Historical News items
of Lincoln County Pioneers
Submitted by Barbara Curtis
Page 3...........News items listed chronologically......by date.......
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA, April 05, 1895
An exchange says that the much talked of bloomer bicycle dress is simply a pair of trousers, very baggy at the knees, abnormally full about the pistol pocket , and considerably loose where you strike a match. The garment is cut decollete at the south end, and the bottoms are tied around the knees to keep the mice out. You can't put it over your head as you would a skirt, but you sit on the floor and pull it on just as you do your stocking, one foot in each compartment. You can easily tell which is the right side to have in front by the buttons on the neckband. *
Mr. FRANK THRALL, who is now engaged in putting in a cheese factory here, states that he will be ready to receive milk from he farmers about the 16th of this month, is anxious to secure the milk of as many cows as it is possible to get within a reasonable distance of town....... Mr. Thrall states that one of the first things for the farmer to do is to secure one or more cans in which to carry the milk......*
The Sprague Times, Oct 24,1902
FRANK M. EDMISTON, discouraged over the loss of money at the races, took 16 grains of morphine last Sunday evening at his home in Lewiston, Idaho, and died the next morning after doctors had worked over him all night in an effort to save him from a suicide's grave. Mr. Edmiston is well known in Sprague, having been city marshal here in 1897. He also worked at the carpenter business here, which business he was following in Lewiston at the time of his death. In 1890 Edmiston was warden at the state penitentiary at Walla Walla. With a change of administration he left the penitentiary and came to Sprague. He was 50 years old and leaves a wife and three children. *
The Sprague Times, Nov 14, 1902
The official canvas of the vote of Lincoln county brought a surprise to nearly everyone. J. J. CAMERON, who, in the unofficial count, had the smallest vote of any candidate for the legislature, came out second best, beating SMITH, his opponent, by 12 votes and leading RAYMER, his running mate by 15 votes. The totals as reported by the official canvassing board are as follows:
CUSHMAN, Rep................... 1551
JONES, Rep........................ .. 1531
HUMPRHEY, Dem............... ...1512
COTTERILL, Dem.................... 1257
HOLCOMB, Dem..................... 1258
COLE, Dem.............................1249
HADLEY, Rep..........................1517
REAVIS, Dem..........................1273
J. E. HOWARD, Rep................1460
GEO. E. SMITH, Rep...............1421
JOHN RAYMER, Dem..............1418
J. J. CAMERON, Dem..............1433
J. J. INKSTER, Rep..................1579
J. F. HALL, Dem......................1372
W. W. DOWNEY, Rep..............1528
FRED B. SQUIRES, Dem,.........1358
W. H. YARWOOD, Rep............1364
A. S. BROWN, Dem.................1570
C. G. HETTMAN, Rep..................1268
I. J. MINNICK, Dem.....................1649
Prosecuting Attorney:
R. M. DYE, Rep.................... ....1554
T. W. MAXELL, Dem..................1345
S. G. NOBLE, Rep..................... 1508
D. M. McRAE, Dem....................1409
Superintendant of Schools:
CHARLES DEETS, Rep..............1425
MISS ALICE NEAL, Dem............1500
JERRY ROCKHOLD, Rep...............1445
GEORGE R. SAWYER, Dem.........1469
F. N. FREER, Rep.....................1461
M. F. SETTERS, Dem................1421
Commissioner 1st Dist:
CHARLES E. KELLUM, Rep...........1473
C. W. BETHEL, Dem......................1399
Commissioner 2nd Dist.:
JOHN P. MARTIN, Rep.................1574
L. C. BISHOP, Dem.....................1293 *
The Sprague Times, Lincoln Co, Wa, November 14, 1902
At the regular semi-annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank which was held at the bank Tuesday evening, a re-organization of the board was effected. W. J. GRAY, C. D. CHARLES and L. C. FISHER withdrew and J. D. BASSETT and J. E. PROUTY of Ritzville, JOHN F. GREEN, A. G. MITCHUM and M. F. ADAMS of Harrington, and JACK McELROY, T. M. TREWICK, JOHN GROVES, AARON HARRIS, C. L. FISH, T. C. LAKIN, F. J. GERES, G. S. BROWN, L. Y. WILLIAMS, BEN ETTELSON, and DR. W. S. CHENOWETH of Sprague were added to the list of stockholders. The following well known citizens were elected to serve as directors for the next term ANSON GOSS, D. SHANAHAN, G. SHANAHAN, J. D. BASSETT, T. C. LAKIN, JACK MCELROY and Dr. S. CHENOWETH. At the directors meeting the following officers were chosen: ANSON GOSS, president; J. D. BASSETT, vice president; RUGGLES S. ROCKWELL of Columbus, Wisconsin, cashier; L. WILLIAMS, assistant cashier. The officers and stockholders of the Bank of Sprague represent nine banks and these gentlemen represent a combined capital of over $2, 000,000. Since the organization of the bank in June, 1901, by Mr. ANSON GOSS, a wealthy capitalist of Bangor, Mich., to the present day there has been a steady and constant growth. During the ante-harvest period when nearly all other banks suffered a decrease in deposits, this bank continued to increase and it is without doubt today one of the solidest institutions of its kind in eastern Washington.*
The Sprague Times, Oct 16,1903
The following are the names of the regular venire of jurors drawn for the superior court for the term beginning Tuesday, November 3rd, 1903:
OLF ANDERSON, Davenport G. H. RUX, Rocklyn
T. GLOTFELTY, Reardan CHAS. BUCK, Davenport
G. R. FROMAN, Downs C. M. SPRINKLE, Reardan
J. P. KINNEY, Sprague THOS CONNERY, Wilbur
PETER ENGLES, Wilbur J. F. DENHAM, Rocklyn
JOHN KIRK, Sprague WM A. GENT, Wilbur
L. C. DALZER, Odessa CHRIST DEEG, Edwall
B. J. DESPAIN, Edwall AUGUST DAWELL, Sprague *
The MCINNIS BROS. barn in which was also housed the service station and garage of W. H. HART and the H. FALLERT saloon building were totally destroyed by fire at Harrington on Saturday morning. The fire originated from an overheated stove. The local fire department by prompt action confined the fire to these two buildings. Seven horses, two autos, five other rigs, three sleighs, twenty tons of hay, two tons of oats, harness and other goods were burned, the value of which runs near $10,000 with about $4,000 insurance. J. W. GREEN lost his two fancy driving horses and eighty telephones were put out of commission.*
The Creston News, January 25, 1907
Miss ENIE MANGIS was taken to a hospital in Spokane on the delayed train Tuesday night to undergo an operation for removal of a diseased kidney from which she had suffered a long time. She was prostrated a few days ago with a dangerous attack of the persistent malady, and Dr. Edward decided that operation was necessary if her life was to be saved, and advised accordingly. Besides the Doctor, her father, her brother Charles and sister, Mrs. RELLA WARWICK of Bluestem, accompanied her. Word was received here about noon Wednesday that she had passed thru the ordeal as well as could have been hoped for in her weakened condition and at that time indications for favorable progress of the case were good.
I. N. STEVENS, one of the representatives from this county, was made chairman of the House Committee on Federal Relations and Immigration at Olympia. W. H. THOMPSON as a place on the committee on Internal Improvements and Internal Affairs; also on that on Roads and Brides. Senator KENNEDY is on the senate committee on Education; also Railroad and Transportation, and State Library. *
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA, May 10, 1907
At about 9 o'clock Wednesday morning the residence of C. G. DOTY who lives on the old SAM GRISWOLD place north of town, caught fire and burned to the ground. The fire started from a defective flue and before much of the household goods could be removed the building was a mass of flames, and soon burned to the ground, together with a couple of other small buildings. The loss was partially covered by insurance. Mr. Doty has not fully decided whether he will build or not, saying that he may possibly move into town. *
The Independent Times, Sprague, May 17, 1907
Word was received here Thursday morning that the farm residence of JAMES NIXON, southeast of Sprague, had burned to the ground with all the contents. Mr. Nixon, who was in Sprague at the time, says he had $600 insurance, which will not nearly cover the loss.
The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA, 1911
A small donkey engine pushing a train of dump cars used in the construction of the Washington Water Power Company's new dam at Long Lake completely passed over the body of S. W. BARNHART Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock, severing the head, both legs and one arm from the body and causing instant death. Barnhart was a resident of the Egypt country, his farm being about four miles from the Egypt store, and none of the men at the dam are able to explain the accident. Barnhart was riding on the front cars which were filled with dirt to be dumped in the dam, and evidently fell off, the entire train passing over his body before it was known. Coroner O. L. ADAMS investigated the accident and turned to body over to Undertaker O. W. STONE. The deceased was about 67 years old and leaves a wife and seven children in destitute circumstances. He had been working at the dam for some time and at the time of the accident he had one month's salary due him which will be turned over to the family and his employers now have a representative in Egypt arranging for the funeral and to supply the family with needed provisions, which expense they are going to meet. The oldest boy of the family had been drowned in the Spokane river some two years ago, leaving none of the other children old enough to support the family. The funeral arrangements have not as yet been completed.
Submitted on August 01, 2005 by Rich Barnhart
The Sprague Advocate, December 25, 1913
As the time for the annual festival approaches the absent loved ones begin to return to the paternal roof tree. Every one away from home at Christmas time will make almost any sacrifice to get back and be with the loved ones on the greatest of all annual holidays. Among those who have returned to Sprague for the holidays are: GEO. HOFFMAN attending dental college at Portland, Misses IRENE RINGWOOD and ELLA FISH of Cheney, Miss JULIA FISH, GEO. and Miss RUBY HARDING, MARK and Miss MARGARET BRISLAWN and CLAUDE JENSEN of the W. S. C. at Pullman; ATHOL HALL, Miss PAULINE CHILD and RAY MCCOY of the Seattle University; VICTOR HERTRICH JR. of Lacey, Wash.; Misses ALICE SODEN and LIZZIE SMITH of Tacoma; WILLIE and CAIN GAFFNEY and JAS. BALFE of Gonzaga and MARGARET BALFE of Holy Names. Among the teachers who are home we find Miss MARGARET MOYLAN teaching at Warden, GENEVIEVE of the Gaffney District; Miss BESSIE LOGSDON, of Creston, Miss ELSIE CHILD of Republic, Miss THEO CHILD of Harrington, LOUIS BRISLAWN of Darrington, ANASATASI BRISLAWN of Oakesdale, Miss AGNES BALFE of Newport, Miss MARIE WALLACE of Asotin, JOE BRISLAWN of Olympia, JOHN of Spokane and MATT JR. of Colfax are also among the home comers. Quite a formidable array of names....*
The Sprague Advocate, Dec 31, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. JACOB MILLER who live 10 miles northwest of Sprague are enjoying the holidays in the good old fashioned way. All their children, 5 in number are home this week. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Miller, a son CHARLES and daughter GRACE who are still at home, are Mr. and Mrs. ALBERT MILLER of Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. JOE EDMONSON of Spokane and Mr. and Mrs. EDGAR MITCHELL of Farmer, Washington. There are four grandchildren to help out on the festivities making a party of 14 that ate Christmas dinner on the farm. On Tuesday the entire family came to town and had a picture taken which included the whole party. Needless to say Mr. and Mrs. Miller are happy to have the united family again under the paternal roof. *
The Sprague Advocate, Mar 23, 1917
S. A. FULQUARTZ a rancher on Sprague Lake dropped into the GIFFING butcher shop a few days ago and was casually asked if he had any beeves to sell. He replied that he had a couple of 2 1/2 year old critters but didn't care to sell just now. After a little urging Mr. Fulquartz finally priced the critters at $70 and was shocked at the rapidity with which his offer was taken. JAS. McCAFFERY a few days ago sold Mr. GIFFING two hogs which brought him $92.40. The down-trodden farmer is sure having his day in these times of European wars and rumors of war at home.*
The Sprague Advocate, September 09, 1920
The city election passed off quietly last Tuesday only one ticket being in the field. The count of ballots was as follows:
Mayor, Jno. I. Melville. Councilmen for 4 year term: C. S. Browne, 129; J. A. Dempsey, 131; w. R. Lee, 134.
Councilman at large for 2 year term: P.N. Smalley, 131. City Attorney: Chas. D. McCarty, 124. City Treasurer: John Moylan, 130. City Clerk: J. F. Hall, 133. Matt Brislawn received 6 complimentary votes for Mayor and S. H. Boyles 7 for city attorney.
The city of Lamont elected the following officers at the election Tuesday: Mayor , Geo. E. Howell. Councilman for 2 years, F. Rosenzweig and M. W. Miller. Councilman for 1 year, W. S. Weider. Treasurer, James Phillips. *
The Sprague Advocate, May 25, 1939
Mrs. KENNETH KUPERS was called to Spokane Monday by the death of her grandfather, GEORGE F. MCCORMICK, who passed away at this home in Spokane at the age of 71 years. The deceased was a former resident of Lamont, where he worked for the S. P. and S. Railroad.
He leaves his wife, EUNICE McCORMICK, at the home; one son, GEORGE F. McCORMICK, Hollywood, Calif; 2 daughters, Mrs. ANNA KENNEDY, Spokane; Mrs. CECELIA HODGINS, Los Angeles, Calif; 1 sister, Miss BARBARA McCORMICK Denver, Colo; 1 brother, CHARLES McCORMICK, Currie, Minn; 5 grandchildren, 1 great granchild. Mr. Kupers also attended the funeral which was held at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning from the St. Joseph's church in Spokane with the REV. JOHN F. FAHY officiating. Interment was in the family lot at Riverside Park.*.
The Sprague Advocate, June 29, 1939
Five generations were represented at a family reunion Sunday at the old homestead of Mrs. MARTHA DEAN, a half mile south of Cheney, when Mr. JOHN I. MELVILLE, daughter of Mrs. DEAN, Mrs. SID CONNELL, daughter of Mrs. MELVILLE and her daughter Mrs. E. N. LAGO and a small daughter Gleanne gathered for a family dinner. Pictures were taken of the group and several hours spent in visiting. Included at the dinner were: Mrs. DEAN, Mrs. MELVILLE, Mr. and Mrs. SID CONNELL of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. LARGO and daughter of San Francisco. AL SYLVESTER of San Francisco, a friend of the Connell Family and Harvey Dean of Cheney. Back in 1882 the Dean family filed on the homestead south of Cheney and Mrs. Dean still retains the title. The visitors left Sunday evening for Tacoma, while Mr. and Mrs. Largo and Mr. Sylvester expect to spend a few days before returning to California.*
The Davenport Times-Tribune, Sep 28, 1939
The body of GEORGE HEINEMAN, 47 year old Edwall farmer, who had been missing for nearly a week, was found late yesterday in the woods near Long Lake in Spokane county, with a gunshot would through the head. Coroner I. C. COLLINS of Spokane county said ill health and financial reverses prompted Heineman to take his own life. He had been troubled with a nervous disorder prior to his disappearance, the coroner said. The Edwall man bought a .22 caliber rifle September 21, the day he was reported missing, and apparently took his life the same day. MARTIN SCHETLER, a farmer near Long Lake, discovered the body in a deeply wooded section. He is survived by a brother at Cheney and a sister in Spokane. Both Lincoln and Spokane county officers had been searching for Heineman since last Thursday, following a report of his disappearance.*
The Davenport Times-Tribune, Sep 28, 1939
ALBERT (FRENCHY) MORRELL, age 58, formerly a cook at the City Cafe in Davenport, was murdered in Spokane Tuesday by a former employer, GIOVANNO ALBO, age 63, who then killed himself. Morrell was employed in Davenport about nine years ago. Recently he had been working in Spokane.*
Used with permission. All items typed as is from the newspaper, spelling errors, oddities etc. included, by Rella : )
Thank you to ALL who have contributed these news items...
* A special thank you to Barbara Curtis for finding and submitting these items with the asterisk.
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