who graduated from the Meridian high school and the State Normal School at Bellingham, also attended the State Agricultural College, at Pullman one year, and is now engaged in teaching at Dryden, Washington; Della, born September 7, 1900, is the wife of L. E. Martin and they have a son; Jerry was born February 1, 1923; Cornelius, born October 5, 1902, died March 3, 1914. Mr. Bossenbrook has always tried to measure up to the standard of correct manhood and this locality is proud to number him among its progressive and representative men. In all the relations of life he has proven true to every trust and is well worthy of the high measure of confidence which is reposed in him by all who know him.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 623-624.
To a great extent the prosperity of the agricultural sections of our great country is due to the honest industry, the sturdy perseverance and the wise economy which so prominently characterize those who have come to this country from the northern European nations. By comparison with their "old country" surroundings, these people have readily recognized the fact that in the United States lie the greatest opportunities for the men of ambition and energy. Of such is Eric Burke, well-known and popular farmer of Ferndale township, who was born in Sweden, July 25, 1862. a son of Nels and Carrie Burke, who spent their entire lives in Sweden.
Eric Burke remained at home until attaining his majority, in the meantime securing a good education in the public schools of his home neighborhood. In 1883 he came to the United States and located in Nebraska, where he took up a homestead, which he planted to wheat, and to the operation of which he devoted himself for twenty years. In 1903 he sold his Nebraska holdings and came to Whatcom county, which has been his home continuously since. He bought fifteen acres of brush and timber land, ten acres of which he cleared and has farmed, the remaining five acres being in timber and pasture. Mr. Burke keeps five good grade Jersey cows, a good flock of chickens, and raises hay, grain and vegetables. He has a well improved place, its appearance indicating the owner to be a man of good taste, careful management and progressive ideas. Prosperity has crowned his efforts since coming to Whatcom county and a large part of his success must be credited to his good wife, whose industry and wise economy have been an invaluable aid to her husband.
In 1897 Mr. Burke was married to Miss Anna Pearson, who was born in Sweden, a daughter of Perry and Anna (Soneson) Pearson, both of whom were natives of Sweden, where their deaths occurred. To Mr. and Mrs. Burke have been born three children, Mrs. Ellen Norby, Nels P. and Esther, the two last named being at home. Because of his success, his character and friendliness, Mr. Burke is well liked by all who know him.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 643.
P. A. Clarke, of Lynden township, Whatcom county, is a man whose life has become an essential part of the history of this locality, and he has exerted a beneficent influence in the community honored by his residence, as has also his wife, the former in business and educational affairs and the latter in social and fraternal circles. Mr. Clarke's chief characteristics are fidelity of purpose, keenness of perception, unswerving integrity and sound common sense, which qualities have earned for him the esteem of the entire community. He was born in Pepin county, Wisconsin, in 1855, and is a son of D. E. and Mahala (Garrish) Clarke, the latter of whom was born in Maine and died in 1903. D. E. Clarke was a native of New York state and became a mill man by occupation. He moved to Pennsylvania, where he lived for a time, but eventually located in Wisconsin, being a pioneer of the locality in which he settled, and there he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1895.
P. A. Clarke secured a good, practical education in the public schools of his native state and remained on his father's farm until he was about twenty-eight years old, when, at the time of his marriage, he took part of the farm and operated it on his own account until 1889. Then, because of his wife's poor health, they came to Washington, locating in Bellingham, near where he rented a farm. He went to work in Bellingham for the Bellingham Bay Improvement Company, and also did some railroad work. They then went back to the Wisconsin farm, where they remained until 1899, when they again came to Whatcom county and bought sixty acres of land in Lynden township, where they now live. A part of the tract was cleared and Mr. Clarke cleared the remainder, about fifteen acres, and did a good deal of ditch draining, so that the land is now in fine shape for cultivation and is producing abundant crops of hay and grain. There was a barn on the farm when he came here, but the other buildings have all been built by him, the improvements adding to the value and desirability of the property. Mr. Clarke is carrying on general farming operations, giving considerable attention also to dairying, for which purpose he keeps twelve good grade Holstein cattle, in the handling of which he has been very successful. He also keeps about five hundred laying hens, which he has found to be a very profitable adjunct to his other farming operations.
In 1882 Mr. Clarke was married to Miss Ella Jones, who was born at Taylor's Falls, Minnesota, a daughter of F. B. and Ada (Thomas) Jones, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Michigan, and who became early pioneer settlers in Minnesota. To Mr. and Mrs. Clarke have been born six children: Vernie E. is a student in the University of California. Ada is the wife of George Bruce, of Lynden, and the mother of four children. Ivy is the wife of R. C. Palmer, who runs the Sunset garage at Lynden, and they have five children. Roy E. is a graduate of the State Agricultural College, at Pullman, and is now assistant superintendent of the government experiment station at Kodiak, Alaska. He is a veteran of the World war and was injured in the service while overseas, and also met with an accident in Alaska. Under careful treatment under government supervision he has recovered and is now again in good health. Bergie K. is a graduate of the State Normal School at Bellingham and taught in the public school at Sumas for two years. Percy A. is now a student in the State Agricultural College at Pullman.
Mr. Clarke has always been deeply interested in the educational affairs of his community and rendered effective and appreciated service as a member of the school board of the North Prairie school, which all of his children attended and from which they were graduated. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America, while at the time he first came to Washington he was a member of the Junior Order of American Mechanics. Mrs. Clarke is a member of the Pythian Sisters, the Daughters of Rebekah and the Woman's Relief Corps. She is active in these orders and is a very popular member of the circles in which she moves. About three years ago Mr. Clarke was disabled by illness, and during his inability to look after the farm work she took his place and practically ran the farm for two years, or until he was again able to take charge. Mr. Clarke is a man of candid and straightforward manner in all his relations with his fellowmen, who have long since learned to appreciate his splendid character and fine public spirit. He keeps in close touch with the issues of the day, on which he holds sound opinions, and he earnestly cooperates with his fellow citizens in all movements for the advancement of the community welfare.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 913-914.
At an early age Clyde B. Creek manifested that spirit of self-reliance so essential to success in all lines of endeavor, and his energy and ambition, reinforced by natural ability, have place him with Bellingham's foremost business men. A son of Abraham and Elia Creek, he was born February 25, 1881, and is a native of Clinton county, Missouri. His father has passed away, and the mother still lives in Missouri.
Mr. Creek spent his boyhood on his father's farm and received a public school education. At the age of seventeen he left home and has since depended upon his own resources for a livelihood. He came to Whatcom county in 1898 and obtained work in a livery barn at Blaine. He was eager to advance and completed a course in the Wilson Commercial College. Subsequently he engaged in contracting and other lines of business and since 1918 has been president of the Model Truck & Storage Company. The other officers are J. K. Kruger, vice president, and A. G. Larson, secretary and treasurer. The business was established about 1895 by J. J. Larson, who in 1902 erected the present building at Nos. 1328-30 State street. This is a substantial brick structure, three stories in height and fifty-five by one hundred and twenty-five feet in dimensions. The upper floors are used for storage purposes and the firm operates a fleet of ten trucks, five of which are of the large type. The concern was conducted under the name of the Larson Livery & Transfer Company until 1918, when the present style was adopted. Mr. Creek is at the head of the oldest and largest corporation of the kind in Bellingham, and for eight years he has wisely and successfully guided its destiny, possessing the foresight, initiative, mature judgment and administrative power of the true executive.
Mr. Creek was united in marriage to Miss Cora Alice Brown, of Custer, Washington, a daughter of Edward Brown. Mr. Creek is a member of the Kiwanis Club and the Chamber of Commerce and is a republican in his political views. He is interested in all matters of public moment and is highly esteemed in business circles of Bellingham, for he has never deviated from the course of honor and integrity.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 741.
Edwin Mahlon Day, justice of the peace and formerly judge advocate general of the state of Washington, is one of the able and venerable members of the Bellingham bar, with which he has been identified for a period of thirty-five years. He achieved success in the field of journalism and while in Nebraska accomplished much important work along reclamation lines. He has been a leader in projects for the development of the rich mineral resources of this region, a promoter of transportation interests, and his labors in behalf of the Grand Army of the Republic also constitute an important chapter in his life history. He has left the impress of his individuality upon every line of endeavor to which he has turned his attention and few careers have matched his in service to the commonwealth.
Judge Day was born September 25, 1845, in Princeton, Illinois. His father, John Mills Day, was a native of Dearborn county, Indiana; was an agriculturist by occupation and also engaged in the practice of veterinary surgery for a number of years, passing away in 1902 at Aurora, Nebraska. His wife bore the maiden name of Ellen Brigham Beach and was born in Sloansville, New York. Her father was a veteran of the War of 1812, and her brother, Cyrus A. Beach, was killed at the battle of Altoona Pass during the Civil war. In the paternal line the subject of this sketch traces his ancestry to Stephen Day, who came to the new world in 1635 and settled near Boston, Massachusetts, becoming the first printer on this side of the Atlantic and the publisher of The Psalm Book, probably the first book issued in this country.
In the public school of Illinois, Judge Day acquired his early education and while attending Lombard University at Galesburg he joined another student in raising a company of infantry which was mustered in as Company H of the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Illinois Infantry. The date of his enlistment was August 5, 1864, at which time he was but eighteen years of age, and on August 10 of that year he was made a corporal, acting in that capacity until the close of hostilities. He was assistant chief clerk to the mustering and disbursing officer at Quincy, serving under Captain S. S. Summer of the regular army, and his regiment had charge of President Lincoln's funeral. Corporal Day had charge of the immediate guard at the tomb at the time of interment at Oakland cemetery and was also in charge of the remains as relief guard at the state capitol in Springfield previous to the interment. General Joseph Hooker was marshal of the day, and in twenty-six hours about twenty-six thousand persons viewed the remains of the martyred president.
At Camp Butler, Illinois, Judge Day received his honorable discharge from the service and in 1865, while enroute to Colorado with a band of twenty-five emigrants, made good use of his knowledge of military tactics when the party was attacked by Indians at Alkali Springs on the 26th of October. He spent two years in Colorado, living in Denver and vicinity, and then returned to Illinois. After his marriage he moved to Sterling, Illinois, and for two years contracted with a sash and blind factory for painting and glazing. He was thus engaged from 1967 until 1969, when he went to Iowa and embarked in the publishing business in Des Moines, issuing the Des Moines Monthly Magazine and the Iowa State Granger. In 1877 he located in Sidney, Nebraska, and organized the first graded schools at that place, serving as principal and also as county superintendent of public instruction. Meanwhile he had been devoting his leisure hours to the study of law and in October, 1878, was admitted to the bar. He followed his profession in that state for twelve years and while a resident of North Platte became the founder and publisher of the Daily Electric Light and later owned and edited the Big Springs Journal at Big Springs, Nebraska. He also published the Ogallala (Neb.) Reflector and in addition was superintendent of the public schools of Keith county. In 1882 he organized the North Platte Irrigation & Power Company, which built the first irrigation canal in Nebraska and furnished water to fifty-one thousand acres of land. He also framed the first irrigation law passed in that state.
Responding to the lure of the northwest, Judge Day came to Washington and in 1891 arrived in New Whatcom, now known as Bellingham. In 1893 he founded the Fairhaven News, conducting the paper until 1896, and for four years thereafter published the Whatcom News, which was issued three times a week. He also published the Washington Resources until that paper was consolidated with the Fairhaven News and through the columns of these journals did much to influence the growth of the district. Seeking other outlets for his initiative spirit and superabundant energy, in September, 1901, he promoted and organized the Alger Oil & Mining Company, of which he became secretary, also acting as attorney for the corporation. It was started with a capital of three hundred thousand dollars and a plant for the manufacture of brick was erected at Alger at a cost of thirty-five thousand dollars. The company also acquired valuable mining property. In 1901 Judge Day formed the Britton Gold Mining Company, which was capitalized for three hundred thousand dollars, and he was elected secretary-treasurer, also having charge of the legal interests of the corporation, which developed gold and copper properties in the Mount Baker district. He was one of the promoters and organizers of the Whatcom-Skagit Interurban Railway Company, of which he was made president and general manager, displaying notable wisdom and power as an executive. He has practiced in the higher courts for many years and although he has reached the eightieth milestone on life's journey is still active in his profession, being exceptionally well preserved. His studies did not cease with his admission to the bar, for he has been a constant student, ever eager to broaden his knowledge of the law, and has successfully handled many notable cases. He has achieved more than local prominence as a lawyer, becoming judge advocate general of Washington with the rank of colonel. He was appointed by Governor Rogers and resigned after the latter's death, but his resignation was not accepted until four years from the date of his appointment. Judge Day is widely known as the father of the law creating the humane bureau of Washington, and for sixteen years he has filled the office of justice of peace, his long retention therein being eloquent of the quality of his service.
On December 3, 1867, Judge Day was married in Illinois to Miss Mary A. Sisson, whose father, Azariah Sisson, was a scion of an old American family and of English and French descent. To this union were born five children: Edwin Sisson; Bryant Jewel; Myrtle Edith, the wife of M. T. Summers; Margaret Ellen, who married John Percival Geddes; and Louella Pearle.
Judge Day was an adherent of the republican party until 1893 and has since maintained an independent course in politics. He is identified with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and in 1877 joined the Grand Army of the Republic at Fort Sidney, Nebraska. At North Platte he established Stephen A. Douglas Post, of which he was chosen commander, and also organized J. M. Thayer Post at Ogallala, Nebraska. While in that state he acted as chairman of the state board of administration of that order and afterward became vice commander of C. R. Apperson Post of Fairhaven, Washington. His demeanor has ever been marked by that courtesy and consideration for others which is the outward expression of a kindly nature, and his friends are legion. He has extracted from life the real essence of living, and his labors have been manifestly resultant.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 770-775.
Among the progressive business organizations of northwestern Washington is numbered the Lynden Motor Company, of which Herman Elenbaas is the executive head. His father, James Elenbaas, was a resident of Michigan and in 1900 came to Whatcom county, Washington, with his wife and nine children, two of whom are deceased. He settled on a ranch situated three miles from Lynden and there his sons grew to manhood. Isaac chose a seafaring life, which he followed for seven years, and during four years of that period served in the United States navy. He also became an expert machinist and worked in the Detroit plants of the Packard and Pierce Arrow Motor companies. After coming to the state of Washington, Herman entered the employ of the Lynden Creamery Company and for ten years was manager of the business, while Peter remained on the farm. The three brothers are married and all are partners in the Lynden Motor Company, making their homes in the town.
The business was started in 1915 by Henry Haveman and was next acquired by R. Haveman. It was purchased by Herman, Isaac and Peter Elenbaas in 1918, and in 1922 the building was enlarged. It is one hundred and twenty-five by one hundred feet in dimensions, and the repair shop is exceptionally well equipped, containing the only solid tire press in the county outside of Bellingham. The company has the agency for the Dodge cars, Graham trucks, Goodyear tires and Exide batteries and employs seven experienced men. The members of the firm are young men of ability and high character, and as president of the company Herman Elenbaas has adopted a policy of fair and honorable dealing which commends itself to public confidence and support.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 868.
Among the sagacious, farsighted business men to whom Bellingham is indebted for its commercial growth and prosperity, none occupies a higher place in public esteem than does Herbert E. Fisher, widely known as one of the officials of the Morse Hardware Company, with which he has been associated for nearly thirty years. He was born January 6, 1866, in Delavan, Illinois, and his parents were Horace L. and Martha E. (Appleton) Fisher. The father was a merchant and was engaged in business in Illinois until his death. He was a member of an old American family, tracing his ancestry in direct line to Asa Fisher, who fought in the Continental army and five of whose brothers were also soldiers in the Revolutionary war.
After the demise of Horace L. Fisher his widow came to the Puget Sound country in company with her sons, Herbert E. and Clarence C., reaching Bellingham in 1890. The family prospered in their new home, and in 1896 the subject of this sketch became connected with the Morse Hardware Company. His worth soon won recognition and in 1899 he was elected secretary of the corporation, also becoming a member of the board of directors. He has since filled these offices and his services have been invaluable to the firm. He is a typical business man of the present age, keenly alive to the value of any commercial proposition, quick to perceive an emergency and equally prompt in devising a plan to meet it. His brother has charge of the financial department of the company, of which Cecil A. Morse is president and manager. This is the oldest concern of the kind in Bellingham and one of the largest in the northwest.
In 1906 Mr. Fisher married Miss E. Lena Spear, a daughter of E. H. Spear, who is later life migrated from Illinois to Washington, settling in Bellingham. The children of this union are Ernest E. and Francis F. The family are members of the Baptist church and Mr. Fisher is a republican in his political views. He is a live factor in his city and owes his success to strict honesty, the conscientious discharge of all obligations and unremitting attention to business.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 388.
The best history of a community is that which deals with the life work of those who by their own endeavor and indomitable energy have earned for themselves the title of "progressive," and in this sketch will be found the record of one who, instead of being subdued by the obstacles which he has encountered, has made them stepping stones to higher things. He came to Whatcom county more than thirty-five years ago and, having the sagacity to foresee the great future of this locality, wisely decided to cast his lot here. During the subsequent years he has gained not only material success but also the sincere respect of all who know him. Robert Gilday was born in Leeds county, Ontario, Canada, in 1860, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen (Gardner) Gilday, both of whom were natives of Ireland, the former born in Shilago. In his young manhood the father came to America, locating in Ontario, Canada, where he engaged in farming, which pursuit he followed during his active life. Both he and his wife are now deceased.
Robert Gilday secured his education in the public schools of Canada and at the age of fifteen years went to North Dakota, during the land boom. He was too young to take up a claim, but a claim was taken up by his brother, Gardner Gilday, and our subject remained on that claim until he was old enough to take up land for himself. He remained on his homestead for ten or twelve years, raising wheat, but finally a succession of early frosts destroyed his crop prospects, and he left there, financially ruined. In 1889 he came to Seattle, Washington, where he spent the winter, and then bought a restaurant outfit, which he took to Anacortes, but he remained there only a short time. In 1890 he came to Blaine and during the ensuing ten years worked in the sawmills of this vicinity. He then engaged in the draying and trucking business with Lewis Montford, and later these two engaged in the feed and grain business. In 1920 Mr. Gilday sold his interest in the business, owing to poor health, and for two years was with his son, James S., in the garage business. In 1923 he engaged in the chicken business in partnership with his son-in-law, J. V. Erickson, and they have gradually built up the enterprise until they are now numbered among the largest poultry farmers of this section of the county. They have between two thousand and three thousand laying hens, of the White Leghorn variety, and plan to increase their flock to at least five thousand hens. They have made remarkable progress in the three years that they have been in business, have erected a fine set of henhouses and other necessary buildings, installed water and electric light systems and have made other essential improvements, being now well equipped for the conduct of the business along up-to-date lines, and which will insure maximum results.
While living in North Dakota, Mr. Gilday was married to Miss Alice Bowey, who was born in Plymouth, England, and came to Canada when eight years old, with her parents, who settled in Ontario, where the father became a successful building contractor and where he and his wife died. To Mr. and Mrs. Gilday were born two children: Cora is the wife of J. V. Erickson, who was born in Illinois, is a graduate of a normal school in Michigan and has been a resident of Whatcom county about fourteen years, being at this time the principal of the public schools at Birch Bay. They are the parents of two children, Robert John and Russell Gilbert. James Stanley is mentioned in a personal sketch on other pages of this work. Mr. Gilday has been a member of the Modern Woodmen of America for twenty-five years, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows about the same length of time and of the Knights of Pythias for twenty-one years. He has taken a commendable interest in local affairs and served for ten years as a member of the Blaine city council. Politically he has long been an active supporter of the democratic party and took an effective part in the election of Woodrow Wilson to the presidency. Among his prized possessions is a personal letter from Mr. Wilson thanking him for his efforts and efficient work during that campaign. He is a member of the Whatcom County Poultry Association and of the feed association. Mr. Gilday tells many interesting reminiscences of early days in this locality, one of which is that during the hard times that prevailed here one year he and a number of other men rented a shingle mill for eight dollars a day. They made shingles but could not sell them and would have been in a bad way but for the generous attitude of John Elwood, who took the shingles off their hands in exchange for food. Mr. Gilday's career has been marked by hard work and persistent effort, but he has finally realized the fruition of his labors and is enjoying a well merited measure of prosperity. He has also gained what is of far more importance, the unbounded confidence and esteem of the entire community, where his splendid personal qualities are fully appreciated.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 418-419.
George S. Gray, a dealer in musical instruments, occupies an enviable position in business circles of Bellingham and is one of the valuable citizens whom Canada has furnished to the United States. He was born in 1867 in the province of Ontario, and his parents were the Rev. Matthew S. and Harriet E. Gray, the former minister of the Congregational church. The son attended the public schools of the Dominion and also took a course in a commercial college at Danville, Indiana. He earned his first money by working on farms and later became a telegrapher. In October, 1891, he secured a position in the Reimer piano factory at Toronto, Canada, and there became skilled in the art of piano construction. He was next in the employ of the Mason & Risch Piano Company of Toronto and was later in the service of Decker Brothers of New York city. He then went to Waterbury, Connecticut, and for seven years was there associated with the Driggs & Smith Company. During that period he made an important discovery, finding through experiment that fine wood and not metal was essential to retain the tone of the instrument. The close confinement had injured Mr. Gray's health and the firm sent him to the invigorating climate of Colorado to recuperate, paying the expenses of the trip. He was much benefited by the change and spent six years in Denver in company with his family. He was sales manager for the Knight-Lock Piano Company of Denver and afterward filled a similar position with the Montelius Piano company of that city, but had been with the latter house only six months when the business was sold.
Returning to Toronto, Mr. Gray was connected with the piano business of that city for three years and on the expiration of that period went to Cleveland, Ohio, as a representative of Wamelink Piano Company, with which he remained for two years. He was later in Michigan and aided in closing out the business of a well known corporation operating in that state. He arrived at Portland, Oregon, in February, 1914, and in July of that year located in Bellingham, Washington, where he has since made his home. He followed the profession of a piano tuner for about a year and in November, 1915, established a business of his own, securing a desirable location at No. 1323 Commercial street. His store is thirty by one hundred and twenty-five feet in dimensions and his stock is attractively displayed. He handles the Baldwin pianos and carries a full line of musical instruments. Mr. Gray has made an exhaustive study of this business, which has constituted his life work, and conducts the leading music house of the city. He is a recognized expert in the line in which he specializes, and his interesting brochure, entitled "Useful Hints on Selecting a Piano," has been of much assistance to those desiring to purchase a satisfactory instrument.
On St. Valentine's day of 1900, Mr. Gray was married, in Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Helen S. Kerr, also a native of Canada and at one time a schoolmate. To this union was born a daughter, Helen Dorothy, who is now the wife of Frank Tatham and resides in Woodland, Washington. Mr. Gray belongs to the Knights of The Maccabees and is a republican in his political views. At the outset of his career he wisely chose a congenial line of work, on which he has centered his attention, never dissipating his energies over a broad field, and his success has been commensurate with his industry and ability.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 768-769.
Forceful, energetic and determined, Verne W. Hale is well qualified for the conduct of important business interests, and although young in years he has already become an influential figure in mercantile circles of Bellingham. A native of Michigan, he was born September 25, 1894, and is a son of C. E. and Alta (Cram) Hale. His parents migrated to the Pacific northwest, arriving in Bellingham on the 1st of January, 1906, and for some time the father was employed in the mills. He then formed the Hale Taxicab Company and conducted the business until 1920, when he opened the Bellingham Outdoor Store, of which he was the proprietor for five years. He is now operating the Cabin Automobile Camp on the Ferndale road, and success has attended all of his undertakings. Opportunity has ever been to him the call to action, and his progressive spirit is guided and controlled by sound judgment.
Verne W. Hale attended the Fairhaven high school and for a year was a student in the pharmaceutical department of the University of Washington. He was employed as a drug clerk for a time and was next associated with his father in the taxicab business. On June 1, 1925, he became the owner of the Bellingham Outdoor Store, which is located at No. 1223 Elk street and occupies one story and the basement of a building thirty-five by one hundred feet in dimensions. He carries a full line of outdoor wearing apparel, men's furnishings and camping equipment, and his trade is rapidly increasing. He has inherited the executive ability and business acumen of his father and is one of the city's most enterprising young merchants.
In 1915 Mr. Hale married Miss Georgia Dickerson, a native of Blaine, Washington, and a daughter of Ernest and Cora Dickerson, who came to Whatcom county as pioneers. Mr. Dickerson was prominently identified with logging operations, also conducting a sawmill, and his widow is now a resident of Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Hale are the parents of two children: Verne W., Jr., and Robert. Mr. Hale is allied with the republican party but has never aspired to public office. His interest centers in his business, and through concentrated effort and good management he is forging steadily to the fore in the line in which he specializes.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 703-704.
In both the paternal and maternal lines Judge Edward E. Hardin is descended from ancestors who have been prominent in American affairs. In person, talents and achievements he is a worthy scion of his race. He comes of a family which has furnished many sons noted for legal ability of a high order.
Judge Hardin was born in Kentucky, June 27, 1860, and his parents, William H. and Martha J. (Boston) Hardin, were also natives of the Blue Grass state. The mother was a native of Oldham county and the father of Jefferson county. Both families were originally from Virginia and migrated to Kentucky in the early history of the state. One of Judge Hardin's ancestors was a colonel in the Revolutionary war. Another was a soldier in the army which forced the surrender at Yorktown. Hardin county and Hardinsburg, Kentucky, were named in honor of a member of the family. Among its distinguished members were a governor of Missouri, several congressmen, two supreme court judges and numerous state officers. The subject of this sketch is also related to the Olgesby, the Wickliffe, the Helm and the McHenry families.
After the completion of his high school course Edward E. Hardin attended the State College of Kentucky and then took up the study of law at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, from which he graduated with the class of 1887. He practiced law in Kentucky for two years and during that time served a term in the legislature of that state. In 1890, when a young man of thirty, Judge Hardin removed to Washington and opened a law office in Bellingham. Eight years later he abandoned his practice to raise Company B of the Washington Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish-American war and served as its captain until the close of the war. He then returned to Bellingham and resumed the practice of the law. In 1899 he was called to the mayoralty. His administration of the city's affairs was popular and he was elected for two further terms. He continued in the private practice of law until 1908, building up a large clientele, and was then elected to the office of superior court judge, which he has since filled, now serving his fifth term. He possesses a fine knowledge of human nature and a judicial instinct which makes its way quickly through immaterial details to the essential points upon which the decision of a case must rest, and he displays breadth of mind and a comprehensive grasp of the law and the facts in adjudicating the many questions brought before him. Judge Hardin deals fairly with his fellowmen and the justice of his judgments proves his moral worth. As a place for diversion and on which to rear his sons, the Judge resides on his farm near Bellingham. Like most Kentuckians he appreciates fine stock. His hobby, if it may be so called, is the raising of pure bred Jersey cattle. He has developed a fine herd, many of which are prize winners, and is doing much to improve the quality of the dairy cattle in this section of the state.
Judge Hardin has been married twice. His first wife was Miss Victoria E. Morgan of Kentucky, who died in 1915, leaving surviving her three sons and two daughters. Two years later Judge Hardin married Miss Elsie Haggard, of Oregon, by whom he has two sons.
In politics the Judge is rather independent but believes that democratic principles and policies properly applied will best promote the welfare of the nation. He is a member of the Masonic order, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and some other fraternal associations. He contributes membership to the Dairy and Poultry Associations and the Grange.
Among his outstanding qualities are energy, industry, steadfastness of purpose and devotion to duty. He never lacks the courage to stand for the maintenance of the principles which he believes to be right. He is honest, sincere and upright and his record reflects honor and dignity upon him and the state of his adoption
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 561-562.
Timothy Healy is one of the rising young lawyers of Bellingham and represents an honored pioneer family of this district. He was born July 18, 1896, in Whatcom county, and his parents, Patrick and Bridget (Brogan) Healy, were both natives of Ireland. The latter journeyed to Skagit county, Washington, in the '90s in company with her mother and later came to Fairhaven, where she was married. The father arrived in New York city in 1871 and subsequently worked in the mines of Colorado. He went from that state to California and lived for a time in San Francisco. He came to Whatcom county as a pioneer of 1884 and entered a quarter section near Goshen. There were no roads in that locality and provisions were carried through the timber on the backs of men. The tract was covered with timber, and after years of arduous labor Patrick Healy finally succeeded in clearing his land and preparing the soil for the growing of crops. His patience and perseverance were rewarded by abundant harvests, and as time passed he erected good buildings upon his place, dividing his fields by well kept fences. Eventually he sold the ranch and spent the latter period of life in the enjoyment of a well deserved rest. He was a leader in all worthy public projects, being especially interested in educational matters, and aided in establishing the Rome school district, one of the first consolidated districts in Whatcom county, while he also served on the school board. His was an upright, useful life and closed in 1915. The mother is still living, making her home in Bellingham.
Timothy Healy attended the old school house which was built on his father's ranch and completed a course in the Fairhaven high school. He was next a student in the law department of the University of Washington and was graduated with the class of 1922. Since his admission to the bar he has practiced in Bellingham, and he is well qualified to cope with the intricacies of the law. He is thorough and painstaking in the preparation of his cases and has already established a lucrative clientele. Mr. Healy is an adherent of the republican party and a communicant of the Catholic church. He is identified with the Knights of Columbus and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, and with the Delta Upsilon and Phi Alpha Delta college fraternities. A young man of sturdy physique, clear mind and forceful personality, he is ready to meet the obligations of life with confidence and courage, and his future gives every assurance of being a most promising one.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 744.
George H. Henika, who spent the last two decades of his life in honorable retirement at Bellingham, had attained the ripe old age of eighty-eight years when called to his final rest in January, 1923. His birth occurred in the year 1835, in New York, of which state his parents were also natives.
Mr. Henika spent the first seventeen years of his life in the Empire state and then made his way to Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he learned the trade of cabinetmaker. In 1858, when a young man of twenty-three, he removed to Wayland, Michigan, where he established a cabinetmaking and undertaking business, which he conducted at the same location for a period of forty years, developing his interests to extensive and profitable proportions. He sold out and retired from active business affairs about 1898. It was in 1904 that Mr. Henika traveled westward across the continent to Whatcom county, Washington, and he erected a home at No. 1502 Eldridge avenue, in Bellingham, where he spent his remaining days in well earned ease.
On May 8, 1901, Mr. Henika was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Avery, who was born at Hilliards, Michigan, in 1867, her parents being James H. and Ellen C. (Dillenback) Avery, natives of Ohio and New York, respectively. In the maternal line she is descended from the Fullers and Martins who came to America on the historic Mayflower. The Dillenbacks are of Pennsylvania Dutch stock dating back to early colonial days. James H. Avery was of English and French lineage, and was a republican in politics. His daughter Ethel spent the period of her girlhood in her native place and remained under the parental roof until the time of her marriage. She has continued a resident of Bellingham since the death of her husband and is widely and favorably known here. She gives her political allegiance to the republican party, as did her late husband, in whose passing the city of Bellingham lost a highly respected and substantial citizen.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 92.
The old pioneers of Whatcom county are deserving of every consideration, for to them the present generation is indebted for laying the foundation on which is builded the present splendid prosperity of this section of the country. Their early years here were characterized by innumerable privations and hardships, their days were filled with the severest labor, and not a little danger attended them night and day during those years, for Indians and wild animals were numerous. Among this courageous band of first settlers was M. A. Hickey, who after a long and useful career is now retired from active life and in his comfortable home in Ferndale is enjoying that leisure to which he is richly entitled.
Mr. Hickey was born in Canton, Bradford county, Pennsylvania, in 1853, and is a son of M. A. and Margaret (Falver) Hickey, both of whom also were natives of the old Keystone state. The father followed the vocation of farming, and he was accidentally killed by a falling tree. Our subject attended school in his native locality, but his health was poor, and at the age of twelve years he went to Iowa, where he remained until 1878, when he went to Colorado, Wyoming and other states, being engaged in mining and similar work. In 1881 he came to Washington and in the following year to Lynden, where he homesteaded and preempted tracts of virgin land, later converting his preemption into a homestead, located near Weiser lake, in Ferndale township. He remained there a number of years, proving up on his land, and then returned east to be married. His early years here were years of continuous toil, for the land which he took up was previously untouched by human hands, and a vast amount of work was required to remove the dense growth of timber and brush with which it was covered. There were no roads and all provisions had to be "packed" in from Ferndale, which was his nearest trading point. Wild game and fish were plentiful, however, and he did not lack for meat on his table. He cleared about sixty acres of the tract and ditched it, the land proving to be very fertile and productive.
Mr. Hickey lived on that place until 1900, when he sold it and bought one hundred and fifty-nine acres on the Guide Meridian road, near the river in Lynden township. He cleared all of this land excepting about fifteen acres, the tract having been encumbered with small timber and brush, and some cedar, while many cedar stumps had to be disposed of before the land could be cultivated to any advantage. To the cultivation of this place Mr. Hickey devoted himself closely until 1918, when, feeling that he had done his share of work, and having accumulated sufficient competence, he moved to Ferndale and turn the operation of the farm over to his son, Arthur L., who is now managing the place. Mr. Hickey have his attention largely to dairy farming during his later years, keeping an average of about twenty cows, and also raised diversified crops. He was known as an energetic and progressive farmer, created a fine farmstead and at all times has enjoyed a high reputation among his fellowmen.
In 1888, in Iowa, Mr. Hickey was married to Miss Mahala F. Wheddon, who was born in Tipton county, Indiana, a daughter of Cornelius and Lydia (Stewart) Wheddon, both of whom were natives of Kentucky. She went with her parents to Iowa when seven years of age and lived there until her marriage. Her parents came to Whatcom county in 1889 and thereafter spent most of their time in the home of the subject. They are both now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Hickey were born four children, namely: Arthur L., who is operating the old home farm, and who is mentioned in a personal sketch on other pages of this work; Esther, who became the wife of Ernest Miller and has one child; Susie who became the wife of Alvie Sooter, of Ten Mile township, and has two children; and Norman F. who also lives on the home place, is married and has one child. Mr. Hickey was one of the first stockholders in the old Lynden Creamery and was active and influential in the affairs of the locality, lending his influence to the promotion of all legitimate enterprises for the general good. He rendered effective service as road supervisor and served as a school director of the Ferndale district and of the Weiser lake district. Few men of the county have played a better role in the general progress of the locality that he, for while laboring for his individual advancement he never shrank from his larger duties to the community, and now, in the golden Indian summer of his years, surrounded by the comforts of life as a result of his former industry, he can look back over a career well spent, in which duty was well and conscientiously performed, and know that he has the good will and hearty esteem of all who have come in contact with him.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 186-187.
Among the large element of foreign-born citizens who have cast their lot with the people of Whatcom county and who have won success through their industry and indomitable energy is Esten A. Hokland, one of the progressive farmers of Delta township. He comes of a splendid people, a race that has always stood for right living and industrious habits, education and morality, and in his own life he has exemplified the elements that make for good citizenship. Mr. Hokland is a native of Norway, his birth occurring on the 21st of March, 1880, and is a son of Arne and Pernelle Hokland, both of whom spent their entire lives in their native land, the mother dying in 1894 and the father in 1913. They were the parents of five children, namely: Esten A., Bendiks, Mariane, Bendikte, and Peter, who died in infancy.
Esten A. Hokland received his education in the public schools of his native land, and on leaving school he engaged in the fishing business, which vocation he followed until 1903, when he came to the United States. He came at once to Whatcom county and obtained employment in the sawmills here during the winter months, while in summer he worked for the Pacific American Fisheries Company, going with the salmon fishing fleet to Alaska. In 1911 Mr. Hokland bought forty acres of partly cleared land in Delta township, seven and a half miles southwest of Lynden. He gave his attention to the clearing of the tract and now has fourteen acres in cultivation, and he has met with very satisfactory success in the operation of this place. He keeps four good grade Guernsey cows, and in 1923 he engaged in the chicken business. He fancies the White Leghorn breed and now has eight hundred laying hens, his intention being to greatly increase his flock. Mr. Hokland built a fine hen house, twenty by one hundred and thirty feet in size, and a brooder house, twenty by fifty feet in size. In 1924 he built a fine home, comfortable and convenient in arrangement and attractive in appearance. He raises fine crops of hay and grain and has plenty of pasturage for his cattle.
Mr. Hokland was married, June 3, 1904, to Miss Hanna Edwards, who was born in Norway, a daughter of Edward and Andrea Mikelsen, both of whom were natives and lifelong residents of Norway, where they passed away. Of their ten children, seven are now living, namely: Markus, Hans, Iver, Mikel, Hanna, Jakobine and Elizabeth. To Mr. and Mrs. Hokland have been born three children, namely: Nellie, born June 13, 1907, now a high school student; Agnes, born October 4, 1910, also in high school; and Esther, born November 12, 1913, now in grammar school. Mr. Hokland is a member of the Whatcom County Dairymen's Association and the Whatcom County Poultry Association. He is a busy and industrious man, untiring in his efforts and practical in his methods. He lives near the Iverson sawmill and for several years has served as head sawyer there, in addition to managing his farm. Mrs. Hokland has proven a true helpmate to her husband, assisting and encouraging him in every possible way, and has been especially efficient in the care and handling of the chickens. Because of their earnest lives, splendid characters and kindly and hospitable dispositions, they are both deservedly popular throughout the community, being held in the highest esteem by all who know them.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 353-354.
The late David Henderson Jamieson, who died at his home in Bellingham in 1918 and whose widow still is living there, had for years been engaged in the mercantile business in this county and was widely known throughout the county. He was born in the province of New Brunswick in the Dominion of Canada, one of fourteen children, all but three of whom in time came west, six of them settling in Whatcom county, and the Jamieson family thus is well represented here.
David H. Jamieson remained in his native county, engaged in farming, until 1901, when he came to Washington and joined one of his brothers in business in Olympia. In 1904 he disposed of his interests there and came to Whatcom county and here joined another of his brothers in mercantile business in Lynden. Two years later he became established in mercantile business on his own account in Everson and was there thus engaged until 1915, when he sold his store and moved with his family to Bellingham, where he opened a shoe store which he owned until his death May 15, 1918. Mr. Jamieson was a republican and a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.
On November 10th, 1906, at Lynden, Mr. Jamieson was united in marriage to Miss Kathryn Beernink and to this union two children were born, William and Sarah. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Jamieson has continued to make her home in Bellingham, she and her daughter residing at 611 Oak street. They are members of the Congregational church and Mrs. Jamieson is the leader of one of the women's organizations of that congregation. She was born in Wisconsin and was there reared. In 1898 she came to Whatcom county, rejoining her brothers, who had located at Lynden, and with them made her home until her marriage to Mr. Jamieson.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 468.
The enterprise of S. E. Johnson, well known farmer of the Nooksack valley, has been crowned with success as the result of rightly applied principles, which never fail in their ultimate effort when coupled with integrity and right motives, as has been done in the present instance. Mr. Johnson is a native of Sweden, born on the 6th of January, 1858, and is a son of John A. and Anna Johanna Swenson, both of whom spent their lives and died in that country, where the father had followed the vocation of farming. They were the parents of three children: John, S. E. and Charlotte.
S. E. Johnson is indebted to the public schools of his homeland for his educational training, and her remained at home until his marriage, in 1886, when he bought a farm, to which he devoted his attention until 1889, when he came to the United States. He first located in Duluth, Minnesota, where he remained about a year, and then came to Washington. After staying in Seattle a few months, Mr. Johnson came to Whatcom county, in 1890, and bought twenty-three acres of land three and a half miles west of Sumas. This tract was densely covered with timber and brush, which meant a tremendous amount of the hardest sort of labor in order to get it in shape for cultivation. Mr. Johnson then went to work in sawmills in Bellingham, where he remained for four years, at the end of which time he came to his land, built a small house and then began the clearing of it. Through his untiring industry he at length developed a good farm and met with success in its operation. In 1911 he and his two sons bought eighty acres of heavily timbered land across the road from the homestead, and they now have fifty acres of this tract cleared, the reminder being in pasture. Mr. Johnson keeps eighteen good grade cows and seven heard of young stock, as well as three hundred laying hens, from both of which sources he derives a nice income. He raises good crops of hay, grain, corn, potatoes and beans and has one acre in raspberries. In 1914 he built a fine, modern home and a commodious barn and in 1925 built a good garage, so that he is in all essential respects very comfortably situated.
Mr. Johnson was married April 14, 1886, to Miss Amanda Matilda Anderson, who was born in Sweden, a daughter of A. M. and Sarah B. Anderson. Her parents, who were both born in Sweden, had eight children, namely: Charlotta, Louise, deceased; Brita, John, deceased; Swen, Amanda, Josephina and Sophia. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been born ten children, namely: John S., who was born February 19, 1887, and died March 20, 1913; Carl Alfred, born April 27, 1888, who is married and has a son, John Raymond, born April 28, 1914; Harry G., born July 30, 1893; Anna, who was born April 24, 1895, and died April 21, 1896; Anna Sophia, born February 8, 1897, who became the wife of R. D. Erickson, and has a son, Miles, born August 8, 1919; Edith Marie, born August 8, 1898; Ruth Helen, born May 3, 1900, who was graduated from the State Normal School of Bellingham, taught school for five years and then became the wife of John Oakland; Arthur E., born March 17, 1902; Walter R., born November 21, 1904; and Emma Vistoria (sic), born March 30, 1908, who is now in high school.
Mr. Johnson is a member of the Whatcom County Dairymen's Association and the Whatcom County Poultry Association. He and his family are members of the First Swedish Lutheran church at Clearbrook. Mr. Johnson is deeply interested in the public affairs of his community, being a strong advocate of improved roads and good schools, and he served efficiently for two terms as a member of the Clearbrook school board. He is justifiably proud of his record since coming to this locality, for his present prosperity is due entirely to his own indefatigable efforts, in which he has been aided and encouraged by his wife. He has a splendid family, a well improved and productive farm and stands deservedly high in the respect and esteem of his fellow citizens, so there is every reason for the satisfaction which he feels in reviewing his situation. His is a man of kindly and genial manner, hospitable and generous, and has many warm and loyal friends throughout the community.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 777-778.
William George Kennedy, who died at his home in Bellingham, April 9, 1925, was born in Canterbury, England, December 6, 1871, and was thus in his fifty-fourth year at the time of his death. He was reared in his home town, became an expert gardener and there remained until 1911, when he went to British Columbia and engaged in the nursery business at Nelson. Not long afterward he moved to Calgary and in 1922 came to the United States and after a brief residence at Eugene, Oregon, removed to Bellingham and in partnership with is wife and the latter's sister, Miss Honor Clohessy, bought the old Sehome Hotel and engaged in the hotel business here until his death. Mr. Kennedy was twice married and by his first wife, who died in England, was the father of four children, three of whom, son, Cecil, William and Harold, all residents of British Columbia, survive. All these sons are married and have families of their own.
On July 4, 1919, at Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Mr. Kennedy was united in marriage to Miss Adelia Clohessy, who survives him and who with her sister, Miss Honor Clohessy, is now operating the Sehome Hotel, which they have converted into a family hotel and apartment house. The hotel was established in 1892 and has about one hundred rooms. The Kennedys bought it from J. M. Tally and it has since been converted into an apartment house, with more than thirty apartments, one of the most popular apartment houses and family hotels in the northwest, even as the hotel is one of the oldest in this section. Mrs. Kennedy and her sister are natives of Ireland but have been residents of this country since their girlhood days. Mrs. Kennedy's education was finished in St. Mary's Academy at Portland and in the University of Oregon, from which latter institution she was graduated (A. B.) and then engaged in teaching in the Portland schools. She later took a special course in the Holy Name Normal School and prior to her marriage had engaged in teaching in high schools in Spokane, New York city, Calgary, Eugene, Oregon, and in Okanagua College in British Columbia, her specialty being Latin and English. Miss Honor Clohessy finished her school work in the Business College in Portland and became engaged in secretarial work, her first position being with the staff of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, for which service she was awarded a diploma attesting her efficiency. When the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition later was held at Seattle she also rendered secretarial service in that connection. The board of Multnomah county commissioners at Portland secured her services and she was made secretary of that commission, a position she occupied for eight years or until her resignation in 1921 and later became a partner in the Kennedy's enterprise of taking over the old Sehome Hotel at Bellingham, which place has since been her residence. Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Clohessy are members of the Roman Catholic church.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 453-454.
Jack W. King, manager of the Bellingham branch of the Dundee Woolen Mills & Tailoring Company of Seattle, is a merchant tailor of long experience and is a well established factor in the commercial activities of the city of Bellingham, being widely known throughout the county. He is a native of the Lone Star state but is a resident of this section of the great northwest country by choice and inclination. Mr. King was born in the city of Belton, county seat of Bell county, in central Texas, July 19, 1889, and is a son of James and Viola (Griswold) King, the former of whom died in 1916 and the latter of whom is still living in Texas.
Reared in his native state, Jack W. King was educated in the schools of his home town and in the Massey Business College at Houston, from which institution he was graduated. He early became interested in the tailoring business and presently opened a tailoring establishment at Anson, the county seat of Jones county, Texas. After a while he moved from there to Wichita Falls, and thence into Colorado, and he was living at Walsenburg in the latter state when in 1917 he was inducted into the army, being stationed at Camp Lewis when in November, 1918 the World war came to an end. Upon the completion of his military service Mr. King came to Washington, and on April 15, 1919, he entered the employ of the Dundee Woolen Mills & Tailoring Company at Seattle. He was connected with the general office of that concern in that city until in June, 1922, when he was installed as manager of the Bellingham branch of this widely represented tailoring concern, which has no fewer than two hundred retail stores in the United States, and he has since been a resident of Bellingham, being one of the well established merchants of the city.
On March 30, 1919, in Seattle, Mr. King was united in marriage to Miss Ella Graham, a daughter of J. H. Graham of that city, and they are pleasantly situated in Bellingham.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 55.
On the pages of Bellingham's history the name of Charles Xavier Larrabee is indelibly inscribed, and a life of intense activity and far reaching influence was ended on September 16, 1914, when he responded to the final summons. He belonged to that class of men in whom the constructive faculties are largely developed and marched in the front ranks of those hardy pioneers who blazed the trails and made possible the marvelous development of the Pacific northwest. He had a genius for organization, combined with an executive force that made his work of lasting value, and among his associates his high sense of honor won for him universal respect.
Mr. Larrabee was born November 19, 1843, in Portville, New York, and was but six years of age when his parents, William and Mary Ann (Johnson) Larrabee, journeyed to the middle west. They settled in Omro, Wisconsin, in 1849, and there the father conducted a general store. The mother was a daughter of Hiram Johnson, who operated a sawmill and was one of the pioneer lumbermen of the Badger state. S. E. Larrabee, a brother of the subject of this sketch, went to Montana in 1864 and became a prominent banker of Deer Lodge.
Charles X. Larrabee supplemented his public school training by a course in business college at Poughkeepsie, New York, and taught school for a time, also working in the lumber camps of his grandfather. In 1875 he went to Montana, and in 1887 his efforts as a prospector were rewarded by the discovery of the valuable Mountain View near Butte. After selling this property to the Boston & Montana Company, he moved to Portland, Oregon. In 1890 he arrived in Bellingham and associated himself with Nelson Bennett, the founder of Tacoma. Together they started the town of Fairhaven, now a part of Bellingham, and formed the Fairhaven Land Company, which was financed by Mr. Larrabee. Later he purchased the holdings of his partner and retained control of the corporation until his demise, doing much important work along development lines. He was the founder of the Citizens Bank of Bellingham, of which he was the first president, and was also a member of the firm of Larrabee Brothers, private bankers of Deer Lodge, Montana. Mr. Larrabee organized the Roslyn-Cascade Coal Company of Roslyn and developed one of the finest coal mines in the state of Washington. He was the first man in this region to recognize the possibilities of the great salmon-fishing industry and he also started the bulb industry, donating the land on which the government station is now located. He was the owner of a fine stock ranch, known as Brooknook, near Dillon, Montana, and was the breeder of famous Morgan horses. He was never content with the second best and excelled in everything he undertook. He seemed to realize just when the time was ripe for the development of a new project and the spirit of enterprise animated his every action. He had the poise, self-confidence and fine perspective of the man of large affairs and his labors were manifestly resultant. His life was conspicuously useful and his memory is revered by all with whom he was brought in contact. He generously shared his substance with others, and the elements were happily blended in the rounding out of a nature finely matured and altogether admirable.
On August 3, 1892, Mr. Larrabee married Miss Frances Payne, a daughter of Benjamin Howard and Adelia (Gray) Payne. They were resident of St. Louis, Missouri, and Mr. Payne was one of the prosperous agriculturists and stockmen of that state. To Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee were born four children: Charles Francis, who is the father of two children, a son and a daughter; Edward Payne, a medical student, who is also married and has a daughter; Mary Adele, who is the wife of Kenneth Milton, of Cortez Island, British Columbia; and Benjamin Howard, who is attending Yale University.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 44-49.
Wholly devoted to home and domestic duties, doing through all the best years of her life the lowly but sacred work that comes within her sphere, there is not much to record concerning the life of the average woman; and yet what station so dignified, what relation so loving and endearing, what office so holy, tender and ennobling as those of home-making, wifehood and motherhood! As man's equal in every qualification save the physical, and his superior in the gentle and loving amenities of life, she fully merits larger notice than she ordinarily receives, and she should be given due credit for the important part she acts in life's great drama. Among the pioneers of Whatcom county Mrs. Mary (Olson) Lindberg has long held an honored place and today no woman in the entire community enjoys to a more marked degree the affection and esteem of the people than does she.
Mrs. Lindberg was born in Sweden and is a daughter of Olaf and Magdalena Johnson, who brought their family from that country to the United States in 1885. They came direct to Whatcom county and were among the very first to take up a homestead in Delta township. The father filed on land in 1887, the tract being located seven and a half miles northwest of Lynden. The sons, J. P. and O. J., also took up homesteads in the same district, they having come here in 1883 and filed their claims at that time. Another member of the family, Christina, had the distinction of having been a passenger on the first through train that came to the coast over the Northern Pacific Railroad. When the family came to this locality the land which they selected was all in virgin timber, no clearing of any nature having been done, and roads were conspicuous by their absence. The father went vigorously to work, his first act being the building of a log house, after which he applied himself to the clearing of the land. In the course of time a fine farm was developed and here the parents spent their remaining days, the father dying in October, 1899, and the mother, August 2, 1916. To this worthy couple were born six children, namely: J. P., who died in 1890; O. J., who died in 1887; Katherina, who died in 1920; Christina, who died in 1888; Anna, who died April 4, 1918; and Mary, the subject of this sketch.
Mary Olson was educated in the public schools of her native land and came to the United States with her parents in 1885. She lived at home part of the time and at Seattle up to the time of her marriage on October 26, 1900, to John A. Lindberg, who was born in Sweden, March 12, 1873. Immediately after their marriage, Mr. Lindberg came to his father-in-law's ranch and began farming on one hundred acres of the homestead. He was a practical man in everything he did and made a splendid success of farming, being energetic and persevering and following up-to-date methods. He also was for ten years financially interested in the sawmill business near Custer. He made many permanent and substantial improvements on the place, including the erection of a new house in 1908. The ranch has been devoted to a diversified system of farming, hay and grain being the principal field crops, while six cows contribute their share of the profits which accrue from the farm.
Mrs. Lindberg has carried on the management of the place in a businesslike manner and with tact and good judgment, and has gained a high reputation throughout the community as a woman of more than ordinary ability and energy. She is a member of the Whatcom County Dairymen's Association and has been deeply interested in everything pertaining to the welfare and prosperity of the community in which she lives. Her religious affiliation is with the Baptist church in Seattle, to which she has belonged continuously since 1887, a period of nearly forty years. She is the mother of five children, namely: Sigrid, born January 21, 1903, who is a stenographer and lives in Bellingham; Arvid, born November 7, 1904; Martha, born November 29, 1907; Emmanuel, born July 4, 1909; and Ben, born July 30, 1911. She is active in local social circles and maintains a kindly and generous attitude toward all benevolent and charitable objects. Because of friendly and hospitable disposition she has won a host of devoted friends throughout this locality.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 322-323.
William McCush, a pioneer lumberman of Washington and a dominant figure in financial circles of Bellingham, has depended solely upon his own efforts for advancement, and in the fullness of time he has reaped the rich reward of his labors. A native of Canada, he was born at Port Hope in 1865, and his parents were Murdock and Mary (Holmes) McCush, the former a railroad contractor. In 1865 they migrated to Michigan, and his education was acquired in the public schools of that state. Mr. McCush gained a start in life by working in the lumber woods and mills of Michigan, which was at that time a center of the industry, and when the forests were exhausted came to Washington in company with many others engaged in this line of activity. He arrived in Whatcom county in June, 1890, and embarked in the timber business, being among the first to enter this field. He operated a logging camp when the primitive methods of logging were still in use in the west and at first conveyed his logs to the mill by means of ox teams, later using horses and donkey engines. In 1914 he formed a partnership with George W. Christie, and in 1917 they organized the Christie Timber Company, of which Mr. McCush has since been vice president and treasurer. Both have expert knowledge of the lumber industry, and since he inception the business has enjoyed a rapid growth. Mr. McCush is also recognized as an astute financier and aided in establishing the Bellingham National Bank, of which he is first vice president. He has never feared to venture where opportunity has pointed out the way, showing none of that hesitancy which so often bars the path of progress, and he aided in organizing the Standard Manufacturing Company and the Commercial Shingle Company, but the business is not in operation at the present time.
On July 17, 1900, Mr. McCush married Miss Alwina Korthauer, of Bellingham, and they have two children, George W. and Lillian E., both of whom are attending the University of Washington. Mr. McCush is an adherent of the republican party and for six years was a member of the Bellingham school board, doing much to elevate the educational standards of the city. He is a Rotarian, and the Chamber of Commerce also numbers him among its influential members. A Mason in high standing, he has taken the thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite consistory and has crossed the hot sands of the desert with the Nobles of Nile Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is also identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Mr. McCush is a man of energy and force of character, endowed with that quality which has been aptly termed "the commercial sense," and in many ways Bellingham has derived substantial benefit from his progressive spirit and civic loyalty.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 780-781.
Fred W. McElmon, county engineer and a veteran of the World war with an officer's commission and a record of overseas service, is a native of the neighboring Dominion but has been a resident of Washington since the days of his early childhood and his activities mainly have centered at Bellingham, where his youth was spent and where he received his initial schooling. He was born at Langley, British Columbia, in 1881, and is a son of the Rev. B. K. and Mary Elizabeth (Chisholm) McElmon, who were born in Nova Scotia and became residents of the Bellingham Bay settlements in 1883. The Rev. B. K. McElmon, now living retired at Bellingham, one of the honored pioneer clergymen of this county, established the Presbyterian church here in 1883 and is properly recognized as being the "father of Presbyterianism" in Whatcom county. He also organized congregations of this communion at Nooksack, Lynden, Deming, Acme and Everson and was for many years actively engaged in ministerial service in this county. Mrs. McElmon, who was ever an earnest helpmate to her husband in his ministerial labors, is deceased and at her passing left a cherished memory, for she had been faithful in good works, a potent personal factor in the development of proper social conditions here in the formative period of this now well organized and well established community.
Reared at Bellingham, Fred W. McElmon was graduated from the old Whatcom high school and then entered the University of Washington, from which institution he was graduated as a civil engineer in 1905. For a year thereafter he was connected with the operations of the American Bridge Company and then went east and was for two years engaged on the construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad tunnel under the river into New York city. Upon the completion of that undertaking he returned to Bellingham and was engaged here in the contracting line for several years, at the end of which time he became a member of the engineering staff of the Canadian Northern Railroad Company. When in 1917 this country took a hand in the World war, he at once enlisted in the Engineers Corps, was given a commission as first lieutenant and presently was assigned to overseas service. For thirteen months he was on duty in France and upon the completion of that service and his return to Bellingham he became connected with the operation of the port commission. In 1922 he was elected county engineer.
In 1912 Mr. McElmon was united in marriage to Miss Edith Marian Terrill, daughter of W. E. Terrill, present secretary of the port commission, and they have a pleasant home in Bellingham. Both Mr. and Mrs. McElmon take an active part in local civic affairs. Mr. McElmon is a member of the Albert J. Hamilton post of the American Legion and is affiliated with the Bellingham lodge of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Mrs. McElmon is prominent in the activities of St. Paul's Episcopal church and is a member of the P. E. O.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 766.
Captain Neil S. McLeod, a well known retired mariner of Bellingham, with a record of years of service as master of vessels in local waters and in the coastwise trade north, has been a resident of Whatcom county for more than thirty-five years and is thoroughly familiar with conditions here. Captain McLeod is a native of Michigan, born in 1857, his parents both of Scottish stock. When fourteen years of age he began working in the Michigan lumber camps during the winters, spending his summers on the Great Lakes. His first maritime service was a cabin boy and he kept at it until he became rated as an able seaman. For twelve years he remained on the Great Lakes and then some time after his marriage, took up a tract of land in Rolette county, North Dakota, where he engaged in farming until 1889, when he closed out his holdings there and came to the coast, settling at Whatcom in the spring of 1890. The sight of the sea revived his old interest in steamship traffic and not long after his arrival here he got into local sea service, presently got a mate's ticket and became a navigator, sailing out of Bellingham. In 1906 he secured a master's license and was thereafter, until his retirement from the sea in 1923, captain of vessels in the local trade, this service chiefly being confined to the fisheries, though for several years he was in the Alaska coastwise service.
It was in 1878, the year in which he attained his majority, that Captain McLeod was united in marriage to Miss Annie Darling, whose parents were natives of Canada, and they have eight children, six daughters, Lily, May, Annie, Pearl, Marjorie and Mabel, and two sons, Captain Neil J. D. McLeod, in the Pacific-American Fisheries service, and Donald McLeod. The daughters all are married and Mr. and Mrs. McLeod have thirteen grandchildren. Lily married Andrew Gaasland of Bellingham and has two children. May is the wife of Chart Pitt, has three children and resides at Mukilteo, Snohomish county. Annie married Arthur Stearns, now living at Chelan, Washington, and has three children. Pearl married Murray Macaulay, now living at Deming, and has three children. Marjorie married Bonnie Robinson, living at Ceres, and has one child. Mabel married Fred Scheib of Mukilteo and has two children. Neil J. D. McLeod married Dorothy Gooch and has one child. Captain and Mrs. McLeod are republicans and have ever taken an interested part in local civic affairs, as well as in the general social affairs of the city. The Captain is a Scottish Rite thirty-second degree Mason and a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Mrs. McLeod is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Rebekahs. They reside at 1113 Maple street and are quite pleasantly situated there. It will not be long until they will be celebrating their "golden wedding" and their friends are looking forward to the day with hopeful expectation of making it an occasion of general congratulations and felicitation.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 473-474.
Unqualified commendation is deserved by the man who through his own honest efforts rises from a lowly position to one of influence in the business world, and of this type is J. O. Magnusson, long a leader of commercial activity in Blaine. A son of Oddur and Margaret Magnusson, he was born February 9, 1875, and is a native of Iceland. His father is deceased, and the mother now resides in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.
J. O. Magnusson studied at home and has broadened his education by reading, observation and experience. He went to North Dakota in 1888, when a boy of thirteen, and obtained work in the establishment of a harness maker. He applied himself diligently to his tasks and eventually mastered the trade. He saved as much as possible from his earnings and at length was in a position to open a shop of his own, choosing Cavalier, North Dakota, as the scene of his business activities. He prospered in the venture and in 1906 embarked in the dry goods business in Blaine, also handling shoes and men's furnishings. He has been engaged in general merchandising since 1907 and occupies a building twenty-five by one hundred feet in dimensions. He carries a fine stock of shoes, hats and ready-to-wear clothing for men, women and children. His goods are attractively displayed and his business is conducted along modern up-to-date lines. He has always followed the policy of fair and honorable dealing and a large and constantly increasing patronage is indicative of his prestige as a merchant and business man.
In 1901 Mr. Magnusson married Miss Emma Johnson, who is also a native of Iceland and who during her childhood was brought by her parents to North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Magnusson have six daughters: Emily, Laura and Katherine, who were born in Cavalier, North Dakota; and Esther, Florence and Alice, who are natives of Blaine. Mr. Magnusson exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measurers of the republican party and for five years has been a member of the town council, in which connection he has performed much important work in the field of public service. He is one of the energetic members of the Chamber of Commerce and along fraternal lines is connected with the Independent Order of Foresters and the Moose lodge. He is a man of progressive ideas and high principles, and the respect entertained for him is well deserved.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 385.
Charles O. Manson, one of the honored pioneers of Whatcom county, was long numbered among the foremost agriculturists of Van Wyck township and is now living retired in Bellingham, enjoying in his later years the ease and comfort purchased by a life of industry and thrift. A native of Sweden, he was born April 25, 1857, and his parents, Magnus and Katrina Manson, were lifelong residents of that country.
Charles O. Manson is the only surviving member of a family of eight children. His boyhood was spent on his father's farm and the public schools of the neighborhood afforded him an education. In 1873, when a youth of sixteen, he severed home ties and came to the United States in the hope of bettering his fortunes. He first located at La Fayette, Indiana, and in 1876 left the Hoosier state, going to Austin, Texas, where he remained for nine months. He then returned to Indiana but soon afterward made his way to Illinois and for a few years was employed in car shops of Chicago. In 1881 he journeyed to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and for three years was with a bridge crew engaged in construction work for the Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1884 Mr. Manson started for the Pacific coast and in the spring of that year arrived in Whatcom county. Soon afterward he entered a homestead of eighty acres in Van Wyck township, in which he was one of the earliest settlers, and is therefore thoroughly familiar with every phase of frontier life in northwestern Washington. The district was heavily wooded and Mr. Manson was obliged to carry all supplies from Whatcom on his back, as there were no roads in the township. He was forced to depend upon his own resources for many of the necessities of live, but through perseverance and determination he surmounted all difficulties. He built a log house and for several years devoted his energies to the arduous task of clearing the land and bringing it under the plow. He had forty acres under cultivation and the rich soil yielded bountiful harvests. He erected good barns and other outbuildings, also a nine-room house, in which he installed many modern conveniences. He followed advanced methods of agriculture and was considered one of the most progressive farmers of the district. In 1914 he sold the ranch and built a beautiful home in Bellingham, in which he has since resided, spending the evening of life in freedom from care and toil, surrounded by his children, grandchildren and hosts of stanch fiends.
Mr. Manson was married May 16, 1883, to Miss Marttea Colstrom, a native of Sweden and the only child of Nelse and Marttea Colstrom, the latter of whom died when Mrs. Manson was an infant. The father came to the United States in 1866. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and spent the remainder of his life in that city, passing away about 1912. Mr. and Mrs. Manson have a family of seven children. Carl, the first born, is a bachelor and lives in New York city. William is also unmarried and follows the profession of a stationary engineer in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Clinton is married and makes his home in Albany, New York. Mrs. Hulda Chevalier is living in Bellingham, Washington, and has three children: James, Hope and Jack. Victor also resides in Bellingham and has a wife and two children: Victor B. and Shirley. Grace is a member of the United States Nurses Corps and follows her profession at Tacoma. Mrs. Hazel Hayden, the youngest of the children, makes her home in Glacier, Washington. Clinton Manson enlisted in the aviation corps as soon as our country joined the allies in the conflict against Germany and was wounded while at the front. His brothers, Victor and Carl, also participated in the World war and all volunteered for service, prompted by the spirit of patriotism. Carl joined the hospital corps and Victor served in the United States navy. Clinton spent two years overseas, earning a place on the honor roll, and was released from military duty in the spring of 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Manson may well be proud of their sons, who are a credit to their upbringing, measuring up to the full stature of American manhood and citizenship.
Mr. Manson is connected with the Loyal Order of Moose and was formerly prominent in the work of the Grange of Van Wyck township. He is an advocate of good roads, educational advancement and all worthy public projects. He is a man of keen intelligence, well informed on many subjects, and of sterling honesty and fine character.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 902-903.
Homer Rodgers Mark, proprietor of the Homer Mark Mortuary on State street, Bellingham, has been a resident of that city for more than twenty years. He was born in the village of Selden, Fayette county, Ohio, June 21, 1885, and is a son of Adin E. and Anna (Rodgers) Mark, who in February, 1902, came to Bellingham with their family and have since lived here. Homer R. Mark was sixteen years of age when he became a resident of Bellingham. Upon his arrival he entered the Bellingham Business College and was presently graduated from that institution. In 1904 he entered the post office, where he was employed for fourteen years, and by well earned promotion rose to the post of foreman.
In 1918 Mr. Mark severed his relations with the post office and became connected with the auditing department of the Pacific Steamship Company in Tacoma, being employed there until January 1, 1919, when he was appointed a post office inspector in the south. For three years he served as inspector in Tennessee and Mississippi and then was transferred to Montana, where he spent one winter. In 1922 he resigned his position with the post office department and returned to Bellingham and bought a half interest in the old established undertaking business of J. W. Whitfield, the mortuary thereafter being carried on by the Whitfield-Mark Company until in November, 1923, when Mr. Mark purchased his partner's interest in the business, which he has since carried on independently. The Homer Mark Mortuary has been improved under the present direction, all equipment and appliances being of the best and most highly approved character, including motorized funeral equipages, and it is not too much to say that there are few undertaking establishments in the northwest that can show better facilities along this line than are there provided. The mortuary occupies the two-story building at 1146 State street and includes an admirably appointed chapel with a seating capacity of two hundred. This building years ago was occupied by the Bellingham Chamber of Commerce and in March, 1907, was taken over by Bingham & Stokes as an undertaking establishment. In December, 1908, Mr. Stokes bought his partner's interest in the business and in the next year A. G. Wickman became a member of the firm, the establishment thereafter being carried on under the firm name of Stokes & Wickman until in August, 1910, when Mr. Wickman purchased his parter's interest. He was alone in business until in May, 1918, when he sold the establishment to J. W. Whitfield, who in 1922 sold a half interest to Mr. Mark, who since November, 1923, has been sole proprietor and has since been very efficiently carrying on the business. Mr. Mark is an active member of the Bellingham Chamber of Commerce and has ever taken an interested and helpful part in the promotion of community affairs. He is a republican, for years one of the leaders of that party in his home town and district, and in 1923 and 1925 was a candidate in the primaries for mayor.
On December 10, 1906, in Bellingham, Mr. Mark was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Beard, a daughter of Daniel and Anna (Waite) Beard, who came here in the late '80s and they have two daughters, Geraldine and Lois. Socially Mrs. Mark is very prominent, being an officer and active member of the Order of the Eastern Star, also an officer in the Pythian Sisters, a trustee of the Rebekahs and a member of the Daughters of the Nile, the Yeomen and various women's clubs. Mr. Mark is past worshipful master of Bellingham Bay Lodge, No. 44, F. & A. M., and is also a member of the Knights Templars and is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and a member of Nile Temple of the Mystic Shrine in Seattle. He is grand custodian of the Masonic grand lodge of the state of Washington and a member of Delta Consistory at Greenville, Mississippi. He also belongs to the Northwest Shrine Club, while his wife is a member of the Shrine Auxiliary. He is likewise an active member of the Kiwanis Club of Bellingham and the Liberal Club and is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the encampment; the Knights of Pythias; the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan; Benevolent Protective Order of of Elks; the Junior Order of United American Mechanics; the Woodmen of the World; the Modern Woodmen of America; the Loyal Order of Moose, being a member and also secretary of the Moose Legion; the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the Yeomen, of which he is a past officer. He has filled many chairs in most of these organizations and is today deputy grand chief in the League of Real Americans and an officer in the local chapter.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 726-727.
Among the strong and influential citizens of Whatcom county the record of whose lives has become an essential part of the history of this section is Charles Meyer, who has exerted a beneficent influence throughout the community where he resides. His chief characteristics are keenness of perception, tireless energy, honesty of purpose and motive and every-day common sense, which have enabled him not only to advance his own interests but also to contribute largely to the material and moral advancement of the community where he lives. Mr. Meyer was born in the city of New York in 1860 and is a son of Bernard and Alka (Buss) Meyer, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father came to the United States when he was eighteen years of age and the mother at the age of twenty-one years, and their marriage occurred in Stephenson county, Illinois. In the latter place the father engaged in the grocery business, subsequently moving to Grundy county, Iowa, where he engaged in the same line of business. Some years later he moved to the northwestern part of that state, where his death occurred in 1903.
Charles Meyer received his educational training in the public schools of Stephenson county, Illinois, and accompanied his father to Iowa, in which state he lived until 1902, engaging in farming and in the operation of a restaurant part of the time. He then went to South Dakota, where he was engaged in farming for about a year, and while living there he bought forty acres of land in Lynden township, Whatcom county, Washington. From South Dakota he came to Whatcom county, this state, and was engaged in farming for about four years, at the end of which time, in 1907, he came to Lynden. For a while after coming here he worked as a wheelwright, but in 1908 he moved onto his land and built a house. The land had been logged over but was densely covered with brush and stumps. He has cleared about twenty acres, the remainder being devoted to pasture, and has made many fine improvements on the place, which is now a very comfortable and attractive farmstead. He carries on a general line of farming and also gives some attention to dairying, keeping five good grade milk cows, for which his fields produce sufficient feed, hay and grain being his principal crops. He is methodical and up-to-date in all his operations and has met with a very gratifying measure of success.
Mr. Meyer has been twice married, first, in 1884, to Miss Minnie Meyer, who was born in Germany and was brought to the United States in babyhood. She was a daughter of Richard and Reka (Feldman) Meyer, natives of Germany, the latter of whom is now living in Lynden, the father having died in Iowa in 1901. To Mr. and Mrs. Meyer were born eight children, namely: Mrs. Ollie Manus, of Lynden, who is the mother of four children; Bernard, of Twin Rivers, Washington; Richard, of Grant county, Minnesota; Mrs. Reca Bruse, of Grant county, Minnesota, who is the mother of three children; Henry, of Oso, Washington, who is married and has two children; Harry, of Lynden, who is married and has one child; Cecil, who remains at home; and one who is deceased. The mother of these children died February, 20, 1923, and in 1924 Mr. Meyer was married to Mrs. Hannah Mansen, who was born in Germany and had been in this country but a short time prior to her marriage. Mr. Meyer is a member of the Baptist church, to which he gives liberal support, as he does to all worthy benevolent objects. His career has been a busy and useful one and in all the relations of life he has proven signally true to every trust. Public-spirited and broadminded, he cooperates with his fellow citizens in all good works for the welfare of the community, and he has won and retains an enviable place in the confidence and respect of all who know him.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 419-420.
Realizing that hard work is the basis of all progress, William A. Moore has performed to the best of his ability every task assigned him, and his constantly developing powers have placed him with the leading business men of Glacier. A native of Canada, he was born in July, 1886, in the province of New Brunswick, and is a son of Andrew and Lena (Wallace) Moore. The father still lives in New Brunswick, devoting his attention to the contracting business, but the mother is deceased.
W. A. Moore received the benefit of a high school education and earned his first money by clerking in a store, being thus employed for several years. He located at Bellingham, Washington, in 1905, and became a traveling salesman. He also filled the position of clerk in the store of Ireland & Pancoast and in 1917 purchased an interest in the business of the Warnick Lumber Company, of which he has since been manager. A capable executive, he closely supervises every detail of the work, while at the same time he has a clear vision of its larger aspects, and his labors have been effective, resulting in the growth and expansion of the industry. The plant is situated at Glacier and furnishes employment to eighty men. The mill is equipped to cut one hundred thousand feet of logs per day and has a daily capacity of thirty thousand feet of lumber. The members of the firm are men of high standing, and the business has played an important part in the development of this district.
In 1909 Mr. Moore was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Anderson, of Bellingham, and they have a daughter, Maxine. Mr. Moore votes the republican ticket but has never sought office as a reward for party fealty. He has no club or fraternal affiliations, reserving all of his energies for business affairs, and possesses that strength of purpose which never fails to reach its objective, employing methods which will bear the light of close investigation and scrutiny.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 624.
The chief characteristics of Henry A. Morgan, well known farmer and stock buyer of the western part of Whatcom county, are keenness of perception, unflagging energy, honesty of motive and sound judgment, elements which have enabled him to attain a very gratifying measure of success. He has worked his own way from a modest beginning to a place of independence in material affairs and is numbered among the representative men of his locality. Mr. Morgan is a native of the state of Kentucky, born on the 16th of August, 1872, and is a son of T. P. and Amanda (Brown) Morgan, both of whom also were natives of the Blue Grass state, where the father followed farming pursuits during his entire active life. These worthy parents are both deceased, the father dying in 1895 and the mother in 1898. They had nine children, namely: W. H. Jordan (a half-brother), W. H., Dora, Victoria, Ruth, Lucy, T. J., Henry A. and Ermine.
Henry A. Morgan received his education in the public schools of his native state and remained under the parental roof until 1897, when he came to Washington. In April of the following year he enlisted in the Washington Volunteers for a five months' service. In the fall of that year he bought eighty acres of land in Nooksack township, nearly all of which was covered with woods, and he also homesteaded forty acres adjoining. He immediately applied himself to the task of clearing the land and now has about twenty-five acres cleared and in cultivation. In 1906 Mr. Morgan bought forty acres of land in British Columbia, to which he moved, clearing the land of the timber which stood on it. He built a good house and two large barns, had twelve good milk cows and grew fine crops of grain and hay. He remained on that place about eight years and then leased it and returned to Whatcom county. In 1917 he bought twenty acres of land in Lawrence township and ten acres in Ten Mile township, both of which tracts are partly cleared, and he has leased both of these places. In addition to the operation of his original ranch here, he also engages extensively in the buying and selling of farm live stock, in which he has been very successful, being a good judge of stock and its value. His entire business career has been marked by the exercise of sound and conservative judgment, though at the same time he is progressive and alert. No one has ever questioned his integrity and he conducts his affairs according to the best ethics of business usage.
In November, 1900, Mr. Morgan was married to Miss Cassie McGillivary, who was born in Stormont county, Ontario, Canada, a daughter of Malcolm and Maggie McGillivary, to whom were born nine children, namely: Cassie, Jennie, Mary, Daniel, Maggie and Kenneth, twins, Jessie, and Laura and Nora, twins. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan have no children of their own, but they have out of the kindness of their hearts reared two children, namely: Charlie, who was born in 1905 in Kentucky, was graduated from the Nooksack high school and from the State Normal School at Bellingham and is now engaged in teaching school; and Christine, who was born in Kentucky in October, 1906, was graduated from high school and on October 25, 1925, became the wife of Thomas T. Brue, of Everson. Mr. Morgan takes a commendable interest in public affairs, supporting every measure calculated to advance the interests of the community, and his influence is always on the right side of every moral issue. He is genial and friendly in his social relations and enjoys a well merited standing among the leading men of his locality, where he is esteemed for his genuine worth as a man and a citizen.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 299-300.
Frederick E. Neilson, who spent the last eleven years of his life in honorable retirement at Bellingham, was called to his final rest on the 24th of May, 1918, at the comparatively early age of forty-eight. He was born in Denmark in 1870 but left his native land when a lad of fourteen and crossed the Atlantic to the United States. About the year 1888 he located at Tacoma, Washington, where he spent about five years, on the expiration of which period, in 1893, he made his way to Alaska in the capacity of United States surveyor. When gold was discovered in 1897 he discontinued his work in this connection and thereafter devoted his attention to mining pursuits for twelve years, striking good claims at Miller Creek, Circle City, Dominion Bonanza and Bear Creek. It was in 1907 that he took up his abode at Bellingham, Washington, where he spent the remainder of his life in well earned ease.
In 1901 Mr. Neilson was united in marriage to Anna Swanson, who was born, reared and educated in Denmark and immigrated to the United States when a maiden of sixteen summers. After living for some time with an aunt in Wisconsin she made her way westward to Washington, first locating at Tacoma and subsequently coming to Bellingham in 1890 in company with a sister. Later her brother also took up his abode here. Mrs. J. P. Hansen, a sister of Mrs. Neilson, is a resident of Ferndale, Washington. Mrs. Neilson spent a number of years in travel. She resided in Alaska for three years and made five trips across the Atlantic ocean. For fifteen years she has been a student of Christian Science, which was also the faith of her husband. She has been a successful Christian Science practitioner for a number of years and now maintains a well appointed office in the Kulshan building at Bellingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Neilson became the parents of a son, Martin Y., who is a graduate of the Whatcom high school at Bellingham and is now attending the State College of Washington at Pullman. In politics Mr. Neilson was a stanch republican, believing that its principles contained the best elements of good government. He became a charter member of the Tacoma lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and was also identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. His death was the occasion of deep and widespread regret in Bellingham, where he had gained an extensive circle of warm friends.
The Christian Science church of Bellingham had its inception in the '90s and was organized under a state charter in 1904. The first meetings were held on West Holly street, while subsequently the rooms of the Aftermath Club were utilized for a number of years. The present church edifice was erected in 1915. Between two hundred and fifty and three hundred people regularly attend the services.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 73-74.
T. W. Nygreen is successfully engaged in business as proprietor of sheet metal works which he has conducted under his own name at Bellingham since 1919. His birth occurred at Cokato, Minnesota, on the 17th of September, 1882, his parents being John and Caroline (Pearson) Nygreen, both of whom are natives of Sweden. After crossing the Atlantic to this country they took up their abode among the early settlers of Minnesota, in which state they still make their home.
T. W. Nygreen acquired his education as a public school pupil and after putting aside his textbooks acquainted himself with sheet metal work in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was a young man of twenty-two when in 1904 he made his way westward to Oregon, while in the following year he removed to San Francisco, California, where he opened a shop which was destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906. The same year he came to Bellingham, Whatcom county, Washington, where he has remained throughout the intervening period of two decades. He was successively employed by the Blake Hardware Company, the Bellingham Sheet Metal Works and the Haskell Plumbing Company and then in 1919 opened a shop of his own on Railway avenue. Later he removed to his present location at No. 1225 Bay street, where he furnishes employment to two men. Well merited success has attended his labors and has won him a place among the substantial representatives of industrial interests in his adopted city.
On the 17th of September, 1913, Mr. Nygreen was united in marriage to Miss Emily Guin of Annandale, Minnesota. They are the parents of three children: Glen, Howard and Paul. In politics Mr. Nygreen maintains an independent attitude, being convinced that the qualifications of a candidate are of more importance than his party affiliation. He belongs to the Loyal Order of Moose and the the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and he has gained an extensive circle of warm friends during the period of his residence in Bellingham.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 895.
Michael J. O'Connor, proprietor of a well stocked grocery store at No. 1021 Elk street in Bellingham since 1918, has also occupied the presidency of the Bellingham Retail Merchants Association during the past two years. His birth occurred in Ireland in the year 1867, his parents being Joseph and Mary O'Connor, also natives of Ireland, and both now deceased. Joseph O'Connor devoted his attention to general agriculture pursuits throughout his active career, and both he and his wife lived to be nearly eighty-five years of age.
Michael J. O'Connor acquired his education in a private school, and at the age of nineteen years he made his way to San Francisco, California, where he entered the dry goods business. He was a young man of thirty-one when in 1898 he went to Alaska and embarked in general merchandising at Douglas, where he thus continued in business until the year 1918. He also became a factor in financial affairs, serving as the first president of the First Territorial Bank at Douglas, and figured prominently in the public life of the municipality as its mayor for eight terms. Mr. O'Connor was likewise chosen the first police judge of Douglas, where he resided for a period of two decades, and was widely recognized as a leading, influential and valued citizen. It was in 1918 that he left Alaska and took up his permanent abode at Bellingham, Washington. He purchased a grocery establishment at No. 1021 Elk street, where he has remained in business continuously to the present time, carrying a complete line of staple and fancy groceries and being accorded an extensive and profitable patronage. He enjoys an unassailable reputation for honesty and integrity in all his dealings and is numbered among Bellingham's representative and prosperous merchants.
Mr. O'Connor was married to Miss Pauline Garner, a native of Australia and a daughter of Dr. H. R. Garner, who was surgeon for the Carbon Hill Coal Company and who is now deceased. In his political views Mr. O'Connor is a stanch republican, while fraternally he is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. All who know him -- and he has a wide acquaintance -- attest his high personal worth and his progressive citizenship.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 893-894.
A ready recognition of opportunity and keen powers of discernment constitute valuable assets in the career of Fred W. Parker, who has proven his executive capacity by his success, and his character by his standing in business circles of Bellingham. A son of Frederick and Mary (Perkins) Parker, he was born in 1868 and is a native of Quebec, Canada. The father was in the employ of the Canadian government, acting as collector of customs at Fraleighsburg, Quebec, for a number of years, and has passed away. He is survived by the mother, who was one of the first women telegraphers in the country. She was born in New Hampshire and is now a resident of that state.
Fred W. Parker was educated in the public schools of Quebec, and in 1855, when a youth of seventeen, he entered the service of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and carried dispatches throughout Alberta, not under enlistment during the Indian war, never faltering in the performance of his hazardous duties. He also operated a ranch in that province and followed the occupation of farming for about three years. In 1886 he came to the United States. He lived for three years in Seattle and in 1889 came to Whatcom. Bellingham harbor was then being surveyed by Lieutenant Mayo, now an admiral in the United States navy, and Mr. Parker aided in the work. He afterward entered the tent and awning business in Seattle and remained in that city until 1900, when he transferred his interests to Bellingham. The business was originally conducted under the style of the Northwest Tent & Awning Company and is now operated under the name of the Parker Tent & Awning Company. Its first home in the city was at No. 501 West Holly street, and in 1923 the business was moved to No. 1235 State street, the present location. The firm also handles a general line of camping and sporting goods, and the business is one of extent and importance. The company carries only the highest grade of stock, and as its president Mr. Parker manifests initiative, foresight and marked business acumen.
In 1910 Mr. Parker was married in Tacoma, Washington, to Miss Bertha Joehnk, a native of Illinois, and a daughter of H. F. and Ida (Jonas) Joehnk. They settled in Tacoma in 1887, and Mr. Joehnk was one of its pioneer shoe dealers. He was an enterprising merchant and established a large trade. He still resides in that city and has reached the age of seventy-eight years, but the mother has passed away. Mr. Parker is a Scottish Rite Mason and has taken the fourteenth degree. He belongs to the Eastern Star, with which his wife is also connected, and in political matters he follows his own judgment. Mr. Parker is a man of broad and liberal views, quiet and unassuming in manner, but possesses many sterling traits of character, as his fellow citizens attest.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 704-707.
Peter M. Peterson, one of the veteran business men of Bellingham, is the proprietor of a well kept jewelry shop on Harris avenue. He has been established in business here for more than twenty years and is one of the best known men in the city.
Mr. Peterson is a native of Sweden but has been a resident of this country since the days of his boyhood. He was born April 16, 1875, a son of P. O. and Martha B. Peterson, and he was early bereft by the death of his father. In 1883, when he was eight years of age, he came with his widowed mother to the United States and they settled in Iowa, where they remained until 1891, when they came to Washington and located at Port Townsend. In 1902 they took up their residence in the Fairhaven section of the present city of Bellingham, which ever since has been their home. Mrs. Peterson is now nearing the ninetieth year of her age and is one of the honored pioneer mothers of the community.
During the period of his residence in Iowa, Peter M. Peterson attended the schools of that state, and as a lad he learned the rudiments of the jeweler's trade. In 1903, the year following his arrival at Fairhaven and the year in which the consolidation between the settlements was effected under the present corporate name of Bellingham, Mr. Peterson bought the jewelry establishment of W. D. Wescott, and he has ever since been engaged in business here, now having a well stocked and well appointed place of business at No. 1109 Harris avenue. He is a republican in politics, and he is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 113.
With efficiency as his watchword, Frank E. Ristine has steadily worked his way upward in the business world, and as manager of the stone and crushing plant at Kendall, he is successfully conducting important interests. He was born October 30, 1867, and is a native of Harrison county, Missouri. His parents were Joseph H. and Angeline (Tarwater) Ristine, the former a native of Illinois and the latter of Missouri. The father was a carpenter and followed that trade for many years, becoming an expert craftsman.
The family migrated to Colorado in 1880, when Frank E. Ristine was a boy of thirteen, and after his education was completed he engaged in mining and construction work at Salida. Under the able direction of his father he had learned the carpenter's trade and in 1906 became connected with building activities in Seattle, Washington. He followed his trade in that city for two years and in 1908 entered the employ of the Superior Portland Cement Company, working for four years at Concrete, Washington. He was then transferred to the Olympic Portland Cement Company at Bellingham, where he was stationed for a year, and in 1913 was placed in charge of the Balfour quarry in Columbia township, of which he has been superintendent, and is now directing the labors of forty-five men. The plant is supplied with the most modern equipment, having a maximum capacity of five hundred tons of crushed lime stone per hour. Mr. Ristine has an expert understanding of every phase of the industry and results prove that he is the right man for the position.
In 1895 Mr. Ristine married Miss Rosie Crosson, of Pennsylvania, and five children were born to them, but two are deceased. Those who survive are: Ella, the wife of George W. Johnson, master mechanic of the Bellingham plant of the Portland Cement Company; Virginia, the wife of Willis Wells and the mother of two children; and Joseph, who has a wife and child and is assisting his father in business. Mr. Ristine is a Royal Arch Mason and is also connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. In politics he is nonpartisan and his outlook upon life is broad and liberal. He is devoted to the interests in his charge and merit has placed him in his present office of trust.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 664.
Griffith Roberts, who formerly followed the profession of engineering, is now a well known merchant of Kendall, Washington, and has creditably filled a number of public offices. He was born in 1875 in La Crosse county, Wisconsin, and his parents, Robert B. and Ellen (Griffith) Roberts, were natives of Wales. He was reared on his father's farm and attended the public schools of the Badger state. He received his higher education in Lake Forest University of Illinois and was graduated with the class of 1900, winning the degree of Civil Engineer. He followed that profession in the middle west for a time and then came to northwestern Washington, locating in Bellingham. He was engaged in engineering work for a number of years and then entered the shingle business. Since 1914 he has been engaged in general merchandising at Kendall, handling flour, feed, groceries and dry goods. He has closely studied trade conditions and is always prepared to supply the needs of the public. He is an honest dealer and under his capable management the business has enjoyed a rapid growth.
In 1904 Mr. Roberts was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Hack, of Wisconsin, and they have five children: Robert, William, Elinor, Lloyd and Douglas. Mr. Roberts belongs to the Bellingham lodge of Elks and is a republican in his political views. He is township treasurer and has been postmaster since coming to Kendall. He has been township clerk and supervisor and also performed valuable public service as a member of the school board. Mr. Roberts has been a constant and untiring worker for the good of his community, faithfully discharging every trust reposed in him, and his worth as a citizen is uniformly conceded.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 768.
Though a comparatively recent personal factor in the industrial and commercial life of Whatcom county, Owen H. Seiple, miller and grain dealer at Bellingham, the proprietor of the old Crescent mills and of the plant until lately occupied by the Sperry Flour Company at that place, has so definitely established himself in the business circles of the community as to become recognized in the trade as a leader in his line throughout this region, now controlling an industry regarded as the largest of its kind in the state north of Seattle.
Mr. Seiple is a native of the old Keystone state, born in Pennsylvania in 1879, and was but an infant when in that same year his parents, Samuel and Jennie (Potts) Seiple, established their home in Chicago, where Samuel Seiple became engaged in the oil business. He later took up the grain business, operating a chain of elevators in Illinois, and was thus engaged for some years or until he resumed connection with the oil industry, and he is now living in India, an oil producer in that country, making his home at Yenangyuang.
Reared in the city of Chicago, O. H. Seiple finished his education in the Northern Illinois College, majoring in mathematics, and after his graduation in 1898 was for two years engaged teaching mathematics in that institution. He then became employed as a traveling salesman for a wholesale grocery house, representing the concern on the Pacific coast and in the southwest, from Spokane to El Paso, and was thus occupied for several years. At the end of that time he became engaged in the lumber business at Mineral in Lewis county, this state, in which he continued at that place until he came to Bellingham in the spring of 1923.
On his arrival here Mr. Seiple bought the plant of the Crescent mills, entering upon possession on March 23 of that year, and in 1925 he bought the Sperry plant. He thus now controls a plant covering two blocks, with offices at the corner of F and Chestnut streets and with its own private dock and railway siding. In February, 1926, Mr. Seiple bought the plant of the City Grain & Seed Company, of Mount Vernon, which he operates in conjunction with his Bellingham plant and also as a bonded warehouse. In addition to his general business as a dealer in hay and grain, Mr. Seiple manufactures his well known and highly popular brand of graham (whole wheat) flour, wheat grits and corn meal, and besides his large custom trade has created a wide demand for his products in the markets of the northwest, keeping four traveling salesmen on the road and operating his own tow hundred and thirty-two ton barge in the distribution of his products in the trade out of Tacoma, selling wholesale and to manufacturers.
In 1919, in the city of Tacoma, Mr. Seiple was united in marriage to Miss Anna Bryan of that city, and they have a pleasant home in Bellingham. Mr. and Mrs. Seiple are republicans and take a proper interest in the general civic affairs of the community in which they have chosen to make their home, also being interested participants in the general social activities of the city. Mr. Seiple is a Royal Arch Mason and has for years taken an earnest interest in Masonic affairs.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 105-106.
Osmond M. Sheppard, secretary of the Tulip Creamery Company of Bellingham and proprietor of "Sheppard's," recognized in the trade as the finest ice cream parlor and confectionery store north of Seattle, is a native of faraway Florida but has been a resident of the Pacific coast country since the days of his young manhood. He is familiar with every step of the amazing development that has taken place in and about Bellingham since the late '90s of the past century, his first acquaintance with this now flourishing and progressive community having been made in the days when local activities were largely confined to the operations of the sawmills and the fishing camps. He also took part in the initial "rush" into Alaska in the days of the gold excitement, had a hand in the adventures of the gold miners, helped in the survey of the railway into that country and in other ways became thoroughly familiar with conditions in the developing stage of this section of the great northwest. He also served for some time as a pilot in the Sound, adding to his experiences in seafaring in Atlantic waters in his youth, and to his stock of stories of Alaskan adventure he can add not a few good stories of the sea.
Mr. Sheppard was born on a fruit farm in Liberty county, Florida, in 1876, and is a son of Bowen and Ada (Roan) Sheppard, both of whom are now deceased. Upon completing his schooling he began working on steamships in the Atlantic coastwise trade and was thus engaged for six years or until 1898, the year after he had attained his majority, when he came into the northwest and in that same year made his first acquaintance with the Bellingham settlements, going from here up to Alaska, where he spent five years mining and aiding in the railway surveys. For five or six years thereafter he was employed as a pilot on vessels of the Puget Sound Lumber Company and then, in 1908, the year following his marriage, settled down in Bellingham and has since been a steady landsman, quite content to let others lead the adventurous life if they are so inclined, while he is pursuing the peaceful paths of commerce. It was in 1908 that Mr. Sheppard opened at Bellingham an attractive and somewhat distinctive place of business, to which he gave the name of "The Cave," an ice cream parlor and confectionery shop which quickly attained a popularity that made it widely known throughout this section. In 1921, after some notable improvements to this place, he changed the name to "Sheppard's" and this name became so distinctly a part of the business, representing a high standard of service and quality, that in September, 1923, Mr. Sheppard had the name registered in the United States patent office and has thus protected his exclusive right to its use in such a connection. In addition to this flourishing commercial interest Mr. Sheppard has other interests of a substantial character, including a partnership interest in the Tulip Creamery Company of Bellingham, of which concern he is the secretary, as is related elsewhere in this work, together with fitting mention of the establishment and development of that progressive industry.
In 1907 Mr. Sheppard was united in marriage to Miss Melissa Ireland, who was born in Iowa but was reared in Florida, to which state her parents had moved with their family when she was a child, and they have three children: Margaret, Marion and Monte William. The Sheppards have a pleasant home in Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard have ever taken an interested and helpful part in the city's general social activities. Mr. Sheppard is one of the active and influential members of the Bellingham Chamber of Commerce and of the Rotary Club and has a well established reputation as one of the town's most enthusiastic "boosters." He is a Knight Templar, Royal Arch and Scottish Rite thirty-second degree Mason and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine and has for years taken an earnest interest in Masonic activities. He is a past generalissimo of the local commandery of the Knights Templar and is past worshipful master of the local lodge (No. 151) of the Free and Accepted Masons.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 175-176.
There could be no more comprehensive history written of a community and its people than that which deals with the life work of those who by their own endeavor and indomitable energy have attained success and the honor of their fellow citizens, and in this sketch will be found the record of one who has made of the obstacles which he has encountered stepping stones to higher things, so that he now stands among the prominent and substantial citizens of Whatcom county. J. A. Shields, well known retired farmer and successful contractor of Ferndale, was born near St. Peter, Minnesota, in November, 1866, and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Shields, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Sweden. The father came to the United States about 1844 and lived in New York city for some years, and about 1858 he went to Minnesota and took up a homestead, to the improvement of which he applied himself. He also worked at the carpenter's trade there until his enlistment in the Union army. He served up to the close of the war, receiving an honorable discharge, and then returned to Minnesota, where he remained until November, 1872. Going to California he remained there until the spring of 1873, when he came to Washington and took up a homestead located one mile north and a half mile west of Laurel, where he established a good home and spent the remainder of his life. To him and his wife were born nine children, namely: Albert, Charles, deceased, J. A., Henry, Frank, Annie, Mary, Clarence and George.
J. A. Shields secured his education in the country schools and after leaving school worked in the lumber camps of Washington and British Columbia for ten years. Then, in 1890, he bought ten acres of land near Ferndale, to which he later added twenty acres. He devoted himself closely to the cultivation of that farm, making many permanent and substantial improvements, and about 1900 he traded it for forty acres, buying eighty acres additional, in Ferndale township. He also bought seven acres of land about a half mile west of Ferndale, which he cleared, improved and sold. After developing and improving the one hundred and twenty acre tract, he sold that also. About 1912 Mr. Shields bought four acres of land about a half mile west of Ferndale, on which he built a fine home, and there he is now living, having retired from farm labor. He is also the owner of a fine and well improved ranch south of Ferndale. Though he has relinquished the hard labor of the farm, Mr. Shields does not know the meaning of idleness, and he is now following the contracting and building business, in which he has been eminently successful, having built several county bridges and having done a good deal of road construction during a long series of years, taking up this line of work before his retirement from the farm. He believes in doing well whatever he undertakes and has gained a fine reputation for the excellent character of the work turned out by him and the square dealing that has characterized all his transactions. Mr. Shields has long taken an active part in public affairs, especially such as affect the welfare of his own community. In 1911 he was elected township supervisor and has been retained in that office continuously since, now acting as chairman of the board. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic order and of Ferndale Lodge No. 141, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is vice president and a director of the Citizens Bank of Ferndale.
In January, 1892, Mr. Shields was married to Miss Susan Ramsay, a daughter of Robert and Agnes (McAllister) Ramsay, both of whom were born and reared in Scotland. Robert Ramsay came to California in 1870 but after spending one year there moved to Whatcom county, Washington, and took up one hundred and sixty acres of land in Ferndale township. In 1878 he moved to the city of Evansville, Indiana, where he remained for twelve years. Returning then to Ferndale, he cleared a government homestead of one hundred and sixty acres, on which he lived and conducted farming operations until his death, which occurred in January, 1910. He was survived for a number of years by his widow, whose death occurred October 14, 1924. They were the parents of eight children, namely: Elizabeth; Agnes, who became the wife of George Slater, now deceased; Susan, the wife of the subject of this sketch; John, deceased; Mrs. Belle Pepper, and three who died in infancy. To Mr. and Mrs. Shields have been born nine children: Margaret Grace, Archie, Alice, Elwyn, Howard, Stanley, Agnes, Florence and Francis. Margaret Grace is the wife of Bert Sorensen, and they have a son, Roger Dale; and Alice E. is the wife of I. Blaine Stevens and is the mother of a daughter, Virginia. They reside in Nashua, N. H. Mr. Shields is a man of unassuming manner but possesses a forceful personality, is candid and straightforward and holds strong opinions. He is friendly and affable in his social relations and enjoys marked popularity throughout his community, being esteemed for his genuine worth as a man and a citizen.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 470-473.
The career of W. C. Simonson is too well known in Whatcom county to require any formal introduction, for he has long been prominently identified with the farming interests and the public affairs of his locality. He is progressive in all that the term implies and yet is straightforward and unassuming in the various relations of life.
Mr. Simonson was born in the state of Ohio in 1860 and is a son of Jesse R. and Mary B. (Moore) Simonson, both of whom also were natives of the Buckeye state. When he was four years old the family moved to Illinois, and in that state they lived for a number of years, the father dying when our subject was about sixteen years of age. During the Civil war the father enlisted in the militia but was never called into active service.
W. C. Simonson attended the public schools in Illinois and completed his studies in Mount Morris College. He then engaged in teaching in that state, later going to Missouri, where he taught school and also ran a country newspaper for a time. His next move was to Walnut, Crawford county, Kansas, where he was engaged in the newspaper business for about two years, and at the end of that time he returned to Missouri and turned his attention to farming, which occupation he followed until 1911, when he came to Whatcom county.
On his arrival here, Mr. Simonson bought forty acres of land in the vicinity of Ten Mile. None of the land was cleared and the only improvement on the tract was a small house. He has devoted himself indefatigabley to the improvement of the place and now has ten acres cleared, with a considerable part of the remainder partly cleared. Mr. Simonson is giving his attention largely to the dairy business, keeping six good grade milk cows and several head of young stock, for which he raises his own feed on the farm. He is a wide-awake, hustling farmer who does well whatever he undertakes, and he has so improved the property that he now has a very comfortable and attractive place.
While living in Missouri, Mr. Simonson was married to Miss Lena Rowan, who was born and reared in that state, a daughter of T. M. and Virginia Rowan, and to this union were born two children, C. L. and Donald S., the latter dying in childhood. C. L. Simonson was born September 15, 1895, in Crawford county, Kansas, and secured his education in the public schools of Nevada, Missouri, and in this county, attending the Laurel school. He then taught in the Sunrise school, in Custer, for two years. When the United States entered the World war, he enlisted in Company K, Three Hundred and Sixty-first Infantry Regiment, Ninety-first Division, with which he served nineteen months, ten months of that time being spent overseas. He took part in the St. Mihiel and Argonne offensives and was wounded in action, and he subsequently received an honorable discharge with the rank of first sergeant. On his return home C. L. Simonson entered the State Normal School at Bellingham, where he attended five quarters during 1922 and 1923. He the returned to his father's farm, where he has since resided, and he is now engaged in the chicken business, having a fine run of Barred Plymouth Rock hens, in the handling of which he is meeting with splendid success. He is at present also filling out an unexpired term as township treasurer by appointment of the board of county commissioners. A young man of splendid qualities of character, he stands high in the esteem of the entire community. On June 15, 1924, he was married to Miss Hazel Hawk, of Bellingham, a daughter of L. B. and Eva B. Hawk.
Mr. Simonson has devoted himself closely to his individual affairs but has never permitted them to interfere with his obligations to the community or his duty toward his fellowmen. He served for five years as assessor and is now serving his third year as township clerk. He is a man of pleasing and kindly manner, being friendly and courteous in all of his social relations, and he holds an enviable place in the confidence and good will of his friends and acquaintances.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 30-31.
Ernest F. Wells, who has served as principal of the Whatcom high school since the fall of 1923, is one of the most progressive and enterprising young citizens of Bellingham. His birth occurred at Framingham, Massachusetts, on the 19th of June, 1888, his parents being Fred R. and Maude Wells, the former a native of England, while the latter was born in Maine. Following the completion of a high school course in Massachusetts, Ernest F. Wells spent one year in Dartmouth College of Hanover, New Hampshire, and then for three years continued his studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, where he specialized in pedagogical work, and he was graduated with the degree of Master of Arts in 1910. While attending the latter institution he became a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. His initial experience as an educator was acquired at the Lincoln high school of Seattle, with which he was connected for a period of seven years as athletic coach, head of the mathematics department, boys' adviser, vice principal and principal of the evening school. The United States having become involved in the World war, he entered military service in 1917, attended the First Officers Training Camp and was attached to the Sixty-fifth Coast Artillery when honorably discharged from the army in 1919. He then resumed his work at the Lincoln high school of Seattle, where he remained until the fall of 1923, when he came to Bellingham, where he has served as principal of the Whatcom high school to the present time.
On the 1st of January, 1914, Mr. Wells was united in marriage to Ina W. Cherry, a native of Pilot Rock, Oregon, whose father was an early pioneer and cattle rancher of that state. She pursued a high school course at Pendleton, Oregon, subsequently attended the University of California and became a member of the Alpha Psi Delta fraternity. By her marriage she has one son, Jack Cherry Wells, who was born in 1921.
Mr. Wells gives his political allegiance to the republican party and is a Congregationalist in religious faith. He is a member of the board of directors of the Rotary Club, while his wife is the president of its ladies' organization. He is also a director and past service officer of the local post of the American Legion and captain of the Bellingham company of the National Guard, and he had charge of the entire festival parade in 1925. Mr. Wells is likewise president of the Bellingham sector of the Officers Reserve Corps. He is affiliated with the Masons and the Elks and is held in high esteem in fraternal as well as in the social, civic and educational circles of his adopted city.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, p. 322.
A list of Whatcom county's honored and successful residents would be incomplete were there failure to make specific mention of J. W. Wetzel, well known farmer and representative citizen, whose life of industry, honor and public spirit was terminated by death on the 14th of February, 1926, when he was in the seventy-sixth year of his age. He won success because he persevered in the pursuit of a worthy purpose, gaining thereby a well merited reward, and no man in the community stood higher than he in public esteem.
J. W. Wetzel was born in Germany on the 12th of July, 1850, and was a son of Caspar and Mary (Detbarn) Wetzel, who were lifelong residents of that country. He attended the public schools in his home neighborhood and was reared on his father's farm, and he subsequently spent three years in the army, during two years of which period he was an officer. Then for a time he was employed in the home of a wealthy family, and in 1882 he immigrated to the United States, locating in Chicago. He went to work on the railroads and in the stockyards, and in 1883 he turned his attention to farming in Illinois, working as a farm hand for about ten years. Mr. Wetzel then devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits on his own account, renting different farms, the last one of which comprised two hundred acres, and in January, 1904, he came to Whatcom county and entered upon land which he had purchased during a visit here the year previous. He made the change because of the health of his children. His farm included seventy acres of good land, only about two acres of which had been cleared when he bought it, and this cleared land was badly overgrown. He devoted himself with untiring energy to the improvement of his property, clearing about twenty acres thereof, and he also had a fine set of farm buildings and other improvements, so that the place ranked with the best in the locality. When he came here general conditions in the locality wee not very advanced. The Guide Meridian road had just been graveled, but the East and West road was only a trail. A few years prior to his death Mr. Wetzel also bought a good piece of bottom land. He carried on general farming operations but gave special attention to dairy and poultry farming, in which he was very successful.
Mr. Wetzel was twice married - first in Germany, to Miss Nannie Kirchner, who died in her native land, leaving one son, Fred, who is now married and lives in Bellingham. On January 10, 1895, Mr. Wetzel was married to Miss Augusta Hollatz, who also was born in Germany, a daughter of Michael and Rosa (Miller) Hollatz, who were likewise natives of the fatherland, where both died, the mother passing away when Mrs. Wetzel was but a young girl. In 1889 the latter came to the United States and made her home with her brother at Bloomington, Illinois. To Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel were born three children, namely: Irma, who is the wife of F. D. White, of Ferndale, and the mother of four children - Crawford, Maude, Billy and Gorden: George A., who remains at home and is operating the home farm; and Mrs. Hazel Russell, of Ferndale, who has two children, Manley and George.
Mr. Wetzel's career was characterized by faithfulness to every task to which he applied himself, and this undoubtedly constituted the key to his success. He was a busy man, and his close devotion to his work accomplished much. Preeminent among his qualities was that sound judgment ordinarily called common sense. A thoroughly practical man, self-reliant, firm and resolute, he was not underestimated by the people, who had long since learned to appreciate his splendid qualities of character.
History of Whatcom County, Volume II, by Lottie Roeder Roth, 1926, pps. 37-38.