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Copied from the original newspaper by E. Rowley, Researcher

The Goldendale Sentinel - December 9, 1976

Klickitat Man Dies

"Charles Evan McKay, 59, died December 4 in a one vehicle accident during last weekend's vicious road conditions.

According to a Washington State Patrol report, McKay and his son Kevin, 15, were driving south on the private St. Regis Paper Co. road about nine miles north of Klickitat about 3:30 p.m.

The patrol report states the McKay light pickup truck went off the road and traveled approximately 300 feet along the roadside before going over a 53 foot embankment. The vehicle came to rest on its wheels on State Highway 142. Both McKays were Klickitat residents.

Both McKays were thrown from the vehicle, according to Trooper Scott's report. The elder McKay died instantly.

Kevin McKay was taken to Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital with spinal injuries and a broken leg. His condition Tuesday was described as "guarded, fairly stable and still in the neurological unit" by hospital personnel."

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