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5-7-1923 John Mackey, 71 years old of 2323 Norton ave., died last Sunday afternoon at the Providence hospital following a long illness. Mr. Mackey has been employed at the Weyerhauser Timber Co. for the past 28 years. The body is at the chapel at Broadway and Wall. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Snohomish Tribune 11-7-1919 George Washington MADDOX, a well know resident of the community died of heart disease Monday morning at his home east of the Pilchuck. Death occurred while he was the barn where he went to milk the cows. Mr. MADDOX was 84 years old, and had had lived here for 34 years. He was born in Missouri. He is survived by four sons, Will, Chester and Fred of Snohomish and Carl of Seattle; and two daughters, Mrs. Anna BARRETT of Snohomish and Mrs. Edna REBELS of Seattle, besides his wife, seven grand children and four great grand children. Mrs MADDOX was visiting a sister in San Francisco at the the time of her husbands death. The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Bakeman chapel, and burial was made in the G.A.R. cemetery. MALTBY NOTES (from Snohomish County Tribune 2-8-1895) Robert Maltby, who has large interests here, has gone to Massachuetts, his old home, on a visit. He expects to be gone several months. Rumor says he will bring back with him a Mrs. Maltby. Robert has earned a holiday since coming to Seattle five years ago. 2-25-1902 The funeral of Mrs. Clara Malvern took place yesterday afternoon from the undertaking rooms of C.H. Bakeman at 1 oclock, and was largely attended, and the ceremonies were marked for their sadly impressive nature. Rev. C.L. Mears accompanied his scripture reading by a few very appropriate remarks, the services being of a brief nature by request of the afflicted family, and the interment took place immediately after at the G.A.R. cemetery. The pall-bearers for the occasion were Charley Sprau, James Bushfield, James Tomb and Charles Buck. Kind friends furnished the music for the sad occasion. W.E. Williams, who was called to Snohomish by the lamented death of his sister, Mrs. Clara Melvern, returned to Portland, Ore., this a.m. Miss Ella Carroll, who came up from Oregon to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Clara Melvern returned to her home this p.m. in Oregon. Everett Daily Herald 10-1961 Mrs. Melvina Manske, 87, of Rt. 5 Ev. died at a local hospital Tuesday afternoon after an extended illness. Mrs. Manske was born in Mn. July 16, 1874, and had lived in Everett the past 45 years. Mrs. Manske was a member of the Immanuel Lutheran church of Everett. Surviving relatives are two sons, Elmer Manske of Fairbanks, Leo Manske of Winston, Oregon; three brothers, all in the East; four grandchildren and a number of great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the chapel of the Solie Funeral Home. The Rev. R.H. Weiland, pastor of the Immanuel Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in the family plot in Evergreen Cemetery. Malvina Manske died 10-3-1961 buried 10-6-1961 Henry Manske buried 2-2-1948 Everett Daily Herald 10-29-1927 John F. Marlin, 69, died at his home, 1509 Twentieth st., Friday evening. Mr. Marlin is survived by his widow; one son, Frank, living at home; two brothers, Gale S. Marlin of 3325 Rockefeller and R.E. Marlin of Mumner, Ore; and one sister, Mrs. W.F.Sly of 3325 Rockefeller ave. Mr. Marlin has lived in Everett for 30 years and is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America in Everett. Services will be held from the chapel of Challacombe and Fickel, with Modern Woodmen services at the grave. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery. OBITUARY 11-2-1929 Post #10 Snohomish Henry L. MAROT, 85 years old, died early Monday morning at the Snohomish General hospital. Mr. MAROT, who was a veteran of the Civil War, is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Clifford CARPENTER, who resides south of Blackman Lake and a son Edward B. MAROT, of Monroe. Funeral services will be held from Purdy & Sons funeral parlors in Monroe on Wednesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. George F. Hopkins will conduct the services. Interment will we at IOOF Cemetery at Monroe. The funeral & burial exercises were attended by comrades of Post #10 Gay and Sexton. He was buried with the stars and stripes, provided by the Post. Everett Daily Herald 8-8-1908 Charles Marshall, aged 71, died last night at the Everett hospital. the deceased, who was unmarried, had been in the employ of D.M. Clough for about 40 years, 25 years in the East and 15 years in Everett. Relatives in the East have been telegraphed of the death. the body is at N.B. Challacombe's waiting funeral arrangements. Snohomish County Tribune 3-24-1927 Mrs. Caroline Melisa Marshall, wife of N.F. Marshall of Pinehurst, died Tuesday morning at 5:30 o'clock. The deceased was born December 24, 1850 in Alabama. She moved to Washington nine years ago. She is survived by a husband; two daughters, Mrs. H.S. Smith, of Snohomish; and Mrs. John Jackson of Pinehurst, one son W.R. Stokes, of Bartleville, Oklahoma, sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. She was a member of the Methodist church. The funeral will be held at Purdy and Son's parlors at Snohomish, Thursday at 2:00 p.m. Rev. L. C. Shultz will officiate. Burial will be in the G.A.R. cemetery. Everett Daily Herald 5-17- 1904 Tom Downey Is Pinioned in the Wreckage for Four Hours Before Relieved of Sufferings by Death The Great Northern overland due last evening in Everett at 7:10 o'clock, crashed into a half loaded box car just east of Monroe at 6:10, and in the resulting wreck, Charles MARSHALL of Seattle, head brakeman, and Tom Downey of Interbay, fireman were killed. The injured were: George Zigwed, Seattle, Engineer, bruised, Guy I. Boyington, superintendent of boarding houses, foot cut T.M. Johnson, mail clerk and A.R. Pinckney, passenger. An open switch, which the train struck just as it was slowing up preparatory to crossing the bridge east of Monroe, was the cause of the wreck. The body of Marshall was brought to N. B. Challacombe's undertaking establishment. This morning the body of Downey was taken to Seattle. Inquest will be tomorrow. Snohomish County Death Record Charles C. Marshall age 30 years died 5-16-1904 Everett Daily Herald 3-12-1915 Special to the Daily Herald Alderwood Manor, March 15- Charles Spangler MARTIN, 87, died Monday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.L. SWARTZ, with whom he had lived for nineteen years. He was born in Salina, Kansas, in 1846. Mr. MARTIN was a life member of John Lodge post of the G.A.R., was chief clerk in the house of representatives under President Harrison and reading clerk under President Cleveland. In 1913 he resigned from a position with the pension bureau. The funeral is to be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in Seattle. Cremation will follow. Snohomish County Tribune 10-19-1900 Alex. Martinoff, who has been a resident of this county for the past twenty-five years, died Wednesday night at 11:35, age 50 years. He had been sick more or less for the past two years, but had for the most part been able to attend to his business. He seemed to realize that his time had come, as he recently ordered a suit of clothes in which he said he would be buried, and in conversation with friends a wfew days since he declared he would die on Wednesay. His funeral took place at 10 o'clock this morning from the Presbyterian church, Rev. Gray officiating and giving an excellent discourse, the remains then being interred at the Grand Army Cemetery. Many old friends paid their last tribute to his memory by attending the funeral. Snohomish County 1889 Census Alex Martinoff age 38 logger Single b/Russia Snohomish County Tribune 12-1-1899 A fatal accident occured on the trestle near Buck's mill, north of town last night. Part of the Bridge crew was coming to town on a hand car when train number 22 ran into them throwing the entire outfit from the track injuring Ed Masterson and Milton Thrush, the former so badly that he died as he was being conveyed to Seattle. As is usual in such cases, it is hard to say who is to blame. The train was running about on time and at its usual speed. Dr. McCready attended the case but Masterson's constituion couldn't stand the shock. His hurts consisted of a broken hip and internal injuries. Thrush sustained a sprained foot but will be around all right in a few days. NANCY SPAETH, NEE MATHEWSON DAUGHTER OF LUMBER PIONEER DIES AT 89 March 1998 Nancy Mathewson Spaeth, 89, a daughter of a pioneering Everett lumber family, died Saturday, Feb. 28th, on Mercer Island. She was born in Everett Oct. 9, 1908, the daughter of Elsie Headlee Mathewson and Edward Mathewson, an Everett mill owner. Edward Mathewson was the nephew of Everett founder, Henry Hewitt, Jr. Her father died when she was 3, and her mother later married Joseph Irving, her father's business partner. Her grandparents, Ephriam Headlee and Harriett Humes Headlee came to Snohomish Co. in 1889-90. They homesteaded in Granite Falls and later Snohomish. Mrs. Spaeth attended school in Los Angeles as a teen and performed as an extra in Cecil B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments". She returned to Seattle and graduated from the University of Washington, in political science, in 1930. The former debutante then became one of the state's first social workers, implementing President Franklin D. Roosevelt's relief act, said her daughter, Nancy Hewitt Spaeth. She married Edwin Griffin of Tacoma in 1933. They divorced and she married H. Willard Spaeth in 1946. During World War II, she was a driver for military officers stationed at Pier 91. Later during the war, she broadcast the news from radio station KRKO in Everett and also worked as a copywriter there in the 1950's. Marysville City Council member, Shirley Bartholomew, remembers her fondly from the radio station where they worked together. "It was a fun time in broadcasting, before the era of rock and roll. It was still in the days of network brosdcasting", she said. "Nancy was a copywriter but she also did some on air work. She'd do 'women's show' kinds of things, little quarter hours aimed at the house wife, throwing in an occasional recipe." "She was probably more sophisticated than Everett itself," Bartholomew said. "In a sense, her death marks the conclusion of the timber baron era in Everett." Mrs. Spaeth is survived by her children, Edward I. "Ted" Griffin, James Scott Griffin, Nancy Hewitt Spaeth, Charles W. Spaeth, 12 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and her sister Cornelia "Nene" Mathewson Fitch Eggers of Seattle. A memorial gathering will be held at 7pm, Wednesday, March 3 at Epiphany Church in Seattle. (from Nancy Hewitt Spaeth EMAIL: nspaeth@mindspring.com) Snohomish County Tribune 5-25-1900 At 6 p.m. Monday evening, May 21, 1900, at the family residence, in Snohomish, Wa., Mrs. Alice Morse, wife of Eldridge Morse of this city, passed to her final rest. Pneumonia, heart failure and hemorrhage of the lungs ended her suffering after but three days of sickness. The many marked characteristics of Mrs. Morse made her exceedingly well known in this community. She was born at Winona, Mn. Feb. 22, 1858. Her maiden name was Alice MATHEWS. Her mother was a relative of McCormick, the inventor of the McCormick reaper. In early life Mrs. Morse lived in her fathers family in several states. At Sacramento, Ca., she learned the glove makers trade and all about hotel work. When nineteen years of age she married Mr. Hiram Henderson, superintendent of the street railway of Sacramento, who died of quick consumption, less than one year after her marriage. She ehn successfully ran a boarding house there, until her second marriage to Wm. Turney. They lived at Sacramento until 1883 when they moved to Puget Sound. On locating at Snohomish they opened a glove factory. Afterwards they accepted employment in the Snohomish Exchange Hotel, then very efficiently run by Isaac Cathcart. While thus employed Mr. Turney died very suddenly of appoplexy. On June 10, 1885, she married Eldrige Morse, the well-known pioneer lawyer and journalist, of Snohomish county. The fruits of this marriage are five surviving children. Belle, John, Arthur, Harley B. and Roland Irving Morse. During several years of trials and struggles Mrs. Morse developed peculiar clarvoyant faculties. The funeral took place 2 p.m. May 23, 1900. The body was laid to rest beside the grave of Mr. Morse's first wife, Martha A. in the family burial ground, in the old cemetery. Leander W. Matthews and Arthur Matthews, well know resident of this county, living near the Marysville road, some seven miles north-west of here are brothers of the deceased. Alice Matthews the popular and efficent teacher of the public school there is her niece and namesake. Snohomish County Death Record Alice Morse age 42 years b/Mn died 5-21-1900 parents Mathews & McCormmick Everett Daily Herald 2-22-1906 W.J. Maughlin died yesterday afternoon at the Everett hospital of consumption, a disease he had been combating for several years, having been in California and elsewhere in search of relief. While being treated at the Everett hospital Maughlin was quartered in a tent and his blind mother was his companion. Mrs. Maughlin his wife is expected to arrive in Portland tonight from Ca., where she and her three children have been for two years. W.J. Maughlin was a member of the firm of Maughlin Brothers Shingle company, and operated the Bumblebee mill at Snohomish. He was one of the best known residents of Snohomish and had a large acquaintance among shingle manufactures in the Northwest. The body is at Jerread's awaiting the arrival of the wife before funeral arrangements are made. William J. Maughlin is buried at Snohomish GAR Cemetery Aug 1906 William J. Maughlin was born in College Springs, Page County, Iowa, September 12, 1858. In 1865 his parents removed to Onawa, Ia, where his boyhood was passed. School over, he taught a year in the Onawa High School, and then went to the state university of Iowa, graduating therefrom in 1885. Upon his return to Onawa he was elected clerk of Monona county, an office he held four years. In 1888 he married Gertrude C. Chapman of Meridian, Ct. and they made Onawa their home. Their Children were born here, Edward K., Marjory E. and Gladys I. Mrs. Maughlin engaged in the real-estate business for some years and in 1985 left Onawa for Washington. Locating in Everett he was interested for a time in the Everett box factory. In 1898 in partnership with A.J. Maughlin, he bought the Cyclone mill at Snohomish, Wa. And later the Bumble Bee, operating several logging camps in connection with these mills. August 21, 1906 after a long illness, Mr. Mauglin passed away at the Everett hospital. Since 1897 Mr. Maughlin has resided in Snohomish and had won a large circle of friends and acquaintances. After a short service at the grave of prayer and son, he was laid to rest in the G.A.R. cemetery, near Snohomish, Wa. OBITUARY 10-26-1908 Post #86 Haller City (Arlington) Robert MAXWELL died at his home at Trafton Monday, Oct. 26, aged 72 years, 2 months and 22 days. Death was due to apoplexy and came suddenly but peacefully. The funeral services were held from the M.E. church Thursday at 10 o?clock, the pastor, Rev. J.W. Kern, preaching a touching and appropriate discourse from Psalms 116:15: ?Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints,? a text chosen by deceased. Dr. Oliver followed with a brief eulogy recounting his virtues as a citizen and soldier. After the large concourse of friends had viewed the remains, they were removed to the depot by Undertaker Moll and shipped to Snohomish where interment occurred in the Grand Army Cemetery. The pall bearers were: D.S. Baker, J.F. Earnheart, A.L. Blair, John Morris, J.B. Patty and Ira Hollingsworth. Robert MAXWELL was born at Port Jefferson, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1834, and moved to Montgomery Co. Ind., and was married to Mary SPRATT Oct. 31, 1858, at Crawfordsville. He inlisted in the Eleventh Indiana regiment at Ladoga, April 18, 1861, for 3 months service. He re-inlisted in the Seventy Second Ind. at Crawfordsville July 15, 1862 and was promoted to Orderly Sergeant and to Second and First Lieutenant, being discharged at Nashville, TN, June 26, 1865. His regiment formed part of Wilder?s brigade of Mounted infantry and saw active service in the campaigns covering Hoover?s Gap, Stone River, Okalona, Chickamauga, Kenasaw Mountain, Atlanta and the Wilson raid, which was the last important expedition of the war. After the war he lived in Ind, Mi, Dakota, and came to Arlington 18 years ago, since when he has resided on his farm at Trafton, where he was postmaster for a number of years. He is survived by his wife and three children, Mrs. C.W. BARR of Trafton, L. B. MAXWELL of Missoula, Mt, and a son at Raton, New Mexico. Snohomish Co. Marriage Records Robert MAXWELL married Florence A. SMITH 11-18-1899 Frederick William MAXWELL married Laura May BURT 10-9-1913 John MAXWELL married Rue CONOVER 12-9-1911 Snohomish Co. Death Records Donald C. MAXWELL age 14days died 8-14-1901 Parents - Robert J. MAXWELL and Florence SMITH Robert MAXWELL 8-4-1836 Port Jefferson, Oh died 10-26-1908 Parents - James MAXWELL and Elizabeth COUNTS Florence E. MAXWELL (SMITH) age 27 died 2-13-1909 buried at Florence Cemetery GRANITE FALLS RECORD 1-30-1930 (1843-1930) Amos McALLISTER, 87, died Friday afternoon at the old Soldiers' Home at Retsil, after a brief illness. He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Lucy McALLISTER; two daughters Mrs. O.F. KNOOP of Everett, Mrs. Mayne GREEN, Seattle, and a brother living in Colorado. Mr. McALLISTER resided in Washington for 26 years and was a member of the Everett Post, G.A.R. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Retsil, the G.A.R. officiating. Interment will be in the G.A.R. Cemetery at Retsil. Everett Daily Herald 6-22-1925 One man was killed on Great Northern rails and the body of another man, belived by Coroner Charles H. Fickel to have been dragged by a train; found on the Great Northern right of way over the week-end, according to reports filed with county and railraod officials. Isaac Johnson, 45 of Hansville, died from injuries received Sunday morning when he was struck by a freight engine one half mile east of Index. The body of Walter McCann, 25, of Everett, was found on Great Northern rails on the viaduct at the foot of Hewitt ave. Numerous cuts and bruises and torn clothing indicating that he had been dragged some distance. The body of Walter McCann, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. McCann, 2115 Grand ave. was found early Monday morning lying beside the Great Northern tracks on the viaduct over the foot of Hewitt ave. One shoe was picked up in the middle of the track east of Broadway near the mouth of the tunnel, led the coroner to believe that train may have carried the man from that point through the tunnel and dropped him on the viaduct. Everett Daily Herald 6-22-1925 The body of Walter C. McCann, 26 years old, who was found dead early Monday morning on the Great Northern right of way on the viaduct spanning the foot of Hewitt ave., is at the chapel of John F. Jerread. He is survived by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. B. McCann and three sisters, Mrs. H. A. Werner, Mrs. Ray Berry, and Mrs. B.F. Anderson, who recenely removed to Seattle. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Evrett Daily Herald 1942 Alexandria Mercedes McCann, 39, of 2916 Nassau ave., died Friday morning at an Everett hospital after an extended illness. Mrs. McCann has been a resident of Everett for four years. Surviving her are her father, Robert Donnelly of Everett, a brother Harmon Donnelly of Long Beach, Ca. and a sister, Mona Bowers of Route Three, Everett. Funeral arrangements are in charge of Purdy & Walters funeral home and will be announced later. Snohomish County Tribune 10-26-1900 Two railroad laborers, Burnside and McCarty, drifted into Granite Falls the first of the week, and proceeded to bowl up with fire-water. By Tuesday afternoon the aforesaid liquid lightning got in itis deadly work, and while maudlin drunk, they got in a scrap and Burnside cut McCarty with a pocket knife in the groin, severing the femoral artery, and killing him almost instantly. Burnside was arraigned before the board justice and bound over to the Superior court. Everett Daily Herald 12-24-1931 Funeral services for Charles McCarty, 80, who died Tuesday evening at Sultan, were held Thursday morning at the Monroe Catholic church. Mr. McCarthy had resided in Sultan for a year prior to which he had resided in Everett six years. He is survived by his son, Charles E. McCarty, and a grandson, Ralph McCarty of Sultan, three sisters and a brother residing in the East. Interment was in Monroe cemetery. Snohomish County Tribune 1-22-1897 The mortal remains of Bud McCrea, who was killed at the mine near Index, were brought down to Snohomish yesterday morning and taken to the undertaking parlors of O.A. Phelps. Mr. Phelps dressed the corpse and fitted it for burial so that the natural color is preserved so far as possible, and the life like look retained. About 300 people have called to view the remains. The accident occured while the crew were working at the mine. They were not yet under cover, and when they heard the roar of the rockslde Bud McCrea called to the others to jump for their lives. They jumped but he in waiting to give duty's warning was caught by a hurge boulder and both legs crushed. The right leg was crushed at the hip the other one was cut off lower down and merely hung by a shred. He was so numbed that he suffered no pain and all the time in possession of his senses. The boys took him to the cabin and in an hour and a half he passed away. He had two sisters, Mrs.Smith, wife of a railway employee at Monte Cristo, and Mrs. Merwin who lived at Index with Bud and his brother Dolf McCrea. Bud was a bridge carpenter and was a capable workman. He had been employed on all the big bridges on the two northern transcontinental lines. While working at Index four years ago he took up a claim and has lived on it since. Everett Daily Herald Ephriam McDaniels, aged 79 years, died at the family residence Monday and was laid to rest this afternoon at 2 o'clock in G.A.R. cemetery. Rev. Helm preached the funeral sermon. Snohomish Death Records Ephram McDaniels age 79 b/Pa died 2-9-1903 Snohomish County Tribune 12-31-1897 Hartford-Dec. 29. Died of heart failure resulting from diphteria, Mrs. Mary McDonald aged 31 years, wife of C.F. McDonald. Everett Daily Herald 3-25-1921 J.T. McElroy of Edmonds a resident of Snohomish in the early days died yesterday morning in a Seattle hospital at the age of 62 years. He is survived by Mrs. McElroy and several sons and daughters in Edmonds. The funeral will take place at 2:30 Sunday at the Edmonds opera house. Snohomish County Tribune 1-12-1900 The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr.& Mrs. M.J. McGuinness in their bereavement at the death of therr baby boy, William Edgar, Mrs. McGuinness was visiting with her parents in Seattle having the baby with her, Friday night the little fellow was taken with convulsions from which he was unable to rally, dying Saturday evening of brain fever. Mr. McGuinness was notified by telephone and went to Seattle Sunday returning with the body Monday evening. The funeral took place from the house Tuesday afternoon, interment being made in the old cemetery. Snohomish County 1889 Census M.J. McGinnis age 30 b/Ir Mary 26 b/ILL Andy 3 b/Mo EVERETT MORNING TRIBUNE 8-1905 C.P. Burnett, as agent for Tena McGregory, yesterday filed a petition in the superior court for the appointment of W.B. Brooks, of Seattle, as administrator for the Snohomish county estate of John McGregor, who died in Vancouver, B.C., in 1901. The will in this case was recently rejected by Court Commissioner Sandidge when filed for probate because it was not properly attested under the laws of this state, and the petition is based on the assumption that McGregar died intestate. The property concerned in this county consists of 120 acres in section 18, range 27, township 4, and city property in Edmonds. All the heirs live in British Columbia. Snohomish County Tribune 9-26-1896 Mrs. Mary A. McGuiness was buried in the old cemetery Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, the service being held in the Catholic church and the Knights and Ladies of Macabees attending the body. Mrs. McGuiness was born in Elgin, ILL., in 1863. She graduated from the academy at St. Joseph, Mo., in 1881 and was married the same year to M.J. McGuiness. She was a highly educated lady having finished the classical course and graduated with high honors. With her husband she came to Washington in 1889 and has resided in Snohomish every since. About six months ago she was taken with la grippe which gradually developed into comsumption, which finally carried her away and she died on the morning of the 24th inst., just 15 years to a day from the date of her marriage. Mrs. McGuiness leaves a bereaved husband, three little children and an aged father to mourn her loss. The sincere sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved ones in their great loss. Snohomish County Death Record James McGinnis (infant) died 5-18-1893 father M.J. McGinnis 1889 Snohomish County Census M.J. McGinnis age 30 laborer b/Ireland Mary age 26 b/ILL Andy age 3 b/Mo McGuiness,Mary w/o M.J.b/1863 Ill d/9-26-1896 (per obit) McGuiness, Michael J. 70 died Nov.-26-1926 Snohomish County Tribune 11-7-1896 Dr. McKain, who has been sick for the past year, died at his home in Seattle Friday night at 10 o'clock. The doctor was sick here in the city for a long time previous to his departure for Seattle. Physicians did all in their power to save him, operating several times on his diseased limb but his strength gradually failed and he died in Seattle a short time after an operation. Snohomish County Tribune 2-18-1897 On Monday last news reached the city of the death of Parker McKensie in a hotel at Victoria while en route to the northern gold fields. The partiulars are given in a dispatch to the Seattle Post Intelligencer as follows: Parker McKenzie, who registered at the Australian hotel on Sunday last from Seattle was found dead in his bed this morning having died from asphyxiation. Among his papers were a number of tax receipts dated from Snohomish, Wash., and signed T. McKensie, which would show that he was a collector of poll tax in that city. He had a ticket for Skagway, and had been here preparing for his northern trip. He went to bed shortly after 1 o'clock this morning. Late this afternoon the clerk noticed a strong smell of gas in the hall, and opening the room occupied by Mr. McKenzie found him dead. He had turned out the gas, but in doing so turned the key back again. He evidently died in his sleep. The Snohomish friends of Park McKenzie are shocked by the news of this death and do not believe that it was due to design on his part. Parker McKenzie was one of the owners of the Silverton townsite, which property was in great demand early last year. The destruction of the Everett & Monte Cristo railway in the fall took the value out of this property, and McKenzie decided to start fot the Yukon country, and had started to meet a party which was to include his brother from Canada. He was a brother to C.P. McKenzie, who died so mysteriously, on the Silverton trail some years since. Parker McKenzie was a prominent young Democrate worker in years gone by, but in the last campaign was an outspoken champion of McKinley and the gold standard, being one of eight out of Silverton's 200 voters to cast a ballot for McKinley and Hobart. Some years ago he was a wealthy cattleman in Alberta province. Since coming to Snohomish County he has been a surveyor and contractor. Last summer he built the flumes for the water power for both the "45" Consolidated and Independent mining companies. McKensie's parents live at Edmonton, N.W.T. Miss Margaret McKensie, who lived with her brother in Snohomish for some years is also at Edmonton. Everett Daily Herald 1-12-1902 Hugh McKibben, the man who was crushed at a logging camp near Snohomish, died at the hospital Saturday night from his injuries. The body is at Jerread's pending funeral arrangements Snohomish County Death Record Hugh McKibben age 22 years b/Mi died 1-13-1902 father John McKibben Snohomish County Tribune 8-30-1895 The passengers wishing to go east Sunday night via the Great Northern were delayed serveral hours, when they learned that the overland had run into a slide at Richmand Beach and had been delayed. Engineer Neal McKinley stuck to his post manfully and saved the passengers but met death himself. Snohomish County Tribune 5-13-1898 San Diego Times- Mrs. Elizabeth J. Brown, wife of Stephen Brown of this city, was buried from the family residence on Seventeenth St, at 2 p.m. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in San Diego. The IOOF and AO Foresters, of which Mr. Brown is a prominent member, attended in a body, eahc bringing appropriate and elegant floral tributes. The interment was at the IOOF cemetery, and the reamins of a most kind and loving wife and friend was laid to rest in a bed of roses. Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Lizzie McKinley who left Snohomish about three years ago. Snohomish County Tribune 1-6-1899 Miss Lottie McKinley, formerly of Snohomish, died last week at the home of her brother, Judson McKinley, in Everett of consumption. Miss McKinley accompanied her sister to California some time since, when the latter died of Consumption. In her care for the invalid it is thought that she contracted the disease which carried her off. She was 23 years of age, and leaves a mother, sister and five brothers to mourn her loss. Snohomish County Marriage Index Judson C. McKinley m Jennia Leckin 12-22-1896 Everett Daily Herald 10-31-2927 John A. McKinley was born December 24, 1869 at Hoptown, Canada. He died October 28, 1927. He is survived by his wife, Nettie M. McKinley and an adopted son Lloyd Carbeston, both of this city. Two brothers, Duman McKinley of Canada and James McKinley of Painesville, Mn; four sisters, Mrs. Jennie Haight of Morris, Mn, Mrs. Mary Haynes and Mrs. Maggie Mapp of Painesville, Mn, and Mrs. Jean Anderson of Canada. John McKinley, contractor and church man, living in the district across the Pilchuck, suffered a paralytic Stroke from which he failed to recover, Friday morning about 7 o'clock after returning to the house from doing his chores. He died at 1:15 p.m. Mr. McKinley was born in Canada but came with his aprent so Mn when a small child. Most of his early life was spent near Center, North Dakota, from which place he came to Snohomish about twelve years ago. Mr. McKinely was a prominent member of the Baptist church where he has served as superintendent of the Sunday school, Teacher, deacon, trustee and church treasurer. Athe the time of his death he was the senior deacon of the church, trustee, chairman of the pulpit committee, and teacher of a boy's class. Funeral services will be announced later pending receipt of word from relatives in the Middle West. Everett Daily Herald 5-1923 G.A.R. MEMBER DEAD John McKINNIS a Civil war veteran and member of the G.A.R. died at 4:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Snohomish hospital where he had been ten days. Mr. McKINNIS was 85 years old. He came here a year ago from Port Orchard where he married Mrs. Argood, widow of a former Snohomish Civil war veteran. He is survived by Mrs. McKINNIS, who resides north of the Snohomish Floral company plant. Morton post No. 10 G.A.R. will officiate at the funeral service at C.H. Bakeman chapel Monday at 2p.m. and at the grave in the G.A.R. cemetery. Everett Daily Herald 1914 James McLaughlin, aged 69, died Monday morning at the Providence hospital. Mr. McLaughlin was a resident of Arlington, where the interment will take place. Funeral arrangements in charge of N.B. Challacombe will be announced. Everett Daily Herald 11-17-1905 Ezra McLaughlin, a pioneer mining man of Snohomish county, died last night at the county hospital. Mr. McLaughlin spent ten years holding down a claim in the Silver Creek district, which he succeded in selling about a month for a snug little sum. For years it had been his dream to go back east to visit his sister whom he had not seen for thirty years. Just as his hopes were about to be realized he took sick and his death followed. Friends from Snohomish went up to the hospital this morning to arrange for the funeral, which will take place in Monroe, probably next sunday. Everett Daily Herald 5-6-1910 James S. McLeod, a member of Snohomish lodge No 195, died at the Snohomish general hospital Friday night after a long illness. He lived at Granite Falls, where he was taken ill. Word of his death has been sent to relatives in Ontario, and after word has been received from them time for the funeral will be set. The dead man was 55 years old and unmarried. He had lived in this vicinity about thirty years. The funeral of James S. McLeod will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock from Eagles' Hall under the auspices of Snohomish Aerie No 195 F.O.E. Burial was in G.A.R. cemetery. Snohomish County Tribune 3-3-1899 1877-1899 The saddest duty which has fallen to the writer for years, is to announce to the public, the death of Miss Myrtle McNaughton, which occurred at the home of her mother on Ave. C last Saturday morning at 6:30 o'clock, after an illness of but ten days. On Friday it had been given out that Myrtle was better, and her physician had hopes of her ultimate recovery; consequently when the announcement of her death was made, the whole city was shocked by the sad news. Miss McNaughton had not been entirely well since her sickness of a year ago. She had suffered much with stomach trouble and fainting spells. When prostrated on Wednesday, the 15th, she was taken with a violent hemorrhage of the stomach, which was followed by three others, cause by an ulcer of the inner lining of that organ. This loss of blood weakened her, and she gradually failed until the last, although at times she apparently rallied, and renewed hopes of her recovery were entertained. Myrtle A. McNaughton was born in Snohomish Oct. 28, 1877. With the exception of a few years in the early 80's which, with her mother and sister Miss Jennie, she spent in Minnesota, her life was all spent in her native town. Here she grew from girlhood into a radiant womanhood, and by her sweet manner grew into the lives and hearts of the people. She will be sadly missed by young and old, especially by the sorrowing and bereaved mother and sister. The funeral was held at the Congregational church Monday afternoon and was the largest attended funeral held in Snohomish in years. Many coming from Tacoma, Seattle and Everett to be present. The Rebekah's, of which order Miss McNaughton was a member, and an officer of Rose Rebekah Lodge #51, attended in a body. Snohomish G.A.R. Cemetery McNaughton John J. (no notation of Jennie burial) Snohomish County Tribune 11-26-1897 About one year ago Bud McRea was killed at what is known as the Wilbur property. The mine which is one of the richest prospects in the Cascades has been full of ill luck for the McReas. Last Sunday Adolf McRea, while attempting to cross the South fork of the Skykomish with some ore was overturned and drowned. Ben Evans, Jack McGregor and Alex Jones were in the boat with McRea when it overturned. McRea was dressed in a long slicker and long gum boots. He called out that he could not swim and said, "I'm gone, good bye" His body has not been recovered. Mrs. Merwin, the deceased' sister, was informed of the accident and was so overcome by this second bereavement that she is not yet able to be up. Everett Daily Herald 9-28-1903 The funeral of Mrs. McShain was held at the Baptist church yesterday at 2 o'clock. Rev. J. Cairns of Fremont, will assist the pastor in the service. Everett Daily Herald 6-24-1940 Funeral services for Inez R. Mead, who died at her home at 2024 McDougall ave. Friday, will be held at the chapel of Challacombe & Fickel at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. Joseph Chester of the First Methodist church of which Mrs. Mead was a member, will conduct the service. Cremation will follow at Acacia Memorial park. Everett Daily Herald 9/6/1920 Joseph Mello passed away yesterday afternoon at the family home 2702 Grand ave. age 49 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Mello, also a brother Antonio Mello, in Portugal. He had been a resident of Everett for the past 12 years. The body is at the chapel of John F. Jerread awaiting the funeral which will be announced later. MENZIES NOTES Alex Menzies m Ida Dorning 10-14-1913 Snohomish Co. 1920 Machias Cemetery Alex Menzies 39 b/Nb Ida E. 26 b/Wa Robt J. age 4 b/Wa Clark W. age 3 Walter L. age 2 Margaret 7/12 Peter H. Dorning father in law age 75 b/Wi. parents England England Granite Falls Cemetery John Smith Dorning 6-1-1883-6-14-1961 Ina Belle Dorning7-6-1890-9-9-1962 Snohomish Co. Death Record Ida Evelyn Dorning age 51 yrs b/Wi. died 6-5--1904 father J.T. Smith & Eliza Tamplin Machias Cemetery Alexander Menzies 1880-12-24-1938 age 58 (Father) b/Nb wife Ida Ida Evelyn 1893-8-29-1950 age 57 (Mother) Clark W. 1916-3-6-1953 age 36 b/5-1-1916 Sno. Died North Bend, Wa Husband Christine 5-14-1914-5-21-1914 d/o Al Menzies age 8 days Jon Al Mensies age 14 b/Oct 16, 1953 s/o Alex Menzies Louise C. Menzies b/9-10-1912 Ok died 1971 (nee should be Cromwell as bro. name) Those are names for Menzies of Machias and Dorning of Granite Falls Since Ida Dorning Menzies was born in Wa. Snohomish County Tribune 1-7-1898 Joseph Mercereau died at Steilacoom Wednesday morning. The body was sent to Snohomish and placed in charge of Underatker Phelps. Funeral services were held this afternoon at the Baptist church, Rev. Cairns officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in Woodlawn cemetery. Deceased leaves a wife and nine children who have the sympathy of the community to their breavement. Everett Daily Herald 10-6-1913 Mrs. Emma Merrick, age 54, died Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Johnson, 4215 Rucker Ave, following a short illness. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from Challacombe's chapel, Rev. Caudill officiating. Interment is Evergreen cemetery. Everett Daily Herald 6-30-1942 Fenton Merrill, 75, died at his home on route two Snohomish this morning. He had resided there three years after making his home in Snohomish. Surviving are one sister, Mary Low Dearing at Litchfield, Me. Funeral arrangements will be announced later from the chapel of Bakeman-Whyte. Snohomish County Tribune 10-28-1898 Chas. Meyers, the man who was so badly injured at McMillian's camp at Machias on the 25th inst., died from the effects of the injury Wednesday afternoon, and was buried in Woodlawn cemetery, the funeral being held at the Methodist church Thursday. Mr. Meyers had many friends among the boys about here, and they all did everything in their power for his comfort while he lived, and the attendance at the funeral was large. Woodlawn Cemetery MEYERS Charles age 36yrs. 10/27/1898