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GRANITE FALLS RECORD 5-31-1928 Harold W. ILLMAN, former Snohomish county commissioner, died May 12 at his home on Lake Washington near Seattle. He was 85 years old. Funeral services were followed by cremation and interment beside the grave of Mrs. ILLMANs' father was in Sultan Cemetery. Deceased was born in 1843 at Little Falls, NY and was a law graduate of Columbia Uni. He was married in 1864 to Anetta GAGE. Four children were born of this union. In 1884 the family moved west and homesteaded on Skykomish river, later moving to Lake Stevens where he was engaged in milling. He took an active part in Snohomish county politics and served one term as commissioner. He was a member of Morton Post G.A.R., in Snohomish. In 1914 he and his wife sold their home on Lake Stevens and moved to the G.A.R. Veterans Colony at St. Cloud, Fl. where they spent 12 years, returning in 1926 to Everett. The next year they built a home on Lake Washington near Seattle, where he died. He is survived by the widow and two daughters. Mr. ILLMAN formerly owned the farm near Rucker's mill which now is the Kansas camp grounds. MONROE MONITOR 2-24-1949 Two Pioneer Monroe residents William Allan and Willaim Henry INGRAM, died in the Monroe hospital this week. Allan, 81, was a lifetime resident of Park Place, having been born there 4/17-1867. He died February 18, following an extended illness. He is survived by one sister. Mrs. Jane Kingman, of Park Place. Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Monday morning, in the Monroe chapel of Purdy and Kerr, with the Rev. George Kopper officiating. Burial was in the Monroe Memorial Park. (IOOF Cemetery) Snohomish County Tribune 12-6-1895 Capt. D.B. Jackson, who has been a leading figure among the steamboat men on the Sound for nearly thirty years, died of diabetes at his home at Eight and Pine streets, Seattle, at 7:45 o'clock last night, at the age of 62 years. He had been ill for two months, but two weeks ago was much better and went to his office. He caught cold and this brought about a relapse, from wihc he did not recover. Mr. Jackson was well known and had many friends in Snohomish county, who will be grieved to hear of his demise. Everett Daily Herald 5-30-1902 IN MEMORY OF A DEAD BROTHER Woodmen of the World are Preparing to Unveil a Monument at Marysville An event in Woodmen of the World circles in this locality will be the unveiling of a Woodmen monument to Richard Jackson at Marysville June 8. Everett lodge No 147 has arranged to attend ina body an the ceremonies will be in charge of this lodge. Delegations will attend from Seattle, Ballard, Edmonds and Mt. Vernon and it is expected that at least 1000 will be in attencance. Everett lodge at its last meeting arranged to participate as a body in the memorial service to be held in this city May 30. Snohomish County Tribune 12-17-1896 Wm. Jackson, son of D.B. Jackson, of Seattle, well-known in Snohomish, and Claude Pool, of Seattle, were drowned off Foul Weather bluff, six miles from Port Gamble, last week. Mr. Jackson and his friend Pool left the steamer George E. Starr about 10 a.m. in a small boat intending to shoot some ducks and then join the steamer as she passed the bluff. Capt. Boffman whistled three or four times but the boys failed to show up. Thinking they had found good hunting the boat proceeded on its way to Port Townsend. When the steamer arrived at the bluff in the night on her return to Seattle the captain sent a small boat to shore to look for the boys but could not find them. Searching parties were then organized, and the boat that the boys left the steamer with was found by H.F. Jackson, a brother of the deceased, on Sunday last, eight miles from the point where they left the steamer, one-half mile from shore fast in the sea weeds filled with water and one rowlock gone. The bodies have not yet been recovered. Snohomish County Tribune 12-6-1900 Charlott Elizabeth James, age 20 years, daughter of E. James, of South Snohomish, died Tuesday of consumption. The funeral took place from the family residence at 1 p.m. Thursday. Rev. Fahs officiating, Interment was made in Marshland cemtery. Snohomish County Death Record Charlotte Eliz. James age 19 b/England died 1-23-1900 father J.H. James and Mary Blair Snohomish County Tribune 4-18-1896 George G. James, mate of the tug Vigilant, suicided by throwing himself into the Snohomish river near Marysville with a heavy chain about his neck. He gave no cause for the deed, but had been despondent of Late. Everett Daily Herald 8-1-1918 C.B. James and sons returned early this morning from a three month auto trip through California over the Sante Fe trail to Colorado and up through Indiana, Iowa and Ohio. Mrs. James, who accompanied them, was taken ill at Caldwell Ohio and died there. She was interred in the family plot at Conesville, Ia. Everett Daily Herald 8-23-1903 The funeral services of Thomas Jeffries, who did Friday night at the hospital, were held this afternoon at 1:30 at Challacombe's undertaking parlors, under the auspices of the G.A.R. Rev. Thomas Coyle officiating. Mr. Jeffries was a veteran of the Civil war, being a member of Company C One Hundred and Eighty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was about 62 years old and, so far as known, unmarried. A letter written some time ago directing disposal of his body, indicates that deceased had a premonition of approaching death. He was brought from Granite Falls a few days ago unconscious from uraemic poisoning. Everett Herald 11 May 1956 Funeral Services for Warner H Jelvik 41, Opal B. Newman Jelvik 32, and Sandra Lee Goshorn 10, all of St Marie's ID, who drowned in St Joe's River ID May 7th following an automobile accident, will be Saturday morning at 11 o'clock in the funeral home of Purdy and Walters. Burial at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park Everett Wa (from Elaine s88897@aol.com) Everett Daily Herald 5-6-1915 Christiana, wife of Nels Jensen, died at the family home in Lowell Tuesday morning at the age of 67. Death came after an illness of about two years from cancer. Besides the husband she is surveved by a daughter, Mrs. J. Schmidt of Lowell, and an adopted daughter, Mrs. A. Sorenson, of Tacoma. Funeral services will be held from Jerread's chapel Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. A.V. Anderson, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church, officiating. Interment will take place in Evergreen cemetery and a special car will be provided for friends. Everett Daily Herald 5-10-1932 Nels S. Jensen, 42, a former resident of Everett, died suddenly at his home in Osage, Iowa, Sunday. Mr. Jensen leaves a widow, Helen; three brothers, Roy, Andrew, and Otto, living in Everett; and two sisters, Mrs. T.S. Overvold of Everett and Miss Edna Jensen of San Francixco. Mr. Jensen body is being brought to Everett accompanied by his widow. Services will be held at 12:30 o'clock noon Friday from the Challacombe & Fickel chapel. The Rev. C.H. Norgaard will officiate. Interment will be in the family plot at Langley. Snohomish County Tribune 6-28-1895 The sad news reached this city Monday noon of the death of William Jewell, at the Providence hospital, Seattle. Mr. Jewell had been troubled for some time with a bad cough and sought medical treatment in Seattle, at the hospital. He was apparently getting better when he suddenly died. A post mortem examination developed the fact that his heart was badly affected, and death resulted there from. Mr. Jewell has been a blacksmith in Snohomish for the past four years, and at the time of his death was in partnership with P.C. Sullivan. His body was brought to this city and buried at Woodlawn cemetery Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. Woodlawn Cemetery JEWELL William 6/25/1895 Everet Daily Herald 5-1907 Mrs. Gina Johnsen, wife of Oliver Johnsen, died yesterday as a result of rheutisim from which she has been suffering five years, the last two years of her illness having been spent in bed. The deceased was 47 years old. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the late residence 2009 Lombard ave. ARLINGTON NEWS 6-11-1898 THROWN FORTY FEET Ole JOHNSON, an "Old Soldier" is seriously hurt at Ferguson & McKilligan's Camp. Monday morning at Ferguson & McKilligan's logging camp, Ole JOHNSON was struck across the stomach by the wire cable of a logging engine of which he was fireman and seriously injured. He was approaching the engine with a couple pails of water when the cable broke loose from the load and struck him throwing him about forty feet. He struck on his left shoulder which was badly bruised, and did not regain consciousness for some time. He was taken to the home of Gilbert Wick, where his injuries were attended by Dr. Oliver. He suffers severe pains, the injuries inflicted by the blow being internal. Mr. JOHNSON came here from Des Larmar, N.D. in February. He is fifty-six years old and was a soldier in the Civil War. His chances for recovery are considered poor. Later- JOHNSON died Thursday, June 9th, at 4 o'clock, p.m., and was buried from the Lutheran church the following afternoon, under the auspices of the G.A.R., Rev. West officiating. A large number of people attended the burial, the sympathies of the people having been generally aroused by the sad occurance of his death. Deceased was born in Norway in 1836, and came to this country when 9 years old. He leaves a wife and three children in North Dakota. He was a soldier in the Civil War, belonging to the 6th Iowa cavalry, Co. D. He was in easy circumstance, having come to Washington in search of better health. Everett Daily Herald 12-22-1987 Clara Olivia Johnson, 92 of Everett, died 12-20-1987, in a local hospital. She was born 6-1895 at the Lake Stevens Everett area all her life. She leaves a husband of ? years, Clarence M. Johnson of the home; three sons, Lee C. Johnson of (unreadable), Vic W. Johnson of Everett, Dave Johnson of Everett; two sisters Lillian Sheriff of Everett, Myrtle Fosse of Everett, eight grandchildren, two great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec 23 in Chapel of Purdy & Walters with Cassidy Funeral home and Rev.Potlock officiating. Interment at Cypress Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of Flowers donations may be made to your favorite charity. Arrangements made under the direction of Purdy & Walters with Cassidy Funeral Home. (paper copy was very poor and blurred - attempted to read as best I could) Snohomish County Tribune 12-7-1899 Mrs. Lean Johnson has returned from Seattle, and with her little son, is making her home with her father, T.J. Uffen. It is understood that Mr. Johnson has been drowned. As near as we can learn, the circumstances are as follows: Mrs. Johnson came home for the holidays, and when ready to return wrote her husband to meet her at the depot in Seattle. This he failed to do, and on going home she found he was not there. Friends in the city told her that Mr. Johnson left with a friend in a boat and had not been heard of since. Mr. Johnson ran a saloon in Seattle and it is believed that both men were under the influence of Liquor. 1889 Snohomish Co. Census T. Ufen age 35 male farmer b/Ger Catherine 35 b/Ger Helen 12 b/Ger Bertha 9 b/Ger Charles 7 b/Nb Henry 4 b/Wt Katie 2 b/Wt Everett Daily Herald 5-29-1902 Yesterday morning Coroner Bakeman received a telegram from Superintendent Cliff of the Northern Pacific, to the effect that a man had been killed at Bryant. He went up on the morning train and leanred that Albert Johnson, a logger had literally been cut to pieces Sunday night by the north bound freight. Johnson had been working for George Kelly for four days, and after drinking heavily since Saturday night purchased a bottle of whiskey at Jack La Bross saloon and started for camp, about three fourths of a mile from town. His body was found strewn along the track about a fourth of a mile north of town and it is believed he laid down to sleep on the track. A laborer going to Pilchuck discovered the remains about midnight and returned to Bryant to report. No inquest was held. Mr. Bakeman brought the remains to Snohomish last night and will bury them today. Johnson until recently worked for the Hulburt people. It is thought he formerly lived in Michigan. The saloon where he bought his liquor is the same one against which a petition containing 300 names was gotten up and an effort made to have the license revoked by the county commissioners. The feeling at Byrant against the place is again running high, having been fanned to a living flame by Johnson's death. Everett Daily Herald 6-22-1925 One man was killed on Great Northern rails and the body of another man, belived by Coroner Charles H. Fickel to have been dragged by a train; found on the Great Northern right of way over the week-end, according to reports filed with county and railraod officials. Isaac Johnson, 45 of Hansville, died from injuries received Sunday morning when he was struck by a freight engine one half mile east of Index. 2-26-1902 Mrs. Johnson, wife of Jans P. Johnson, storekeeper for the Everett Water company, died last night of consumption at her residence, 3213 Hoyt ave. Statesman Journal, OREGON December 22, 2000 Bertha Johnston June 19, 1917 ? Dec. 1, 2000 RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. ? Bertha Johnston, 83, died Dec. 1. She was born in Everett, Wash.,(Snohomish Co.) and graduated from high school there. She lived in Willamina and Sheridan and moved to Salem in 1960. She enjoyed traveling, painting, reading, arts and crafts. Her husband, Lawrence, is deceased. Survivors include her daughter, Leann Roque of Rancho Palos Verdes; son, Gary of Natchitoches, La.; and five grandchildren. Services will be 2 p.m. Dec. 28 at City View Cemetery and Funeral Home in Salem. Arrangements are by Neptune Society, San Pedro, Calif. (from MaryT EMAIL: marysday@teleport.com) Everett Daily Herald 6-13-1911 Albert JONES passed away this morning at 9 a.m. at his ome, 1828 Oakes ave. at the age of 82 years, leaving besides his wife, two sons, Albert JONES, mail carrier in this city, and D. JONES, residing at Wolverine, Mich. Mr. JONES served two years and ten months in the Civil war, enlisting with Co.K Tenth Michigan volunteer infantry. The body lies at the funeral parlors of Maulsby and Sons, near the corner of Wall and Wetmore. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Snohomish G.A.R. Cemtery JONES, Albert 1828-1911 (O.K. 10th Mich. Inf.) JONES, Pauline E. 1851-1914 (Mother) RICHARD JONES Everett Daily Herald 4-3-1914 Richard JONES, aged 68, died last evening at his home, 2917 Norton avenue. Mr. JONES had been ill for several months. He leaves a widow, three daughters, Mrs. CRAWFORD, Mrs. EDWARDS, and Mrs. KLEPPER, two sons, Lee and Lawrence, all residing in this city; also two brothers, residing in Lowell. Mr. JONES was a member of the G.A.R. in Michigan having enlisted in Company K, 14th Infantry. The funeral will be held from Challabombe's chapel. Sunday at 2:15; Rev Randall officiating. Interment will be in the G.A.R. cemetery, with a special car for friends. 12-30-1909 Mr. H. Jones age 26 who was formerly a resident of Snohomish died last evening at the Everett hospital. The body will remain at Jerread's undertaking establishment until word is received from relatives in California. Everett Daily Herald 6-24-1940 Frances E. Jones 82, died Sunday morning at the home at 3717 Broadway. She was born in Brandon, Michigan, January 7, 1858, and came to Everett in 1905. Mrs. Jones was a member of the Elderbloom club. She leaves surviving two sons, Lee Jones of 4131 Colby ave. and Lawrence Jones of Laurel Heights; three daughters, Mrs George Crawford of route four Snohomish, Mrs. E. Edmonds in New York, and Mrs. Veta Balke of 3717 Broadway; a brother, Charles Cleveland of Richmond, Michigan; two sisters, Mrs. Ella Walton of Petoskey, Michigan, and Mrs. May Pritchard of 3717 Broadway; sixteen grandchildren, and seventeen great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Challacombe & Fickel Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The Rev. G. Gordon Goldthwaite will conduct the services. Burial will be in the family plot at G.A.R. cemetery, Snohomish. Snohomish G.A.R. Cemetery Jones Frances Emma 82 June-23-1940 Burial #2696 MONROE MONITOR 6-11-1909 Mrs. J.P. Joos is Laid to Rest Alma Catherine, the beloved wife of Mr. J.P. Joos, died peacefully at her home in Monroe, Monday afternoon, and the entire community mourns with the bereaved husband, son, parents and brothers and sister. It is not given to many women to be as well generally regarded as was Mrs. Joos. She had a most kindly and affectionate disposition and was an earnest untiring and energetic worker in the home, in her husbands business and in the church Aid and in the Yeomen, Maccabee and Rebekah lodges of which she was a prominent member. She was liked by all and in her married life in Monroe she had a most happy and peaceful career. She was most happily wedded and her death, coming just after the birth of a baby daughter is a terrible blow to Mr. Joos. She leaves two children, Orin Jackson and the baby girl, who will never know a mother's love, and whose infant form was hardly permitted to be a solace to the dying mother on account of the disease which troubled her. In spite of all she passed away peacefully and without pain. Hers was a hopeful spirit and she made a gallant fight to save herself for her loved ones. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at Odd Fellows hall, the edifice being thronged with the many who desired to show their appreciation and regard for the deceased and her husband. The members of the three lodges to which she belonged were present in large numbers, honorary pall bearers being chosen among the lodges as follows: Rebekahs, Viola Pearsall and Edna Mack; Yeoman, Mrs Rice and Mrs. A.L. Root; Maccabees, Mr. L.L. Stephens and Mrs. D.F. Stephens. The active pall bearers were members of the Odd Fellow and Knight of Pythias lodges as follows; Messars C.E. Ritchie, F.W. Thedings, W.O. Engle, L.L. Stephens, Manne Lundstam and E.T. Bascom. The services was conducted by Reb. J. McKean. A special choir composed of Mesdames Cretney and Elwell, Miss Matthews and Rev. Warren sang several of the favoite hymns of the deceased. Interment took place at Odd Fellows cemetery. Alma C. Joos was born in Sweden October 18, 1878 and came over to Mn. with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Ekman when seven years old. She was married to Mr. Joos four years ago. Her sister Mrs. J. L. Springels and one brother Victor E. Ekman survive her. CARD OF THANKS We hereby desire to give our sincere thanks to the friends who so kindly supported us during our sad berevement in the death of our beloved wife, mother, daughter and sister, Alma C. Joos and especially to the lodges and many friends that so kindly contributed with beautiful flowers. J.P. Joos Oran Jackson Christina Ekman Hugo Ekman Victor Ekman Anna C. Springel Hilding Ekman Myron Ekman Monroe IOOF Cemetery Alta Ellizabeth Joos age 16-2-24 b/5-14-1909 to 8-8-1925 daughter of John J. Joos and Alta Ekman (No mention of Alta, the mother, but this must be the child she had when she passed away) John P. Joos age 66 years died 4-24-1947 Snohomish County Tribune 9-16-1898 Tuesday noon the friends of Mrs. Edward Jordan were startled by the announcement that she had committed suicide. It seems that she was not well Sunday and came down to the home of Mrs. Maddox, where Dr. McCready was called to treat her. Tuesday Mr. Jordan took her home and that night she arose on the pretext of taking medicine, took a dose of Strychnine. The drug began to affect her in the morning and the doctor was called to whom she confessed to taking a second dose also. Medical aid came too late and she died during the forenoon. The funeral was held at the home Thursday, Rev. Cairns officiating and the body was laid to rest in the new G.A.R. cemetery. The friends of Mr. Jordan extend to him their somcere sympathy in his great bereavment. Snohomish County Marriage Records Edward Jordan m Emma Raymond 1-4-1899 Snohomish County Tribune 7-20-1900 H.B. Jordan, a former employee of this office, arrived in town last Saturday from Juneau, Alaska, to attend the funeral of his son who died here last Monday of brain trouble. The funeral took place from Bakeman Undertaking parlors Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Snohomish County Death Records Willie Jordon age 4 years died 7-9-1900 Father - Harvey B. Jordan Mother - Clara Kennedy