Newspaper "tidbits" of towns in Lincoln County, Washington.......

(Listed chronologically  by date.  New items will be added periodically.)  

Submitted by Barbara Curtis


Happenings at.....Davenport

Page 1



The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA. May 3, 1901    

...Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE M. CLAY of North Yakima, arrived in town during the week, and are visiting with Mrs. Clay's mother, MRS. O'LEARY.

...Marriage licenses were issued out of the auditor's office last Friday for WM. J. CHISM and LENA V. JOMINI of Wilbur, and MAX J. PANGBORN and MARY D. ALDRIDGE, of the same place.

...MR. S. A. DeVANEY, who formerly taught school in Lincoln county, but who has recently been teaching across in Stevens county, near Fruitland, was visiting in town a few days ago.

...A large sawmill passed through town Thursday morning for Egypt, the property of ADAM BOWERS and sons of Harrington.  It is a new machine of a daily sawing capacity of 15,000 or 20,000 feet of lumber.

...Mr. S. B. DOUGLAS and family, of San Diego, California, arrived in town Monday, and are casting about for a location.   Mr. Douglas is a brother of MRS. SAMUEL GRISWOLD, of Larene, and has been engaged in the real estate business much of his time while in California.

...PETER MELHEIM, an ex-Davenport merchant, was transacting business with our merchants on Monday.  He has been a traveling salesman ever since disposing of his Davenport interests.

...Mr. JOHN C. MURPHY, now of Rossland, B. C., who has been visiting with his folks in Egypt, for a couple of weeks, passed through town on his return Monday.

...The section hands at Creston have the smallpox, and are obliged to carry yellow flags as they go back and forth to work.  It is reported that Creston has about all the cases that a small town is entitled to.

...The Grand Army men expect to have one of the largest processions ever witnessed in Davenport on parade on Decoration Day.

...PROF. PERKINS has been putting in his odd moments for the last couple of months beautifying the school house grounds, which have recently been surrounded with a new fence.


The Lincoln County Times,  July 5, 1901  

...See L.H. THOMAS when you want anything made out of tin or copper, black for galvanized iron. All work first class.

...WILL HAULTING of Fairview, while going to school last Thursday, was thrown from his horse and received a bad cut over his eye.

...THOS. MEIXSELL pulled out with a Columbia thresher, Monday, which seem to be a popular machine with the farmers.

...Bandmaster DONOVAN is doing excellent work with the band boys, and seems to be a popular and also very successful instructor.

...The REV. DR. JOHNSTON, president of Geneva College, has been the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. KNOX JOHNSTON, for a couple of days.

...Mrs. CARNEY, recently from Pennsylvania, has just purchased the WILSON residence, in the north part of town near the M. E. church.

...WILL INKSTER, who has been engaged on a sawmill at Wilson for several months, returned a few days ago to spend the Fourth at home.

...The REV. S. A. SMITH, recently of Tillamook, Oregon, and successor to REV. B. F. PECK will preach in the M. E. church next Sunday, July 7th.

...JAMES ROGERS of Larene, in the employ of HAYNES and MARTIN, painters, fell from a ladder, while engaged on a house at Harrington, and broke his arm.

...Mrs. H. RUDOW and Miss SADIE GRISWOLD returned a few days ago from a visit to the Cedar Canyon mines, where they spent a week very pleasantly with their aunt, Mrs. C. L. YOUNG.

...Hon. JOHN F. GREEN, the well known Harrington farmer, was in town Saturday, accompanied by his daughter.  Mr. Green expects to see a larger crop harvested this year than ever before in the county.  

...MICHAEL MEULI, of Rosalia, who has large stock interests in Lincoln county, disposed of about 20 head of horses by auction sale in Davenport last Friday.  He had about one hundred head of horses in the corral, and among them a large number of good farm animals, but as they did not seem to command has a high a figure as he expected, he did not sell all of them.

...The aged mother of DENNY and JOHN MOYLAN died at the latter's home, out on Bachelor Prairie, last Saturday, and her remains were taken to Sprague, where the funeral occurred Friday.  Mrs. MOYLAN was well along in years, and had not been well for some time.  Not long ago she fell and injured one of her hips from which she never fully recovered.

...HON. J. B. and Mrs. MESERVE, of Lincoln , Nebraska, arrived in the town Monday to their old friends J. H. BERGE, going on the next day to the coast.


The Lincoln County Times,  July 5, 1901   

...Miss CLARA JENSON, government stenographer at the Colville agency, under MAJOR ANDERSON, arrived in town Tuesday, to spend the Fourth with friends.

...Mr. and Mrs. C. L. YOUNG of Fruitland , were in town the fore end of the week, the latter remaining over to spend the Fourth with friends.

...Mr. E. E. Noble, a prosperous Edwall farmer, reports fine crop prospects throughout his section of the country, little damage, having resulted from the recent frost.

...Sold strong boys' and children's show! C. RADEMACHER has them--a new lot just received--the best in town.  Repairing done while you wait.

...WILL LANE, of Larene, was thrown from a horse last Sunday, and received a blow on the head which resulted in concussion of the brain.  Dr. WHITNEY, who has been in attendance, reports little improvement.

...FRED STOCK dropped into the office Wednesday with an armful of ripe cherries-- a delightful habit he acquired many years ago.  Fred has one of the best orchard tributary to Davenport, which has been a source of profit to him for several years.  His Royal Ann cherries, he says will be ready for the market about the 10th of this month and should not be a bit surprised if the office received another treat about that time.

...Mr. O. W. STONE, the undertaker, has added to his establishment a new machine or device for lowering coffins into the grave, which dispenses with hand work and the anxiety incident to the old method of lowering the casket with ropes or straps.  This machine does the work with exact precision, with any speed desired and without danger of accident.  With the device is a spread which lines the grave and covers the ground all around it for several feet back.


The Lincoln County TImes, Davenport, WA, July 9, 1901 

...Messrs. LABER  & WORBY of Creston, who handle the Columbia Thresher and gasoline engines, report the sale of a 32 inch rig to Mr. G. SNYDER, near that place.

...ORAL STEPHENS, from Wappelo county, Iowa, arrived in town several days ago, and is visiting with his aunt, MRS. G. P. TURNER, and is looking around with a view to locating.

...MRS. H. N. MARTIN and daughters returned Saturday from quite a tour of the southern and eastern states.  They were down nearly to the Gulf of Mexico, and as far east as Buffalo, N.Y.

...Mr. H. W. KNAPP was called to Spokane a few days ago by the illness of Mrs. KNAPP, who had fallen and injured herself on a rusty nail, the injury threatened to develop into blood poisoning.

...A birthday party was given BERNADINE INKSTER at the home of her parents last Saturday afternoon.  It was her sixth birthday, and some twenty or thirty young companions were present to make merry.  Cake and ice cream were served, and altogether the young visitors had a very good time.

...MRS. E. M. CROUT received a message from her brother, in Tower City, North Dakota, Saturday conveying the sad tidings of the death of their mother, Mr. BECKER, at the latter's home.  MRS. Becker resided at Hollingsford, Minn, and had just started west to spend the summer with her sons and daughters, residing in the west, and Mrs. CROUT was to leave at once to meet her.  The news of the mother's death, therefore, came as a surprise and a shock. She was 66 years of age.


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA,  July 21, 1905

...Mr. and Mrs. T. D. GEER started last Tuesday on their overland trip to the fair, says the Wilbur Register.  Their conveyance is a "top" buggy, in which they carry their whole camping outfit.  Oregon was their early home and they will make and extended visit before returning to Wilbur.

...R. J. REEVES left Friday morning for Tacoma, where he will join the "Mazamas" an association whose members each year climb some particular mountain in the coast range.  E. L. FARNSWORTH who is now on the Sound may join the "Mazamas" also, and try his hand--or rather his foot-- at peak scaling.


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA,  August 30, 1907

---Manager James Pershall was in Spokane the first of the week, arranging to secure attractions for the county fair.

---Ahlf Hughes of Mondovi was in town Thursday.  Ahlf was formerly a Davenport merchant, but now owns one of the best improved places in the Mondovi country.

---a numerous delegation ...boarded the passenger train Thursday morning bound for the city of Spokane to attend the fifth annual Saengerfest of the "Nord Pacific Saengerbund" were Mr. and Mrs. Kraats, Mr. Gortainer, Mr. Maskenthine, Nick Hoeck. The Saengerfest is a German society which meets once a year to keep green the memory of German songs and traditions..


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, WA,  December 13, 1912

...SHERIFF W. B. BROCKMAN left for Walla Walla Friday morning, taking GIB DETILLLION

   with him to serve a sentence for wife desertion.

...A. W. HARD, manager of the Washington Water Power commissary at Long Lake was a

   business visitor in the county seat Thursday.

...The long distance walking record for a woman in this part of the country belongs to Miss

   MARRIETTA OHIO YOLTON, a teacher for 20 years experience, who went from Detillion

   school on the Spokane river to Davenport, 20 miles.  She made the trip in order to the teachers

   institute, and says she walked "just for exercise".

...To whom it may concern--- Those knowing themselves to be indebted to the Davenport Drug

   Co., MOORE and MILLER props., will kindly call and settle as soon as convenient, which will be

   greatly appreciated.. Thanking for your past courtesies.


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, January 3, 1913  

...EDWARD LEVEL, son of former Sheriff J. A. LEVEL now at Walla Walla, arrived here Thursday afternoon on his way to Long Lake where he expects to secure a position.

...G. C. STEVENS, of Almira; ELSIE GREENWOOD, of Creston; HON. E. L. FARNSWORTH, and J. C. MEARNS, of Wilbur, and M. F. MAURER of Rocklyn came in Thursday morning to attend farmers union convention.


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, December 19, 1913

...A rifle and gun club was organized in this city Saturday evening and the following officers elected: R. H. DOWNS, president; EARL E. PHILLIPS, secretary, and D. B. CAMPBELL, treasurer.


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, November 6, 1914 

---C. M. Doty was a passenger to Spokane Thursday morning.

---J. A. Moses went to Spokane Thursday morning after spending several days here closing up his business affairs.

---Harry Loveridge went to Spokane Thursday morning to join a theatrical company.

---H. C. Keedy, a former business man of this city now residing in Spokane, arrived here Thursday morning for a visit with friends and relatives.

---Chas. C. Grimes who recently purchased the Lincoln County Drug store, took charge the first of the month having been here for several days previous.  Mr. Grimes' family will spend the winter in California, not moving her until spring.

---F. W. Anderson of the Anderson Mortgage & Investment Company of Spokane, was in the city Thursday on court business.

---All the four highwaymen who held up the Sedro-Woolley bank and who were killed later at Hazelmere, B. C., and Ferndale, Wash., were Russians.  The two men killed at Ferndale were identified as Gambo Mizoroff, of Seatlte, and Keezi Bigeoff.  The two others were said to be Jambobot Kadiff and Eslan Jizeloff. The fifth robberr is still at large.

---Major Jay J. Morrow, U. S. engineer corps, has been authorized to advertise for the bids fro the construction of eight steel swing drawbrides at the Celilo canal......


The Davenport Times Tribune, Nov 10,1921

.....E. C. SCHULTZ was a county seat visitor at Davenport, Saturday.

.....MISS HATTIE GOODMAN came up from Spokane Saturday to visit with the home folks.

.....J. D. WILLIAMS,  Mrs. WILLIAMS, and Mrs. SARAH GLAZEBROOK were Davenport visitors last Friday.

.....R. M. McCLURE has purchased a Chevrolet touring car.

.....Mr. and Mrs. J. F. FORNEY motored to Spokane last Friday.

.....Mrs. SARAH GLAZEBROOK of Mabton, Wash, was visiting her sister Mrs. P. T. MELLON a few days last week.

.....Mr. and Mrs. G. W. CAPPS attend court at Davenport last week.

.....Mrs. HERMAN HILL was operated upon at St. Luke's hospital for abdominal trouble last week.

.....WILLLIAM BLACK entered the Bluestem high school  Monday.

.....The plastering of the new cottage for the teachers was begun today.  *


The Davenport Times-Tribune,  May 13, 1929   

...Miss MABEL RINKER of Davenport has been reelected  to teach the first grade in the upper primary school at Dayton.

...W. H. OYLER, Northern Pacific railroad agent here drove to Spokane last Thursday evening and brought back Mrs. OYLER, who lives at Washtucna.  Mrs. Oyler spent the remainder of the week here.

...DR. A. E. RUDE returned to Davenport last Thursday morning after a trip to Prosser where he attended the funeral of his father E. RUDE, former Davenport resident, Wednesday of last week.

...DAN McINNIS of Spokane, pioneer of Davenport, was here last Thursday to attend the JOHN H. NICHOLLS funeral service.

...A. J. REINHART of Almira was business visitor here last Thursday.

...Mrs. HENRY ROBSINSON returned to Davenport from Spokane last Thursday morning.

...FRANK DAVIES of Spokane assistant general manager of the Interstate Utilities company, visited the local office of the company last Thursday.

...H. L. CAMPBELL, former Dodge dealer at Davenport, has been appointed to a position in the wholesale department of Riegel Brothers.  He is covering the entire Big Bend territory in a sales promotional capacity.

...Mr. and Mrs. S. B BURDASS arrived in Sprague Friday morning on their way home from California, after spending the winter there.

..."Cap" PAUDLER, wire chief for the Newport office of the Interstate Utilities company visited in Davenport last week.

...Mr. and Mrs. Q. J. LEFEVRE and daughter spent the week end at Spokane and Medical Lake.

...Mr. and Mrs. C. A. PETTIJOHN returned to Davenport Saturday following a trip to Bellingham.+

...Mrs. J. E. GURGESON was a passenger for Spokane on the morning stage, Monday.

...JUDGE W. M. NEVINS returned to Davenport, Monday evening after presiding over a superior court in King county during the week.

...ALLEN MCBROOM, former Davenport high school athlete was the only member of the Hillyard high school tennis team to win his match in a dual meet with North Central high school players in Spokane, Friday.

...Mr. and Mrs. LAWRENCE LYONS and son and daughter, who have been living at Snohomish, arrived here Saturday to spend some time in the vicinity.+


The Davenport Times-Tribune,  Nov 14, 1939   New 4/12, 2008

---Funeral services were held at the Hennessey Funeral chapel in Spokane, Saturday at 2p.m. for James Hollis Christie, age 17, who was fatally injured in a car wreck near Newport early last week.  Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery.  The youth is survived by his father James Hollis of Davenport, his mother, Mrs. Jennie Christie of Spokane, a sister Mrs. Lorraine Carline, Spokane, and his grandmother in San Francisco.

---Judge Walter Beals, senior justice of the state supreme court and Mrs. Beals were visitors in Davenport Friday afternoon and evening....(they) were attending the University of Washington when C. A. Pettijohn, Davenport attorney was a student there. *



Have fun finding your ancestors?? More coming sooon..........

This page last updated on March 28, 2008.

These newspaper articles were submitted  to the Lincoln County, 

Washington GenWeb by Barbara Curtis*

 and  Shaun K. Young+, and typed "as is" by Rella Gleaton. Used with permission.

Find your relatives name?  Let me know....Lincoln County Co-ordinator.

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