Lincoln Co School Dist
#20 Gravelle
by Marge Womach
Day of June, 1901; Carl Schultz, clerk; Philip Hein, director.
Stiles, B H Ella 15 2
May 11
Una 9
Cora __
Schultz, C Alvina 14 4
Anna 13
Dora 11
Emma 9
Schultz, Mrs C F Annie 16 4
George 14
Hecket, F Henry 9 28
Joseph 7
Alice 5
Drin_e, G Frank 16 22
Charles 13
Philip 9
Berg, H Lucy 15 3
Flora 10
Walter 12
Jake 6
Raymond? Grover 16 8
Gravelle, Washington school district submitted January, 2009
to the Lincoln County, Washington GenWeb by Marge Womach
The original school records are archived at Eastern
Washington Regional Archives in Cheney, WA.
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