Welcome to Snohomish
County WAGenWeb

Snohomish logging crew 1896
My name is Bob
Jenkins and I created this
website to provide genealogy
information and links to genealogy
information to assist people in
their Snohomish County Washington
I would appreciate any
contribution that you would like to
make to this site:
biographies, obituaries, birth,
marriage, death info, grave info,
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for Snohomish
County Data
Snohomish County was
originally inhabited by several Coast
Salish groups, predominantly settled along
the western
coastline and near the region's
rivers. The Snohomish were the largest
group and occupied an area from
Warm Beach to Shoreline, while
Stillaguamish lived in the Stillaguamish
River basin. The region was first charted
and named by European explorers in
the late 18th century, beginning with
Captain George Vancouver and his British
expedition. Vancouver arrived in
Puget Sound and Port Gardner Bay on June
4, 1792, landing near present-day
The Treaty of Point Elliott was
signed at present-day Mukilteo on January
22, 1855, marking the cession of Coast
Salish territories in the Puget
Sound lowlands. The Tulalip Indian
Reservation was established to house the
remaining tribes, including the
Snohomish, Snoqualmie, and Skykomish.
Snohomish County was created out of
Island County on January 14, 1861.
The territorial legislature
designated Mukilteo, the area's largest
settlement, as the temporary county seat
in January
1861. The county government was
permanently moved to Cadyville, later
Snohomish, in July of that year. After the
incorporation of the city of Everett
in 1893, the city's leaders attempted to
move the county seat from Snohomish. A
countywide general election on
November 6, 1894 chose to relocate the
county seat to Everett, amid controversy
allegations of illegal votes. After
two years of litigation between the cities
of Snohomish and Everett, the county seat
was officially relocated to Everett
in December 1896.
The WAGenWeb Project
sincerely thanks the dedicated volunteers
devoted time and effort toward making
this site a successful one:
Marge Reid, County
Coordinator 1999-2018
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