Everett Daily Herald

Laura Mae Hackama, 68, of Gold Bar, died Dec. 25, 1985, at home. She was born Nov. 
20, 1917, in Little Rock, Ark. She was a residen to the Skykomish Valley for 30 
years. She was a member of Interdependent Christian Fellowship. She leaves her 
husband Victor; her children, Ray Mooney of Deer Park, Wa., John Mooney of Sequim, 
Mrs. Glenn (Barbara) Brotherton of Edmonds; her sister Mrs. Robert (Betty) 
Galley of Scottsdale, Ariz; and eight grandchildren. Memorial services will be 3 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 29, at Index Community Church. Memorial may be made ot Interdependent 
Christian Fellowship, c/o P.O. Box 297, Gold Bar, Wa. 98251. Arrangements under the 
direction of Purdy & Kerr in Monroe. 


Death certificate - Laura Mae Hackama b/11/20/1917, white, age 68 living at 40709 
State Rd. Gold Bar died 12/25/1985 of Breast Cancer. was cremated and parents were 
John Ames and Ruth Spicer. Informant was Victor Hakama and he was also her husband. 
A daughter Barbara Brotherton of Edmonds and son Ray Mooney were noted.


Agnes Hackett Dead

Mrs. Agnes Hackett, formerly of Snohomish, died at St. Lukes hospital in Bellingham, 
Saturday, February 14th. She had been ill for four weeks. Funeral services were held 
at 11:a.m. Monday from the Presbyterian church, Snohomish. The Rev. L.H. Pederson 
offficiating. Interment was at G.A.R. cemetery, under the direction of Undertaker 
Halow of Bellingham and C.H. Bakman. 

Agnes Ellen Hackett was born at Graigauntlett County Down, Ireland 2-4-1873. In 
company with her parents, other brothers and a sister she came to America when she 
was only four months old. The family moved to Washington Territory in the fall of 
1881. Here Mrs. Hackett made her home until sixteen years ago when she went to 
Arizona with her husband, there to try to regain Mr. Hacketts health. She was married
to Alfred Hackett in 10-1901. Mrs. Hackett was a member of the Presbyterian church of
this city and of Silver Dollar Chapter, OES of Chelan. She is survived by three 
sisters and two brothers, Mrs. E.L. Deering of Snohomish, Mrs W.H. Cassell of 
Wenatchee, Mrs. H.F. Andrus of Bellingham, S.B. Moore of Monroe and J.B. Moore of 
Granite Falls. Attending the funeral from Monroe were Mayor Bascom, Councilmen E.H. 
Streissguth, Cook, Brady, Faulds; City Clerk Purdy, Treeasurer Mrs. E.C. Newell, 
Librian Mrs. Beckman.

1889 Snohomish County census

George Moore age 46 farmer b/Ir
Hester 45 b/Ks (not sure why Ks is noted)
Samuel 19 b/Ks
John 18 b/Ks
Mary 16 b/Ks
Agnes 14 b/Ks
Ester 12 b/Ks
Sarah 10 b/Ks

Snohomish County Tribune

James Hailey, a young man employed in McMillan's logging camp above Machias was 
going to his work as usual on Saturday morning in company with other woodsmen. They 
were crossing a high bridge on the skid road when Hailey, who was carring an ax and 
shovel, was within a single step of the end suddenly stumbled and fell over the side 
of the bridge, taken, it is supposed, with a fit to which he has been subject. He 
fell 22 feet, striking his head on a boulder in the bottom of the gulch. He was taken 
up unconscious and carried back to camp. A physician was summoned, but he had 
suffered internal injuries and died at 4 o'clock Sunday morning. Mr. Hailey had many 
friends in the neighborhood of Machias and elsewhere and had the respect and good 
will of all who knew him. Except a sister at Wooley he had no relatives in this 
vicinity. His funeral was held at Machias Monday. 

Snohomish County Death Record
James Haley age 30 b/Mo died 2-14-1897 at Machias father noted H.B. Haley and mother 
Melissa Fike

Snohomish County Tribune

John Haley, an old timer in Snohomish and a man of considerable property, died at the 
home of the late Alexander Shaw, last Monday at midnight. The funeral was held at the
Catholic church Wednesday morning, Father Van officiating, and the body was buried in 
Woodlawn cemetery. Mr. Haley was a bachelor, and had no relatives in this section and 
his large property is left Intestate.

Snohomish County Tribune

Mrs. Nick Haley died at her home in Marysville Monday after an illness of three weeks.
Services were held at the Catholic church in that city on Wednesday, largely attended 
by friends of the decased and the bereaved family. Mrs. Haley leaves a husband and 
six children, the oldest of whom is ten years old, to mourn her loss.

Everett Daily Herald

Billings O. HALL, veteran of the Civil war, died quietly at his home on First street 
Saturday evening at the age of 83 years. Mr. HALL was born at Newport, Me June 23, 
1844. He enlisted in the Civil war September 10, 1862, serving with Co. K, 
Twenty-first Maine infantry volunteers. In 1885 he went with his family to Florida 
where he spent thirteen years in the orange culture.

Twenty six years ago he removed to Snohomish where he had resided ever since. He was 
past commander of O.P. Morton post no 10 G.A.R., was a member of the Odd Fellows 
lodge but was never tranfereed to the local lodge and was a member of the Christian 
church of Eutis, Florida, where he had been superintendent of the sunday school. 

Surviving Mr. HALL are his widow, one daughter Mrs. Bertha M. HALL, residing at 
Seattle; three sons, Earle B. HALL and Donald M. HALL of California and Leon F. HALL 
of Everett, and two granchildren. 

Funeral services have been set for Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from the First Presbyterian 
church, the Rev. L.H. Pedersen officiating. The casket will be open to friends 
Tuesday morning at C.H. Bakeman's parlors. Burial will be at G.A.R. cemetery.

Snohomish GAR Cemetery
HALL, Billings O. no info. (Co. K. 21st. Me Inf.)

Everett Daily Herald

UNIONTOWN, Sept. 29- Mrs. Mary J. Hall, a native of Yorkshire, Engl., aged 78 years, 
died at her home near Uniontown. Mr. and Mrs. Hall came to America in 1850 settling 
in Wisconsin. In 1872 they came to Washington and settled on the farm where the 
family still resides.

Snohomish County Tribune

Hall- James Hall died a the residence of his home of his son-in-law, C.J. Hammer,
in this city, July 5,1899, in his 86th year. Mr. Hall was a native of Pa., and has 
been living with his daughter a number of years. The funeral was held at the 
residence this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Snohomish County Tribune

The citizens of Snohomish were shocked last Friday to hear that the news had been 
flashed across the wires from Kansas, that Mrs. Jas. W. Hall was dead. Mrs Hall 
had been in poor health for several months, and some time ago went to Chatauque, 
Ks, where she could receive medical assistance of her uncle Dr. Dalby, and at the 
same time get the benefit of a dryer climate. Mr. Hall had received cheerful 
letters from her, and to the anxious enquiries from her host of friend here, had 
always given hopeful reports, and when the telegram told of her death it was a 
great surprise and grief to all. The funeral was held last Saturday, and the body 
was laid to rest at Havana, Ks. by the side of her father and mother of whom died 
several years ago. Blanche was born at Independence, Ks twenty-six years ago. She 
came to Washington twelve years ago and lived at Shelton. In 1894 she was married 
to Jas. W. Hall and the next year came to Snohomish. Although having no children 
of her hown, she was a kind and loving mother to her husband's chidlren and 
always a great help to him. 

Snohomish Daily Herald

Leon Adam Hall was born was born at Port Blakely, Washington, June 19, 1883. His 
parents removed to San Francisco, taking little Leon with them in 1884 and remained 
there until 1888, when the family returned to Washington, locating at Shelton in 
1895, where they have resided ever since. Leon attended the public schools of this 
city, being an exceptionally bright puple, loved alike by both teachers and 
schoolmates. He graduated from the Snohomish High School in 1899, and entered the 
Freshman class of the Un. of Wa. in September of that year, remaining there until 
sickness compelled him to come home in March of this year. He never recovered, and 
August 3, he passed away. The funeral services were held at the Episcopalian church 
in the presence of a large congregation. Interment was made at Woodlawn cemetery.

Everett Daily Herald

Funeral services conducted by the GAR were held for Octavius A. HAMILTON Sunday 
afternoon at 2 pm from the chapel of Challacombe & Fickle. Mr. HAMILTON died at the 
home of his daughter Mrs. Glen E. CLARE and formerly resided at Monroe and Silver 
Lake. He was a member of John Buford Post, G.A.R. Everett, and had been married 48 
years. The Rev. George Gunter officiated at the services. The family accompanied the 
body to Washelli for cremation. Surviving are his wife Mrs. Maggie HAMILTON; one son 
Milton A. HAMILTON of Long Beach, Ca; two daughters, Mrs. Lila MOON of Seattle and 
Mrs. Pidge CEASE of Everett; three grandchildren, Milton of Middleport, Oh, and 
Howard HAMILTON; two sisters, Mrs. Thena MOORE of Cheshire, Oh and Mrs. Mary MURRAY 
of Pomeroy, Ohio.

Snohomish County Tribune

Mrs. Frances Minnie Samuels, wife of T.W. Samuels, died Thursday evening at the 
family home, 401 Cypress St. She was born in Eaton County, Michigan and was 58 
years of age. Mrs. Samuels has resided in Snohomish the past twenty years and was an 
active member of the Free Methodist church. She is survived by her husband and two 
daughters, Hattie, of Snohomish and Verda, of Seattle; two brothers, William O. 
Haney, of Snohomish and Sanford J. Haney, of Seattle. Funeral services were held 
Saturday at the Purdy and Sons chapel with Rev. L.F. DeLong, former pastor of the 
Free Methodist church, officiating, assisted by Rev. G.H. Harmer, present pastor. 
Burial was held in the G.A.R. cemetery.

Everett Daily Herald

Neil Hanson, who has been visiting with Mr. & Mrs. W. Johnson, from Mt. Vernon, died 
Friday afternoon at their home. He had spent about a month at their home and was in 
very poor health the entire time. He leaves in this city Mrs. W. Johnson, a sister, 
and a daughtr, Miss Violet Hanson, beides a numer of sons and daughters throughout 
the state. The remains were sent to Mt. Vernon for interment Saturday.

Everett Daily Herald

Bellingham, Wash. Nov. 23- The death of William Hanson, 18, of Anacortes, only member 
of the crew of nine of the tugboat Bahada, wrecked in Steamboat channel early Sunday 
morning, whose body has been recovered, was due to exposure. This was the verdict 
reached when an autopsy was held this morning under the direction of Coroner Henry 
Dunham of Mt. Vernon. Hanson, whose body was found on Samish Island, had become 
unconscious while swimming it was decided and later his lungs filled with water. 
There were no marks on his body. It is understood here that salvage experts will 
visit the scene of the disaster today to determine whether a plan to drag the sunken 
tug to shallow water is feasible by means of the towline to which she is fastened. 
The wreck is in 252 feet of water and divers cannot reach a depth greater than 210 
feet it is said.

Mt. Vernon, Nov. 23- R. Hanson of Dewey, aged father of two of the men killed on the 
ill fated Bahada Sunday is lying in a dangerous condition in the Burlington hospital, 
where he had intended to undergo an operation early Monday morning, when the news of 
the loss of two sons, George, 30 and George's younger brother, William, 18, whose 
body was the only one to be recovered. The mother of the two victims is staying at 
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knutzen of Burlington. George Hanson leaves a widow and 
two small children. The Gilkey Towing company, it was stated today, carried insurance 
on each of the men employed on the steamship. Policies ran from $1000 to $5000, with 
double indemnity providing for accidental death. This money will go to the relatives 
of the dead men.

Mt. Vernon, Nov. 23- The probe to determine the cause of the explosion which wrecked 
the Bahada near Anacortes early Sunday morning was started yesterday by Captain Wm. 
Fisher, supervisor with offices in Seattle for the US steamboat inspection service. 
Captain D.F. Ames inspector of hulls and Thomas Short, expert on steamboats arrived 
on the scene later in the day. Captain Fisher stated, it is said that judging from 
the nature of the wreckage, the explosion might have been in the fuel oil tank. 
Although a constant patrol has been kept on the waters adjacent but the one corpse 
had been found this morning.

Everett Daily Herald

Hans Severn Hanson, a Snohomish pioneer, died at his home south of town Thursday 
afternoon after an illness of several months. He was 67 years of age, and came to 
Snohomish in 1871, and since 1886 resided at his late home. He is survived by his 
wife, a son, Adolf, and a daughter, Mrs. George P. Dubuque. The funeral will be held 
at 10 a.m. tomorrow from the family home. Rev. R. M. Scott will conduct the service.

Everett Daily Herald

Rudolph Hany died last evening at his home, 1917 Highland. He leaves a wife and 
several children. He was a member of the G.A.R. and A.O.U.W. No funeral arrangement 
have yet been made.

Everett Daily Herald

Cle Elum, Oct.8- Pinned under a log and either unable to bear the terrible pain or 
fearing that even if rescued he would be a helpless criple for life, Claude Harkness, 
30 years old, formerly a resident of this place, pulled a knife from his pocket and 
cut his throat. Several hours later his lifeless body was found by his uncle, Marion 
Harkness, who was working in the timber with him.  Harkness was working on a big 
timber when it rolled over and pinioned him to the spot. Harkness was engaged at the 
time in hauling lumber for a coal company in Roslyn where he lived. He left a widow 
and child. His father, Homer Harkness is a pioneer of Yakima county, having kept a 
stage station at Grave's creek, during the Indian war of 1855-6. He is at present 
foreman of the hop pickers on the Hawkins farm near here.

Snohomish County Tribune

With regret the Tribune records the death of John L. Harrier, eldest son of Mrs. 
Christine Harrier, at the age of 18. He died last Thursday, March 8, of consumption 
at the home of his grandparents at Hartford. John was well known to all the young 
people of the city, having resided here for the past seven or eight years. The 
sympathy of the community is extended to his grief stricken mother. The funeral took 
place from the M.E. church in this city on the arrival of the train from Hartford 
Saturday morning. 

Snohomish County Tribune

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harriman have the sincere sympathy for the loss of their little 
six weeks old boy. The is especially sad, as he was their only child.

(This child is buried at Monroe IOOF Cemetery with his mother Elizabeth Harriman and 
father Charles Harriman and several brothers and sisters as adults.)

Snohomish County Tribune
11-25-1898 (Friday)

Wednesday afternoon, as Bill Harriman and his wife, Louisa, and Indian by the name of
Charly Shelton from the reservation, Mrs. John Elwell and Mrs. Chas. Harriman were 
riding in a canoe near Fiddler's Bluff, the canoe accidently tipped over, and all but
Mrs. John Elwell and Bill Harriman were drowned. The bodies were recovered Thursday 
morning, and the funerals will be held tomorrow. No futher particulars of the affair 
have as yet been given.


Charles HARRIMAN, born 1829 son of Joab HARRIMAN Jr (b 1802) and Janette HEDGE (b 
1804) left his homeland of Clinton, Kennebec Co. Me. by 1865 and was one of the 
first pioneers of the Tualco Valley. Married 1867 to Se Liz Beths WHEA-KADIM 
(niece of Chief Bonapart of the Snohomish Tribe) in Snohomish Co. (first Marriage
listed for Snohomish Co.) Children were Emma (KRIESCHEL) 1865, Elizabeth 
(MCDEVITTE)1873, Charles Foster 1868, Horace Marshal 1880, Casper 1875, Ella H. 
(TUCKER). Charles Foster 1868 m Adelaide JIMICUM 1893. Children were Roy 1895, 
Agnes 1896, Johnnie 1899, June 1899, Arthur 1900, Margaret 1902, Lena 1903, 
Herman Anthony 1904, Pauline 1907, Mabel 1908, Frances 1916, Joseph 1918. All 
above were Pioneers of Snohomish County between 1865 and several are still in 
Snohomish County today.

Everett Daily Herald

Frederick Gormley Harris, 73, of 3202 Broadway died late Wednesday at a local 
hospital following an extended illness. Mr. Harris was born in England, July 10, 
1871, and had resided in Everett for the past 30 years. He has no known relatives. 
Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the funeral home of Purdy & Walters with the 
Rev. Edwin Johnson pastor of the Trinity Lutheran church officiating. Burial will be 
in the Evergreen cemetery. 

Everett Daily Herald

M. Dainard Hart, 20, died Monday morning at Columbus hospital, Seattle, as a result 
of pneumonia following an appendicitis operation. Both his mother and father are 
dead, his only relatives being several uncles and aunts. He was born and brought up 
at Monroe where both of his parents died some time ago. The young man's nearest 
relatives here are two uncles and two aunts; Milton B Dainard, 3126 Rockefeller ave.;
Stanley Dainard and Mrs. John Harrison, Vancouver, B.C. and Mrs. George Farmer, 
Kelso. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.


Rev. P.H. Raymond officiated at the funeral of S.L. Hart, of Everett Tuesday 
afternoon, Mr. Hart was a member of GAR.

Everett Daily Herald

Our community was saddened late Saturday evening as the news of the death of 
Miss Vina Harter spread through the community. Miss Harter died at a few minutes 
after 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the age of 17 years and 5 months. She was 
a young lady very highly esteemed in the community, and her death seems the more 
sad, occurring as it did at that happy period in life when everything is suposed 
to be so bright and hopeful to the young. The funeral took place this afternoon 
at 2 o'clock from the Congregational church and was largely attended, the Rev. 
C.L. Mears preaching the sermon. The interment was at the Woodlawn cemetery.

1889 Snohomish Co. Census
James Harter age 29 carpenter b/Ill
Mary age 37 b/Ia
Myrtie Shold  age 12 b/Ia
Vine age 5 b/Ia

Everett Daily Herald

Maude E. Hartford, formerly of Everett, died Nov. 1, 1982. She was born March 21, 
1889, in Iowa. She leaves her son, Jack Hartford of Kirkland; and several nieces and 
nephews. Cryptside services, Wednesday, 2 p.m. in Evergreen cemetery Mausoleum under 
direction of Challacombe Fickel and Precht.

Everett Dailly Herald

Emma Jane Hartmon, 86, died at her home at 1708 Wetmore Ave. early Friday following a 
brief illness. Mrs. Hartmon had resided in Everett for 35 years and was a member of 
the First Methodist Church and the WCTU. Surviving are her husband, William W. 
Hartmon of the family home, a daughter, Mrs. Harriett L. Ferrier of Minneapolis, two 
sisters Mrs. M.A. Wright of Hastings, Mn. and Mrs. Mary Stone of St. Paul, three 
grand children and two great-grandchilldren. Funeral services will be announce later 
from the funeral home of Purdy and Walters.


Joseph J. Harton of this city died early Monday morning, at the Everett Hospital, to 
where he was taken last week, suffering from heart and lung disorders. The funeral 
was held on Wednesday, service being conducted in Everett and the Interment being at 
the Granite Falls cemetery. Mr. Harton was born in Oil City, Pa., March 8, 1882. His 
parents were John H. and Sarah Harton, who were residents of Grante a number of 
years and whose bodies were long ago laid to rest in the Granite Falls cemetery. He 
leaves a widow, who has the sympatyhy of a large number of friends here and 
elsewhere, and brother and a sister, namely, David H. Harton of Monroe and Adda M. 
Cramer of Denver, Co.; and a half-brother, John Harton, of this city, and a 
half-sister, Elizabeth C. Vance, of Oleans, N.Y.

Everett Daily Herald

Mrs. Fannie C. Harvey, 67, of 2319 Hoyt ave. died at her home early Tuesday morning. 
Death followed a long illness. Mrs. Harvey was born in Queensburg, New Brunswick, 
October 22, 1867, and for the past 24 years had lived in Everett.  She was a member 
of Trinity Episcopal church. Surviving relatives are; a daughter Mrs. G. Eastline of 
Everett and a step-daughter, Mrs. H.E. Sears of Boston and a sister Mr. J.A. Clark of 
2519 GRand ave. Funeal services will be held at Jerread's chapel Thursday afternoon 
at 2 o'clock. The Rev. E.M. Rogers of the Trinity Episcopal church will officiate and 
interment will be in Evergreen cemetery.

Snohomish County Tribune

The young friends of Mr. Noble Harvey treated him to a most enjoyable suprise at his 
home last Tuesday evening, Jan. 18th. The spacious rooms were thrown open and a most 
delightful evening was spent in dancing, games and card playing. At midnight a 
delicious feast was served. Among those present were Mrs. W.E. Sikes, of Redmond; 
Capt. And Mrs. G.C. Spalding, of Seattle; Misses Christine Adair, Effa Adams and 
Stella Adams, of Novelty; Misses Winnie and Edna Preston, of Arlington; Mr. And Mrs. 
John Noble, Misses Ivie and Annie Noble, Miss Maud Brown, Miss Lottie Johnson, Miss 
Jennie Noble, Miss McMullen, Miss Edith White, Mr. And Mrs. James Burton, Messers. 
Will J. Adair, Evant and Percv Adams, of Novelty; Master Burleigh Preston, of 
Arlington; Master Lumel Sikes, of Redmond; Mr. Noble Harvey, Master Elmer Noble, Mr. 
D.A. Ford, Mr. York, Mr. Ed White and Mr. Charles Johnson. 

Everett Daily Herald

Daniel J. Hasler, 41, beloved husband and father, died September 3, 1992, in a 
Seattle hospital, after a courageous three year battle with leukemia. He was born
August 12, 1951 in Teaneck, New Jersey. He was a recent Snohomish area resident, 
formerly of Everett. Dan was employed for 10 years with W.S.I.P.C. of Lynnwood. He is 
survived by his wife, Nancy; daughter Amanda; and son David, all of Snohomish; 
mother, Elizabeth Hasler of New Port Richey, Fl.; sisters, Jean and Liz and brother, 
Don; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorial services 2:00 p.m., Saturday, in the 
Bauer Funeral Chapel, Snohomish. Memorials are suggested to the Leukemia Society of 

Snohomish GAR Cemetery
Hasler  Daniel  J       Ashes   1993            
Hasler  Mae                                                     

Everett Daily Herald

Philip Hathaway, a pioneer resident of Snohomish, died Saturday night from stomach 
troubles, from which he had been a sufferer for a long time. He was taken critically 
ill Friday and never rallied. He was sixty-one years old, a veteran of the civil war 
and leaves a widow and several grown children. Two other deaths occured in the 
Hathaway family within a year past a young son having been drowned and another died 
from an abcess on the brain about a year ago. The funeral is under the auspices of 
the G.A.R.

Phil Hathawy buried 12-8-1907
Rachael Hathaway died 7-13-1932

HATHAWAY P. no info. (Co. D 3rd Oh. Cav.)
HATHAWAY, Charles 1873-1948
HATHAWAY, Blaine 1893-1906 (s/o Pilip & Rachel Blaine)
HATHAWAY, Blaine 1896-1907 (also says s/o Philip)

Everett Daily Herald
June 21 1967

Roy J. Haugen, 68, Rt. 4 Everett, died at a local hospital June 11 after a brief 
illness. Mr. Haugen was born in Trondheim, Norway, July 26, 1903 and had lived at 
Silver Lake and Everett for the past 45 years. He operated a farm at Silver Lake for 
the past 22 years and was a member of Normanna Lodge No. 3 Sons of Norway. He leaves 
his widow, Inez at home; a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Jones of Issaquah; two sons, 
Roger G. Haugen at home and Raymond J. Haugen of Everett; one sister, Mrs. Johanna 
Brurok of Trondheim, Norway, and 13 grandchildren. Services Wednesday, 11 a.m. Solie 
Funeral Home, the Rev. Edwin Johnson officiating; burial, Evergreen Cemetery. 

DIED 1-2-1930 

Thomas HAVERCROFT, 84, died at his home, 3203 Pine Street, Friday morning after a 
short illness. Mr. HAVERCROFT has been a resident of Everett for 39 years. He was a 
member of John Buford Post, G.A.R. having enlisted in 2nd Reg. Co. E. Wi. Cavalry 
during the Civil War. For many years he was balliff at the county courthouse. He is 
survived by a son, H.F. HAVERCROFT, and three daughters, Mrs. W.R. HODGINS of 2025 
Pine St., Mrs. F.R. FALLER of 1001 Rucker ave and Mrs. W.S. PLOWMAN of Vader. Funeral
services for Mr. HAVERCROFT will be held from the chapel of Challacombe & Fickel at 
10.a.m. Monday. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.

Snohomish County Tribune

Word reached here Wednesday that Dr. Hawkins, of Marysville, was dead. He had not 
been well for some weeks, but did not take to his bed till Monday, when he soon 
realized his condition and told his friends that he was going to die. He passed away 
during that fornoon, and was buried by the Odd Fellows Wednesday. The doctor had many
friends throughout the county who will mourn his demise.

Everett Daily Herald

Ruth Evelyn Hawkins, 80, of Everett, died February 9, 1997 at home. In keeping with 
her wishes no services will be held. Arrangements entrusted to Purdy & Walters with 
Cassidy, Everett.

Snohomish County Tribune

Mrs. O.S. Hawley died at her home in this city, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1898 after an 
illness of less than two weeks, and was buried from the Congregational church 
Saturday afternoon following. Rev. Winchester preached the funeral sermon, and the 
Forresters, of which Mr. Hawley is a member, attended in a body and assisted at the 
house and grave, Grand Chief Ranger Stoeling of Seattle, coming up to help in the 
ceremonies. Rose Ella Gunther was born in Germany in 1874, and moved with her parents 
to Snohomish in 1892. She was married to O.S. Hawley in this city May 1896. She 
leaves one child, baby Clara, nine  months old, her mother, two sisters Minnie and 
Martha, a brother, John Gunther, and a bereaved husband to mourn her loss. Mrs. 
Hawley was of a quiet, retiring disposition and was univerally loved by all who 
became intimately accquainted with her. The bereaved husband and relatives have the 
sympathy of the community, in their sorrow. 

Snohomish Co. marriage record
Orna Hawley m Rosa Guenthir 5-30-1889

Snohomish Co. Death Record
Rosa M. Hawley age 24 b/Germany died 12-8-1898

Everett Daily Herald

Card of Thanks
Mrs. Elizabeth Hawthorn wishes to thank all the neighbors and friends, and the G.A.R.
for their kindly assistance in her recent grievance. 

1907 Polk Directory shows 
Farwell H. Hawthorn h 1422 Rucker ave.

H.Farewell Hawthorn served as Srgt. in 1st Vt Cavalry Co. K, he has a Civil War 
tombstone with this inf. on it and at time of enlistment gave his residence as 
Bridgeport, VT.

He died 7-28-1908 and was buried at Evergreen Cemetery under the name of Fred 
Hawthorne by John Buford Post G.A.R. of Everett. His tombstone and military records 
spells his name as Hathorn.


Death Claims Monroe Resident

Otis Hayes, aged forty-seven, died at his home in this city last Tuesday afternoon 
from anemia, after an illness which had extended over several months. The direct 
cause of his death is declared by attending physicians to have been the result of 
poisoning, resulting from serveral decayed teeth. The deceased was born in 
Pennsylvania, and resided in that state until after his marriage. About eight years 
ago he moved to Monroe and since made this his home. He was a member of the local 
IOOF. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss, besides several other 
relatives residing here, amoung them being Mrs. Henry Dennis, Mrs. John Johnson, 
Elmer Odell and W. Barber. The funeral services were held from the family residence 
on Thursday afternoon, and were conducted under the order of the Christian Science 
chapel in the city. Interment took place in the Monroe cemetery.

Otis N. Hayes 2-13-1866 to 9-9-1916

Snohomish County Tribune

James Hazzard died at the county hospital last Sunday and was buried Monday 
afternoon. Mr. Hazzard was an old timer and formerly lived at Mukilteo. 

Snohomish County Death Record
Jas. G. Hazzard age 80 yrs b/RI died 10-29-1898

Everett Daily Herald

M. Dainard Hart, 20, died Monday morning at Columbus hospital, Seattle, as a result 
of pneumonia following an appendicitis operation. Both his mother and father are 
dead, his only relatives being several uncles and aunts. He was born and brought up 
at Monroe where both of his parents died some time ago. The young man's nearest 
relatives here are two uncles and two aunts; Milton B Dainard, 3126 Rockefeller ave.;
Stanley Dainard and Mrs. John Harrison, Vancouver, B.C. and Mrs. George Farmer, 
Kelso. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Everett Daily Herald

Despondent over incurable sickness and suffering from extreme melancholia so that he 
had to be watched by his family, John Hefferman, age 55, this morning killed himself 
by shooting himself through the head. The deceased leaves a widow and four children 
who reisde at 3421 Broadway. No funeral arrangement will be made until relatives east 
of the mountains can be heard from.


Married, in Seattle, at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev John F. 
Damon, on Sunday evening, August 13, 1899, Mr. H.A. Moore and Miss Mae Heintz, both 
of Monroe, Washington.

Everett Daily Herald

Mrs. Hannah Hemstrom, a native of Sweden died at Granite Falls this morning. Mrs. 
Hemstrom, 88 years old, came to Granite Falls in 1886 and resided in Snohomish county
46 years. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Augusta McMahon of Seattle, a son, Charles 
Hemstrom of Granite Falls, and five grandchildren. Funeral services have been set 
for saturday at 1:30 p.m. from the Granite Falls Congregational church. The Rev. Mr. 
Steele will officiate and buiral will be at Granite Falls cemetery under the 
direction of E.E. Purdy and son.

Everett Daily Herald

Mrs. Lydia Henrickson, aged 24 years, died Friday at Riverton, Wash. Funeral services 
were held yesterday at Hartford and interment was made in the Machias cemetery. The 
deceased leaves a husband and children at Machias. 

Machias Cemetery
Erick Hendrickson 1-1-1870 to 3-21-1959 age 81 
Mina Hendrickson age 75 died 5-3-1954
Lydia Granfors Hendrickson 1894-1-4-1918 age 24\\
Sam Hendrickson 1887-3-28-1916 age 29
Fredolf Hendrickson died 1-8-1918 age 9 days
George Hendrickson age 22 b/10-17-1926
Marten Albert 5-4-1896 Finland to 9-24-1978

Snohomish County Tribune

We were sorry to hear of the sad news received last week by Robert and William Henry 
of the death of their father at Muskegon, Mi.

Everett Daily Herald

Alvin J. Hereth, 62, of 302 Ave. B, Snohomish, died Oct. 28 in an Everett hospital, 
following a brief illness. He was born Aug,29 1910, in Snohomish. He had been in the 
grocery business since 1929 and at the time of his death, was the owner and operator 
of the Hereth Thriftway Stores. He served on the board of directors of the Thriftway 
Stores, was a board member of the Washington Food Dealers Assoc., a member of the 
Snohomish County Meatcutters, a charter member and past president of the Snohomish 
Kiwanis Club, a member and past president of the Snohomish Sportsman Club, the Past 
President to the Snohomish County Sportsmens Assoc., served on the Board of Directors 
of Bethany Home and the board of directors of the Josephine Sunset Home, a member of 
the Snohomish Chamber of Commerce, an honorary member of the Snohomish Jaycees, and
twice recipient of "Boss of the Year" award, a member of the Everett Elks, No. 479, 
Christ the King Lutheran Church, Snohomish, and served on the Church council.

He leaves his wife, Rhea, at home; three sons, Richard of Marysville, Lane of 
Snohomish, and Alan of Everett; a brother Walt of Snohomish; two sisters, Mrs. Walt 
(Ruth) Bartelheimer of Snohomish and Mrs. Harold (Sally) Neil; 11 grandchildren and 
a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Thursday in Chirst 
the King Lutheran Church, Snohomish, with Pastor Olaf A. Anderson officiating, under 
the directon of the Bauer Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in the GAR cemetery. Friends
wishing may make contributions to the Chirst the King Memorail Fund.

Everett Daily Herald

Mrs. Anna Hereth died at the age of 80 years July 6 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 
George Stocker, in South Snohomish, Mrs. Hereth was born in Germany in 1845. She went 
to Nebraska in 1883 and after spending several years there came to Snohomish 25 years 
ago, making her home here ever since. Surviving her are nine children. Mrs. George 
Stocker, Mrs. John Conrad, Mickel Hereth, Conrad Hereth and George Hereth, all of 
Snohomish; Mrs. John Huneke of Kansas, Mrs. John Reichers of Nebraska, Martin Hereth 
of Idaho and Fred Hereth of Oregon, 48 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. 
Funeral services will take place Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the George Stocker home 
and at 2 o'clock from the Lutheran church. The Rev. F. Schoknecht will officiate and 
interment will be at the Lutheran cemetery under the directon of C. H. Bakeman.

Snohomish Eye

Mr. H(enry) HERRING died at his home in this city on Wednesday, Aug. 17. The funeral 
was held at the Methodist church at two o'clock on Friday afternoon and the body in 
that long last sleep was laid away in the new G.A.R. cemetery awaiting the final 
resurrection morning.

Henry HERRING was born in New York about sixty ago and there was married to the 
affectionate wife who survies him. About one year after their marriage they moved 
to Michigan, where in 1861 Mr. HERRING enlisted in the 7th Michigan Infantry, and 
was wounded by a shell in the battle of Antiam, an engagement in which more than 
half the regiment was disabled. He received an honorable discharge and soon 
regaining his health, he re-enlisted in the same company and regiment and was 
promoted to the rank of sergeant-major. More than 150,000 men were killed, wounded 
or taken prisioner in the battle in which his regiment was engaged. Gen. Shafter, 
commander at Santiago, entered the army as first lieutenant in that regiment.

After the war Mr. HERRING lived in Dakota nine years, and then moved to Snohomish 
and engaged in business and where he lived up to the time of his death. The 
deceased had been a sufferer from consumption for years, and had been confined to 
his home for about six months, suffering intensely, but bearing the pain without 
complaint. For several weeks death was hourly expected, and on Wednesday morning 
at about eight o'clock, the grim messenger came and he passed peacefully away. Mr. 
HERRING realized that Death's heavy hand was on him, and several times had expressed 
his belief in God and his readinessed to die. 

The funeral was   held under the auspices of the Morton Post G.A.R. of which the 
deceased was an honored member, and a large number of friends followed all that was 
mortal of Mr. HERRING to its last resting place. 

Mr. HERRING requested pension on 2-7-1880 Cert.#171233 and his wife Lydia requested 
pension 10-5-1898 Cert#519034 Wa. 

1900 Snohomish Co. Washington
Lydia HERRING bv/8-1843 NY, living with his daughter Mrs. Hattie Smith b /11-1869 
wife of Redmond; grandchildren were noted as Howard 1888, Mabel 1890, Luella 1896, 
Redmond 1898, Alcie 1900. 

In 1910 Lydia HERRING is living with Joseph HERRING age 46 b/Mi and his wife Agnes 
age 35 with other grandchildren Leona age 15 and Bertha age 13. 

Everett Daily Herald

Vernon H. Herschlip, 65, of Monroe, passed away September 26, 2001 at his home. He 
was born February 14, 1936 in Everett, WA to Harold and Luceal Herschlip. Vernon was 
baptized and confirmed at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Everett, WA. He graduated from 
Everett High School in 1954. At age 24, he joined the Everett Police Department, 
retiring after 26 years of dedicated service.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife Betty, son Daniel and brother 
Delwin. Vernon is survived by his wife, Lynn; son Jeffrey of Oroville, WA; daughter 
Karla and husband Jerry Surdyk of Snohomish, WA; daughter Paula Herschlip of 
Ravensdale, WA; step-son, Jay Phillips of Seattle, WA; step-daughter Lisa and husband 
Tom Parkinson of Bothell, WA; step-daughter Linnea and husband Don Camillo of 
Sterling Heights, MI; eight granchildren, Nicholas, Rebecca, Andrew, Chelsie, Monica, 
Daniel, David and Sherree; brother Virgil and sister-in-law Janet of Bellingham, WA; 
sister Delores Maag of Camano Island, WA; sister-in-law Helen Herschlip of Marysville,
WA; and numerous nieces, nephews and friends.

Visitation will be on Friday, September 28th from 9:00a.m.-8:00p.m. and Saturday, 
September 29th from 9:00a.m.-service time at Solie Funeral Home, 3301 Colby Ave., 
Everett. Funeral Services will be held at 2:00p.m., Saturday, September 29th at 
the Solie Funeral Home Chapel. Reception of coffee and cake following the service 
at the family farm. The family requests that in lieu of flowers memorial 
contributions may be made to Immanuel Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, 2421 Lombard 
Ave, Everett, WA 98201 or Providence Hospice of Snohomish County.

(note from Karyn, I knew Vernon & Lynn since his move to the Roosevelt farm just down 
from ours and will miss him deeply, he was a kind and very neighborly person; my 
sympathy to Lynn and the remaining family)

Everett Daily Herald

Albert F. Hester, 76, died Sunday morning at an Evrett hospital following an extended
illness. The family homeis at 2512 Lombard ave. Mr. Hester was born at Pepperell, 
Ma., February 23, 1864, and came to Lowell in 1893. He has been an employee of the 
Everett Pulp and Paper mill for 40 years and was a member of the Knights of Pythias 
of Lowell and the Modern Woodmen of America. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. 
Mildred E. Hester of 2512 Lombard ave.; a daughter, Myrtle Hester of Seattle, and 
three sisters, Miss Nellie Hester of Bridgeport, Ct., Mrs. Bertha Bidwell of New 
Britain, Ct., and Mrs. Verble Jones of Hartford, Ct. Funeral services for Mr. Hester 
will be held at the chapel of Challacombe & Fickle Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 
o'clock. The Rev. G. Gordon Goldthwaite, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, 
will officiate. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. 

Everett Daily Herald

Alice R. Heustis b/11-28-1869 Warsaw, Ind. - died 6-9-1961 buried at Cypress Lawn 
Ev. Lot 3 Sec. 10 Block Vets Charles and Marie Burt of 2719 Cedar St. Ev. Wa. 
buried her. Mrs. Alice R. Heustis, 91, of 2208 State st., died in a local hospital 
Friday afternoon following an extended illness. Mrs. Heustis was born in Warsaw, 
Indiana, Nov 28, 1869, and had lived in Everett for 30 years. Surviving are a 
daughter, Mrs. Eathel Aldrich of 2208 State; nine grandchildren; 38 
great-grandchildren and three great-great gandchildren. Funeral services will be 
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the funeral home of Purdy and Walters. Burial will 
be in Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. Pallbearers are to be George Christiansen, Larry 
Brauch, Frank Brauch, James Brauch, Charles Aldrich and Paul Eldredge.

Snohomish County Tribune

Again has death decended upon our little city and taken from our midst Mrs. Ira 
Hewitt on Sunday, April 29. Mrs. Hewitt was one of natures noble women and her 
loss will be keenly felt by those who have been fortunate enough to come in 
contact with her. Her kindness and loving sympathy have been extended to many 
who now mourn her departure, feeling that they have lost their best friend. The 
funeral was held form the Congregational church Tuesday, May 1, and was attended 
by a crown of mourning friends. Interment was made in the G.A.R. cemetery. 
Arletta Yates Hewitt was born in Southport, Wi., April 27 1838 she married Ira 
Hewitt Oct. 15, 1854. By that union there were four children, Geo. A. Hewitt, of 
this city; C.Y. Hewitt, of Brownton, Mn., Ella E. Hewitt-Padden, of this city, 
and Emma A. Hewitt-Adams, of Seattle. These with their father are left to mourn 
her whose love and self-sacrifice have smoothed their pathway through life.

Everett Daily Herald

The funeral of Frank J. Hewitt wo passed away at his home, Ave. A, on May 22, was 
held from the Bakeman and Purdy Undertaking parlors on Sunday afternoon. The 
address was delivered by Rev. Robt. Murray Pratt, pastor of the Congregational 
church. Mr. Hewitt came to Snohomish four years ago from Mn., and leaves a widow 
and daugher, Mrs. Maud Hewitt, of this city. a sister Mrs. O.A. Phillips of 
Seattle, and Cort Hewitt in Mn. He was born in Pa., June 4, 1842, and was thus 
in his seventy-second year. Interment was made in the G.A.R. cemetery, the
brothers of the local lodge of IOOF officiating at the graveside. Mr. Hewitt was 
a member of the Fraternal lodge No. 62 IOOF Mn. There was a large concord of 
friends and family at the gravside. The family has the sympathy of this 

Everett Daily Herald

Ira Boliver Hewitt, who for the past year had been in feeble health, died at the 
home of his daughter, Mrs. Ella Padden. Thursday, April 23rd. Mr. Hewitt was born 
in Wyoming county, N.Y., on April 16, 1832. He was married to Arletta Yaton at 
Waupun, Wi., October 15, 1854. He is survived by four children, George A. Hewitt, 
now in Mexico, C.Y. Hewitt and Mrs. Ella Padden, of Snohomish, and Mrs. Emily 
Hewitt Adams, of Seattle. He was a member of Morton post No. 10 G.A.R. of which 
he was a past commander. Comrade Hewitt enlisted from Olmstead county, Minn,
on 10-28-1862, to serve during existing emergency and was mustered into the U.S. 
service at Fort Snelling, Mn., 12-1-1862, as a private of Capt. Dwight Allen's 
Co. "I", First regiment Minnesota volunteer mounted rangers. This regiment was 
recruited on account of the urgent necessity of having cavalry for the purpose of 
the Indians. The Sioux, as their name, "Cut Throat," implies were a merciless and 
savage foe. They had perpetrated a massacre along the frontier that was without 
a parallel in American history. Captain Marsh's men while crossing the river at 
the Redwood agency were surprised and butchered. The fiends spread themselves 
like prairie fire along the frontier and in a few days one thousand persons were 
slaughtered Comrade Hewitt served as first company bugler, and Chief bugler of 
the detachment. He was constantly with his command during its service and 
rendered faithful and notorious service to his country. The service accomplished 
the release of hundreds of white prisoners whose lives were in the greatest 
danger. He received honorable discharge at Fort Snelling on 12-1-1863. 

The funeral service was held at the Congregational church Sunday afternoon, Rev. 
Robert Murray Pratt, officiating. At the graveside in the G.A.R. cemetery, the
impressive service of the I.O.O.F. was read. The deceased came to Snohomish on 
May 1, 1889, and enjoyed a wide circle of friends. The funeral service was 
largely attended. Among those who attended from out of town were: E.A. Kelly, 
Seattle, Mrs. Gertie Burch, Seattle; Mrs. Clark Kellogg, Seattle; Mrs. E.A. 
Sturgeon and Miss Marie Sturgeon, Everett; Mr. and Mrs. H. Manly and B.R. Baker, 

1900 Snohomish Co. Census
Ira B. Hewitt b/4-1832 age 68 widow b/ NY parents b/ Ny Ny 


Everett Daily Herald

Eli D. HEWITT for 11 years one of the most active Grand Army men in this city, 
and present commander of Morton post, died at his home yesterday afternoon from 
heart failure. He he lived until next Christmas he would have been 74 years old. 

Mr. HEWITT was a native of Wisconsin, but lived for some time in Minnesota, 
before coming here and during the civil war went to the front with Company L of 
the First Minnesota heavy artillery. He leavs a wife, three sons and a daughter 
in this city, also numerous other relatives, including a brother I.B. HEWITT, 
who is now rusticating on Lake Chelan. It is feared he will not arrive here in 
time for the funeral. Mr. HEWITT's children are C.E. HEWITT the contractor, W.W. 
HEWITT a teacher, M.B. HEWITT and Mrs. Jennie HEWITT DICKINSON. He was a cousin 
of Mrs. O.A. PHELPS, of Everett, and an uncle of Mrs. Captain ADAMS and J.M. 
KELLY, of Seattle. 

The funeral will take place from the family residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 
o'clock, under the auspices of the G.A.R. and of the I.O.O.F. he being a member 
of a lodge of the latter order in Brownton Minn. The body will be interred in 
G.A.R. cemetery.

Everett Daily Herald

Frank J. Hewitt died at his home on Ave. A. May 22. The funerals was held Sunday
afternoon from Bakeman and Purdy's chapel, the exercises being in charge of Robert
Murray Pratt, pastor of the Congregational church. The deceased came to Snohomish
four years ago from Mn. He was born in Pa. June 4, 1842. He was a member of the 
fraternal lodge No. 62, IOOF, at Mn. Interment was made in the G.A.R. cemetery, the 
local IOOF officiating at the graveside. A large gathering of friends were present 
and many floral tokens of respect and sympathy were given. 

Death of Mrs. Hibbits

At Providence hospital, Everett, where she had been receiving treatment under care 
of Dr. Howard for a week or more, occurred the death of Mrs. Carrie Agness Hibbits, 
wife of Arthur John Hibbits, from kidney disease, age 60 years 9 months. Ever since 
an illness with the flu some two years ago, Mrs. Hibbits health began to break and 
it was a gradual decline since then, and the last two months of her life she was very
poorly indeed. Prior to removal to the hospital she was ill at her home and under a 
doctor's care. All that could be done for her as forth coming in abundant degree. 

The funeral was held from St. Mary's Catholic church, Monroe, Wednesday January 7th 
at 10 o'clock, Rev. M.J. Lee of Los Angeles, Cal. officiating in solemn high mass, 
assisted by the pastor of St. Mary's Rev. Robt Dillon; Miss Marion Funk rendering the
music. Burial was made in IOOF cemetery, Monroe. The pallbearers were H.E. Pearsall, 
R.J. Stretch, W.S. Camp, John Crankshaw, W.C. Streissguth, and D.P. Funk. There was 
a fine turnout at her funeral and beautiful floral tributes were the offerings to her
memory from many friends. 

Deceased was a native of New Brunswick, Canada, born April 11th, 1864, and when 28 
years of age came to Snohomish county, Washington, settled a little later in Monroe, 
which  place was her home ever since. On August 2nd, 1899, she was united in marriage 
with Arthur John Hibbits and for the first few years they lived near where now stands 
the Great Northern railway depot, removing to their present home where they lived 
every since. That was in 1904. Mrs. Hibbits was a great home body, a wonderful 
housekeeper, a fine neighbor and frriend, and a wonderfully industrious person. At 
one time she was a member of the Maccabees. At her death she was a member of the 
triple H club. 

Besides her husband , Mrs Hibbits is survived by her brothers, C.P. Fleming of 
Blanchard, Washington and Thomas L. Fleming of New Burnswick, also three sisters, 
Mrs. Mary McGuire, Mrs. Annie McGuire and Mrs. Ellen Cavender, all of New Brunswick. 
There are many sincere regreets from many dear and old time friends of this good lady 
for her rather untimely passing, one whom they held in the very highest esteem at all 
times and remember her as the best of neighbors and a friend indeed. Purdy and Sons 
conducted the funeral.

Monroe IOOF Cemetery
Carrie Agnes Hibbets age 60 4-11-1864 to 1-3-1925
Everett wife of A.J. Hibbets.

Snohomish County Tribune

Friday evening between five and six at work in the woods near here, a tree which was 
being felled struck Mr. Charles Hickson falling on both feet cutting them entirely 
off, one four inches the six above the ankle, both feet were left in the woods where 
they were buried the next day. Mr. Hicson was carried to his home in Hartford where 
he ate a hearty supper then told his wife that his feet were off in the coolest 
possible manner, his wife supposing he was ill and not knowing the facts in the case 
until he himself informed her. Mr. Hickson was very brave indeed, he is a newcomer in 
Harford and well liked by all who know him. as is also his wife. A purse was 
immediately made up and between one and two hundred dollars collected for them. Mr. 
Hickson was taken to the hospital at Wooley. His brother and wife are with him. It is 
indeed a sad misfortune and Mr. Hickson has the sympathy of all who know him. 

We have no language to express our gratitude to the citizens of Hartford and 
vicinity, for their kindness and liberality, during the severe accident that befell 
our husband and brother Frederick Hickson, by which he lost his life. 

Mrs. Nettie Hickson
Mr. Henry Hickson 

Snohomish County Tribune

We simply mentioned the death of the Trafton pioneer Benton Lawerance Hildebrand,
in our last weeks issue, being unable to secure any facts concerning his death. Mr. 
Hildebrand was apparently in excellent health, till within a few days of his death. 
He caught a cold which settled into acute pneumonia, and in three days caused his 
death. He was fourty three years old and had been a resident of this county for the 
past twelve years, having come from California. He was an industrious and upright 
citizen, and had accumulated considerable property in the county and in Seattle, and 
leaves many friends who mourn his demise. He has six brothers and sisters who survive 
him, all of whom live in other states. 

Snohomish County Death Records
B.L. Hildebrand 48-died 4-4-1896

Snohomish County Tribune

Mrs. A. J. Hill died at the home of her parents in Everett last Friday. Mr. Hill was 
at Monte Crisco and did not know that his wife was seriously ill until a messenger 
arrived, telling him of her death. The funeral was held at Everett Tuesday afternoon,
a large number of Snohomish friends of the deceased being present.

Snohomish Co. Death record
Vena Hill age 28 Iowa died 4-1-1898

Snohomish County Tribune

As Will Hill and J Newkirchen were removing a large snag at the Cyclone mill boom 
Wednesday morning. Will lost his balance and fell into the water almost immediately 
going to the bottom. When he saw he was going to fall, he jumped toward the shore, 
but being unable to swim a stroke, could not reach the shore-boom, and sank to his 
death. A force of men immediately began searching for the body, with pike poles and 
grapplinghooks, but it was after twelve o'clock before the body was found, and then 
about 100 feet below where the accident happened. Will was the eldest son of Mr. & 
Mrs. J.R. Hill, and was in his 19th year. He has always been an industrious boy and 
was at one time one of the Tribune newsboys. He has alway assisted his father in 
teaming, and when the latter left for Alaska last year, Will took charge of his team 
and has since been a great comfort and help to his mother. He was exemplary in his 
habits, and had the respect of all who knew him, and many friends among the young 
people of his age. His parents and his brother and sister have the sympathy of the 
entire community in their sad affliction. The funeral was held at the Congregational 
church this afternoon under the auspices of the Degree of Honor, Rev. Winchester 
officiating, and a large number of friends meeting to express by their presence, 
their respect for the dead, and their sympathy for the bereaved family. Interment was 
made in Woodlawn cemetery. 

Woodlawn Cemetery
HILL  William H.        4/28/1899
HILL  Josephine D.      1889    1943
HILL  James Edward      3/1/1881 b/Mo 7/12/1938 w/o Josephine
HILL  George R. 3/18/1916

Snohomish County Tribune

C.W. Gorham, acting as coroner during the absence of Dr. Stafford, was called out to 
the Wood & Iverson's shingle mill Tuesday morning to investigate the cause of death 
of Joe Hill, who was found dead in his bed that morning. After the inquest the body 
was brought to Bakeman undertaking parlors, and the funeral was held Wednesday 

Snohomish County Tribune

The sad news of the death of Addison J. Hill, formerly of this city, at Skagway, 
Alaska, reached Snohomish last Sunday. The only facts concerning the occurance so far 
learned, are those of the "Dail Alaskan" published Wednesday July 19. Mr. Allen left 
immediately for Alaska to investigate the matter and take charge of his store. Hill, 
for the past few months manager of the hardware business of Allen Bros. in this city, 
committed suicide at an early hour yesterday morning in his room at the rear of the 
Allen store on Broadway. His hands were lying on his breast, and just above them a 38 
calibre revolver. The body will be held in awaiting the arrival of the dead man's 
employer, Mr. George Allen and is expected to be sent to his old home in Everett, 
Washington for interment. Fourteen months ago Mr. Hill buried his wife, to whom he 
was devotedly attached at Everett, Washington. She left him three little girls, the 
eldest now eight years, the youngest fifteen months old.


Margaret Hillaire, 56, Star Rt., Marysville, died in a Seattle hospital Aug. 15 after 
an extended illness. She was born Dec. 23, 1906, at Yakima, and lived most of her 
life in Marysville area. She was a member of the Yakima Indian tribe. She leaves her 
husband, Phil, Star Rt. Marysville; tow sons, Charles and Phil Jr.; Two daughters, 
Miss Dorothy Hillaire, Cordova, Alaska, and Mrs. Virginia Steinbach., Seattle; and 
three grandchildren. Funeral mass will be Saturday, 9 a.m. at Father James Mulligan 
will be celebrant. The rosary will be said Friday, 7:30 p.m. in Schaefer Funeral 
HOme, Marysville. Burial will be in Marysville Cemetery.

Snohomish County Tribune

E.C. Hinman, an old resident of Snohomish county, and later of Island county, died 
on board the streamer Charles Nelson on her last trip from St. Micheals and was 
buried at sea.


The funeral of Mrs. Lena Hirschy, of whose death was made last week, was held from 
the M.E. church Monroe Sunday February 15th Rev. P.H. Raymond was the officiating 
clergyman and the attendance was very large. The service was beautifully rendered 
and the sermon one most fitting for such an occasion. His personal reference to 
deceased was equally beautiful. The singing all that could be widhed for. There was a 
wonderfully large and fine selection of floweres in the prrocession that wended its 
way to the cemetery fully seventy-five cars in line. The death of this most worthy 
woman coming as it did, as suddenly and under the most painfully sorrowing 
circumstance, for she leaves behind her, husband and their six children, the eldest 
about 14, the youngest 3 years of age. The testimony of those who knew Mrs. Hirschy 
best, as to her fine qualities of a home maker and home keeper, love for her family, 
and all those things that count for real worth in the great role of motherhood, 
finely set out what a good woman she was. She had been ill but a week. Her age was 37


John H. HOFFEE, 84 years old, died Saturday, Dec. 31, at his home at Sultan following
a brief illness. He has resided for the past thirty years in the Skykomish valley, 
the last eighteen in Sultan and was proprietor of the Sultan Hotel. He is survived 
by his wife. Mrs. Martha HOFFEE and five children, John HOFFEE, Klamath Falls, 
Oregon; Frank HOFFEE of Monroe, Mrs. A.M. WHITE of Sultan, Mrs M. PEDERSEN of 
Chariston and Henry HOFFEE of Cathlamet. Mr. HOFFEE was a veteran of the Civl War 
and followed General Sherman on his march to the sea. 

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church at Sultan 
the Rev. Butcher of Sultan officiating. Interment under the direction of George H. 
Jerread was in Monroe cemetery.

Monroe IOOF Cemetery
HOFFEE Baby no info.
HOFFEE Dorothy 6/29/1889 11/19/1969
HOFFEE Flora 12/26/1938 age 59yrs
HOFFEE Frank 7/2/1889 9/4/1947
HOFFEE John A. 3/13/1874 10/9/1931
HOFFEE John H. 1843 1927
HOFFEE John M. 12/21/1902 8/5/1979
HOFFEE Martha 1854 1936
HOFFEE Thelma E. 1896 1982
HOFFEE William H. 1884 1964

Snohomish County Tribune

Unintentionally the Tribune failed to chronicle the death of Mrs. Penelope Hogan at 
the time it happened. She passed away July 3 after a lingering illness. The deceased 
was one of the oldest and best known residents of the city, having come here at any 
early date.

1889 Snohomish County Census
Stephen Hogan age 48 rancher b/Can
Penolope 50 b/Scot
Mary L. age 16 b/Wt
Eugene age 14 b/Wt
Carrie age 12 b/Wt 

Woodlawn Cemetery
HOGAN   Penolope                7/5/1900

Everett Daily Herald

Petition for the appointment of T.A. Stiger as administrator of Samuel Holmes who 
committed suicide at Seattle Heights on July 22, was filed late yesterday afternoon 
by Guy Samuel Holmes one of the sons of the dead man. The other children named as 
heirs are Mae Pearl Sweet, daughter, Seattle; Anna Sarah Holmes, daughter Seattle; 
Fred Robert Holmes, Bremerton; and Samuel Holmes whose address is not known to the 

Everett Daily Herald

Mrs. Ingri Holten died Sunday night at the home of her daughter Mrs. Mary Malstrom 
1818 Wall street. Mrs. Holten was 84 years old and member of the Ebenezer Lutheran 
church for a number of years. Surviving relatives are her daughter Mrs. Malstrom, and
granddaughter Mrs. Dagna Larson,of 1818 Wall street and a nephew Oscar Holten, in 
Minn. Funeral services in charge of the Rev. Edwards will be held from the chapel of
Challacombe & Fickel Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery. 

Everett Daily Herald

Ben Homas, 63, a resident of Snohomish county for 37 years, died at the family home 
at Home Acres Saturday afternoon. Mr. Homan was born in Germany, October 30, 1869, 
and had been a resident of this country for many years. In Addition to his widow, 
Mrs. Amelia Homan, he is survived by two sons, Bernard Jr. and Frank H., of Maple 
Heights; two daughters, Mrs.R. Wright of Maple Heights and Mrs. Amelia Worthington 
of Harford, and thirteen grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the chapel 
of John F. Jerread Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. Jennie Larson will conduct the 
service. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery.

Everett Daily Herald

All shingle mills in Everett closed down this afternoon to allow employees to attend 
the funeral of Louis D. Hopkins one of the victims of the Port Gardiner Shingle 
company mill explosion, which killed five men Wednesday morning. Services were held 
at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Challacombe chapel and the attendance was large. A.O. 
Garmen, another of the victims will be buried Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock under the 
auspices of the Elks from the same place. The three other funerals will be held as 
stated by the Herald last night.

H.M. Baird, the fourth owner in the shingle company resides on the sourthwest corner 
of Broadway and Pacific ave. It was he who brought the news of the catastrophe to 
Everett. Mr. Baird states that the man Peter Carlson thought killed escaped injury, 
being outside of the mill at that time of the explosion. The Port Gardiner Shingle 
company, stated Mr. Baird, was incorporated here about six weeks ago with a capital 
stock of $1,000. A.O. Garmen was president, Edward Olson, promoter, and vice 
president and E.V. Emmons, secretary and treasurer.

Everett Daily Herald

The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Hornung, who died suddenly yesterday afternoon will take
place from Challacombe's chapel tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. A special car will 
take relatives and friends to Evergreen cemetery. 

Everett Daily Herald

Mrs. Elizabeth Horsh, an old settler in this county, died January 9 at Marysville, 
age 69 years. Mrs. Horsh was a native of Wales and had lived many years at Snohomish.
She was taken to the latter place for interment yesterday. 

Snohomish County Tribune

Michael Hosch, of this city, died at his home last Sunday, Jan. 14, after a lingering 
illness. Deceased, who was 81 years of age, was well known in Snohomish having 
resided here about nine years, coming here from Hutchinson, Mn. He leaves a wife and 
family of six children to mourn him. 

Woodlawn Cemetery 
HOSCH Michael age 77yrs 6/14/1900
HOSCH Elizabeth age 61yrs. 1/9/1909

Everett Daily Herald

The Mrs. Willard Houghton, who is mentioned in a Ballard telegram as having shot a 
man last night, who was trespassing on her premesis in that city was formerly a well 
known resident of Snohomish. She and her husband who was the inventor of the split 
log calvert, lived in the cottage at the old Dock wharf; they also formerly lived in 

Monroe Monitor


Horace H. HOUNSOM, the veteran who has been partly paralyzed for two years, and who 
came to Monroe a year ago last February, passed away Tuesday morning. He was 71 years
old, was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan and lived for many years in Minnesota, at Howard
Lake and Little Falls. He was a printer and newspaper publisher for over fifty years.
He served in Company D 142nd Illinois Infantry, and was a member of G.A.R. Post 21, 
Little Falls, Mn. The funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Secord at 11 
o?clock Wednesday morning, being conducted by Mrs. E. Pomeroy of Seattle, 
spiritualist. Burial was had under the auspices of the GAR in their cemetery at 

Snohomish GAR Cemetery
HOUNSOM Ambrose A. 3830 1/28/1911 
HOUNSOM Horace 3831 no date of death G.A.R. Veteran


Fred M. House, an old resident of this community, died at the Virginia Mason 
Hospital in Seattle last Sunday. Mr House had been more or less of an invalid for 
a long time and became worse and was taken to the hospital. The funeral was held 
in Everett, Wednesday afternoon, Rev. George T. Gunther officiating, and the body 
was laid to rest in the Evergreen cemetery. Old-time friends and neighbors of Mr. 
House were the pall-bearers, namely Messrs,; Snelling, Melang, Winegaret, Hemstrom 
and Westlund.

Mr. House was 59 years of age, and was a highly respected citizen residing at the 
farm home south of town. The surviving widow and other bereaved ones have the 
sincere sympathy of a wide circle of friends. The relatives are his mother and 
brother, Mrs. Babcock and Frank Babcock, of Everett; a daughter, Mrs. Wm. Burnham, 
of Seattle, and three sisters, Mrs. Roy Sargent of Everett, Mrs. Chas. Knapp of 
Seattle and Mrs. George Phillips of San Diego.

Everett Daily Herald

W.D. Howard, the laborer killed by gas at the Great Northern's artesian well, was 
an Odd Fellow and members of that order are telegraphing to find the mother of the 
deceased. The body will be held at Challacomb's undertaking establishment until 
the first of next week. 

Snohomish Eye

F.E. Howard, formerly clerk at the Penobscot Hotel, died Saturday morning at the 
Maple house, after an illness of several weeks. His funeral took place on Monday 
under the auspices of the Odd Fellow Encampment.


Verdict of Coroner's Jury in the Hoyt Case


He had been drinking for several days and death resulted from lack of nourishment 
for a time the Finger of Suspicion pointed hesitantly at his wife.

The coroner's jury, at the inquest held yesterday over the remains of Homer Hoyt, 
rendered a verdict that he came to his death by natural causes. Coroner Limerick 
conducted the examination, the state being represented by Prosecuting Attorney 
Whitney. Attorney Black appeared for Mrs. Hoyt.

Hoyt, a man 51 years of age, came here from Wisconsin a few months ago. He died quite 
suddenly at his home,corner of Washington and Twenty-fifth street, Wednesday morning.
He had been complaining for several days, and only a week or so ago was found outside
the door rigid and cold, as if from a fit. Wednesday morning his wife, who was 
nursing in the family of a neighbor came home and gave him a cup of coffee, he seemed 
better and she returned to the neighbors house. Hoyt conversed with Mr. Borland and 
said that he had sent for a doctor. This was about 8:15. When Mrs. Hoyt came back to 
the house at 10:45 he was dead. He was a wheel wright by trade, and a member of the 
Masonic fraternity. 

Just how the story originated is not known, but it began to be whispered around that 
the dead man had been poisoned and the hesitating finger of suspicion was pointed at 
the wife; owing, it is said, to the fact that the two had been known to have had some
domestic trouble recently. Under these circumstances, it was thought best to hold an 
inquest. A number of witnesses were examined, the most important of which were 
Hathaway and Undertaker Rogers. The doctor made the post mortem examination, Rogers 
being present. It was the opinion of Dr. Hathaway that the man died from a lack of 
nourishment, as his stomach was almost empty at the time of his death. It was further
shown that he had been drinking for some days past, and had taken but little food. No
symptoms of poisioning could be dectected. The verdict of the jury was, in substance,
as above stated. No one, to look at Mrs. Hoyt would ever suspect her of committing 
such a crime. She has a partiuclarly pleasant and kindly face, which alone would go 
far towards clearing her before any jury. The remains will be interred here.


A party of seven, with four children, arrived last week from Avoca, Iowa, to make 
this their home. They are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Suhl and two children., Mr. and Mrs. 
Hermann Steffen and two children, Henry Schroder, Carl Lohse and John HUBNER. They 
bring means and are looking for locations for farming. These are the kind of people 
we all lkie to see, and on behalf of the community we extend to them a haearty 

Snohomish County Tribune

William Hudson, or "Father Hudson" as he was more familiarly known, was born on 
the banks of the river Thames, near the city of London, England in 1815. He came 
to this country in the year 1855 and resided for a time in New York state. After 
his marriage in 1859 he removed to ILL, Chicago at that time being but a small 
village. Leaving ILL, his next removal was to Waupon, Wi., where the family 
resided for over seventeen years. Their next home was in Northern Nebraska, where 
they spent nineteen years, coming from there to Snohomish, in 1892. 

Mr. Hudson was married in 1859 to Louisa Curtis, a native of New York, with whom 
he enjoyed a long and happy married life of nearly fifty years, until the death of 
Mrs. Hudson in 1888. Five children were born to them, two sons and three 
daughters. Of these, the two sons are now living. Edmond Hudson who resides in 
Nebraska and William C. Hudson, well know to Snohomish people as a law-abiding 
citizen and enterprising business man. Since coming to Snohomish, the infirmites 
of age have prevented Father Hudson from engaging very actively in business, and 
he has lived very quietly with his son, but his venerable figure, remarkably 
vigorous for one of his years, has been a familiar sight upon the streets or 
about his home. He possessed a genial humor and childlike frankness and kindiness 
of manner that endeard him to all and made him a welcome visitor in the home. He 
was a faithful and much beloved member of the Congregational church, where his 
voice was always heard with reverence and joy. Last spring Father Hudson caught a 
severe cold which greatly weakened his rugged constitution, and since then it has 
been apparent to all that he was gradually failing and the end could not be far 
off. Little by little one bodily power after another ceased no longer to perform 
what was required of it, until finally it could do no mroe and he fell asleep 
Wednesday, Oct., 26, 1898, age 85 years and seven months, his peacful death 
forming a fitting close for an old age serene and beautiful. 

Snohomish County Tribune

Constable Cox, of the provincial police, brings news of a sad tragedy on the 
Skeena as a result of which Otis Hudson, a fireman and watchman on the river 
steamer Monte Cristo, lost his life, while the steamer was fast on a rock in the 
river. Hudson was doing duty as watchman on the steamer and went ashore in the 
daytime to sleep. He lay under a tree ashore and slept, and as he lay there tree 
fell on him, crushing his head and instantly killing him. The unfortunate man was 
not missed for some time, and on his not returning to the vessel at night, another
man was put on duty as watchman in his place. Next day a search party went out, 
fearing that he might have met with an accident. He was found lying dead, with a 
large tree across his face and his head badly crushed. The remains were taken to 
Port Essington for burial. Hudson was a resident of Port Essington. His reltives 
live at Snohomish, Wa.- Colonist, Victoria,B.C.


Otis Hudson married a 1/2 Indian Annie Short. 

Civil War info
Richard L. Hudson
Residence not listed; 
Enlisted on 6/20/1861 as a Sergeant.
On 6/20/1861 he mustered into "K" Co. PA 39th Infantry 
He was Mustered Out on 6/11/1864 at Pittsburgh, PA

Sno Co. Marriages
Frank Hudson m Millie Krause 3-4-1894
Otis Hudson m Annie Short 10-2-1897
Henry B. Hudson m Ada H. Bennett 3-8-1905

1889 Sno. Co. Census 
Chas. Short 64 farmer b/Md
Ellen 40 ?? In b/Alaska (nee Hyde)
Wm. 29 (Indian)
Lizzie 26 ???
Frank 24 ???
Agnes 20 ???
Ella 18 ??? 
Louie 16 ???
Eddy 14 ???
Flora 12 ???
Annie 10 ??? m Otis Hudson 1897 had Eddie by 1899 as she died 9-20-1899 death of Otis 
in 1900, Annie died 

Sno. Co. Death
Richard Hudson age 56 b/Pa d/10/8/1891 father Richard D. & Bathsheba Hockmann 
Edith Hudson age 63 b/Pa d/7-8-1897 (unknown)
Jas E. Hudson age 46 d/10/22/1906

Woodlawn Cem
Charles Short b/11-5-1991 age 68
Ellen Short b/2-5-1919
Frank Short b/1-18-1897
R.L. Hudson (with Civil War tombstone) 

Everett Daily Herald

Funeral services for Pvt. Lamar Gordan Hudson, 19, of Route Five Everett who died in 
action in Korea July 24, 1950, will be held Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the 
funeral home of Purdy & Walters. Bishop Wesley Duce will be in charge of the 
services. Burial will be in the family plot in Evergreen Cemetery.

Everett Daily Herald

F.B. Hues, age 51 died Saturday evening at his home, 3530 Colby ave. Mr. Hues lived 
in Everett a short time, coming here from Maine for the benefit of his health. He is 
survived by his wife and son T. Raymond Hues; also by his mother and a brother in 
Maine. He was a member of the Modern Woodsmen of this city. The funeral services will 
be held tomorrow at 11 a.m. the Rev. R.E. Cooper officiating. 

Everett Daily Herald

Wesley Hunt, cook at Fisher's camp near Bothell, died there Sunday night of cerebro 
meningitis. He was about 26 years of age, unmarried and had relatives in Seattle and 

Everett Daily Herald

Joseph B. Huntley passed away yesterday afternoon at the home of his niece, Mrs. 
George Payson, at Lowell, age 78 years. Besides his niece he is survived by five 
children, one brother, Elijah Huntley, of Seattle; three nephews, Rufus, Allen and 
Jessie Huntley, of Lowell. Private funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon, 
the Rev. R. Demain Nicholis officating. Interment will follow in Everegreen cemetery.
The casket will be open this evening and tomorrow until noon for friends at the 
chapel of John F. Jerread.

Everett Daily Herald

The Degree of Pocohontas members are requested to attend the funeral of Mrs. Charles 
Hurd, as sister of Sister Burt Jones, Sunday at 1 o'clock at Jerread's chapel.

By order of Pocohontas Adv. Florence M'Gaffey

Snohomish County Truibune

J.Lemual Hurley, an old resident of Snohomish county, died at the Maple House 
Wednesday night. Mr. Hurley had been sick but  a short time, but had for many years 
been troubled with asthma. His death was expected and his old friends were with him 
to the last. Mr. Hurley crossed the plains in '49, and came to Snohomish county in 
1868. He was and old, experienced miner, having mined in the mountains all along the 
cost. He was a single man, having no relatives here, but leaving a brother and sister 
in ILL. The body was taken to the undertaking parlors of O.A. Phelps, and the funeral 
was held at the Congregational church this afternoon at 1:30, Rev. Winchester 
officiating. Interment was made in the G.A.R. cemetery at Mr. Hurley's request, he 
having been a cavalryman in the rebellion. 

Snohomish County Death Record
John L. Hurley age 68 b/ILL died 11-4-1898 G.A.R. Veteran

Snohomish County Tribune

Mr. A.S. Hurley of Hamburg, La arrived in the city Saturday night and spent some 
time getting information concerning the affairs of his uncle the late J.L. Hurley 
who died here last October. Mr. Hurley had been in communication with his uncle 
within a few weeks of his death and expected him east in October. He was not informed 
of the death until several weeks later, and came out to investigate the deceased 

Snohomish County Death Record
John L. Hurley age 68 b/Ill died 11-4-1898 

Everett Daily Herald

Mrs. J.H. Hussey, wife of a prominet G.A.R. man and resident of the Third ward, died 
at an early hour this moring form heart disease. She was stricken suddenly when 
believed to be in good health. The funeral will probably be held Friday. 

Snohomish G.A.R. Cemetery
Theodosia Hussey b/1-27-1850 died 4-24-1907 w/o John H.

Theodosia O. McFarland Hussey, wife of J.H. Hussey, was born in Mercer Co., Pa., 
January 27 1850, died, April 25, 1907. In Faribault county, Mn. in 1880, she was 
married to J.H. Hussey. They moved to Blue Earth County, same state, where they lived 
until they came west in May 1902, locating at Snohomish. Mrs. Hussey leaves four 
children, Duncan E., of Winnegago City, Mn., Fannie Belle Moore, Mapleton, Minn., 
Anna Abginona Heckel, Pilchuck and William Allen, this city. The funeral will be 
conducted by the W.R.C., at the family residence, Morgan's addition Friday afternoon 
at 2 o'clock, The G.A.R. will be in attendance.

Everett Daily Herald

Snohomish, Feb. 12- (Special)- A telegram was received by Mrs. Keefe this moring
announcing the death of her brother, Asa Hutchins, in Seattle. The cause of Mr.
Hutchins' death was an accident met with when acting as lineman for an electric 
company, in which he was terrible shocked and burned. The remains will be brought
to this city where his parents reside, for burial. 

1889 Sno. Co. Census
Hutchins, A age 50 carpenter single b/Vt

Snohomish G.A.R. Cemetery
Hutchins        Asa                             
Hutchins        Asiel                           
Hutchins        Fanny                           
Hutchins        Hardy  82       Jan.-5-1952             
Hutchins        Lusana  H.                      
Hutchins        Mrs. Asiel 

Everett Daily Herald

Andrew E. Hutchinson of Leavenworth, a former resident of Everett and a pioneer 
employ of the Great Northern Railway, died in Seattle, Thursday afternoon. Mr. 
Hutchinson was born Sept. 12, 1888 in Pa. He was a member of the Fall City Lodge No 
66 F&AM, Scottish Rite Bodies of Ev. Niles Temple of Seattle and Order of Railway 
Conductors of America. Local No. 456. He is survived by his widow Matilda Hutchinson 
at home; one daughter, Mrs. George Hurley of Berkeley, Ca.; two sons Clarence of 3407
Rockefeller Ave. and Ray of 1703 Hewitt Ave.; his mother Mrs. Mary Hutchinson of San 
Jose, Ca.; seven sisters, Mrs. Margaret Hunsaker, Florence Hutchinson and Mamie 
Hutchinson all of San Jose, Ca.  Mrs. Frank Pellitier of San Rafael, Ca. Mrs. Nullet
Schnider of San Mateo, Ca., Mrs. Bert Flagg of Oakland, Ca. Mrs. Helen Becker of 
Seattle and Mrs. J.R. Brown of Port Blakeley; two brothers Henry and Joseph of 
Seattle and three grandchildren. Funeral service will be at the chapel of Challacombe
& Fickel at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. The Rose Croix service will be given by the
Scottish Rite Masons of Everett. Burial will be in the family plot at Evergreen 
Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Frank Cushman and Sydney Pierce of Everett, Harry Root 
of Leavenworth, W.R. Alexander, Maynard Joselyn and Leonard Scartengren of Seattle.


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