Line Cemetery Obituaries
Immanuel German Congregational Church
The County Line Cemetery was the rural cemetery of the Immanuel German Congregational Church near Packard. The cemetery sits within Lincoln County while the church edifice was located across Davis Road in Adams County. Located in the SW 1/4 in Sec 31 Twp 21 Range 35, it is near the corner of Bauer Rd and Davis Rd. It is northwest of Ritzville or 7 miles south and 3 miles west of Downs. There is a gate at the center of the south side of the cemetery. The northwest corner is overgrown with roses and brush; in 1999 the only area mowed was near the gate. Due to the density of the overgrowth in the one corner, additional stones may exist there. Some gravesites are marked with iron rods, many apparent burials with no remaining marker visible. The area is fenced. The church records have been located and were translated from German.
No effort has been made to locate the obituaries of the more recent burials. Anyone having obituaries or information regarding the families buried in County Line, please contact Marge Womach.
ECKHART: “Joseph Marien Eckhart, born Aug 15, 1928; died Aug 15, 1928; Buried: Weber; Informant was David Eckhart of Weber; Mother was Alm M. Arlt.” (Adams Co Health Dept Death Certificate) No visible tombstone was found.
HEIMBIGNER: “Stillborn Heimbigner child of Heinrich Heimbigner died May 5, 1908 in Lincoln Co.” (Immanuel Church ledger) No visible tombstone was found.
KAISER: “Elisabeth Keiser, child of Philip Keiser was buried from the Immanuel church on Nov 7, 1908 at the age of 6 months 24 days.” (Immanuel Church ledger) The tombstone shows “Baby Elizabeth Kaiser died Nov 1908, aged 7 months.
KIEHN: “Mrs. Anna Margaretta Kiehn died Monday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Lenhart, northwest of Ritzville. She was aged 75 years, 11 months and 3 days. The funeral was held Wednesday at noon at the Lenhart home and at 1:30 at the County Line Church, being conducted by Rev Mr. Meyer. Mrs. Kiehn was born in Russia, her maiden name being Anna M. Amen. She was married to Henry Kiehn in that country. They came to America over 40 years ago, settling in this county in the early ‘80s. Mr. Kiehn died 33 years ago. There are six children who survive. They are H. H. Kiehn and Jacob Kiehn of Ritzville; George Kiehn, Opportunity; Mrs. Margaret Huber, Spokane; Mrs. Lizzie Thiel and Mrs. Mary Lenhart, Ritzville. All of them with many of their children were present at the funeral. Mrs. Kiehn was one of the pioneers of the county.” (The Journal Times of Ritzville-Dec 1, 1921) (Funeral was recorded in Immanuel Church ledger.) No visible tombstone was found.
KIEHN: "Conrad Kiehn, the 18 year old son of Conrad Kiehn, Jr;, prominent farmer residing about 12 miles southwest of Odessa, passed away at the home of his parents last Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, after an illness of several weeks. The immediate cause of his death was peritonitis, and with the exception of the last two weeks at home, he had been under physicians’ care at the St Luke’s hospital in Spokane since the 11th of last October for the sickness. At the time of his death he was aged 17 years, 11 months and 7 days. The funeral services were held Monday noon from the German Congregational church on the county line, 14 miles southwest of Odessa, and were conducted by the Rev G. Graedel. Interment was made in the church cemetery near the Kiehn home. Deceased was born in Saratow, Russia on the 26th day of January, 1896 and removed to this country with his parents in the year 1900 and has resided here on the farm with them since that time. He leaves besides his father and mother, four brothers and one sister to mourn his loss, and to the family the sympathy of this community is extended in their deep sorrow." (Odessa Record: 1-09-1914)
KIEHN: “John H. Kiehn passed away at his home in Marcellus Friday, March 29, (1918). He had been ill for three years, suffering from tuberculosis. He leaves a wife and three children. The funeral services were held Sunday, March 31, interment being made in the County Line Cemetery.” (The Journal Times of Apr 4, 1918) No visible tombstone was found.
KIEHN: infant female child of Jacob and Katherine Kiehn, died before the turn of the century. Information provided by Corky Kiehn. Corky’s dad, Carl Kiehn, was born in 1900 and the infant buried in this cemetery was born and died before Carl Kiehn’s birth.
KIEHN: Jacob and Conrad Kiehn were brothers; Conrad sold his farm near the County Line to Jacob, and Conrad moved to Odessa where he established a blacksmith shop and followed his trade. Conrad’s wife was Catherine Christine Kramer, third child of Johann Peter and Marie Christine (Kaiser) Kramer. Jacob and his wife Katherine resided on the farm. (family report)
KIEHN: Born on Dec 24, 1903 in Adams County, male child, to Katie Amen, 19, born WA, her first child; and to John Kiehn, 21, born WA, a farmer; return filed by J. M. Adams. (Adams County Auditor: Birth Register)
KIEHN: “Infant Kiehn. Female, white, infant; Born: Dec 7, 1916 in Adams Co; Father = John Kiehn born Russia; Mother = Katie Kiehn born Russia; Died: Dec 7, 1916; Cause: Inanition, survived 6 hours. Informant: John Kiehn of Marcellus; F. R. Burroughs, MD; Burial: Marcellus on Dec 8, 1916.” (WA State Board of Health Cert. of Death.) No visible stone was found.
KISTER: “Catherine Kister, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Kister, died at the family home two miles north of Packard on Monday, July 2, (1917). Her death came as a result of ptomaine poisoning contracted in eating candy on the thirteenth day of May. She was taken to Spokane and remained there for three weeks under the care of doctors and nurses and was improved so that she could return home. She took further treatment in Ritzville last week, going home last Thursday, Friday she suffered a relapse from which she failed to rally. Miss Kister was born in Pendleton, Oregon, May 24th, 1895. She was just past 22 years of age. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the home at 1 PM and at the church near Packard at 2 PM, conducted by Rev Maier. Interment was made in the cemetery beside the church. The deceased leaves beside her immediate family other relatives and a host of friends to mourn her death.” (WA State Journal and Ritzville Times of 5 July 1917) (Funeral appears in the Immanuel Church ledger in which her age was given as 22 years 1 month and 10 days.) No visible tombstone was found.
KRAMER: Anna Kramer’s tombstone shows b. 1892, d. 1893, “sister” . This is apparently a memorial stone as the family report asserts that the burial occurred in Nebraska.
KRAMER: “Arthur Kramer.—Arthur Kramer, a native of the Ritzville area, died at his home in Seattle on Oct 17, 1992. Mr. Kramer, who was 84 years old, was the cousin of Martin Kramer, Howard Kramer and Audrey Beck, all of Odessa. He was born of the family farm near Ritzville and lived there until his senior year of high school. He frequently returned to the farm in recent years, where he took pride in repairing and restoring the family home. Mr. Kramer was graduated from Roosevelt High School in Seattle and received bachelor and master degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Washington. He was employed by Puget Sound Power and Light Co in Seattle, Olympia, Bellingham, Puyallup and Concrete, WA. He married Donna Hildesheim in 1935, and they had been married for nearly 50 years at the time of her death in 1983. He is survived by a son, Gordon, of Issaquah, WA, and a daughter, Muriel Nelson, of Federal Way, and six grandchildren. Mr. Kramer was a devoted leader in the activities of the Magnolia Presbyterian Church in Seattle, serving as a deacon and making major contributions of his building and woodworking skills. He sang in choirs and led efforts to secure and maintain church organs. In his retirement, Mr. Kramer wrote family histories and was a leader in the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. He had assisted in the arrangements for the national convention of that organization which was held in Seattle just four months before his death. He had also written a history of Puget Sound Power and Light Co and a 100-year history of the University of Washington College of Engineering. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America, for which he served as council president in Olympia, district trainer and other positions. He served the Seattle Habitat for Humanity and was a member of the Lions Club and Kiwanis Club and was involved in numerous other community organizations and projects. A memorial service was held on Oct 25 at the Magnolia Presbyterian Church. Interment was at the County Line Cemetery near Ritzville.” (Odessa Record-Nov 19, 1992) Tombstone shows b. 1908, d. 1992.
KRAMER: Annie “Kret” Kramer “A terrible accident occurred at the farm home of Peter Kramer, living 18 miles southeast of Odessa, last Saturday afternoon, the victim being Mr. Kramer’s 13 year old daughter, Annie, who is also a sister of Mrs. C. A. Kiehn of this city. She was shot by a gun in the hands of her brother, Michael, aged 19 years, the charge entering her right breast, killing her almost instantly. The following story of the accident is told by C. A. Kiehn, who received the news by telephone shortly after it occurred and later visited the scene: Mr. Kramer and two of his sons went to Ritzville in the morning, leaving his wife, Michael, and Annie at home. They had a late dinner, after which Mrs. Kramer suggested to Michael that he take the gun and go out and try to shoot a rabbit. He lingered for some time, however, romping about the house with his sister, Annie; the two were always together and seemed very fond of each other. Finally Mrs. Kramer again spoke to Michael about going hunting and he went to where the gun hung and took it down and made ready to do his mother’s bidding. He stood in the door with it in his hand when his sister tagged him with a stick. He tagged her back and after several passes were made he lifted the gun, which was loaded, gripped it, unknowingly, with his finger on the trigger and tagged her the last time. The barrel was pressed against her, when the gun went off and the full charge entered her right breast. She fell to the floor and the boy dropped down before her and pleaded for forgiveness, but she was unable to speak. Mrs. Kramer did what she could to stop the flow of blood from the wound and sent the boy to Ritzville, 12 miles distant, for a doctor. Arriving at Griffiths corners, four miles from town, he met his father and brothers and told them what had happened. Before they could arrive the girl was dead. She lived but a few minutes after she was shot. The boy was nearly crazed with grief and implored his father to shoot him on the spot. His mind has since become partly deranged over the affair and a constant watch has to be kept over him. The funeral was held from a near-by school house on Monday, Rev Gillman, of the German Lutheran Church of Ritzville, officiating. The Record joins in extending sympathy to the grief-stricken family and more especially to the boy who was the unconscious author of it all. Don’t blame him; possibly he was careless but then we all make mistakes and can ill afford to condemn one that has been less fortunate than ourselves.” (Odessa Record 1-16-03) (Her tombstone reads “Kret Kramer”, born May 13, 1889, died Jan 10, 1903, “tochter von Peter & Maria Kramer”.)
KRAMER: “Heinrich Kramer, son of Henry and Eva Kramer, died July 2, 1905 in Lincoln County, at the age of 5 years 6 months.” (Immanuel Church funeral ledger; this date appears more accurate than the tombstone.)
KRAMER: “Heinrich Kramer, ‘father Kramer’, died Aug 19, 1908 in Spokane at the age of 36 years 8 months 26 days.” (Immanuel Church funeral ledger)
KRAMER: Marie Kramer’s tombstone shows birth as 1894, death as 1985.
KRAMER: Marie Kramer “vochter von Peter B. Kramer” was born Apr 2, 1897, and died May 22, 1898.
KRAMER: Marie Katherina Kramer was born Feb 19, 1853 in Russia, the daughter of Conrad Keyser, also born Russia. She died July 29, 1921 at Marcellus from “exhaustion due to gangrene of left foot.” Contributory cause is listed as diabetes. Attending physician was F. K. Burroughs. Informant was Mrs. Katie Kinzel of Marcellus. Burial is listed as “Marcellus Cemetery” with date of burial as July 31, 1921, with Undertaker M. F. Haight of Ritzville. (Source: Adams Co Health Dept Death Certificate)
KRAMER: “Marie Katherina Kramer, wife of Peter Kramer, died at the family home, Marcellus, Thursday, July 28, 1921. The funeral was held from the Congregational Church at Marcellus last Sunday, conducted by the pastor, Rev Brockman, and interment was in the Marcellus Cemetery. Mrs. Kramer was born in Russia, Feb 19, 1853 and was 68 years 5 months 10 days at the time of her death. She and her husband were pioneers of this county, having lived here 25 years. About 5 years ago they retired from the farm. She is survived by her husband and a large circle of relatives and friends.” (Journal Times-Aug 4, 1921)(Family report shows Marie Katherina Kramer as the wife of Johann Peter Kramer, and they were familiarly called Mary and Peter. The tombstone is in this County Line Cemetery.) Shared tombstone with John P. Kramer, showing Marie C. Kramer, 1853-1921.
KRAMER: “Miss Martha Kramer, 30, passed away Wednesday, Feb 17, (1932), and the funeral services were held from the County Line Church Sunday, with interment in the church cemetery. Rev Morach officiated. Miss Kramer was born and spent most of her life on the home place of her parents north of Ritzville. She attended school at District No 11 in Lincoln County. Her father, Henry Kramer, died in 1908, and her mother in 1926. They were well known pioneers of this section, coming here from Russia 40 years ago. Deceased is survived by four brothers and two sisters. They are Philip of Peshastin, Ferdinand and Arthur of Seattle, David of Ritzville, Marie of Ritzville and Pauline of Seattle."”(Ritzville Journal Times of Feb 25, 1932) Tombstone shows birth as 1902 and death as 1932, “Sister”.
KRAMER: Mary K. Kramer was born 1871, died 1926, and has a shared tombstone with Henry, “Mother”.“Mary K.. Kramer. Female, white, widowed. Wife of Henry Kramer. Birth: Jan 3, 1870; aged: 55 yrs 4 mos 27 days. Retired. Birthplace: Russia. Father: Philip Kramer, born Russia. Mother: don’t know. Informant: David Kramer, Ritzville, WA. Death: May 30, 1926, 12;50 p.m. near Odessa, Reg. Dist #6, Lincoln Co. Cause: Sarcoma of spleen, of 1 yr duration. J. Johnston, MD. Burial: County Line Cemetery. M. F. Haight, undertaker of Ritzville.” (Death certificate) “A decree of distribution has been signed in the estate of Mary K. Kramer, deceased, distributing the property of the estate in equal shares to the seven children.” (Odessa Record: 7-25-1930)
KRAMER: Paulina Kramer. Tombstone shows birth as 1896 and death as 1983.
KRAMER: Philip Kramer. Tombstone shows birth as Dec 30, 1898 and death as Oct 31, 1966. “Brother”.
LENHART: “Elmer Lenhart, four month old child of Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Lenhart, died of pneumonia at their home near Packard Monday (Jan 10, 1927). The child had recently been brought home from Spokane where it underwent a mastoid operation, which no doubt greatly lowered its powers of resistance. Funeral services were held at the Packard Congregational Church Wednesday afternoon, the Rev Carl Schatz officiating, after which interment took place in the church cemetery.” (Odessa Record of 1-14-27) “Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Lenhart went to Packard Wednesday to attend the funeral of Elmer Lenhart. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lenhardt of Irby passed through town Wednesday en route to Packard to attend the Lenhardt baby’s funeral. Con Lenhardt reported at the Record office Monday that he had turned about all the duties of his business at Moody over to his partner, Fred Frick, so he could be at home here with his family this winter.” (Odessa Record-Jan 14, 1927) (Not recorded in Immanuel Church funeral ledger) Tombstone shows Elmer Frederick Lenhart, b. Aug 13, 1926, d. Jan 10, 1927.
LENHART: “Eldora Lenhart, 15, oldest child of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Lenhart, residing between Ritzville and Odessa, died at a Spokane hospital last Thursday of double pneumonia. The body was shipped to Haight mortuary here and the funeral held Sunday from what is best known as the County Line church, between Adams and Lincoln counties, Rev Morach officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents and nine brothers and sisters.” (Ritzville Journal Times of May 28, 1931) (Not recorded in the Immanuel Church funeral ledger.) Tombstone for this burial shows Helen Eldora Lenhart, b. 1915, d. 1931, “daughter of Anna & Jacob Lenhart”.
LENHART: Elvera Geneva Lenhart. “Elira Lenhart, born Nov 3, 1923, was buried from the Immanuel Church on March 14, 1924. She was 4 months and 11 days.” (Immanuel Church funeral ledger) Tombstone is in County Line Cemetery with this data.
LESSER: “Miss Martha Lesser, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Lesser who reside near the county line north of town, died in the hospital at Spokane at 4:25 last Friday morning following an operation for appendicitis. The body was brought to Ritzville and the funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the County Line Church, being conducted by Rev K. K. Maier. The funeral was attended by a large company of friends and relatives. The burial took place in the nearby cemetery. Martha would have been eighteen years old the last of this month, and her death just as she was entering womanhood is a sad blow to her loved ones. Besides her parents she leaves to mourn her untimely death two brothers, Samuel and Daniel, and one sister, Dena, all at home. (Journal Times of 27 July 1922) “Martha Lesser, daughter of Conrad Lesser, was born July 21, 1904 in Ritzville, WA and her funeral was July 21, 1922. Her age was 17 years.” (Immanuel Church funeral ledger) No visible tombstone was found for this burial.
LESSER: “Samuel Lesser died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Borgens, 14 miles northwest of Ritzville last Sunday (Jan 13, 1924). Infirmities of old age caused his death, although his general health had been good. He was born in Russia on Jan 28, 1836, and was thus aged 87 years 11 months, 16 days at the time of his death. For the past 17 years he has been a resident of Adams County. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the County Line Church, conducted by the pastor, Rev K. K. Meyer, and burial was in the cemetery nearby. Mr. Lesser is survived by four children, Mrs. Mary Borgens, Conrad Lesser of Ritzville, and Henry and Jacob in the East. His wife died in Russia 43 years ago. He also leaves 28 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.” (Journal Times-Jan 17, 1924-Thursday.) (Immanuel Church ledger adds that he was born in Frank, Russia.) No visible tombstone was found for this burial.
REIDER: “Esther Reider, daughter of Feik Reider, died May 2, 1911 in Adams County, at the age of 3 years.” (Immanuel Church funeral ledger) “Esther Reiter. Female, white; b. May 1908; age 3 years; born Adams Co, WA; Father = Fred Reiter b. Russia; Mother = Katie Webber born Russia; Informant = Adam Weber; Died: May 2, 1911 from shock due to scalding, fell into wash tub of hot water. Lived 26 hours. No physician called. Burial: County Line Cong. Church on May 4, 1911.” (WA State Board of Health, Cert. of Death.) The tombstone is located in the Weber plot, born 1908, died 1911, “sister”.
SCHAEFER: “Infant (Schaefer) of Konrad and Maria Schaefer was buried from the Immanuel Church on Nov 29, 1913, aged 4 months.” (Immanuel Church funeral ledger) No visible tombstone was found for this burial.
SCHAFFER: “We are sorry to hear that John Shaffer, living near the north line of the county, has lost three children in the past few days.” (Feb 17, 1899-Ritzville paper) This limited news item represents the deaths of John Schaffer, Henry Schaffer and Mary Schaffer. These three children are on three sides of one 4 ft tall white-gray marble tombstone. Mary born Sept 10, 1888, died Jan 31, 1899; Henry born Jan 21, 1895, died Feb 13, 1899; John born Nov 8, 1896, died Feb 6, 1899. Beloved Children of John and Annie Schaffer.
SCHAFER: “Matilda (Schafer), two year old daughter of Henry Schafer living south of town, died Sunday, Nov 22, 1903 of typhoid fever. Funeral services were held at Emmanuel Church with Rev A. Fischer officiating. Interment was held in the cemetery adjacent the church.” (Odessa Record-Nov 27, 1903) (This funeral appears in the Immanuel Church ledger. Her age was recorded as 2 yrs 22 days.) Tombstone shows born July 30, 1901 and died Nov 22, 1903 “vochter von H. & K. Schafer”.
SCHAFER: “Henry Schafer, Jr., age 17 years 5 days, son of Henry and Katherine Schafer, died at their home 12 miles southeast of Odessa on Oct 30, 1903 of typhoid fever. He was born in Frank Russia on Oct 25, 1886 and was five months old when he was brought to the US. Rev A. Fischer officiated at his funeral.” (Odessa Record-Nov 6, 1903) (This funeral appears in the Immanuel Church ledger. His age was recorded as 17 yrs 5 days.) Tombstone shows Heinrich Schafer b. Oct 25, 1886; d. Oct 30, 1903; “sohn von H & K Schafer”.
SCHMIDT: “Harold Schmidt. Male, white, b. Jan 5, 1904 in Adams Co, WA. Single; Father = Chas Schmidt born Germany; Mother = Katie Harding born Russia; F. R. Burroughs, registrar; Died: Sept 27, 1907 at 10 AM from Lobor pneumonia of 8 days duration. Place of burial: North of Ritzville.” (WA State Board of Health: Register of Death. ) The tombstone reads Apr 27, and the Death Certificate reads Sept 27, however, the stone was a shared stone and therefore delayed from the time of death of each of the children. Tombstone bears the spelling “Herold”.
SCHMIDT: Lorenz Schmidt’s tombstone shows birth as Jan 5, 1904 and death as Apr 19, 1904, the stone being shared with Herold and Mathilda. “Children of G. J. & K. Schmidt”. One footstone was found bearing the initials “L. S.”
SCHMIDT: Mathilda Schmidt was b. Feb 25, 1900 and died Aug 23, 1909, daughter of G. J. and K. Schmidt, per their shared tombstone.
SCHOESSLER: “Jacob G. Schoessler died last night at seven o’clock at the home of his father, George Schoessler, Sr., in this city. Death was caused from pneumonia, which set in after an attack of influenza some two weeks ago. Mr. Schoessler was just in the prime of life and was engaged in farming twelve miles northwest of Ritzville. Date of the funeral has not yet been set. Rev Morach will conduct the services in town, and the body will be taken to the County Line Church as soon as the roads are passable, and the funeral there conducted by Rev Mr. Maier. Mr. Schoessler was a member of the County Line Church and burial will be in the cemetery near by. Mr. Schoessler was born in Ohio and was 39 years of age. He was united in marriage to Miss Pauline Schmidt, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Chas Schmidt, in May 1915. He is survived by his wife, and five children, and by his father and mother. His death is a very sad one.” (Journal Times-23 Feb 1922) “Owing to the continued bad condition of the roads the funeral arrangements for Jacob Schoessler, who died here last week of pneumonia, were changed. It had been intended to hold the burial services and make interment out at the County Line church and cemetery, but the roads have been impassable for autos. The services were accordingly held at the Philadelphia church last Monday, being conducted by Rev Mr. Meyer and Mev Jacob Morach, and the body laid to rest in the Ritzville Cemetery.” (Journal Times-2 March 1922) (Edit: The Immanuel Church funeral ledger lists Jacob Schoessler as Jacob Schissler, son of George, and born Aug 1, 1882 with his funeral from the Philadelphia Church in Ritzville on Feb 22, 1922. The ledger lists his age as 43 years rather than the 39 years of the obituary. There is no evidence to demonstrate his removal from Ritzville to the County Line Cemetery.)
SCHOESSLER: “Miss Katie Schoessler, 19-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George Schoessler, living 14 miles northwest of town died Sunday of consumption. Interment took place at the County Line Cemetery.” (Washington State Journal-Jan 21, 1909) (The funeral is recorded in the Immanuel Church ledger showing her name as Katharina Margaretha, that death occurred on Jan 17, 1909 in Adams County, aged 18 years 11 months and 22 days.) Tombstone shows b. Jan 24, 1890; d. Jan 17, 1909, daughter of George and Katie Schoessler.
WALLIS: "Wallis, John. Died: 27 March 1919 in Odessa, WA. Birth: 26 Jan 1919, WA. Mother: Mollie Heimbigner, b. WA.; Father: John Wallis, b. WA; Burial: German Congregational Cemetery, County Line between Lincoln and Adams Co’s." (Lincoln Co Health death card)
WALTER: Tombstone for “baby girl Walter, early 1920’s”. (documentation not found)
WALTER: “Infant son of John Walter died south of Odessa yesterday morning of pneumonia, age 2 months. The funeral was held at the Congregational Church southwest of town with burial in the church cemetery.” (Odessa Record-March 28, 1919) (Edit: Either Emmaus or Packard Congregation church cemetery? The presence of “Baby Elmer Walter early 1920’s” suggests that this obituary reflects the details behind this tombstone.
(The Immanuel Church funeral ledger does not mention either of the “Walter infants”.) “Male, white, date of birth Sept. 24 1919; Place of death, Adams County, City, P.O. Ritzville; date of death - Sept. 28 1919 - age 3 days; cause – annorhexia; Parents: Konrad Walter & Marie Weber; Buried - County Line Cemetery on Sept. 29th. 1919; undertaker - buried by Rev. Reimann. (WA State Death Certificate- assumed for Baby Elmer Walter)
WEBER: Buckley Gene Weber. “our baby, 1951" Weber" Died: 4-10-1951. Buried: County Line Cemetery, SE Odessa, WA.” (Lincoln Co Health Death cards)
WEBER: Daniel (Speed) Weber. Tombstone. b. 1904. d. 1977.
WEBER: “Funeral services for Ellen Louise Weber, 13, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Weber, were held this afternoon at the Zion Congregational church, with the Rev Frederick Burkhardt officiating. She died Monday at 9:45 PM following a 5-week’s illness. Death was believed due to strathcoma, a cancerous infection of the bone. Miss Weber was injured 18 months ago when she fell while playing at school here. She had been taken to bone specialists throughout the Northwest and was pronounced cured last summer. About 5 weeks ago she was taken ill with a cold which is believed to have stirred up the bone infection. She is survived by her parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Weber and 8 brothers, Eugene, Ernest, Peter, Thomas, Robert, Jerry, Jack and Michael. She will be buried in the Lincoln-Adams County Cemetery, of Marcellus. (Ritzville Journal Times of Oct 29, 1936) Tombstone shows b. 1923, d. 1936. Ellen Weber, 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weber died at the family home at Packard on Monday evening, after a year of illness from a cancer that set in on her knee. Funeral was held in Ritzville with burial in the County Line Cemetery. Survivors include her parents, her grandparents, the Adam Webers, 8 brothers: Eugene, Ernest, Peter, Tommy, Robert, Jack, Jerry, and Michael. (notes from Odessa Record: 10-29-1936)
WEBER: George Weber. Tombstone shared with Marie. b. 1902; d. 1992.
WEBER: Adams Co Health Death Cert. of Irvine Lewis Weber lists his birth date as April 10, 1921 and the date of death as Aug 16, 1925. Age 4 yrs 4 mos 6 days. Cause of death was bronchial pneumonia. Father is listed as John Weber (b. WA) and mother as Lales Schortzman (b. S. Dakota). Place of death was near Packard. Ritzville Mortuary Ledger of 1925-1930 shows “Irvin Lewis Weber; 4 yr 4 mos 6 days; Died at home North of Packard; Funeral Aug 18, 1924 at the County Line Church; Clergyman: Rev A. C. Delabarre; Died Aug 16, 2 PM; Cause: pneumonia; Interred Co Line Cemetery; Father: John Weber born Ritzville, WA; Mother Lolis Schortzman born South Dakota; Physician Dr L. M. Thompson. Total Bill: $164.” Tombstone shows Ervin L. Weber. b. 1921; d. 1925.
WEBER: “Mrs. Adam Weber died Monday, Oct 23, 1905, at the farm, twelve miles northwest of the city. Twelve small children are left in the care of the father.” (Adams County News of Nov 29, 1905) (The Immanuel Church funeral ledger shows, Magdalena Weber, wife of Adam, died Oct 23, 1905 at Crab Creek and was 36 years 8 months and 26 days. ) Tombstone of Magdalena Weber, b. Feb 6, 1869, d. Oct 23, 1905; “Beloved wife of Adam Weber”.
WEBER: Marie Weber, Tombstone. b. 1903; d. 1984. (shared stone with George Weber)
WEBER: Weber, Patrick Michael. Died: 1-02-1952. Buried: County Line Cemetery, SE Odessa, WA." (Lincoln Co Health burial card)
Submitted March 29, 2004 by Marge Womach
Updated November 12, 2004, March 2005.
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