Lincoln County Marriages Earliest
First 100 Marriage Index: Lincoln County, WA
(unconfirmed information not from the court house)
Submitted by Marge Womach
Abbott, Henry; Warburton, Ellen; 10-01-1886
Adams, Maggie S.; 10-26-1886; groom: Jensen
Adams, Minnie C; 9-10-1884; groom: Scott
Adwell, Hattie M.; 1-01-1885 and 6-14-1885; groom: Ingalls
Ahlf, Henry; Kruger, Albertina; 1-01-1886 (ck yr)
Alox, Wowe; 5-23-1885; groom: Armstrong
Armstrong, James T.; Hagen, Olga A.; 3-01-1884
Armstrong, L. W.; Alox, Wowe; 5-23-1885
Bartlett, Charlotte; 6-30-1886; groom: Slusher
Bartlett, John; Davis, Elizabeth; 2-06-1885
Bauman, Lena; 4-16-1885; groom: Riggs
Beeler, Kathrine; 12-12-1885; groom: Foehr
Benson, Edna L.; 11-22-1885; groom: Smith
Bentley, James A.; McDougal, Grue; 10-22-1885
Benwy, Francis M.; Blake, M. E.; 12-03-1886
Blain, Lucian; McNeill, Emma J; 10-31-1885
Blair, Marcus; Herron, Mary; 2-02-1886
Blake, M. E.; 12-03-1886; groom: Benwy
Boon, Nettie; 3-03-1886; groom: Bracken
Bosworth, Lizzie; 1-04-1886 (ck yr); groom: Hagen
Bowen, William W.; Setters, Amanda N.; 9-30-1886
Boyes, Lizzie L.; 7-11-1886; groom: Keedy
Brace, Harriet E.; 12-17-1884; groom: Johnston
Bracken, John; Boon, Nettie; 3-03-1886
Brislawn, Ferdinand; McGlade, Elizabeth; 11-28-1885
Brown, Minnie E.; 1-01-1886 (ck yr); groom: Misner
Burke, Mary A.; 10-06-1886; groom: Gaffney
Burton, Carrie; 3-26-1885; groom: Duncan
Butter, Edward; Logan, Lillian M.; 3-07-1886
Cameran/Cameron, James B.; Harb, Minnie B.; 4-10-1886
Camp, John L.; Merrill, Belle L.; 6-09-1886
Campbell, Jas N.; White, Ida; 7-01-1885
Chapman, J. H.; Redman, Sarah; 12-28-1886
Chilton, Lillian E.; 11-06-1885; groom: Strehm
Chirhilod, Martha; 7-20-1886; groom: Hart
Conover, Hollis D.; McKinney, Rachel; 12-06-1885
Coulson, Charles A.; Taylor, Hattie E.; 7-01-1886
Darcy, John; Moran, Delia; 4-29-1886
Davidson, Elizabeth A.; 9-01-1886; groom: Lynch
Davis, Elizabeth; 2-06-1885; groom: Bartlett
Duncan, James; Burton, Carrie; 3-26-1885
Dungan, James M.; Rhodes, Eunice E.; 11-29-1886
Enes, Effie; 1-23-1886; groom: Starling
Ewell, F. M.; McNew, Esther; 2-20-1886
Fairweather, Addie; 6-30-1885; groom: Putman
Feeley, J. W.; Honser, Maybelle; 7-08-1886
Ferwillinger, Oliver; Green, Emma J; 6-20-1886
Fish, Charles L.; Smith, Hattie M.; 12-25-1884
Fisher, George; Whitney, Etta; 10-26-1886
Foehr, Matthew; Beeler, Kathrine; 12-12-1885
Freese, William O.; Selde, Hannah H.; 9-09-1884
Gaffney, Michael R.; Burke, Mary A.; 10-06-1886
Glassburn, Sarah; 11-28-1886; groom: Rice
Glazebrook, Ferba A.; 1-29-1884; groom: Humphrey
Green, Emma J.; 6-20-1886; groom: Ferwillinger
Greene, Albert T.; Turner, Florence A.; 11-04-1886
Greenwood, George W.; Purdy, Emma K.; 1-30-1886 (ck yr)
Greenwood, William L.; Paine, Sophia; 10-07-1884
Gunning, Mary A.; 12-17-1885; groom: Hayes
Hagen, Charles A.; Bosworth, Lizzie; 1-04-1886 (ck yr)
Hagen, Olga A.; 3-01-1884; groom: Armstrong
Halferkorn, Nettie; 2-10-1884; groom: Skelton
Hall, Annie B.; 10-17-1886; groom: Seaman
Hammerschmidt, Anna M.; 10-24-1886; groom: Walch
Harb, Minnie B.; 4-10-1886; groom: Cameran
Hart, W. J.; Chirhilod, Martha; 7-20-1886
Harvey, Amanda; 4-26-1884; groom: Kelley
Hayes, Thomas; Gunning, Mary A.; 12-17-1885
Hearly, Thomas S.; Hopkins, Layry A.; 5-20-1886
Hellinger, Mary; 5-28-1884; groom: Timm
Herron, Mary; 2-02-1886; groom: Blair
Heuston, Sallie J.; 4-22-1886; groom: Long
Hiscott, Sophia; 11-22-1885; groom: Misner
Honser, Maybelle; 7-08-1886; groom: Feeley
Hopkins, Layry A.; 5-20-1886; groom: Hearly
Humphrey, Lucian H.; Glazebrook, Ferba A.; 1-29-1884
Ingalls, Luceus L.; Adwell, Hattie M.; 1-01-1885 and 6-14-1885
Jacker, William; Volta, Annie; 6-15-1885
Jackson, Daniel J.; Smith, Malinda J.; 11-15-1885
Jensen, O. C.; Adams, Maggie S.; 10-26-1886
Johnson, Lorinda; 5-28-1885; groom: Watson
Johnston, Knox; Brace, Harriet E.; 12-17-1884
Jump, Rose E.; 1-21-1885; groom: Snider
Kaeser, Caroline; 9-21-1886; groom: Tanner
Kartak, Tillie M.; 12-20-1885; groom: Oleson
Keables, John H.; Stewart, Sarah E.; 10-03-1884
Keedy, Harry C.; Boyes, Lizzie L.; 7-11-1886
Kelley, Flora B.; 8-04-1884; groom: Ryan
Kelley, William B.; Harvey, Amanda; 4-26-1884
Kik, David; Rux, Louise; 4-13-1885
Krueger/Kreuger, Herman; Voigt, Dora; 2-12-1885
Kruger, Albertina; 1-01-1886 (ck yr); groom: Ahlf
Laub, Eva; 5-25-1884; groom: Weyen
Linder, William H.; Logsdon, Sarah C; 6-23-1885
Logan, Lillian M.; 3-07-1886; groom: Butter
Logsdon, Fielden; Rideout/Ridout, Clara E; 11-22-1886
Logsdon, Nancy; 1-04-1886; groom: Traul
Logsdon, Sarah C.; 6-23-1885; groom: Linder
Long, Francis M.; Heuston, Sallie J.; 4-22-1886
Lynch, Frank; Davidson, Elizabeth A.; 9-01-1886
Maloney, Ellen B.; 11-25-1885; groom: Muehelman
Malton, Etta; 11-30-1886; groom: Reed
Matheson, Donald W.; Schauerhern, Mary C.; 3-06-1886
McClintock, John L.; Pellissier, Agnes; 10-05-1885
McDougal, Grue; 10-22-1885; Bentley
McGlade, Elizabeth; 11-28-1885; groom: McGlade
McKenney, James M.; McNall, Susan A.; 1-06-1886 (ck yr)
McKinney, Rachel; 12-06-1885; groom: Conover
McLaughlin, Edward; Stripe, Lillie F; 2-16-1885
McMillen, Eva D.; 12-09-1884; groom: Simmons
McNall, Susan A.; 1-06-1886 (ck yr); groom: McKenney
McNeill, Emma J.; 10-31-1885; groom: Blain
McNew, Esther; 2-20-1886; groom: Ewell
Merrill, Belle L.; 6-09-1886; groom: Camp
Mielke, Augusta; 6-17-1885; groom: Miller
Mielke, Bertha; 1-03-1886; groom: Miller
Miller, Jacob; Mielke, Augusta; 6-17-1885
Miller, John A.; Nettenheller, Jennie; 6-25-1885
Miller, Phillip; Mielke, Bertha; 1-03-1886
Misner, James H.; Brown, Minnie E.; 1-01-1886 (ck yr)
Misner, William E.; Hiscott, Sophia; 11-22-1885
Mobley, Lucy; 1-03-1886 (ck yr); groom: Wolf
Moran, Delia; 4-29-1886; groom: Darcy
Muehlman, Charles H.; Maloney, Ellen B.; 11-25-1885
Murphy, Catharine; 8-07-1885; groom: Smith
Oleson, Ole; Kartak, Tillie M.; 12-20-1885
Osborn, Date R.; 6-10-1885; groom: Vetter
Osterkamp, Gertrude; 6-15-1884; groom: Seeman
Oxley, Joseph W.; Vandershe, Mary; 10-04-1885
Paine, Sophia; 10-07-1884; groom: Greenwood
Parker, Gilla; 11-03-1886; groom: Vent
Parks, Leletia N.; 2-22-1886; groom: St Johnston
Pellissier, Agnes; 10-05-1885; groom: McClintock
Plummer, Martha B.; 12-25-1886; groom: Thornbrue
Pryor, Charles H.; Turner, Margaret A; 11-04-1886
Purdy, Emma K.; 1-30-1886 (ck yr); groom: Greenwood
Putman, Dr. W. P.; Fairweather, Addie; 6-30-1885
Quirn, John H; Thresher, Kate; 11-04-1884
Ramm, Edward; Selde, Anna; 12-30-1884
Redman, Sarah; 12-28-1886; groom: Chapman
Reed, Coralla; 6-07-1885; groom: Richardson
Reed, Malcom; Malton, Etta; 11-30-1886
Rhodes, Eunice E.; 11-29-1886; groom: Dungan
Rice, Jeremiah F.; Glassburn, Sarah; 11-28-1886
Richardson, Wallace B.; Reed, Coralla; 6-07-1885
Ridout, Clara E.; 11-22-1886; groom: Logsdon
Riggs, Alonao; Bauman, Lena; 4-16-1885
Rogers, Harvey O.; Winchell, Belle; 10-12-1885
Rux, Louise; 4-13-1885; groom: Kik
Ryan, J. W.; Kelley, Flora B.; 8-04-1884
Schauerhern, Mary C.; 3-06-1886; groom: Matheson
Scott, Stephen E.; Adams, Minnie C.; 9-10-1884
Seaman, Charles G.; Hall, Annie B.; 10-17-1886
Seeman, Henry C; Osterkamp, Gertrude; 6-15-1884
Selde, Anna; 12-30-1884; groom: Ramm
Selde, Hannah H.; 9-09-1884; groom: Freese
Setters, Amanda N.; 9-30-1886; groom: Bowen
Simmons, David M.; McMillen, Eva D.; 12-09-1884
Skelton, Clarence E; Halferkorn, Nettie; 2-10-1884
Slusher, George; Bartlett, Charlotte; 6-30-1886
Smelcher, Bord A.; 1-17-1886; groom: Williams
Smith, Guy; Benson, Edna L; 11-22-1885
Smith, Hattie M.; 12-25-1884; groom: Fish
Smith, Malinda J.; 11-15-1885; groom: Jackson
Smith, Thompson; Murphy, Catharine; 8-07-1885
Snider, George L.; Jump, Rose E.; 1-21-1885
St Johnsten, James; Parks, Leletia N.; 2-22-1886
Starling, Jacob E.; Enes, Effie; 1-23-1886
Stephey, David E.; White, Eva L.; 12-22-1884
Stewart, Sarah E.; 10-03-1884; groom: Keables
Strehm/Strawn, John N.; Chilton, Lillian E.; 11-06-1885
Stripe, Lillie F.; 2-16-1885; groom: McLaughlin
Tanner, Michael; Kaeser, Caroline; 9-21-1886
Taylor, Hattie E.; 7-01-1886; groom: Coulson
Thornbrue, Elijah H.; Plummer, Martha B.; 12-25-1886
Thresher, Kate; 11-04-1884; groom: Quirn
Timm, Frederick; Hellinger, Mary; 5-28-1884
Traul, Richard; Logsdon, Nancy; 1-04-1886
Turner, Florence A.; 11-04-1886; groom: Greene
Turner, Margaret A.; 11-04-1886; groom: Pryor
Vandershe, Mary; 10-04-1885; groom: Oxley
Vent, John R.; Parker, Gilla; 11-03-1886
Vetter, Maurice L.; Osborn, Date R; 6-10-1885
Voigt, Dora; 2-12-1885; groom: Krueger/Kreuger
Volta, Annie; 6-15-1885; groom: Jacker
Walch, Fred; Hammerschmidt, Anna M.; 10-24-1886
Warburton, Ellen; 10-01-1886; groom: Abbott
Watson, John H.; Johnson, Lorinda; 5-28-1885
Weyen, John W.; Laub, Eva; 5-25-1884
White, Eva L.; 12-22-1884; groom: Stephey
White, Ida; 7-01-1885; groom: Campbell
Whitney, Etta; 10-26-1886; groom: Fisher
Whitney, John D.; Woodin, Angie S.; 2-20-1884
Williams, H. L.; Smelcher, Bord A.; 1-17-1886
Winchell, Belle; 10-12-1885; groom: Rogers
Wolf, Abel; Mobley, Lucy; 1-03-1886 (ck yr)
Woodin, Angie S.; 2-20-1884; groom: Whitney
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