The Goldendale Sentinel
March 12, 1942, pg 1
[Copied from original newspaper by Researcher Ellen Rowley]
William C. Rust
Pioneer Merchant Passes March 5
"William C Rust, 71, for many years a Goldendale businessman, died at his home in Portland, March 5. From 1904 until the period immediately
after the World War, Mr. Rust was associated with his brother, Albert Rust in the operation of a men's furnishings store in Goldendale.
This store was located in the building now occupied by the Rialto club.
He was born in Prussia, in 1871 and came to the United States with his parents in 1873. He grew to manhood in Minnesota where he learned the milling trade. It was as a miller he
came to Goldendale in 1902. For two years he worked at the Goldendale Milling company.
He is survived by his widow, Emma; three daughters, Eleanor McDulin, Louise Koch and Ruth Charlotan, all of Portland, and four grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Saturday from the McGinnis & Wilhelm chapel in Portland."