History and Trivia
Lincoln County, Washington
Submitted by Marge Womach
Source: Lincoln Co Plat Map at Lincoln Co Auditor's office
Fairweather: 22 Sept 1882 plat filed by:
Hooker, Wm F., Hooker, Mary J., Still, Jno W., Still, Sophia
J. W. Still, Esq., of Cheney, and W. F. Hooker, a capitalist lately from
Georgia, have purchased a quarter section of land on the headwaters of the Crab,
Deep and Spring Creek, ten miles west of Deep Creek Falls and sixteen miles west
of Cottonwood, and have laid out a town site. The new ‘town’ is well
situated in one of the richest bodies of land in Eastern Washington, and is said
to be so situated as to be sure of one or more railroads. Well informed parties
estimate that within a radius of ten miles of Fairweather there are more than
five hundred ranches opened up and occupied. We hope the town of Fairweather may
be as business like as its popular namesake.” (NW Tribune: 9-01-1882)
Boom For Fairweather.—Judge Still, one of the enterprising proprietors of the
new town of Fairweather, furnishes us with this item: Mr. Capps, the postmaster
at Fairweather, had a fine field of turnips this year, and he also had some very
find hens. A few days ago a little daughter of Mr. Capps, having missed a
favorite hen for several weeks, started in search of the hen among the turnips.
She was richly rewarded for her search, for she found her pet hen, with a brood
of seventeen fine chickens, comfortably quartered in a huge turnip, having
evidently been hatched and reared in the shell which the hen had prepared by
eating a hole in. Judge Still has one of the chickens on exhibition, and is
ready to certify to the truth of this story. Town lots are selling at the same
price as before this story was told, and the town is booming.” (NW Tribune:
Ed. Tribune.—The initiation entertainment of our new town took place here on
last Friday evening. At an early hour the hall which is now occupied by the
store was well filled with men, Women and children. It is estimated that there were over one hundred people
present. We were able to recognize the familiar countenances of people form many
different localities—Sprague, Cheney, Medical Lake, Deep Creek Falls, Coulee
Creek.......” (NW Tribune: 11-03-1882)
at Fairweather.—Last Sunday as J. J. Enright, J. D. Mishler and E. Wilson were
on their way to Medical Lake in a sleigh drawn by a spirited team, after going
about half a mile from town at a rapid pace, the sleigh suddenly struck against
a rock, tipping the sleigh forward and throwing the occupants violently in the
road. The horses became unmanageable, escaping form the driver and making a
total wreck of the entire outfit. Each one of the gentlemen received some severe
injuries although not fatal. They returned and reported that they had changed
their mine—would not go to Medical Lake until next week.” (NW Tribune:
Ed Tribune.—We have had several very pleasant occasions with large attendance
in our new town, but the Christmas tree entertainment and dance in this place on
last Monday evening carried off the laurels of the season.
Quite an interesting and exciting time was kept up during the entire
day—shooting and raffling for turkeys, chickens, etc, and never before did we
imagine that this portion of the country could claim so many good marksmen. Had
Bogardus been present he certainly would have lain down the gun forever. At an
early hour in the evening the hotel was filled with both men, women and
children, until there was scarcely standing room. Your correspondent made
several attempts to estimate the number of persons present but gave up the task,
it was supposed, however, that nearly two hundred people were in attendance.
Many times during the night did we have to remark where did all these folks come
from. If anybody has any doubts
about this neighborhood settling up just let them visit an entertainment at
Fairweather and be convinced. The
audience was called together by J. B. Flewelling, when the Greeting Song was
well rendered by Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Flewelling, J. B. Flewelling and others,
after which the following little girls and boys were introduced and spoke pieces
and were greeted with loud and long applause: Bertha Tramm—‘Sweet Little Robin.’ Little Rose
Harder—‘Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.’ Clara Harder—‘The Lark.’ Peter Tramm—‘Old Iron Sides.’
Henry Tramm—‘The Bachelor.’ This
was very well spoken and considered quite appropriate for this portion of the
country. After this the assemblage was favored with both vocal and instrumental
music for some time, when a Beautiful Christmas Tree, well laden with handsome
Christmas presents, with J. D. Mishler as Santa Claus, was introduced, Mr.
Mishler with his speech and comical disguise, brought down the house with loud
and lasting applause. After the
distribution of the presents many of the older people with their families of
children retired to their respective homes and the hall was cleared, when the
band struck up with sweet music and the gay and lively assemblage participated
in a merry Christmas dance for the remainder of the night.
The Mrs. T. J. Stevenson, Flewelling, H. Hanler, P. Tramm and others
received a large vote of thanks for their assistance in preparing a rich and
bountiful supper. On this occasion there was a larger attendance we are told,
than there ever was on any previous occasion in Spokane County west of Medical
Lake. A much needed town hall is
talked of at present and no doubt will be constructed in the near future.” (NW
Tribune: 1-05-1883)
the County. Fairweather. Ed
Tribune.—The anticipated boom for the new town of Fairweather is already on
the move. The Fairweather hotel is
fitted up in a neat and comfortable shape and is running in full blast with Mrs.
G. L. Huff superintendent of the culinary department and the gentlemanly and
accommodating mine host L. F. Sheats will ever be found ready to wait on and
entertain the traveling public. The
store is disposing of an enormous amount of goods and trade is on the increase.
Our polite and estimable friend, J. C. Wynecoop, has a feed stable in
running order on the corner of Central Avenue and Columbia streets, and will
soon commence the erection of a large and commodious building adjoining which
will be stocked with some of the best saddle horses and finest turnouts in this
upper country. The material is on
the ground and work has commenced on the blacksmith shop on Columbia street. Work will in a few days be commenced on our school house,
which will be a handsome and substantial building 22 X 40 and will be on the
public school block between Cottonwood and Summit streets. Prospects are
favorable for Broadway street to be decorated with a 2 ½ story building in a
few days. A Stroup is establishing
a lumber yard in this place. A well 26 feet deep with an abundance of
water is one of the additions to the convenience of the hotel.
A great amount of fencing will be done in this neighborhood the coming
spring. Sleighing is splendid and is taken advantage of in this
locality. Several entertainments
are on the programme for the near future in our town.
An unusual amount of sociability is being displayed through this portion
of the county by way of evening entertainments, social parties, dancing, singing
schools, spelling schools, prayer meetings, temperance lectures, etc, but allow
us to speak in particular of the social gathering which took place at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Buhaltz, on last Monday evening which proved to be one
of the most pleasant social occasions that we have had the pleasure of being a
participant of since the happy days of our childhood. The people came all the
way from Deep Creek to Tamarack Canyon and from the Spokane River to Crab Creek,
until every room of the house was filled to overflowing. The evening was passed
in games, plays, charades, tableaux, vocal and instrumental music, on e of the
leading features was the rich and bountiful supper, which was as fine as ever
was seen in western Spokane County, and spoke more for the skill and art of the
lady of the house and her assistants. Willie West.” (NW Tribune: 2-09-1883)
Whitney Shot Dead. Just as the
Tribune had gone to press last week, news reached us that some party whose name
we could not learn, had been fatally shot by Geo Capps, a son of Justice Capps,
near Fairweather. An investigation
results in the following particulars: It seems that young Capps, and James
Whitney have both been cutting fencing on land that Whitney a few weeks ago had
filed on. Arrangements were made by which Capps was to remove what posts he had
made up to the time of Whitney’s filing. A week ago last Wednesday, the 14th
inst., Capps, accompanied by his cousin, Charles Foster, went to haul some
posts, taking with them a shot gun. They
began loading, when Whitney forbid them. Capps and Foster proceeded to load the
posts when Whitney came forward with a club, and as Capps says, threatened to
kill him, when the latter picked up the shot gun which was near by, and fired,
Whitney falling dead almost instantly, shot through the heart.
Capps then proceeded home and gave himself up, and his father turned him
over to special constable E J Hubbard, with instructions to take his son to
Cheney for examination. On Saturday
constable Hubbard arrived here with his prisoner in charge, and an examination
was had before Justice Still that evening, prosecuting attorney Hyde appearing
for the Territory. After a very hasty examination the prisoner was discharged. As the matter will probably come before the grand jury, we
will not give the evidence before the coroner’s inquest and the preliminary
examination or refer to the various theories advanced by those acquainted with
the circumstances.” (NW Tribune: 2-23-1883)
Ed Tribune.—We are having the finest sleighing of the season. The roads are in
splendid condition, and sleighs of nearly every conceivable shape, size and
color can be seen gliding in every direction over our vast bunch grass prairie
hauling lumber, posts, rails, firewood, feed, grain, etc.
neighborhood has no idlers, but is settled up with an energetic, industrious and
wide-awake class of people who mean business and in a very short period of time
will be able to coast on as rich and finely improved farms as can be found in
Eastern Washington Territory. The
Mahrt Bros have got out during the winter nearly enough material to enclose
their entire farm. T. J. Stevenson, will also do a large amount of fencing.
There is scarcely a farmer for many miles around this place but will do
more or less breaking and sowing the coming spring, and no doubt this portion of
Spokane County will next autumn have the appearance of one vast field of waving
grain. Quite a number of farm
houses have been recently completed and many others are fast approaching
completion. P. Tramm has the material on the ground and will soon commence the
erection of a fine large dwelling house. Building material is arriving in large
quantities on our new town site. E Wilson has in his charge and for sale,
100,000 of Percival Bros extra quality white pine shingles, and also 100,000
feet of choice seasoned lumber from Stroup’s sawmill.
This portion of the county continues with its rounds of social and
benevolent entertainments. There is scarcely an evening that we do not hear of some
social party or entertainment of some kind in the neighborhood. As your
correspondent is rather young to attend parties, he is seldom ever allowed to go
to gather the particulars for the many readers of the Tribune. Nevertheless, he had the pleasure of being present and having
a jolly good time at the pleasant and enjoyable affair which took place at the
residence of Mr. Milton Bolon, on the 14th inst.
At an early hour the house was filled with a lively and sociable
assemblage of both old and young, when the sweet strains of music from the
string band of Crawford and Williams, assisted by J Sand and J. H. Bolon, echoed
throughout the house, every one present seemed to forget the trials and cares of
every day life and indulged in tripping the light fantastic toe in a merry and
happy way the entire night. There is probably no locality in Spokane County that
can get up a richer feast or ball supper than can the ladies of this vicinity,
and on this occasion the supper was superintended by Mrs. Milton Bolon, which is
sufficient to say that it could not be excelled.
The following named ladies graced the occasion with their presence: Miss
Annie Johnson, Miss Addie Bowers, Miss Clara Glazebrook, Miss Emma Bowers, Miss
Saddie Smith, Miss Jennie Moore, Miss Nettie Gray, Miss Lizzie Williams, Mrs. Wm
Crawford, Mrs. H. Buholtz, Mrs. S. Bowers, Mrs. M. Bolon.
The following named gentlemen were also present: Mr. R. A. Hutchinson, Mr.
J. J. Enright, Mr. J. C. Wynecoop, Mr. D. Humphrey, Mr. E Thornbrue, Fred
Dexter, John Bolon, Jos Bolon, Tom Bolon, Jas Bolon, Milton Bolon, Samuel
Bowers, H. Buholtz, Wm Crawford, Luke Williams, Andrew Bolon and E Wilson.
Among the numerous guests registered at the Fairweather Hotel during the
past week we notice the following names: P. W. Dillon, Cheney; H. L. Wilson,
Marshall; Judge M. G. Barney, Cheney; Lester Price, Marshall; H. Hoganson,
Davenport; Mart Vought, PA; Mr .Davis, Walla Walla; L. Saunders, Walla Walla; J.
F. Carter, Petaluma, CA. A grand
ball will be given at Fairweather as soon as the new school house is completed,
on which occasion it is expected that Prof. Mills’ band of Cheney, will
furnish the music. A large attendance and a good time is anticipated.
A copy of the Tribune arrived here last week just ten days after date.
Where was that paper from the time it left Cheney until it arrived here? Willie
West.” (NW Tribune: 2-23-1883)
Ball. We acknowledge the receipt of
a complimentary ticket to the Fairweather ball this evening. Sorry circumstances
prevented us from attending, and return our thanks for complimentary.” (NW
Tribune: 3-23-1883)
Ed Tribune.—Of all the numerous social gatherings and entertainments that have
taken place in this portion of the country, as for a pleasant and enjoyable
time, good hall, good music and supper, splendid management and an agreeable
assemblage, the grand ball which took place in our school house here last Friday
evening is ahead of all in every respect. The weather and roads were fine, and
according to announcement Prof. Mills’ full string and brass bands of Cheney
were on hand, arriving at an early hour in the afternoon and devoted their time
the remainder of the day and evening discoursing sweet music by the brass band,
and long before night the guests began to arrive from different localities, all
the way from Cheney and Marshall to Davenport, and at an early hour the school
house was filled with a lively and social assemblage, and after several choice
selections from the brass band Prof. Mills’ string band of six pieces appeared
in the orchestra and filled the house with by far the sweetest music that was
ever had on any occasion in western Spokane County, the participants all unite
in saying that they never danced to better, and feel confident it could not be
excelled by any string band in Washington Territory. The hall and floor were in
splendid condition, and all present seemed to enjoy the mazy dance much better
than on any previous occasion. Harry Hoganson is entitled to much credit for the
satisfactory and orderly way in which he managed the floor.
The supper, which was served by L. F. Sheats, and superintended by Mrs. G.
L. Huff, was as rich a feast as was ever prepared on any occasion, and many were
the praises it received from the guests. The
light fantastic toe was tripped in a merry and happy way until a late hour, when
the band sounded forth with extra vigor that old and familiar tune, ‘Home,
Sweet Home,’ and all seemed to regret that such pleasures have an end. As your
correspondent is too old to dance it did his heart good to see the young folks
enjoy themselves in such a happy way, and we would say to all those who failed
to be present on this particular occasion that they missed as great a treat as
ever was or probably will be again offered them in this part of the country.
School will commence in the new school house about the first of May, with
Mrs. C. W. Sprague, of Cheney, as teacher.
Our farmers are sowing grain; great preparations are being made for a
large amount of breaking. Roads
will soon be in a fine condition. Lots
of strangers are on their way to locate in the Big Bend country. Our hotel is
doing a good business. Our town is soon to have a harness shop and shoe shop.
L Blain, of Marshall, in company with seven other parties, visited our
town this week. M. G. Barney, of
Cheney, was here a few days ago. Judge
Still has been with us some of late. Quite
a number of strangers have registered at the Fairweather Hotel within the last
few days. A flock of handsome white
swan has been seen for several days on the lake here.” (NW Tribune: 3-30-1883)
Martin, of Cheney, made us a call a few days ago. A. Harker and B. Fitzpatrick,
of Davenport, and Miss May Hooker, of Cheney, were with us lately.
J S Capps killed a very handsome white swan on the lake here a few days
ago. The bird weighed sixteen pounds, and measured six feet and four inches from
tip to tip. Quite a number of men
with considerable capital have recently settled in this neighborhood, and will
proceed at once to improve their farms. Building
has commenced in earnest and E Wilson is disposing of an enormous amount of
lumber and shingles. Sixteen lots
have been purchased in this place during the last ten days, eight of which were
purchased by a firm in San Francisco. Nearly all the lots have been disposed of
on Broadway, Central Avenue, Columbia and Spokane streets.” (excerpt of
Fairweather column in NW Tribune: 4-20-1883)
The Country. Fairweather. Editor
Tribune.—The farmers in this locality are about done seeding, although a large
amount of breaking will be done yet. Present
indications are quite favorable for a large crop of both grain and vegetables,
and the fall and early spring sown grain is doing nicely. Since my last writing
to the Tribune I have traveled somewhat over this portion of the country,
visiting different pleasant and thriving localities, such as Crescent Park, on
the Coulee, a few miles north of Fairweather, Courtright’s and Mondovia, a
short distance northwest of here, Larene, Egypt, Davenport, Sedalia, Fairview
and Willow Springs, all prosperous settlements with bright prospects. And the
last but not least by a considerable, is the pleasant and beautifully located
village of Fairweather, which is the most natural and central location for a
prosperous farming town of any place we have noticed on our travels. The town is
progressing nicely, several fine dwelling houses are going up and many other
improvements are in progress. David
Hopkins, of the firm of Hopkins & Co, of Sprague, who are locating a
hardware store, tin shop, and agricultural depot here, was with us several days
this week getting lumber on the ground and making arrangements to build. They
have a large amount of freight lying in the depot at Sprague awaiting shipment
to this town, which will be shipped here as soon as a suitable store house is
erected. Nicholis Blurock, our
blacksmith, has his dwelling nearly completed.
C. W. Sprague, has his shoe shop completed and will commence soon to
erect his dwelling. J. C. Colgan, of Cheney, will in July, put up a building on
his lot perhaps to be used as a drug store. He promises that it shall be a
‘daisy’ not to be excelled in any town, and we know he means business.
C. Richstor’s saloon will be as fine a construction as ever was put up
in the bunch grass country of Spokane County.
J. M. Dempsey, contractor and builder, has taken the contract to do the
building for Hopkins & Co. The
barber shop that is to go up here soon will be erected on the corner of Broadway
and elm streets. It is intimated that the prospects are favorable for
Fairweather to have a steam flour mill at no distant day.
The mineral lake in sight of town is to be ornamented with a beautiful
sail boat, and is to be christened the ‘Blue Bird.’
Who will get here first to erect a bath house.
The hotel, store, blacksmith shop, feed stable and shoe shop are all
doing a thriving business. The hotel is soon to have a new coat of paint which
will add greatly to its appearance. Our
school will have an attendance this summer of about thirty-five pupils which
speaks well for our bunch grass district. We will also have church and sabbath
school in our new school house during the summer.
Dr Waterhouse talks of locating here. The citizens of Fairweather and
vicinity are possessed of as much patriotism as any locality and are talking of
celebrating our national holiday in a grand and patriotic manner as possible. A
citizens’ meeting will be held in a short time for the purpose of making the
arrangements and forming a programme for the day and evening. We shall expect a
good celebration as the people of Fairweather never do things by halves.
I am informed that a new string music guild is about to be organized in
this neighborhood. A baseball club is also to be organized here soon. A block in
Fairweather has been chosen as the play ground.
Mr. John J. Thenem, general agent for the celebrated Wm Deering twine
binder harvesting machines has been with us some of late, and done a good
business selling machines in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davidson, are
the happiest couple in this vicinity. It is a boy, all doing nicely.
Rev Father Stears made our town a visit a short time since.
Our Ex-probate judge A A Smith was here a few days ago.
Dr F. M. Haysk, a polite and gentlemanly physician and surgeon, who has
located at Deep Creek Falls, visited our town last week. The Dr comes here with
a good recommendation and should be patronized as he deserves, although this is
rather a healthy community for doctors to receive much patronage. Mr. S. J.
Signor, the noted saw mill man, who is located near Willow Springs, was with us
several days last week. He will proceed immediately to help supply this town
with lumber for building purposes. He will furnish both rough and dressed lumber
at a reasonable figure. A Stroup is also delivering a large amount of lumber
here. Mr Signor has selected a new location in Spring Creek Canyon, a few miles
north of here, where he will locate his mill in July or August and will be ready
to supply this neighborhood with lumber by the 1st of September. I notice that the North West Tribune is well patronized
throughout the entire western Spokane County.
Among the many visitors to our village of late, I noticed the familiar
countenance of Geo P. Baxter, cashier of Adolph Johnson’s bank of our city,
also J F Parks, one of your young 'pedagoynes'. Call again, boys.
J J Verkler of Cheney, was in town a few days ago. Mr. Verkler is owner
of one of the finest lots in Fairweather and will build on the same sometime
during the summer. H. Hogenson made
us a pleasant visit a few days ago. John S. Balun (Bolon) has sold his farm to A
Archer late, of Kansas, Mr. Archer is a wide awake, industrious man with means
to go ahead, and will prove a valuable citizen in our midst. We wish him
success. Mr. Steven Clark, has just completed the work of fencing in about one
hundred and fifty acres. J. J. Enright, John Wickham, J. Walsh, Lutzhoff Bros.,
the Garber Bros, Mr. Babcock and, in fact, nearly every settler in this vicinity
is doing a large amount of fencing this spring, and we feel confident that no
new locality in the northwest is prospering faster than the locality surrounding
the new town of Fairweather. Willie West.” (NW Tribune: 5-25-1883)
Bolon—Powers.—In Cheney, 25th inst., by J. W. Range,
Justice Peace. Mr. J. H. Bolon and
Miss Adalade Powers, all of Fairweather, Spokane County.” (NW Tribune:
first election after the admittance of Washington into the union was held
October 1, 1889. The first named in the following table are Republicans; the
last Democrats: For Governor:--E. P. Ferry, 1,104; Eugene Semple, 863.
For State Representatives:--E. K. Spencer, 1,063; C. T. Blackfan, 1,032;
H. W. Brooke, 966; C. H. Schroeder, 847. For
Superior Court Judge:--W. Mount, 1,033; N. T. Caton, 922.
For State Senator:--H. W. Fairweather, 972; C C May 961.
For State Senator Fourth District:--F. H. Luce, 1,169; H. F. Smith, 788.
For County Clerk:--H. Spining, 1,035; J. W. Anderson, 919. For
Constitution:--1,477. Against Constitution:--293.
For Woman Suffrage:--487. Against Woman Suffrage, 1,179. For
Prohibition:--674. Against Prohibition, 1,082. For State Capitol:--North Yakima,
767. Ellensburgh, 999. Olympia, 82.” (History of Big Bend: page 201.
Edit: At that time, Hon. H. W. Fairweather was residing in Sprague.)
pass several ranches belonging to industrious Germans in the neighborhood of
Capps. When we arrive at Capps, we find a very fertile country and mostly
occupied by an enterprising class of people.
We find here good fences, good roads, good houses, good barns, and in
fact, everything in apple-pie order. At about dusk we arrive at the residence of
the Garber Brothers, again among Californians and people with whom we had a
slight acquaintance in their native state. By the way, why can we not have a
parlor of the ‘Native Sons of the Golden West’ in this territory to include
all born either here in Oregon or in California?
Mr. G. Garber at present county commissioner of Lincoln County was the
first of this family who came to the territory. After he was here a year he went
back for his mother, sister, aged some eighteen years, and four brothers.
They came overland, the only mode of traveling in those days. On their
way they met with a very frightful accident. Upon a down grade road the wagon
becoming unmanageable, threw them headlong to the ground killing instantly their
sister. At last however their journey’s end was reached and they are now among
the leading farmers of their country. On Sunday we were taken to the once
prosperous but now defunct city of Fairweather.
This is the dullest town we have yet struck. Out of the five houses in
the town, the only one that is ever occupied is the school house. The people of
the vicinity meet at this place to have a Sunday School, but the weather is
stormy and the Sunday School is given up, for a kind of school tax, fourth of
July, and mutual admiration meeting. We are glad to see people so neighborly and
to see them go about things in so
straight forward and business like a manner. We meet here Messrs. Buckman,
Austin Capps, and quite a number of gentlemen. Mr. Buckman is principally
engaged in the stock business, and has a fine house and barn, and other
improvements to match. Like Father Abraham of old he has pitched his tent where
the juicy bunch grass will feed his flocks, the clear spring water quench their
thirst, and the tough and stubborn wool-grass sod will make a garden like the
land of Canaan for himself and his posterity.
Monday morning it still rains. We arise at an early hour with the Garber
boys, where we have stopped over Sunday, and are at a loss to know just which
way to go. We had intended to go to the Okanogan country, but every day since we
started it has rained more or less....” (excerpt of NW Tribune: 6-23-1887)
History of Fairweather, Washington, submitted to the
WAGenWeb by Marge Womach
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