Newspaper "tidbits" of towns in Lincoln County, Washington.......

(Listed chronologically  by date.  New items will be added periodically.)  

Submitted by Barbara Curtis


Happenings at.......Wilbur






The Wilbur Register, Wilbur, Lincoln County, Washington 99185

Established in 1889; Number 33; Volume 85 Thursday, September 12, 1974

column "70 years"  (circa year=1904)

  ....."PALMER V. CLARK bookkeeper of the LYSE Mercantile Company, lost his life Monday, the victim of a hunting accident."  

......" While trying on a pair of gloves at the C. H. HOLMES store Saturday, GEORGE WYNOFF found a gold band ring in one of the fingers, which is being held for the rightful owner."

  ..."School opened Monday in Govan, with 41 pupils enrolled."

  ..."Heading is practically complete in Sherman and the threshers have started their long grind."
....."W. M. WAGY of Galesburg, Ills., was found dead five miles north of town, Friday.  A solicitor, it was believed he came to his death from a fall off his bicycle.  The theory was that the coaster brake on the wheel was not working, and in coasting down a long hill he evidently attempted to cut down his speed by thrusting his foot against the tire of the front wheel, but got it entangled in the wheel instead, throwing him head first into the road, strewn with boulders.  His skull was fractured and his neck dislocated when found."

....."Friday was "Straw Day" in Odessa, the stores closing in order that proprietors and employees might go into the country to "straw the roads"."

....."Born September 11, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. HOLMES, a son."

 ..."HENRY ODENRIDER, packer at the Columbia River mill, left Wednesday on a long vacation trip by pack train into British Columbia."

....."WILLIAM GENT of East Oregon is here looking after his ranch interests."

....."No. 1 Bluestem wheat is quoted at 75 cents here, but the Columns of the paper contains no stories of farm relief, or any kind of social security, unemployment relief, or doles."

...."G. M. WILSON reports that inquiries are numerous for the fall fair to be held here October 18 to 21."

Submitted by Linda Thank, March 22, 2003


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, Washington, Friday, November 18, 1904  

"John Jump of Wilbur brought a full grown lynx to town last Monday, which he had caught in a steel trap, says the Register. He had the animal chained inside a strong box, and whenever it was disturbed by spectators it emitted a low growl which boded no good to him who should come too close. Mr Jump lives in a canyon near Creston, where he also caught a wild cat a few years ago, which was becoming too familiar with his hen roost." (LCT: 11-18-1904)

LCT is Lincoln County Times, pub. in Davenport in the early days, a forerunner of the present Davenport Times.

 Submitted by Marge Womach, 2012 from her card source.


...Mr. BABB of Medical Lake is here visiting friends.

...Mrs. FLOYD MCNEW is here visiting her relatives, the McNEWs living 15 miles south of town.


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, Washington, Friday, November 20, 1914  

...EMERY UNDERWOOD, 5-year-old son of D. SHERWOOD, a prosperous farmer residing 15 miles north east of Wilbur was accidentally shot while in the dooryard of his father's home.

...The marriage of JOSEPH N. KUNZ, a prominent farmer living 10 miles northeast of here, and Miss FLORENCE L. BADGER will take place at noon Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents in Keller.  The bride's father J. S. KELLER, is a merchant of Keller.

...State Representative E. L. Farnsworth and Mrs. Farnsworth will leave tomorrow morning for Spokane where Mr. Farnsworth will attend the state good road convention and the conference  for eastern Washington legislators-elect.

...Miss MARGARET WILMER, pianist; Miss EUNICE KRECH, violinist, and Miss MARY DEMPSEY, soprano, will give a benefit concert in the Baptist church Thursday evening.

...The Union Missionary society will meet Friday with Mrs. J. B. PEFFLEY.

...Eighteen friends of Mrs. CLARA A. LEWIS gave her a surprise party on the evening of her birthday, November 14.  A luncheon was served.

...LILLIE THOMPSON was in town last week visiting friends and also on business.

...H. J. HUMES and family moved to Bend, Wash., last week where they will lie on a ranch.

...Mr. WALTER FOLEY and Mrs. FOLEY went to Spokane to attend the apple show.

...Mr. and Mrs. GAILAND returned home lat week from a few days visiting in Spokane.

...VICTOR LAURITZAN and wife left Spokane this week to spend the winter and MONA TAYLOR will join them later.

...A dancing class was started here last Wednesday, Mrs. GARRET, a Spokane teacher, supervising the class.

...Mr. and Mrs. E. L. FARNSWORTH went to Spokane this week to attend the apple show.

...Mrs. CHAS. JENNINGS and four daughters left for home this week after being at Mrs. SILAS BRITTON's for the last three weeks under a physician's care.

...GEORGE BANDY was called to Davenport this week to serve on the jury.

...Mrs. PDERSON returned home this week after visiting friends in and around town.

...Mrs. A. GARTHEof Spokane returned home this week after visiting her sister Mrs. SILAS BRITTON.

...Mr. and Mrs. ROBT. NEAL went to Spokane this week to attend the apple show.

...On account of increase in business the Northern Pacific is extending their freight house here and are installing electric lights in the station.


The Davenport Times-Tribune  August 1, 1929    

Wilbur Wash, July 29

...ROBERT NEAL, pioneer orchardist, brought tomatoes to market on July 17 and will begin delivering watermelons and canteloupe about August 1. Mr. Neal is well satisfied with the yield of apricots and raspberries this season and states that prospects are excellent for peaches, pears and apples.

...The birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. WALDO R. MALONE, July 21, is announced.

...JAMES BOLTON has accepted a position with a drug firm in Wenatchee leaving Wilbur last Monday to begin work at once.

...Mr. and Mrs. W. R. KINER, HERSHEL ROBERTS and HAROLD KINER of Omak visited relatives in Wilbur the fore part of this week, returning home on Wednesday.  Mr. and Mrs. KINER also motored to Spokane while here. They and HERSHEL ROBERTS were guests of Mr. and Mrs. FRANK ROBERTS.

...Miss MARGUERITE DIEDESCH and Miss MARIE DIEDESCH spent last week visiting in Spokane.

...LEVI LARRICK motored to Soap Lake with his camp outfits Monday for a night or two in the open.

...Mrs. B. PEDERSON and her grandson NORMAN SORENSON, returned last Monday from Wenatchee where they had visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. BERNARD SORENSON.

...Mrs. LEE JOHNSTON went to Spokane last Monday bringing the infant son of ANDREW THOMASON home with her.  She will keep it for a few months when her sister, Mrs. Joe Comer of Colville will take it to rear.  The child had been in a serious condition at a Spokane hospital since its birth a few days before the death of his mother.

...Miss CHARLOTTE HUNTER, fellow student at ANNA WRIGHT seminary, Tacoma, with CATHERINE MCPHERSON started for her home in Tacoma last Tuesday after visiting in the McPHERSON home about two weeks.  

...Miss LETA WOLFE returned early last week from the Young People conference held on Lake Couer d Alene.  Miss GERALDINE OSWALT the other Wilbur girl attending the conclave remained to visit relatives through this week.

...Mrs. GEORGE ST. PETER, Colfax is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. C. DENSOW and family, returning home with them from Coeur d Alene where a reunion of her family was held July 21.

...Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES PARTRIDGE and family have returned from a visit with Mrs. Partridge's parents Mr. and Mrs. FLOHR of Colville.

...REV. SCOTT I. WALLACE made a trip to Coeur d Alene, Idaho, last Monday.  Miss LETA WOLFE, a delegate to the Presbyterian conclave there returning with him.

...Mrs. AUSTIN LINDALE returned from Spokane last Monday where she visited her husband who is in a hospital recovering from an operation.  His condition is rapidly improving and Mrs. Lindale expect him home within a few days.

...MRS. FRANK KUNZ returned Tuesday from a trip to the coast where she attended to some of her real estate interests.  She motored over and back accompanied by her sister, Mrs. MABEL COLEMAN and child from Okanogan who visited a few days with Mrs. Kunz.

...Mr. and Mrs. J. E. NORDYKE of Pullman spent a part of Mr. Nordyke's vacation visiting Mr. and Mrs. JESSE E. STAIRETT, returning to their home last Wednesday.

...CHARLES McCUMBER, aged pioneer who suffered a severe illness several months ago is again bedfast at his home. +


This page last updated March 28, 2008.

Have fun finding your ancestors?? More coming sooon..........

*These newspaper articles were submitted to the Lincoln County, Washington GenWeb by Barbara Curtis 

and typed "as is" by Rella Gleaton.

+These newspaper articles were submitted to the Lincoln County, Washington GenWeb by Shaun K. Young.

Find your relatives name?  Let me know....Lincoln County Co-ordinator.

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