Old Names for Illnesses


Adenomatosis-Glands affected by tumors or overgrowth
Ague-Malarial Fever
Anasarca-Generalized massive edema
Apoplexy-Paralysis due to stroke
Arteriosclerosis-Disorders that cause thickening and loss of elasticity of artery walls
Asphycsia-Lack of oxygen and cyanotic
Atrophy-Wasting away
Bad Blood-Syphilis
Bilious fever-Hepatitis, Typhoid, Malaria or elevated temperature & bile emesis
Biliousness-Jaundice associate with liver disease
Black plague-Bubonic plaque
Black fever- Acute infection with high temperature, dark red skin lesions,& high
                   mortality rate.
Bladder in throat-Diphtheria
Blood poisoning-Bacterial infection
Bloody flux-Bloody stools
Bloody sweat-Sweating sickness
Bone shave-Sciatica
Brain fever-Meningitis
Bright's disease-Chronic inflammation of kidneys
Bronze John-Yellow fever
Camp fever-Typhus; aka. Camp diarrhea
Cacospysy-Irregular pulse
Cerebritis-Inflammation of cerebrum
Chilblain-Swelling of extremities caused by exposure to cold
Child bed fever-Infection following birth of child
Chlorosis-Iron deficiency anemia
Colic-Abdominal pain and cramping
Cholera-Acute severe contagious diarrhea with intestinal lining sloughing.
             (What we know now:  Cholera is an infection of the small intestines
             caused by the bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. Cholera results in profuse, watery diarrhea that
             in severe untreated cases can lead to rapid dehydration and death. Infection is always  

             acquired by swallowing food or water that has been contaminated with the Vibrio. Given  

             adequate re-hydration with fluids and the correct proportions of various salts and sugar 

             patients usually make a full recovery.)
Cholecystitus-Inflammation of the gall bladder
Cholelthiasis-Gall stones
Congestive chills-Malaria
Cramp colic-Appendicitis
Croup- Laryngitis, strep throat or diphtheria
Cyanosis-Dark skin color from lack of oxygen
Cystitis-Inflammation of the bladder
Delirium tremens-Hallucinations due to alcoholism
Diphtheria-Contagious disease of the throat
Dropsy-Edema/swelling often caused by kidney or congestive heart failure
Dropsy of the brain-Encephalitis
Dysentery-Inflammation of colon with passage of mucous & blood
Dyspepsia-Indigestion & heartburn.
Dysury-Difficulty in urinating
Edema-Swelling of tissues, nephrosis
Encephalitis-Swelling of brain, aka sleeping sickness
Endocarditis-Inflammation of the lining of the heart, particularly the valves
Enteritis-Inflammation of the bowels
Enterocolitis-Inflammation of the intestine
Flux-Excessive flow or discharge of fluid ie. hemorrhage or diarrhea
Glomerulonephritis-Inflammation of the filters of the kidneys
Grippe-Influenza like symptoms
Hydrocephalus- Enlarged head, water on the brain
Hypertrophic-Enlargement of organ, like the heart
Impetigo-Contagious skin disease with pustules
Infantile paralysis-Polio

Inanition-Exhaustion from lack of nourishment, starvation 

Influenza: Link: Flu Quarantine 1918 in Lincoln County, Washington
Jaundice-Condition caused by blockage of intestines
King's evil-Tuberculosis of neck and lymph glands
Kruchhusten-Whooping cough
Lockjaw-Tetanus or infectious disease affecting the muscles of the neck and jaw. Untreated it is fatal  

               in 8 days.
Long sickness-Tuberculosis
Lues venera-Venereal disease
Lumbago-Back pain
Lung fever-Pneumonia
Malignant sore throat-diphtheria
Membranous Croup-Diphtheria
Meningitis-Inflations of brain or spinal cord
Milk sickness-Disease from milk of cows that have eaten poisonous plants/weeds
Mortification-Gangrene of necrotic tissue
Myelitis-Inflammation of the spine
Myocarditis-Inflammation of heart muscles
Necrosis-Mortification of bones or tissue
Nephrosis-Kidney degeneration
Nephritis-Inflammation of kidneys
Otitis Media-Inflammation of the middle ear
Palsy-Paralysis or uncontrolled movement of muscles
Pericarditis-Inflammation of the heart
Peritonitis-Inflammation of abdominal area
Phthiriasis-Lice infection
Phthisis-Chronic wasting away or a name for tuberculosis
Plague-An acute febrile highly infection disease with a high fatality rate
Pleurisy-Any pain in the chest area with each breath
Puerperal exhaustion-Death due to child birth
Remitting fever-Malaria
Rheumatism-Any disorder associated with pain in the joints
Rickets-Disease of the skeletal system
Rose cold-Hay fever or nasal symptoms of an allergy
Rubeola-German measles
Scarlatina-Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever-Infectious disease caused by a strain of streptococcal bacteria characterized by a sore  

                    throat fever and rash. (Now treatment is with antibiotic drugs, usually penicillin or  

Scarlet rash-Roseola
Scrum pox-Skin disease, impetigo
Scurvy-Lack of vitamin C. Symptoms of weakness, spongy gums ,hemorrhages under skin
Septicemia-Blood poisoning
Shakes-Delirium tremens
Shingles-Viral disease with skin blisters
Small pox-Contagious disease with fever and blisters
Spotted fever-Either typhus or meningitis
Status-Reduction or cessation of flow
Stomatitis-Inflammation of the mouth
Stranger's fever-Yellow fever
St Vitus Dance-Ceaseless occurrence of rapid complex jerking movements performed involuntarily
Tetanus-Infectious high fever, headache and dizziness
Thrombosis-Blood clot inside blood vessel
Thrush-Childhood disease characterized by spots on mouth, lips and throat
Tick fever-Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Trench mouth-Painful ulcers along gum line caused by poor nutrition and/or poor hygiene
Tussis convulsiva-Whooping cough
Typhoid Fever-Caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhosa spread by contamination of food or  

                        water.  (What we know now: Poor sanitation is the major cause in promoting the  

                        bacteria. The bacteria passes from the intestines into the blood, then to the spleen  

                        and liver, excreted to the intestines and the spleen. Carriers who may recover may  

                        continue to harbor the bacteria for years. 

                        Symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, malaise, abdominal tenderness,
                        and often delirium, followed by raised pink spots on the chest and abdomen and an
                        enlargement of the liver and spleen. It usually clears up in about 4 weeks when treated
                        with antibiotics or severe patients with cortisteroid drugs.
                        When traveling abroad a vaccine can be given.) * 

                        Link: Typhoid Fever Report 1915 in Lincoln County, Washington
Typhus-Infectious fever characterized by high fever, headache and dizziness
Water-on-the-brain-Enlarged head
White swelling-Tuberculosis of the bone
Winter fever-Pneumonia
Womb fever-Infection of the uterus
Yellow jacket-Yellow fever

Submitted by Rella Gleaton, July 2002.Updated March, 2004.