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Snohomish County Tribune 8-27-1897 Thomas Gallyer died at the Case hospital August 18, 1897, and was buried from the Congregational church under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a member. He had suffered much for some years from necrosis of the bone. Thomas Gallyer was born at Portsmough, England, in 1834. He served in the Crimean war, 1854-55, and again in India at the time of the Mutiny in 1857, being under Sir William Peel in the relief of Lucknow. He came to America about 1850, and in 1862 enlisted in the 83rd Pennsylvania volunteers, being later, 1864, transferred to the navy. For nearly a decade he has been a resident of Washington, and for nearly fourteen years in Snohomish county. In 1889 Mr. Gallyer was converted and joined the Free Methodist church, and has been an honored member every since. Death record and obit spells it Gallyer, Tombstone and grave state Gallagher. GAMBLE NOTES GAMBLEs buried in the G.A.R. Cemetery Gamble Catherine Maude 23-Nov-1912 Daughter of W.S. Gamble Gamble Donald 23 July-2-1974 Res; Valdosta Georgia Gamble Fred Gamble Gernie 82 March 11 1960 6-17-1877 Gamble Harold "R.""Pete""" Ashes Feb 2 1997 2-11-1908 Gamble Henry GAR Veteran Alfred Gamble died 10-7-07 buried also at G.A.R. Gamble Robert B Ashes 1981-1913 Foot of Winfield Gamble Gamble Veronica 78 Sept-1-1968 Burial no 82 Gamble Winfield S . 78 Nov-18-1941 Burial no. 2795 Gamble Winfield 70 April-17-1975 Burial no.30 There is quite a lengthy obit on Winfield S. Gamble in "Washington, West of the Cascades" Winifield S. Gamble, b/1-4-1863 Canton, NY s/o Henry and Maria (Pond) Gamble. Henry b/Canada, his father, Wm. came to Canada 1831 settled at Hungtington. (more on Wm) Henrey settled in Malone, Ny served 11th NY Cavalry. Co. G. 1880 went from NY to Lisbon, ND. wife daughter of Samuel Pond, old NY family of English lineage(also Rev. Soldier) Mrs. Gambel passed 1901, age 70, Seattle. Herny passed 1902 age 72 also Seattle. Winfield, was machinist trade and ran Snohomish Iron Works for years. (still operating here in Sno.) Mr. Gambel m in MN to Annie Hansen d/o Sorn Hansen. children Maude K., Ray, Alfred, Elizabeth. Mr Gamble married, after death of Ann in 1897 age 33, Gernie Spaulding, children Henry, Winfield S., Mary, Harold, Robert. Everett Daily Herald 6-22-1940 Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Jane Gammie, 70, who died Thursday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ethel Myers, route three will be held Monday at 2 p.m. from the chapel of Bakeman-Whyte. The Rev. S.D. Goodale will officiate. Interment will be in the mausoleum of Acacia Memorial Park, Seattle. Everett Daily Herald 5-3-1908 All shingle mills in Everett closed down this afternoon to allow employees to attend the funeral of Louis D. Hopkins one of the victims of the Port Gardiner Shingle company mill explosion, which killed five men Wednesday morning. Services were held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Challacombe chapel and the attendance was large. A.O. GARMEN, another of the victims will be buried Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock under the auspices of the Elks from the same place. The three other funerals will be held as stated by the Herald last night. H.M. Baird, the fourth owner in the shingle company resides on the sourthwest corner of Broadway and Pacific ave. It was he who brought the news of the catastrophe to Everett. Mr. Baird states that the man Peter Carlson thought killed escaped injury, being outside of the mill at that time of the explosion. The Port Gardiner Shingle company, stated Mr. Baird, was incorporated here about six weeks ago with a capital stock of $1,000. A.O. Garmen was president, Edward Olson, promoter, and vice president and E.V. Emmons, secretary and treasurer. Everett Daily Herald 8-29-1947 Nels H. Garno, a resident of this city for 34 years, died at a local hospital Thursday evening. His death followed an illness of several months. Mr. Garno was born at Calhouse, NY, March 17, 1864, and came to Everett in 1913 and for many years was engaged as a boilermaker for the Great Northern Railway. He was a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Surviving relatives are his widow, Emma Garno at home; two daughters, Mrs. Sophia Suds of 2121 Oakes Ave. and Mrs. Ruth Winkler of Route No. Four Everett; one son J.N. Garno of Bremerton; thirteen grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Tuesday morning at 8:15 o'cock. The Rev. Gerald Moore will conduct the service. Rosary will be said at the church Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Interment under the directon of Jerread's chapel will be in the family plot in Evergreen Cemetery. Everett Times 7-17-1895 The death of Mrs. Thomas A. Garrigues, which occurred at a quarter past 6 o'clock last Saturday morning was not at all unexpected. She had been a constant sufferer for six months prior to her demise and for over a month had been confined to her room, most of the time having been compelled to remain to bed. Her sufferings were of the most intense nature, and how fitting it seemed to be when the inscription on a silver plate on her casket bore these words, "at rest". The funeral occurred from the family residence on Colby ave. on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clcok, Rev. J.C. Benton, of Trinity Episcopal church, officiating. The Woman's Book club had charge of the arrangemnts and the floral offerings were simply elegant. The casket was literally buried in flowers, when it was lowered into its last resing place. The beautiful burial service of the Episcopal church, which was begun at the house, was concluded at the grave. The music was furnished by a select choir of male voices. The sang "Asleep in Jesus", the funeral chant, and "Nearer My God to Thee" in a way that brought tears to many eyes. The funeral was largely attended. Deceased leaves a husband and one child who have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. Snohomish County Death Record T.A. Garrigues died 1-28-1902 Cert.#20 GAUTHIER NOTES Samuel S. Gauthier b 8/24/1859 in NY operated a baker and owned a Grocery Store in Monroe. 1905 to his death 5/5/1908. He was buried in I.O.O.F Monroe Cemetery. His wife was Mary A. Gauthier (nee Butler) b 10/20/1861 in Montreal, Canada 1860 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butler. In 1877 she united in marriage to Samuel S. Gauthier at Chateauguay, NY and had two daughters. Flora Hall who died in childbirth of Clifford Hall at MN. in 1902. and Ida Wallace/Roth of Snohomish. Mary ran the family Bakery and grocery in Monroe for several years she passed away 6/12/1924 and was burried beside her husband and son Benjamine. Ben was born 3/2/1883 and was killed in a logging camp near Monroe 6/12/1906. There is also a grandson Bennie, son of Mrs. Thomas Wallace (nee) Ida Gauthier, buried six days after Ben in 1906. There was a Mina Gauthier (wid. Ben) noted in 1907, 1908 Polk dir. for Monroe. Benjamina Gauthier b 3/2/1883 died 6/12/1906 IOOF Cem. Mrs. Mary A. Gauthier b 10/20/1861 died 6/12/1924 age 63 yrs. IOOF Cem. Samuel Gauthier b 8/24/1859 died 5/9/1908 IOOF Cem. Florida Gauthier b 12/15/1885 died 4/15/1957 Cypress Lawn Cem, Everett Leonel J. Gauthier B 9/14/1879 died 6/30/1972 Cypress Lawn Cem, Everett Everett Daily Herald 1-1-1909 G.A.R. Veteran Dies Frederick Gear (should be Goehrs), a venerable member of the G.A.R. died at an early hour this morning after a lingering illness. Mrs. Gear had resided in this vicinity two years making his home on the Ardt place on the Northern Pacific, West of avenue D. 1-2-1909 The funeral of Frederick Gear (should be Goehrs), the old soldier, was held yesterday under the auspices of the G.A.R. Everett Daily Herald 5-29-1907 TOLEDO, Wash., May 29- No advies have been received from the relatives of William F. Gehrke, who was shot and instantly killed here Sunday night by F.H. O'Connor. He will probably be buried here. Gehrke had been a resident of this city for about eighteen years and was very eccentric. He had a meddlesome disposition which took the form of inflicting wounds upon cattle and studiously contriving to annoy his neighbors. He was frequently before the village authorities and promised always when shown leniency to do better. His good behavior was usually of short duration however. Between O'Connor and Gehrike there has been bad feeling for some time. The men were neighbors, the two houses being seperated by a small creek. Gehrke would dam up this creek and it would overflow. Everett Daily Herald 12-12-1909 CWV EVERETT GETCHELL. CLAUD 1840-1909 Henry Getchell, an old veteran and pioneer of this city, died yesterday at the Soldiers' home, where he had been for about two years. Mr. Getchell leaves a widow, Mrs. Sarah Getchell, and four sons and daughters, Claud Getchell, Ira Getchell, Mrs. W.W. Booth and Mrs. Ed Warner, both of Everett. 1889 Snohomish County Census Henry Getchell age 49 logger b/Me Sarah age 44 b/Me Jennie age 13 b/Wt Ira age 9 b/Wt Claud age 7 b/Wt J.E. Getchell age 46 logger b/Me (single) Lillie age 38 b/Me (single) Lea Getchell age 21 (male, single) lumberman b/Me Evens age 22 (male, single) lumberman b/Me MONROE MONITOR TRANSCRIPT 4-26-1912 S.H. Gidding, an aged pioneer of the Sound section, passed away at the house of his son, J.W.(John) Giddings, on Sam Street, Monroe. The deceased was 86 years of age. He came to the Sound from California in 1856 and was a native of Ohio. In addition to one son there is a daughter surviving, Mrs. O.P. Conner, of Stanwood, where the funeral will take place today. 1889 Sno. Co. Census Samuel Giddings age 53 farmer b/Oh Annie L. 43 b/NY John W. 27 b/WT Monroe IOOF Cemetery John W. Giddings age 89yrs b/12-13-1964 Jefferson Co. died 9-27-1953 Anna A. Giddings age 80 b/9-19-1881 Sweden died 12-13-1962 Everett Daily Herald 8-7-1918 William A. Giddings, age 63, died at the Providence hospital Thursday morning after an illness of several weeks. Mr., Giddings has been a resident of East Everett for several years. He is survived by his son J.A. Giddings, and a daughter, Mrs. E.H. Pittendrigh of this city; and five sisters and four brothers; a sister Mrs. E.S. Culyer and Miss Harriet Giddings of Seattle and a brother J.R. Giddings of Startup, residing in this state; the others living in the East and California. The funeral service will be held from N.B. Challacombe chapel tomorrow at 2 p.m. the Rev. R.B. Hassell officiating. The body will be taken to Seattle for cremation. Snohomish County Tribune 6-30-1899 On Thursday last at Providence Hospital, Seattle, as the musical echoes of the noontide mass floated into the room. Mrs. Mary A. Gifford quietly departed this life. Her death resulted from a surgical operation performed on the 14th, for the removal of a cancer. She gave up hope of recovery last Sunday and afterward seemed reconciled to die, talking composedly to her children. Dante and Cassie, who were at their mother's bedside when she passed away. The remains were embalmed and brought to Arlington yesterday. The funeral took place under the auspices of the order of Odd Fellows at 10:30 a.m. the funeral sermon being preached at their hall by Rev. Winchester of Snohomish- Arlington Times Arlington Harwood Cemetery Mary A. Gifford 4-15-1849-6-22-1889 w/o Alfred Gifford Alfred Gifford 5-4-1856-9-6-1910 Everett Daily Herald 1946 William Gilchrist, 82, of Edmonds, died at a local hospital Friday following an extended illness. Mr. Gilchrist was born in Davenport, Iowa, April 11, 1862, and had resided in Edmonds and vicinity for the past 40 years. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Carrie Hall of 3521 Hoyt Ave. and a niece, Mrs. Helen Anderson of 3521 Hoyt Ave. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the funeral home of Purdy & Walters with the Rev. Chauncey B. Blossom, pastor of the First Congregational Church, officiating. Cremation will follow at View Crest Abbey. Arlington Times 2-3-1900 Mrs. Jasper Sill received a dispatch Tuesday calling her to Florence to attend the funeral of an old neighbor and dear friend, Mrs. Mary Gill, who died Monday. Mrs. Sill says the deceased was a woman above reproach and was dearly loved by all who knew her. She came to Florence from Nebraska with her husband several years ago and has since lived on a farm at that place. At the time of her death she was a member of the school board. She was a Christian woman and active church worker. A family of ten children, the youngest of whom is but four years old, mourn her loss. 1889 Snohomish County Census Florence Gill age 33 b/Mi Ella age 8 b/Ks Anna age 11 b/Ks Mabel age 3 b/Ks W.A. age 36 farmer b/Pa 1900 Snohhomish County Census Mr Gill (could not read info) farmer b/Ne parents Pa Harry Gill b/9-1870 age 21 Ne Parents Pa Ia Elmer b/1872 age 28 Ne Bernice b/9-1878 age 22 Ne Ira b/11-1880 age 19 Ne Irvine b/11-1880 age 19 Ne Helen b/10-1882 age 17 Ne Lizzie b/4-1886 age 14 Ne Clyde 3-1887 age 12 Ne Melvin b/1-1892 age 8 Ne Leona b/6-1895 age 4 b/Washington Snohomish County Death Record Mary Gill age 49years b/Pa died 1-29-1900 father Pagit & mother Miss Hodgkins Snohomish County Tribune 4-30-1897 One of the saddest affairs it has been then duty of the writer to record, since being connected with the TRIBUNE, is the death of Clara Blanche Gillespie, near Scotts place on the Marsh, last Saturday afternoon. Early Saturday morning, Andrew Braaten, and his fiancee, Miss Clara Gillespie, left the home of the latter, at Monroe, to come to Snohomish and Everett, it being Miss Gillespie's object to purchase her wedding trousseau, for the happy event which was to come off sometime in June. Mr. Braaten drove a horse belonging to Miss Gillespie's father, to an open buggy. The stopped in Snohomish, did some trading, and about eleven o'clock started for Everett to complete their purchases, as happy a couple as ever started out on "the royal path". When they reached the ranch of Mr. Scott, about three miles from here, at which place a watering trough is built for the accommodation of the public, Mr. Braaten got out of the buggy to refresh the horse with water. The animal had some difficulty in drinking with the bits in his mouth, and upon suggestion of Miss Gillespie, he took the bits out and let him drink. While trying to replace the bridle, something scared the horse, which jumped and started to run, dragging Mr. Braaten under his feet and at the same time throwing Miss Gillispie out on the plank road. When Andrew recovered from the force of his fall, and was able to rise, he found Miss Gillespie not twenty feet away lying insensible on the road. Help soon came and she was carried into the nearest house, and Dr. McCready summoned. Everything was done that human skill could do to save her life, but to no avail, and about four o'clock she passed away, the fall causing concussion of the brain. Snohomish County Death Record Clara B. Gillespie age 18 b/Mi died 4-24-1897 father John Gillespie & Anna J. Ellis Noted body was laid to rest in the old Snohomish Cemetery. Tombstone is now at the Snohomish Historical Society yard. Snohomish County Tribune 6-18-1897 Emma L. Gillispie Mrs. John Gillispie died at her home in Monroe Saturday, June 11, at six o'clock of fettciemae. She had been in poor health for the past year but was confined to her bed but three weeks. She leaves a husband and five children, the oldest of whom is 14 years of age. The funeral was held at the home, and public services at the church, Monday morning, and the body was laid to rest beside that of her former husband in the hold cemetery in Snohomish. A large number of the friends of the deceased followed the remains to Snohomish in funeral procession. Mr. Gillespie has the heartfelt sympathy of the community in which, he lives, being thus again called to mourn the loss of a dear one, it being but a few weeks since he buried his daughter Miss Clara. Snohomish Pioneer Cemetery Emma (aka Emma L. Peterson) died 6-11-1897 ???body laid to rest beside her former husband in old Cemetery. Tombstone now at Snohomish Historical Soc. Yard with Mr. Gillispie's daughter Clara. Charles D. Peterson died 11-4-1895 at County Hospital Snohomish County Death Record (not sure which is her prior husband Charles Peterson age 25 b/Ill died 1-4-1895 Snohomish County marriage Index John Gillispie m Emma Peterson 10-16-1895 Snohomish County Tribune 2-16-1900 Mr. Gillis leaves three brothers, Hugh, in Alaska, John in British Columbia, and Augus, who resides at Monroe. He was never married. The funeral was held yesterday in the Catholic church in this city and was largely attended. The remains were taken to Monroe for interment. He was a native of New Brunswick and possesed all the sturdy traits of character of those hardy, industrious Cape Breton islanders. MONROE MONITOR 12-12-1930 ANGUS GILLIS Angus Gillis, one of the early settlers of this valley, and for the past eleven years, a resident of Soap Lake passed away at Providence hospital in Wenatchee Sunday, December 7. The funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic church in this city, Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock, Rev. Father Wm. Chaput celebrated Mass. The remains were laid to rest in the Monroe cemetery, beside the remains of a son, Harold who died in infancy. Mr. Gillis is survied by his widow Agnes Gillis, two sons, Willard and Raymond, and one daughter, Catherine, Mrs. J.J. Mangold of "Wenatchee; a niece, Esther, Mrs. H.Ww. Davis, who made her home with her uncle and aunt since infancy, and one sister Mrs. Mary Beaton of Boston, Ma. Angus Gillis was born in Nova Scotia, June 15,1866, hence was in his 65th year. He came to Snohomish county and settled in Snohomish fourty years ago, where he met and married Agnes Elliott, February 1899 Mr. and Mrs. Gillis came to Monroe shortly after their marriage, where they resided for a short time, moving onto their ranch in Tualco, Where they lived for 19 years, leaving here for Soap Lake, where they opened a hotel and cottages at the lake and enjoyed a fine patronage for many years. About a year ago, Mr. Gillis was taken sick and never regained his health. Several weeks ago he felt the end near. He put his earthly house in order.attended to his spirtual affairs, always a true christian, a man of sterling qualities. pleasant to meet, a loving husband and father, a fine neighbor and true friend. He will be missed To the dear ones left, the Monitor with hosts of friends here and elsewhere, extends sympathy. The pall bearers were all friends and neighbors of the Gillis family during their residence in this valley, Messrs. Frank and Wallie Tucker, Howard Haskell, George Dill, Tom Clancy and W. Farrell of Snohomish. Snohomish Co. Marriage index Angus Gillis m Agnes Elliott 2-22-1898 1889 Census Snohomish Co. Alex Gillis age 20 saloon single b/NS Monroe IOOF Cemetery Agnes M. Gelles age 79 died 4-7-1945 Medical Lake,Wa. Angus Gellis age 65-5-22 6-15-1865 to 12-7-1930 Wenatchee (husband of Agnes) Willard A. Gillis 12-30-1898 to 2-4-1974 Soap Lake Everett Daily Herald 7-17-1929 Henry A. Gilmore of 609 Lincoln street died Saturday at the Snohomish hospital. Mr. Gilmore was born February 12, 1854, in Iowa, and came to Snohomish six years ago. He is survived by his widow, four sons, Silas of Tuscalusa, Okla, Hary H. of Snohomish, James of Everett and McKinley of Miles City, Mt.; three daughters, Mrs. Blair Brewer of James town, N.D., Mrs. E.E. Deady of Baker, Mt., and Mrs. Arthur Brooks of Snohomish route 4, ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The body is at E.E. Purdy and Sons chapel from where funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. W. T. Beattie of the First Presbyterian church will officiate. Interment will be at G.A.R. cemetery. Snohomish GAR Cemetery Gilmore Ellen Rachel 77 April-22-1933 Gilmore Harrison H 72 Feb-23-1962 to 5-6-1889 Gilmore Henry A 75 Feb-16-1929 Gilmore Margit 81 Jan-29-1987 to 2-8-1905 Everett Daily Herald 4-24-1933 1856-1933 Mrs. Ellen Rachel Gilmore, 77, died at the home of her son James Saturday evening. She is survived by four sons, James and Harry Gilmore, 1920 Wetmore ave., Mrs. Gilmore had been a resident of Snohomish county sixteen years. She survived by McKinley of Miles City, Mt, and Silas of Pawhuska, Ok; three daughters, Mrs. A. Brooks of Machias, Mrs. Ed Deady of Baker, Mt., Mrs. Blare Brewer of Jamestown, N.D.; twenty grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the new funeral home of E.E. Purdy and Sons, with Rev. H.H. L. Marshall officiating. Burial will be in the G.A.R. cemetery at Snohomish. Snohomish GAR Cemetery Gilmore Ellen Rachel 77 April-22-1933 Gilmore Harrison H 72 Feb-23-1962 5-6-1889 Gilmore Henry A 75 Feb-16-1929 Gilmore Margit 81 Jan-29-1987 2-8-1905 2-28-1962 Everett Daily Herald Funeral services for Harrison H. (Harry) Gilmore, 72, 1215 N. 105th St., Seattle, who died Sunday on Rt. 1 Snohomish, will be Saturday at 1 p.m. in the chapel of Purdy & Dawson Funeral Home, Snohomish, with the Rev. Wesley Tollefson officiating. Burial will be in Snohomish G.A.R. cemetery. Mr. Gilmore was born in Burkmere . 5-6-1889 and was an auto mechanic and worked in Snohomish until 1931 when he went to Seattle to open the Oak Villa Garage which he operated until his death. He was a member of International Association of Machinists Lodge 289 of Seattle. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Margit Gilmore at the family home; one son, Milton Gilmore of Seattle; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Lynn Farrar of Edmonds; two brothers James Gilmore of Everett and McKinley Gilmore in California; two sisters, Mrs. Elmira Deady of Gordon,, Wi., and Mrs. Iva Brooks of Rt. 4 Snohomish, and five grandchildren. Snohomish GAR Cemetery Gilmore Ellen Rachel 77 April-22-1933 Gilmore Harrison H 72 Feb-23-1962 5-6-1889 Gilmore Henry A 75 Feb-16-1929 Gilmore Margit 81 Jan-29-1987 2-8-1905 Everett Daily Herald 1925 August Albert Glewwe, a native of Germany, died at his home, route No. 1, Hartford, Monday. He was born in Germany in 1868 and came to this country 40 years ago. He resided in the Middle West, California, Oregon and Everett before taking up his residence near Granite Falls four years ago. He is survived by five sons, Albert, George, William and Paul, of Granite Falls, and Herman, of Philadelphia, one sister, Mrs. Shaller of Wisconsin, and two brothers, Charles and William Glewwe, of Seattle. Funeral services will be held at the Lutheran church at Grantie Falls Thirsday at 2 p.m. The Rev. C.V. Browning of the Christian Mission Alliance will officiate. Interment will be at Granite Falls cemetery. Purdy and Son of Snohomish have charge of arrangements. Everett Daily Herald 1-1-1909 G.A.R. Veteran Dies Frederick Gear (should be Goehrs), a venerable member of the G.A.R. died at an early hour this morning after a lingering illness. Mrs. Gear had resided in this vicinity two years making his home on the Ardt place on the Northern Pacific, West of avenue D. 1-2-1909 The funeral of Frederick Gear (should be Goehrs), the old soldier, was held yesterday under the auspices of the G.A.R. Everett Daily Herald 7-25-1912 B.A. GOODFELLOW died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R.H. BALDWIN, 4012 Friday avenue, at an early hours this moring, aged 80 years. The deceased is survived by his aged widow, and the daughter, Mrs. BALDWIN. Mr. GOODFELLOW was a member of John Buford post, G.A.R. He enlisted in the Civil war in the Fourty-sixth Missouri regiment in 1860. He contracted a complication of diseases, from which he has been suffering for the last forty years. The funeral will be held Suncay afternoon at 4 p.m., at Maulsby's chapel, interment following in the G.A.R. cemetery. The G.A.R. post and W.R.C. will have charge of the services at the cemetery, and Rev. Pattison at the chapel. B.A. GOODFELLOW 46th Mo. Militia Co. F Snohomish County Tribune 3-3-1896 The dead body of Mrs. Arthur B. Cody, who disappeared from Tacoma on January 21, was found at 11 a.m. Monday by her father, P.H. Goodrich. It was lying in some brush, about 100 yards fromt he Puget Sound Flouring mills. She had shot herself through the heart. Everett Daily Herald 8-26-1902 E.H. Gould, age 45, died this morning about 2 o'clock at the hospital of enlargement of the liver. The deceased has a sister living at Sheldon, Mt. and a brother in Minneapolis. The remains were taken to Undertaker Challacomb's to await their instructions. Everett Daily Herald 9-27-1903 The funeral of Mrs. Frant T. Graham, who died last Monday at Leavenworth, Wa., after suffering a long illness, was held from Jerread's chapel Thursday afternoon, Rev. John Brain and Rev. R. B. Hammell officiating. The chapel was filled with the mourning friends of the deceased lady. Among the floral offerings were pieces from the Masonic order, from the Elks of Ev. and from the local members of the dental profession. The remains were laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. Deceased leaves, besides her husband, a little son eight months old, her father and one sister who resides in Ont. She was born in Pa 1874. Five years ago she came to Everett with her father J.W. Hyndman and in Oct. 1901 was married in Everett to Dr. Frank T. Graham. Snohomish death Records Carrie Graham died 9-211-1903 cert#36 4-20-1923 Marysville Globe Gertrude Ellen Grannell was born near English, Wash., July 17 1897, and died at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Alex Spithill, at the age of 25 years 8 months and 17 days. She was married to Lyle Allen on June 30, 1919. Gertrude lived with her grandmother from 10 months of age on account of the ill health of her mother who died when she was thirteen months old. All of her life was spent in Marysville, attending school here until she reached the eighth grade, when she was forced to give up schoolwork on account of the weakness of her eyes. Mrs. Allen was a young woman of sterling character and refinement, making friends wherever she went She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, her grandmother, her father A.J. Grannell, one aunt, Mrs. Sieffert, three uncles, Alex of Aberdeen, Joseph of Chehalis and John Spithill of Granite Falls, and number of other relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the Catholic Church, Father O'Donnell of Everett officiating, and burial in the Catholic cemetery under the direction of C.H. Schaefer GRANNELL NOTES 1889 Census Alex Spithill age 54 farmer b/Scotland Anastasia 36 f (says white but she is full Indian daug of Chief Bonepart) Niel age 26 1/2 ind Duncan age 23 1/2 ind Alex 18 age 18 1/2 ind Math age 15 1/2 ind C age 12 1/2 ind (this is Catherine that married Albert Grannell 7-14-1892) A.M. age 10 female 1/2 ind (this is probable May) C age 8 1/2 ind (this would be Cecelia that married William M. Kidder 5-20-1900) John age 6 1/2 ind Z B age 4 1/2 ind. (this is Zella that married Charles A. Vann 2-6-1905) Inez age 2 David age 1 1900 185A Alexander 5-1834 ??? 6-1834 Alex 4-1871 John 6-1881 Zella 12-1883 Inez 6-1884 David 5-1889 Mary Granell granddaughter 5-1892 age 8 Harrold grandson 2-1895 age 5 Gerty granddaughter 5-1896 age 3 1910 320B Alex Spithill 75 Anastasia age 55 Gertrude Grannell grandchild 12 Charles E. Vann sil age 25 b/ Zella E. dau 26 Harold grandson 4 Ralph grandson 0 1920 4A Albert J. Grannell age 50 b/Michigan Rose age 33 (Stahl) b/Canada Dorothy Stahl stepdaughter 12 Helen O. Grannell daughter 2/12 Albert J. Granell m Rose Stahl 11-12-1918 Albert Grannell m Catherine Spithill 7-14-1892 (this has to be in 1889 the C. age 12 in 1889 Census as the C age 8 would be Cecilia for sure!) St. Mary Cem. Marysville Albert Grannell age 74b/ 1869 died 2-5-1944 in Everett, Wa. A pioneer of this area, Leaves a son Clifford, daughter Mrs. Helen Vang of Marysville. A Sister Mrs. Clara A. Case of Lorrainne, OH, brother John of Bad Axe, Mi. Burial 3-29-1944 in St Marys Cem. Frank P. Grannell 1875-1942 Age 77 yrs. b/1875 died 12-19-1942 in Everett, Wa. Leaves 2 brothers Albert of Marysville, Wa. And John of Elkton Mi. A sister Mrs. Mame Case of Lorraine, Oh. Burial 12-22-1942 in St Marys Cemetery. Mary A. (McFarland) Grannell b/5-21-1892 died 4-3-1907 ARLINGTON NEWS 1-7-1899 John GRANT was born in Stark Co., Ohio, October 30th, 1836, died at Arlington, Washington, January 6th, 1899, at the age of 62 years, 2 months and 5 days. He was married at Bourbon, Ind, in 1867 to Miss Angie BAXTER, and moved to this state and settled near Oso in 1887, having resided in Arlington during the past two years. He leaves a widow and the following children to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and kind father: Claude C., age 30; James L., aged 24; Stacy L., aged 15; and Nellie C., aged 8. Three children, two sons and one daughter, are dead. The deceased was a man of a gentle and kind disposition who lived in peace and concord with his neighbors, who will sincerely mourn his death. The deceased was an "old soldier," and as a matter of interest to his comrades and friends we here publish in full his discharge: To All Whom It May Concern: Know Ye, That John GRANT, a Corp. of Captain D.W. Hamlin's Co. E 138th REgiment of Indiana Volunteers, who was enrolled on the 21st day of April, 1864 to serve 100 days, is hereby discharged from the service of the United States this 22nd day of September, 1864, at Indianapolis, In., by reason of expiration of term of service. No objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist. Given at Ind. Ind. this 30th day of Sept. 1864. Daniel W. Hamlin Captain Commanding the Co. A.W. Hargrane, 1st Lt. 17th U.S. Inf., Muster officer. This was a discharge from a brief warfare, but this soldier has just received a greater and final discharge, let us hope to enter upon a more glorious existence, less tinged with sorrow and pain; for before dying he confessed Christ, and told his wife that he was ready to meet his maker. Words of comfort and consolation were spoken to the bereaved family, and also to the comrades of the Grand Army to which the deceased belonged. An appropriate memoir of Mr. GRANT was read, and after all present had the opportunity of viewing the remains, the casket was closed , and the Grand Army of the Republic took charge of it, and conveyed it to the cemetery, where under Commander Rob't Maxwell, the impressive burial services of the order were read. A.L. Blair took the place of Commander Maxwell, who served as chaplain, while Quartermaster M.M. McCaulley had charge of the remains. At the graves the choir sang the appropriate hymn, "When the Roll is Called up Yonder". The following old soldiers followed the remains to the cemetery: Robert Maxwell, A.L. Blair, Geo. Lockard (color bearer) J.W. Morris, M.M. McCaulley, Wm. Ogan, Abner Frey, D.S. Baker, Thomas Moran and John Baughman. The pall bearers were: Cooper, Henry Hayton, Zenas Farrington, Wm. Payne, Charles Hillis and H. O. Siler. Everett Daily Herald 11-1982 Florence D. Grant, 89 of Arlington died Oct. 29, 1982. She was the wife of Thomas J. Grant Sr.; and mother of Bernice, George, Gordon, and Tom Jr. Private services will be held. Family will receive friends, Sat., Nov. 6, 2-4, 1425 NW 196th Richmond Beach. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Getchell Hill Fire Department, Arlington. Everett Daily Herald 11-21-1919 Mrs. Thea Graten, age 64 years, died this morning at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. And Mrs. Chris Berg of 2230 Lombard ave. She is survived by these children: Mrs. George Lamond of Pueblo, Colo., Carl J. Graten of Everett, Mrs. Chris Berg of Everett, and H.A. Graten of Pueblo Colo. Funeral services to be held from Challacombe & Fickel's chapel will be announced later. GRAVES NOTES ALEXANDER H. GRAVES Residence Waterford WI; Enlisted on 8/15/1862 as a Private. On 8/15/1862 he mustered into "F" Co. WI 22nd Infantry He was Mustered Out on 6/12/1865 at Washington, DC Everett Daily Herald 1-10-1902 Mrs. Phebe Gray, who died on Tuesday, and whose funeral took place Wednesday from the home of her husband Homer Gray, was born in Kansas, December 25, 1864 and died age 37 years. She was married in Cassville, Mo., and later moved to Oregon, and from thence to Washington. Mrs. Gray is survived by her husband and seven children three boys and four girls, the youngest being eight years of age. The bereaved family have the sympathy of our community in their sad affliction. Rev. G.A. Gray officiated at the funeral. Snohomish County Death Record Phoebe M. Gray age 37 years b/Ark. Died 1-7-1902 Everett Daily Herald 8-1906 Emily S. Green, aged 67 years, died at the family residence, 1915 Broadway. Yesterday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock of Bright's disease. The funeral took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence, Rev. Randall officiating. Several children survive the deceased. The famly recently arrived from Oregon. Snohomish County Death Record Elely Sophia Green age 67 b/NY died 8-17-1906 father noted as Harry Van Tassell Everett Daily Herald 12-8-1911 Isaac N. Green, aged 76, died last night at his late home, 2714 Pine street from a general break down brought on by advance years. He is survived by a widow and a daughter, Mrs. May Husby, of this city, and a son, Frank Green, of Garnett, Kas. Mr. Green came to Everett four years ago. He was a member of Company H., 155 Ohio Infantry in the civil war and served his county faithfully during the conflict between the North and the South. The body is at Maulsby's waiting funeral arrangements. Polk Directory 1913 Everett Ann E. Green (wid Isaac N) 2714 Pine Snohomish County Tribune 10-13-1927 Failing to receive answer to his call and hearing no noise, H. Garet entered the home of Lewis Green, near the slaughter house, this morning and found him dead. From all indications he is thought to have passed away early this morning. Mr. Green, 75 years of age has been suffering for some time with tuberculosis of the lungs, but knowing his days to be numbered he had continued to make his abode alone and refused to be moved to the Aldercrest Sanitarium as he was advised by friends. He was born in 1852 at Charles County, Sweden. He leaves no known relatives. Funeral services will probably be held Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the Bakeman chapel. Everett Daily Herald 7-14-1911 IN MEMORIAM OF GEORGE GREENWOOD The death of this venerable pioneer is of more than passing interest to the people of this county, as well as of Seattle. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1821. He died at his residence, in this town, on July 8, 1911, and he was buried beside his son and daughter and grand children in Woodlawn cemetery, near this city, on July 11, 1811. There are none here possessing a more remarkable personal record, His father, one hundred years ago, was Chief Engineer of the Clyde River Improvement Co, and made the modern city of Glasgow possible. Years ago his oldest brother was President of the Board of Metropolitan Engineers of the City of London, England. The subject of this article should have filled equally prominent positions, but at ten years of age he ran away and went to sea. Before he was fifteen, he had been in Hudson's Bay, the Mediterranean, all over the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, and had had enough of adventures for a lifetime. Seventy nine years ago, he ran for his life, when an eleven year old boy, into the walled city of Manila, to escape some Philipino Malays running amuck, and trying to kill him. While still a boy he made several trips on a "slaver" between the west coast of Africa and Brazil. Over sixty years ago he was in several Filibuster Expeditions from New Orleans in behalf of "Cuba Libra" in the forties, for years , he was Marine Engineer on Mississippi river steamboats. In 1849 he helped build the Panama Railroad, under Col. Baker. As Capt. Of Mutineers he took a deep water ship into a Peruvian port. For years he "dove for treasure" on the west coast of South America. After all these and other adventures, "old George Greenwood" came to Puget Sound so long ago as to be one of our earliest settlers. In 1852 he put the fire under the first steam saw mill, (the Yesler mill) on Puget Sound. He was also Engineer of the first primitive steamboat which made regular trips from Seattle to Snohomish. Then, nearly fifty years ago, "old George Greenwood" took up land and settled near this city, married, and is numbered among our earliest settlers. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Charles Sinclair, a widow, and lots of grandchildren, and even great grandchildren to remember him. A well beloved son and daughter and many grandchildren have gone before. He knew all about the steam engine, and its history for the past hundred years. He was a natural philosopher, a man of wonderful knowledge and most varied experiences. Perhaps the most remarkable man who has ever made his home in this community. He will be greatly missed by all the old settlers of King and Snohomish counties, Washington. Everett Daily Herald 1968 Carl H. Gregory, 71, of Marysville, died Sept. 21 in an Arlington hospital. Born June 11, 1897 in Hanford, he attended Arlington schools and was graduated from Arlington High School. He moved to Snohomish in 1957 and had resided in Marysville for a few months. Mr. Gregory was a retired employe of Darigold. He was a past master of Arlington Lodge 129 FY&M Fidel Chapter 78 Order of East Star and the Scottish Rite of Everett. He leaves a sister, Miss Ma?? (the first name is cut off at Ma), Gregory of Seattle; two brothers, Wallace of Puyallup and Chester of Rt. 5 Arlington. Services: Thursday 1 p.m. Weller Funeral Home, Arlington, Rev. Clyde Bachman Arlington Lodge 129 F&AM officiating. Burial will be in family plot of Machias Cemetery. Everett Daily Herald 12-22-1914 Anthony Griffin, aged 85, died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Merriweather, 2325 Maple street. The funeral under the direction of N.B. Challacombe, will be held from the Riverside Catholic church tomorrow at 9 a.m. The body will be taken to Willmington, Ohio, where there are two sons living, for interment. Everett Daily Herald 5-27-1916 Accompanied by his surviving widow and their only child, a daughter, the body of L.P. Grignon, a former well known resident of Everett, who died May 24 at Spokane, after an extended illness, was brought to this city this moring, and is at Jerread's. The funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow from the Bayside Catholic church, with interment in Mt. Carmel cemetery. Grignon resided in Everett many years and was widely known. His occupation was that of filer at the Seaside mill. About a year he removed to Spokane, in the hope of recovering health, while his wife and daughter went to California, also seeking health betterment. Crignon was 38 years of age. He was a member of the Eagles lodge, of the Knights of Columbus and of the Knights and Ladies of Security. The fraternities are expected to attend the funeral service, and a special car will be in waiting to convey friends to the cemetery. Snohomish Co. Tribune 7-15-1898 After more than two years of patient suffering, Mrs. Persis E. Gunn passed away at her home at Index, Monday, July 11. Mrs. Gunn was 53 years of age, and came to this state about seven years ago from ILL. Since then the home at Index has become a favorite resort for the many friends from Snohomish and vicinity. It is now more than two years since the first premonition of her fatal malady began to be felt. Relief was sought at the hands of specialists in Chicago and Seattle, and she returned to her home to pass the remainder of her days with her family. These last few months were full of suffering, scarcely a moment of them all being free from pain, but she bore it without a murmur or complaint. During the last few weeks she seemed to be improving, and rallied so much as to be able to leave her bed to which she had been confined for a year, and on Fourth of July she ate dinner with her family. The improvement proved to be soly temporary, for on Wednesday last she grew much worse and sank rapidly until Monday afternoon when she passed away. On Tuesday, as the evening shadows were lenghtening, she was laid to rest in a peaceful spot, only a few rods from the room in which she had lain so long, and in the midst of the beautiful surroundings which had been so dear to her. She leaves a husband, five daughters and one son to mourn her loss. Among the many examples of noble womanhood which have adorned our frontier life, none was held in higher esteem then Mrs. Gunn. Her gentle and refined manners, her generous and refined temperament made her not only a fond parent in her own household, but won for her everywhere the beautiful name "Mother," and made her house not only a stopping place for the wayfarer, but in reality a home. Snohomish Co. Death Record Peris E. Gunn 51 yrs b/ILL (female) died 7-11-1898 father Thomas B. Graves and mother Mary B. Thompson Snohomish County Tribune 12-16-1898 Mrs. O.S. Hawley died at her home in this city, Thursday, Dec. 1, 1898 after an illness of less than two weeks, and was buried from the Congregational church Saturday afternoon following. Rev. Winchester preached the funeral sermon, and the Forresters, of which Mr. Hawley is a member, attended in a body and assisted at the house and grave, Grand Chief Ranger Stoeling of Seattle, coming up to help in the ceremonies. Rose Ella Gunther was born in Germany in 1874, and moved with her parents to Snohomish in 1892. She was married to O.S. Hawley in this city May 1896. She leaves one child, baby Clara, nine months old, her mother, two sisters Minnie and Martha, a brother, John Gunther, and a bereaved husband to mourn her loss. Mrs. Hawley was of a quiet, retiring disposition and was univerally loved by all who became intimately accquainted with her. The bereaved husband and relatives have the sympathy of the community, in their sorrow. Snohomish Co. marriage record Orna Hawley m Rosa Guenthir 5-30-1889 Snohomish Co. Death Record Rosa M. Hawley age 24 b/Germany died 12-8-1898