Oscar Adolph Brandt was born September 23, 1867 in the province of Posen, Germany. He came to the United States in 1893, possibly from Great Britain as his naturalization record states that he was a subject of Great Britain but not a citizen. He married in Philadelphia, February 15, 1896, Minna H. Ulrich, daughter of Gustave and Augusta (Blode) Ulrich. Minna was born May 17, 1870 in Germany. In 1899 they came to Whatcom county, purchased 80 acres of land and built a farm at Acme along present day Highway 9. In 1907-08 Oscar served as a school director. Oscar and Minna "Minnie" were the parents of nine children: Oscar A. Jr. born Oct. 6, 1898 in PA, Walter born March 6, 1900, Ernest born Oct. 24, 1901, Arthur born Feb. 23, 1903, Helen born March 8, 1905, Emma born May 16, 1906, Bernhart "Ben" born April 7, 1908, William Edward born Oct. 5, 1910 and Albert Henry born July 6, 1913.
Oscar A. Brandt Sr. died July 4, 1914 at St. Luke's Hospital in Bellingham and was buried in the family plot at Saxon cemetery. Minna (Ulrich) Brandt died February 29, 1932 and is buried at Saxon cemetery.
Submitted by Jeanne Brandt Arntzen
B. H. Bruns was born at Westphalen, Prussia (now Germany), February 22, 1823. At the age of 19 he and his father resolved to come to America to prepare a home for the family. On ship they were arrested and made to return as they were eligible to army duty, a great disappointment. However, in the following year the family, consisting of eight, left Germany, April 8, 1843, for America. They had a stormy trip and when about four miles out from Cuba the father died of ship's fever and was buried at sea. This was a sore trial for the mother. When the father realized his condition he called his wife to his bedside and planned for the future. They were Christians and placing their faith in God they asked for protection, the father begging the wife to keep the family together and teach them to be good, honest citizens. Sad but brave the mother and children landed at New Orleans June 15, 1843, nine weeks and four days out on a sailing vessel. They visited with a cousin of Mr. Bruns who had migrated several years before and established himself in the tailoring business. The cousin tried in vain to induce the deceased to remain with him, both being tailors. July 2 found the family in Chicago, a strange city, and among strangers. Not speaking a word of English they wandered aimlessly, finally stopping in a small settlement, Dunkie's Grove, eighteen miles from Chicago. Here the deceased's trade served him well, while the mother spun and wove linen for those who had the work to do. At this tavern he learned his first lesson in speaking the English language from a little girl. After living here seven years he returned to Chicago, where his sister was married to a Mr. Brown, a carpenter. He lived with his sister ten months, working for his board and mastering the carpenter trade. Later he engaged in a coffin factory with a partner. This burned down and was rebuilt. When the cholera raged there they worked night and day to supply coffins for the dead.
For a time before the war Mr. Bruns held a position as clerk in the treasurer's office. During the war he was engaged in the blolkade (sic), receiving not a cent for his services. Later he took an active part in politics. In 1860 he served as internal revenue collector, which he held until the change of presidents. Later he engaged in the wholesale tobacco business as well as the saw mill business at Salem, Ind.
About this time he met his old time friend, Edward Solomon, who was about to go to Washington Territory as governor. He invited Mr. Bruns, Mr. Newhouse and Mr. Priester, brother-in-law, to accompany him. They accepted the invitation and left April 12, 1870. They went as far as San Francisco by railroad in a private car, then continued their journey to Portland, Astoria, Port Townsend, Victoria and Olympia by water, which they reached on May 7th. Those who were looking for locations left the next day. Mr. Bruns and Mr. Priester soon after went to Seattle, then to Sehome on the steamer Woodruff. Here they inspected the mine through the courtesy of Mr. Myers, the superintendent, and later went by canoe, manned by Indians, to Lummi Island. Mr. Finkbonner, the Indian agent, then accompanied they to Lynden. On their return they followed the shore line around to the present site of Blaine and put up for the night at John Harris', between California and Dakota creeks. They then returned to Sehome and took the steamer Chehalis to return. They were stranded on the Swinomish flats six days, having run aground. They also made a trip to Snohomish to look over that locality.
On June 13th Mr. Bruns made application to the Olympia land office for a homestead at Birch Bay, on the north shore, while Mr. Priester selected the south shore near Point Whitehorn. The party then returned to Chicago, arriving there July 4. Mr. Bruns gave a glowing account of his trip to the far west and soon decided to move his family west. His wife was not so easily influenced, being averse to taking the children away from good schools. However, on November 1, 1870, the family started from Chicago. Their trip was uneventful until they staged it from Monticello to Olympia, the roads being very rough. At every hill all had to get out and help push the vehicle up the hill. January, 1871, they moved to Fidalgo Island, where Mr. Henspeter was domiciled with his family. The families decided to make Birch Bay their home and the two heads rowed to the bay in a small boat and built a log house. In three weeks they returned for their families. They boarded the steamer Libby, where they found Mrs. Upson and two children and her father, Chas. Voight, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley and Mr. and Mrs. Whitcomb, all bound for Semiahmoo. They landed at Birch Bay February 22, 1871, and entered their modest home.
Later, when county commissioner in 1883-84, the deceased was greatly instrumental in the construction of good roads. Later he circulated a petition for a postoffice at Birch Bay and was appointed postmaster. He was deputy under Assessor Upson and made the tax roll of 1873.
In 1904 Mr. Bruns suffered a paralytic stroke from which he never fully recovered. He was a great reader and always kept well informed as to current events. Six weeks before his death he became afflicted with dropsy and just before his death was aware that death was approaching. He was married to Miss Sophia Herbst October 2, 1851.
From The Blaine Journal, October 22, 1909
Born, August 14, 1835, in Will county, Ill, to the wife of John Cain, a son. Died, Saturday, March 4,
1919[1899] in the State of Washington, Cornelius Cain, aged 63 years, 6 months and 15 days.Living for a long time in Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Dakota, Cornelius Cain finally left the latter state, or then territory, in company with his parents and other members of the family, on the 24th day of May, 1871, bound for Semiahmoo, to which place their former neighbors, the Kingsleys and Dexters, had a short time preceded them. The route then was overland by the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads to San Francisco, then by steamship north to Portland. Cornelius crossed overland on foot from Portland to Olympia where he secured two teams by which the family was transported to the latter place, where they took a small steamer for Seattle.
Seattle was a dead looking place then, but 30 miles farther down the Sound was an active young city which promised better things. Mulkiteo was booming, with hundreds of loggers about its streets and a big brewery and other industries in full blast. But all the attractions of the prospective metropolis could not hold them and they came on, arriving at Semiahmoo July 1, 1871.
E. W. Adams, a brother of E. M. Adams, the Holtzheimer brothers of California creek, and J. N. Lindsey were also in this party. The Cains went to Hillside, where they remained until March 15, 1872, when Cornelius purchased for $400 the squatter right of a man named Crampton, who resided on a then unsurveyed half-mile strip adjoining the international boundary line. This was the beginning of the connection of Cornelius Cain with what was to be the town of Blaine. The Kingsleys, D. S. Miller, E. A. Boblett and John Wagner were the only settlers on this side of the harbor, though there were a number of people at Semiahmoo and had been since the Fraser river gold excitement.
The land on which Cornelius secured the squatter's right was surveyed in 1874 and entered as a redemption by his father, John Cain, who proved up on the same and it soon passed into control of the firm of Cain Bros., who started a general store in 1883. The store was sold and in 1885 the townsite of Blaine was platted, a postoffice established and the Blaine Journal started by the brothers.
From The Blaine Journal March 7, 1919; detailed obit in The Blaine Journal of March 10, 1899.
Many stories untold of the early days in Blaine passed into oblivion when George Cain, founder of this city, passed to the Great Beyond Wednesday morning. Mr. Cain has been poorly for several years, and quite closely confined to his home for the past couple years. Born on Nov. 2, 1858, he was 84 years of age at the time of his death and had spent seventy-one of those years in the city which he and his brothers founded.
When George was a young boy, really too small to help much with the chores, his father and mother, John and Lucretia Cain loaded the children, three boys and one girl, and their belongings onto a covered wagon and started for the Pacific coast country. As the deceased related to the writer several years ago, he was too small to do much work but was quick with figures and his father made George the Treasurer of the family. This responsibility seemed to stick to him throughout the family history, in which is recorded some of the most interesting ups and downs experienced by king or peasant.
The father homesteaded the land on which the business portion of Blaine is now located and in the early days when investors began seeking an outlet for their money property soared so high that even George was unable to estimate their wealth, but he was imbued with the belief that Blaine was to become a second New York, and he refused to sell, having refused as high as $1,000 a front foot for water front property. At one time when the pressure of prospective investors became too great he went to California to escape the mob.
It was in 1884 that the Cain brothers platted the townsite, and the town was named in honor of James G. Blaine then the Republican candidate for the presidency. In that same year they founded the Blaine Journal, and built a wharf located somewhere near E street, and later gave this to the city. They built a big store near the corner of 4th and E streets, which was worth of goods, and the equipment is said to have been equal to anything then on the coast. In later years after the stock had been sold out this store building burned down. When the panic of 1890 came the bottom dropped out, and Blaine's great promise had disappeared. From a "covered wagon" immigrant to a man of fortune, - millions and then to see it wiped away was one of the many experiences of this hardy pioneer.
He leaves his wife, the former Alice Savings, and a step-son, Porter Skinner, and a number of nephews and nieces. The funeral services will be conducted from the Purdy & McKinney Chapel Monday at 2:00 p. m. with Rev. George Fisher conducting the services.
From The Blaine Journal, December 24, 1942.
Was First Mayor, Postmaster and School Teacher, A Pioneer
Another pioneer has crossed the great divide; one more soldier has answered the long roll-call. James Cain was born in Will county, Ill., June 10, 1839, and peacefully passed away in Blaine, Washington, February 5, 1914.
While still a small boy he moved with his parents to Missouri in 1844, and this was but the beginning of a series of moves so characteristic of the early pioneers. In 1846 they moved to Wisconsin and the next year they traveled to Iowa. The year 1860 found them following the frontier into Dakota, where the family resided until 1861, when James Cain enlisted in the Sioux City Cavalry, afterwards being transferred to the Seventh Iowa Volunteer Cavalry. As a soldier he made an enviable record, not being mustered out of service until April 16, 1866.
He was ever a pioneer and after the war the frontier beckoned him on. He answered the summons and in 1871 moved to Whatcom county and settled where the City of Blaine now stands. With his parents, his sister and brothers he endured all the vicissitudes incident to the life of the Puget Sound frontiersman. His father, John Cain, was a typical pathfinder, of whom one of his old friends has written, "he deserved to be ranked with Jim Bridger, Kit Carson or Jim Beckwith." The devoted wife, Lucretia Cain, the mother of the subject of our sketch, passed away beloved by all, January 30, 1887, aged 71, her husband following her to the better world March 10, 1893, at the ripe age of 87.
The history of Blaine cannot be written without prominently mentioning the Cain family. James, as one of the members, was actively identified with the interests of the city since it was first platted in 1887 by Cain Bros. - Cornelius, James and George W. He was the first Mayor of Blaine, the first school teacher of District 25; the first notary public, the first postmaster, and he drew up the first plat of the original townsite of Blaine, and was part owner of the first newspaper - the Blaine Journal. He was a man of marked qualities and was closely associated with the growth and prosperity of this city. Of recent years he was somewhat afflicted but bore his sufferings with patience and fortitude.
He was a Christian man and for many years a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, to which organization much of his time and means were given. To such men as he the world owes much. Such need no monuments of marble to perpetuate their memory. The smiling fields or busy city ever speak of their faith and courage. The achievements of this great and growing empire by the Pacific sea have been made possible because men like James Cain braved the hardships of the trail and forest and blazed the way for the blessings and privileges of the civilization we now enjoy.
The funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church by the Rev. R. C. Hartley. A large concourse of friends gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased. James Cain was a brave soldier, a sturdy pioneer, a loyal citizen and a faithful Christian. There are left to mourn his loss one sister Mrs. Lizzie Rucker, of Abbotsford, B. C., and *one brother, George W. Cain, of Blaine, Washington, besides a large circle of friends.
* brother, Cornelius Cain, was also a survivor.
From The Blaine Journal, February 13, 1914.
Eugene Canfield was born in Arlington, Vermont, in May, 1837, and descended in the sixth generation from Thomas Canfield, who came from England and settled at Milford, Conn., in 1646. His maternal grandfather, Martin Deming, was one of the heroes of Bunker Hill, and served through the revolutionary war. Harman Canfield, his father, was a well-known lawyer of Vermont. Eugene, the subject of this sketch, was fitted for college at Burr & Burton seminary, at Manchester, Vt., and entered Williams college in 1853. He was unable to complete his course on account of health, and entered his father's law office. He was admitted to the bar and practiced law at Arlington until 1860, when he went to Aurora, Ill., and commenced the practice of his profession. He was city attorney of Aurora in 1861 and 1872, and in the latter year was elected state senator in Kane and Dupage counties by a majority of 4,000. He was an ardent republican and a fine lawyer.
Senator Eugene Canfield was married in 1868, to Emily, daughter of Benjamin Hackney, of Aurora, one of the founders of the C.B.& Q. railroad and Jennings Seminary. He came to the sound in 1883 and purchased for himself and others 25,000 acres of choice land, most of which, in the years of depression and discouragement that followed, he became possessed of. His wife and two daughters joined him later. He at once, upon acquiring Whatcom interests, became a leading citizen of Whatcom county. It was due to his enterprise and ambition that Nelson Bennett and associates were introduced to Bellingham Bay, and the Fairhaven & Southern road was built. He was one of the builders of the first local electric road and the G street wharf. At the time of his death, April 6, 1892, Senator Canfield was president of the First National bank of New Whatcom. For the last twenty years of his life he was afflicted with a hereditary deafness.
(From The Daily Reveille, April 7, 1892; his picture also appears in the article.)
aka R. S. CLARK, original owner of Semiahmoo town-siteThe following obituary sketch is from the pen of the brother of the deceased, and we feel quite sure will prove of interest to many in this locality who were well acquainted with Mr. Clark.
Another home, with all its comforts, attractions and a tender loving wife and family, is in sorrow by the death of a kind husband and father. Rufus Sylvester Clark, residence corner Joy and Depot streets, Seattle, was born June 6th, 1843, in Buchanan county, Iowa territory. His mother died about four years after Independence, same county. The family consisted of father, Rufus B. Clark, and three brothers, Mason, Seth and Rufus S. Clark.
In the spring of 1860 they all started for California and arrived in Denver, Colorado, in May. Brother Mason and Rufus S., deceased, stopped in Denver, an offer at good wages having been made them, which it was thought best to accept. The rest of the family proceeded to California. We calculated to follow when our job ended; but in the fall of '60 times became dull, and a friend offered to take us back cheap to Kansas to winter, when we intended starting for California in the spring of '61; but during the winter President Lincoln called for three month's volunteers to put down the rebellion, when brother Vet, as we generally called him, a mere lad of 17 years, asked me if I was going to fight for our noble country. He said he was going to. He was as enthusiastic as a man of 50. We were sworn in July 12th, '61, at Ft. Leavenworth to serve three years or during the war. He was as brave and daring a soldier as was in the command. His courage knew no bounds. We were in company F, 5th Kansas volunteer cavalry. Brother Vet was one of the regimental buglers and I was commissary sergeant of the regiment. Brother Vet served four years, was in many hard battles, but always came off safe, with but slight wounds. At the close of the war he returned to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, and was honorably discharged.
He was noted for geniality and good humor, was one of the finest musicians, whose heart always seemed to be in tune. His company was kind and genial and he always tried to make everyone feel joyful and happy. He possessed one of the most liberal hearts, ready always to help anyone in time of need. Many an old Indian he has feed at his home, and many a poor hungry man he had taken to the restaurant and paid for his meals. Always done so cheerfully, and he always felt a tenderness for anyone in need.
He had been in the boating business for several years in Seattle. He has one boat plant near Swabacher Bros. dock on the bay, one at the foot of Madison street, and one at the foot of James street, Lake Washington, in company with Mr. Bartlett. He was noted all through life for his untiring ambition, for push and go-ahead. He always attended to his business, making and repairing boats, attended to it early and late with too little rest, which undoubtedly shortened his days by many years.
But he is now gone. He died July 7th, 1892. He has left a very kind and devoted wife, two sons and one daughter to mourn his loss. His death wife [did] all she could for him. Never was one more attentive, and she tried her best to restore him to health again; but he had to go. He has never seen a perfectly well day, I think, since he left the army. He, with his wife and youngest son, Ralph, went to the Sandwich islands last winter, hoping a change of climate and scenery might prove beneficial to his health; but he was not in the least benefitted. He was a member of the G. A. R., who accompanied him to his final resting place in what is called the Masonic cemetery, with their usual ceremonies upon such occasions. He erected a beautiful home on the corner of Joy and Depot streets, with all modern improvements. At his residence could be found books, music, etc., which he had placed there with a view of making the home as attractive and comfortable as need be, where he also expected to enjoy his latter days with ease and comfort, and have the family feel "there is no place like home."
There is now a great vacancy in the family, a vacant seat that will not likely be forgotten till death takes one by one away. He has left the family in comfortable circumstances. His life was insured for $4500, which will soon be had to relieve all indebtedness and leave the bereaved family with no strain or worry on account of unpaid accounts, which shows he had fully prepared to meet all emergencies and protect his family, whom he loved with all his heart. He was very willing and anxious to go home, as he termed it. He looked up to his Heavenly Father with much joy and confidence; that he would soon be out of further pain and misery, and this world, addicted to troubles and sickness. He said he could not come and see us, but we could go and see him.
We feel thankful for the many expressions of sympathy from all, not forgetting the noble G. A. R.
(From The Blaine Journal, July 22, 1892.)
Former Resident Now 95
Mrs. Mary Catherine Curry, pioneer resident of Whatcom county, now living in Seattle, on May 1 observed her ninety-fifth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Curry is blind. Mrs. Curry was one of the founders of St. James Presbyterian church, and has many friends in Bellingham and on Orcas island, where she lived also at Orcas. Her children were born here and a grandson, Norman Curry resides in Bellingham at 1717 James street, with his mother, Mrs. Axel Wilson.
Mrs. Curry last visited in Bellingham - she has lived in Seattle about ten years - two years ago. Nine years ago, when she was 86, she made an airplane flight from a local field on July 4, her grandson's birthday, and it is still one of her pleasant and thrilling memories, out of a vast score. Her husband was "Cap'n Curry," as everybody knew him, and served as a judge on the south side in the early days. Mrs. Curry now lives with a son, Captain Charles Curry, a Puget Sound harbor pilot. Everyone who knows Mrs. Cutty calls her Nana. Even the telephone operators in Seattle, who, knowing she is blind, put through her phone calls without requiring numbers. She only has to say, "good morning, how are you darling," and operators practically elbow each other aside to take her call.
Mrs. Curry came to Bellingham from Nebraska, where her family were pioneers, but was born in the little town of Pope's Harbor in Nova Scotia, where her mother owned the first iron cook stove, the first straw broom and the first washboard in town. Tragedy has entered her life many times - in 1923 one son, Roy, well known in this city, was shipwrecked off the coast of the Aleutian Peninsula and he and a companion froze to death - but she has a sustaining serenity in spite of her affliction. She says it comes from just plain living and having always been associated with the sea - she came from a seafaring family and all her sons followed the sea.
From The Bellingham Herald, May 14, 1939
James M. Darling was born on January 12, 1838 in Sullivan County, New York, to Adolphus and Rachel (Masten) Darling. He was 5 feet, 10 and 1/2 inches tall, had brown hair and blue eyes.
He enlisted on September 15, 1861 at Towanda, Bradford County, PA for the duration of the war. He was mustered into the regiment at Camp Curtin in Harrisburg, PA on October 25, 1861 as color sergeant of Company G. He was 24 years old at the time. On May 20, 1862 he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant of Company G. On October 7, 1862 he was detached from Company G and transferred to command Company K by Lt. Col. Birney (General David Birney's brother.) Company K was a company of sharpshooters. On January 24, 1863 Darling was promoted to Captain of Company H. He commanded this company at Gettysburg. On August 12, 1863, at the request of his brigade commander, H. F. Madill, he was appointed A.A.I.G. (Acting Assistant Inspector General) of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Third Corps. In June, 1864, in front of Petersburg, VA, Darling was court martialed for "disobedience of orders," and "misbehavior before the enemy." Evidently, a higher ranking officer, whom Darling despised, ordered him to accompany him on a charge. This was contrary to Darling's job description as A.A.I.G., and he flatly refused. He accompanied the charge, but not as the officer's orderly. He went in the ranks. He was found guilty and cashiered the service in August, 1864. On December 15, 1904, by an act of congress, James Darling was exonerated and held to be honorably discharged from the service of the U. S.
James was married to Miss Clara Caswell Kellum by Benjamin J. Douglas, Rector of Christ Church, Towanda, PA, on August 1, 1865. After the war, he lived in Towanda, PA for 3 years, Portage, WI for 5 years, Salt Lake City, UT for 15 years before coming to Fairhaven in 1888 where he took charge of the store of the Fairhaven Land company. In 1890 he was elected councilman of Fairhaven and in 1893 elected Treasurer.
James Darling died July 6, 1914 at his residence, 925 Twelfth street. He was survived by wife and sons, Dr. Charles A. Darling of Bellingham and Dwight Darling of Everett. He was buried in Bayview Cemetery.
(The obituary appeared in the Bellingham Herald July 7, 1914 and included a full length picture of James and Clara Darling)
Compiled by Susan Nahas and Steve Wilke.
Rev. J. V. Dimon Drops Dead in a Street Car
The voiceless thrill of deepest grief and soulful mourning reached the depths of every heart on Bellingham Bay yesterday upon the news being heralded far and wide that Rev. J. V. Dimon had died suddenly while on a street car enroute to his home and family at noon. Mr. Dimon has been acting as timekeeper at the Bellingham Bay Improvement company's new mill and at noon yesterday he over-exerted himself in climbing the long stairs from the mill to Elk street, where he arrived in time to catch a car for home. The car had hardly gone two blocks when a stoke of apoplexy, peacefully and without struggle, took the noble life which all have loved since its light has been cast among the every-day trials of Bellingham Bay. Mr. Dimon was in the act of paying his fare, Conductor Cameron reached out his hand to return a package of tickets, when the reverend gentleman's head reeled slowly backward, a smile en-wreathed the ashy features, and one of nature's noblest men had passed into the great beyond, quietly, peacefully and gently as a thistledown fanned by a summer breeze. Mr. Cameron quickly raised him to an upright sitting posture, but to all appearances life had fled. Swift as an arrow then the car shot up the street to the corner of Holly, where Dr. Macpherson was summoned. He hastily examined the lifeless clay, and pronounced him dead, the result of apoplexy. Rev. D. L. V. Moffett proceeded then to break the sad news to Mrs. Dimon, while the body was transferred to a car on the court house line on its way home. Mrs. Dimon bore up bravely under the agonizing shock, but no one will ever know the deep anguish she suffers every moment and each recurring hour her grief is of the deepest ever allotted to mortals and the wound of yesterday will never heal in that devoted heart.
Rev. J. V. Dimon was born in New York, March 12, 1841, being at the time of his death in his 53rd year. He was married to Miss M. *Arnent in Illinois, in October, 1876. He had been a Congregational minister the past ten years, and was pastor of the First Congregational church of New Whatcom over three years, resigning last January on account of ill health. Under the advice of his physician and intimate friend, Dr. J. M. Lawrence, he did not quit the pulpit, however, until March when he was engaged as timekeeper at the big mill. He has been prelate of Hesperus Commandery, Knights Templar one term and was re-elected for a second term last March. Mr. Dimon leaves three children to mourn his untimely death, Cecelia, aged 15; Gladys, aged 5, and a little boy, Asa, who is less than 4 years old.
Mr. Dimon preached his last sermon at the Trinity Methodist church, Garden street, last Sunday evening. The sincerity, pathos, the purity and manliness of his discourse has always elevated him in the minds and hearts of his bearers to the highest position many can ever hope to attain. His views were full of the strong character of the man and he appealed to the heart, the humanity, the reason of all who came within the pale of his enlightened presence. No man was so poor or so low, but that material aid, moral help and the hand of true and sincere friendship was not on all occasions to be found in this noble, generous man. None knew him but were his friends and he was the friend and benefactor of all mankind, the guardian of the weak, the guide and counsel of the strong. Loyal Knights Templar guard the lifeless clay until it is ensconced in its narrow home forevermore, while the grandest monument of all, the love, affection, the esteem of his fellow men nears its white purity beside that sacred tomb and carved deeply in its living walls is the homely, passive prayer, "peace to his ashes."
*J. Z. Dimon m. Jennie E. Ament, Oct. 25, 1876, Livingston Co. IL --[IL Marriage Records](Bellingham Bay Express, May 31, 1893 and Bellingham Bay Weekly Express, June 3, 1893)
Olaus Drange, 928 Forest street, who became a full fledged citizen of the United States last April for the second time, will be awarded the old settlers' cup by the Old Settlers' association of Whatcom county at its annual picnic in Pioneer part, Ferndale, in August. The cup was donated years ago by the judge who granted Mr. Drange his citizenship papers, Federal Judge Jeremiah Neterer. Mr. Drange in 83 years of age and has lived in and near Bellingham continually for fifty-five years. He is a familiar figure in Bellingham, partly because he has been an inveterate bicycle rider, having ridden bicycles for twenty-two years. Decision to award Mr. Drange the cup was taken Friday night at a meeting of the cup committee of the Old Settlers' association. The members of the committee are Hugh Eldridge, Phil Clark, J. A. Shields and Robert H. Smith.
A native of Norway, Mr. Drange landed at the mouth of the Nooksack river on the evening of February 26, 1870, with his brother, Louis. They immediately built a cabin there and lived in it until spring, when Olaus took up a homestead near Nooksack and there farmed for twelve years. He then came to Bellingham, where he has since resided. He is a carpenter by trade.
Mr. Drange came to the coast via the Isthmus of Panama, bringing with him a large hardwood tool chest, which is one of his most valued possessions. Except in the hinges, there is neither a nail nor a screw in the box, the joints being skillfully glued together. On August 3, 1881, Mr. Drange was naturalized at LaConner, but he lost his papers and was forced to make formal application for citizenship rights again. Mr. Drange is proud of his American citizenship.
(Bellingham Herald, July 11, 1925)
Stephen A. D. Glasscock was born in 1860 in Arnettsville, Monongalia, West Virginia to Daniel and Prudence (Michael) Glasscock. He came to Bellingham in 1901 from St. John, Kansas and founded the Washington Grocery company on Railroad avenue.
On December 13, 1915 Stephen A. D. Glasscock was fatally injured by being struck by the elevator at the Washington Grocery company's building. Mr. Glasscock had received an inquiry over the long distance telephone as to whether he had certain goods in stock. He went to the elevator shaft and, leaning over the railing that guards its entrance, called out to the clerk in the basement below. He apparently did not notice the descending elevator. The bottom of the elevator struck him on the back of the head and pinned his head between the car and the gate over which he was leaning.
At the time of his death he was president of the Bellingham Candy company as well as president of the Washington Grocery company. He had served as a trustee of the Chamber of Commerce and was a member of the Masonic Lodge.
Tributes paid to Mr. Glasscock came from Judge Howard Clinton, who said that Stephen A. D. Glasscock was responsible for the reversal of the interstate commerce commission's ruling which denied Bellingham terminal freight rates, for which the city is indebted to him. Other testimonials came from Charles Nolte, president of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. J. J. Donovan, Mr. E. W. Purdy and Mr. P. P. Lee.
Mr. Glasscock was survived by one son, Carleton, a student at the University of Washington; two brothers, William Ellsworth Glasscock, former Govenor of West Virginia, and (Samuel) Fuller Glasscock, and by one sister, Mrs. Louverna Smith; the brothers and sister resided in Morgantown, West Virginia. His father-in-law, Mr. A. C. Glasscock and sister-in-law, Miss Rena Glasscock, came to accompany the body to its final resting place in St. John, Kansas.
Stephen Glasscock's estate was left to his son, Calvin Carlton/Carlson Glasscock and the trustees of the estate were Mr. Glasscock's brothers, William E. Glasscock and Samuel Fuller Glasscock of Morgantown, West Virginia.
Mr. Glasscock was a first cousin to Alexander Newman Glasscock, an early settler of Lopez Island and Port Townsend. Governor William E. Glasscock of West Virginia, brother to S. A. D. Glasscock, arrived in Bellingham August 3, 1909 on an official visit.
(The obituary of Stephen A. D. Glasscock appeared in The Bellingham Herald, December 13, 14 and 20, 1915; the December 13, 1915 issue carried his picture; estate information is from January 3, 1916; Aug. 3, 1909)
Compiled by Susan Nahas.
Charles A. Greenfield was born 21 May 1851 in Brantford Township, Ontario, Canada the son of Edward Greenfield and Margaret Thomson. He emmigrated to Nemaha county, Kansas in 1869 where he met Miss Alida Austin, daughter of Clark Carr Austin and Rosalinda Wheeler. Alida was born 26 Nov 1855 in Boone county, Illinois. The couple married 25 Mar 1872 in Nemaha county, Kansas and moved to Kill Creek Township, Osborne county, Kansas in 1873, where their first child, Mary E., was born. During their time in Kill Creek three more children were born: Rosalinda (Rosie), 1875; Carloss George, 29 Jan 1877; and George Oliver, 18 Mar 1879. According to local histories, Mr. Greenfield operated Kill Creek's only molasses mill. In 1882, the family trekked south to Texas, where son Charles A. was born in December 1882.
Texas soon lost its charm and the family moved to Whatcom county, Washington in 1883. Here, as it was reported in the 10 November 1893 issue of the Reveille that "Charles Greenfield arrived in Whatcom county and purchased 100 acres of land". After arriving in Washington, three more children were born: John Albert, 7 June 1886; William Otho, 1 October 1889; and Della Mae, 23 Mar 1895. In the 1910 census the Greenfield family is enumerated in two different places: the farm on Hannegan Road in Ferndale and a home in Bellingham City on Madrona Street. It appears as though Charles, Sr., Charles, Jr. and John worked the farm until the mid-1910's when the family sold the farm and resided exclusively at the home in Bellingham City. In 1920, Charles, Sr. is listed as "retired", Alida is shown as a "healer" in her "own practice", and son Charles, Jr. and John are working as woodcutters and laborers.
Mary E. married James W. Leggette on 1 Jan 1893 in Whatcom county and moved to Lewis county, Washington. Rosalinda married John F.W. Vandervort on 2 Nov 1892 in Whatcom county and moved with him to Nome, Alaska where she died on 4 Dec 1901 from the aftermath of typhoid fever. Carloss George died 24 Oct 1896 in Seattle from complications of inflammatory rheumatism. George Oliver married (1) California Josephine Agnes Headrick on 30 Apr 1900 (div), (2) Eldora (Dora) Susan Schute and (3) Isabell (---). George died 17 Nov 1958 and is buried in the IOOF Cemetery in Monroe. Charles A. died 13 Sep 1952, unmarried. John died 28 Jan 1935 in Bellingham. William Otho married California (Callie), the wife of his brother, on 16 Feb 1918, he died 19 Feb 1976 and is buried in Redmond City Cemetery, Redmond. Della Mae married (1) Eugene Shaw and (2) Otto Nels Sundholm. Della died in Feb 1977 and is buried in Redmond City Cemetery, Redmond.
Charles A. (Sr.) died 12 Oct 1929 in Alderton at the home of his daughter, Mary. Alida died 1 Jan 1933 in Bellingham. A majority of the family are interred at Woodlawn Cemetery (formerly Paradise) in Ferndale.
Death Claims Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, County Pioneer Couple, by Mrs. Don Hamilton (Lucy Martinson Hamilton)
Another of Whatcom County's brave pioneers was laid to rest on Oct. 15, when a multitude of relatives and friends paid their last respects to Alexander Hamilton in a beautiful autumn setting. The hills, that this 82 year old logger loved so well, were a testimony of God's handiwork in their blaze of color, on his last ride up the Mount Baker Highway where he had often traveled in early days when this highway was little more than a muddy wagon trail through dense forest.
Alexander (Shorty) came to this area on the immigration train, at the turn of the century. With him was his powerful father, Joseph, his invalid mother, Armitta, brothers Ellis, Bert, Zedrick and baby, Oliver. Sisters were Gordy, Florence and Mae. They were saddened to leave three small children dying at birth or when very young, behind, in Johnson County, Arkansas. The long trip west was great fun for 12 year old Alexander and the other youngsters on the train, but for the parents, it was not easy. As they rushed to change trains, if Armitta found the pace to fast for her, Joseph would swoop her up in his stron arms as the older children did with younger ones and they would hustle to the next leg of the long journey. The parents on the train would cheer each other up with exciting stories of the rich land to be had for the taking, on the beautiful Pacific Coast, in Washington State.
The Hamiltons settled in Deming, where baby Evelyn, was born and then twins Earl and Pearl, making the number of family births fourteen. Young "Shorty" explored the Nooksack River, fished, hunted and grew to manhood. He worked in mills and woods. He helped raft logs from Chinn Mountain where homesteads were, down the Nooksack to the VanZandt (US Mill).
Shorty became a top rate timberman. His keep ability in the woods is still fresh in many minds, from early cutting and burning to giant old-growth trees in preparation for cabin and garden, to horse powered big logging companies that hired many dozen of horses, or his own small logging outfit, his young sons and favorite tea "Eagle and Rock. Though he was much smaller than his father, he was quick and strong. His energies carried him on into another generation, into the changed value of a tree. From a problem to be rid of for homesteads, to high value in every foot of every tree. He continued to out cut most younger men and could leave them panting while cruising timber by foot, long past the age expected.
As he neared 80, he had slowed down at last and spent his time cutting wood and hiking over his son's logging job at Cedar Gulch, above Deming, where he worked in early day in a booming shingle mill. At last he found joy in just caring for his son's team of Belgian stallions and watching deer and birds amount the trees he loved so much. He was content to remember his log bucking day, for he had left a good name in camps while busheling all over these mountains and on the Olympic Peninsula.
He was full of stories he'd witnessed while in his teens and early 20's, in Kendall, an active town in timbered Kendall Valley. It had two stores, dance hall and depot. Colorful were the dances held in this hall, with ankle length dresses swirling and heavy booted loggers stomping in joy to the old time fiddle.
Shorty took part in the booming of the logging town of Maple Falls. Here was on of the true wild west towns of our history. Excitement oozed from the swinging doors of each of the many saloons. Fists and guns were used often, with shots fired through the floor of his hotel room in one of the many gun battle of early Maple Falls.
He met his faithful wife, Lillie Allen, at a dance in the present township hall of Lawrence. Lillie, with parents John and Margaret Allen, had come to Deming, then named Hollingsworth in 1892, with older brothers Clint and Roy and year-old sister, Ethel. Her mother was excited to be with her family, at Hollingsworth were her father (Lillie's grandpa) operated a store. The town was a cluster of stores and other businesses on the lower end of the Deming Hill. This was a complete good sized town, with a busy train depot. The church was built where it remains, with the town of Deming mushrooming up about it and the one room school where the grade school is today. Lillie went to that school and church at age 7. Alexander and his brother and sister went to this one room school also.
Alexander and Lillie were married at Wenatchee in 1906. Many joys and trials followed. They were living with her grandfather at Kendall, where Grandpa William Allen owned one of the stores, when the Hamilton's first born arrived. A fragile daughter, named Evelyn. It seemed hopeless to save her but the determined young couple coddled her into a health little girl. Soon she has a sister, Carrie and a brother Ora (Buster). Today these girls are Mrs. Grady Brown and Mrs. Fanton Morganthaler. Buster married Edith Compton. Each of these couple brought joy to the Hamilton's in form of a grandson each. Buster contracted tuberculosis and left wife and son, Douglas, and his parents. He was laid to rest at Kendall in 1936. Four more children were born to Shorty and Lille: Donald, Bernice (Mrs. Jack Cambell), Russell and Kenneth. Twenty-three more grandchildren were added and thirty-two great grandchildren. These parents knew the fears of having their last two sons in the violent battles of World War II and the joy of having these sailor boys come home. As with their grandsons, sons of Bernice and Jack, who served with the Marines in Vietnam.
While outwardly this couple seemed the same, inwardsly the searching grew. At last the answers came that changed their lives forever. Shorty and Lillie had moved to Forks. They attended a Christian service with his brothers, Oliver and Earl and families. They left that service filled with a new peace and joy. No longer was the world a mystery, but somehow this couple knew why they were born and that they had a new job to do. They were baptized together in the Bogochiel River. The two of them hardly missed an evening of reading and discussing the scriptures together, for the next 25 years. They returned to the Deming area, as they had returned when moving for a time to Canada. It seemed the Mount Baker Highway drew them. They settled back in Kendall again, to finish their late years, in a cozy little home in a gove of fir trees.
Alexander was born Sept 18, 1887 and passed away Oct. 11, 1969. The service for Alexander was unusual and interesting to all. Rev. Hugh Cantelon among other subjects, spoke on the need for loggers and timber in Bible times. The Hamilton family was please to have former and present pastor friends of Alexander, from the Maple Falls Assembly of God Church, has honorary pallbearers. He was buried in Kendall Cemetery beside his son, Buster. Mrs. Hamilton (Lillie) passed away Nov. 27, 1969 and services were held on Dec. 1, 1969.
Submitted by Debbie deHoog
Mark B. Heywood, 2211 Walnut street, known to his hundreds of friends throughout Whatcom county as "Barney," is Bellingham's oldest registered voter to date. He was 93 years of age on December 23, 1924. Mr. Heywood probably is oldest living male settler of Whatcom county, having first visited Bellingham in 1858. Considerable interest was aroused last week in a friendly "contest" for registration when Charles H. Atkins, also aged 93, lost to Mr. Heywood the distinction of being the oldest registered voter. Mr. Atkins, who registered first, was born in Massachusetts, January 8, 1829, while Mr. Heywood's birthday was December 23, 1828. In a letter to The Herald Mr. Atkins congratulated his "rival" and expressed the hope that like Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes' one-hoss shay, of poetry fame, he would round out a century.
"If it wasn't for the heavy woods I could have seen the forest." said Mr. Heywood, speaking of his first impression of this place. He remained here but a short time and then took a canoe and paddled his way up to the Fraser river and remained there eight years during the gold excitement, coming back here in the early seventies. "Bellingham has the finest women in the world," said Mr. Heywood. He walks down town nearly every day and claims that he never got on a crowded street car in Bellingham yet, that a woman did not surrender a seat to him. "You can't beat them," he said.
Mr. Heywood, who has no relatives living here and possibly none in the East from where he came, was married at Sehome in 1874 and his wife died in 1897. They had no children. "I've smoked a pipe more than eighty years," he said, "and tended bar four years down near the old orchard tract on Elk street, but my wife didn't want me in the saloon business so I went on a farm. President Grant gave me the patent for a ranch on the river about halfway between Lynden and Ferndale. I didn't know any more about a farm than a farm knew about me."
Mr. Heywood, who climbed two flights of stairs to accommodate a reporter who asked him to have his picture taken, said: "If you can do a person a favor without hurting yourself, do it every time." He said he never thought much about living or dying. He stays at the home of W. T. Burton, 2211 Walnut street. He carries his age well, but says that he has not been able to read without glasses since he was 80 years old. His hearing is quite good and his memory keen, although he insists that his memory is bad. When Mr. Heywood left the photographer he went into a billiard parlor to watch a game of billiards and smoke his pipe.
From The Bellingham Herald, January 16, 1922
Mark B. Heywood died December 9, 1927. His wife was Ann Booth Heywood and both are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Walter Roland Ingersoll was born in Brooklyn, NY 14 Aug 1866 to Oliver Roland and Adeline M. (Weeks) Ingersoll. After attending the public schools of Brooklyn he took a commercial course in business college. He entered the paint business with his father until 1886 when he came to Seattle to bid on a railroad paint contract. He purchased an interest the the Seattle Soap Company and his job brought him to Whatcom county. He purchased 160 acres west of Lynden and sold his interest in the soap business in 1889. In 1903 he moved to Lynden and then Northwood.
On 1 Aug 1897 at Glendale, WA he married Lillian Augusta McKee. She was born in KS to Ralph Clarence and Mary Ann (Follis) McKee. Their children were: Addie W., Mrs. Wallace Burgy, Walter W. Ingersoll, Oliver R. Ingersoll, Arthur Ingersoll and Agatha Ingersoll.
Walter R. Ingersoll helped to organize the Glendale school district and served for three terms as clerk of the school board; he also served as clerk of the Roeder school board for several years. He was justice of the peace at Glendale and served as constable for several years. He died 18 Sep 1946 and his wife died 20 Oct 1944.
Stelle B. Irish was born in Paterson, New Jersey August 20, 1856 to Hugh Crowell and Betsey Ann (Haight) Irish. His father, Hugh Crowell Irish, died in the Battle of Antietam Sept. 17, 1862. Stelle came to Bellingham in December 1889 from New York City where he had worked for the New York Times for some 10 years.
At first he was in the livery business with E. R. Croft. In 1890 he established a printing business in partnership with J. M. Edson. more on Edson & Irish printers He was a member of Bellingham Lodge No. 194, B.P.O.E. of the Royal Arcanum and the National Union.
Stelle B. Irish passed away on May 24, 1918 of a paralytic stroke at his home 722 High street. He was survived by his wife, Emma C. (Loundsbury) Irish, a brother, Frank F. Irish of Watkins Glen, New York and a sister, Mrs. (Anna) Gertrude Wright of Buffalo, New York. Interment was in Bay View Abbey.
Compiled by Susan Nahas.
On Tuesday, Feb. 9th, Zebulon Jones and Betsey Jones his wife, of Semiahmoo, celebrated their 61st anniversary of their marriage ceremony, which was solemnized in Connecticut. They were born and raised in the village of Saybrook Conn., he in June 1810, and she in 1814, and they have thus known each other all their lives. Since their marriage they have lived in the states of Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and Washington. They came to this state in 1871 and settled on Semiahmoo spit the same year. After a short residence they removed and lived in Seattle, Whatcom, Whidbey Island, Goldendale and returned to Semiahmoo about seven years ago, since which time they have lived there. Mason Clark, a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, was the original owner of the spit, having acquired title from the government. Mr. Clark is now living at Waterville, this state. The old people have one son, William, living in California, and a grandson, Paul Jones, living in Seattle.
They live by themselves, doing all their own work and are always cheerful and pleased to have their friends drop in and pass away the time with them. Until recently Mr. Jones has been actively engaged in business, principally the flouring mill trade, and it is his proud boast that he never sued a man nor was he ever asked the second time for an account. During the war he owned a large milling plant in Missouri, and being a Union sympathizer, his mill was burned and he was financially ruined. They are known all over the county and universally respected by all.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 12, 1897) copied by Susan Nahas
Zebulon Jones and Betsey Barker were married Feb. 9, 1836, Saybrook, CT
Obituary of Elizabeth "Betsey" Barker Jones
LAWRENCE and MARY J. (Twiehaus) LONG
Lawrence Long was born 1835 in St. Charles county, Missouri. He was the son of Lawrence Long and Malvina Mutchins. Lawrence married Margaret J. Twiehaus the daughter of John William Henry Twiehaus and Mary Mount on 24 Aug 1858 in St. Charles county, Missouri. Margaret was born 7 Feb 1839 in Pennsylvania. Six children were born to this union: James William (28 Nov 1859), Emily (cal 1862), Newton Anton (2 Feb 1864), John H. (cal 1866), Richard (cal 1869) and Francis W. (3 Apr 1872). All of these children were born in Dardenne Township, St. Charles county, Missouri.
About 1885 some of the Long sons felt the need to move west and they ended up in Tulare county, California where Newton married Margaret (Maggie) Sweeney on 14 Jul 1891. Emily's husband, Joseph Lilburn Headrick is enumerated as a voter in the 1890 Great Register. In 1887, James arrived in Whatcom county from California and purchased 15 acres of land. Newton and Maggie moved to Whatcom county in 1892 where he purchased 55 acres of land. It appears as though William and Newton were preparing the way for the rest of the family to come to Whatcom county for in early 1899. Lawrence and Margaret moved to Bellingham with son Francis. Emily and husband, Lilburn Headrick and their children also arrived in Whatcom county about the same time. Whether or not they traveled with Lawrence and Margaret is not know. It appears as though sons, John H. (married Mattie (---), d. 12 Jul 1925 in Missouri) and Richard, stayed in St. Charles county, Missouri. In 1900, the family was localized in Bellingham with the children and grandchildren living within a few houses of one another.
In 1907, Lawrence was institutionalized at Western Washington Hospital in Ft. Steilacoom. He died there 26 September 1907. After his death, Margaret moved into her son Newton's home in Bellingham. Newton cared for his aged mother until her death on 28 Jan 1920. Lawrence and Margaret are buried in Woodlawn, formerly Paradise, Cemetery in Ferndale. James William married Rebecca J. (---) in Missouri prior to departing for California. After Rebecca's death in 1889, he married to Cora E. Cornell. Newton married Elma J. Dupray (daughter of Frederick Miller Dupray and Nancy Keziah Webb), 19 July 1921, after Margaret's untimely death in 1917. Emily married Mr. Pasley after Lilburn's death in 1904. Francis (Frank) died on 30 Oct 1953. Most of the family is interred at Woodlawn Cemetery in Ferndale. Submitted by Carole Merrill
Among the well known and influential pioneers of Whatcom county was the late C. W. Matthews, who, after a useful and successful life, passed on to a higher plane of action. When he and his wife came here, forty-five years ago, they found a wooded country, and were compelled to clear the land before a crop could be raised, but he was a man of courage and far-sightedness, and underwent the hardships and trials of a pioneer life in order that those who came after him might reap the benefits of the homestead which he created. His career and the history of this locality during the subsequent years were practically the same, for he took an active part in the development of this district and was long recognized as one of the leading men of the community.
Mr. Matthews was born in Delaware county, New York, on the 15th of November, 1840, and his death occurred on the 21st of January, 1916, in the seventy-sixth year of his age. He was a son of Thomas and Sarah Jane (Gregory) Matthews, lifelong residents of New York state. He received his education training in the district schools of his home neighborhood, and then learned the carpenter trade, at which he was employed until the outbreak of the Civil war, when he enlisted in the New York Volunteer Infantry, his company being commanded by Capt. John Clark. He served until the close of the war and was wounded in the engagement at Hilton Head, South Carolina. In 1866 he was married and then turned his attention to farming, which he followed there until 1874, when he moved to Illinois, where he remained about three years. His next move was to Kansas, and at the end of two years he made the trip by prairie schooner to Wyoming, reaching that state, July 23, 1880. Locating at Miner's Delight, he obtained work in the mines but about a year later again turned his face westward, traveling by railroad to San Francisco, California, and thence by boat to Port Townsend, Washington, arriving at Bellingham, Whatcom county, July 2, 1881. Soon afterward Mr. Matthews filed on one hundred and sixty acres of land in Ferndale township and applied himself with energy to the task of clearing it and getting it ready for cultivation. In 1884 he built the first house on the place, being compelled to wait a long time for lumber, there being no sawmills in that locality. He cleared eighty acres of the land, created a splendid homestead and devoted himself indefatigably to its operation during the remainder of his active years, the ranch being now managed by his widow. About 1905 Mr. Matthews bought twenty acres of cleared land adjoining his place, and thus had one hundred acres in cultivation. It is fine land and through all the years of his operations here Mr. Matthews so managed the rotation of crops and the care of the soil as to realize handsome returns for his labor. He was a man of cool-headed judgment, wise discrimination and sound common sense, and the prosperity which crowned his efforts was well merited. In 1908 Mr. Matthews built a substantial and commodious barn and in 1909 erected the splendid modern house in which the family still lives, and a fine silo, where provision is made for winter feed. At one time he ran a large dairy, and Ms. Matthews now keeps five cows. Modern farm machinery, including a tractor, is employed in the cultivation of the farm and in every respect the Matthews place is considered one of the best, as it is one of the oldest farms in the western part of Whatcom county.
On December 25, 1866, Mr. Matthews was married to Miss Angelica Shaver, who was born in Delaware county, New York, November 2, 1850, a daughter of James W. and Juliet (Davis) Shaver. The father was born, lived and died in Duchess county, New York, and the mother, who was born in Delaware county, New York, died in Jacksonville, Mississippi. To Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were born eight children: Mrs. Cora McClanahan, who was born in New York state, now lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is the mother of three sons, Abner, Wesley, who has a son, Wesley Boyd, and Cassius Martin; Orrie, who was born in New York, now lives with his mother and operates the home ranch; Mrs. Juliet McClanahan, born in New York, now lives at Langley Prairie, and is the mother of three sons, Leonard, Cecil and Sylvester; James, born in Kansas, is married and is the father of four daughters, Grace, Anna Claire, Ruth and Laura May; Lyman, born in Washington, is married and has a daughter, Eunice; Mrs. Jennie Isaacson was born in Washington; Sheridan, born in Washington, is married and has six children, Shirley, Lyle, Billie, Phyllis, Ted (deceased) and Ned, twins. Billie, born in Washington, enlisted for the World war in Company F, Sixth Battalion, Twentieth Engineers, was sent overseas on board the "Tuscania," which was torpedoed at sea, February 5, 1918, and he was killed, being the first boy from Whatcom county to lose his life in the World war.
Mrs. Matthews is one of the few real pioneers of this locality still remaining, and she talks in a very interesting and entertaining manner of the early days in this locality, when it was practically a solid wilderness, with not even a well-defined path, and when one had to be on the constant lookout for wild animals, such as the bear and cougar, which roamed the forests at will. It required real courage to remain here and create a home under such conditions, but she has never regretted coming to the west. Mr. Matthews was a worthy example in all that constituted true manhood and good citizenship and none stood higher than he in the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. His career was characterized by duty faithfully performed, by faithfulness to every trust reposed in him, by industry, thrift and wisely-directed efforts, which resulted in the accumulation of a liberal share of this world's goods, besides earning a reputation which was never clouded by unworthy acts.
Roth, Lottie Roeder, History of Whatcom County, Vol II. Seattle: Pioneer Historical Publishing Company, 1926, p 650-1; typed by Gay Wickersham Davis.
LOUIS MILLER LIVES SIMPLE LIFE IN HIS CABINFaithful to his first love for 70 years, Louis Miller, 86 years old, the oldest living pioneer of Bellingham, is still a bachelor, living the simple life in company with his 10-year-old cat in a little cabin at what would be known as 1034 Eleventh street if it was numbered. This cabin, which was one of the few building on the south side when Louis first came here or in what was then Fairhaven, stands a short distance to the left of the street on an incline sloping toward the bay. The old weather-beaten boards of the quaint little structure are completely concealed by the climbing, blooming vines and lilac bushes, which fill the air with the fragrance of the woods and cause one who is enjoying the hospitality of this octogenarian to forget that he is within the limits of the city. Surrounding the cabin is a well-kept garden filled with an assortment of vegetables and bordered by small berry bushes, from which the table of this remarkable character is supplied. The entire little Eden-like spot is protected from intruders by a well-kept rail fence and fastened gate. Here is found, not the dilapidated shack with unkempt garden or broken down fence and gate, but rather the well-cared for abode of a man of refinement and culture who has long ago passed beyond the allotted period of three score years and ten.
Louis Miller, or plain "Louis," the saw filer of Bellingham, as he prefers to be known to his business and social friends, is a French-Canadian, having been born in Montreal in 1832 of French and Canadian parents. His father was a proprietor of what was at that time considered the largest hotel in that city, and Louis was educated in a university with a view becoming a professional man on reaching his maturity. While he was attending school he became acquainted with a fair young English girl, and in the course of time became to love her. He was but 17 years of age when he determined to leave college and enter into the business world. Finding that his love was reciprocated he proposed to the young lady, and when she agreed to become his wife he advised his father of his intentions.
With visions of a brilliant future for his son, the paternal parent strenuously objected to his son's anticipated marriage and consequent curtailment of his education, and positively forbade him to further consider the matter. Determined to marry the girl of his choice, however, Louis left school and, promising his affianced wife to return for her as soon as he had saved a sufficient sum to enable them to establish a home, he quit Montreal and went to Detroit with that end in view. For five long years did Louis strive against the greatest obstacles to secure a remunerative situation and to save enough to warrant his returning to Montreal to claim his love as a bride. During all of these years, however, he was visited with the greatest ill-fortune, being unfitted for the heavy work in which he had engaged, having been reared in a life of luxury and educated for a professional career. At the end of this time he returned disheartened and discouraged to Montreal, with the intention of prevailing upon his father to relent and to effect a reconciliation which would result eventually in his approval of his marriage. On his arrival in Montreal Louis learned from an old friend that his sweetheart had died during his absence. Heartbroken, he decided to quit the city forever. Calling on his parents to bid them a final farewell, he found his father, who also knew of the death of the girl, ready and willing to receive him back in the home and to give him half interest in the hotel, as well as a substantial bank account.
Feeling that he had nothing to live for in that city, however, Louis decided to seek his fortune in other parts, and went to Oswego, N. Y., where he secured a position in a lumber mill. Later he went to Detroit, Michigan, and it was here that he served his apprenticeship in the lumber milling and saw filing business. Becoming an expert in his line, he was quick to perceive the crudity of the method of log sawing and lumber milling then in vogue. As long ago as 50 years, Louis advocated the use of the bank saw in sawing large lumber, and has lived to see one of his pet schemes being put to practical use universally. He, also, was the first man to introduce the circular saw in actual use, and the amount of time, labor and money that has been saved by this invention in incalculable.
In leaps and bounds Louis surged ahead of his fellow workmen in the eastern mill, until at length he was in a position to establish a mill of his own. For a number of years he conducted a business in Michigan, during all these many years, however, remaining single and living a life of practical solitude in memory of his early love. When the rush toward the West started in 1864 he was among the first to head in that direction, and after disposing of his property in Michigan went to Arizona. In 1865 he reached the little town of Globe, Arizona, then in its infancy, having covered the greater part of the distance from the east in a prairie schooner. Here he purchased a large ranch, on which he raised hay and cattle. He tells of the days when he was obliged to haul his crops with teams of oxen for 60 miles to the nearest market, securing $100 per ton for the hay. Soon tiring of this occupation and longing for the hum of the buzz saw and the general bustle of the lumber mill, he continued westward to the coast and proceeded north until he reached and passed through Portland, Tacoma and Seattle, when they were in the making. About 30 years ago he came to Bellingham Bay and bought the same little house in which he now resides, as well as the ground on which it stands.
This little cabin is one of the few remaining landmarks of what was then the trail between Fairhaven and New Whatcom. Louis recalls with pleasure the many walks he took in those early days over this trail in going to and returning from Whatcom, accompanied by his friends of those days. Associated with Louis during that period were such well-known pioneers as "Bill" Pollard, "Mike" Cody, E. M. Wilson, Major Darling and many others. Pointing to the corner of Eleventh street and Harris avenue, Louis draws a vivid picture of the throngs who filled those streets during the days when Fairhaven was in its hey-dey (sic), and tells of the "big stores" of such concerns as Montague & McHugh, Gage & Dodson, Gates & Frazer and others who maintained establishments on those streets at that time.
Louis is in perfect physical condition at the present time and not alone does he make his daily round of his customers, collecting saws to be filed and returning them when they are sharpened, but after his day's work is done he spends the evening hours in his garden, deriving great pleasure in the care of the beans, peas, potatoes, etc., which he has planted there. When the photograph reproduced on this page was taken, he was busily engaged in hoeing a row of potatoes. On his vitality and agility being remarked, he stated that he attributed his present good health and well preserved condition to the fact that he has always lived a clean life, and although he had not been a total abstainer, had never been under the influence of liquor, and has shunned the pernicious vices which are sapping the lives of the youth of the present generation.
In spite of his continued wandering throughout the country, milling, ranching and saw-filing, Louis has always taken enough time to read the best literature, and can recall and discuss with the greatest interest, in his modulated voice, with a slight French accent, the writings of the standard authors, many of whom were contemporaneous in the years of his youth.
Owning to an accident suffered by Louis some years ago in which his left leg was injured, he has experienced considerable pain in this member recently and was urged to enter the St. Joseph's hospital for treatment. Chafing at the confinement necessitated by this treatment, and longing for the freedom to which he had always been accustomed, he pretended that the pains in his leg had entirely vanished, after he had been in the hospital for a short time, and was finally allowed to return to his cabin. He admits now, however, that he should have remained under the physician's care for a longer time, as he is now for the first time, obliged to make use of a cane when walking out on the street. Before this after-effect of his former accident was felt, Louis could be seen every day, rain or shine, in warm weather and cold, tramping up or down the street with a bundle of saws under his arm as sprightly as a man of half his age. With his cane, however, and slower step necessitated by the pain he suffers he states that "he believes that he is getting old."
From The Bellingham Herald, May 29, 1910; copied by Susan Nahas
Albert M. Pinckney, of Blaine, who received the "oldest settlers' cup" at the Old Settlers' picnic at Ferndale today (August 12, 1922), was born at Ann Arbor, Mich., December 1, 1849.
In the fall of 1856 he left Michigan with ox team and wagon and reached Sioux City, Ia., in the spring of 1857. Living in that vicinity until September, 1871, when, with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hughes, now both deceased, and two small boys, of which Samson P. Hughes was the older, having been born in Plymouth county, Iowa, December 6, 1869, they all boarded the steamer Minor at Sioux City and went to Omaha, Neb. From there they proceeded by rail on the Union and Central Pacific to San Francisco, where they waited two weeks for a boat to take them to Victoria, B. C. Prince Alfred was the name of the steamer and it took six days and eight hours to make the trip. From there to New Westminster, where they hired two Indians to take them by canoe, camping the first night in Whatcom county at Point Roberts the 10th of October, and arriving here at the present site of Blaine October 11, 1871. They visited the home of Mr. Dexter out near California and Dakota creeks coming then to visit E. A. Boblett's family in a house near where the present home is situated on Cherry street. There were just four families here then, - the Cains, B. N. Kingsley, E. A. Boblett and Dexters. A few families were located at Semiahmoo.
Albert Pinckney and nephew Sam Hughes, have lived on F street, just off Washington avenue, for a number of years. Sam Hughes is a carpenter by trade and has made some wonderful furniture - hope chests and anything needed by the people of the community. Mr. Hughes today was awarded the cup given to the oldest settler brought here in infancy.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 12, 1922) The article includes of photograph of Albert Pinckney in frontiersman attire.
Blind clergyman, Now 90 Years Old, Occupies Pulpit in Service Today
A 90 year-old minister, who has been blind since the age of 13, due to stand at the pulpit of the church of God Sunday morning, planned to talk of Paul, The Aged. The Rev. E. H. Shipman's choice of text for his guest sermon was a good one. For his own life parallels that of the Biblical figure who "fought a good fight and kept the Faith."
Interviewed Friday, his 90th birthday, in his spic-and-span home at 2121 Park St., the aged minister recalled more than 60 years as an "old time evangelist." Tales unfolded of frontier days in Oklahoma, of outlaws, renegade Indians and gun battles. He also was looking forward to Sunday when he would be a guest preacher at the Church of God, unaware that the congregation was planning a special recognition service for him following the morning service.
While he talked, the alert, white haired minister fingered a small Bible. He said the Bible was only about four years old because he was "pretty hard on them." "I used to bang my fists into the Bible while I was preaching," he explained. "They wore out pretty fast that way."Mr. Shipman was born in Cook County, Texas, on Aug 3, 1866. His family did a lot of moving during the boy's childhood, and by his 13th birthday the future minister had lived in Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Kansas. It was in Kansas that the accident happened which was to leave Mr. Shipman blind for life. While cutting corn, the 13 year old boy ran a blade of corn into his left eye. He explains today that such an injury was beyond the medical knowledge of the times and he soon lost the sight of both eyes. In his early 20's Shipman entered the ministry. He was ordained in 1893, the ceremony taking place in his father's farmhouse near Stillwater, Okla., where the Shipman family had moved several years before.
It was in Oklahoma where the blind minister was to spend most of his life and have a hand in establishing or "raising up" nearly every congregation in that state. He was the first evangelist to settle in Oklahoma. Oklahoma in the 1890's was considered Indian Territory. It was a rugged place to live, with outlaws and renegades familiar figures about the small, frontier towns. The Rev. Mr. shipman recalls one Sunday when he was preaching in an old school house and three outlaws, among them Three-Finger Jack and Biter Creek, entered the "church." The blind evangelist completed his sermon, unaware that the three desperados were resting their Winchesters against the altar railing. "I knew something was happening though," he says today. "That was the quietest audience I've ever had."Mr. Shipman tells another story with a flavor of the Old West about the 1930's when "Pretty Boy" Floyd, a much-hunted gangster, was hiding out in Oklahoma. Floyd's eventual capture by the authorities followed a running gun battle in front of Mr. Shipman's home, during which the house was hit by several bullets.
As a traveling evangelist, Rev. Shipman once walked from Oklahoma to Colorado, alone and unarmed. The journey took him across several hundred miles of mountain range, populated solely by mountain lions, panthers and bears. Most of his traveling in those early days, however, was done in the company of a lifelong friend and fellow-minister, the Rev. M. A. Fly.
Mr. Shipman was married in 1898. He and wife, Francis Ellen (nick- named Fannie), first came to Bellingham 22 years ago. One of their five sons was stationed here aboard the U.S.S. Texas as a Marine. "Fannie was always worrying about the boy," he says, "so finally we came up to see if he was getting along all right. We both fell in love with Washington, so we stayed." Mr. Shipman has lived alone since his wife died seven years ago. Despite his blindness, he does all his own cooking and cleaning. The aged minister does not read Braille, but he owns recordings of the entire Bible which he listens to over and over again. He owns a typewriter and uses it to write letters to his many friends. For the last several years he has made regular trips to California to attend religious meetings also. He travels alone.STILL CALLED UPON
Although he has not had his own parish since he came West, Mr. Shipman has taught the adult Bible class at the local Church of God for 20 years. When called upon, he fills the pulpit as a guest preacher. He attends church services every Sunday morning and evening. The aged minister, who says proudly that he has never been sick in bed, explains his long life as a "fulfillment of God's promise." He says he has always tried to lead a Christian life, honoring the Ten Commandments. The Rev. Ronald W. Glessner, present pastor of the Church of God at Astor and I Sts., describes "Brother Shipman" as "a very fine preacher, despite his 90 years." "You might expect that he would lose some of his vigor," Mr. Glessner continued. "But he hasn't."Mr. Shipman's two sister-in-law live in Bellingham, Mrs. Laura York at 2424 Jaeger St., and Mrs. Nellie Finley at 114 W. Holly St. On his birthday, his family surprised him with a "wonderful" dinner. One of his favorite foods - salmon steak - was on the menu.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 5, 1956) Note: Emory Shipman died in Bellingham, March 16, 1963. Submitted by Judy York
Thomas Slade was born March 9, 1834 in Fall River, Bristol, MA to Brayton and Hannah (Lincoln) Slade. Thomas graduated from Brown university, Providence, RI and entered the practice of law in St. Louis in 1859. In 1865 he moved to Bloomington, McLean, IL where he married on December 18, 1865 Mary Stone who was born February 15, 1836 in West Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA to Richard Cecil and Alma Stone. The Slade family lived in neighboring Normal, IL where their daughter, Alma Slade, was born in 1872, and their son, Walter Burrill Slade, was born in 1877.
Thomas Slade practiced law in McLean county, IL, and served on the State Board of Normal trustees. He became involved with the loan business and established a loan business in Spokane, WA about 1885. It wasn't until 1888 that Thomas Slade actually visited Washington state and decided to settle on Bellingham Bay. He persuaded his associate, H. E. Hadley, to leave Bloomington, IL and join him in business as, Slade, Hadley & Hadley. Thomas Slade was elected mayor of New Whatcom in 1893, serving two years. He was tireless in his efforts to consolidate the Bay cities and he saw that come to pass shortly before his death.
Thomas Slade died February 10, 1904 and was buried in Bay View cemetery. His widow, Mary (Stone) Slade continued to live in Bellingham for a number of years; she was last listed in the city directory in 1912. Walter Slade continued his father's business for a number of years. Walter married Grace Elizabeth Kanal, June 17, 1903 at Whatcom, WA. Grace was the daughter of John H and Elizabeth (Block) Kanal and she died in Seattle, WA in February 1924 and was buried in Bay View cemetery.
Compiled by Susan Nahas and Chuck Arnold from census records and The Bellingham Herald, February 11, 1904.
Mary Tawes, aged 81 years, oldest Whatcom county pioneer, died at the home of her son, John Quincy Tawes, 2208 C street, at 1:30 o'clock this morning (Jan. 11, 1921). Mrs. Tawes with her husband, now deceased, came to Bellingham bay in 1856 and settled at Sehome. With Mrs. Tawes' death the title of "the oldest living Whatcom county pioneer" goes to her daughter, Mrs. Annie Ray, of Ferndale, whose additional title is "the oldest native born citizen."
Coming to Bellingham as a bride from California, where her home had been for years, Grandma Tawes, with her husband, settled just about where the Boulevard is now, up the hill from the present Bloedel Donovan mill. A mining community was established at the place, then known as "Sehome," and it was here that Mr. Tawes set up the first machinery brought into Whatcom county.
Only *two other white women were in the county when Grandma Tawes arrived. They were Mrs. Teresa Eldridge and Captain Roeder's wife. Both women passed away prior to the death of Mrs. Tawes. It was Mrs. Tawes who, in the days when doctors and nurses were almost unheard of in Whatcom county, first bathed and dressed the boy-man whom she called "Little Hugh Eldridge" at the Pioneer picnic event last August.
Hosts of pioneers of Whatcom county recall the sumptuous dinners and suppers that Grandma Tawes used to compile for the unexpected guests en route to their homes up the river after a trip to Bellingham for groceries, after she, with her husband and family, had moved to the homestead a mile and a half south of Ferndale. **Twelve years were spent in Bellingham before moving to the homestead, where she remained until the death of her husband. Thereafter Mrs. Tawes was a welcomed visitor at the homes of her children, Mrs. Annie Ray, of Ferndale; Quincey Tawes, of Bellingham; Charles Tawes, who made his home on the homestead, and Mrs. Ellen Mohrman, now Mrs. Bearse, who now makes her home at Sultan, Wash. Charles Tawes died two years ago, leaving the three children, fourteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
The last three years of her life Grandma Tawes spent in darkness, for her sight was taken from her. Never downhearted, however, over her lost eyesight and the deafening of her hearing, she kept up a circuit of humorous stories and recollections from morning until night. Even during the past two months, which she spent in bed, not suffering greatly but weakening gradually, Grandma was continually remembering the big parties and the funny things that used to happen at their home in the county. At times so vivid were the recollections as portrayed by her to friends and relatives that it seemed she was really living in the past days of her youth.
Only recently did she recall how the village of Sehome would hie to the blockhouse to be out of the way of the northern Indians who came down to battle with the Lummi tribe. She remembered the time during which she and her husband were in charge of Fort Bellingham, while General Pickett and his soldiers went to Lummi to protect it from the British.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later after the arrival of Mrs. Bearse from Sultan. Services will be held from Ferndale, where the body is being cared for by the George Monroe undertaking establishment. Interment will be made in the family plot in the Enterprise cemetery.
From The Bellingham Herald, January 11, 1921
*Mrs. D. E. TUCK, the second white woman to arrive and settle in Whatcom county, died in Whatcom last week Wednesday, aged 65 years. She came to Whatcom in 1854. (The Blaine Journal, March 28, 1889)
**In the 1870 census the family is listed in Whatcom precinct.
"Fifty years ago there lived in Whatcom an Indian girl who had but a vague idea of the scope of life and whose only wealth was youth and jet black hair. That same woman died in Lynden a short time ago at the age of about 70 years.
"Odd as it may seem this old Indian woman let wealth in real estate and money to the extent of about $12,000. The land of her estate is worth about $10,000. In her trunk was found about $2,000 in money - gold, silver and bank notes, besides mortgages and notes payable to herself. While alive she guarded her treasure with the utmost care, and was frugal in her expenditures and with a seeming miserly instinct seemed bent on amassing a fortune with no apparent object in view save to have plenty of money.
"The estate of this simple, old child of nature is in probate in the superior court and under due process of law will fall to the heirs most apparent. There are a number of Indian relatives to claim a share as well as some white persons who do doubt will feel entitled to a portion of the estate.
"Daughter of a Lummi Indian chief, she was in her youth the pride of her tribe and the young braves who worshipped at her feet. Her father established a home on the beach near the water falls on the present site of the water mill. From 50 to 100 Indians were camped on this spot nearly all the time. The northern Indians were the sworn enemies of the Lummis, Nooksacks and other local tribes.
"On one occasion the Indians gathered at this point for a big primitive gambling tournament. A visiting Northern Indian crept up and cut a lock of her father's hair. In the belief of the Indians of that time this was an ill omen. The chief told his tribe that he would lose his life as a result of the stolen lock of hair. He, in common with his tribesmen, believed that the evil spirit would take charge of his body and do him harm. Strange as it may seem, the chief became ill a few days later and died. The little Indian girl was faithful to her father and stayed by his side until he breathed the last.
"The only property left by the chief to his daughter was two slaves. Northern Indians held in capture by the chief. Along about 1854 a bright, attractive young white man arrived on the scene, fell in love with this dusky maiden of the forest, and later they were married. His name was John TENNANT, in later years known as the Rev. John TENNANT. With his bride and the two slaves Mr. TENNANT embarked in canoes, went up the Nooksack river, selected a site for a home near the present town of Ferndale and all set at work to clear up the river bottom land and that very same land is now part of one of the finest farms in the Nooksack valley.
"During this time Mr. TENNANT was elected and served as probate judge of this county. Later he accepted the Christian faith and was ordained as minister of the Methodist church. Moved to Lynden where he preached the gospel for years and on Sundays would supply neighboring settlements. His death occurred several years ago.
"His widow, Clara TENNANT survived him. About three months before her death Mrs. TENNANT was wooed and won by an old Indian said to be nearly 100 years of age, but this is thought to be about 20 years older than he really is. Her Indian husband's name is Jim YALLAKAMIN. He has resided on his ranch at Lynden over half a century. About three months after the marriage the aged bride died.
"The wealth left by her will probably be a source of litigation. Indian Jim, her husband will want a share, her brothers who survive will demand a share and the relatives of her former husband will no doubt feel entitled to a portion. One of the slaves owned by Mrs. TENNANT in her childhood days is still alive, decrepit and bent with age. He is known by the name of "Indian Wist" and lives with the Nooksack Indians below Goshen on the Nooksack river." -Bellingham Herald.
From The Ferndale Record, February 5, 1904
John Tiedje, one of Bellingham's oldest citizens, died at his home at 456 Fourteenth street, shortly after 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. His seventieth year would have been reached in September. Death resulted from hardening of the arteries after an illness of several months.
Mr. Tiedje was an excellent citizen and neighbor and a devoted friend. He came to the old town of Bellingham in 1888. He was born in Hanover, Germany, September 23, 1847. Reaching manhood, he was called into the army and was a veteran of the Franco-Prussian war. Shortly after peace between the belligerents was reached he secured an eighteen months' furlough and came to the United States. This was in 1873. He concluded to remain in America and secured a situation on a steamship plying between New York and Savannah, but soon was attracted to the mining fields of Montana, Nevada and California, in which camps he worked until 1883, when he came to Bellingham. While in Nevada he became an Odd Fellow, demitting to the local lodge in 1890, thus making him a member here for twenty-seven years. He was a very active member of that great society and was the recipient of a medal when his quarter of a century's membership had been completed. He served his lodge in several stations and seldom missed a meeting.
In 1887 he was married to Kate Dubbs, a native of Switzerland, who has been a devoted companion and wife for thirty years. Their children are Henry, Fred and Alice Tiedge, all of whom, together with their mother, attended the husband and father during his last illness and when he passed away. A brother and sister to Mr. Tiedge now live in Hamburg, Germany.
Mr. Tiedge's early life in Bellingham was occupied with merchandising and as a painter and decorator. Of recent years, however, he has acted as custodian of two of the south side public school buildings. He was a man of great energy and his active life continued to the time of his last illness. He was kindly, clean-minded and so attached to his friends and neighbors that his passing will be sadly missed, not only by his family, but by hundreds of friends.
From The Bellingham Herald, July 16, 1917
by Mrs. Charles HelmsMrs. Lucy Catherine Williams, nee Lane was born in Iowa in 1850, died April 23, 1933. She was a direct descendant of Elizabeth Zane, the founder of Zanesville, Ohio. Mrs. Williams was a true pioneer both in fact and in spirit, not only in making a home in the new country but in any reform that meant better health, better living conditions for the human race. She was one of the children that helped to build the friendship between the North and the South after the Civil war as her maternal grandmother was of the North and her paternal grandfather was a southern slave owner. Her people have always been teachers in progress. I would tell you more of them (our history has much to say of them) but, she always insisted it is, what we are ourselves that counts, not what our ancestors were.
Her father, Thomas Lane, was one of the missing men at the close of the civil war. I've always loved to hear her tell the story of how, after the reverses of the war, her mother put her children and her earthy all into a covered wagon, hitched up a prancing span of buff colts and drove across the wilderness into Missouri, later on into Kansas. How Grandmother talked to those colts, just as though they were human, telling them to take it easy, not to hurt the babies in the wagon, always speaking to them in a gentle, confident voice. She said "the colts seemed to understand their responsibility."
Mrs. Williams met her husband, Pyatt Williams, at the age of 17, experiencing a romance that puts to shame the fickleness of modern youth. She saw his picture and recognized in it, her man, while Mr. Williams stood in the doorway of her brother's shop and watched her coming down the street he turned to her brother and said, "there is my woman," so they met and it did not take long to tell each other of their love. They were married at her brother's home in Cummingsville, Kan., on June 25, 1867. They lived happily together until death called her, almost 56 years. They celebrated their fiftieth, the golden wedding anniversary at home in Van Zandt, receiving the congratulation of relatives and friends, also many lovely presents, among which was a large chair and purse from the community. It was indeed a very happy occasion. To this union were born nine children, eight of which are living. The raising of these children called for a life of self-effacement and self-sacrifice.
Mrs. Williams possessed a scientific mind that strove to gain the exact knowledge of any subject that interested her. She was a true artist, always doing her work with that perfection of detail that is only found in the work of a master. Never satisfied with anything less than perfection. She cared not for the plaudits of the crowd. Her work never appeared on exhibition, in competition with others, yet her students won many prizes. She had the courage of her convictions. She cared not for public opinion. If she made a mistake she asked neither help nor sympathy from others. She taught her children the dignity of labor saving. "Work well done is not common and a life well lived to the glory of God and the welfare of fellow man was not common but glorious." She was an active christian, uniting with the Methodist church at an early age. She taught in the Sunday school, an active worker in the Ladies' Aid and other church work. Always quick to render aid to any one in need. She always taught her children to do nothing to avenge a wrong, but to return good for evil, since the real person is good it is only when they let evil thoughts into their consciousness that they do wrong to others.
On her last visit to me, she picked up a book and read this quotation from Shakespeare, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so," and, remarked, "I believe these are the truest words ever written." One week later, after a three day illness, she passed into a higher understanding of life eternal. Those who saw her at rest, said, "They could not think of her as dead, but as one that had been promoted." The services were conducted by the Salvation Army. Three of her favorite hymns were sung, "Rock of Ages," "Nearer My God to Thee," and "Let There Be No Moaning at the Bar." They also conducted special Memorial service for her the following Sunday evening at their hall. Taking the text from the Book of Isaiah, subject, "who will take her place?" She requested there be no mourning but, rather rejoice that her work was finished and that she could enter into the joy of her Lord.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been residents of Whatcom county for thirty years and the most of that time they have resided in the home at Van Zandt.
From The Deming Prospector, June 23, 1933.
Fifty-six years of wedded life and still sweethearts, happy, blithe and contented, with not a care to mar their declining years, is the lot of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Woodard, of Fulton Street, Silver Beach Addition to Bellingham.
The bride of fifty-six years ago is now 76 years of age and the groom 77. At the time the troth was solemnized in marriage, P. R. Woodard, aged 21 years, led Miss Testamiar Desmond, aged 20, to the altar. The happy event occurred in St. Claire, St. Claire County, Michigan, September 14, 1852. The groom was born in Bath, Steuben County, New York, August 20, 1831, and the bride was born in Canada November 24, 1832. Their parents migrated to the then new State of Michigan. Manhood and womanhood attained. Dan Cupid played the role of matchmaker, and the lives of the young man and woman were sealed by an accommodating minister as one.
A smiling world, full of bitter and sweet, has crowned their career during their fifty-six years of pilgrimage in the United States. Migration formed an important epoch in their lives, for during that time they had lived in practically every state in the Union before they cast anchor in Bellingham.
About nine years after the marriage of the happy couple, the Civil War broke out and the patriotic husband offered his services to his country. He was assigned to a position in the quartermaster's department, Third Division, Thirteenth Army Corps, as master of transportation, and had the direction and care of 500 army teams. The war at an end he returned to his home, and then the pilgrimage that ended on the shores of Lake Whatcom began. A volume would be required to record the details that befell them during the thirty years' time consumed in arriving in Washington Territory.
In 1882 Mr. and Mrs. Woodard arrived in Whatcom, now a part of Bellingham. Allurements were offered on the wild shores of Lake Whatcom, and location of a government claim was made. Mrs. Woodard was the third woman to establish a home on the lake. In a few months many others followed. She decided that a postoffice was necessary, and after a series of letters had been interchanged between the applicants and the Washington, D. C., authorities, a commission came authorizing Mrs. Woodard to serve as postmistress. The postoffice was christened Woodlawn and was duly accepted by the postmaster-general. The name is still borne by the ranch formerly owned by the Woodard family.
The mode of travel to Woodlawn was vastly different to the present electric line that extends to Silver Beach, making connections with the commodious steamers that call at the way points to the head of the lake at Park. Only a crude trail marked the course from Whatcom to the lake, and a dugout canoe was pressed into service on the way to the homestead. Provisions had to be carried on the backs of the sturdy pioneers and at the nearest point dumped into the dugout and paddled home.
Mrs. Woodard says she enjoyed the pioneer days despite the hardships that had to be borne. Describing the wildness of the scene, she recited an interesting episode that occurred near their cabin in 1884. The children were playing in an open place near the cabin. One of them ran into the house and said that a "nice doggie" was crawling along a log toward them and wagging his tail. Mrs. Woodard, out of idle curiosity, went out to see the "dog." To her horror, a big cougar was stealing toward the children and was on the point of pouncing upon one of them. She arrived at the critical moment, and is firm in her belief that the animal would have carried one of the children away.
The aged couple express themselves as perfectly contented with the race of life thus run.
"We don't care to go back to our younger days." they jointly exclaimed. "We are satisfied with the trip. We were happy all the way through. We had our ups and downs, but all trifling things pass away from the memory and are forgotten. Here on Lake Whatcom is a happy place for an aged couple to spend their declining days. As the sun arises in the morning and casts a gleam over the still waters of the lake it is a source of comfort. As it goes down, leaving a trail of gold and red, it bids a fond goodnight. We don't like the wear and tear of the city and are content to enjoy life here."
Four children, three boys and one girl, are the living descendants of the couple: Homer, of San Diego, Cal.; William, of San Francisco; Harry and Mrs. Thomas Murray, both of Bellingham.
American Reveille, November 8, 1908; copied by Susan Nahas