County, Washington, Casualties of WWII
Casualties of the Army & Army Air Force
Key: KIA/Killed in Action DOW/Died of Wounds DNB/Died Non Battle FOD/Finding of Death
Bren, Frank, Staff Sergeant, KIA
Cox, John F., TEC 5, DOW
Deissner, Geo. D., PFC, DNB
Derr, Howard H., PFC, KIA
Eagan, Henry H, TEC 5, KIA
Haase, Edwin, Pvt, KIA
Hanes, Jimmie A, PFC, DNB
Hopkins, Walter A., Pvt, KIA
Jeske, Harold H., Pvt, KIA
Knowles, Clyde , Pvt, KIA
Kramer, Eugene L., First Lieutenant, DNB
Lehto, William D., Pvt, KIA
Lynch, Patrick J., PFC, KIA
Magnuson, Gus A., Jr., Second Lieutenant, DNB
Mahrt, John R., Second Lieutenant, KIA
Mann.Joe E.,KIA
Michelson, Marlet A., Sergeant, DNB
Miller, Leslie O., PFC, DNB
Neff, Antone W., PFC, KIA
Nelson, Ora, Corporal, DOW
Pascal Conrad, Pvt, DNB
Riddle, Gordon G., PFC, KIA
Roberts, Ival H., PFC, DOW
Schmidt, Howard K., PFC, FOD
Smith, Fred E., PVT, KIA
Stambaugh, Millard D., PFC, DOW
Swenson, Melvin E., Pvt, KIA
Thomas, Larry B., Second Lieutenant, FOD
Thornburg, Harold F., Pvt, KIA
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