Monte Cristo in 1894

        The now famous mining camp of Monte Cristo was discovered and named in July, 1890;  Joseph Pearsall has the honor of being the discoverer.  The apparent richness of the mines suggested the name "Monte Cristo".  The wealth of these mines has led to the construction of the Everett & Monte Cristo Railway at a cost of $1,800,000, and of smelting and reduction works at Everett, costing $300,000...

        As development of the mines progresses, a large and prosperous town will doubtless grow up out of the present settlement.  The town of Monte Cristo now has a population of about 400.  There is a tri-weekly train service between Everett and Monte Cristo, a distance of fifty-two miles... There are three hotels and a number of stores.

        Theodore Z. Kruzner is postmaster, J. B. Bartholomew, justice of the peace, and A. D. Brooking, constable.

(Description and project logo from the 1894-95 R. L. Polk Directory for Everett and Snohomish County)


1900 CENSUS - E.D. 209 - INDEX - census data for all precincts

1910 CENSUS - E.D. 302 - INDEX - includes Monte Cristo, Robe and Silverton

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This Snohomish County page was updated on 18 Sep 2000

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