of Davenport, Lincoln County, Washington
Submitted by Barbara Curtis
The Times-Tribune, Davenport, WA, pg 2 Thursday, November 17, 1921
The birth of Lincoln county dates from December 18, 1883, for on that date, JOHN BARTOL, E. D. WILLIS and JOHN McGOURIN, who had been named commissioners in the act authorizing the organization of Lincoln county, convened at Davenport, the temporary county seat. Having taken the oath of office they immediately proceeded to business. Commissioner BARTOL was elected chairman, and an office building was secured to hold the meetings in.
The creation of the new county was the signal for the influx of hundreds of new settlers.
The month of November, 1884, was the time of the most exciting event in the history of Lincoln county, the struggle between the cities of Sprague and Davenport for the possession of the county seat. At the general election of 1884, the people were called upon to vote upon the location of the county seat. There were three candidates for the honor, Davenport, Harrington and Sprague.
The total vote polled was 2277, of which number Sprague received 1256, Davenport 819, and Harrington 202. Sprague cast 1023 votes. Charges of fraud were at once preferred, it being alleged that Sprague had voted names inscribed upon tombstones in the cemetery of that city, and passengers on through trains. Many indictments were brought for illegal voting, but none of the cases were ever brought to trial. Both Sprague and Davenport were accused of voting twice as many names as there were inhabitants in either city.
History of Davenport, Washington, submitted to the WAGenWeb
by Barbara Curtis, December, 2003.
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