From Ledger Entries, News Items, Death Certificates
Submitted by Marge Womach
Introduction to use of file: A comprehensive search of the County Commissioner Journals and Ledgers was NOT done. File I: Deaths: Only the death data from the Lincoln County Poor Farm (LCPF) ledger has been listed in this file; those resident files who were discharged have been deleted. This list of deaths is not to be considered complete, particularly since the list does not meet the 22 known burials that remained at the closing of the poor farm. File II: Transferred or No Discharge Shown: Individuals who were transferred to other facilities where the records may not be easy to retrieve are listed in this second listing. Those individuals who were shown as admitted with no discharge date are included in this listing since they may have died and the record of death not entered. Other sources, as death certificate data, obituaries or notations of court house records other than in the LCPF ledger, will be identified if they add details. There were many loose papers pertaining to the County Poor Farm that did not appear in the ledger. The present owner of the Poor Farm Cemetery is Lincoln County. The controlling agent for the (LCPF) records is the Lincoln County Commissioners, to whom all requests for copies of documentation should be addressed. All referenced death certificates are located with the Lincoln County Auditor. The map of the burials has not been located. The cemetery has been farmed over while the county has failed to protect its boundaries. There is no identifying marker on the graves, the cemetery or its boundaries.
Lincoln County Poor Farm Cemetery: SE corner of SW ¼ of Sec 34 Twp 26 R 37. This is the position of the Lincoln County Poor Farm Cemetery as shown on the 1911 Atlas. Like many of the other Lincoln County rural cemeteries, no plat map of the cemetery was located in the auditor’s office or the LCPF ledger. Consequently, even though it was created by the commissioner’s, this cemetery was not properly set apart, or if it was, those documents have been removed. Documentation for the removal of bodies will be noted as found. Some of the burials of residents of the poor farm did not occur in the Poor Farm Cemetery. Those locations are identified. Each Lincoln County indigent or pauper burial is recorded in the Lincoln County Commissioner’s ledgers or journals of minutes, however, with rare exception, the name of the burial is not given. For example, Journal H, page 571, #430, dated 10-07-1919: “Wm Thornburg, pd. $5 for Burial of unidentified body.”
County Has Poor Farm: “On Wednesday the county commissioners, through Stevens & Spencer purchased the John Reddy farm, three and a half miles north of town, which will be used for the county poor farm. The purchase price is $4,150, and is the place formerly owned by Hans Rosenquest. The place is well situated, the land is good and contains uplands and bottoms. Suitable buildings will be erected, and in due time all paupers will be taken there for care, and will be looked after by a superintendent who will be placed in charge of the farm. The land will be tilled and improved under the supervision of the superintendent, and all able bodied paupers will be required to render such assistance as they may while stopping at the county’s expense.—Lincoln County Times.” (Harrington Citizen: 7-26-1901)
Lincoln County Commissioners attitude: “Dec. 5, 1902. The Board met at 8 o’clock a.m. All members present. Burial of County Poor. It is hereby ordered that the Contract for burial of the County poor be let to O W Stone under the following conditions, viz:- That said O. W. Stone agrees to bury all paupers that shall die at a charge upon the County from this date until Nov 1, 1903 in a manner creditable to Lincoln County for the sum of $20.00 each and to go to any portion of the County at his own expense.” (Lincoln County Commissioners’ Minutes)
Lincoln County Warranty Deeds Vol. 10 page 221: “Know all Men by these Presents, That I, John Reddy, a single man, of the County of Lincoln and State of Washington, in consideration of the sum of Forty One Hundred & Fifty no/100ths Dollars to me paid by Lincoln County, State of Washington, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to said Lincoln County, its successor, heirs and assigns forever, the following real estate, land and premises, situate, lying and being in the County of Lincoln and State of Washington, and more particular described as follows, to-wit: The Southwest quarter (SW ¼) of Section Thirty four (34) Township Twenty Six (26) North of Range Thirty Seven (37) EWM excepting therefrom: Beginning at a point 217 ½ feet due south of the extreme point on northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Sec 34 Twp 26 N of R 37 EWM. Thence East 9 rods, thence south 9 rods, thence west 9 rods thence north 9 rods to point of beginning, containing 81 square rods more or less. together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in any wise appertaining; and also all his estate, right, title and interest, at law and in equity, therein or thereto, including homestead and claim of homestead. To have and to hold the same to the said Lincoln County grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. And I do covenant with the said Lincoln County grantee, and its legal representatives forever, that the said real estate is free from all incumbrances, crop of 1901 reserved, and possession to be given November 1st, 1901, but second party has the right to build or to make any improvements on said premises at any time after the execution of this deed provided they do not interfere with first party., and that I will, and my heirs, executors and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the said Lincoln County grantee, its successors and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17th day of July 1901. John Reddy. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of W. H. Yarwood and J. W. Anderson. Filed for record August 7, 1901 at 2 o’clock p.m. at the request of Lincoln County Commissioners. J W Anderson, Auditor.”
Lincoln County Commissioner Journal: “Wednesday July 17th, 1901. The Board met at 8 o’clock a.m. All members present. Poor Farm. Pursuant to the advertisement for bids for a Poor farm. The following bids were presented... The Board having considered all of said bids and made personal inspection of the premises. It is the opinion of the Board that the SW ¼ of Section 34 Twp 26 N, R 37 EWM is the best adapted for a Poor farm of any of the premises offered, it is therefore ordered by the Board that the SW ¼ of Sec 34 Twp 26 N R 37 EWM be purchased at the price of $4150.00 and it is agreed by and between the owner of said premises and this Board that said owner will execute and deliver to Lincoln County a Warranty Deed for said premises and give possession thereof Nov 1st, 1901, but will allow the County to make any improvements thereon prior to said date providing it does not molest or interfere with said owner in harvesting his crop or caring for his stock. And that said county pay to the Grantor the sum of $1500.00 on delivery of said deed and the remainder of said to be paid July 1st, 1903, the County to have the privilege of paying the remainder at any time prior to said date.”
Lincoln County Warranty Deeds Vol. 93 page 573 (excerpt) “Know all men by these presents, That Lincoln County, Washington, by its elected, qualified and acting County Treasurer, in consideration of the benefits and other valuable consideration, and of the sum of Thirty-nine Thousand Six Hundred and no/100 ($39,600.00) Dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, conveys to George Gunning and Iva Gunning, husband and wife, all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: The SW ¼ of Sec 34 Twp 26 N Range 37, EWM, excepting therefrom...” (the 81 square rods). “Also excepting the following: Beginning at a point which is 303.7 feet east of and 35 feet north of the Southwest section corner of Section Thirty-four (34), Twp Twenty Six (26) North, Range Thirty Seven (37) EWM, Lincoln County, Washington, thence running north 90 degrees west for a distance of 235.2 feet; thence north 13 degrees 40 minutes west a distance of 140.45 feet; thence north 0 degrees 40 minutes west for a distance of 120 feet, thence north 90 degrees east for a distance of 262.78 feet; thence south 0 degrees 0 minutes east for a distance of 256.46 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.5 acres more or less. Also excepting the following: Beginning at a point 30 feet north of the southeast (SE) corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW ¼) of Section Thirty Four (34), Township Twenty Six (26) Range 37, which point is on the north line of the county road, thence north 208.7 feet; thence west 208.7 feet; thence south 208.7 feet; thence east 208.7 feet to point of beginning, containing one acre more or less. The Southeast Quarter (SE ¼) of Section Thirty Four (34), Township Twenty Six (26) North, Range Thirty Seven (37), EWM, Lincoln County, Washington. Lincoln County, Washington. By Guy G. Gibson. Treasurer. Attest: Chas A. Ramm. Auditor of Lincoln County, Washington.” (County Treasurer’s Seal; County Auditor’s Seal)
Old Poor Farm Brings $39,000: “County Wheat Land, Buildings, Sold at Auction. Davenport, Wash., May 20.—The Lincoln County farm, consisting of about 310 acres of good wheat land, two residence buildings and other improvements, was sold at public auction at the courthouse here this morning by the County Treasurer to George Gunning of Davenport for $39,600. About 100 persons attended the sale and bidding was spirited. The county farm, part of it acquired in 1902 and the remainder later, was used as a residence for aged county residents for many years until the system of caring for the needy was changed, and they were placed in private homes. Cemetery in One Corner. Mr. & Mrs. N. M. Lacey were in charge of the farm for many years and have had it leased during the last few years and the sale is subject to their lease, which expires in October. Another unique ruling was made as the sale began today, when it was discovered that there is a cemetery in one corner of the farm, where some 22 persons are buried, and the county commissioners held out this acre when no one objected.” (Spokesman Review: May 21, 1946)
Barthel, George; 37, born Louisville, KY, single, farm hand, last employed Sprague. Admit Sept 21, 1904 both legs broken, blood poisoning; Nearest relative: Father: W. George Barthel of Charleston, IN. Died Sept 26, 1904 at Poor Farm of blood poisoning; Buried Lot 7, Poor Farm. Removed by brother and buried Mt View, Davenport; May 30, 1905. Cert. of Death in file (#39) (LCPF ledger) Barthel, Geo, 37, died at Poor Farm Sept 29, 1904 & buried there. (Notes in Index to Poor Farm ledger)
Button, Lee; 74, born Chautauqua, NY; single, rheumatism (age also record 76 in 1910). Admit Nov 11, 1910. Died Sept 26, 1912 Buried Poor Farm (p #87). (LCPF ledger) Edit: No record of the removal of Lee Button was found, however, Mountain View Cemetery in Davenport has a Tombstone for “Lee Button. Died Sept 26, 1912, aged 73 years”. The City of Davenport cemetery records show the burial of Lee Button.
Charborneau, Louis; 81, born Montreal, Canada; had farm on Crab Creek; single (p 186). Admit Dec 13, 1927 (birthday March 10th, 1881, records inconsistent). Died Jan 23, 1930; Buried Mt View Cemetery (ledger notation; on 1931 list). Died Nov 12, 1934; Buried Spokane (death certificate signed Supt. Lacey). (LCPF ledger)
Clark, Chas; 73, born Earl Co, NY; single; lived near Sylvan Lake, Lincoln Co, WA. Admit Nov 1929. (Mrs. Susan Razee, Dunlap, IA, contact) (p. 194) Died Feb 4, 1930 (death cert. in file). (LCPF ledger)
Clarke, Fred; “Fred Clarke, an aged man, died here Friday morning. So far as known he has no living friends or relatives in this part of the country. He was the victim of the drink habit. He was formerly a ship’s cook and was an Englishman by birth. The remains were interred in the county cemetery.” (7-03-1903 Harrington Citizen) Died: June 1903
Cuddy, John; 85, male, Irish, single (p. 3); Admit Nov 6, 1901; Died Jan 7, 1911; Buried Poor Farm Cemetery. (LCPF ledger) The records show that Mike Cuddy, 83, male, Irish, and married (p.2) had been admitted on Nov 1, 1901. No record of the discharge of Mike Cuddy was found, nor record of burial. Additionally, Mrs. Mike Cuddy, 57, intemperance, had been admitted Dec 22, 1902 with a discharge on Jan 2, 1903.
Daily, Chas: “Chas Dailey. Burial of pauper, paid on 23 July 1903 to O. W. and H. E. Stone” (Commissions’ ledger; location of burial not given)
Denton, Robert: “Robert Denton. 57. Born New Orleans, LA. Admit Dec 18, 1908; Discharge: Feb 26, 1909. page 77.” (LCPF ledger) “Denton, Robert . male, white; b. Aug 3, 1851; age 57 on the 3rd day of Aug, 1908; single; b. New Orleans, LA; occupation: baker; informant: G. J. Calvert of Davenport; DOD: 26 of Feb 1909; ‘I attended the deceased Dec 1908-Feb 26, 1909... and that death occurred on the date above at County Farm.’ Cause: consumption; R. P. Moore, MD, of Davenport; Burial: not given. Undertaker: not given.” (WA State Board of Health: Cert. of Death.)
Damas, Perry; 65, English, married, uric acid poisoning (possible surname is Perry); Shoemaker, last employed at Odessa. Admit Nov 24, 1905. Died Dec 1, 1905 Buried Lot 8 of Poor Farm Cemetery (p 63) (LCPF ledger)
Dann, Orey W.; 81, male, born Jefferson Co, WI; farmer, old age, b. May 29, 1850. Admit Oct 6, 1931. (note also Jefferson Co, MO)(p.202). Died Sept 3, 1932 cert.#69282 indigent burial at Reardan, no known relatives. (LCPF ledger) Additional information at another place in the records: Dann, Orey W: 8 mos 2 dys at Co Farm; died Sept 3, 1932.
Detillion, William F.; 41, born Gullier, OH; last employ @ ND; single, consumption. Admit Nov 6, 1905, recommendation of Louis Detillion of Lott, WA. Died March 18, 1906 Buried Lot 10 of Poor Farm Cemetery (p #54). (LCPF ledger)
Donivan, Daniel; 82, Irish, rheumatism; Admit June 10, 1902; Died May 15, 1905 of old age. Buried Poor Farm Lot 8. (LCPF ledger)
Engles, Peter; 74, born Tinen, Belgium; single, orchardist, age, poor eyesight (p. 154). Admit Nov 14, 1919. Discharge Mar 20, 1927 to Sacred Heart, Spokane. Died Mar 21, 1927; buried Spokane, WA; d. @ Sacred Heart. (LCPF ledger)
Evans, William; 76, born Devonshire, England; single, baker, heart trouble (p. 136). Admit Oct 27, 1916. Died Nov 27, 1916 Buried Lincoln Co Poor Farm. (LCPF ledger)
Fetherkile, Rachel; 56, female, single, imbecile, Admit Oct 29, 1906. Died July 5, 1910 Buried on Poor Farm (page #50). (LCPF ledger) Edit: Featherkile.
Greenwood, Thomas; 79 on Apr 19, 1928, single, born Three Rivers, Canada; French. Admit Jan 18, 1928 (lived near Creston, old age, nearly blind )(p. 188). Died Apr 29, 1934 Buried Creston (Niece Mrs. Jim Sullivan of Creston) (Nephew is Elsie Greenwood of Creston) (LCPF ledger).
Hanretta, James: “James Hanretta, who has been confined with smallpox in the pest house since Nov 9th, died Monday, and was buried the same evening. He was a young man about 25 years old, and had been working in the country during the past summer. There are at present five convalescent smallpox patients in the pest house, all of whom were brought in from the country along the line of the Great Northern road in this county, where the disease has lingered all fall. The officials are taking the necessary precautions to have the disease stamped out. Those afflicted are either brought to the pest house where they are cared for, or a strict quarantine is established at their homes, in case they prefer to stay there and can be properly looked after. There have been no cases in town as yet this year, and it is to be hoped it will not make its appearance here any more.” (LCT: 11-19-1901) Edit: burial not specified. Died Nov 9, 1901.
Heard, J. W.; male about 62, musician, cancer, admitted from Sprague by Sheriff Level. Admit Sept 28, 1917. Discharge Sept 29, 1917 to Sacred Heart, Spokane (p 141). Died Dec 16, 1917 at Edgecliff Sanitarium, cremated by Smith & Co. (LCPF ledger)
Herman, George; 66, born Germany; has small farm of his own (also Herrimann)(p. 182). Admit Dec 16, 1926 Died Jan 26, 1931; buried Davenport; death cert. #68814. (LCPF ledger)
Jayne, Alexander; 85, male, born Wyoming Co, PA; old age (also Jane) (p. 181). Admit Oct 19, 1926. Died Nov 7, 1927; Buried Mt View Cemetery. (Son Elbert Jane in PA; Oscar Leipham, nephew) (LCPF ledger)
Knowles, G. Y.; 81, born Knox Co, OH; wife dead, son John Knowles of River Homes. Admit Nov 21, 1930. Died May 3, 1931; d. cert. #68863; buried Davenport Cemetery (p. 200). (LCPF ledger)
McCormick, Peter: “Friday morning Peter McCormick died from the effect of the gun shot wound inflicted by Thos. Smith near Sprague, and was buried the same afternoon. He commenced suffering a great deal of pain Wednesday last, and that proved to be the beginning of the end. He made such a decided rally and was so cheerful after arriving in Davenport and having his wound dressed that Dr Whitney thought he might recover. McCormick died while in charge of the overseer of the poor, and was buried by the county.” (LCT: 9-14-1900) Edit: This burial predates the purchase of the Poor Farm property.
McGillibray, Neil; 76, Scotch, born Montreal, Canada; nearest relative: Mrs. J. F. Phar. Admit May 21, 1910. Died April 1, 1913 (p #84). (LCPF ledger)
McIntosh, Jas; 65, born Cincinnati, OH, widower, blacksmith, Bright’s Disease (p 100). Admit Aug 28, 1912. Died Sept 11, 1912 Buried Poor Farm “wife and children were dead”. (LCPF ledger)
Melcher, Fred, 68, born Germany, single, heart trouble. Admit Mar 30, 1907. Died Dec 11, 1909 Buried Poor Farm Cemetery. (LCPF ledger) Previous admit: “Fred Melcher. 65, single, German, laborer. Last employed Davenport; bronchitis. Admit Jan 2, 1906; Discharge: Feb 24, 1907 to Odessa.” Previous admit: “Malcher, Fred. 67, German, single, gardener, resided Davenport, dropsy. Admit May 28, 1905. Discharge: June 12, 1905 to work.” Previous admit: “Malchior, Fred. 64, German, single, gardener, resided Davenport. heart trouble. Admit May 5, 1904. Discharge: Dec 6, 1904 to work.”
Miller, H. Jacob; 78, born Russia, last employ Odessa (p. 175). Admit Aug 30, 1923. (sons: Adam Miller, Spokane; George Miller of Wapato, WA; Conrad Miller of Toppenish; daughter Katie Milam of Portland, OR) Died Dec 13, 1930; buried Odessa; d. cert. #68621; Mrs. Geo Milan, Hooper, WA. (LCPF ledger)
Mitchell, John, 19, typhoid fever. Admit Aug 15, 1907. Died Aug 17, 1907 Buried Lot 12, Poor Farm. (LCPF ledger) Mitchell, John: “John Mitchell. Male. White. Age 19 years. Single. Occupation: Laborer. Parentage Unknown. Date of death: Aug 18, 1907. I hereby certify, That I attended deceased from Aug 15, 1907 to Aug 17, 1907 that I last saw him alive on Aug 17, 1907. R. P. Moore, MD. Place of Burial: Co. Poor Farm. Date of Burial: Aug 18, 1907. Undertaker: O. W. Stone, Davenport, Wn. Place of Death: County of Lincoln.” (Washington State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Certificate of Death.)
O’Brien, Thomas; 30, bad habits, Admit Sept 28, 1902; Died (no date) Buried Poor Farm Lot 3 Block 1. (LCPF ledger) O’Brien, Tom, 30, bad habits, morphine & drunkenness; d. Sept 28, 1902; Lot 3. (Notes in Index to Poor Farm-Dead)
Perkins, Alvia H/Alma H.; 73, single, male, born Linn Co, OR; ( b. 1856, Sept 20). Admit Mar 17, 1930. Discharge July 13, 1934 to Pomeroy, WA; wife dead. To live with sister, Mrs. Emma Watson; Co will pay $10 for his care. Died Apr 30, 1935; Buried in Kerby Cemetery, Pomeroy, WA (p. 196). Daughters: Mrs. Frances Hudson; Mrs. Bertha Williams; Mrs. H. T. Martin of Wilbur. (note: re-admit Aug 9, 1931; discharged on Mar 6, 1931 to reside w/daughter) (LCPF ledger)
Quirk, James; 72, born Ireland; widower, miner, last employ Bachelor Prairie (p.114). Admit June 2, 1914. Dead. (LCPF ledger)
Reed, Malcolm: “Malcolm Reed, a young man of 30, was picked up near the Great Northern track at Mohler last Thursday evening where he had evidently fallen or was thrown from a moving train. He was placed in a hack and brought to the Davenport hospital where an examination of his injuries revealed that his back was broken and that death was inevitable. He lingered in an unconscious condition until last Sunday when he succumbed. Burial was made Monday at the county poor farm. At no time did he recover consciousness long enough to give any information as to the location of his home or relatives. He was evidently a working man and without funds.” (8-31-1911 Dav. Trib.)
Rogers, A. H.: “A. H. Rogers, a dope fiend, was fatally wounded by Marshal Milton at Odessa last week while resisting arrest. He tried to procure morphine at the drug store but was refused as he had no physician’s prescription. This angered him and procuring an ax he invited the citizens to take it away from him. Marshal Milton was summoned and with a drawn revolver ordered the maniac to drop the ax, instead of complying he made a swing at the marshal barely missing his shoulder. The marshal to save himself fired at the man’s hand. The bullet went wild and struck his assailant in the hip. The fellow fought desperately after being wounded but was finally secured and lodged in jail and his wound dressed. He was being taken to Davenport the following day and died at Harrington.” (Sprague Advocate: 5-07-1909) (Edit: Burial not specified)
Schfler, August; 70, born Prussia; married, farmer, bladder trouble (p 104). Admit Jan 22, 1913. Nearest relative: Caroline Schfler, Rocklyn, WA. Died Feb 4, 1913. Buried County Block of Mt View, Davenport. (LCPF ledger)
Scheffler, Mrs. Frederick; 76, born Marion, KY; (previously, Mrs. Campbell) (p. 115). Admit July 16, 1914. Cemetery Stub Receipt: Permit #30. Issued Sept 30, 1916; Mrs. Ellen Scheffler. (LCPF ledger)
Schmit, Hans; 68, born Germany, single, last employ Egypt; bladder trouble (p 106). Admit Oct 8, 1913, left to Spokane, re-admit 7-01-15; Body charge of J. T. Lyse, undertaker, Davenport; Buried by Frank Lang of Egypt. Died Jan 30, 1916 Buried Mt View Cemetery (relative: Mrs. Frank Long). (LCPF ledger) Schmit, Hans L.: “Hans L. Schmit. Male. White. Place of Death: Harrington, Lincoln Co, Wn. Age 80 years. No further information known-Inmate of County Poor Farm. Registrar: H S Bassett. Date of Death: January 30, 1916. I hereby certify, That I attended deceased from Jan 16, 1916 to Jan 30, 1916, that I last saw him alive on Jan 30, 1916, and that death occurred on the date above at 4:30 PM. The cause of death was as follows: Senile Decay. Contributory: Operation for stone in bladder. E. E. Langley, M D, Harrington, Wn. How long at place of death? 14 days. Place of Burial: Davenport County Poor Farm. Undertaker, J. T. Lyse, Davenport, Wn.” (Washington State Board of Health. Bur. of Vital Statistics. Register of Death)
Sickler, Frank, killed by train in Edwall (p #64). Died May 10, 1906 Buried Lot 11 County Cemetery. (LCPF ledger)
Smidthedt, Frank; 54, male, German, stomach cancer, no admit date (p. 8); Died: Feb 8, 1902; Buried Poor Farm; Lot 1 Block 1. (LCPF ledger) Smitthedt, Frank, 54, German, stomach cancer; d. Feb 8, 1902; Buried Lot 1. (Notes in Index to Poor Farm-Dead)
Stevens, James; 79, broken leg; Admit May 26, 1902; Died (no date); Buried Poor Farm Lot 2, Block 1. (LCPF ledger) Stevens, James: 79, drunkenness, broken leg; d. May 26, 1902; Buried Lot 2, Blk 1. (Notes in Index to Poor Farm-Dead)
James M: “James M
Stevens, aged 70 years, died at the county farm. He was born in
Thompson, Tom: “Killed by the Cars. A young man by the name of Tommy Thompson was found dead by the railroad track near Lamona, last Saturday morning, the side of his head being caved in, as if struck by the cow-catcher of a passing train. The coroner and sheriff were notified of the affair, and drove out there Saturday, and a coroner’s jury was called to investigate the case, and after all evidence possible had been gleaned, decided that to the best its knowledge the deceased came to his death by being struck by an engine. The railroad company was exonerated of any blame. Thomson had worked in the harvest field near Lamona for about a week, and after being discharged, got drunk and left Lamona Friday night about 9 o’clock, still under the influence of liquor, and it is presumed that he had laid down by the track, gone to sleep, and had been struck by the engine as above stated. He was a stranger, and had no known relatives or friends. He was buried at the county’s expense. (LCT Aug 29, 1902)(Edit: This unspecified burial may have occurred in Lamona, Downs or the County Poor Farm. Lincoln Co Commissioners’ ledgers shows that R. P. Moore was the coroner receiving $17 payment for his services, and each of the following were on the coroner’s jury, receiving $2.20 each: W. A. Lamb, H. E. Stone, C. E. Dalyr_ple, Morgan Hardin, M. F. Devlin and A. D. Finch. These names are common in the news from Odessa through Downs vicinity.)
Travis, John M.; 62, born Blackhawk, IA; well driller (2 sons in OR) (p. #198). Admit Mar 25, 1930. (Brothers: Geo & Chas Travis of Reardan). Died Nov 5, 1934; Buried Reardan, WA; d. cert. in file. (b. also Black Oak Co). Had been taken to Sacred Heart Oct 12, 1934. diabetic. (LCPF ledger)
Urbanus, Nicholas; 68, born Chicago, Cook Co, IL; widower, last employ Odessa. Admit Apr 11, 1928 (sister-in-law Mrs. Germell of Bonners Ferry, ID). Died Oct 10, 1931 d. cert. #68949; Buried Odessa . (p. #189) (LCPF ledger)
Waltz, William; 102, male, German, born San Francisco, CA; saddle & harness maker; Admit May 21, 1934 (born May 10, 1832) (p. 203). Died Feb 14, 1935 Buried Edwall. (sec C-128) death cert. in file. (LCPF ledger)
Wheary, Nick; 83, born Denmark, single, carpenter, last employ Creston; rheumatism. Admit Dec 18, 1924 (Nels Christianson Whearey) (p. 177). Died July 22, 1927; Buried Davenport Cemetery; death cert. in file. (LCPF ledger)
Whittock, Wm; 79, born St Lawrence Co, NY; (p. 195). Admit Feb 11, 1930 (Brother: John Whitlock , North Port of Canada. Died Sept 29, 1930 d. cert. #68668. Buried Cemetery at Davenport (LCPF ledger)
Appicosta, Frank: 33, Spanish, hemorrhage of brain (spelling var. Apporcathor, #44). Admit June 2, 1905. Discharge June 12, 1905 to Med. Lake Insane Asylum. (LCPF ledger)
Archibald, Kenneth: age 5, born Lamona, WA. Admit Jan 4, 1907. Discharge Jan 12, 1907 to Medical Lake. (LCPF ledger)
Archibald, John R.: age 2, born Downs, WA. Admit Jan 4, 1907. Discharge Jan 12, 1907 to Medical Lake. (LCPF ledger)
Archibald, Mrs. Ella: age 25, widow, born Smithland, IA. Admit Jan 4, 1907. Discharge Jan 12, 1907 to Medical Lake. (LCPF ledger)
Archibald, Leroy: age 8, born Sioux City, IA. Admit Jan 4, 1907. Discharge Jan 12, 1907 to Medical Lake. (LCPF ledger)
Archibalds: admitted by recommendation of Mrs. L. E. Van Volkenburgh (LCPF ledger)
(Archibald surname: John R.
Archibald, burial in Harrington’s Hillcrest Cemetery in Blk 7 Lot 24. “J.
R. Archibald, who accidentally met his death near Downs, WA, Thursday of last
week, was interred in the Harrington Cemetery Sunday by Harrington Lodge No 160,
IOOF. Mr. Archibald having been a member of Smithland Lodge No 620 of Smithland,
Iowa. The deceased, who lived on one of Jack Burgess’ farms, was going home
from Downs Thursday evening with a six-horse load of lumber, and in the dark his
wagon ran off a grade, upsetting and catching him under the load, killing him
instantly. To all appearance he was asleep when the wagon upset and never
realized any thing after. He left a wife and 3 small children.” (Citizen Feb
3, 1905)
Aubuchon, ?Leo: 56, French, single, born San Frances, MO; last employ NE; heart. Admit Oct 20, 1927. Contact: Louisa Laurier at St Louis, IL. (p. 185) (LCPF ledger)
Bell, Ernest: 2 yrs, male, born Creston (page #52). Admit Oct 23, 1906. Discharge Apr 11, 1907 to Spokane Children’s Home Society. (LCPF ledger)
Bell, Mary: 21, born VA, admitted by Mrs. Bell of Creston, single, feebleminded. Admit Oct 23, 1906. Discharge Dec 10, 1907 to Florence Crittendon Home. (LCPF ledger)
Bordin, Bert: age 61, (62 yrs on Sept 9, 1931); b. Belgium, near Chatteroy in 1869. Resided Harrington; disease of heart; Brother: Victor Bordin of Arma, KS. Admit June 2, 1931. Sister: Mrs. Erma Eurnice of Arma, KS. (Loose Admit File)
Bush, Martin: 26, male, resided Odessa, single, laborer, inflammatory rheumatism. Admit Apr 19, 1904. (LCPF ledger)
Campbell, Edward: "Prosecuting Attorney Dye was called to Egypt, Wednesday, to look after the remains of Edward Campbell, who was found dead, by Myrtle Ewell, the thirteen year old daughter of F. M. Ewell. Campbell was peculiar, lived along, making his living by selling wood. The body was found by the brook, badly decomposed. There is no evidence of foul play, the small amount of money he had received from a neighbor two weeks before being found in his pocket. He had no enemies and aside from regular visits made to the Egypt post office each Saturday, and occasionally bringing a load of wood to town, he was rarely seen. For two weeks he had not been to the office for his papers which attracted the attention of Postmaster Duncan who was on his way to Campbell’s home to look after him when he met the terrified girl who had just discovered the body. He had been in the regular army years ago, and served at Miles when that was an army post. Many of our townspeople will remember him for his eccentricities, and if he sold wood it was always good quality and full measure. The county will bury the remains, taking charge of the small amount of property he had left." (LCT: 5-27-1904)
Campbell, Lyle Hugh: 14, born ID (p. 145). Re-Admit Apr 1, 1918 Discharge May 14, 1918 to Chehalis Training School. (LCPF ledger)
Chapman, Miles: 55, born Winona Co, IA; single, last employ Odessa; nervous trouble. Admit Nov 4, 1921. Discharge Apr 19, 1922 to Coulee City, WA (p. 166). Brother is Melvin L Chapman; Niece is Mrs. Wainscott, Mansfield, WA. Readmit July 10, 1922; born Mapleton, IA; paralysis of nerves of legs. (LCPF ledger)
Chappell, William: 76, single, farmer, born McHenry Co, IL; farmer at Rocklyn; (p. 201). Admit Sept 28, 1932 old age (brother is Henry Chappell of Harrington, WA). (LCPF ledger) Tombstone listings for Mountain View Cemetery show: “William Chappell. 1854-1936”
Cleland, Henry: born Canada, single, 53, b. WTbridge, Ontario, Canada (p.#78). Admit Aug 23, 1909. Last employment: Hayden Lake, ID. Brother: Dr Cleland of Toronto. (LCPF ledger)
Craften, Mrs. Eva: age 30, married, born Belle Plaine, Benton Co, IA. Admit Jan 27, 1910. Contact: Mrs. M. E. McAllister of Harrington. (Loose Admit Form)
Culvert, Arthur: age 70, b. Indiana, cerebral hemorrhage, mentally confused, aphasia. Admit Nov 9, 1925; married. (Loose Admit Form)
Dailey, Henry: 74, born Athens, OH; single, cataracts of eye, 3 sons @Creston (p. 164). Admit June 8, 1921. Discharge May 9, 1925 to Med. Lake Insane Asylum. (LCPF ledger)
Dailey, Chas: “23 July 1903; Burial of pauper Chas Daily $20.00 to O. W. & H. E. Stone” (County Commissioner Minutes Ledger: Vol 3, page 121)
**Denton, Robert: 57, born New Orleans, LA; (p #77). Admit Dec 18, 1908 Discharge Feb 26, 1909 (see death cert.) (LCPF ledger)
Drew, Charles: 30, born Bangor, ME; single, last employ of Aug. Burge of Davenport. Admit Sept 17, 1907. Discharge Oct 19, 1907 to Spokane hosp. (too unruly). Nearest relative: Hon. S. S. Dyer, cousin, of South Bend, WA (p # 69). (LCPF ledger)
Finley, Henry: 65, single (p. 169). Admit Dec 9, 1921. Discharge Feb 6, 1922 to hospital for Insane-Medical Lake. (LCPF ledger)
Flannery, Geo: 68 on July 12, 1930, born Crosswell, San Lac, MI; last employ Sprague. Admit Aug 10, 1930.(Ella Fillwick & John Flanery siblings of Crossville, MI). (LCPF ledger)
Greening, Edward: 12, born near Odessa, WA (p. 147). Admit Sept 25, 1918. Discharge Apr 22, 1919 to Children’s Home Society. (LCPF ledger)
Haines, John H.: 74, born Nov 6, 1854 @ Schuyhill Co, PA; married, farmer, old age. Admit Aug 28, 1929. Son: Wilbur Haines at Reardan. (p. #192) (LCPF ledger)
Hammel, Fred: 42, born AL; (p. 191). Admit Sept 3, 1929. (LCPF ledger)
Hower, Lettie: 12, weak minded. Admit Dec 20, 1902. (LCPF ledger)
Hower, Victoria: 11, Admit Feb 6, 1903. Discharge May 23, 1903 to Home Finding Association. (LCPF ledger)
Hower, Earl: 9, Admit Feb 6, 1903. Discharge May 23, 1903 to Home Finding Association. (LCPF ledger)
Hower, Juneta: female, 3, Admit Mar 26, 1903. Discharge Mar 26, 1903 adopted by Mr. & Mrs. Belknap. (LCPF ledger)
Hower, Effie, 5, Admit Apr 6, 1903. Discharge May 23, 1903 to Home Finding Association. (LCPF ledger)
Hutchinson, W. H., age 36, pneumonia, admit Feb 1903, residence 7 mos. (father is G. H. Hutchinson of Willow City, Glispie Co, TX, age 65. (Loose Admit Form)
Johnson, Hillary F.: age 69, male, born Apr 3, 1861 @Shabaygan Co, WI. Admit Dec 22, 1930; nearest relative: Mrs. Wm Schlaupitz, Nekoosa, WI. (Loose Admit Form)
Johnson, Peter: 35, born Sweden (p. 157). (No other data in file drawer or ledger) (LCPF ledger)
Kantler, George: 84, French, born Colmar, Alsace, France; widower, crippled back, farmer, last employ Sprague (contact Joseph Hall, Sprague, WA) (p. 159). Admit May 15, 1920. (LCPF ledger)
Klutz, Christine: 30, born Velenya, Germany; married, mental (p. 150). Admit Mar 12, 1919. Discharge Apr 17, 1919 Asylum, Medical Lake. (LCPF ledger)
Knorr, John: 42, German, born Stark, Ohio; single, laborer, last employed Harrington. Admit Oct 25, 1904 for rheumatism. Nearest relative: Joseph Knorr at Cleveland, OH. (LCPF ledger)
Kranest, Fred: 66, born Germany, single, butcher, rheumatism (p. 129). Admit Sept 20, 1915. (LCPF ledger)
Landfried, Virgil Orville: age 14, b. Aug 27, 1916 @ Harrington. Admit Mar 17, 1931 (Father is in Spokane; Brothers, Edward @Lamona at Geo. Lowe’s farm and Earl @Spokane’s Children’s Home; Uncle Lennie Boyd resides at Addy, WA) (Loose Admit Form)
LeMars, Linda: 45, born Washington County, WI; single (p. 107). Admit Oct 18, 1913. Discharge Oct 23, 1913 to Med. Lake Insane Asylum. Nearest friend or relative: Jasper Foster of Portland, OR. (LCPF ledger)
Lowery, Arthur: 23, male, small pox. (page 4) Admit: Nov 5, 1901. Discharge Nov 8, 1901 to pest house. (LCPF ledger)
Mahon, Freddie: 5 years, male, (ledger page # 48). Admit Nov 29, 1906. Discharge Apr 11, 1907 to Spokane Children’s Home Society. (LCPF ledger)
Mayo, Frank: 37, born Rosowo, Italy; married, heart trouble (p 112). Admit Apr 20, 1914. Discharge May 14, 1914 to Spokane. (File note: Assoc. Charities of Seattle; apparently Virginia McMechen looking for him, item dated Apr 10, 1917.) (LCPF ledger)
McDonald, Dan: 82, b. Nov 7, 1850, male, Scotch, b. Montreal, Canada; last employed at Wilbur; Friend is Mel O’Brien of Wilbur; old age. Admit Jan 24, 1932. (Loose Admit Form)
McLaughlin, William H.: 59, born NY, single, weak mind; wage earner in steel (p. 160). Admit Oct 26, 1920 (contact: Dick Widman, banker, of Springbrook, ND). (LCPF ledger)
McQuinn, James: single, male, 74, born MA; old age (p. 184). Admit Aug 9, 1927. (LCPF ledger)
Mickey, Geo: 84, born Russia, German; has been married twice; last employ Odessa. Admit Apr 9, 1920, old age (p. 158). (LCPF ledger)
Neeves, W. W.: 72, born OR; no known relatives (p. 176). Admit July 3, 1924. Discharge Apr 15, 1926-EW Hospital for Insane. (LCPF ledger)
O’Neal, Tom: "Tom O’Neal, a young man about 25 or 30 years old, died last Sunday evening, upstairs over the Owl saloon, from an overdose of opium, or something of that nature, and Tuesday was buried by the undertaker, O W Stone, out on the poor farm. It is reported that he had lost what little money he had earned during the harvest season about town, and it is presumed that he had taken an overdose of poison with suicidal intent. He had gone to bed, over the Owl saloon, Saturday night, and about midnight his heavy breathing awakened some one in an adjoining room, who, upon investigation, found that he was in great agony, and Dr Whitney was immediately summoned. He was already past help, but some effort was made to revive him, without success, and along about 5 o’clock in the afternoon he passed away. There was nothing on his person to indicate where he came from or whether or not he had any relatives. For the last ten days he had been stopping around town, and was regarded as a sort of ‘tin-horn’ and if he had earned anything in the harvest field he had got rid of it. It is supposed that he had become gloomy over his situation, realized that winter was coming on, and that he had no means with which to take care of himself, and had concluded to put himself out of the way." (LCT: 10-03-1902)
Perry, Hiram J.: 62 single male, born Hart, KY (p. 119). Admit Oct 15, 1914; relatives at Coffeeville, KS; Mrs. Mary Gaertzen. (LCPF ledger)
Petherick, Daniel: 70, born Canada (p. 180). Admit Nov 11, 1926. (LCPF ledger)
Pfief, Jacob: 21, born Russia; single, farmer, tuberculosis (p. 143). Admit Jan 19, 1918. Discharge Feb 15, 1918 to Edgecliff. Cousin is Henry Pfief of Odessa, WA. (LCPF ledger)
Pfief, Jacob: 22, born Russia; single, (relative: Henry Pfief of Odessa) tuberculosis. Admit Apr 26, 1919. Discharge May 19, 1919 to Odessa (p. 151). (LCPF ledger)
Pratt, William: 75, born Canada, widower, (contact: Mary Morrison) softening of brain. Admit Apr 26, 1919. Discharge Aug 25, 1919 (p. 152). (LCPF ledger)
Pratt, William: 77, born Lenirick, Canada; married; last employ Harrington (p. 170). Admit Dec 17, 1921. Discharge Dec 21, 1922 Hospital for Insane, Medical Lake. Previous admit Apr 26, 1919-Aug 25, 1919. (LCPF ledger)
Reiland, Mary: 40, and Anna, 20 (p. 79). Admit Sept 1, 1908. Discharge May 13, 1909. Mary sent to EW Insane Asylum; Anna to Feeble-minded Institute, Medical Lake. (LCPF ledger)
Russell, Ed: 53, born Florence, MA; last employ w/Mrs. Sandygren; rheumatism (p. 124). Admit Dec 27, 1914. Discharge Dec 30, 1914 to Med. Lake Insane Asylum. (LCPF ledger)
Schmidt, Hans L. "Hans L. Schmit. Died: 30 Jan 1916, at County Poor Farm, Davenport, WA. Birth: unknown, approx. 80 years old. Spouse: unknown. Parents: unknown. Burial: County Poor Farm (Richard Gunning Farm), Davenport, WA; N. B. ‘This property has been in private hands for years. As of 1 June 1984, it is the belief that the remains are still there.’" (Lincoln Co Health death card)
Stanley, William T.: 68, born Clay Co, IL; single; birthday Jan 9. (p #197). Admit Mar 25, 1930. Discharge May 10, 1930 to work in Davenport. Re-admit July 15, 1930. Brothers: Ira P. Stanley of Spokane and Rolla C Stanley of Okanogan; last employment with Henry Gale. (LCPF ledger)
Stratton (?Scratton), Geo W.: 68, born Bridgeport, CT; single, feeble minded (p.#68). Admit Sept 27, 1907. Discharge Dec 17, 1907 to Medical Lake. No known friends or relatives; “threatened others”. (LCPF ledger)
Whan, Mrs. Lutie: 38, German, born Piper City, IL; (see p. 162 listing) (p. 155). Admit Dec 26, 1919. Discharge Jan 2, 1920 to Sacred Heart; “her 4 children put in Children’s Home in Spokane”. Contact: Mrs. Will Voss of Bluestem, WA. (LCPF ledger) Other entry in ledger: Mrs. R. H. Whan. 39, born IL. Last employ: School District #99, Lincoln County. Admit: March 5, 1921. Discharge: April 13, 1921 to Edwall; four boys: 5, 4, 3. (page 162, LCPF ledger)
Lincoln County Poor Farm Cemetery, Davenport, Washington,
submitted December 15, 2005 to the Lincoln County GenWeb
by Marge Womach
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