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Everett Daily Herald 21 November 1910 Miss Anna OLESON, aged 19 years, died at her home in Mukilteo Friday. The funeral took place yesterday. Everett Daily Herald 10 October 1910 Death came, after a long illness, to John C. OLSON, aged 75 year, at his late home at 2227 State Street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. He is survived by a widow and the following children: J. H. OLSON, of Chicago; Mrs. E. E. YOUNG, of Spokane; C. E OLSON, of Lowell; Mrs. Charles GLOVER, Mrs. James GOLDTHORPE, Jakie OLSON, Belle OLSON and Lizzie OLSON, all of Everett. Funeral services will be held from Jerread's chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Everett Daily Herald November 14, 1910 Death claimed Olaus OLSON, one of the most widely known pioneer ranchmen of the Stillaguamish river valley, at his former home near Silvana at midnight Saturday, and with his passing was removed from that neighborhood one universally esteemed and respected. He had long been a sufferer from cancer, and the end was not unexpected. He was about 60 years of age, and through practically all his life was a member of the Lutheran Synod church. OLSON came to Snohomish county in 1877, and homesteaded the farm where he passed away, adjoining that of his father, who preceded him by several years. A brother, Hans OLSON, was killed in a runaway accident about a year ago. The only surviving relatives are a brother residing in Montana and a sister living in South Dakota. OLSON was unmarried, but his property will go to an adopted daughter, Hattie OLSON. The funeral service will take place at the OLSON home tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, and interment will be made in Pleasant Hill cemetery. The numerous friends of the deceased citizen have united in procuring floral tributes to his memory. The tragic death of Hans OLSON a year ago, and the death of Olaus OLSON removes from the active political life of the Silvana neighborhood two of its leaders. Both men were ardent Republicans, and wielded a great political influence in the community in which they resided. In every respect they were considered ideal party leaders, being earnest and aggressive, but clean and conscientious. Everett Daily Herald 8/24/1929 Charles O'Neil, former resident of Mukilteo, died Sunday evening at a Seattle hospital following a short illness. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. William McDonald and a brother Ed O'Neil, both of Seattle, a brother residing in the East and a sister living in Los Angeles. Funeral services will be held at 9 o'clock Tuesday from the Immaculate Conception church, Seattle. O'Neil, who left Mukilteo several months ago was a member of the United Spanish War Veterans. Everett Daily Herald 11 September 1902 Carl Opsvig's Burial Carl Opsvig, who died Tuesday at 2412 Oakes avenue, was buried this afternoon from J. F. Jerread & Co's undertaking parlors, Rev. Foss of Stanwood, officiating. Interment at Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Opsvig was 22 years of age, unmarried, and came here from Allesund, Norway last spring. He was employed at the Weyerhaeuser Timber company's mill. Everett Daily Herald 1971 Edward O. Orcutt, 76, of 11915 Old Highway 99, Marysville, died March 31 in a local hospital. He was born June 17, 1895 in Mt. Vernon and had lived in Marysville for the past 15 years. He was a lineman for the old West Coast Telephone Co., retiring in 1962, and was a member of the FOE of Olympia. Mr. Orcutt leaves his wife Esther at home; a son, Frank E. of 4915 Glenwood Dr., Everett; a brother, Dan Orcutt of Belfair, Wa; a sister Mrs. Lottie Breck of Little Rock, Wa. And three grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Schaefer Funeral Home, Marysville. The Rev. W.L. Johnson of Marysville United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Redmond. Honorary casketbearers will be Glen Johnson and Glenn French. Active casket bearers will be Ray Walsh, Ken Davis, Irvin Breck, Kirk, Allan, and Orvil Orcutt. Everett Daily Herald 22 November 1910 The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. OSBORN, that died at Three Lakes yesterday from convulsions was held here at 11 o'clock this morning; interment in G. A. R. cemetery. The Everett Daily Herald December 31, 1910 Mrs. Carrie OWIN died last evening at the home of her son, Nels OWIN, 2232 Summit avenue, at the age of 83 years, after being confined to her bed for two weeks. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. John HANSON, in Eau Clarie, Wis., and one son, Nels OWIN, of this city. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Maulsby's chapel, corner Wall and Wetmore. Rev. O. J. EDWARDS, of the United Norwegian Lutheran church officiating as minister. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery.