Real Estate of Lincoln County, Washington
Submitted by Barbara Curtis
Page 1. Listed chronologically by the date of the newspaper.
The Sprague Herald, February 17, 1892
B. B. WHITE announces that he now has his new cemeteries grounds on the hill east of the reservoir laid off into lots and the same are on the markets. The lots are 12 x 24 feet and will be sold for $10; one-half lot $6; single grave $3. Mr. White says that he is meeting with great encouragement in his enterprise and that a large number of the most influential citizens are taking an interest in the matter, felling that a well kept cemetery such as he proposed to arrange for is one of the greatest needs of this community.
The Sprague Times, September 1, 1899
--T. M. COOPER this week sold 160 acres of railroad land, six miles southeast of Sprague to W. W. MELVILLE.
--The FERD BRISLAWN ranch of 80 acres has been purchased by MATTHEW M. and MARY G. BLUNT. Consideration of $1,000.
--JACK MCELRAY has lately purchased through Mr. Cooper three sections of railroad land situated near his ranch.
--F. M. LIGHTHIZER of Harrington, who was in the city yesterday reports the sale of the MIKE BRISLAWN ranch to GUS DOWELL for $2,000.
--Mr. LIGHTHIZER also lately sold to W. G. MITCHELL, formerly of Waitsburg, the R. M. BACON hay ranch on Crab Creek. Consideration between $3,000 and $4,000.
--The MURPHY and BURNS residence property, opposite the Catholic Church has been purchased by Miss ELLA CRAIG.
--THOMAS BRAND has sold his Sprague property to GEO MCCOY.
--J. D. SWANNACK has purchased the GEO. HILL ranch south of Sprague for $1,000.
--The ELLIS place, 16 miles southwest of Sprague, was bought by W. J. VILES some few days ago.
--In the year 1898 Mr. T. M. COOPER sold over 100,000 acres of railroad land in the vicinity of Sprague.
--JOHN BROWN this week purchased through GEO. HOLLAND, 40 acres of land near his ranch 14 miles southeast of Sprague.
The Sprague Times, Oct 5, 1900
...T. M. COOPER reports the sale of the following real estate within the past week:
....To T. L. WRIGHT, the southeast quarter section 22-19-39-, for $50.
....To MARY A. BARNETT, the WADHAMS ranch in section 14-20-40 for $1,000.
....To MEDINA & BROWN the west one half of section 32-22-37, for $2,700
The Sprague Times, Sep 21, 1900
There is an activity in real estate which is best shown by the sales of the past week which follow:
....GEORGE F. HOLLAND this week sold to C. L. FISH the PUTMAN property opposite A. VanALLEN'S.
....T. M. COOPER has done a rush of business in real estate the past week and reports the following sales:
....To TOM WILLIAMS the JENSEN house and two lots on 3rd street; $600.
....To BEN F. COLYAR the southwest quarter of section 22-19-39 for $1,100.
....To S. J. ROBERTSON the northwest quarter of section 22-10-39 for $1,100.
....To GEORGE LEIGH the old PULTZ place of 160 acres for $1,500.
....To F. A. BAYER all of section 11-21-36 and the southwest quarter of section 12-21-36 for $7,700.
....To MIKE HILGERS the west half section 34-21-37 for $3,200.
....To F. A. BAYER the northeast quarter of section 24-21-36, railroad land, for $500.
....To G. A. BUMPASS the old JOHN E. BRACE farm, southeast quarter of section 20-22-37 for $1,800
The Sprague Times, Nov 9, 1900
...T. M. COOPER this week sold to JOHN F. GREEN the old HENSHAW place near Mohler for $650.
The Lincoln County Times, July 19, 1901
The land office a Spokane has received patents for the following persons living tributary to this place:- JOHN BURK of Mohler, DILBERT L. ALMON of Lamona, HARRY VanBNSKIERKE of Miles, CHARLES A. HALL of Fruitland, WILLIAM W. KING of Fruitland, WILLIAM ERMINGTON of Sprague, CHARLES H. HUGHES of Davenport, JOHN SMITH of Egypt, HENRY A. BLAKE of Larene, ANDREW A. JEFFREY of Egypt, WILLIAM F. LIGHT of Egypt, HANS NEUMAN of Fruitland, ARTHUR KING of Fruitland, DARBY G. HAMILTON of Fruitland, GEORGE H. BETZ of Mondovi, MILBURY A. HARRIS of Mondovi, J. M. SHEPPARD of Addy, GEORGE HAGUE of Addy, JOSEPH H. KING of Reardan.
The Creston News, Sept. 27, 1901
10 acre fruit farm in Orchard Valley, all in apples, pears, peaches, plums, prunes, in bearing 1 1/2 acres in strawberries; all kinds of small fruits and berries; 1/4 mile from schools and churches, post office and store. Address HARRY WATSON, Creston, Wash.
In the matter of WILLIAM R. WALLER, deceased, notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the above named estate, pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the county of Lincoln, dated September 24, 1901, will offer for sale at public auction on the premises, the following real estate and premises towit: Lot 7 and 8 in Block 4, in the Town of Creston, Lincoln county, State of Washington. That said sale will take place on Saturday, the 19th day of October, 1901 at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. Terms of sale, cash down upon the confirmation of sale by said Superior Court. Dated this September 25th, 1901.
A. M. SMITH, Administrator of the estate of WILLIAM R. WALLER, deceased. N. T. CATON, Attorney for estate.
Several Sprague Firms Make Changes in Their Titles
The Sprague Times, September 05, 1902
T. M. COOPER has sold his real estate and insurance business to C. W. MCCOY who will continue the business at the same old stand. Mr. Cooper, with his family, will leave about November 1st for Los Angeles, California, where they will spend 18 months in sightseeing and having a good time. However, Mr. Cooper does not intend to desert Sprague for good and still keeps his property holdings in the city and country and expects to still call Sprague his home. Mr. Cooper is one of the pioneer men of Lincoln county. He came to this county in 1879 and settled on a farm near Creston. In 1887 he came to Sprague to take the office of county treasurer to which he was elected the fall previous. After serving one term as treasurer, he was elected auditor , in which office he served one term. Then he went into the real estate, insurance and abstract business and did fairly well until the fire of 1895, which left him, not exactly broke but badly bent. With the persistency which has marked his business career he commenced again and is today one of Sprague's wealthiest citizens, and feels that for the balance of his life he can take the rest he has so well earned. Mr. McCoy, who succeeds to the business is a hustling young man with considerable experience in real estate and insurance. He is perfectly trustworthy and will make a good substitute for Mr. Cooper in the business.
JOHN C. MARTIN purchased the real estate and insurance business formerly conducted by Mr. McCoy,. Mr. Martin is an old-timer here, and will make a rustle for a share of the business in this city. He has been in the employ of Mr. McCoy several months and had formerly had considerable experience in this line, so is not a new hand by any means. He served Lincoln county for two years as county clerk and is a thorough office man.
Under the firm name of C. Olson & Co., C. Olson, J. F. HEARD and GEORGE KENNEDY have succeeded to the saloon business formerly conducted by R. O. PORAK and have leased his building opposite the depot, where they will continue the business. They will have their opening tomorrow night , a fine lunch being one of the numbers on the program.
A. L. GARNER , a young man from Cheney, has purchased an interest in the grocery business of L. A. CULVER. The firm name is now Culver & Garner.
JOHN P. HENITZ has closed up his saloon. His license ran out on the 2nd and he closed up his place on that day. He will now devote himself to farming and stock raising on his rancher near Lake Colville.
C. B. CHARLES, cashier of the Bank of Sprague, has sold his stock in that institution to JOHN T. GREEN, A. G. MITCHUM and M. F. ADAMS, three of Harrington's prominent business men, whose combined rating if $165,000. Mr. Charles and family will leave about the first of the year for his old home in Michigan, but as he has once had a taste of western business life, he expects that next spring will again find him in Washington and if possible, in Sprague.
The Sprague Times, October 31, 1902
C. W. MCCOY has just closed up one of the largest real estate deals ever made in this section. The transfer was from MACKIE BROS. to T. C. LARKIN; consideration $34,000. Mr. Lakin's purchase consists of the Mackie Bros.' ranch of 2000 acres, 50 head of horses, thresher and all farming implements and about 12,000 bushels of wheat. The farm is located about 16 miles south of Sprague and is rated as one of the best wheat producing farms in this locality. Mr. Lakin, the purchaser, is one of the big farmers of Lincoln county. He farms several thousand acres of land north of Sprague and is classed among the wealthiest men of the county. This deal is considered a big bargain and Mr. Lakin will never have any trouble making a big profit on his purchase. GEORGE W. MOORE has rented the ranch and will move onto it soon. The Mackie Bros., ROBERT and WILLIAM are among the pioneer settlers on Rock creek. They have stayed with their ranch through good and hard times and now retire with funds sufficient to live in luxury the balance of their lives. They will make their home in Sprague for a time at least.
The Sprague Times, November 7, 1902
ISOM IRBY, who disposed of his heavy land holdings and large cattle interests in Lincoln county last fall to VICTOR A. JOHNSON of Spokane, has just purchased the old BUSSEY place, about 12 miles northwest of Sprague on Crab Creek. Altogether there are about 520 acres in the tract. It is the intention of Mr. Irby to make his future home on this land. He will devote it to cattle raising.
The Sprague Times, November 14, 1902
C. W. McCOY made another big real estate deal this week, selling 1920 acres of land for $22,500. The land was the farm of JOHN BROWN located 14 miles south of Sprague and was purchased by C. L. GLENN and E. E. DENT of Spokane. The purchasers intend to divide it up into small tracts and sell on easy terms to homeseekers. The land lies in the famous GRESHAM wheat belt and although only a small part of it is under cultivation it is all good land. Mr. BROWN has resided on this farm for a long time and is one of the well-to-do farmers of that section of country. He is advertising his farming implements and stock at auction sale on Nov 25th and is evidently going to quit farming. It does one good to see these old timers retiring from business and labor, having acquired sufficient e\wealth to insure them a peaceful old age.
The Sprague Times, October 16, 1903
The real estate firms of C. W. MCCOY and MARTIN & DAMRELL this week consolidated under the firm name of C. W. McCOY & Co. The members of the firm are C. W. McCOY, J. C. MARTIN, T. E. DAMRELL, and C. A. HOLLOWAY. Mr. Holloway will remain in charge of the Spokane branch, Messrs. Martin and Damrell will look after the Sprague end of the business and Mr. McCoy will divide his time between the two offices and looking up outside deals. This is a strong combination of business men and we are greatly mistaken if this firm does not get its share of business even in Spokane, the city of sharks.
The Sprague Times, Nov 25, 1904
JNO I. MELVILLE reports the following sales: JOHN H. SMITH to A. A. LYNCH SE1/4 and S1/2NE 1/4 Sec. 25 Twp. 20N. R. 40 E. W. M. $4,800. BARNEY BALFE to W. H. PICKLE SE1/4 Sec. 8 Twp. 22 N. R. 39 E. $4,800. A. M. TEALhas purchased a ranch out southeast of Sprague and will sell off a lot of his horses, farming implements, etc. on Friday Dec. 9th, at the old L. C. FISHER ranch near Harrington. I have a 400 acre stock farm for $3,500. Easy terms. GEORGE M. RYKER.
The Sprague Times, October 7,1904
Real estate has been changing hands at a lively rate this week. Some good sales have been made and most cases $30 an acre was realized.
The biggest sale of the week was made by T. N. LYNCH to GEORGE BRISLAWN and JOHN WALKER. They bought all of section 25-20-39 and the east half of the northeast quarter of section 26-20-39 for $22,000, or $30 an acre.
C. B. CHARLES sold the quarter section known as the Kitchen place to FREDERICK STOLP for $4000, a fraction less than $30 an acre.
The BITTNER quarter section 8-21-38 was also sold by Mr. CHARLES, on which he realized $30 an acre of $4800. CAREY MELCHER is how the owner of that property.
Mr. CHARLES is not only selling land but he is buying as well. He paid #30 an acre this week for a quarter section of the DAN SWANNACK ranch, know3n as No. 5.
JNO I. MELVILLE reports the following sales: OLIVER P. SHAWGO to CHAS E. BAILEY E1/2 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 16-19-40, $2750, and T. M. COOPER to WM. UNDERWOOD SW 1/4 Sec 13-19-38, E., $3200.
320 acres known as Nos. 4 and 5 of the DAN SWANNACK ranch, at $30 per acre. All ready for seeding. Apply to C. W. McCOY & Co.
Transactions from June 17 to 23 compiled by the Big Bend Abstract Co.
The Lincoln County Times, June 23, 1905
G. DEPAER to W. CHAPEL, Ne4-28-25-36, $3,720
J. KINCHEN to W. HINSAHW, 1/2 acre in 13-22-35
MAY CLAY to DANIEL LEONARD, part of Sw4 of Se4 29-27-36, $1
U. S. to G. DEPNER, Ne4 23-25-26
S. S. SHEPHERD to S. ZWAINZ, Sw5 32-26-39, $3,800.
J. WICKHAM to H. JUNKER, S2 Nw4 25-25-39, $3,000.
J. M. SMITH to R. GROEN, S2 Se4, S2 Sw4 22-21-38 $2,000.
M. E. BROOKS to B. B. LAND CO., Nw4 18-24-32 $5.
D. C. HANSEN to J. O'CONNOR, S2 L9 B 10, Downs
A. PANEK to C. C. BATEMAN, N2 15, S2 S2 Nw4 Sw4 10-23-38 $15,000.
U. S. to S. G. NOBLE, S2 Se4 S2 Sw4 28-27-36
U. S. to J. C. MICHAELSON, L2 S2 Nw4 Sw4 Ne4 4-21-31
U. S. to HORACE E. STONE, Se4 24-21-31
U. S. to MARTHA A. VASS, Sw4 24-21-31
N. C. LOWRY etux to J. F. TIERNEY, L 4, B 20 Harrington, $800.
N. P. RY Co. to JOHN BONKAL, Se4 35-21-32, $194.50
CHARLES L. HOTALING to OTTO TISHNER, Se4 26-24-36, $6,400.
H. A. COOK to CHARLOTTY COOK, N2 Ne1, Nw4 20, Sw4 17-26-36, $2,500.
S. S. BENTLAY to ANNIE E. HEATH, all L4, 5, 6, B1 Reardan, $50.
U. S. to JOHN LEONARD, Se4 of Nw4 Sw4 of Ne4 and Ne4 of Sw4 and Nw4 of Se4 26-27-36, $12.
JAMES McCANN etux to T. J. STOOKEY, Se4 13 and Ne4 24-26-32, $8,000.
A. FREEHOLDER LAND CO to J. LEONARD, S2 Sw4 S2 Se4 28-27-36, $10,000.
A. E. HEATH etvir to S. S. BENTLEY, L 13 and 14, B1, Reardan, $59.
O. DENNY etvir to M. A. DENNY, Pt S2 of Ne4 15-25-39, $250.
U. S. to Christian Aason, Ne4 32-22-34
J. K. SMITH etux to Creston Mill Co, all B 23, Town of Creston $1.
R. R. CATHCART to R. GUNNING, S2 of Sw4 and L 3 and 4 31-26-37, $5,500.
M. MORIARITY etux to Creston Mill Co., all B 23, Town of Creston. $1
J. SMITH to EDWARD PETERSON, N2 L 4 B 8, Town of Downs, $350.
U. S. to S. B. HARVEY, Sw4 22-25-32
The Lincoln County Times, June 23, 1905
W. J. BURROW, who recently sold his ranch east of Sprague for $23,000 has decided to locate in Sprague and has purchased the Gehres residence and the property adjoining it for $4500.
JAMES McCANN, an old-time resident and pioneer of the Wilbur community, has sold his fine 480 acre farm, one and one-half miles southwest of town, to T. J. STOOKEY, who owns a farm near Creston, for $12,500.
The Creston News, August 9, 1907
It is reported that W. W. RHODES has bought the LUKE HALE property in the northeast part of town, which Luke had recently traded to his son Robert. We have not been able to verify the report or learn particulars. The place is an unplatted tract of ten acres with dwelling, well and barn.
The Sprague Times, July 14, 1911
A small confectionery store in Spokane or will trade for small residence property in Sprague. tf Dinsmore the Landman.
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA., December 19, 1912
JACOB WALTER and wife of Odessa have sold to JOHN W. BAIRD, also of Odessa, a half section of farm land, situated southwest of Odessa. A quarter section of pasture land has been sold by the Almira State bank to L. C. PARK of Almira for $800.
The Sprague Advocate, October 2,1913
I will sell at Public Auction on the FRED STOLP ranch, 8 miles west of Sprague and 7 1/2 miles north of Keystone to the highest and best bidder on Tuesday, October 14,1913, commencing at 10 a.m. sharp, the following property:
18 Head of Good Work Horses--1 span Geldings 4 yrs old wt 1400; 1 span Gelding 7 yrs old wt 1200; 1 span mares 10 yrs old wt 1100; 1 span blacks 9 yrs wt 1250; 1 span bays 12 yrs old wt 1000; 1 Iron Grey mare 5 yrs old wt 1200; 1 bay mare 6 yrs old wt 1100; 1 Grey driving team; 2 Good Brood mares wt 1150; 1 span Geldings 9 yrs old wt 1250; four 3-year old colts, unbroke; 1 2 year old Filly and 3 yearling colts.
8 sets good work harness, 1 set buggy harness; one 3 1/4 Studebaker wagon, one 3 1/4 Winona wagon, one 3 1/4 Newton wagon; one new Studebaker hack; one Studebaker buggy; one light sled; two 18 hoe 7 and 8 inch Monitor drills; 1 Smith's reversible cutaway disc; 1 clean cut weeder; one 24 foot steel harrow; one 24 ft wooden harrow; one 3 bottom 14 inch N. D. 40 Oliver gang; 1 2-horse I. H. C., gasoline engine on trucks with wood saw and emery stone; 1 complete set of blacksmith's and carpenter's tools; 2 12 ft McCormick headers. All my furniture and household goods and a lot of articles too numerous to mention. I am quitting the ranch and everything must go. Free lunch at noon.
Terms--All sums under $10, cash, over $10 one years time will be given on bankable notes bearing 10 per cent interest. Five per cent discount for cash. J. A. STOLP, Owner. Wm. SANBORN, Clerk, J. B. FRY, Auctioneer.
I will sell at Public Auction on my ranch 16 miles southeast of Sprague and 7 miles northwest of Ewan to the highest and best bidder on Thursday October 9, 1913, commencing at 10 a.m. sharp, the following property:
23 Head of Good Horses--1 span horses 12 years old wt 1400; 1 span horses 8 yrs old wt 1300; 1 span mares 12 yrs old wt 1200; 1 span mares 4 and 9 years old wt 1200; 1 span mares 6 years old wt 1200; 1 span mares 5 years old wt 1100; 1 span mares 3 yrs old wt 1000; 1 span horses 5 years old wt 1100; 5 Yearling colts; 2 cows; 2 sows; 1 boar and 2 pigs.
One 3 1/2 Fish wagon; One 3 1/4 Winona wagon; 1 hack; 1 new buggy; 4 sets work harness; 1 set light harness; 1 saddle; 3-bottom Canton plow; one H. T. Oliver gang plow; 1 grain drill; one...... steel harrow..1 cider mill; 1 chop mill; 1 breaking plow; 1 Oliver sulky plow; one McCormick binder, 1 Header; 2 kitchen ranges and a lot of household goods. Free lunch at noon. Terms--$10 and under cash. Over that amount 12 months time will be given on bankable notes at 10 per cent from date. If paid when due interest will be waived. 5 per cent discount for cash on all time sales. R. B. GRANT, Owner, Wm. SANBORN, Clerk, J. B. FRY, Auctioneer
The Sprague Advocate, October 17,1913
GODFREY BITTNER has purchased the Stone Theater building from E. M. DINSMORE and will rent it to his father who will soon occupy it as a doctor's office. E. M. Dinsmore has rented the DENCER building formerly occupied by DR. BITTNER and will refit it for a moving picture house. He will occupy the Stone until the new building is ready so there will be no interruption of service.
Dr. Bittner has moved into the Reed building west of the Advocate office where he will remain until the Stone building is fitted up for his occupancy.
It is rumored that DAN WALLACE is coming back to Sprague. He has recently secured the old UNDERWOOD ranch which he bought from BERT UNDERWOOD. Bert Underwood has traded for the JOHN GROVES ranch on 4th of July Lake and will conduct it as a stock farm. We understand that Mr. Wallace traded in his Spokane property in the deal.
The MELCHER residence on 3rd Street now occupied by N. A. HAMLEY, vacant about Oct .15. If you are in the market for a first-class house it will pay you to investigate this. 10 rooms, full basement and modern. Terms if desired inquire BERT MELCHER. *
The Sprague Advocate, October 31,1913
On Tuesday FERDE BRISLAWN sold his tailoring, pressing and cleaning establishment to C. M. GRANT whop has been working for him for the past year. The business is a prosperous and growing one and has been built up largely by Mr. Brislawn's popularity in business.
Mr. Grant is an experienced man in the business and will doubtless keep it up to its present high standard.
Ferde has no definite plans but will be here until the first of the year.
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA, Nov 06, 1914
(Explanation--the latin and other abbreviations used in these records are as follows: And others: et al. And wife: et us. And husband: et vir.)
JOSEPH SESSIONS et ux to JOHN A. KLUTH and DORA KLUTH $3000.00, E2 NE 4 N2 SE4 of Sec. 30-27-36, also 1 acre NW4 NW4 Sec 29-22-37 and SE4 Sec. 24-22-36.
AUGUST LIEBENWALd to GOBBLEIB HEMMERLING, Jr., $2,500.00, SE4 NW4 and Lts 2, 3, and 4, Sec. 18-23-33.
GEO. MAYER et ux to GOBBLEIB HEMMERLING et ux $6,000.00, SE4 26 SW4 25-23-31
FRANK KLOFT et ux to CHARLES DUNCAN $108.oo, NW4 W2 SW4 14-22-26.
JOHN HOLLIS et ux to EDGAR W. MCCOLL $1 etc., Tr. 42 17-21-39
DAVID QUAST et ux to EMANUEL QUAAST $10 etc., NE4 9 NW4 10-23-33
EDNA JENKINSON to W. L. BAUGHMAN $1 etc., Lts. 3-4-5-, Blk. 50, 1st R. R. Add., Lt. 6, Blk. 3, City of Sprague.
F. C. FOLMER et ux to J. L. WALDRON $200.00, Lt. 10, Blk. 38, Harrington
A. E. GREEN to GEORGE W. ThOMAS $1, S2 NW4 and Lts. 2 and 3 in Sec. 33, Lts. 1-2-3-4- and NE4 of SE4 32-27-38.
FRANK R. GILLESPEY to HARRY L. DAY et al, $25, 000, NE4 except R. R. RY Rt.; N2 SE4 SE4 and Lt. l excpt. R. R. Rt. and 1-3 of an acre Sec. 21, also S2 NW4 except R. R. Rt., 3-4 of an acre in NE corner of NW4; SW4 NE4 except R. R. Rt., also about 1 acres in SW corner of SE4, NE4, also N2 SW4 except R. R. Rt.; NW12 SE1 except R. R. Rt., NW4 SE4 except R. R. Rt., NW4 SE4 except 2.47 acres, also 5.03 acres in Sec. 22, all in Twp 21-38.
MINERVA RAKE to MRS. A. A. HANEL $1, N. 1-5 Lt. 10, Blk. 24, Reardan
W. A. McNall to Jesse A. McNwll$1 etc., N2 27-22-37
Miles Townsite Co., to EMMA T. WANAMAKER $700, Lts 12-13, Blk. 2, Miles City Lincoln.
T. M. COOPER to FRED W. SCHANDONEY $1 etc., SW4 13-22-37
JOSEPH RITTER to FRED W. SCHANDONEY $2500, S2 NE4 S2 NW4 24-22-37, SW4 13-22-27
J. E. McGOUGH to JAMES L. NEILLY $1 etc., Lt. 1; Blk. 30, Sprague
HENRY W. HAWK to J. F. BAUER $300. Lts. 1-2, Blk. 5 in Town of Downs
SUSAN BROWN to MOSES BROWN her husband, $1 etc., NW4 18 SW437-24-33
GOTTLEIB SCHATZ to JOHN A. SCHATZ $1 etc., N2 20-23-32
JOHN A. SOMERS to OLAF SWANSON $500 etc., Lte. 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, NE4 SW4 NW4 SE4 2-24-34
JOHN A. KLUTH et ux to WM. LIVINGSTON $1250, E2 NE4 N2 SE4 of 30-27-36, 1 acre in Sec. 29, 8 percent.
JOHN A. Kluth et ux to JOSEPH SESSIONS $1750, same desc. as above.
W. H. STUBBLEFIELD to FERDINAND MEYER $3000, 1915 crop on SE4 12 SW4 Sec 1-24-32
ALBIN MOTYEKA to VACLAY VELOK $650, 5 horses and machinery
G. E. NANCE to A. KETTRING $1500, 23 horses, machinery, 1915 crop on Sec. 14 W2 13-24-39
J. J. KREHE to Pioneer Natl. Bk. Ritzville $2253, 2-3 1915 crop on Sec. 35, 3-4 crop SE4 34-21-36
EDGAR MANGIS to GEO. SIGLER $650, 2-3 1915 crop on NW4 26-26-33
EDGAR MANGIS to G. W. SIGLER $650, 6 horses
M. McMILLAN to PETER FOLDBERG, 1915 crop on Sec. 7-24-33, 6 horses
ADOLPH CACKA to Union St. Bk. Odessa $600, 2-3 1915 crop on SE4 3 W2 4 SE4 and S2 NE4 E2 SW4 4-21-34
ADOLPH CACKA to CLARENCE PARTRIDGE $750, 1915 crop on SE4, 20 acres W. side Sec. 3, SE4 Sec. 4, S2 NE4 4, E2 SW4 4-24-34, also 19 head horses, machinery.
NEWEL WOBLEY to H. C. ERICKSON et al, 3 horses
The Sprague Advocate, November 5,1915
On November 1, a deal was completed between GEO. E. SMITH and EDWARD H. STOLP whereby Stolp becomes the owner of 480 acres of Smith's land lying 4 miles north of Keystone in Sec. 22-21-37. The price paid was $21,600 or $45 per acre. Mr. Smith still owns 440 acres of land adjoining this piece which Mr. Stolp has rented and with this he farms 160 acres of his fathers making him in all 1080 acres.
Indicative of the rise in the price of farm land, Mr. Smith informs us that he offered this land at $30 per acre 3 years ago and was unable to find a buyer.
The Sprague Advocate - 1916
J. MDONALD has purchased the harness stock and
fixtures of THOS. McALLISTER and will remove the property to his store at the east end of Main Street.
We are informed that Mr. McAllister has rented
the building including the up stairs to C. H. LOGSDON, formerly of Lamont, who will take possession on November 1,
and open up some kind of business there, the nature of which we are unable to learn.
The removal of Mr. McAllister marks the departure
from our business circle of one of the real pioneer business men of Sprague. He came here November 2, 1882
and lacks but a few days of being in business here for 34 years.
His recollection is that Mr. HERTRICH is the only business
man here now who was here at that time. When he came most of the business was on the north side of the track.
We feel that Mr. McAllister is entitled to a rest and
trust that his remaining days will be spent in happiness and peace.
Submitted by Jan Mackie, November 30,2002
The Sprague Advocate, January 28, 1916
On January 19, A. L. SMALLEY and J. B. FRY drove to Harrington by sleigh where on January 20, they sold at public auction 800 acres of the land belonging to the JACOB SMITH estate. The land was purchased by AUGUST TIMM who lives 4 miles northeast of Harrington. Mr. Timm paid $30,095.00 for the farm. The land is known as the old Jacob Smith place and lies 5 miles south and a little east of Harrington.
The Sprague Advocate, March 24, 1916
I will offer for sale on Friday, April 21, 1916, at 2:30 p.m. at the Lantz Post Office a half mile from Lantz siding on the S. P. and S. Railway, the following described Real Estate adjoining the Lantz Post Office. The SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 and W 1/2 of SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 8, Townshipo17, North of Range 38. Land has a 14x 16 double box house 30 acres plowed. All can be plowed lays well for irrigation and it looks possible to get a well to irrigate with. Terms of sale--$250.00 cash upon acceptance of bid, balance to be placed in the Bank of Sprague, Washington, within 30 days after sale and to be paid to Executor upon Executor and delivery to said bank of Executors deed.
Warranted that a good and sufficient title will be delivered with Executors deed. U. G. ROBINSON, Executor S. J. COLEMAN Estate.
The Sprague Advocate, Sep 29, 1916
Having rented my farm-the old IMBLER place-7 miles southeast of Lamont, I will sell at public auction the property mentioned below, commencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Friday, October 6th. Four horses-2 work horses, 7 and 9 years old, will weight about 1200 pounds each; 1 saddle horse and 1 filly and colt. 1 span seic-year-old mules, will weight 1000 pounds each. 8 milk cows-7 are Durham and 1 is Holstein. 8 yearling and spring calves. 1 fourteen-months old Durham bull, weight about 1000 lbs. 12 head of hogs, weight about 100 pounds each. On Poland China brook sow. 100 chickens. One farm wagon, 1 hack, 1 buggy, 2 sets harness, new mower and rake, 1 two-section harrow, 1 gang plow, 1 walking plow, 1 fanning ill, 1 King separator, 40 tons hay--20 tons being second cutting alfalfa, balance timothy and mixed hay. One lot of household......(no name, but interesting info)*
The Sprague Advocate, March 16, 1917
I will sell at Public Auction at my place 11 miles east of Sprague and 19 miles south of Cheney, beginning at 10 o'clock a.m. on Thursday March 22, 1917, the following property: 14 Head of Good Horses consisting of 1 gray team wt 2700; 1 black team wt 2600; 1 gray horse wt 1400; 1 gray team wt 2500; 1 small black team wt 2100; 1 bay team wt 2200; 2 two-year-old colts; 1 saddle horse. Also 1 yearling Jersey heifer; 1 cow and 6 months old calf. Farm Equipment as Follows: 1 push binder; 1 header and 3 boxes; 2 wagons; 1 Smith reversible disc; 2 Oliver gang plows; 5 sets good butt chain harness, 1 saddle, log chains, double trees and many other small articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon. Terms--$10 and under, cash, on sums over that mount time will be given to November 1, 1917 on bankable notes at 8 per cent from date, 8% discount for cash on time sales. ROBERT BARNHART, Owner J. B. FRY, Auctioneer, WM, SANBORN, Clerk.
The Sprague Advocate, March 23, 1917
Strictly modern, 8-rooms. Everything up to the last minute. Large private garage, lawn, cement walks, trees, and garden spot. Price right. S.C. KINCH
JOHN F. GREEN of Harrington, on Tuesday sold to L.P. TURNER 2720 acres of land for $204,000, or average price of about $75 per acre. W. J. GREEN son of J. F. Green recently sold 720 acres of land at the same price. Mr. Turner now owns 10,000 acres of the Harrington section. Mr. Green bought this land from the N. P. Railway 34 years ago at $1.65 to $2.50 per acre. The Greens expect to move to Harrington soon.
May 25, 1917
1200 acres in Lincoln Co. on Great Northern R. R. 900 acres wheat land, 100 acres alfalfa, 200 acres pasture with creek and spring water. 400 acres in crop, 1/2 of which goes to purchaser. Price $35 per acres, %15,000 cash.
960 acres joining the above, 550 acres in cultivation, modern 8 room house, steam heat. Price $30,000 including 1/3 crop, machinery and horses. 640 acre near Davenport, 380 acres in crop. $80 per acre. Inquire at this office
The Lincoln County Times, Nov 23, 1917
The Eastman House owned and managed for four years by ROBERT E. EASTMAN, has been sold to J. S. CURZON who took over the management last week. The establishment will be called henceforth The Lincoln hotel, unless some more suitable name is found by Mr. Curzon in the near future. J. S. CURZON has been in the hotel business for years, having managed the Ione hotel prior to taking over the Eastman house. He owned a hotel at Harrington about eight years ago and was at one time in the same business at Edwall. Several changes have already been started under the new management whereby the rooms will be renovated, generally, and repainted..........Mr. Curzon will be assisted by his wife in the management of the Lincoln. Mr. Eastman expects to leave with his family for Spokane where he will remain at least a month before going into other business.......
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, Washington, Friday, February 01, 1918
The sale of 640 acres of farm land, three miles southeast of Davenport, was completed recently by EDGAR JOHNSON to LAWRENCE and SEYMOUR FLOOD , for a reported consideration of $51,200. The land purchased by the Flood Brothers is under cultivation and includes a good set of buildings. The new owners, who have had large holdings in the vicinity of Reardan for several years, will stock and farm the land here. EDGAR JOHNSON came to the state from Paullina, Iowa, several years ago after having disposed of 320 acres which he farmed for twenty years. Mr. Johnson states that he made more money in three years from the Davenport property than he made from the Iowa land in twenty years. The enlistment and acceptance of his two sons into the service of their country, has left Mr. Johnson without sufficient help to continue the operation of his farm and he gives that as his reason for selling. He will retire and move to Spokane to live.
The Sprague Advocate, December 20, 1918
660 acres first class wheat land--l00 acres in winter wheat--balance stubble. One among best improved ranches in county. New $4000 house, good barns and other buildings, good water system, steel grain tanks for 8000 bushels of wheat, telephone, rural route, 5 1/2 miles from town, 1 miles from school. Price $70 per acre. $20,000 cash, balance terms at 6%. No trades considered. Stock, feed and seed on ranch with options to buy. For particular (s) call or write, J. B. FRY*
The Sprague Advocate, December 27,1918
For sale. Lots 4 and 5, Block 30, Sprague, 8 room house--known as the DUTCHER place. Inquire, A. G. AVERY, Executor of the will of ROBERT MORRILL, deceased, 419 Peyton Building, Spokane.
The Davenport Times-Tribune, Nov 02, 1932
A lease on school land in Sprague region was sold by County Auditor LLOYD B. PEFFLEY, Saturday morning to PAUL STOLP of Sprague for $60. This a five year lease.
A report from Olympia states that the state general and other funds benefited by $116, 601.27 as a result of a sale of timber and tide lands held on October 3 throughout the state. In Lincoln county timber lands was sold bringing in $470.
copied from The Wilbur Register, Wilbur, Lincoln County, Washington 99185
Established in 1889; Number 33; Volume 85 Thursday, September 12, 1974
Sealed bids will be received by the executrix and heirs until 10:00 a.m. September 27, 1974, for the JOHN and LYDIA HAASE farm, located approximately 4 1/2 miles north of Odessa, Washington, being described as follows: All of Section 19, Government Lots 1 and 2, and the E1/2NW1/2 of Section 30j, in Township 22 North, Range 33, #.W.M., Lincoln County, Washington. Approximately 314 acres seeded to winter wheat, the 1/3 crop rental share to go to purchaser upon harvesting in 1975. Approximately 443 acres are in stubble and will be summer fallowed by and at the expense of the tenant in the fall of 1974 and spring and summer of 1975. The balance of said land is in pasture and acreages are from the records in the Lincoln County ASC Office. The farm is for dry land wheat and small grain and will carry a small heard of cattle. Small lake is on the farm which becomes dry in some summers in years of light rainfall. Good duck hunting. Farm is located on county road, improved with a modern three bedroom house with partial basement in good condition, has fair barn, some other buildings and a good well which was drilled in 1964. Possession will be given after harvest in 1974. Title Insurance in amount of sale price will be furnished to purchaser and the sale will be on following terms: 29% of bid price shall be paid within 30 days of mailing preliminary title report, 29% on September 1, 1975, and 42% on September 1, 1975. Deferred balance shall bear interest at the rate of 9% per annum until paid and interest shall be paid on each installment paying date. The farm will be sold in one unit. Bids must be in writing and accompanied with earnest money in form of cashier's check or bank draft payable to HOWARD E. PHILLIPS Trust Account, in an amount equal to 10% of the bid and forwarded to Howard E. Phillips, Attorney at Law, 11 S. Alder, Odessa, Washington. ELSIE BARTALAMAY, Executrix of Estate of LYDIA HAASE, Deceased And as Attorney in Fact for Other Owners. Submitted by Linda Thank, March 22, 2004.
Thanks to Barbara Curtis who has submitted the items with the asterisks*.
Used with permission. Typed by Rella Gleaton, "as is", spelling errors and all...
Additions by Jan Mackie and Linda Thank.
This page last updated June 11, 2008.
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