Source:  I found a few issues of "The Pedestal"  in my grandmother's trunk and & have transcribed several articles that mention names in case they are of interest to someone.  Carol Paul
Note: These selections are presented in reverse chronological order: April 1902, January 1902, December 1901

The Pedistal
April 1902

Submitted by Carol Paul

Published by the students of Walla Walla High School

Editor-in-Chief:  Gaius Greenslade

Assistant Editor:  Heber Ryan

Locals:  Byron Loney

Reporters:  Ethel Wiseman; Rudolph Rupp; Dottie Perry

Seniors:  James McCool

Juniors:   Alta Simpson

Sophomores:    Laura Philippi

Freshmen:    Herman Root

Exchanges:    Nellie Showerman

Assistants:   Annie Ringhoffer;  Opha Chadsey

Athletics:    Louis Sutherland

Business Manager:   George Thompson

Subscription Agent:   Jesse Blalock

Advertising Agent:   Ray Sutherland

Athletics - TRACK
...As was announced in an earlier number, Ned McLean was elected captain of the track team by the athletic association. A committee of three called on the school directors at one of their regular meetings and petitioned that a running track be made around the school grounds. The request was granted and the result is that we now have a well laid out track just inside the school fence, measuring about 500 yards. The goal posts used in football season were then converted into a jumping and vaulting standard.   In the sprints, Captain McLean, Bowman and Brunton are expected to let nobody pass them.  Brunton will run the quarter. Some prospective half-mile and mile men are: Coleman, McCool, Greenslade, Blalock, McCrea. For throwing the hammer, we do not lack a man with the necessary strength, but we do lack a man with the "nack" for this test of strength and skill. There is no probability of our gaining any points on the pole vault, unless the proper man is still in hiding. McLean will enter the hurdles and running broad jump. Bowman and Rupp will handle the shot. L. Sutherland is doing the high jump and so far is the only candidate.   The first meet will be held May 9. Invitations for this meet were issued by Whitman College and will be managed by that institution. Besides Walla Walla High School and Whitman Academy the following schools will in all probability take part:  Spokane High School, Waitsburg Academy, Pendleton Academy, Huntsville Seminary, Weston Normal School, Baker City High School.

 As is generally known by the school at this time there is to be a series of 3 basketball games between the girls of St. Paul's school and High School.  Mr. Z. K. Straight, the prominent jeweler of our city, has offered a silver cup as a trophy to the successful team.  The outlook for basketball is not as encouraging as it was when our girls were preparing to go to Pullman for their last game.  Illness and parental objections have so completely thinned out the team that there now remain but two of the original six star players.

Byron Loney, one of the two Junior boys, has gone on an extended tour ofCanada.
Margaret Steel was ill several days last week.
Rudolph Rupp has designed something very new in shirtwaists.
Elmer says it is impossible to get a girl to like him.

The Junior class again has only one boy, as Byron has gone to Canada.
  Minnie Malloy is suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis.
   Annie Ringhoffer has left school.
 Prof. Burke & Prof. Shepherd went to Spokane to attend the Inland Empire Association.
   Leland Crocker, becoming somewhat near-sighted, has moved his seat so he may be able to see Kittie better.
   Byron Loney left us some days ago for the alleged purpose of going to Canada. A few mornings later, when he was supposed by many to be in Toronto, he stalked into the school room as if he had never missed a day.

April 1902, January 1902, December 1901

The Pedistal
January 1902

Roster of the girls' basketball game against Pullman on Dec 18, 1902:
Pullman - Misses Thompson & Onstat, guards; Price & McIntosh forwards; Allord & Whittaker, centers.
Walla Walla - Misses Wiseman & Steele, forwards; Hazlewood & Young, centers; Malloy & Shelden, guards.
Referee - Prof. Chas. Allen
Umpires - Otto Frank & E.E. Hastings
Timekeeper - Prof. Loring
Scorer - Miss Margaret Whittemore

An Athletic Association for High School
  A mass meeting of the boys of High School was held in the assembly room after school on Monday, Jan 13.  George Gray was called to the chair and laid before the meeting a plan of forming an athletic association.     ...Ned McLean was elected captain of the track team without opposition. For manager of the baseball team a closer contest was expected. Lacy Galbraith and Clifford Minnick were the only candidates. It required only one ballot to decide that Minnick was chosen by the small majority of two votes.
From the Philippines
We are always glad to hear from our far off friends and alumni. The following letter is from Harry A. Tash, who graduated from High School several years ago. He finished his course at Whitman last year and went to the Philippines as a teacher.  He is a brother of Elmer E. Tash, a present Senior, and is well known to many High School students.
Local & Personal
  Wonder if Ivy Zaring got her teeth fixed?
  Miss Olive McCabe has started to school.
  We welcome the new member of the Freshman class, Miss Olive McCabe.
We are also glad to welcome Otto Johnson, a new member of the Freshman class.

...beware of Elmer Tash & Rudolph Rupp if you wish to have any pencils or tablets.
   James McCool must have had something on his mind when he translated "Caeruleis Canibus" "heavenly songs."
Ivan Burke would doubtless be a second Beau Brummel but for the fact that he overestimates his ability.
Model Bakery & Confectionery, Charles Retzer, Prop.  #3 First Street

Death Disease & Destruction lurk in the homes not provided with sanitary plumbing & drainage
The G.H. Sutherland Co

Maney's Holiday Goods, #6 South Third St.

The Eagle Restaurant, 117 Main, L. Gee, Proprietor

John H. McDonald, Attorney-at-Law, Room 2 Stencil Building
Former High School Student

J. F. McLean, 16 East Main St.

The Hockett Drug Co., #5 East Main

Upington Drug Store, on Second St. near the Postoffice

The White house, R.E. Guichard, Prop.

J.H. Stockwell, 121 Main sells & hangs wall paper

Star bakery & grocery,  West Main below 4th

Green & Jackson Drug Co, 19 W. Main

Blackman Bros. & Co, school uniforms a specialty. Phone White 802.
I.O.O.F. Building corner of Fifth & Main

Kyger & Foster, dry goods.  # 3 East Main

John Stack, painter & decorator, corner of Spokane & Main

L.L. Tallman's drug store, corner second & Main

E.W.Richardson, L.B. Lowery, Steam Dye Works 16 N. Second

McBride Bros.,  rubber tired hacks & express wagons

Bryan Bros livery, feed & sale stable.  T.N. Bryan & M.E. Bryan
Southwest corner of Second & Alder Sts.

Olson's Restaurant & Cafe established 1880

Fine Pictures
Maxwell Makes Them
Stine & Stone Block

The Martin Jewelry Co on Main St

Levy's Book & Stationery Store, Mrs. Fannie Levy, Prop.
103-105 Main St.

A.L. Willis, Dentist.  Rooms 5,6,7, Rees-Winans Building

N. Seil, fine boots, shoes, rubbers, etc., # 20 Main between 2nd & 3rd

Finest Goods in the land for sale by C. A. Beck, Alder St. above First

Gardenour & Sims groceries

The Davis-Kaser Co.  Everything needed to make home pleasant, convenient &

Meyer & Keeney sporting goods, 27 W. Main

Dement Bros. Co makes White Spray flour

Hatch, the Shoeman -- the best $3.50 shoe

W. H. Daughtrey & Co., fresh & salt meats. Live Stock bought & sold

Motter-Wheeler Co., 107-109 Main St.

Bedell's Bazaar, The Wonderland of Walla Walla The Senior Debating Society
  A long felt want has at last been supplied. The boys of the Senior class met one evening and decided to form a debating society.....Rudolph Rupp was elected president without opposition; Gaius Greenslade was made vice president; Louis Sutherland, secretary and treasurer; and Lacy Galbraith, sergeant-at-arms.

Spokane-Walla Walla Debate
On the afternoon of Friday, Jan. 3, a delegation of three representative Websters of the Spokane High School arrived in Walla Walla armed with knowledge, facts, words and eloquence, to engage in a battle of words with the Walla Walla High School Knights of the Rostrum.
....Miss Dovell, as chairman of the meeting, read the rules to govern the debate. The question was, "Resolved, That Cuba should be annexed to the United States." The Walla Walla High School supported the affirmative and the Spokane High school, the negative.
    The first speaker on the affirmative was Gaius Greenslade. He defined the question and argued the question from the political standpoint, showing that we must annex Cuba in order to fulfill our obligations. He also took up the Teller Resolution and held that it had no binding force upon our government.    Fred Moore of Spokane was the first speaker on the negative. In a brilliant speech, he outlined the question and showed that Cuba must be granted independence according to a promise of the United States He argued that we are under moral obligations to withdraw from the island.
Elmer Tash argued that the Cubans are incapable of self government, from an intellectual standpoint, race feeling and natural conditions. He tried to show that without annexation no government in Cuba could stand.
   William Holden, of Spokane, held that Cuba would be of no benefit to the United States. He denied the statement that the Cubans are not capable of self government, and showed that they are educated and have ability to manage their own affairs.
  James McCool took up the commercial relations of the islands. He tried to prove that without annexation the island would soon be on the verge of bankruptcy and industries would fail. He took up the question of reciprocity and showed that it would be unjust to our new territory.
   Charles Lund ended the negative argument. His argument was mainly to show that moral obligations necessitate Cuban independence. He also refuted many
arguments of the affirmative.
...While the judges were discussing the debate, the audience was favored with a violin duet by Misses Offner and Paul, which received a hearty encore.   After some time the judges returned and Mr. Brining, in a witty speech, announced that Mr. Fred Moore, of Spokane, had made the best showing, but that the united efforts of the Walla Walla boys was a little better than that of the visitors.

The announcement of the prize contest did not meet with such a prompt response as we might have wished, but we received some very good manuscripts. The Junior class was the only class that did not hand in anything.  The following prizes have been awarded.
Seniors. - First prize, Heber Ryan; second prize, James McCool
Sohomores. - First prize, Laura Philippi; second prize, Dottie Perry.
Freshmen - First prize, Amy Philippi; second prize, Bessie Wellman.

The Pedistal
December 1901

Note: I thought about adding commas, but decided to leave the text as written. Just wanted you to know that the omitted punctuation is not mine.    Carol

The Seniors
Election occurred as usual at the expiration of the last presidential term. Rupp and Tash were elected president and vice-president of the society. Delaney, treasurer, and Showerman, secretary. But on the following Wednesday a meeting of the Walla Walla High School Faculty and Senior-Freshman society was called, Shepherd presiding, and Miss Offner was elected president.  A Freshman was elected on the executive committee.  The following Friday the Sophomore entertainment occurred at which the Junior president and secretary presided. McCool and Gray were refused admission by the doorkeeper as it was feared that their "tremendous knowledge of parliamentary law" might confuse the new officers somewhat.  After the entertainment a call for new business was made by the president, when a Senior handed a series of resolutions of the Senior class to the secretary to be read to the society.  In this document they declared their connection with the society was broken and proposed a new society to be governed by the Senior class.  A motion was then made and carried that the resolutions be laid on the table until the next meeting.
George Gray and Clifford Minnick returned the 5th inst. from North Yakima where they had been visiting the past week.  On the way home they picked up Lacy Galbraith at Pasco.  The other members of the Senior class returned in time to attend school on Monday.

We are very glad to welcome the new pupil, Miss Nona Richardson from Minnesota, in our room, even though she is a Freshman.

Margaret has recovered from a broken ankle.
Chiselette and Nellie still exchange books.
Ask Ivan why he did not take Margaret home the night of the social.

The Line-Up Walla Walla vs. Pendleton Academy
Stewart, center; Brunton, right guard; Thompson, left guar; Bowman, right tackle; Minnick, left tackle; Delaney, left end; Gillian, right end; Gray, right half; Rupp, left half; Coleman, fullback, Emigh, quarterback.
Pendleton - Shick, center; Bismark right guard; Hailey, left guard; Kennedy, right tackle; Cargell, left tackle; Moorehouse, right end; Frume, left end; Hill, right half; Sullivan, left half; Slucher, fullback; Penland, quarterback.

As has been the case for several years past there are to be some interesting basketball games this season by the High School girls. The Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores form one division, the Freshmen the other.
  Each division, in turn, is composed of two teams.  Ethel Wiseman and Margaret Steele are captains of the first division, while Iva Zaring and Amy Philippi have charge of the Freshmen teams. Practice is held every Tuesday and Wednesday after school.  We sincerely hope that the girls will be as faithful in their practice and as successful in games against outside teams as the boys have been with regard to football.  If such is the case we can have no cause to complain.  The girls have received and accepted a challenge from the basketball team of Pullman Agricultural College.  A team has been picked from the best players of the entire school.

From Canton, Ohio, the home of the late William McKinley*, a message goes forth to every postoffice in the United States, asking us to pay a last tribute to our murdered president.  Every one may contribute to the McKinley memorial fund and in the building of a monument to him.  It is a worthy cause. All of our great men have monuments of some kind to remind posterity of the beautiful lives they lived.  If the monument to McKinley were made as beautiful and great as his life, what a splendid piece of architecture we would have.  Every one should contribute to his mite that the memorial may reflect the man.
*For those of us who tend to forget such details, President William McKinley was shot in September 1901.

Move to:
April 1902, January 1902, December 1901