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Everett Daily Herald
At the funeral services for John R. KING, G.A.R. veteran who died at his home near Snohomish May 6 at the age of 88 years, Friday aftrnoon, D.F. Sexton, adjutant of O.B. Morton post No. 10 G.A. R., read the following obituary, entitled "The Passing of a Comrade."John R. KING was born near Lebanon, Boone county, Indiana, March 4, 1837. At the time Indiana as a state was in its infancy and but sparsely settled. At the age of nineteen he, with his father's family, migrated to Wisconsin which was this time comparatively a wilderness country. Remaining in Wisconsin for a short time he changed his location to Winona, Minn., where at the age of 21 in the year 1858, the year in which Minnesota was admitted as a state, he married Miss Carrie KNOWLES of Winona. To this union there were born six children, four of whom are living, Charles E. of Snohomish, Mrs. Nettie RUSSELL of California, Chancy A. of Snohomish and Mrs. Katherine SIMMONS of Seattle.
On July 23, 1862, impelled by a spirit of loyalty and duty to his country, he entered its service for the preservation of the union, enlisting in the Sixth Minnesota Volunteer infantry for a term of three years or during the war but his constitution not being robust enough to endure the privation, exposures and hardships of active army life, he was discharged from service for physical disability before the expiration of the full time of enlistment. After his first wife was taken from him by death, he was joined in marriage to Miss Elizabeth MILNER December 4, 1877, in Lyon county, Minnesota, to whom were born two children, Myrtle, now Mrs. NEIMEYER of Kenmore, Wash., and Louis M. KING of Everett.
This Mrs. KING departed this life at their home ten years ago. In addition to the children enumerated there also survived near relatives of Comrade KING, sixteen grandchildren, ten great grand children and one sister, Mrs. HANLEY of Minnesota. By the death of this comrade of the Civil war not only a patriot as a soldier but a patriot as a citizen has passed from life's conflicts, for he ever stood for law and order, ready to defend the principals of justice and right. He was not one of your neutral kind; you could always know where to find him when questions of morality and good citizenship were involved. He was a devoted member of the First Methodist Episcopal church in Snohomish. Although his life was mostly spent on the frontiers, where his opportunities for a acquiring an education when young were very limited, by thoughtful observation and reading he became possessed of a liberal fund of information.
Thirty-six years ago, in the year 1889, he moved to what then Washington territory, and located near Snohomish where by perseverance and taxing his strength to the utmost, he converted a portion of the wilderness into a comfortable and pleasant home, where he lived, enjoying the respect and kind and affectionate regards of his neighbors and numerous friends until called by death. He became a member of Morton post No. 10, G.A.R., June 25, 1892, and during the time since, he served efficiently and acceptable as post commander. He was ever and always a true comrade. By the passing of this, another comrade of the Civil war, we are admonished that the reaper is at work gathering in the remnant of those who responded to their country's call that the Star Spangled Banner, the emblem of liberty, might continue to float as of yore over a unnited country.
1900 Snohomish Co. Census
John R. KING b/3-1837 age 63 married 23 yrs. b/ Ind parents Oh Oh farmer
Elizabeth 3-1842 age 58 marred 23 yrs b/Ny parents NY NY 6 children 3 living
Myrtle 8-1880 age 19 single b/Mn
Moses Louis 9-1883 age 16 single b/Mn
Chauncey KING b/6-1871 age 28 married b/Mn
Mary 2-1876 age 24 married 5yr 3 child 3 liv
Chancey L, 8-1896 age 3 single b/Wa
Mary 7-1897 age 2 single b/Wa
Harold B. 4-1899 age 1 single b/Wa1910 Census John R. KING age 73 married twice 30 yrs b/In
Eliz 66 married thrice 30 yrs b/Ny 6 child 3 liv
Madeline 7 adopted daughter b/Wa
EDWARD KLITZKEEverett Daily Herald
7-25-1913Edward KLITZKE, 79 years of age, died at his home at Red Crossing at 7:30 o'clock this morning. Mr. KLITZKE was well known in this vicinity, having resided in Snohomish for 14 years. He was a member of the G.A.R. Funeral services will be held at the family residence near Red Crossing Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock.
Washington State Death Record
Edward KLITZKE age 78-7-24 b/Germany a farmer died 7-24-1913 parents noted as Carl KLITZKE and Philipma DITBERNER both of Germany. Informant was Mrs. Edw. KLITZKE of Snohomish. Buried at G.A.R. 7-26-1913Snohomish G.A.R. Cemetery
KLITZKE,Maria 2/14/1890-11/6/1902d/o Edward &Maria Klitzke)
KLITZKE, Mary 5/27/1847-10/12/1927 (Mother)
KLITZKE, Edward 1835-1913 (Co. K 31st Ill. Inf.)
KLITZKE, Reinhold 1866-1951(from Coral Williams EMAIL: clwss@centex.net - The obituary with burial in the Snohomish GAR Cemetery of Mary KLITZKE has a few errors. The full correct name for Mary Klitzke was Maria Fredaricka Caroline Kuster Klitzke. The correct married name for Louise is HERETH not Harris. Louisa Henrietta Cunigunda Klitzke Hereth was my Grandmother. The R.H. Klitzke's full name was Reinholdt Heinrich Wilhelm Klitzke. He is also buried in the GAR Cemetery. And Mary Klitzke's brother was Robert KUSTER not Gaster. He is buried at Strasburg, IL. Maria also had a sister Adophina Kuster BOLDT who is buried in Shelby County, IL, as are their parents, John and Mary Kuster.
8-22-1906Antone KREUTZBURG was suddenly stricken with heart failure yesterday at the home of his son, Hugo, 1229 Rucker ave. and died before a physician arrived. Mr. KREUTZBURG was eighty-one years of age and had been in his usual health. He had just retuned from a walk when the attack occured. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from Jerreads, Rev. Randall officiating.
Snohomish County Death Record
KREUTZBURG, Antone age 81 b/Germany died 8-21-1906Anton KREUTZBURG is buried under Antone KRENTZBERG serving with 45th Wi. Inf. in the civil war, at the Everegreen Cemetery.
Don C. LYONSEverett Daily Herald
Aberdeen, Nov.26-
Don C. LYONS pioneer and civil war veteran, died in Hoquiam Saturday just three days after the death of his wife. A double funeral will be held Friday afternoon. Mr. LYONS was 73 years old and his wife 71.
Special to Daily Herald
SNOHOMISH- Aug. 8,David Lewis PARAMORE, G.A.R. veteran thirty-second degree Mason and popular Snohomish citizen died at 2 o'clock Sunday morning in the Snohomish hospital from pneumonia after an illness of a week's duration. "D. Lew" as Mr. PARAMORE was known to young and old here and as he signed his name, was born in Greenburg, Ind. March 18, 1840. He served two enlistments in the Civil war from 1861 to 1862 he was a private in Company B 12th Indiana Inf. And in 1864 was a corporal in Company A 134th Indiana infantry. He learned the drug business in Indiana and later continued this occupation in Virginia City, Nev., and Oakland and San Francisco, Calif.
Before coming to Snohomish 30 years ago. In 1891 Mr. PARAMORE was enlisted by Lot Wilbur, pioneer druggist of this city and a few years later went into business for himself, retiring in about 1912. Shortly after coming here he was made president of the Snohomish Bicycle Club and it was under his discretion that the "bicycle tree" a mile south of town was arched out and a bicycle path from Snohomish through the tree was made.
Mr. PARAMORE was greatly interested in Masonic work and belonged to all the orders of Masonry. He was a past master of Centennial lodge No. 25 of this city and a member of Snohomish lodge No 15, F.& A.M. He also was past commander of the Knights Templar commandery and a member of Masonic council, both in Everett. He was a past grand night priest of the R.A.M. of the state and was the Washington state representative of the Masonic lodge in England. A trip to England, from which Mr. PARAMORE returned about a month ago, is believed to have brought on his death, his health having failed after leaving here. While he was in England the lodge of that country was in session and he was accorded great deference and honors. For more than a year prior to 1921 Mr. PARAMORE was in charge of the medical department of the Western Washington hospital. While commander of Morton post No. 10 G.A.R., in 1910 the veterans erected a handsome monument at the G.A.R. cemetery, which was dedicated with ceremonies in which the late Governor Lister and Mr. PARAMORE made addresses. At the time of his death he was a trustee of the G.A.R. cemetery association.
Mr. PARAMORE was a single man and is survived by a sister Mrs. Etta O. JONES of Osceola, Iowa, and by a niece of the same city. Funeral services will be conducted by the Masons and the G.A.R. Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Masonic hall. Interment will take place in the G.A.R. cemetery.
Everett Daily Herald
6-22-1904William PETERSON, aged 77, died at the home of his son, Fred PETERSON, near the end of Everett avenue bridge, late yesterday afternoon. Paralysis was the cause of death. He leaves a wife an three grown sons. He was a member of the G.A.R. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
Everett Daily Herald
2-20-1905Aron F. POWERS was a descendent of one of the families that came in this country in the Mayflower. He was born in St. Clair county, ILL, in the year 1829, the second in a family of eleven children. He was early in life taught the duties of farm life when he received the training of toil which has made so many of our stalwart men and useful citizens. At the age of 25 he began to farm for himself.
During the war he enlisted in Brookfield township, La Salle county, Illinois. In 1865 he was a member of the Eleventh Volunteer Veteran infantry. He remained a member of the Eleventh Illinois until he mustered out of service. He was in the engagement at Fort Blakely. He was transferred in the Eighth Illinois infantry and was honorably discharged at New Orleans in February, 1866, when he returned to resume his duties in his home town.
In 1856 he married Miss Margaret LEECH which union gave them 3 sons, John F., Aron S., and Robert W., In 1867 he was again married to Miss Anne CLARK, a native of Scotland, which union gave them nine children. He moved to Adams county, Nebraska in 1874 where he purchased 160 acres farming land, a timber claim and a tract of railroad land.
Mr. POWERS was independent in his political views, voting for the best man and the best measures. For three years he served as supervisor of his township as a member of the board of education and was chairman of the board of supervisors of public buildings which had charge of the erection of the splendid County building of Adams county, Nebraska. Mr. POWERS was Presbyterian in church connections and served many years as an elder and he was greatly respected and loved by his by his associates in Christian service. He moved to Snohomish Co. Washington in 1897 and has resided here until his death February 20, 1905. He leaves a wife and three sons residing here.
John Henry POWNALL, veteran of the civil war and an old resident of Monroe, died at the home of his son on Blakeley street, Monday, June 12. The deceased was born in Ohio Jan 14, 1843. At the age of 11 he moved to Indiana. He enlisted in the Union army Aug.20,1862, from Green County in Co. A 97th Ind Vol. Inf. and was mustered into service at Terre Haute, Ind. He was assigned to the 3rd Brigade, 4th Div. 15th Corps, under the command of Gen. John A. Morgan. After participating in many of the battles of the civil war and also taking part in Sherman's memorable march to the sea, he was honorably discharged from service at Indianapolis, July 9, 1965, after serving 2 years, 10 months and 11 days.Mr. POWNALL was married Jan. 29th 1869, to Miss Mary MOORE, to which union were born eight children. In 1881 the deceased moved to Minnesota, where he resided to 1903, when he moved to Monroe. Here his wife and two children have since died. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and (LUCIUS DAY POST #123) G.A.R.
Last July he went on a visit to Minnesota, where he was injured by a street car, from which injuries he never recovered. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon under the auspices of Monroe Lodge F. and A.M. conducted by Rev. J. McKean and Rev. Raymond.
Monore IOOF Cemetery
Mary J. Pownell 3-14-1852 to 3-22-190? w/o J.H.
Jessie P. 8-1871 to 5-7-1907
John Henry Pownell 1-14-1843 to 6-12-1916
Everett Daily Herald
5-15-1903Alfred SAMUELS, colored, died at his home this morning, 2028 Highland, of a paralytic stroke. He was 85 years old. The deceased was a member of the Grand Army post at Bloomington, Ill. He was born in 1818 in Kentucky. He leaves a son and two daughters residing in Everett. The body is now at Challacombe's undertaking parlors. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
Card of Thanks
We hereby tender our heartfelt thanks to all the kind friends, especially the G.A.R. and W.R.C., who have assisted us with ttheir deeds and their sympathies in the hour of our bereavement, when our bedoved father, Alfred SAMUELS, was called to his last rest.
Mrs. Mary MONROEAlford SAMUELS enlisted in Army 8-30-1864 at Louisville, Ky 107th USCT Inf. Co."H"
Evergreen Cemetery- Everett, Wa.
Alford SAMUELS 10-10-1903
Everett Daily Herald
4-17-1937DAVID F. SEXTON, 99 SNOHOMISH PIONEER, DIES FRIDAY MORNING Snohomish, April 15- David F. SEXTON, 99, pioneer and Snohomish's oldest citizen, died at 9:15 o'clock this morning at his home in Sexton's precinct after having been ill ten days. Mr. SEXTON, commander and last member of Morton post No. 10, G.A.R. residing here, was a charter member of that organization., also of Garden City grange and Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. SEXTON and his wife, who died in 1928, came to Snohomish 59 years ago. Mr. SEXTON was born April 1, 1838 in Montgomery county, Ohio, a son of Joseph and Lizzie SEXTON, who respectively were born in Ohio and New Jersey. In 1843 he moved with his parents to Jasper county, Ind., where he spent his boyhood days and attended subscription and public schools. Later he attended normal school at Burnettsville, Ind and for several years he taught school in that state and in Kansas. During the Civil war he served with 135th regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry.
On November 18, 1867 he married Miss Ora DOWNING of a family that was prominent in Revolutionary war and the War of 1812. They went to Wilson Co, Kansas, where they resided until May 23, 1878. On that date they left with a mule team and covered wagon, with seven other families. Additional families joined them as they proceeded westward and at one time there were as many as 30 in the wagon train. The caravan had dwindled to two wagons when the SEXTONs arrived at Pendleton, Ore. The reached Olympia October 4. From there they proceeded by steamer to Seattle and came to Snohomish on Captain Hill's "Fanny Lake" boat, landing here October 7, 1878. Accompanying them was John Robbins of Vader, formerly of Monroe, who was ten years younger then Mr. SEXTON. Mr. Robbins later drove the team to Snohomish and swam the horses across the river , there being no bridge here at that time.
The pioneer couple resided in what now is Morgan's addition during their fist winter here and in February, 1879, they removed to his home across the Pilchuck river from that district, where he resided until his death. There Mr. SEXTON had a 200-acre farm. This he operated until about 21 years ago later selling off all but about fifteen acres of that part where his home was located.
Mr. SEXTON was active in grange, church, patriotic and community affairs, until December 6, 1931 when he was injured in an automobile. Since then he had been confined to a wheel chair. Mr. SEXTON retained his faculties remarkably well until the last year when his hearing and eyesight gradually failed. His birthday anniversary for many years has been the occasion of happy festivities arranged by his numerous friends and the last of these was held this month.
Surviving Mr. SEXTON are two nephews, Zedrick SEXTON of Langley and John H. SEXTON of Seattle and two nieces, Mrs. Lydia CADE and Miss Florence SEXTON of Seattle. The body is at the chapel of Purdy & Hall. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Everett Daily Herald
8-1-1918James A. TEMPLE, a pioneer of this county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F.A. NOYES, at Pinehurst this morning, age 76. He was a member of the G.A.R. and the A.O.U.W. He is survived by three daughters; Mrs Frank A. NOYES, of Pinehurst; Miss Olive M. TEMPLE, of Marysville; and Henryetta TEMPLE, of Everett. The funeral arrangements in charge of John F. Jerread, will be announced later.
Everett Daily Herald
6-24-1902J. TIDBALL, after an illness of about three months, died early Sunday morning at his home on Third Street, Lowell, Mr. TIDBALL was 66 years of age and had lived in Snohomish County for a number of years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Congretgational church at Lowell.
GAR certificate notes Josiah TIDBALL age 60 b/Muskingin, Oh served as Private in 83rd ILL inf. Co. D. for 3 years. and was a member of Snohomish Morton Post #10 in 1895 and transfered to Everett John Buford Post #89.
Everett Daily Herald
4-16-1914Albert B. TOWNE, aged 71, died at his late home at the corner of Linclon and Wood streets last night. He was born in New York June 7, 1842, and has lived in Snohomish for the last 12 years. He was a veteran of the civil war and was a member of the local Morton post G.A.R. Mr. TOWNE was formerly a Methodist minister. He is survived by his wife. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon from the Methodist church under the auspices of the G.A.R. Rev. Keer will officiate at the service and interment will take place in the G.A.R. cemetery.
Mrs. Clara M. TOWNE b/1843 NY died 1926 and noted her son as Alva B. TOWNE and the late Edmond D. TOWNE.