Cemetery Obituaries
Sprague, Whitman County. Washington
Submitted by Marge Womach
Colyar cemetery is located 13 miles SE of Sprague, Washington on Hwy 23 in Section 13 Twp 19N R39EWM.
Colyar, Nancy: ( Nov 3, 1839, d. Feb 5, 1921) “Sprague, WA, Feb 6.—Funeral services for Nancy Colyar will be held Monday at the Methodist church, the Rev William Gornall officiating. Burial will be in the Colyar Cemetery in the Lamont country. Mrs. Colyar, a pioneer of this country, was 81 years old. For five years she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Green. She has been bedfast for the past two years. With her husband, who died five years ago, she settled south of Sprague, in the Lamont country. They accumulated large land holdings and considerable property in Sprague. She leaves three sons, T. A. of Tyler, B. F. of Cheney and R. W. of Spokane, and one daughter, Mrs. Green of Sprague.” (assume a Spokane paper, undated scrapbook item) “Record of Funeral: Mrs. Nancy Colyar. Born: KY. Widow of Wm Colyar. Charge to Wallie Colyar of Spokane, WA. Order given by sons. Funeral: Feb 7, 1921 at ME church with Rev Wm Bornall. Physician: Dr J. E. Bittner of Sprague. Death: Feb 5, 1921. Birth: Nov 3, 1839. Widow. Protestant. Aged: 81 yrs 3 mos 1 dy. Father: Reynolds. Interment: Colyar Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Colyar, Ruby Nola: ( b. Jan 20, 1903, d. Jan 12, 1906) Ruby Nola Colyar, the three year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Colyar, died at the home of her parents on Third Street at 2 o’clock Friday morning. The little one had endured more in the nature of illness in the last month of her life than falls to most people in the course of a life time. About the middle of December she was attacked with a mild form of scarlet fever and before she was fully recovered she was stricken with diphtheria. She was recovering from this when she was taken ill with pneumonia. Her baby strength was nearly exhausted in fighting the first attacks and was unequal to this. She was a beautiful little child; bright and affectionate, and her parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement. As the family were not out of quarantine the only thing in the way of funeral services was a short burial service at the grave. Interment was in the Colyar cemetery near Gresham church at 2 pm Saturday. (Sprague Times) “Nola Colyar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Colyar of Sprague and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cox of this place, died at Sprague Jan 12, 1906, at 1 o’clock a.m. of a complication of diseases, terminating in pneumonia. Age 2 years, 11 months and 23 days.” (Odessa Record: 1-19-1906)
Colyar, William: ( b. May 15, 1836, d. Dec 11, 1915) “Record of Funeral: William Colyar. Born: Indiana. Son of Benajah Colyar. Charge to Wallie Colyar. Funeral: Dec 12, 1915. Residence: Sprague. Funeral: Sprague. Death: Sprague on Dec 11, 1915. Cause: bronchial pneumonia. Physician: Dr D. M. Strang of Sprague. Retired farmer. married, Protestant. Aged: 76 yrs 6 mos 26 days. Father: Bonajah Colyar, born IN; Mother: Martha Vaughn. Interment at Colyar Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary Ledger) (edit: h/o Nancy) Passing of Wm Colyar. Wm Colyar one of he oldest settlers in this vicinity passed away at his home in this city at 5th and D Street on Saturday morning December 11, at the ripe age of 79 years, 6 months and 26 days. His death was caused by the infirmities of age and his last illness was of about 10 days duration altho he has been ailing more or less for the last five years. The funeral was held on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the Congregational church and burial was made in the Colyar cemetery. Rev. Jonathan Edwards former pastor of the deceased preached a masterly sermon over the remains. William Colyar was born in Kosciusko County, Indiana, May 15, 1836. He moved with his father to Newton, Iowa, in 1852, where they settled on a farm being among the earliest settlers. Arriving at manhood he followed the occupation of farming. When 21 years of age he was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Dawson of that place. They purchased a farm near Baxter, where they lived for 20 years. Nine children were born to them on this farm: Mrs. Mary Linder of Sprague, Robert B. Colyar deceased, Mrs. Marthe J. Viles, deceased, Thos. A. Colyar and Mrs. Malindah J. Smith of Sprague, Wm. A. Colyar of Seattle, Jeremiah W. deceased, Benjamin F. of Sprague and Reuben W. of Spokane. The widow, and one sister living at Lamar, Nebraska, also survive. The family came to the Sprague country in 1887 when they purchased a farm 14 miles southeast of this city, where they resided for many years. The three children who preceeded him in death are buried in the cemetery which bears his name and is located on the farm. He removed to Sprague after leaving the farm and has resided here ever since. He was hale and hearty all his life, having worked all of the time at out door work. Mr. Colyar was a good man. His word was as good as his bond. He was charitable to all and his death removed from our midst a good husband, father and neighbor. " ( The Sprague Times, Dec 17, 1915)Submitted by Barbara Curtis.
Cook, Kitty:
( b. Mar 6, 1853, d. Sep 6, 1911)
Mrs. Ira Cook of the Gresham
district died Wednesday morning at 6:15. She had been in failing health from
dropsy for several years but an unusually severe attack of about four weeks
duration brought the end. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock
at the
Green, Mary E. (Colyar) “Wife of James Green of Sprague. Funeral on Feb 18, 1925 at ME Church. Born Feb 16, 1858 in Iowa. Died Feb 16, 1925 in Sprague. Cause = heart failure. housewife; married; Methodist; age 67 years 0 mo 0 dy; Father = Wm Colyar born IN; mother = Nancy Dauson or Danson born KY. Interment Colyar Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary Ledger) Edit: First marriage was to Robert Linder; he died June 17, 1917.)
Louisa: ( d. Sep 7, 1903 @ 56y 5m 21d)
Mrs. J. P. Huffaker, aged 56 years, who died at her
home near
Robert: ( b. Oct 1,
1853, d. Jun 17, 1917)
Robert Linder was born in
Purdy, Ralph: “Order by Emery L Purdy. Funeral Aug 12, 1920. Born Aug 10, 1920 in Sprague. Died Aug 12, 1920 at Myrtle Hospital in Sprague. Physician Dr D. M. Strang. Cause of death cardiac failure. Age 2 days. Father = Emery S. Purdy born WA; mother = Jennie Bothesi born PA. Body shipped to Colyar Cemetery.” (Sprague Mortuary ledger)
Smith, d/o Grant: (Sprague Mortuary ledger index: d/o Grant Smith, dated: 2-13-1922; Colyar Cemetery. (poor legibility)
Olive Pearl: (d. 1909)
“Olive Pearl Viles, living South of Sprague, died
at her home on Tuesday of tuberculosis, aged 17 years 9 months and 21 days.
Deceased was a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Viles. The funeral was held
Thursday afternoon from the
Colyar Cemetery Obituaries, Sprague, Whitman County
Washington submitted by Marge Womach 2009.
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