Pend Oreille County
Grange Information
Diamond Lake Grange (as submitted by Barbara Earl)
SW of Newport WA in Pend Oreille County
First organized on 3/12/1912 by H J Noble in Scotia Wa. There are no records of
when it was dissolved. It was reorganized 9/26/1931 by George L Denman and was
located at RT 3 Newport WA. It is currently at the same site. The building was
erected in 1921 as Rogers School.
Members as of 3/8/1912
Mr & Mrs J.W. Anderson; G.W. Anderson; Miss A. Anderson; Barney Cain; George Cain; Barney
Cain, Jr; Hugh H. Cain; Mr & Mrs Isak Farsland; James Fraser; Chas Graham; Carl Graham; Mr & Mrs Alexis Guissigaits; John P. Guissigaits; Wm Haggard; Mr & Mrs W.H. Inman; M.F. Owens; John I. Price; J.B. Price; J.H. Price; Mrs. A.J. Price; Harold Robinson; Jno Robinson; Mr & Mrs James Newton Rogers; Mr & Mrs John T. Rogers; Sidney B. Siler; John Spooner; Mr & Mrs Chas P. Trask; Mr & Mrs Geo. Veit; R.H. Wiegand; Emmit Wiegand;
Names mentioned in minutes of meetings from 10-17-1931 thru 5-1-1942
Wm Balkow; Louise Balkow; B.B. Benner; Dora Benner; Ben Bishop; Effie Bishop; James Bishop;
Delmar Bishop; James Bishop; Richard Blank; Mr & Mrs William Bolen; Fred Brenekman; Ernest Brown; Florence Brown; Hugh H. Cain; Mable L. Cain; Martin Cain; Gladys Cain; Bob Clark; S.L. Coonrod; Sarah J. Coonrod; Arlene Cotter; Alice Cronn; Arthur Cronn; Mr & Mrs T.B. Duncan;
Mr & Mrs Bruce Earl; C.E. Farrington; Charles Earl Farrington; Fred Farrington; Mr & Mrs (Vivian) A.M. Finn; Howard Fowler; Ruth Fowler; Ward Fowler; May Fowler; Blaz Gaber; Mr & Mrs M.H. Goodnough; Clyde Greene; Elca Greene; Alex Guissigaits; John Guissigaits; Pete Guissigaits; Earl Herman; Mamie Herman; Annie Hughes; R.C. Hughes; Mrs. Annice Hughes; Fred Hulbert; Emma Hulbert; Mr Jennings; Floyd Johnson; Gordon Johnson; Mamie Johnson; Wm Kendall; George Kendrick; Gladys (Mrs Geo) Kendrick; Charles Kendrick; Jessie Kendrick; Sylvia Kirkland; Edward Klaar; Freida Klaar; William Klaar; Chet Leslie; Jean Leslie; Dan Loyd; Arthur Marson; Ray Mason; Anna Mason; Alex Massoz; Patrick Massoz; Ira McCaully; Mrs Opal McCaully; Kathleen McKim; Ruebin McKim; Mary McKim; Warren McKinley; A.Lon McQuown; Mrs. Florence McQuown; Louie Miller; J.P. Miller; Wayne Morrison; Mr & Mrs (Loretta) Geo Oestruck; Kenneth Oestruck;
Mr & Mrs Payne; Selmla Perry; John L. Perry; Delbert Pierce; Ed Poirier; Jennie Poirier; Marion Poirier; Fielden Poirier; Mrs Pollard; Holly Pulford; O.F. Pulford; Mrs Ora Pulford; George Pulford; Charlie Pulford; Eva Pulford; Etta Pulford; Joe Pulford; Leonard Raffler; Alice Raffler; Harold Richards; W.G. Richardson; John T. Rogers; Mrs Hermenia T.Rogers; Carl J. Roning; Lena Roning; Roy S. Rude; Mrs Jessie Rude; Miss or Mrs Sams; Johnny Sams; Mrs. Theo Scheele; John Schirmer (John also shown Schrimmer); Richard Schrimer; Mr & Mrs Frank Schultz; Ed Sherman; Cecilia Sherman; Bonnie Smith; Mrs Sowers; Mr & Mrs William W. Sowl; C.H. Stauffer; Lucy M. Stauffer; John Stephan; Mrs Stratton; Miss Taylor; Glee Taylor; F.F. Taylor; Chas P. Trask; R.C. Trent; Harvey Tuttle; Marie Tuttle; Asa Tuttle; Marvel Tuttle; Mr & Mrs Vanderholm; Harry Vannert; Leona Vannert; Geo F. Veit; Josephine Veit; Mr & Mrs (Florence) Washburn; Riley Washburn, Jr; Riley Washburn, Sr; Mr & Mrs Watson; Miss or Mrs Weigand; Mr Wiebe; L.E. Williams; Leo Williams; Marjorie Williams; Pearl Williams; Walter Wilson; Helen (Mrs Walter) Wilson; Opal Wilson; Russel Wilson; Vern Wilson; L.A. Worthy; Augusta Zehn
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Maintained by Susan Dechant, Pend Oreille County Coordinator