WAGenWeb logo 1883 Pensioners on the Roll

Note: "do" in the Post-office address column is short for "ditto".

No. of certificate Last name of pensioner First name of pensioner Post-office address Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of original allowance
213690 Thomas William E. Cascades varicose veins $12.00 June 1882
44205 Tennue Henry do wd. rt. hand & loss fingers 4.00 Dec. 1872
48596 Williams Thorton F. do wd. rt. elbow 8.00 Aug. 1865

Source: "List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883
Giving the Name of Each Pensioner, the Cause for Which Pensioned,
the Post-Office Address, and the Date of Original Allowance.
In Five Volumes, United States Pension Bureau, 1883."
Transcribed by Jennifer Godwin, March 2000.

Gordon Byers is maintaining a set of links to extracts from this Pension Bureau report: 1883 Pensioners Online.