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Snohomish County Tribune 9-15-1899 Marie Middlestadt, daughter of Julius Middlestadt, died at the family residence Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock, age 11 years, of typhoid pneumonia. The remains were embalmed by the Bakeman Undertaking Co. awaiting the arrival of a brother from the east. It is expected that interment will take place the first of next week. Everett Daily Herald 8-5-1918 Joseph Mikalsonic died Saturday evening at the Everett hospital. Little is known of his relatives. The body is at Maulsby's awaiting funeral arrangements. Snohomish County Tribune 11-12-1897 Charley Miller, a Siwash belonging at the reservation at Tualip, was drowned Wednesday eveing whle attempting to cross the river above John Kriechel's place. His wife and boy were in the boat with him. The Indian was unable to manage the canoe amoung the logs. The woman and boy escaped, but Miller could not get out. Pilchuck Julia recited the story of the drowning yesterday morning, in a wa-wa which was a temperance lecture and an arraignment of the Boston men at the same time. "Boston man marsh hiyu cultus whisky kopa siwash. Momok Siwash hiy polum Spse halo whisky yaka hyas closh; halo manolus." Everett Daily Herald 2-26-1902 CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted during our late bereaverment. Mrs. Charles Miller and family Snohomish County Tribune 5-29-1899 L. Partee this week received the news of the death of his brother-in-law, David Miller, in Defiance, Ohio. The deceased was the father of John W. Miller of Snohomish. 1889 Snohomish Co. Census Lewis Partee age 43 b/Oh Anna age 38 b/Oh Ed Miller age 35 b/Oh single FRANK MILLER OBITUARY 5-25-1907 Post #86 Haller City (Arlington) Mr. Frank MILLER, proprietor of the Evergreen hotel, passed away Tuesday morning from the effects of a stroke of congestive apoplexy suffered the previous Saturday. Mr. MILLER, who was 71 years of age, had been enjoying his usual health until stricken by the fatal malady. Only recently he took up a homestead in Yakima Co. and retuned there from a few days prior to his death. The funeral was held at the hotel Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Rev. C.W. Hawkesworth delivering the funeral sermon and paying a hearty tribute to the well-recognized sterling traits of the deceased. The remains were taken to the former home at Chehalis for Interment. Frank MILLER was a pioneer of the state, having resided at Chehalis for the past 30 years. He came to Arlington six years ago, since when he was married to Mrs. Hannah Crossman, who survives him. He leaves two daughters by his first wife, Mrs. T.C. Wilson of this place and Mrs. John Dobson of Chehalis. Mr. MILLER was a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted from Mi. and served three years. Grand Army comrades served as pallbearers. The widow, Mr. And Mrs. T.C. Wilson and a granson whom came over from Chehalis to attend the funeral, accompanied the remains JOHN H. MILLER OBITURARY 6-5-1926 Post #10 Snohomish HIGH OFFICIALS CONDUCT FUNERAL Department Officers of G.A.R. Hold Last Rites Over John H. MILLER, Aged Local Veteran Attesting the popularity of the deceased, the funeral services for John H. MILLER this week were entirely conducted by Dept. Officers of the G.A.R. who came from their various places of residence about the state to pay their last respects to their comrade. John H. MILLER was born in St. Clair, Pa., Feb. 8-1848, and died June 5 at his home in Morgan’s addition. He served in Co. A. 27th Regiment, Pa. Vol. Militia from June 16, 1863 to August 1, 1863. He reenlisted at Harrisburg February 12, 1864, and served to the end of the Civil War. He was married to Katherine HOUSER June 3, 1866. That same year the family left Pa. And came to IL where they spent about a year, then to WI, and from there to Washington where he has resided for 38 years, four years at Seattle and the remaining time in Snohomish and vicinity. He was a Member of Morton Post #10 G.A.R. of which he was a past commander and also served as department officer for two terms, holding that office at the time of his death. He leaves three daughters, Mrs Ella GRAY, Mrs Laura MORRIS and Mrs. Mamie SNYDER, and one son, Joseph MILLER, all of Snohomish; 18 grandchildren and 16 great grand children; a brother, Joseph L. MILLER of New Ringhold, Pa; one sister, Mrs. Hannah HAAS of Ellerdale, N.D. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the Presbyterian church with the Rev. L.H. Pedersen officiating. He was laid to rest in the G.A.R. cemetery. Civil War comrades from Marysville, Everett and Seattle coming to pay their last tributes. Members of the American Legion were pall- bearers Everett Daily Herald 6-7-1926 SNOHOMISH VETERAN DIES AT AGE 78 John H. MILLER was born in St. Clair, P., February 6, 1848 and died June 5, 1926, at his home in Morgan's addition, Snohomish. He served in Company A, 27th regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer militia, from June 16, 1863 to August 1, 1863. He re-enlisted at Harrisburg February 12, 1864 and served to the end of the war. He was married to Katherine HOUSER June 2, 1866. In 1886 he and his family left Pennsylvania and went to Illinois where they spent about a year and then to Wisconsin, and from there to Washington where he resided for 38 years, four years at Seattle and the remaining time in Snohomish and vicinity. He was a member of Morton post No 10 of which he was a past commander and also served as department officer for two terms, holding that office at his death. He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Ella GRAY, Mrs. Laura MORRIS and Mrs. Mamie SNYDER, and one son Joseph MILLER all of Snohomish; eighteen grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren; also a brother Joseph L. MILLER of New Ringhold, Pa.; a sister, Mrs. Hannah HAAS of Ellendale, N.D. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian church, the Rev. L.H. Pedersen officiating. Interment will be in the G.A.R. cemetery. The body is at the residence in Morgan's Addition. Snohomish GAR Cemetery Miller John W. 65 Nov.-21-1926 Everett Daily Herald 8-22-1906 S.L. Miller, the Sunset Telephone company lineman, never regained consciousness after taking his awful plunge to the street from a pole on which he as working in front of the Everett Produce company's store yesterday morning, and although the operation to remove a portion of his fractured skull was said to be successful the young man died last night. Manager, Costello, of the Sunset company did everything in his power to save Miller's life. As soon as the company office learned of the accdent Costello ordered Miller's removal to Providence hospital, and then started in search of a physcian. He visited every doctors office in the American National bank building, but not a practitioner did he find. When leaving the building he encountered Dr. Opsig driving by on Hewitt ave. and immedeately sent him to attend the injured lineman. The parents of the dead man live in Moscow, Id., and his brother who is employed at the Weyhaeuser mill, may take the body to Idaho for burial. Miller had been in the Sunset company's employ but a short time and was considered an excellent workman. Snohomish County Death Record Sanford L. Miller 20 yrs died 8-21-1906 father James L. Miller Everett Daily Herald 4-24-1907 F.M. Miller, 2501 Highland Ave., died yesterday at 10 o'clock at Providence hospital from cancer of the stomach. The deceased was an old timer in Washington, having come to this state from Michigan twenty-two years ago. He had been a resident of Snohomish county twelve years, and had lived in the Fourth ward of Everett for the past seven years. He was 43 years old. Mr. Miller at one time served on the police force of the city, and at the time of being stricken a few weeks ago was in the employ of the Ferry-Baker mil compaany. He leaves a wife and several children in Everett. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from Jerread's undertaking parlors. The Rev. Randall officiating. The Woodsmen of the World will have charge of the services at the grave. Snohomish County Death Record Frank Morton Miller age 44 yrs. b/Michigan died 4-23-1907 Snohomish County Tribune 8-30-1895 The wife of Deputy Treasurer Edward Mills died Sunday morning at an early hour. Mrs. Mills had been suffering from some complaint for several months and about two weeks ago submitted to an operation from which she never rallied. Mrs. Mills came from Pa, with her husband about four years ago. She was handsome and charming woman, and those friends of her husband and son who had enjoyed her acquaintance, share with them in thier great sorrow. Everett Daily Herald 8-28-1902 The will of Henry Mills was admitted to probate today and Mrs. F.D.C. Mills appointed executrix without bonds or intervention of the court except its admission to probate. Henry Mills was killed by falling from the Lowell street car several weeks ago. It is thought the deceased was possessed of considerable property as he recently disposed of a farm near Mt. Vernon for $16,000 and more recently purchased a half block on Grand ave. between Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets, for which he paid $8,000. Judge J.P. Houser of Mt. Vernon, probated the will. The inventory was filed and the will settled this afternoon. Snohomish County Death Record Henry Mills age 59 b/Germany died 8-8-1902 Everett Daily Herald 10-29-1927 Mrs. Catherine S. Mills, wife of O.O. Mills, of Granite Falls, died at their home Monday noon. Mrs. Mills was born in Sweden March 23, 1853, and came to the US in the year of 1887. After coming to the West she resided in Everett for ten years, moving from there to Grantie Falls where she has been a resident for fifteen years. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Miss Irene Gabrielson of Carmel, CA. The funeral was held from the Congretgational church of Granite Falls, the Rev. August Dale officiating, under the direction of Purdy & Sons. Snohomish County Triubune 3-30-1900 The sad news of the death March 26, of Rollin H. Mitchell, of Everett, reached this city last Monday morning. Mr. Mitchell had been sick with typhoid fever for the last two weeks and it was thought that he was on the way to a speedy recovery when death overtook him. He was well known in this city; having lived here several years ago. At the time he was taken ill he was employed as business manager on the Independent, at Everett. Rollin H. Mitchell was born in Stockton, Ks., Jan. 5, 1876. In 1891 he went to Everett with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Mitchell, his father being at that time postmaster. He was a pupil of the Everett high school, and in 1898-9 was a student at the Universityof Washington, at Seattle, where he followed a course in civil and mining engineering. He was one of the organizers and president of the Everett Athletic Club and was loved and respected by all who knew him. Besides his parents, his sister, Miss Lola Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Denny, Mr. and Mrs. G.N. Scott, D.L. Petty, Grant S. McNeeley and Charles White of Everett, and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, of Stockton, are surviving relatives. The funeral took place from the home of his parents Wednesday afternoon. Everett Daily Herald 1944 Carl Hilmar Moe, 79, died Thursday morning at the thome in Mukilteo, following an extended illness. Mr. Moe was born in Oslo, Norway, November 7, 1864 and came to the U.S. in 1903 and since 1909 had lived in Mukilteo. He was a member of the Pentecoastal church of Mukilteo. Surviving realatives are the widow, Mrs. Marie Moe, at home, two sons Bjorn Moe of 2400 Grand Ave. and Henry R. More of 7702 Thirteth Ave N.W. Seattle. a daughter Mrs. Roy a Johns of route three Everett, six grandchildren, a brother Hagbart Moe of Oslo, Norway; and two sisters Misses Clara and Inga Moe of Oslo. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Challacombe & Fickel Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Otis Wixon and the Rev. Dorthy Van Patten will officiate. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Snohomish County Tribune 10-6-1899 Capt. John Monsey received word Tuesday of the death of his mother in England at the advanced age of ninety years. A noble mother gone to her rest. Everett Daily Herald 6-29-1904 James Montgomery was drowned abut 3 o'clock Monday afternoon while working as a river driver for the Halterman logging company in the slough two miles above Lowell. He was rolling logs in company with the rest of the crew, who while all eyes were turned in another direction heard a splash and discovered that Montgomery had disappeared. The body was recovered after a brief search but life was extinct. The remains were brought here by Coroner Bakeman and embalmed. He will be held until Saturday and then buried of not claimed by relatives. A letter bearing the signature of James O'Brien and the date line, Milton, N.B., December 17th, 1903 was found in the belonging of the dead man. O'Brien was telegrammed a query as to the residence of Montgomery parents, but has not replied yet. It is thought Montgomery has relatives residing at Lower Mass. Snohomish County Death Record James Montgomery age 28 b/Ontario Canada died 6-27-1904 Snohomish County Tribune 7-7-1899 An Everett special to the P-I Sunday says: This afternoon about 3 o'clock Simon J. Fox shot at and fatally wounded Henry Monty near the residence of the former. It seems that Monty has not been providing for his family and Mr. Fox had rented a building and was making it his home, living with the Monty family. Monty had just returned from Seattle, and learning that his family was living with Fox, proceeded to hunt him up. Finding Fox at home, a quarrel ensued which resulted in Mr. Fox being knocked down several times. The badly whipped man went into the house and armed himself, Monty still remaining on the outside. Fox then informed Monty that he was armed, and if he came into the house he would be shot. This only angered Monty, who at once started for the room Fox was in. When he came near Fox fired into the ceiling of the room. This did not frighten Monty and the next shot took effect in Monty's right breast penetrating the upper portion. Monty was at once taken to the Everett ett hospital. The attending physicians have so far failed to locate the bullet. Fox gave himself up to the Sheriff. Fox is a single man and at once time conducted a fish market on Hewitt Ave. Monty has a wife and seven children, three girls who are grown up young women. Later- Monty has since died from his wounds. Granite Falls Record 1-3-1925 Civil War Veteran J.A. MOORE one of our old time resident, passed away at 7:20 a.m., January 5th, 1925. He was born May 30th, 1846, at St Albans, Vt., and on January 1867 was married to Katherine McMAHAN. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, one son, A.R. MOORE, one daughter A.C. ROBE, and seven grand children, Dorothy and Vivian ROBE, both at present in Mt, Fred MOORE of Everett, Wa., and Katherine, Donald, Carol and Keith BORING of Granite Falls, Wa. He was a Civil War Veteran, a Mason of long standing, and a man of strong Christian principles since boyhood, having been a deacon in the Congregational church of Granite Falls for many years. He came to Granite Falls over twenty years ago from Redfield, South Dakota, where he was a pioneer. Mr. MOORE has always taken an active interest in the town, serving as it s Mayor for several years. To say that Granite Falls will fell his loss and miss his timely council is paying but a small tribute to his memory. He was progressive in all the communities in which he lived, and his loss will be keenly felt by all who knew him. Funeral services were held in the Congregational church at 1 o’clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. Pederson of Snohomish preaching the sermon and music was rendered by the choir, after which the Ladies of the G.A.R. held a short service at the flag draped casket. Interment was made in the G.A.R. cemetery at Snohomish, the Masonic service being used, J.H. Curtis presiding. The active Pallbearers were; S.J. Wilder, C.R. Bockmier, John Curtis, Wm. Rehbein, Herny Fox, and D.I. Carpenter. Snohomish County Tribune 6-25-1897 MOORE- Mr. Barney Moore was brought here from Wenas, Yakima County, Wash. last Thursday and taken to the hospital for treatment. On Friday an operation was performed by Dr. Case assisted by Dr. Keefe, and a surgical kidney removed. Mr. Moore lived three days and a half after the operation, but died Tuesday from urenic intoxication, the remaining kidney not being equal to the function of both organs. The body was shipped home for interement. Snohomish County Tribune 11-23-1900 Homer A. Moore died at his home at Monroe, Friday morning, November 16, 1900, of typhoid pneumonia, and was buried from the Congregational church, this city, Sunday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. G.A. Gray preaching the funeral sermon. Homer A. Moore was born in Calhoun county, Mich, in 11857. He came to Washington in 1878, and for a number of years made his home with his sister Mrs. Lot Wilbur, in this city. He was a druggist by profession, and in 1897 started a store in Monroe, where he had built up a lucrative business; and a year ago was married to Miss Mae Hintz, a lady of that place. Interment was made at Woodlawn cemetery. MONROE MONITOR 2-20-1925 Agnes Hackett Dead Mrs. Agnes Hackett, formerly of Snohomish, died at St. Lukes hospital in Bellingham, Saturday, February 14th. She had been ill for four weeks. Funeral services were held at 11:a.m. Monday from the Presbyterian church, Snohomish. The Rev. L.H. Pederson offficiating. Interment was at G.A.R. cemetery, under the direction of Undertaker Halow of Bellingham and C.H. Bakman. Agnes Ellen Hackett was born at Graigauntlett County Down, Ireland 2-4-1873. In company with her parents , other brothers and a sister she came to America when she was only four months old. The family moved to Washington Territory in the fall of 1881. Here Mrs. Hackett made her home until sixteen years ago when she went to Arizona with her husband, there to try to regain Mr. Hacketts health. She was married to Alfred Hackett in 10-1901. Mrs. Hackett was a member of the Presbyterian church of this city and of Silver Dollar Chapter, OES of Chelan. She is survived by three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. E.L. Deering of Snohomish, Mrs W.H. Cassell of Wenatchee, Mrs. H.F. Andrus of Bellingham, S.B. MOORE of Monroe and J.B. MOORE of Granite Falls. Attending the funeral from Monroe were Mayor Bascom, Councilmen E.H. Streissguth, Cook, Brady, Faulds; City Clerk Purdy, Treeasuer Mrs. E.C. Newell, Librarian Mrs. Beckman. 1889 Snohomish County census George Moore age 46 farmer b/Ir Hester 45 b/Ks (not sure why Ks is noted) Samuel 19 b/Ks John 18 b/Ks Mary 16 b/Ks Agnes 14 b/Ks Ester 12 b/Ks Sarah 10 b/Ks Everett Daily Herald 12-24-1931 Hannah T. Moore, 63, died at her home on South Madison street, Monroe, late Wednesday night following a long illness. Surviving are the husband, Sam M. Moore, one son, Lawrence, of Camp Union, Wa.; two sisters, Mrs. Ella Johnson and Mrs. Alice Bridgeford, both of Lowell; one brother in Seattle, and a nephew, Dr. C.B. Knapp, of Everett. She was a member of Monroe chapter O.E.S. and of the Tolera Rebakah lodge Monroe. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Monroe Methodist church with the Rev. Robert Allen officiating. Interment will be in the I.O.O.F. cemetery under the direction of E. E. Purdy and Sons with the members of Tolera Rebekah lodge holding ritual services at the grave. Everett Daily Herald 10-10-07 Mrs. W. J. Moore died Monday afternoon at her home at 2010 Summit ave. Funeral services will be held from the Riverside Catholic church tomorrow at 9 a.m. Interment will be in the Catholic cemetery. Deceased leaves a husband, two sons and a daughter. Sno. Co. Death Record Carrie Kathrine (Maire) Moore age 45 died 10-7-07 buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery MONROE MONITOR 8-14-1899 Married, in Seattle, at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev John F. Damon,on Sunday evening, August 13, 1899, Mr. H.A. Moore and Miss Mae Heintz, both of Monroe, Washington. Everett Daily Herald 2-12-1903 Al Moran, who has been suffering with inflammation of the brain for the past few days, died this moring at 4:30. His death caused great grief to a host of friends and relatives. Mr. Moran spent his boyhood in Snohomish and is therefore well known to every old time resident of this city. For many months he has been employed in Foster's store, where his association with the general public has aided hundreds to his list of friends. Mr. Moran leaves a wife, and two children, a mother, one sister and four brothers to mourn his loss. The funeral will probably be held Saturday, but the hour has not been decided upon. Sno. Co. Death Record Allen H. Moran age 28 b/Wi died 2-12-1903 Sno. Co. Marriage Record Allen H. Moran m Mary H. Langdon 2-16-1898 Snohomish County Tribune 12-28-1900 Mrs. Charles M. Morgan died at her home in Marshland, Christmas morning, at 3:30 o'clock. The funeral is being held this afternoon at the residence. Marshland Cem. Mary Jane Morgan 9-7-1875 to 12-25-1900 w/o Charles M. Morgan Wm. Morgan died 3-20-1916 s/o Charles & Jane Morgan Snohomish County Tribune Mrs. Chas Morgan, died at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sommers, at 3:30 o'clock, Christmas morning, and was buried from her own home in Marshland, Friday afternoon, Dec. 28, and laid to rest in Marshland cemetery. Mary Sommers was born in Germany in 1876, and came to Snohomish with her parents in 1883, and four years ago was married to her bereaved husband, Charles M. Morgan. For several months past she had been failing from consumption, and the last of October Mr. Morgan took her to California with the hopes that the change might benefit her. But it was too late, and they returned home, reaching here but a short time before she died. She leaves a husband and infant daughter, father and mother, three sisters and two brothers, besides a large circle of friends. Mr. Morgan has been greatly afflicted within the past three years, having buried two children besides his wife in that time. The funeral of Mrs. Morgan was laregely attended by her friends, many Odd Fellow from Snohomish attending in respect to her husband, who is a member of that society. Snohomish County Tribune 4-30-1897 The citizens were shocked Thursday morning at the early report that "Charlie" Morgan is dead, but few had known of his sickness, and not even family suspected that he was seriously ill until within a short time proior to his death. Dr. McCready pronounced the cause of death bronchial pneumonia. It seems that the symptoms were simular to those of the children who died in that section of the city a month ago, and was then pronounced diphtheria, and precautions have been taken against any danger which might result if it was contageous. Charles D. Morgan was 38 years of age, and had lived in Snohomish ever since he was a tiny boy, having moved here with his parents about Twenty years ago. He leaves a wife and four children, besides a host of friends, to mourn his loss. He was a genial companion, and industrious man, a loving husband and father and a good citizen, further need not be said of any man. We all mourn his loss. The funeral services are to be held this afternoon at the home of the deceased, and the body will be laid to rest in the old cemetery. Snohomish County Death Record Charles E. Morgan age 38 died 4-28-1897 Snohomish County Marriage Record Charles D. Morgan m Clara Neimeyer 12-26-1881 1889 Snohomish Co. Census M. Morgan age 49 male b/Wales farmer Chas age 19 b/Wales G. age 17 male b/Wales Thomas age 14 b/Wales Mary age 12 b/Wales Lissie age 10 b/Wales David age 8 b/Wales Jane age 7 b/Wales EVERETT DAILY HERALD 7-15-1912 Snohomish,July 15, Isaac MORRIS, a pioneer resident of Snohomish and veteran of the Civil war, died at his home at the intersection of Willow and Pearl streets, in this city at an early hour this morning, aged 77 years. Mr. MORRIS was born in Ohio, enlisted in an Iowa regiment and served during the civil war. He came to Snohomish county thirtyseven years ago and was therefore amoung the earliest settlers who are now alive. He leaves several children. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday. Snohomish County 1889 Census Isaac MORRIS age 53 farmer b/Oh Mat 49 Joe 23 b/Oh Snohomish County Tribune 12-7-1900 Mrs. Morris, wife of Dr. J.D. Morris, formerly of this city, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Austin, in Everett, las Monday, and was buried in Lakeview cemetery, Seattle, on Wednesday. Mrs Morris was a resident of Snohomish for ten years. She was an estimable lady and had a host of friends in this city, who mourn her loss. Snohomish County Tribune 10-24-1899 Last Sunday morning, Oct. 22, at Odanah, Wi., Mrs. Daniel Morrison, eldest child of A. La Bell, of this city died. Mrs. Morrison was well known in this city, having lived here with her parents about six years. She went back to Wisconsin two years ago, after the death of her mother, and was married there last May. Woodlawn Cemetery LaBELLE Mrs. A. 1867 4-12-1897 (per obit dated 4-16-1897 Snohomish Triburne 5-6-1898 Assistant road-master of the S&L, Harry J. Morritz, while riding a speeder yesterday near Arlington, was struck by a freight train and killed. OBITUARY 10-14-1909 Post #89 Everett John F. Jerread will conduct the funeral service Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the late home, 3205 Nassau street, over the remains of Albert MORSE, age 77, who died Thursday. The deceased, who leaves a family, was a member of John Buford Post, G.A.R., and the interment will take place in the veterans’ cemetery near Snohomish. Funeral services in respect for Comrade MORSE will be held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.L. Finch, 3205 Nassau, at 2 p.m. Sunday. A special car will be provided. All member of John Buford Post #89 are requested to be in attendance. BY REQUEST OF COMMANDER Everett Daily Herald 10-22-1909 We thank the comrades, ladies of the G.A.R., friends and neighbors for their assistance in our late bereavement in the death of a husband, father and grandfather Albert MORSE. Mrs. Mabelia MORSE Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Finch Elmer D. Finch OBITUARY Post #10 Snohomish The date of the funeral of Eldridge MORSE, who died at the Snohomish hospital Monday, has not been set. Arrangements are awaiting the arrival of relatives. Eldrige MORSE was born on a farm near Wallingford, Ct. in 1847. At an early age he began studying and entered the army at New York harbor at the age of 17 years. He was a member of Co. C of the Tenth US engineer’s battalion and was with the army of the Potomac for 18 months and was present at the surrender of Lee to Grant at Richmond. From there he went to San Francisco, Ca. where he received an honorable discharge from the army. He then went to visit his old home at Wallingford, after which he went to Albion, Ia., where he taught school and practiced law and was admitted to the bar at Iowa in 1869. He next attended the University of MI from which he graduated in 1870. He married one of his oldest Iowa pupils, Mollie TURNER, and then came to Seattle where he stayed a few months before arriving at Snohomish in 1972. He took up a homestead near this city which is now known as the McLaughlin place. He practiced law in Snohomish for a few yers and in 1876 stared the first newspaper published on the Sound, the Northern Star in this city. He took Fanny OLIVER as his Second wife, but divorced her shortly after marriage. He then took his third wife, in 1887 who died in 1900. Through Mr. MORSE's influence the old Athenaeum, better known as the Cathcart building, was built on the corner of Ave. D and First street. This building was used for a library, a theater and a museum. For the past few years he has been a member of the local G.A.R. and took an active part in all patriotic programs. After running the newspaper he retired from public life and since 1888 he has been living on a farm near Snohomish and in his house in town, spending nearly all his spare time studying. He leaves a son Ed C. MORSE, by his first wife, who is now a mining engineer at Republic, Wa. By his third wife he has a daughter, Mrs. C.H. Matthews, of Markham, and four sons, John of Seattle, and Arthur, Harley and Roland all living at Snohomish. Everett Daily Herald 10-31-1913 Mrs. MOSE MORSE of Snohomish, died yesterday at 5 p.m., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Boaz, 1606 Twenty-fourth ave., Seattle. The funeral will be held from the Baptist church Sunday afternoon, Rev. MacIntosh, of Seattle, officiating. Everett Daily Herald 11-1-1913 The funeral of Mrs. Mose Morse will be held from the Baptist church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. C.M. Cline officiating. She leaves a husband and a daughter of Seattle, a sister , Mrs. Isaac Morse of this city, two sisters and two brothers in Iowa. Everett Daily Herald 12-26-1914 MOSES MORRIS, one of the pioneers of this county, died at the Snohomish General hospital Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, following a long illness. He has lived in Snohomish county for over thirty years and most of this time was spent on a ranch on the Snoqualmie river. A few years ago he sold his land and went to Seattle to live. While on a visit to Snohomish he took sick. He is survived by two sisters who reside in Iowa and Ohio. The and five boys, a daughter, Mrs. J. W. Boaz, formerly Mrs. Isaac Cathcart of this city, resides in Seattle. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the parlors of Bakman and Purdy. Rev. D.S. Kerr, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, will have charge of the service. Interment will take place at the G.A.R. cemetery. Snohomish County Tribune 5-25-1900 At 6 p.m. Monday evening, May 21, 1900, at the family residence, in Snohomish, Wa., Mrs. ALICE MORSE, wife of Eldridge Morse of this city, passed to her final rest. Pneumonia, heart failure and hemorrhage of the lungs ended her suffering after but three days of sickness. The many marked characteristics of Mrs. Morse made her exceedingly well known in this community. She was born at Winona, Mn. Feb. 22, 1858. Her maiden name was Alice Mathews. Her mother was a relative of McCormick, the inventor of the McCormick reaper. In early life Mrs. Morse lived in her fathers family in several states. At Sacramento, Ca., she learned the glove makers trade and all about hotel work. When nineteen years of age she married Mr. Hiram Henderson, superintendent of the street railway of Sacramento, who died of quick consumption, less than one year after her marriage. She then successfully ran a boarding house there, until her second marriage to Wm. Turney. They lived at Sacramento until 1883 when they moved to Puget Sound. On locating at Snohomish they opened a glove factory. Afterwards they accepted employment in the Snohomish Exchange Hotel, then very efficiently run by Isaac Cathcart. While thus employed Mr. Turney died very suddenly of appoplexy. On June 10, 1885, she married Eldrige Morse, the well-known pioneer lawyer and journalist, of Snohomish county. The fruits of this marriage are five surviving children. Belle, John, Arthur, Harley B. and Roland Irving Morse. During several years of trials and struggles Mrs. Morse developed peculiar clarvoyant faculties. The funeral took place 2 p.m. May 23, 1900. The body was laid to rest beside the grave of Mr. Morse's first wife, Martha A. in the family burial ground, in the old cemetery. Leander W. Matthews and Arthur Matthews, well know resident of this county, living near the Marysville road, some seven miles north-west of here are brothers of the deceased. Alice Matthews the popular and efficent teacher of the public school there is her neice and namesake. Snohomish County Death Record Alice Morse age 42 years b/Mn died 5-21-1900 parents Mathews & McCormmick Snohomish County Tribune 3-17-1899 At her home in Wallingford, Conn., on Feb. 24,1899 died Mrs. A.A. MORSE, aged 82 years and the mother of Eldrige Morse. The Everett Daily Herald 11-22-1926 CHARLES MORSE, 47 years, died Sunday at Sedro-Woolley. Mr. Morse resided in Snohomish prior to eighteen years ago. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Maria Morse of Snohomish, four brothers W. Morse of Spokane, O. Morse of Snohomish, and Arthur and Harry Morse of Bellingham and one sister, Mrs. Harry Fraser of Snohomish. Funeral service will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from C.H. Bakeman's chapel. Interment will be in G.A.R. cemetery. Everett Daily Herald 4-22-1907 MONROE MORSE, aged 70 years, died yesterday from erysipelas, at his home on the Ruff place in Ludwig's addition. Mr. Morse, who leaves a widow and a large family, arrived here about two weeks ago from the east. He will be buried tomorrow under the auspices of the G.A.R. Services will be held at the family residence at 2 o'clock p.m. Snohomish Co. Death Records HORACE MONROE MORSE age 70 b/NY died 4-21-1907 father Horace Morse & Belsie Blackman Horace was the husband of Maria Morse (Thacker) she died 8-23-1927 and his children were noted as W.D. Morse, Marshall, O.D., Arthur, Henry, Minnie (Moore), Mrs. Frasier. Horace Monroe Morse served with 38th Ohio Inf. Co. G and was buried at the G.A.R. cemetery under the direction of the Oliver Morton Post #10 G.A.R. His wife continued to belong to the W.R.C. until her death in 1927 and she was buried under the direction of Oliver Morton Post #10 also. Everett Daily Herald 3-22-1901 TOM MORSE, a logger, was killed Sunday morning by train No. 4. He had laid face down on the Pilchuck bridge, and the car steps had caught his blankets and knocked him off, striking on his back 35 feet below. He lived a half hour after being brought to Arlington. He was buried here. Snohomish County Death Record THOMAS MORSE age 45 died 3-17-1901 Everett Daily Herald 6-15-1908 Joseph Morton, 63 years of age, is dead at his home 2226 Lombard ave. The funeral will be held from Challacombe chapel Wednesday afternoon at 3:30, Rev. West officiating. Mr. Morton is survived by his widow and two sons. Joseph Morton age 24 years residence Clinton, Co. Mi. enlisted in 5th Mi. Inf. Co. "C:8-28-1961 and was discharged on disability on 8-10-1862. After war he also lived in St. Johns, Mi. The 1908 Polk Directory Everett, Wa noted a Joseph Morton also living at 2226 Lombard. Everett Daily Herald 11-20-1905 Cyrus A. Mosier, a former resident of Snohomish who will be remembered by all the old timers, died November 10 in Des Moines, Iowa, after predicting his own death. Mosier was a man of unusual ability, and the later years of his life were spent in research and travel. He had the unique distiction of being the first short hand man west of the Mississippi river, and practiced it in the courts of that region while it was almost unknown in the east. He was a great studen and investigator. He left here a number of years ago to return to his old home in Des Moines, of which city he was a pioneer. MOWER NOTES Everett Daily Herald 5-6-1905 CIVIL WAR VETERAN MOWER, WANTED AS WITNESS IS NOT FOUND No trace has yet been found of E.L. MOWER, an old Soldier, for whom search has been made in Everett by a Minneapolis man. The latter has left for Seattle. MOWER, according to a statement made by the searcher, is wanted as a witness in an important case in Minneapolis. The action involves a large amount of money, and as the missing man is an important witness in it , every effort is being made to find him. SNOHOMISH COUNTY TRIBUNE 5-19-1893 MORTON POST Snohomish The flag will be raised at half mast on the city flag pole tomorrow in respect to Capt. I.N. MUDGETT, who recently died at Great Falls, N.H. Mr. MUDGETT was a member of Morton Post GAR of this city GAR Post has death date of 4-21-1893 in NH 1889 Snohomish County Census Ellen MUDGETT age 46 married b/Me May H. age 13 b/Ma M. 9 b/Ma Lea 1 b/Ma Snohomish County Tribune 5-14-1897 Frederick H. Mudgett- The telegraph Tuesday brought the many friends of the Mudgett family in Snohomish the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. Fred Mudgett, a former resident of this place, at Sacramento, California. Mr. Mudgett was threatened with consumption nearly a year ago, and went to Arizona to seek aid. His wife, Fannie Kittell Mudget, joined him last winter, and did everything possible to alleviate his suffering. But the climate and medical aid was inefective and they decided to return to the hotel in Sacramento for a few hours rest, he died in the cab. The body will be brought to Snohomish, and be taken charge of by Undertaker Phelps. The funeral will be held at the Presbyterian church at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. Dorrance officiating and the body will be buried at Woodlawn cemetery. Snohomish County Tribune 7-9-1896 The S. & I. train south last night killed a man just a little this side of Bryant station. The man lay with his head on the tie, and his feet out on the side of the embankment, the body being hidden by ferns. As the engine went past him, he raised his head and was struck, killing him instantly. The body was brought down to Arlington and by papers in the pockets, found to be Clarence Needham. The coroner is holding the inquest today. Snohomish County Death Record Clarence Mudham age 22 died 7-6-1896 Snohomish County Tribune 1-6-1899 The following is copied from the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu, H.I., of Dec. 10, 1898: Harold G. Munns, infant son of Mrs. M.C. Munns, died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock in the Queen hotel. The bereaved mother, who is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. J. Cairns, and sister of the far-famed evangelist, Geo R. Cairns, of the Baptist church, is of the Garonne excursion part. Little Harold was ill on the voyage and was throughly exhausted when the party came ashore. Dr. Herbert was called at once, and all that was possible was done to relieve the sufferer, but in vain. Most fortunately Mrs. Munns parents are with her and their neice, Mr. Geo. W. Ewart, and other friends have helped and comforted them in this time of great loss and deep sorrow. The funeral services took place at 4:30 p.m. yesterday at the Queens hotel and was conducted by the Rev. Garvin. Several of the excursionists and other sympathizing friends were present. Snohomish County Tribune 2-11-1898 News was received here this week of the death of Horace G. Munns, the well known lawyer of this city, at Redlands, California on the 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Munns went to Southern California serval months ago for the benefit of Mr. Munns health, he never having fully recovered from an attack of the Grippe, and from which he has been suffering for more than a year. Everett Daily Herald 1906 The funeral of James S. Murdock who died of consumption last night about 10 o'clock at home of his mother, 2505 Harrison, was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from Jerread's chapel. Rev. Sharp of Seattle, officiating. His remains will be taken on the overland tonight to Wenatchee for burial. Snohomish Co. Death Record James Forster Murdock age 18 b/Oregon died 8/10/1906 father noted as Robert F. mother Aurora Foster. Monroe Monitor 1-26-1903 PAT MURRAY DEAD Pat Murray, a well known rancher of Tualco Valley, died Tuesday morning, January 23rd, of pneumonia, after a sickness of nine days. He was buried Thursday afternoon, the funeral being held at the house at 1 o'clock, Rev. Mckean conducting the services, burial being in the Monroe cemetary. He leaves a wife and five children. He was 47 years old and came here in 1880 from Syracuse, NY where he was born. The death of Pat Murray came as a distinct shock to the community, where he is one of the most familiar figures in the life of the town and country. and his loss will be felt by all who knew him. Patrick F. Murray m Ellen Smallman 3-1-1892 Ellen Smallman is the d/o Robt. Smallman and a Snoqualmie Indian named Betsy; she is also the 1/2 sister of James Kimball of Snoqualmie by Betsy. Everett Daily Herald 10-31-1927 1853-1927 Mrs. Mary Alice Mutterback, 68, died at her home, 2020 Broadway this moring after a long illness. Mrs. Mutterback is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jane Mayard of Prince Edward Island, Canada; Mrs. Annie Hatch of Everett; two brothers, Enos Heffel of Alberta, Canada, Stewart Heffel of Julietta, Idaho. Funeral services will be announced later from the Auseth funeral home, 2317 Broadway.