The following information was extracted from a two volume set published in 1918 which includes biographies of prominent citizens of southeast Washington state. Transcribed by Corinne Courtney; contributed by Patrick McCleary of Petoskey, Michigan, hopeful relative. Please contact Patrick if you are interested in this family.


The text of the biography transcribed below was located in Volume I, pages 820 and 823. Contained on Page 821/822 is a insert photograph of J. H. Coyle.

[Page 820]

J. H. Coyle


The business upbuilding of a city is attributable not to one individual but to the combined efforts of many. However, there are some who occupy positions of leadership in their respective lines- men well trained in a given field and whose intelligently directed efforts produce substantial results that work not only for their own benefit but constitute a most important force in general business progress and prosperity. Such a man is J. J. Coyle, the president and manager of the Walla Walla Mill Company, and thus prominently identified with the milling interests of Walla Walla. He was born in Crawford county, Wisconsin, December 5, 1859, a son of J. B. and S.A. (Lemons) Coyle. The father was a native of Ohio, while the mother was born in Wisconsin, and they became the parents of four children, two of whom are now living.

J. H. Coyle of this review spent the days of his boyhood and youth in the state of his nativity and is indebted to its public school system for the educational opportunities which he enjoyed. He early began learning the miller's trade, which he followed in Minnesota, leaving his native state when eighteen

[Page 821/822, picture]
[page 823]
years of age. He continued a resident of Minnesota until 1897, when he came to Walla Walla county, Washington, and purchased what was known as the old McKennan mill. Since that time he has been identified with the milling interests of Walla Walla and is today at the head of an important enterprise of this character. After some years he admitted his son, J. D, Coyle, to a partnership in the business, which has been incorporated with J. H. Coyle as the president and manager and J. D. Coyle as the secretary. Their mill has a capacity of seventy barrels. The plant is splendidly equipped with the latest improved machinery and the most modern processes of flour manufacturing are utilized, so that the output is of excellent quality, insuring a ready sale on the market.

In Minnesota, in 1887, Mr. Coyle was united in marriage to Miss Emma BUEHLER, a native of Wisconsin, and they have become the parents of eight children: John D., who is associated with his father in business; Velma, the wife of A. W. Hancock; W. F.; Vida; Clarence, who has passed away; Victor; Emma; and Erma. The parents attend the Methodist Episcopal church.

In his political views Mr. Coyle is a republican and has served on the school board for a number of years but has never sought strictly political office. Fraternally his is connected with the Masons and the Odd Fellows and exemplifies in his life the beneficent spirit of these organizations. His has been an active and useful life fraught with good results. His business affairs have been successfully and wisely managed and he is now the owner of six acres of land, upon which is a fine property. His milling business has become one of the important productive industries of Walla Walla and his colleagues and contemporaries in business circles speak of him in terms of high regard, not only by reason of the success which he has achieved but also owing to the straightforward business policy which he has ever followed.

Submitted to the Walla Walla County WAGENWEB.