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(Note: Teenagers seem to find the energy and sometimes misguided efforts to create a little fun in their communities. Klickitat County was no exception!)

The Morning Oregonian (Portland)
November 03, 1913, Page 11

Goldendale Girls to Wash Store Windows

Several in Party That Is Arrested for
Celebrating Halloween by
Painting Postoffice

GOLDENDALE, Wash., Nov. 2 -- (Special.--A party of young people, including Orty Tolonen, Mable Tolonen, Alda Ahola, Viola Wallman, William Jussila, Albert Jussila, Sophia Jussila, Paula Pingra, Hazel Ahola, Robert Wallman and Albert Wallman were arrested yesterday by Sheriff Fred Smith upon a warrant sworn to by Peter Ahola, a merchant and postmaster of Centerville, on the Goldendale branch of the North Bank Railroad, in the lower Klickitat Valley, who alleged that Halloween pranks of the party went several degrees beyond the mirth limit.

The defendants were taken before J. R. Putman, Justice of the peace at Goldendale, charged with wilfully and unlawfully damaging and defacing the postoffice building at Centerville, the bank building of Gillett Bros. & Co. and the butcher shop building belonging to Abshier & Niva.

The postmaster testified that the windows of the buildings were smeared with a heavy coating of a substance which appeared to be paint but really was a paste made of flour and water.

Seven of the party admitted their guilt and were fined $5 each, with the understanding that the fines would be remitted if within a week they cleaned up the "mess" they had made.

Halloween Pranks in 1913