Registry For The Army 1917
Submitted by Marge Womach
(Taken from the Lincoln County Times, July 20, 1917)
Lincoln County has 1,915 men from whom the quota for Army will be chosen. Those using an Edwall address are taken from the list of “every man who registered, whether native or foreign born, white or other color, or alien enemy.” Those called “will have to appear before the local exemption board and either accept service in the army or show reasons why they should be exempted.”
Anderson, Clifford H.
Appel, Anton Pargeen
Appel, Joseph B.
Arneson, Sigiud E.
Baden, Carl
Bender, Joseph H.
Bennett, Charles W.
Black, Elva E.
Braun, Oscar J.
Brenna, Martin
Brinsfield, Elzie D.
Brown, Olin S.
Brugman, Joseph C.
Bundy, Isaac LeRoy
Butler, William E.
Cameron, John
Carl, Ervin E.
Clark, Milo C.
Cole, Cecil H.
Cordoba, Tiburcio
Davis, Emerson J.
Dechwald, Louis J.
DeLong, William F.
DeSpain, Benjamin E.
DeSpain, Joseph L.
Elliott, Ralph W.
Erickson, Edward F. R.
Franseen, Ernest H.
Fritsch, Chas W.
Fry, David A.
Gariety, Joe F.
Gauger, Gilbert W.
Gauger, Herbert A
Gehrke, Frank C
Gehrke, Fred F.
Gehrke, George G.
Geiselbrecht, John
Gilkison, Ralph E.
Guhlke, Henry A.
Halaris, Christ
Harper, George M.
Heineman, George A. H.
Herman, David A.
Herman, James H.
Hogan, James C.
Holznagel, John
Howell, Charles A.
Jans, Fred
Johnson, Carl W.
Jones, John R.
Jones Walter W.
Keinholz, David T
Kempken, Fred W.
Kempken, Henry
Kennedy, homer
Kintschi, Chris
Klein, Albert C.
Klein, Linas C.
Koegler, Albert
Lambrith, Charles L.
Low, Lester W.
Manriquez, Ysabel
Menkel, Geo F.
Moore, Verl T.
Moos, Walter O.
Moos, William F.
McLain, Homer L.
Nelson, Alvin M.
Norske, Rudolph M.
Oakley, Leonard H.
Palmquist, Harold F
Pflum, Samuel H.
Pomelen, Harry
Reeves, William G.
Reidinger, Fred S.
Reynolds, Allen A.
Rinker, Irvey M.
Rinker, Paul L.
Schafer, Charles H.
Scheidler, William L.
Schoepflin, Charles
Sobek, Joseph C.
Stack, Michael G.
Strauss, Delbert J.
Stuart, Charles J.
Thorp, Arthur R.
Timm, J. W. C.
Trapp, Milton A.
Travers, Francis J.
Tuttle, William
Vivian, Albert W.
Weidemann, Charles W.
Weidemann, William C.
Whan, Robert H.
Wright, William J.
Edwall, Washington, draft registry of 1917, submitted to the Lincoln
County Washington GenWeb, January 2, 2006 by Marge Womach
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