Please use the search box below to look at Lineage file that may pertain to your family.
Registered Surname |
Date Posted |
Researcher |
Amundsen |
4/20/2002 |
Armstrong |
3/15/1997 |
Andresen |
4/20/2002 |
Bailey |
2/11/1999 |
Barber |
3/9/2002 |
Brix |
4/20/2002 |
Brooks |
2/11/1999 |
Davey |
3/15/1997 |
DeNoyer |
2/19/1999 |
Dorion |
9/30/2004 |
Erickson | 3/9/2002 | Carole R. Hammond |
Graham |
6/26/02 |
Hart |
2/11/1999 |
Howard | 3/26/02 | Aurora Howard Chancy |
Irving |
3/9/2002 |
Judson |
2/21/1997 |
Kandoll | 4/20/2002 | Kari Teeter Kandoll |
Kelly | 3/9/2002 | Carole R. Hammond |
Koopman |
3/7/1998 |
Laframboise |
9/30/2004 |
Lamont |
2/11/1999 |
Lawyer | 4/29/01 | Melissa Norstrom |
LeClaire | 4/22/2002 | Barbara Patton |
Lott |
2/11/1999 |
Lloyd | 3/9/2002 | Carole R. Hammond |
Mason |
1/31/1999 |
McClure | 3/10/2002 | Carole R. Hammond |
McEvoy | 3/10/2002 | Carole R. Hammond |
Meehan | 4/29/01 | M. Kirk |
Messinger |
9/30/2004 |
Moe | 4/29/01 | Melissa Norstrom |
Mullin | 3/10/2002 | Carole R. Hammond |
Olsen | 4/29/01 | Melissa Norstrom |
Patton | 4/22/2002 | Barbara Patton |
Patterson |
2/19/1999 |
Pierce |
11/9/1997 |
Quidley |
9/30/2004 |
Reeves |
3/9/2002 |
Scarborough |
4/22/2002 |
Souvenir |
9/30/2004 |
Smith |
3/9/2002 |
Stackley |
3/7/1998 |
Sullivan |
2/2/1997 |
Thompson |
5/2/1997 |
Vance | 3/9/2002 | Carole R. Hammond |
Welcome |
2/11/1999 |
Witcoskey |
3/7/1998 |
If you find someone researching your surnames, you can contact them by clicking on their name and sending them a message. Multiple researchers can be registered for the same surname.