Krupp Valley Cemetery
& Obituaries
Also known as Marlin Cemetery
Grant County, Washington submitted by Marge Womach
Page C through D
The Krupp Valley Cemetery at Marlin, Grant Co, WA is located west of town, taking the first graveled road/cow trail on the left side of the road (south) as one leaves the town to the west. Records of the cemetery compiled by Ruth Briscoe (undated) and Geo Beck were carefully studied and researched in an attempt to provide an accurate reading of the cemetery. I walked the cemetery in 1998 with several return trips to photograph and compare placements of graves and family plots. Marge Womach <>
The town went through a name change circa 1919, legally it is yet Town of Krupp, Marling PO, and the cemetery is deeded Krupp Valley Cemetery.
Calkins, George L d. after 12 Sept 1918; Cater, Otis Trask *+ 1888-1949 "father" Cater, Catherine + 1892-1966 "mother" Christianson, Anna * Died Nov 24, 1945, aged 93 yrs 9 mo 10 dys Christiansen, Jens Christ.+ b. Mar 5, 1852; d. Mar 7, 1933; bur. Marlin (Irma) Christensen, Christina Sime + d. July 5, 1907; w/o PN Christensen, Katrina C -- Oct 27, 1892-Sept 13, 1905, d/o J C Christensen Christensen, Martin P 1888-1963; h/o Ollie Christenson, Ollie 1879-1928; w/o Martin Clark, H L (infant, no date, 1903 or 1904; source: Hist. of cem.) Corrigan, Emma + 1866-1954 (2 on 1) d. 4-17-1954 Corrigan, John + 1862-1933 (2 on 1, with Emma) d. Nov. 1933 Crees, William G * 1858-1942; d. 1-13-1942 Crees, Sarah + d. June 1948 Dashiell, Jennie (Campbell)* d. Aug 25, 1908, aged 25 yrs 5 mo, w/o W C Dashiell Dashiell, William C *+ 1878-1943; d. 6-16-1943 Edberg, John *
(Items labeled “scrapbook news” most frequently were taken from the Odessa Record, the Wenatchee World, Grant County Journal, Big Bend Chief or the Spokesman Review, and were found in scrapbooks at local museums.)
Calkins, George L
(d. after 12 Sept 1918)
Geo Calkins’ name is shown on the 1948 mapping of the Marlin Cemetery
by Geo Beck. Research has shown that George Lawrence Calkins was born 8 June
1885. He registered for the draft on Sept 12, 1918, on which document he showed
that he was employed by J M Swigart, and that H C Erickson was his emergency
contact person. His name was not found on the 1920 census, and it is presumed
that he died during the flu epidemic.
Cater, Otis Trask; (1888-1949 “father” ) “Otis Trask Cater. Died: 6-04-1949, Marlin, WA. Father: A T Cater. Mother: Eugenia McCure. Spouse: married. Buried: Marlin, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health death card. There is a death card for Asa T Cater, died 12-15-1938 at Marlin. Asa was the son of Joshua Cater with burial in St Cloud, MN) “The Odessa veterans group assisted in funeral services on Monday at Marlin, for Otis Trask Cater, 60, who died at his home there on Saturday night, after about two years of illness. Mr Cater was born in St Cloud, MN, July 23, 1888, and came to Washington in 1914, locating at Marlin. In 1919, at Moscow, Idaho, he was married to Miss Katherine Urquhart, daughter of a prominent pioneer family of the Marlin area, and they have continued their home there since. He was active in community life, a member of the Marlin school board for 18 years, part of this time as clerk, and a director of the Odessa Grange Supply company for several years, until his illness compelled his resignation. An overseas veteran of World War I, he was a member of the Odessa posts of American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, these two groups handling the cemetery military rites. Funeral services were from the Marlin Presbyterian Church, the Rev H M Course of Coulee City, officiating. Burial was in the Marlin Cemetery. Mormon James and daughter, Mrs Elsie Newman, sang. Pallbearers were chosen from former neighbors, and included C H Graedel, Spokane; Harvey Beck, Spokane; Harry Hull, Opportunity; and Oscar Wagner, Lawrence Mohler and Ed Peterson, Jr, Marlin. He is survived by the widow, at home; two daughters, Mrs Robert Schell, Marlin, and Nora Cater, at home; two grandchildren; two brothers, Ray Cater of Marlin, and Lloyd Cater, St Cloud, MN.” (Odessa Record: 6-09-1949)
Cater, Catherine; (1892-1966 “mother”) “Marlin, Wash.—Mrs Catherine Cater, 74, long-time Columbia Basin resident, died yesterday in the Deaconess Hospital, Spokane. The daughter of Mr and Mrs George Urquhart, who settled on Crab Creek near here when the settlement was known as Krupp, Mrs Cater was one of the first white children born in the area. Her father raised cattle and sheep along Crab Creek in territorial days. She attended the first Marlin school, which was on the Urquhart ranch. Later she went to Whitworth College while it was still in Tacoma. She graduated 50 years ago from the then Washington State College at Pullman and taught school for several years. She married Otis Cater at Moscow, Idaho, and the couple returned to live and raise cattle on land originally settled and owned by members of both of their families. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs Robert Schell, Marlin, and Mrs Ervin Cizik, Quincy; one sister, Mrs Grace Cruickshank, Spokane; a brother, Alistair M Urquhart, Sunnyside, Wash., and 8 grandchildren. Funeral services will be at the English Congregational Church, Odessa, at 2 p.m. tomorrow with burial in the Marlin Cemetery.” (scrapbook item-6-30-1966)
Christianson, Anna; (Died Nov 24, 1945, aged 93 yrs 9 mo 10 dys) “Anna Christensen. Female, white, married. Wife of Jens C Christensen. Birth: 2-14-1853, Denmark. Housewife. Age 92 yrs 9 mos 10 days. Father: Pete Peterson born Denmark; Mother: unknown. Informant: Martin Christensen, Wilson Creek, WA, removed from Wilson Creek on Nov 25, 1945. Death: Nov 24, 1945, 11:20 p.m. at Yakima County Infirmary, Yakima rural, Yakima County, WA. Cause: Bronchitis pneumonia. Carl C Walters, ND, Yakima. Burial: Ephrata, WA, Funeral director: Leland E Plotts, Ephrata, WA.” (“Mrs Anna Christensen, wife of J C, Sr, and mother of Martin and Christina. Handicapped by cancerous nose. Buried at Marlin in family plot in 1945.” (Geo Beck data card collection)
Christiansen, Jens Christ.; (b. Mar 5, 1852; d. Mar 7, 1933) “Funeral services for J C Christensen, Marlin pioneer, who died Tuesday morning, were held on Wednesday afternoon from the Presbyterian church at Marlin, with the Rev H P Christensen, Odessa, officiating. Mr Christensen was born in Denmark on March 5, 1852, and came to America in 1881, settling for a time in Iowa, where he was married. With his wife he came to Washington in 1902 and settled near Marlin. Two children were born to the union, one a daughter, died in 1904, and the other a son, Martin, lives at the family home in Marlin. His widow also survives. The Christensen family completed the 31st year of residence on the family ranch on March 1, just previous to the death.” (Odessa record-March 10, 1933) “Jens Christian Christensen born March 5, 1852 in Denmark came to USA 1881, Came to Marlin, WA 1902. Died March 7, 1933, age 81 yrs 1 day. His wife and one son, Martin, surviving. Burial in Marlin. H P Christensen.” (Odessa Christ Lutheran Church ledger)
Christensen, Christina Sime; (d. July 5, 1907; w/o PN) “I performed the wedding service for John Urquhart to one of the Sime sisters and of the other to Peter Christensen. I also buried the latter a year later, 1907.” (Odessa Record: 5-06-1965, article about Rev H M Course, in which this quote appeared from a letter the minister had written. Christina Christensen died July 5, 1907; the wife of Peter N Christensen.
Katrina C C --; (Oct 27,
1892-Sept 13, 1905, d/o J C Christensen) “Katrina Christensen just before she
passed away, and dropped out of the Hoover school ranks.” (caption under her
photo in the Black Rock Country: 1889-1909)
“First youngster in South Hill to die, Sept 13, 1905. We kids sang at
funeral which was from house, 6 miles south of town. Marker, Katherine C
Christensen, 1892-1905.” (G Beck data cards) “Katherine Christensen, the
thirteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Christensen, died at her home 7
miles south of Krupp, Tuesday, Sept 13. The funeral services were conducted by
Rev Finlayson at the home Thursday, after which the remains were interred in the
Christensen, Martin P; (1888-1963) “Beryl Ja_sen told us at Moses Lake on 6-06-1964 that Uncle Martin died a year ago Memorial Day, buried at Marlin and her Aunt Ollie.” (Geo Beck data cards); Martin was the only surviving son of Jens Christian Christensen. “Martin Christensen. Birth: 3-30-1888. Death: July 1963. Location: unknown.” (SS Death Index; last residence not shown); “Martin Peter Christensen. Birth: 30 March 1888. Birthplace: Nebraska. County: Grant Co, WA.” (WW I Draft Registration; FHL Roll #: 1991570)
Christenson, Ollie; (1879-1928) “Martin Christensen married Ollie Johnson, about 1925” (G Beck data cards); “Ollie Johnson. Homestead SW ¼ Sec 14 Twp 21 R 30, Dec 12, 1903. Appears with her mother in the 1904 Black Rock Picnic. Married Martin Christensen circa 1925. Lived in Marlin with mother at time of Krupp fire, 1909. Died about 1932, not in Marlin Cemetery.” G Beck data card); “Allie Christensen. Died: 18 Aug 1928, age 44, Spokane, Spokane Co, WA. Father: Isaac Johnson. Mother: Marion Putoff. Spouse: M P Christensen.” (WA State Death Records: id #276446); “Groom: Martin Christensen, residing Marlin, WA. Age 37, single, farmer, born NE. Father: J C Christensen, born Denmark. Mother: Ana Peterson, born Denmark. Bride: Ollie Johnson, residing WA. Age 41, single, housekeeper, born IN. Father: Isaac Johnson, born IN; Mother: Mary Pottorff, born IN. Marriage: Spokane, WA, Sept 10, 1925. Witnesses: J C Christensen and Mrs Della Johnson. Officiant: Geo H Gray, Minister, Spokane, WA.” (Statistical Particulars: License A #36935) {Edit: submitted file suggest that her birth took place at Rock Creek, Bartholomew Co, IN in June 1881. Data not verified.}
Clark, H L; {no date, 1903 or 1904; source: History of cemetery: “assume to be infant of H L Clark and his wife, Lizzie Hose”. “H S (sic) Clark and Lizzie Hose of Krupp married at groom’s family home (A M Clark), Joe Hoover celebrates 40th birthday same evening at his home.” BBC: 1-19-1903; Surviving children of Harry Lee Clark and Elizabeth Margaret Louise Hose Clark were: Rex G, 1907; Melvin E, 1908; Verna, 1914, and Austin Miles, 1917. Elizabeth Clark was reportedly divorced on the 1930 census. Elizabeth died in 1971 at Wenatchee, survived by three sons and one daughter.}
Corrigan, Emma; (1866-1954; 2 on 1) d. Apr 17, 1954 “Emma B Corrigan.—Her home was at E3724 Third Ave. She is survived by one son, John L Corrigan, at the home; 3 grandchildren; 5 great grandchildren; one brother, David Herron, in Nebraska. Funeral Wed., April 21, at 10 a.m. from Sunset Memorial Chapel (Ball & Dodd), Jefferson at Fourth Ave., Rev John M Groschupf officiating, graveside services, 1:30 p.m. at the Marlin, Wash., cemetery.” (Spokesman Review: April 20, 1954) “Mrs Emma Corrigan, a former Marlin resident, passed away in Spokane where she has made her home for many years, and was laid to rest beside her husband in the Marlin Cemetery, April 21, at 1:30. She’s survived by a son, John.” (Western Sage: 4-28-1954)
Corrigan, John; (1862-1933; 2 on 1, with Emma) “A report has been received from the Ruff section, telling of the death of John Corigan, pioneer of that region, who had passed his 70th birthday. Mr Corigan moved to the Ruff country from Wilbur in 1902, homesteading on land there. He lived on the ranch until the time of his death. His survivors include his widow and one son, John L Corigan, at the home. A daughter preceded him in death. Burial and funeral services were at Marlin.” (Odessa Record: 12-01-1933) {Edit: The son, John L Corrigan died in Feb 1966.}
Crees, William G; (1858-1942) “William George Crees. Male, white, married, husband of Sarah A Crees, who is 67 yrs of age. Birth: July 16, 1860, Summerick, England. Residing in US 62 years. Usual Residence: Marlin, Grant Co, WA. Farmer. Aged: 82 yrs 5 mos 28 days. Father: unknown Crees, b. Summerset, England; Mother: Mary Grifin/Gripin, Summersit, England. Informant: McKay Hospital Records, Soap Lake, WA; 12 days’ stay. Death: 1-13-1942. Cause: Uremia; Due to cardio-vascular renal syndrome. Dr Ward, Ephrata, WA. Place of Death: McKay Memorial Research Hospital, Soap Lake, Grant Co, WA. Burial: Marlin, WA. Funeral Director: Herbert Jenkins, Ephrata, WA.” (WA State Dept of Health: Cert of Death)
Crees, Sarah; (d. June 1948) “Funeral services for Mrs Sarah Crees were held Saturday at the Presbyterian church, Rev Cook of Wilson Creek officiating. Burial was at the Marlin Cemetery. Mrs Maude Egbert, Rose Peterson, Mr and Mrs Harvey Beck and Mrs Mary Beck, all of Spokane, attended the funeral of Mrs Crees on Saturday.” (Odessa Record: July 1948) (Edit: The marriage record of Sarah in Spokane County provides the following: “Marriage in Spokane on Nov 5, 1906, Henry I Rasmus, pastor of 1st ME Church officiating; Married: William George Crees of Krupp and Sarah Barselt English of Spokane. Witnesses: Mrs D E Delong and William English. License was dated: Nov 5, 1906, also Spokane.”)
Dashiell, Jennie (Campbell); (d. Aug 25, 1908, aged 25 yrs 5 mo, w/o W C Dashiell) Jennie Campbell Dashiell. “Mrs W C Dashiell, of Krupp, the only daughter of Mr and Mrs W C Campbell, who have for many years lived on a farm, five miles west of Lind, died at Spokane last Tuesday morning. The funeral took place at Krupp Wednesday afternoon. The following account of her death and funeral appeared in the Spokane Chronicle as special correspondence from Krupp. ‘The largest funeral procession ever formed in Krupp accompanied the remains of Mrs W C Dashiell to the Krupp Cemetery Wednesday afternoon where interment was made. Reverend Monroe Everett, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church officiating. Mrs Dashiell died at the Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock, after five weeks’ illness. She was operated on for appendicitis five weeks ago, and later complications set in which resulted in death. She was the wife of Druggist W C Dashiell of this place, and a daughter of Mr and Mrs W C Campbell, pioneers of the Lind country who were present at the funeral. A number of friends and acquaintances from Lind attended the funeral, among whom were Postmaster J J Merriman. Funeral services were conducted in the Dashiell residence after which the procession was formed and the drive to the cemetery, a half mile from town, was made. Every business in town was closed and labor on the buildings being erected was suspended. Mrs Dashiell was 25 years old and a favorite with the people of this place. She went to Spokane apparently in good health, expecting to have the operation for appendicitis and return in a short time. After the operation she was unconscious most of the time.’ ” (scrapbook obit-1908; apparent birth est.: Mar 25, 1883. The obituary of her father shows the following pertinent details: “Walter C Campbell, was born in Buffalo, NY, Aug 29, 1855, died March 26, 1931, just five months to the day his wife passed away, which was Oct 26, 1930. He married Susan Smith. They came to Lind in 1883 and there was born to them a daughter, Jenny.” Walter and Susan Campbell were buried in the Lind Cemetery, Adams Co, WA.)
Dashiell, William C; (1878-1943) “William Clyde Dashiell. Died: June 16, 1943; Cause coronary thrombosis; at Motley Nursing Home, Lind, Adams Co, WA; Born: Dec 3, 1879 in NY; age 63 yrs 6 mos 13 days; husband of Nettie Jennie; Occupation: pharmacist; Father: Geo (error) Dashiell (b. NY); Mother: Orphia ____ (b. NY); Informant: Richard Dashiell of Marlin, WA; Burial Marlin Cemetery; Funeral Director: Henry F Precht of Lind, WA; Physician: Wendell H Sweer of Ritzville, WA.” (WA State Dept of Health Death Cert) “William C Dashiell, pioneer druggist of Marlin was buried from the Marlin Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon, with the Rev M J Galle of Odessa officiating. Mr Dashiell was born at Dayton, WA, Dec 3, 1878, and in 1903 came to Marlin where he remained for 37 years, operating a drug store and serving in the capacity of a doctor among the early residents. He was married to Jennie Campbell in (Jan) 1904 and she died in 1908. In 1914 he wed Bertha Haines, to whom two children were born, Lt William C of Ephrata and Richard L of Marlin. Survivors include the two sons and one grandson; four brothers, Ernest L of Oakland, CA; Homer E of Dallas, OR; Herbert P and Robert F of Cedonia; two sisters, Clara Singleterry and Elsie Hergesheimer of Cedonia. He died at Lind, WA, on June 16, at the age of 64 years.” (Odessa Record of June 24, 1943)
Contributed by Marge Womach to the WAGenweb
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