Biography of Jonas P. Lawrence

of the
Big Bend
Writes of ‘Old Times’.
Everson,Wash., March 24th, 1913. Editor Tribune.—In
in the spring of 1888 and landed at Wallula. After remaining there a few days
I went to
Walla Walla
and spent the summer working on the farm of William Reeser. At Walla Walla
I met Hon. Miles Moore and Hon. John B Allen. I had the pleasure of attending
the reception given Mr Allen by the citizens of Walla Walla
when he was elected to be our representative in congress. In the fall of 1888
I made a trip with a team from Walla Walla via Ritzville, Moses Lake, and
Waterville to Davenport where I purchased the NW ¼ Sec 13, Twp 35, Range 36
EWM from the Northern Pacific railroad company, through C C May, agent.
I then drove back to Walla Walla and got my wife and little daughter,
six weeks old, and returned to Davenport, arriving about the 23rd
day of October, 1888. On the previous day we left Sprague in the morning and
drove hard to reach Herman Krueger’s place west of
Davenport, but night came on and we got lost on the prairie. We made a bed on the
ground and put stones on the corners of the bedding to keep the wind from
blowing it away.
It was a new
country then and a very small portion was under fence and thousands of head of
stock were running on the range. We built a house 12 X 24 on our place three
and one-half miles below
and moved into it sometime in December. I remember that the range stock would
graze around our door and it was somewhat of an annoyance until we got a fence
built. The winter of 1889-1890
were known as the hard winter. The prolonged severe weather caused the death
of thousands of head of horses and cattle in the
Big Bend
country. Many stock men who were wealthy in the fall were almost penniless in
the spring. I recall that the snow was so deep and drifted at my place that
for six weeks not a horse could pass along the road and many persons traveled
on snowshoes.
Our neighbors were
Mr and Mrs Barney Fitzpatrick, Mr and Mrs Herman Krueger, Mr and Mrs J W
Earles, Mr and Mrs A Sayne, Henry Waller, Mr and Mrs Jacob Horwege, Jason
Rathgens, John Millan, Mr and Mrs J A Hansen, Wm McNew, Mr and Mrs Jenkins
Johns, Mr and Mrs Joseph Rice, John Ahlf, and Mr and Mrs Henry Ahlf.
We soon became acquainted with Mr and Mrs Chas Buck, J D Wooden, Mr and
Mrs W J Rodgers, Oscar Vanhorn, Mr and Mrs W P Nichols, Mr and Mrs Peter
Leighan, Mr and Mrs John Sawyer, Mr and Mrs A D Stroud, Mr and Mrs John L
Camp, Mr and Mrs Ed Ramm, Mr and Mrs Peter Selde, Sr, Mr and Mrs Thos Owens,
Mr and Mrs Wood, Mr Joseph Hulbert, Mr and Mrs L A Kennedy, Mr and Mrs J W
Fry, and others.
When I made my
first visit to
in the fall of 1888 it was a mere village of small frame buildings or
shanties. I think I am safe in saying that there was not a substantial
building in the place. The nearest railroad points were Cheney and Sprague.
The Central Washington was completed as far as
in 1888 or early in 1889. I remember that the summer of 1889 saw a wonderful
growth in Davenport. The following were some of the
prominent business men of Davenport
in those early times: C C May had associated with him Saint Clair Inkster, Jr,
Ostroski, Breslauer & Co were in general merchandise and had Johnny
Horwege as clerk and handling the mail. Chas Grutt and M E Hay had a small
store also. Oswalt & Hughes were the leading hardware men. Johnny Nichols
had a store and I think was the pioneer merchant, and began business when the
place was called
. Other prominent men were H H
McMillan, J A McArthur, Jackson Borck, L A Inkster, H C Keedy, Dennis Moylan,
A W Turner, and J P O'Farrell. Dr
H J Whitney had a small frame drug store where the old Big Bend bank building
now stands and in which you are now moulding public sentiment.
I had the honor of assisting in the grading of
Morgan Street. I was not awarded the contract, but was entrusted with the care of a certain
pick and shovel for ten hours per day. ‘With
books or work or helpful play Let your first years be past, That you may give
for every day Some good account at last.’
There was no church in
in those days, but the day school, Sunday school, and church services were
held in the school house which was later occupied as a residence by Emil
Graff. Rev J A McArthur was the
pastor and ex-Governor Hay taught a class in the Sunday School. At that time
the saloons outnumbered the churches, but I am glad to know that the reverse
is now true. I helped to excavate and haul stone for the foundation of the ME
church. Yes, I suppose that a
residence of a quarter of a century in
will entitle me to a place among the pioneers. I have seen many changes take
place. The wild and raw prairie has been changed into fields of golden grain,
the shanties on the homesteads have been replaced by good and substantial
residences, the villages of those early days are now cities, there has been
great activity in railroad building until almost every section of this state
is convenient to one or more roads, and instead of the ungraded school, we
have good graded, industrial, and high schools, normals and universities. Our
increase in population is almost without parallel, and we are fast becoming
one of the most prominent states of the
Many of the pioneers to whom I have referred have died and gone to their
reward. My wife, who left her relatives and friends and came from
with me to get a home in the then
and gladly shared with me the hardships and privations of those pioneer days,
has preceded me to that better land. Her body rests in the cemetery at
and our boy by her side. ‘Can
storied urn or animated bust Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
Can honor’s voice provoke the silent dust Or flattery soothe the dull
cold ear of death? The boast of
heraldry, the pump of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave,
Await alike, the inevitable hour, The paths of glory lead but to the grave. J
Lawrence.” (Davenport Tribune: 4-03-1913) {edit: Apparently this was written by
Jonas P Lawrence. Ella Lawrence,
wife of Jonas P, was born in 1861 and died 11-24-1898. Her obituary mentions
coming from
and time spent in
Walla Walla. Their children were Edna M, Artie F, Ethel V and Lawton K.
Lawton K Lawrence was born in 1894 and died March 6, 1912. Ella and
were buried in
Mountain View
Davenport, in keeping with the article. Jonas P Lawrence was born in 1859 and died
7-16-1941. His remains were cared for by Baumgarner Funeral Home with burial in
Mt View.}
Submitted January 2013, Marge Womach