of Lincoln County Pioneers
These weddings are taken from "The Harrington Citizen" newspaper
Submitted by Marge Womach, they are listed chronologically by the date they were in the newspaper.
Page 2
Nov 03, 1899
D. N. SNYDER and KATHERINE GRINNELL were married on Monday last at Spokane in the presence of a number of relatives and friends; Rev. G. WILLIAM GIBBONEY officiating. The contracting parties are well known residents of this vicinity, and have the best wishes of many friends.
Jul 21, 1905
FRED W. WIMBLE and Miss ANNE DUNHAM were married last Sunday. The statement itself presents nothing startling, but to those of Fred's friends who have known him for the last decade it will be somewhat of a surprise, as he was considered to be one of the most confirmed old batches in the state. Mr. Wimble is one of the prosperous land owners of Moscow, Wash., and has been in business in that town for several years. His wife was a school teacher, formerly teaching in Odessa, but this spring she has been teaching in the Snyder district, south of Moscow. The newly wedded couple left for the west Monday, presumably to visit the Lewis an Clark exposition and other points of interest on the coast and sound.
Jul 28, 1905
The Creston News reports the marriage of JESSE PERRY and Miss ELINOR COOPER at that place on the 16th inst.
Mar 03, 1905
Last week seemed to be a busy one for Cupid over in Adams county. Weddings occurred as follows in Ritzville:
GEORGE A. BEUHLER and Miss ETHEL KAUFFMAN were made one of the 21st
DAVID SHEPPART and Miss BESSIE A. ENGLISH were united the 15th.
The evening of the 21st witnessed the marriage of CARLOS H. SPALDING and Miss ELLA SLOPER.
Taking advantage of Washington's birthday for a wedding day, JESSE W. PERKINS and Miss PEARL V. STURDIVAN were made
man an wife.
Tuesday afternoon J. G. SWARTY and Miss LELA STAIR of Lind decided to go thru life together and had the ceremony
performed at Ritzville.
NELS NELSON and Miss ROXIE ANNA STONESTREET were married at the residence of the bride's mother Tuesday afternoon.
Sept 22, 1905
Altho this has been one of the busiest harvests the country has known the Duck lake people have not been too busy to heed Cupid's call. As a result ED COCKLE of Duck lake and Miss EDNA SHERWOOD of Earl were married Monday of this week. Mr. Cockle is one of the prosperous wheat raisers of the Duck lake country and his bride is well known in this community. Rumor reports that a sister of the bride and Bill Kitts were married the same day, but no verification of the last statement has been received.
A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of W. R. KEMPER last Sunday evening at six o'clock when one of Harrington's fairest daughters was given in marriage to a prosperous young farmer of Cunningham Rev. ISAAC LEONARD officiated. The bride was Miss BESSIE J. KEMPER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. KEMPER. She has been a resident of Harrington for a number of years. That she was taken by a man from a distant town does no credit to the young men of Harrington. The groom OSCAR JACKSON, is a young farmer of Cunningham, who bears a splendid reputation in his home community. The happy couple left Sunday evening for Portland to attend the exposition, after which they will take up their residence on their ranch near Cunningham.
Word reaches this office that LEE LONG of Moscow and Miss LENA REHM of this city, who innocently departed for Portland last Friday in company with Mr. and Mr. T. E. TALKINGTON, were quietly married at Seattle. Both young people are well and favorably known, both in Harrington and Moscow. Mr. Long has resided at the latter place since early boyhood, and has a good ranch near town, where they will make their home.
Dec 13, 1912
Justice H. C. TURNER Tuesday united in marriage Miss CLARA MASTERS and Mr. ERNEST HEAVNER of this place. The young couple had quite a time arranging the preliminaries, and the following from the Davenport correspondent to the Spokesman-Review indicates....'Unarmed with the necessary affidavits, having been informed in his home town of Harrington that only a witness was necessary, EARNEY HEAVNER, 21, was refused a license to wed Miss CLARA MASTER, 18, also of Harrington, when he appeared here yesterday afternoon. C. C. LOUG of Harrington had accompanied the prospective groom on the cold drive of 16 miles. In order that Heavner's trip might not be fruitless County Auditor Brislawn telephoned a Harrington attorney and informed him that the license would be granted when the bride to be signed the necessary affidavits before a notary, and on the assurance of the attorney that the matter would be immediately attended to the young man decided to wait. After an hour waiting for the long distance bell Heavner left for Harrington. A few minutes after his departure the message came that all was right and the license issued...'
Jan 03, 1919
JOHN L. FLEMMING, a local carpenter, and Miss CLARA MIHM, of Reardan were united in marriage December 26th at the Lady of Lourdes church in Spokane, the Rev. Father VERHAGEN officiating. The ceremony took place at 9 a. m. the guests being composed mainly of relatives. Mrs. Agnes Fredericks of Spokane, sister of the groom was among those present. The newlyweds came to Harrington immediately and will make their home here where Mr. Flemming already had a nice bungalow ready. Mr. Flemming has been a resident of Harrington for the past nine years. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JACK MIHM, pioneers of Reardan.
Jul 15, 1921
On Thursday evening of last week WARREN L. SMITH and Miss EDITH BRADEN, both of Govan, were married in Harrington at the Baptist parsonage, the Rev. Mr. E. C. SCOTT performing the ceremony. The bridal couple were unattended and the ring ceremony was used. The affair was a quiet one, Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT and their on DAVID and Mr. and Mr. L. L. SMITH, parents of the groom, being the only ones present. This wedding unites two pioneer families of the Govan district. Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT BRADEN, parents of the bride, have lived in that district over 20 years and the parents of the groom homesteaded there in 1894. The Scott home was decorated with roses for the occasion, Mrs. Scott being a cousin of the groom. The newly-weds left immediately for a trip down in the Palouse country and to Lewiston where the groom has relatives. They will make their home on the farm at Govan.
June 02, 1933
A pretty but simple wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. WHITBECK, May 30, in Bonners Ferry, when Miss EVELYN WHITBECK became the bride of Mr. DAN KIMBALL of Clarksfork, Idaho. Miss GRACE BRUNS and Mr. BERTON WHITBECK, friend and brother of the bride, attended the bride and bridegroom. The bride wore a gown of pale green silk and carried white lilacs. Lilacs and cedar boughs were in evidence about the room. Rev. Mr. HAWLEY of Priest River, Idaho read the ceremony. Mrs. Kimball was born in the Harrington vicinity and received her first schooling here. Her parents are well and favorably known in this locality. She will spend the summer with her parents on their farm in Drainage District No. 7, Bonners Ferry, while Mr. Kimball takes charge of a reforestation crew.
Nov 08, 1935
Miss BERNICE RIETH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. RIETH, Harrington, and KENNETH HARMON, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. HARMON, Cheney, were married at the parish house, Friday afternoon, November 1, at 4 o'clock, by the Rev. Father JOHN J. COLEMAN. Mrs. LESTER SMITH, sister of the bride, and Mr. KENNETH DYER attended the couple. Only members of the immediate family and a few close friends were present. Following the wedding ceremony a luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents to the bridal party and a few relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rieth with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith, and BOB RIETH, drove to Cheney going by way of Spokane where they visited Mrs. BILLIE RICHARDSON at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon remained in Cheney and MARY RIETH who had accompanied relatives of Mr. Harmon there, joined the rest of the auto party for the trip home. Saturday morning the newlyweds left on a 6:20 train for Washington, D. C. where Mr. Harmon has a position with the department of agriculture, having recently received the appointment after taking a civil service examination three years ago. His duties begin today. The Citizen extends congratulations and best wishes to the couple., also congratulations to Mr. Harmon upon receiving the appointment to this position.
No date, possibly 1938
Miss LOIS HELEN MCCUNE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. MCCLUNE, was married to RICHARD BONSER, son of Mr. and Mrs. LESTER BONSER of River Homes, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The REV. LEE KNOLL of Davenport, read the service which was solemnized beside the fireplace. The bride wore a teel blue street dress and carried a bouquet of salmon gladioli. She was attended by her sister, ELEANOR, Mr. Bonser was attended by his brother, CLIFFORD. About forty relatives and close friends witnessed the services. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bonser served a wedding dinner following the ceremony. The bride attended the local schools an has assisted her father with his auto freight business. The newlyweds will reside at River Homes.....
Sep 01, 1939
A bridal shower in honor of Miss VIRGINIA CARSTENS, bride-elect of MARON RICHARDSON, was given at the Lamona club room, Thursday afternoon of last week, with Mr. JAKE LUITEN, Mrs. GEORGE LUITEN, Mrs. GEORGE MAIN, Mrs. A. H. NOHR, Mrs. P. J. GOLM, Mrs. RUDOLPH ROLOFF, and Mrs. JAKE MILLER as hostesses. The room was decorated with yellow and white flowers. The honored guest received lovely gifts from a yellow ship of romance, with white sails. The theme of the afternoon was the "Ship of Romance" and games suggestive of nautics, such as shuffleboard were played. Delicious refreshments were served to the forty-one guests. The wedding is announced for September. Miss Carstens is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JIM CARSTENS. She was graduated from the Odessa high school and continued her schooling at the E. W. E., Cheney. Mr. Richardson is the son of Mrs. A. C. RICHARSON and the late Mr. Richardson, and he too is a graduate of the Odessa high school.
Mrs. and Mrs. Zealand Goodwin to Return to New Home From Trip
October 7, 1938
Miss Evelyn Roche became the bride of Zealand Goodwin at a pretty home wedding, Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, in the residence Mr. Goodwin has purchased at 2721 North Tekoa, Spokane. REV. JOEL HARPER, pastor of the Westminster Congregational church, read the service. Mr. and Mrs. KENNETH DYER of Harrington attended the couple. Vows were repeated before the fireplace which was banked with baskets of flowers. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. KELLEY of Spokane, wore a blue velvet, street-length dress and a corsage of blue and white button chrysanthemums. Mrs. Dyer wore a wine colored street-length dress, and her corsage was of gold button chrysanthemums and rosebuds. Following the ceremony, Mr. and (Mrs.) KELLEY served wedding cake and coffee to members of the bridal party, and Miss LOIS KELLEY, sister of the ride, Mr. and Mrs. LOWARY SR., Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD LOWARY, of Spokane, and ELI GOODWIN and Mrs. SALLY DAVIS of Harrington. After a wedding trip to Seattle the newlyweds will return to their new home which, with an eye to the future, they have furnished. Zealand, son of Eli Goodwin, Harrington pioneer, and the late Mrs. Goodwin, was born and reared in Harrington and attended the local schools. He is now in partnership with CLAUDE BUMPUS in a service station at Riverside and Brown, in Spokane. Unlike so many young people who first get married and then decide about living quarters, Zealand and his bride have taken the very commendable way of acquiring the home and its furnishing it first. And we understand the house is a brand new one. The Citizen joins with Zealand's friends here in extending congratulations and best wishes.
No date, possible 1941
Miss LUCILE BUCHHOLZ, daughter of IDA R. BUCHHOLZ and the late Detective PAUL BUCHHOLZ or Orchard Avenue, were married at Grace Baptist church Wednesday evening. The Rev. WELDON M. WILSON officiated at the ceremony which was at 8. The bridal party had for background a beautiful arrangement of palms and ferns, with lighted candles, and with baskets of pink and white gladioli, a wedding bell done in white and caught with lace ribbon forming the center. Sunday's Spokesman-Review.
This page last updated February 6, 2010.
"Harrington Citizen" weddings of Lincoln County, Washington, were
submitted to the WAGenWeb by Marge Womach. Typed by Rella Gleaton.
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