County Probates,
ESTATES, Appraisals ETC.
Submitted by Barbara Curtis and Marge Womach
Page 2. Listed chronologically by the date of newspaper publication.
The Citizen 1895
"In the superior court of Lincoln County, State of Washington, In the matter of the estate of Louisa Hauer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that letters of administratrix on the estate of Louise Hauer deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 11th day of March 1895, by the Superior Court of Lincoln County. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance, at Harrington, Washington within 12 months after the date of this notice, or they shall be forever barred. Dated this 27th day of May 1904. Caroline Studer. Administratrix, PO address, Harrington, Wash. R M Dye attorney, Davenport, WA." {Edit: resided Sassin; d. 2-23-1895} (Citizen: 6-03-1904)
Lincoln County Times April 28, 1899
"The Condit Estate. Hon. H A P Myers left for Waterville this week. Mr Myers made the trip as attorney for the Wilbur school district, and the matter taking him to the Douglas County capital is the settlement of the Condit estate, which gives promise of being an interesting balancing of accounts. As has before been stated in these columns prior to his hasty exit from an active participation in existence, Mr Condit, more familiarly known as Wild Goose Bill, had the fore-thought to make a will. The heirs to the estate were an assortment of half breed progeny, one of which and the best beloved, being afflicted and helpless from infancy. The greater portion of the property was devised to this child during his lifetime, an din case of his death was to go to the Wilbur public school district. An executor was named in the will to serve the interests of the helpless beneficiary and at the death of the boy the stewardship ended. It is as representative for that district that Mr Myers is now taking an inning at settling the business. He will probably return home Sunday." (LCT: 4-28-1899)
Condit, Charles F #386 filed 28 May 1901 and 28 May 1899 )Died March 21, 1899 in Lincoln Co, age 14, heir to Samuel Wilbur Condit's property in Douglas Co. Charles's mother named Mary Ann, is residing in Stevens Co. (Submitted by Marge Womach)
The Davenport Times-Tribune, September 28, 1939
A petition for the probate of the will of Margaret Richter of Wilbur and the naming of the Rev. A. R. Kettner of Tacoma, formerly Lutheran pastor at Wilbur and Reardan, as executor was filed in the superior court here Tuesday. The estate is valued at $8700.
The final report of Henry E. Brock as administrator of the estates of Hannah Jan Brock, and a petition for the distribution of this estate, were filed in the superior court here yesterday. The final report of Godfrey Thompson as administrator of the estate of Tom Campbell and a petition for the distribution of this estate, also were filed. October 31 was set as the date of hearings on each of these matters.
A decree settling the final account of Andrew J. Kaputa as administrator of the estate of Mary Kaputa, and an order directing the distribution of the $6550.00 estate to the heirs, three children of the deceasesd, were signed in the superior court here yesterday.
An order was signed in the superior court here Tuesday confirming the sale of property, part of the estate of Louis N. Ettenborough of Wilbur, at private sale. One parcel of property was sold to James Christensen for $150, and another to Elmer Jones for $210.
An order was signed in the superior court here yesterday approving the final account of H. P. Carstensen of Almira and Martha Franz of Spokane as executors of the estate of Maren Peterson of Almira, and ordering the $22,272,000 estate distributed to the heirs.
The Davenport Times-Tribune, October 05, 1939
The final report of Daniel Borgens and Jake Heizelman as executors of the estate of Katie Schaefer of Odessa, and a petition for the distribution this estate, were filed in the superior court here Friday, November 1 was set as the date of hearing.
A transcript of the probate proceedings in the case of Mrs. Amelia C. Keller, Almira pioneer who died in Spokane November 21, 1937, was filed in the superior court here Friday. The estate, which includes Lincoln county property, is valued at $87, 946.49. Four daughters of the deceased are heirs.
An appraisal of the estate of Ida Williams of Sprague, made by George Hamilton, C. E. Dawell and W. A. Hall, values the property at $1047. 50. A petition to set aside this property to T. W. C. Williams as surviving spouse in lieu of a homestead, was filed, and October 17, was set as the date of hearing.
Charles E. McCaffery, H. A. Thompson and Frank C. Rambo of Davenport have been appointed to appraise the estate of F. P. McCleary of Almira.
A petition was filed in the superior court here Tuesday, asking that the will of E. Henry Powell, who died in Vermont recently, and whose estate was probated there, be admitted to probate in Lincoln county. His estate includes a note for $9,000 secured by a mortgage on Lincoln county property. October 16 was set as the date.
Judge M. E. Jesseph of Colfax, formerly of Davenport, sent to the county clerk here Tuesday his decree in the case of Julius C. Johnson againast Martha E. McClure and others. This was an action in which Mr. Johnson asked the court to determine how money of the estate of Eli Weeks should be distributed. The court ruled that $35215.00 of the $6239.63 on hand be awarded to Jay G. McGrary as executor of the estate of Jennie Weeks, and that the remainder to be distributed to other heirs.
The Davenport Times-Tribune, October 12, 1939
An order was signed in the superior court here Friday admitting the will of Mrs. Margaret Richter to probate and naming the Rev. A. R. Kettner of Tacoma, formerly Lutheran pastor at Wilbur and Reardan, as executor. The estate is valued at $8,700.
The final report of Joseph P. Murphy of Davenport as executor of the estate of his father, David J. Murphy, and a petition for the distribution of this estate were filed in the superior court here last Thursday. November 2 was set as the date of hearing.
An appraisal of the estate of James S. and Josephine F. Pence, pioneers of Miles, made by H. A. Thompson, J. E. Fraser and August Reinbold, values the property at $6, 447.10
The Citizen Nov 16, 1945
"Letters of administration over the $12,000 estate of W E Stevens and C Anna B Stevens, who died in Illinois, were issued last week to Ray L Johnson of Almira." (Citizen: 11-16-1945)
The Citizen July 14, 1950
"Harold E Heldstab and Casper C Helstab of the Reardan area have filed their final report as administrator of the estate of their mother, Mrs Mary Helstab, with the county clerk, and ask that the $53,925.67 estate be distributed to the heirs." (Citizen: 7-14-1950)
These items submitted by Barbara Curtis for the WAGenWeb...Used with permission.
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