Atlas Index of Cemeteries +
Compiled by Marge Womach
(created list, not all in the atlas of 1911)
Range/Township/Section followed by Name of Cemetery and notes:
34-21-32 German Lutheran Cem. (farmed over)
7-21-33 Odessa City Cem; prev. Germ. Lutheran, prev. Heimbigner’s Cem.
17-21-33 Bohemian Cem
18-21-33 Old Catholic Cem of Odessa
31-21-35 German Congregational Cem, called County Line Cem.
15-21-38 Maccabee Cem & Lakeview Cem
12-21-38 Cath. Cem of Sprague, sometimes called St Mary’s Cem.
19-22-33 Haase-Delzer Cem
34-22-34 Lamona Public Cem & Lamona Zion Luth. Cem
27-22-35 Downs Public Cem
34-23-31 Lentz Cemetery (NW of Odessa, not shown in NW ¼)
25-23-32 North Baptist Cem of Odessa
18-23-33 Friedensfeld Cong. Cem (also called Quast Cem)
23-23-36 Harrington Hillcrest & St Francis Cath. Cem
12-23-38 Edwall Cem.
12-23-38 Edwall Catholic Cem (not shown in SW ¼ SW ¼)
33-23-39 Sassin Evangelical Cemetery (not shown in NE corner)
22-23-39 Rockdale Cemetery (5 acres, no care, not farmed)
7-24-32 Tolenon Cem.
34-24-35 McMillen Cem (plowed into heap, some stones remain)
29-24-36 Zion German Methodist Cem
4-24-36 Rocklyn Germ. Evangelical Cem (not shown, farmed over)
27-24-38 Pleasant Valley Cemetery (no care)
24-25-32 Wheatridge Cem. near Wilbur
20-25-37 Davenport Cath. Cem & Mt View Cem., prev. Lutheran Cem
3-25-38 Pleasant View Cem of Mondovi
15-25-39 Reardan City Cem previously IOOF & churches & Winona Cem
32-26-31 Almira City Cem
20-26-32 Govan Cem (reportedly removed most bodies)
6-26-33 Wilbur City Cem
10-26-34 Creston City Cem
20-26-37 Larene Community Cem. (fenced, no care)
34-26-37 Lincoln County Poor Farm Cem (was not moved, few were)
22-26-39 Spring Creek Cem N of Reardan SE ¼
21-27-31 LaFollette Cem.
24-27-33 Sherman Cem.
28-27-34 Cem. shown is likely BRENTS Cem, 3 mi N of Creston
21-27-35 Peach Cemetery near Lincoln in NW ¼
23-27-35 former W H Balcom Cemetery, ?removed for Lake Roosevelt
2-27-36 Frans Cem. near Egypt
4-27-36 Egypt’s Reinbold Cem. (? Lutheran Cem)
17-28-31 Spring Canyon in NW corner near Coulee Dam
Cemetery List of Lincoln County Washington, compiled and submitted
to the WAGenWeb on January 3, 2006 by Marge Womach
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